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Objective of these Awards are:

• To award a non-governmental organizations (NGOs) for excellence / outstanding innovation
to positively impact the status of the girl child in India.
• To use prize philanthropy as an effective tool to promote innovation, awareness, and targeted
benefits to the needy.

When completing the application forms:

• Use permanent ink only – please do not use pencil

• The entry form needs to be signed, at the space provided, by at least one senior officer of the
organization (from amongst the MD, CEO, COO, Chairman, Directors, Trustees, etc.)

• Attach any relevant documents required to explain the initiative you are entering into the
Awards, but please keep these to a minimum. Not more than 2 pages will be accepted as
attachments to the form.

• Attach a copy of the latest audited annual report of the organization

• Each form can be used only for a single Entry. If additional forms are required for applying in
multiple categories, a photocopy of the application form can be used.

• Entry form needs to be filled only in the English / Hindi language

• The form can also be downloaded from our website-

• The total prize money for the three categories will be US $60,000

• Please send the completed and signed form in by 1st December 2008 to EdelGive
Foundation, 101-A, Mani Mahal, Matthew Road, Opera House, Mumbai-400 004

• If you have any questions about the application form, please contact Anisha Padhee/ Aditi
Thorat at 022-23675621/ 23

• Please refer to Rules & Regulations document for additional guidelines on participation

Thank you.
Award to Honor 3 outstanding innovations to improve the status of the girl child

This honor will be given to NGO* who has demonstrated excellence in the areas listed below
(illustrative list):

• Innovativeness of the concept

• Extent to which innovation meets desired needs (e.g. educating the girl child, improving the
health and nutrition of the girl child, or increasing employability of the girl child)
• Impact of the initiative
• Ease with which project in the aforesaid areas can be replicated
• Sustainability of the initiative
• Cost of implementation, etc.

Award Category Definition

• Education • Honor an NGO for the most outstanding innovation in the area
of girl child education which includes primary education,
secondary education, supplementary education, and holistic
learning models
• Health and Nutrition • Honor an NGO for the most outstanding innovation in the area
of girl child health and nutrition improvement which includes
innovative models to address the overall or specific health and
nutrition needs of the girl child
• Employability • Honor an NGO which has the most innovative and sustainable
model for girl child future employability which includes
vocational training, other forms of training, and education
beyond the secondary level (tertiary education)

*registered NGO in India, under the Trusts, Societies, or u/s 25 of the Companies Act

Name of the NGO:______________________________________________________________

Office Address:_________________________________________________________________
City:___________________ State:____________________ Pin code:______________________
Office Phone: (STD code):____________ (No.):________________________
Fax No.:______________________
Email:_____________________________________ Mobile(0):___________________________
Current Chief Officer: Mr./ Ms. ____________________________________________________
Presence in India (states):_________________________________________________________
Date of starting operations (DD/MM/YYYY):________________________________________
Registration Number:________________ ______FCRA No., if any:_______________________
Tax exemption information: _______________________________________________________
Operation budget of the organization (Rs in Lakh):_____________________________________
Board / Trust composition details:
Sr. Name Qualification / Number of years associated Designation
no. professional degree with the organization

Describe top 3 activities carried out by the organization

1. __________________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________________
State the Mission / Vision / Key objective of the NGO (in less than 50 words)

A. Category applied for*: ¨ Education

¨ Health and Nutrition
¨ Employability
*In case innovation / project covers multiple categories, apply for the category, which best addresses the understanding of innovation,
defined as “establishing new and better ways of accomplishing a worthwhile objective” (Gregory Dees).

B. No. of Girl child registered/ enrolled/ attended: 2006_________ 2007________


C. 1. A social challenge/ need/ problem is rooted within certain demographic, economic,

political, religious and geographical contexts.
Describe the challenge/ need/ problem (for which an innovative solution was required)
faced by you/ your organization in relation to the above mentioned aspects of context.
(in not more than 250 words)
C. 2. Describe the innovation that emerged to address the social challenge/need/problem
described in C 1. and how this was a new and better way to establish a worthwhile
objective. (in not more than 250 words).

D. Detail the project financials to implement the initiative. Parameters are listed below.
Additional details, if any, can be attached with this application form (max of 2 pages can
be attached)

Parameter Details
Infrastructure cost
(in Rs.) ________________________________________________


Parameter Details
Human resource cost
(in Rs. or in man days) ________________________________________________



Other costs (in Rs.)




Funding support (In cash or

kind) ________________________________________________



Time-lines of implementation


E. Detail the impact of the innovation (benefit to various stakeholders):
Stakeholder Benefits
Girl child



Larger community



Others (Government, etc.)




F. Is the initiative / innovation sustainable / replicable? Explain how.

G. Detail activities in which the prize money, if won, will be utilized:

H. Any other information that you would like to provide (restricted to 100 words).

I accept the rules and regulations of participation. The information provided is correct to the best
of my knowledge and belief.
Name Title Signature

Email: ____________________________________ Mobile (0):___________________________

Date: __________________________

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