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MEETING April 13, 2011 Loudon Nelson Room #2 1. Call to Order Chairman Collins called the meeting to order at 7:06 pm. a. Members Present: Kevin Collins (Chair), David Casterson, Dennis Davie, Karesha Durham, Mike Guth, John Howerton, Charles Paulden, Mark Sullivan (Secretary/Treasurer). Member Absent: Deirdre Des Jardines 2. Adoption of Agenda Mark moved to adopt the agenda. The motion was adopted. 3. Minutes Mike moved to adopt the minutes. The motion was adopted.

Financial Report Dennis moved to accept the financial report. The motion was adopted.

5. Presentation by Vicki Lee, Board Member of Sierra Club California. Discussed the Sierra Club California organization, goals and activities. This was an informational discussion and no action was taken 6. Items for discussion and possible action a. City of Santa Cruz Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) (Kevin) This item was in reference to the April 5th Santa Cruz City Council meeting where the Water Departments HCP was discussed. After debate, the Group agreed to have Kevin initiate a draft letter for review and edification by the Group. b. Creation of "Meetup" page for outings and events (John). The purpose of the Meetup page is to notify members and nonmembers about upcoming hikes. After debate, the Group agreed to have John set up the page for Groups review. c. Earth Day update (Keresha). Informational discussion regarding Earth Day logistics and details. No action taken. d. Coastal Committee Discussion and Nomination of Aldo Giacchino Chair. Aldo provided a description of the Coastal Committees purpose. After discussion, Dennis moved to have Aldo chair the committee and the motion was adopted. e. Membership Committee. Kevin nominated John to chair the Membership Committee and the motion was adopted. f. Fundraising and website. It was agreed that Kevin would send a fundraising mailer to an abbreviated Group list. Karesha offered to walk for the Group in The Human Walk in May. Dennis stated that he would join her. g. Request from Rick Longinotti for event sponsorship "Sustaining our Water Future in Santa Cruz" (this agenda item is not for a discussion of the merits of a Desal

Santa Cruz Group ExCom Minutes

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plant). After discussion, Kevin made a motion to provide a Group donation of $50 to this event and the motion was adopted. h. John raised a question regarding the suitability of Aldos public comments at the California Coastal Commission meeting and Kevins letter form the Santa Cruz Group supporting reappointment of Sara Wan without the approval of the ExCom. Mike moved for discussion of this topic at the May ExCom meeting. The motion was adopted. 7. Committee Reports a. Conservation (Mike) No time. b. Water Resources (Deidre) No time. c. Membership Committee (John) No time, with the exception of Item 6.e above. d. Forestry Committee (Jodi,Dennis) i. Jodi discussed several issues that she and the Forestry Committee have been addressing. ii. Dennis moved to allocate an additional $1,250 to Jodi for the second quarter 2011. The motion was adopted. e. Transportation Committee (Paul Elerick by email) No time. f. AD HOC Growth-Zoning Committee consideration. No time. 8. Meeting adjourned at 9:12 pm. Submitted by Mark Sullivan

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