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Terminology and classification of the cortical dysplasias

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A. Palmini, MD PhD, I. Najm, MD, G. Avanzini, MD, T. Babb, PhD, R. Guerrini, MD, N. Foldvary-Schaefer, DO, G. Jackson, MD, H. O. Lders, MD PhD, R. Prayson, MD PhD, R. Spreafico, MD PhD and H. V. Vinters, MD + Author Affiliations

12. From the Pontificia Universidade Catlica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS) (Dr. Palmini), Porto Alegre, Brazil; The Cleveland Clinic Foundation (Drs. Najm, Foldvary-Schaefer, Lders, and Prayson), Cleveland, OH; Istituto Nazionale Neurologico C. Besta (Drs. Avanzini and Spreafico), Milan, Italy; Wayne State University (Dr. Babb), Detroit, MI; Istituto de Neuropsichiatria Infantile (R. Guerrini), University of Pisa, Italy; Austin Hospital (Dr. Jackson), Melbourne, Australia; and University of California Los Angeles Medical Center (Dr. Vinters), Los Angeles, CA. 13. Address correspondence and reprint requests to Andr Palmini, Servio de Neurologia, Hospital So Lucas da PUCRS, Avenida Ipiranga 6690, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil, CEP 90610-000; e-mail: Next Section

Background: There have been difficulties in achieving a uniform terminology in the literature regarding issues of classification with respect to focal cortical dysplasias (FCDs) associated with epilepsy. Objectives: To review and refine the current terminology and classification issues of potential clinical relevance to epileptologists, neuroradiologists, and neuropathologists dealing with FCD. Methods: A panel discussion of epileptologists, neuropathologists, and neuroradiologists with special expertise in FCD was held. Results: The panel proposed 1) a specific terminology for the different types of abnormal cells encountered in the cerebral cortex of patients with FCD; 2) a reappraisal of the different histopathologic abnormalities usually subsumed under the term microdysgenesis, and suggested that this terminology be abandoned; and 3) a more detailed yet straightforward classification of the various histopathologic features that usually are included under the heterogeneous term of focal cortical dysplasia.

Conclusion: The panel hopes that these proposals will stimulate the debate toward more specific clinical, imaging, histopathologic, and prognostic correlations in patients with FCD associated with epilepsy.
Malformations caused by abnormalities of cortical development (MCD),1 also known as disorders of cortical development,2 cortical dysplasias,35 cortical dysgenesis,6,7 or neuronal migration disorders (NMDs),8,9 have been recognized increasingly in patients with drug-resistant epilepsy. Advances in basic and clinical neurosciences have opened exciting avenues for research on the mechanisms of epileptogenicity and cerebral dysfunction in patients with MCD. The advent of various MRI techniques has facilitated the in vivo identification of a large group of cortical malformations in patients with epilepsy.5,1012 There has been progress in the understanding of various pathogenetic mechanisms,1318 engineering and testing of various animal models of MCD;1921 description of direct clinical-electrographic correlations,2225 and the delineation of surgical strategies2629 for management of the various types of MCD associated with epilepsy. Despite these advances, it has become obvious that there was a lack of uniform, well-defined clinically sound histopathologic nomenclature for and classification of these disorders. Such classification may allow for further progress in understanding these entities through improved communication at the clinical/electrographic, histopathologic, and basic scientific levels of research. Previous studies indicated that the pathogenesis of the various histopathologic patterns is multifactorial: genetic mutations,13,14,30,31 in utero injuries at different stages of brain development,6,3235 and even perinatal or postnatal insults may contribute to their etiology.36,37 The type, timing, and severity of environmental insults or the nature of genetic mutation and the impact of an abnormal gene product at different stages of brain development will likely influence the expression of the histopathologic and anatomic types of MCD. Previous attempts to classifying MCDs provided either simplistic or complex classification schemes that addressed specific aspects of these disorders.5,26,38 Thus far, the most comprehensive classification is that proposed by Barkovich et al.,1 who have included embryologic, histopathologic, imaging, and genetic aspects within their scheme. The major merit of this classification is its organization of the various types of MCD within an embryologic-pathophysiologic framework, recognizing that MCD could be caused by abnormalities during specific stages of cortical development (neuroglial proliferation and differentiation, neuronal migration, and postmigratory cortical organization). This classification1 did not emphasize a key issue in current epileptology, the existence of focal cortical dysplasias (FCDs), which are localized malformations increasingly associated with refractory seizures and currently operated on at most epilepsy centers.3942 A good clinical correlation to the different aspects of the histopathologic findings within FCDs has not been described. Thus, we suggest that it may be time for a reappraisal of nomenclature and classification issues in patients with MCD, particularly for those harboring FCD and other subtle microscopic abnormalities, usually encompassed under the term microdysgenesis. This panel of epileptologists working in the area of epilepsy surgery, neuropathologists, neuroradiologists, and basic scientists attempted to organize a scheme that could be of practical and broad application. We hope that the use of the proposed classification scheme in everyday practice and for research purposes will refine and validate its usefulness. Our proposal is divided into three parts: 1) definition of terminology for the histopathologic description of FCDs; 2) description of selected aspects of FCDs; and 3) a classification proper, in which different histopathologic subtypes are described and correlated with their current status of identification by MRI, as well as with some clinical features and prognostic aspects. Previous SectionNext Section
Definition of terms: toward a uniform nomenclature.

The first issue debated was the preferred denomination for this entire group of entities. There are developmental factors that may be independent of the mechanism of injury (genetic, intrauterine, or even perinatal) and that substantially affect cortical mantle formation.36,37 Because one or more of the mechanisms important in corticogenesis can be affected and because even the malpositioning of nodular or laminar aggregates of neuroblasts and glial cells in heterotopic positions actually represent interferences with cortical formation (these cells were destined originally for the cerebral cortex), the panel agreed with the denomination malformations due to abnormal cortical development. Accordingly, the panel suggested that the denomination cortical dysplasias should be applied only to the subtype of MCD in which the developmental abnormality is strictly or mostly intracortical. Thus, FCD would be a good term within this framework only. Additional subdivision of FCD based on histologic/cellular characteristics will be presented. Likewise, the term neuronal migration disorder, historically applied to all forms of MCD in the early 1990s,8,9 would suggest that all MCDs were caused by predominant interferences with migratory mechanisms affecting cortical neuronal precursors. It is clear that other pathogenetic mechanisms apply as well; therefore, NMDs are more correctly considered a subtype of MCD. Moreover, MCD would be descriptive of the microdysgeneses that were proposed originally by Meencke et al.43 to describe minimal, subtle abnormalities of intracortical architecture in patients with generalized epilepsies undergoing autopsy studies. Furthermore, the panel thought that the following terms should be either more clearly defined or replaced. Previous SectionNext Section

This term has been the focus of significant confusion since it was proposed originally.43 Some authors have used the term to describe subtle derangements of focal cortical architecture such as 1) cortical laminar disorganization; 2) single (or small aggregates of) heterotopic white matter neurons and neurons in the molecular layer; 3) persistent subpial granular layer; and 4) marginal glioneuronal heterotopia.41 In contrast, others have used the term microdysgenesis to describe any type of MRI-negative MCD.44 Because many instances of MRI-negative MCDs can be associated with severe histopathologic abnormalities, including dysplastic neurons and balloon cells, there is a clear histologic lack of congruence between the two uses of the term microdysgenesis.22,26,4547 The panel recommended that the use of the term microdysgenesis should be abandoned. Because most of the mild abnormalities reviewed by Mischel et al.41 involve cortical layer I, a proposal was made to subdivide the mildest forms of MCD into those characterized by ectopically placed neurons in or adjacent to layer I, and those in which abnormalities are outside layer I (see below). Previous SectionNext Section
Cellular abnormalities. Dysmorphic neurons.

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Dysmorphic neurons.

These are misshapen cells with abnormal orientation, size, cytoskeletal structure, and atypical dendritic processes. Nissl substance can be seen in clumps, and the cells are rich in cytoplasmic neurofilaments (SMI 31; figure 1).48,49

View larger version: In this window In a new window Figure 1. Cresylecht violet staining shows the dysmorphic neurons. Note the high Nissl stain density and the various directions of the neurons; scale bar, 50 m.
Balloon cells.

These are abnormal cellular elements with a thin membrane; pale, glassy, and eosinophilic cytoplasm; and eccentric nucleus (or nuclei, because some are multinucleated). Balloon cells usually are of increased size compared with gemistocytic astrocytes. Previous immunocytochemical studies have shown that these cells have neuronal or glial characteristics.49,50 Most balloon cells are vimentin positive, but others are glial (e.g., glial fibrillary acidic protein) or neuron-specific enolase/MAP/NeuN-immunoreactive (Najm et al., personal communication).49 These data suggest some degree of heterogeneity among the cells with partial commitment toward glial or neuronal differentiation (figure 2).

View larger version: In this window In a new window Figure 2. H-E staining shows a large balloon cell in the subcortical white matter. Note the large opalescent cytoplasm and the eccentric nucleus; scale bar, 100 m.
Giant neurons.

These are neurons of increased size (compared with layer V pyramidal neurons) with central nuclei. However, they preserve a pyramidal morphology (i.e., are not dysmorphic) and do not overexpress cytoplasmic neurofilaments (figure 3).

View larger version: In this window In a new window

Figure 3. H-E staining shows a giant neuron with central nucleus. Note the presence of smaller dysmorphic neurons; scale bar, 100 m.
Immature neurons.

These are round (or oval) cells, all homogeneous, with a large (immature) nucleus and a thin rim of cytoplasm. They are not dysmorphic or giant but sometimes are seen in association with giant or dysmorphic neurons. They are occasionally the most common cell types in macroscopically visible heterotopic nodules.7,49 Previous SectionNext Section
(Microscopic) neuronal heterotopias.

These microscopic abnormalities are mainly caused by architectural disorganization. They are clusters of misplaced neurons. Conversely, the macroscopic heterotopia (periventricular, subcortical nodular, and band heterotopia) are grossly apparent well-defined abnormalities of neuroblast migration (see below). Previous SectionNext Section
Histopathology of FCDs.

As discussed previously, there are several cellular elements, which may occur in variable combinations, leading to specific histopathologic features in cortical dysplastic lesions. There is increasing information on correlations between the histopathologic and electroclinical and MRI abnormalities of FCD.2,46,5155 Thus, the panel decided to re-evaluate the several histopathologic scenarios that have been subsumed under the general term focal cortical dysplasias, with a view to a more clinically meaningful classification. Over the years, there has been some degree of heterogeneity in the clinical, surgical, and histopathologic literature, and terms like focal cortical dysplasia, mild cortical dysplasia, Taylor-type focal cortical dysplasia, balloon cell dysplasia, nonballoon cell dysplasia, and microdysgenesis all have been applied to describe architectural and cellular abnormalities of the cortical mantle.5,16,44,46,48,55,56 For example, some authors use the descriptor Taylor-type FCD only when balloon cells are present,16,57 whereas others, including Taylor et al.3 in their original report, include some patients whose lesions had dysmorphic neurons but lacked balloon cells. Although the panel accepted that a definitive understanding of the relevance of each cell type or architectural abnormality among the various possible combinations relies on further developments on the mechanisms of corticogenesis and their relation to clinical and imaging findings, a tentative practical approach was attempted. As a first step, it was consensually accepted that one or more of the following might be present in these lesions: dyslamination and other mild abnormalities (architectural abnormalities), immature neurons, giant neurons, dysmorphic neurons, and balloon cells. The most frequent histopathologic pictures combining these elements then were agreed on and considered to be the following.
Isolated architectural abnormalities (dyslamina-tion).

These are intracortical lesions that are characterized by dyslamination and columnar disorganization. These lesions represent the mildest end of the histopathologic spectrum of FCD and may most closely approximate the original description of microdysgenesis. In the medial temporal lobe, particularly in the hippocampus, abnormalities of the infolding of the dentate gyrus and focal dyslamination may occur.58
Architectural abnormalities associated with giant neurons.

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Architectural abnormalities associated with giant neurons.

In these lesions, the defining abnormality is the presence of giant neurons. These lesions do not contain dysmorphic or balloon cells. Whether the presence of these cells has any clinical meaning and thus differentiates the lesions from those harboring only dyslamination is unclear.
Architectural abnormalities associated with dysmorphic neurons.

Irrespective of the occasional co-occurrence of giant or immature neurons, the hallmark of these lesions is the presence of clearly dysmorphic neurons as defined previously.48,49 Accumulation of neurofilaments within neuronal cytoplasm of these cells leads to distorted morphology of the perikarya, proximal axons, and dendrites. It is theoretically conceivable that these reflect more severe abnormalities from a histopathologic standpoint.41 In the original publication of Taylor et al.,3 4 of 10 patients had this histopathologic picture.
Architectural abnormalities associated with dysmorphic neurons and balloon cells.

These lesions are characterized mainly by the presence of balloon cells that are intermixed typically with dysmorphic neurons in patients with severe architectural disorganization. Six of the 10 original patients reported by Taylor et al.3 had a similar histopathologic pattern. These lesions are considered to represent the most severe end of the spectrum of histopathologic abnormalities of FCD.41 There is preliminary evidence that the presence of dysmorphic neurons, with or without balloon cells, is associated with higher degrees of epileptogenicity.2 Moreover, recent studies suggest that the main histopathologic subtypes that show MRI abnormalities are those that contain dysmorphic neurons with or without balloon cells.4,46,47,54 These results suggest the separation of the histologic subtypes as delineated will allow much better electroclinical, imaging, and histopathologic correlations. Previous SectionNext Section
A classification scheme: imaging, histopathology, and potential clinical relevance.

Considering the definition of terms and the re-evaluation of the histopathologic scenarios mentioned here, the following classification is proposed.
Mild MCD

Type I: with ectopically placed neurons in or adjacent to layer I

Type II: with microscopic neuronal heterotopia outside layer I

Structural imaging: both types probably are not detectable by current MRI techniques Histopathology: as described previously
Potential clinical relevance.

It has been shown that these mild MCDs may be related to epilepsy and other behavioral and cognitive abnormalities.44,5961 Because diagnosis usually is retrospective, clear clinical and epileptic profiles of patients with these mild malformations are not available. Thus, there is some debate on the role of these mild changes in the causation of epilepsy in general but especially when the histologic abnormalities are found in mesial temporal structures, leading to microscopic heterotopia in the dentate or parahippocampal gyri.60,61 Likewise, the association of mesial limbic malformations with schizophrenia and autism has attracted the attention of nonepileptologists to the putative clinical consequences of mild MCD.6264

Type I: no dysmorphic neurons or balloon cells Type IA: isolated architectural abnormalities (dyslamination, accompanied or not by other abnormalities of mild MCD) Type IB: architectural abnormalities, plus giant or immature, but not dysmorphic neurons Structural imaging: it is unclear at the time of this report whether type I FCD as defined here can be identified in vivo by current MRI techniques. Should a common nomenclature be used by various centers, it is likely that imaging-histopathologic correlations soon will clarify this issue. Histopathology: as described previously (figure 4)

View larger version: In this window In a new window Figure 4. Cresylecht violet staining of sections representing normal neocortex and type I, type IIA, and type IIB malformations of cortical development; scale bar, 100 m.
Potential clinical relevance.

It is likely that some of these patients will have epilepsy, whereas others will not; those without epilepsy may be either asymptomatic or instead seek treatment for learning disorders or other types of cognitive impairment. There are no specific data delineating a clinical or neurophysiologic profile of patients with epilepsy and type IA/B FCDs. Because hitherto most of these mild abnormalities defy in vivo imaging recognition, the only available evidence is from patients undergoing epilepsy surgery in whom such mild abnormalities were the only histopathologic finding.5,55 This suggests that at least some patients with type IA/B FCD can have medically refractory epilepsy. However, whether this is a common occurrence or represents only the most severe end of a spectrum is unclear. Interestingly, surgical patients in whom these mild MCDs were found retrospectively tend to have much better results compared with the surgical results obtained from patients with other types of FCDs. Type II: Taylor-type FCD (dysmorphic neurons without or with balloon cells) Type IIA: architectural abnormalities with dys morphic neurons but without balloon cells Type IIB: architectural abnormalities with dys morphic neurons and balloon cells

Structural imaging: these are the focal lesions most commonly identified on MRI. However, one should be aware that several different imaging possibilities might be observed in patients with Taylor-type FCD. MRI can be either normal,45,47 despite the use of high-resolution techniques, or may demonstrate one or more of the following characteristics: 1) focal areas of increased cortical thickness;46,47 2) blurring of the cortex (gray)/white matter junction;51,54 3) increased signal on T2-weighted, proton density, or fluid-attenuated inversion recovery sequences (more likely to occur in balloon cell-containing lesions);51,54 and 4) extension of cortical tissue with increased signal from the surface to the ventricle (transmantle dysplasia).6567
Histopathology: as detailed previously
Potential clinical relevance.

Type IIA/B FCDs are characterized by truly abnormal, grossly dysmorphic cellular elements, which are accompanied by unquestionable abnormalities in inhibitory and excitatory neurotransmission. Data collected through immunocytochemical studies support an increase in excitatory amino acid neurotransmission and an overall decrease in intralesional and perilesional inhibition.16,48,49 The net result is a high degree of intrinsic epileptogenicity, which has been demonstrated by experimental and clinical studies.22,23,26,42,68,69 Most patients diagnosed by imaging studies (see above) as having lesions identified as type IIA/B FCD have medically intractable partial epilepsy, with frequently disabling motor and secondary generalized seizures. Many patients have a history of status epilepticus, including epilepsia partialis continua, and scalp EEG and acute electrocorticography often show continuous spiking or other highly epileptogenic patterns, attesting to some type of re-entrant excitatory circuitry unopposed by faulty inhibition.26,52,55 These patients often are correctly diagnosed before surgery, but surgical results still are

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patterns, attesting to some type of re-entrant excitatory circuitry unopposed by faulty inhibition.26,52,55 These patients often are correctly diagnosed before surgery, but surgical results still are not fully satisfactory in many of them. Issues related to a preferential localization around the perirolandic cortex and to a microscopic extension of abnormal tissue beyond the MRI lesional margins often are mentioned to explain unsatisfactory results.
Dysplastic tumors.

There are at least two types of tumor that may represent a more extreme end of the histopathologic spectrum of FCDs. Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumors (DNETs) and gangliogliomas may be associated with surrounding cortical regions displaying abnormal cytoarchitecture (dyslamination) and large, at times dysmorphic, neurons and glial cells.70,71 Subcortical heterotopic neurons also can be seen.40,72
Structural imaging and histopathology.

Both lesions usually are restricted to the cortex and may present a combination of cystic and calcified areas. Perhaps the most striking imaging aspect is that the MRI signal often is irregular and poorly delineated, attesting to the presence of different histopathologic elements and the association of perilesional dysplastic and immediately subcortical heterotopic cells. There is no perilesional edema or mass effect.40,72
Clinical relevance.

DNETs and gangliogliomas are (with rare exception) benign lesions from an oncologic point of view. However, they often are associated with medically refractory partial seizures, which usually manifest clinically before 20 years of age. Patients with DNETs and epilepsy may be cured with surgery, providing complete resection is feasible. Remaining tumoral or dysplastic tissue may be associated with persistent seizures, despite major lesion resection.40,72 Previous SectionNext Section
Challenges for the future.

This report represents an attempt toward a simple yet practical classification for FCDs that may be beneficial for cliniciansand researchers who are interested in the management of FCDs and an understanding of mechanisms by which they cause epilepsy. Some imaging and histopathologic correlations were suggested, but there has been no attempt to include an embryologic perspective in the classification. It is likely that advances in the molecular neurobiology of these disorders will significantly change our views in terms of pathogenesis. To further understand these disorders and to validate the usefulness of this proposed classification, there is need for the following: 1) clinical-electrical-pathologic correlations in patients with epilepsy who are undergoing electrocorticographic and depth electrode recording evaluations;73 2) imaging-pathologic-functional correlations based on careful studies of surgically resected cortical samples; and 3) cellularmolecular studies of the mechanisms of epileptogenicity through direct correlation with electrocorticographic data obtained through invasive recordings.18
Note added in proof.

Recent utilization of this classification framework has generated initial data suggesting that the different types of FCD indeed tend to be associated with some specific anatomical, clinical, electrographic, and imaging characteristics.74,75 Thus, Type I focal cortical dysplastic lesions have been shown to be most often localized to the temporal lobes, to lack highly specific electrographic patterns, and to present on MRI as hypoplasia of the temporal pole and/or increased signal in the white matter core, with poorly defined limits. On the other hand, Type II (Taylor type) FCD has been increasingly shown to represent an extratemporal entity, with lesions localized to one of four major anatomical subcompartments: frontal lobe only, fronto-central, perirolandic, or in the posterior quadrant. In addition, it has been confirmed that these lesions are frequently associated with ictal-like patterns or direct cortical recordings.22,76,77 Finally, a recent report advances one step further, suggesting that the subdivisions of Type II FCD may be differently related to ictal generation and preservation of function.78 In patients with peri-rolandic FCD, those portions of the lesions classified as Type IIA were shown to harbor the ictal onset zone and to retain motor function, in contrast to those portions of the lesions containing balloon cells (Type IIB), which were functionally silent and not associated with seizure onset. If confirmed, these findings may have a significant impact in surgical planning, and will emphasize even more the need for in vivo MRI identification of subtypes of FCD. Previous SectionNext Section

I.N. was supported by grants K08-NS02046 and R21-NS42354 from the NIH. Previous Section 14.

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