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The European Union

The European Union has been set up in order to achieve political goals. The European countries account for insuring economic growths, competing on the world stage with major economies (Europe Wide Free Competition Europe Wide/Wild Solidarity). The European Union is considered to be a result of those who ( ). It has been built on concrete achievements created ( ), where people, services, goods and capital move around freely. It is striving to ensure that through social progress and fair competition, people enjoy the benefits of the single market. There are some round rules of the European Union which are being set up into serious treaties: The Treaty of Paris- set up in 1951; The Coal and Steel Community The Treaty of Rome- set up the European Economic Community and the Europe Atomic Energy Community i9n 1957. Such treaties were amended by: 1. 2. 3. 4. The Single European Treaty in 1986 The Treaty of the European Union in Maastricht in 1992 The Treaty of Amsterdam in 1997 The Treaty of Niece in 2001

What they have done? They have forged very strong (ties/tights) The first step in European integration was taken by the 6 founding countries: Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg and Netherlands. The 6 countries decided to build a European economy community based on a common market in a wide range of goods and services Custom duties between the 6 countries were removed on July the 1st 1968. Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom joined the Community. New social, regional and environmental policies were introduced ( ). 1970 s- Community leaders realized that they had to bring their economies into line and there was the need for monetary union. On the World s Money Market there was instability (oil crisis in 1973). The introduction of Euro monetary system in 1979 helped to steady (stabilize) exchange rates and the member states were encouraged by ( ) policies. 1981- Greece joined the Community 1986- Spain and Portugal (the first Mediterranean integration programs/structures).

They aimed at reducing the economic development gap (discrepancy) between the states in countries in Africa, Caribbean and The Pacific. It was signed a series of conventions of trait and aid (LHOME) and this lead to an agreement in 2000 (COTONOU). The European Union aims for the implementation of a common foreign and security. 1980 s- The hope with president Jacques Delors publishing the White Paper, setting out a timetable for completing the European Single Market by January the 1st 1993. In February 1986, The Single European Act which came into force in July 1987. The political shape of Europe in 1989 (the fall of the Berlin Wall) . 1991- The Soviet Union seized to exist. The member states negotiated a new treaty in December 1991 at Maastricht. The treaty came into force in 1993. The new European dynamism and the continent changes ( ) lead to three more countries join (Sweden ) 2002- January the 1st, euro notes and coins came into circulation in 12 countries (the euro area). The world moves towards the 21st century and the Europeans have to face the globalization. New technologies and internet exposure are changing the world economy. 2000- With the meeting in Lisbon (March) the European Council adopted a comprehensive technology and stretching to modernize economy including opening of new sectors in economy. The European Union offers a response to the huge challenges of globalization and it offers the best possible insurance policies for a free and peaceful future. In the 1990 s Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Cyprus, Malta( ) Historical summit- December 1992, Copenhagen, with 10 member states 2003- Athens, the Accession treaties, allowing the people of the new member states to vote and state for elections in the same terms as the other European citizens. The European Union moved very fast to set up the PHARE program of financial assistance. It is being designed to help the young democracies to rebuild their economies. 1993- Copenhagen- it s in heard that the European Council stated for the first time that the countries in center and eastern area will all become members of the European Union. Major criteria hat candidate countries must need before joining the European Union: 1. Political criterion: candidate countries must have stable institutions guaranteeing democracy, the rule of law, human rights and respect for and protection of minorities. 2. Economic criterion: candidate countries must have a functioning market economy and be able to cope with competitive pressures and market forces. 2

3. A criterion of being able to take on the obligations of the European Union membership including adherence to the aims of political, economic and monetary union. The countries must adopt the entire body of European Union, known as Community ACQUIS. The commission made recommendations and the Parliament gave its opinion with all the countries ( ) 2001- Came as consolidating the Union. December 2002- negotiations with 10 of candidate countries were completed at Copenhagen. Before accession, each of the countries had to pass its own national laws incorporating the ACQUIS. This amounts to 26.000 pieces of legislation, 80.000 pages and a huge amount of work for the Parliaments. The European Union is concerned to ensure this enlargement, strengthening the internal cohesion and making sure that this continent wide family of nations can work together efficiently and effectively. The Convention was set up by Valerie Giscard d Estaing to discuss Europe s future and to draft a Constitution. The Convention completed the task in June 2008 and the European Union Council announced that the draft was considered Constitution treaty and this was the basis for starting the next intergovernmental conference. 2004- The accession treaties came into force. 2004 June- a new European Parliament is elected. 2007- Bulgaria, Romania- joined the European Union. There were 454 million people belonging to the 25 countries. The European Union is a confederation of countries along with European policies, the laws are the result of decision which are taken by the following institutions: 1. The Council of the European Union (representing the member states) 2. The European Parliament(representing the citizens) 3. The European Commission (political independent body which upholds the collective European interests)

The Council
It is the main decision making institution, known as the Council of Ministers. Each of the European Union countries presides over the council for 6 months period. Every meeting is being attended of one minister from each member state. Which minister attends the meeting? There are 9 different council congregations which cover all the different ( ) areas. The work of the Council is planned and coordinated by the general opinion and external ( ). The Council and the European Parliament both share legislative power and the responsibility for the budget. 3

The Council concludes international agreements. The Council takes decisions unanimously or by a majority of votes. The European Council brings together the presidents and prime-ministers of all member countries and the president of European Parliament. He addresses every European council.

The European Union Parliament

It represents the citizens and takes part in the legislative process. Parliament holds its plenary sessions in Strasbourg and additional sessions in Bruxelles. There are 17 comities that do the preparative work for the sessions. The Parliament and the Council share legislative power and they have some procedures: 1. Cooperation procedure. The Parliament gives its opinion but on draft ( ) and regulations. 2. Ascent procedure- giving its ascent to international procedure 3. Cold decision procedure- introduced by the Treaty of Maastricht, legislating on some important issues including free movement of workers, education, health, environment, etc. Parliamentary debates are dominated by the political groups: 1. 2. 3. It upholds the interests of the European Union as a whole; it has to ensure that the regulations adopted are being put into effect.

The European Commission

It has the right to propose new European legislations. It can take action at any stage. It carries out the decisions taken. It is responsible for managing the European Union s common policies linked to research, aid, regional policies and the budget for these policies. It answers to the Parliament and it has to resign if the Parliament passes a Motion of Censure against it. it is assisted by a civil service made of 36 ( ). Manages financial resources and can act independently. The Court of Justice located in Luxembourg, ensures that the European law is complied with ( ). All the treaties are being ( ). The Court of Auditors checking that the ( ) has been ( ) and expansion- incurred in a local ( ). The European Convention- set up in 2001; 105 members, with a proposal for a new way of running the European Union after the enlargement. 4

The European union Investment Bank in Luxembourg, financing projects to help the less developed economies and The European Union Central Bank in Frankfurt responsible for managing the euro and European monetary policy.

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