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1. 1.1

PURPOSE OF REPORT To seek the approval of Cabinet to consult on the draft budget proposals contained within the attached report. SUMMARY The attached report to Council is provided for Members consideration. The report has been developed for consultation and is circulated to all Members as part of the consultation process. Formal responses are required by the Deputy Chief Executive by no later that 13th February 2012. RECOMMENDATIONS Cabinet is requested to approve the draft proposals contained within the report for consultation. REASONS FOR THE RECOMMENDATIONS Consultation on budget proposals. STATUTORY POWER The Local Government Finance Act 1998. The Local Government Act 2003. Nigel Barnett, Deputy Chief Executive Anthony OSullivan, Chief Executive Corporate Management Team Councillor A Pritchard, Leader of the Council Councillor C Mann, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Corporate Finance, Procurement and Sustainability Nicole Scammell - Head of Corporate Finance and S151 Officer

2. 2.1

3. 3.1

4. 4.1 5. 5.1

Author: Consultees:

Background Papers: Provisional Local Government Settlement (18 October 2011) Final Local Government Settlement (7 December 2011) Appendices: Appendix 1

Report to Special Council 23rd February 2012




1. 1.1

PURPOSE OF REPORT To seek Councils approval for the budget proposals contained within this report.

2. 2.1

SUMMARY The Welsh Governments (WG) Revenue Support Grant Settlement (RSG) for Caerphilly County Borough Council for the financial year 1.4.2012 to 31.3.2013 is an uplift of 1.06 % i.e. a cash increase of 2.656m on the previous year. However, this includes a one year increase of circa 0.500m relating to a free school meal (FSM) data set adjustment which is likely to be lost in 2013/14. It is proposed that the 0.5m be considered as a one off revenue contribution to capital. The capital allocations available to Caerphilly in the RSG and from the General Capital Grant have been cut by a further 7.5% in 12/13, a reduction of 0.725m on the previous year. The proposals contained within the report identifies (excluding external grant funding) the need to achieve cash savings for 2012/13 of 3.410m i.e. 2.170m whole Authority Cost pressures (see Section 5.2) 3.896m inescapable Service Pressures and (see Section 5.3) 2.656m RSG allocation from WG (see Section 5.4)



Table 1 - Summary Section 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Description Whole Authority Cost Pressures Inescapable Service Pressures WG RSG Funding Savings Achieved in advance Revenue Contribution to Capital TOTAL +m 2.656 6.811 9.467 -m 2.170 3.896

3.401 (9.467)


Section 5.5 of the report identifies a total of 6.811m in efficiencies which have been achieved in preparation for the 2012/13 budget which will provide a surplus in the year of 3.401m, which is proposed to contribute to the Capital Programme (see Section 6). This will protect employment opportunities, which would otherwise have been lost and address the Welsh Government cut to capital funding. The indicative savings target to be achieved by March 2015 is 9.578m and proposals within the report show that all but 1.081m is already identified and achieved.



The net revenue budget for the Council, if approved, would be 315.240m for 2012/13 (including transfers in). This figure was 312.666m for 2011/12.

3. 3.1

LINKS TO STRATEGY Budget decisions impact on all Council strategies. This report relates primarily to the efficient and effective use of the Councils revenue and capital resources.

4. 4.1

ECONOMIC OUTLOOK MEDIUM TERM FINANCIAL PLANNING (2013/14 2014/15) The indicative RSG from the WG for Caerphilly County Borough Council for 2013/14 is a further uplift of 1.37% and a further uplift of 0.62%; in 2014/15. Given inflation is running at nearer 5%, this is a real terms cash cut not only for this year but also for the years ahead. The Provisional Settlement includes a provision of a 1% protection above the percentage applied by Central Government to the WGs block grant each year, for the next 3 years for schools and 1 year (re: 13/14) for social care. However, the Medium Term Plan proposed for Social Care provides for additional growth in 12/13 to meet service pressures and a continuation of the pledge of 1% plus growth for 13/14 and 14/15. A revised Medium Term Financial Plan has been produced for the period 2012/13 to 2014/15 based on the assumptions highlighted above and is detailed in Appendix 1 of this report. The revised Cash Savings targets for the Council for the period are summarised as follows:Annual Cash Savings Target m - 3.410 - 3.685 - 2.483 Cumulative Cash Savings Target m - 3.410 - 7.095 - 9.578




2012/13 2013/14 2014/15

5. 5.1

BUDGET STRATEGY PROPOSAL 2012/13 This section of the report sets out the key strategic proposals for consideration for the financial year 1.4.12 to 31.3.13. Whole Authority Cost Pressures (2.170m) The whole Authority cost pressures totalling 2.170m are set out in Table 2 below:Table 2 Whole Authority Cost Pressures m Whole Authority Cost Pressures 2012/13 Pay (excluding Teachers; Social Services and other school staff) @ 1% Supported Borrowing (capital financing) Energy Tax Revenue Contribution to Capital (free school meals data change) TOTAL 0.770 0.500 0.400 0.500 2.170m

5.2 5.2.1

5.3 5.3.1

Service Commitments/Pressures (3.896m) The Council continues to manage within its means and is projected to deliver a balanced budget overall for this financial year to 31.3.12. However, this budget recognises the extreme demographic pressures with Social Care. Whilst there continues to be pressure on services and new responsibilities for the Council, Table 3 below identifies the inescapable service pressures and commitments that need to be provided. Table 3 Inescapable Service Pressures and Service Commitments m 0.106 0.500 (0.080) 1.570 1.100 700 3.896


Revenue Contribution to Capital Libraries/Customer First Development (Bargoed/Risca/Caerphilly/Newbridge) Landfill Tax Meeting the Schools Pledge (see Appendix 2) Meeting the Social Services Pledge (see Appendix 3) Additional Social Services Pressures TOTAL 5.4 5.4.1 WG Funding (2.656m)

The WG RSG Settlement provides additional funding of 1.06% for 2012/13, which provides an additional amount for Caerphilly of 2.656 m in cash terms. The RSG increase for Caerphilly of 2.656m includes an estimated amount of 0.5m relating to FSM data set changes. It is considered to be prudent not to commit this 0.5m as ongoing revenue as it is unlikely to be available in the RSG for 2013/14. Consequently, this 0.5m one off additional funding will be treated as a revenue contribution to capital. An additional 0.106m is provided as a revenue contribution to capital for 12/13 from the RSG, which will form part of the Savings Strategy in 2014/15. Savings Achieved (6.811m) As part of the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFP) placed before Members on 24 February 2011, a number of proposals have already been achieved and approved in accordance with the Strategy. In readiness for April 2012/13; 2013/14 financial years, the following savings have already been achieved as a consequence of decisions already taken.


5.5 5.5.1

Table 4(a) - Service Cuts/Efficiency Already Achieved/Approved Which Contribute To 2012/13 m 3.355 m 3.355

Savings Carried Forward from 2011/12 Education and Leisure LEI Additional Support Behaviour Support Vacancy Management Efficiency Savings Back Office Reconfiguring of Statements Provision Community and Leisure Vacancy Management Pension Strain Reduction in operational expenses Reduction in Training Support Grants

0.030 0.060 0.080 0.046 0.028 0.105 0.021 0.042 0.036 0.448

Environment Street Lighting Highway Maintenance Car Park Maintenance Winter Maintenance Llancaiach Fawr Running Costs Vacancy Management

0.050 0.050 0.020 0.040 0.130 0.121 0.411

Corporate Services/Corporate Efficiencies Vacancy Management Pension Strain Job Evaluation (Collective Agreement) Council Tax Net Increase in Band D equivalent properties Demographic Savings School Pupil Numbers Fire Service Levy Essential User plus 55p mile (excluding Schools and Social Services) TOTAL 5.5.2

0.435 0.080 1.280 0.155 0.239 0.133 0.275 2.597 6.811

In addition to the 6.811m already achieved for 2012/13 financial year, approval has already been achieved for 2013/14 of 1.686 m (see Table 4(b))

Table 4(b) Savings Approved 2013/14 (1.686m) 2013/14 m Education & Leisure LEI Additional Support Behaviour Support Misc Community & Leisure Vacancy Management Repayment of Invest to Save Review of Pricing Structure Reconfiguration of Operational H/S Pension Strain Planning & Strategy Vacancy Management TOTAL m

0.140 0.099 0.041 0.062 0.077 0.137 0.050 0.007 0.147 0.760

Environment Street Lighting Highway Maintenance Drainage Maintenance Canal Maintenance Subsidised Bus Service Vacancy Management

0.050 0.050 0.030 0.030 0.075 0.121 0.356

Corporate Services Vacancy Management School Demographic 13/14

0.170 0.400 0.570 1.686


Table 4 (c) The balance of savings to be found by 31 March 2015 is therefore 1.081m i.e.m 9.578 (6.811) (1.686) 1.081 m

Savings Target by 31.3.2015 Less 2012/13 Savings Less 2013/14 Savings Savings Target by 2014/15 5.5.4

The strategy to achieve savings in advance to utilise towards capital, allows better planning, more time to consult and implement which provides stability to the Authority, its staff and residents throughout a very difficult fiscal period. The proposals identified to achieve the target figure of 1.081m by 2014/15 will be brought forward in the coming year, will include:-


Table 4(d) Savings Targets To Be Identified By 31.3.15 m 0.148 0.228 0.100 0.299 0.200 0.106 1.081

Education and Leisure (non schools) 31% Environment 48% Corporate Services 21% Schools Demographic 14/15 Office Accommodation Rationalisation (excludes Social Services) RCCO from 12/13 TOTAL 5.6 5.6.1 Deprivation Grant And Outcome Agreement

The allocation of Deprivation Grant remains unchanged i.e. 2.466 m for 2012/13. Members are reminded that this allocation could reduce in future years, albeit that there are no proposals currently. The proposals for the allocation of Deprivation Grant are:m Contribution to Capital Highway Maintenance Community Assets 1.666 0.400 0.400



The allocation of the Outcome Agreement of 1.882m submitted to the Welsh Government (WG) in line with WG requirements support the 10 strategic themes as set out in Appendix 5 of this report. The proposals for the use of Grant are as follows:m Social Services (Theme 1,2,4) Education attainment (Theme 5,9) Community Safety Partnership (Theme 6) Highways investment (Theme 3) Carbon reduction initiatives (Theme 7) Revenue contribution to capital (Theme 3,8) 0.500 0.300 0.050 0.350 0.200 0.482


6. 6.1

CAPITAL PROGRAMME 1.4.2012 to 31.3.2015 The proposed Capital Programme for the period 2012/2015 is detailed in Appendix 4 of this report, and is summarised below:-

Table 5 - Summary Capital Programme Funding 2011/14 2012/13 000 16,700 16,700 8,944 (7,756) 2013/14 000 12,055 12,055 7,947 (4,108) 2014/15 000 9,135 9,135 7,947 (1,188)

Capital Programme Proposals Funding Required WG Funding Available Capital Funding Gap Funded By: Surplus (Deficit) c/fwd Revenue Contributions Capital RCCO (one-off FSM increase in RSG) plus RCCO from RSG Council Tax Surplus 10/11 Treasury Management Surplus 11/12 Insurance Fund Surplus 11/12 Job Evaluation Surplus 11/12 Icelandic Impairment Release Misc Capital Receipts/Release LAGBI (recd) General Fund Virement 21st Century TOTAL ADDITIONAL FUNDING Surplus (Deficit c/f)

3,401 500 106 1,000 300 500 350 400 986 4,000 11,543 3,787

3,787 1,402 0 106 0 5,295 1,187

1,187 0 0 0 0 1,187 (1)

7. 7.1

GENERAL FUND BALANCES The General Fund balances projected to 31 March 2012 are 11.050m and are detailed in Table 6 below. It is proposed to allocate the following funding from the General Fund in 2011/12 and 2012/13. (i) (ii) 1m for Capital Programme investment 2012/13 900k for LGPS 2011/12 (see paragraphs below) 2011/12



The Governments intended changes to the LGPS are not as yet concluded, therefore the picture is still very much uncertain, although there is an acknowledgement that changes will need to be negotiated to ensure the Fund is affordable and sustainable. In December 2011 Torfaen Pensions Fund Administrators who manage the CCBC LGPS Funds, have advised that the Greater Gwent Areas Fund is heading for an under recovery of the pension deficit. All the Authorities in the Fund have been notified of their share of this deficit, which for Caerphilly CBC is currently estimated at 900k for 2011/12. There is no legal obligation to pay over this amount to the Torfaen Pensions Fund, but as it is a known liability, it would be prudent to fund this shortfall. Moving forward a number of the proposed changes to the LGPS could avoid the need to provide growth in the MTFP for the Employers Superannuation payments in the short and medium term. To conclude, it is proposed that until the negotiations are finalised and agreed, no growth is provided in the MTFP, albeit that it would be prudent if the pay award is lower than the anticipated 1% to increase the Employers Superannuation percentage for 2012/13 on a voluntary basis. The situation will be reviewed as further updates are made available from the Torfaen Pension Fund Administrators. Members will be advised via the Scrutiny process. It is recommended that Council agree to this approach.




Table 6 Estimated Movement on General Fund Balances as at 31 March 2011 000 Closing Balance 31.3.2011 2011/12 Commitments Carriageway/Footway Resurfacing Events Bedwas RFC 21st Century Schools 000 16,620

(2,000) (70) (200) (4,000) (6,270)


In Year Increases/(Reductions) Estimated Service Contributions Estimated Council Tax Surplus 2011/12 LGPS Payment

0,600 1,000 (900) 11,050

Proposed Allocation 12/13 Capital Programme

(1,000) 10,050

8. 8.1

COUNCIL TAX IMPLICATIONS 12/13 Given that:(i) (ii) (iii) The whole Authority budgetary position remains balanced; Service efficiencies previously proposed have been implemented; Savings for 2012/13 have been agreed.

It is proposed that the Council tax level for 2012/13 be frozen at 2010/11 prices re: Council Tax Band D 897.84.

9. 9.1

EQUALITY IMPACT ASSESSMENT The proposals will serve to protect the most vulnerable through the protections afforded to Education and the additional growth for Social Care and will therefore not disproportionately impact on protected groups for the purpose of Equalities legislation. The Training and Apprenticeship initiative will continue at the same level as 11/12 and is targeted at increasing the employment opportunities of young people, who are currently under represented in the Councils workforce.


10. 10.1

PERSONNEL IMPLICATIONS A Workforce Strategy was approved by Cabinet on 30th March 2010 designed to reduce impact on staff and avoid, where possible, compulsory redundancies. Additionally, a number of key policy changes have been implemented through the year to ensure we have robust processes to redeploy and retrain staff where necessary. This strategy continues to prove successful.


The reinvestment of savings to the Capital Programme also provides opportunities for employment in the County Borough, which would otherwise have been lost. The current programme of investment in the Councils Apprenticeship Programme is protected for a further year i.e. 2012/13 and in so doing, can support the already successful initiative in attracting young people into employment. The successful conclusion of negotiations with Trade Unions around these arrangements and the continued prudent financial management of the Council will allow services to meet the demanding savings targets required through continued managed downsizing, restructurings and use of Voluntary Early Retirements. It is anticipated this budget represents a prudent approach to managing reductions in staff without the need to resort to mass or high volume compulsory redundancies.



11. 11.1 11.2

CONSULTATIONS A draft was circulated to all Members and the recognised Trade Unions on 19 January 2012. The Deputy Chief Executive and the Head of Corporate Finance met with each of the Councils Political Groupings. The principles of the Medium Term Financial Plan which was previously considered by the Viewpoint Panel have been considered. Trade Unions: to follow.



12. 12.1

RECOMMENDATIONS Council are asked to consider the report and its Appendices and approve the following recommendations:12.1.1 The Revenue Budget proposals for 2012/13 of 315.240m as set out in this years report be approved 12.1.2 The Council Tax level for the financial year 2012/13 be frozen at 2010/11 prices i.e.: Council Tax Band D 897.84, be approved 12.1.3 The indicative proposals contained in the Medium Term Financial Planning assumptions be approved as the basis for delivering a balanced budget over the coming 3 financial years (i.e. 2012/13 to 2014/15) 12.1.4 The Capital Programme for the period 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2015 as set out in Appendix 4 be approved 12.1.5 The use of general fund balances as detailed in Section 7 (Table 6) be approved.

13. 13.1

REASONS FOR THE RECOMMENDATIONS The Council is required annually to approve proposals to set a balanced budget, agree a Council Tax rate and agree a Medium Term Financial Strategy. Council is required to put in place a sound and prudent financial framework to support service delivery.


14. 14.1

STATUTORY POWER The Local Government Finance Act 1998. The Local Government Act 2003.

Author: Consultees:

Nigel Barnett, Deputy Chief Executive Anthony OSullivan, Chief Executive Corporate Management Team Councillor A Pritchard, Leader of the Council Councillor C Mann, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Corporate Finance, Procurement and Sustainability Nicole Scammell Head of Corporate Finance and S151 Officer

Background Papers: Provisional Local Government Settlement (18 October 2011) Final Local Government Settlement (7 December 2011) Appendices: Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Appendix 3 Appendix 4 Appendix 5

Medium Term Financial Plan Proposals Schools Medium Term Financial Plan Social Services Medium Term Financial Plan Capital Programme Outcome Agreement

APPENDIX 1 MEDIUM TERM FINANCIAL PLAN 1.4.12 31.3.15 2012/13 m Funding RSG Increase Council Tax Total Funding Whole Authority Cost Pressures Pay (excludes Schools and Social Services) 1%; 1%, 2%) RCCO FSM one-off Teachers Pay (See Schools Pledge) Non Pay 1% Pension Deficit WHQS Corporate Impact WHQS Energy Capital Financing Energy Tax Totals Inescapable Service Pressures Revenue Contribution to Capital Libraries/Customer First Landfill Tax Schools Pledge (see Appendix 2) Social Services Pledge (See Appendix 3) Re-profile Pledge Further additional growth Social Services Total Inescapable Total Shortfall Cumulative Shortfall NOTE: In addressing the requirement to achieve 9.578 m of cash savings proposals within this report, this will provide for savings to be achieved if 3.355 m is carried forward from 2011/12 and additional savings of 3.456 m in 2012/13; 1.686 in 2013/14 and 1.081 m in 2014/15. 2.656 0 2.656 2013/14 m 3.483 1.300 4.783 2014/15 m 1.590 1.300 2.890

0.770 0.500 0.000 0.000 0.500 0.400 2.170

0.770 0.000 0.500 1.000 1.500 0.500 0.500 4.770

1.540 0.000 0.500 0.500 0.500 3.040

0.106 0.500 (0.080) 1.570 1.100 0.500 0.200 3.896 (3.410) (3.410)

0.305 2.143 1.500 (0.250)

0.290 1.363 0.930 (0.250)

3.698 (3.685) (7.095)

2.333 (2.483) (9.578)

APPENDIX 2 SCHOOLS MEDIUM TERM FINANCIAL PLAN 2012/13 2014/15 2012/13 000 1.570 2013/14 000 2.143 2014/15 000 1.363

Cash Pledge growth Service Pressures Pay Award Teachers 1%, 1%, 2% Pay Award APTC 1%, 1%, 2% Non Pay 1% Estimated FSM (Free School Meals) numbers growth Estimated floor area growth/lump sum Real terms cash growth (savings)

667 117 241 200 0 345 1.570

674 118 215 50 173 913 2.143

1.360 239 220 50 110 (616) 1.363

APPENDIX 3 SOCIAL SERVICES MEDIUM TERM FINANCIAL PLAN 2012/13 2014/15 2012/13 000 1,100 500 200 1,800 2013/14 000 1,500 (250) 0 1,250 2014/15 000 930 (250) 0 680

Cash Pledge growth Reprofile of Cash Pledge Further Additional Growth Funding Available Service Pressures Pay 1%, 1%, 2% Non Pay WG Minimum Fostering Allowances Adult Services (increased demand) North Resource Centre Total Service Pressures Net Surplus (Deficit) Savings Essential User + 55p Office Accommodation Service Reconfiguration Community Living Review of Charges Adult Placement Scheme Caerphilly/Blaenau Gwent Collaboration Other

365 332 93 1,694 0 2,484 (684)

369 336 0 689 180 1,574 (324)

745 339 0 500 0 1,584 (904)

300 0 110 65 109 100 0 0 684

0 0 110 0 109 100 0 5 324

0 300 0 0 0 0 300 304 904


Indicative 2013/14 000 200 100 750 300 600 250 500 126 1,400 4,226 600 600 250 2014/15 000 200 100 1,000 375 500 250 2,425 500 500 250

SCHEME Education and Leisure Demographic/legislative additional purchase of demountable classrooms School Security new CCTV installations, new fencing and alarms Demountable Classrooms Asset Management Enhancement and/or additional Health & Safety Enhancement and/or additional Contribution 21st Century Schools Refurbishment of school kitchens Enhancement and/or additional Leisure & Libraries potential match funding School Boiler replacement programme. Improved energy efficiency Fochriw Youth Centre Match Funding Relocate Community Education to Risca Palace new accommodation Ystrad Mynach New Sports Facility Social Services Service Re-provision Heol Aneurin Condition Survey Works (To be Prioritised) Corporate Services New and/or enhanced schemes to Corporate IT infrastructure Asset Management (including DDA) Enhancement and/or additional Public Services Land acquisition and infrastructure development Rhymney Cemetery Land acquisition and infrastructure Bedwellty Cemetery Contribution to Bargoed Bowls Pavilion new build Caerphilly Basin infrastructure works New Cemetery Caerphilly Provision of toilet block Ystrad Mynach Park (Assist with Green Flag Award) MUGA - Machen

2012/13 000 200 100 150 600 300 4000 600 450 126 1,400 7,926 260 490 750 250




40 95 29 25 45 87 321

260 120 360 740

50 90 250 390

Indicative 2012/13 000 Highways Bridge strengthening/refurbishment Fothergills Road, Phillipstown Landslip Remediation Additional car parking spaces Oakdale and Bedwas Trethomas Land drainage Bus Station replacement and refurbishment - Caerphilly Forward Programme Advanced Design Highways Improvement Puffin Crossings Ystrad Mynach Culverts/Retaining Walls major works Countryside/Tourism Environment Schemes Match Funding Improvements to events field - Caerphilly Match Funding new signage - Tourism Urban Renewal Match Funding Bargoed and Newbridge Bargoed Plateau Development Bargoed Pocket Park Match Funding Match Funding EU Structural Town Centre Action Plan Commercial Improvement Grants Community Cohesion Projects (villages) Economic Development Match Funding (Cwmcarn; Rhymney; Oakdale schemes) Voluntary Sector Budget Match Funding Private Sector Housing Mandatory Disabled facilities grant Home improvement grants Support for renewal area activities Minor works grant vulnerable persons Home improvement grants/empty homes/loans TOTAL 350 300 64 70 100 50 250 60 550 1,794 230 60 33 323 186 244 46 130 50 50 706 100 2013/14 000 350 70 50 500 300 1,270 285 285 20 200 100 50 370 100 2014/15 000 250 70 50 250 300 920 250 250 100 200 100 50 450 100




1,300 350 400 800 50 2,900 16,700

1,300 400 400 800 2,900 12,055

1,300 400 400 800 2,900 9,135

APPENDIX 5 Theme 1 Improve availability, accessibility and quality of existing mental health services and provide new ones to tackle inequities in mental health provision Theme 2 Use a preventative approach to Protection of Vulnerable Adults working with Statutory, Independent and Voluntary partners to improve the quality of the response to abuse referrals by co-ordinating the POVA process Theme 3 Help sustain and where possible, increase employment opportunities, by working in partnership with programmes that provide adults and young people with skills, education and support networks to help them to obtain and maintain employment Theme 4 Children and young people who have emerging needs have their needs met as early as possible and in the most appropriate and holistic way Theme 5 Strengthen our focus on early interventions, basic skills, raising aspirations for higher and further education and re-engaging with those groups and individuals who have become disaffected with the educational system. Theme 6 Work with Community Safety Partnership to develop the anti-social behaviour Four Strike Process and better services for witnesses of anti-social behaviour so the community is less affected Theme 7 Implement several initiatives, which impacts on our communities, with better future energy and water consumption levels, carbon dioxide and recycling outputs. This will also deliver energy and efficiency savings. Theme 8 In partnership with the Countryside Council for Wales, Communities First and other members of the Living Environment Partnership, we run a 3-year programme using the Come Outside! approach to engage residents in healthy physical activity in their local natural green spaces Theme 9 A culture where our children and young people undertake sport and physical activity as a regular part of daily life and a thriving infrastructure to support sport and active recreation exists across our county borough. Theme 10 A set of 4 projects demonstrating collaborative working resulting in benefits that would be greater than procuring alone (where business case dictates, this is the right approach).

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