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Everett Public Schools Board of Directors

Workshop Section Title Objectives

2011-12 Board Development Workshop

Key Questions References/Resources

Friday, January 6, 2012

Call to Order, Welcome, Purpose and Goals ................................................................................................................ Jeff Russell, Phil Gore, Dave Brooks Workshop design Review the workshop Why invest time togeth Board agenda summary Board-superintendent team expectations Board agenda matrix design. er, building team goals Review the workshop ASBJ: Educating New and expectations? purpose and goals. Board Members What are the expecta Revisit consensus on Policy 1112Director tions of directors? What are the expectathe primary role of the Orientation tions of the superinten- Procedure 1112P Ditime together. rector Orientation dent? The Key Work of School Boards.......................................................................................................................................................................................Phil Gore Revisiting the NSBA and WSSDA Key Work model Review of NSBA and Why is a functional PowerPoint: Key Work Board-superintendent roles WSSDA model. board essential to orof School Boards Discuss the board ASBJ: Why Board Culganizational success? What are the key indisuperintendent roles. ture Matters cators of a successful, Revisit consensus on ASBJ: Secrets of Board effective board? the primary role of the Success Are there areas of over ASBJ: Its All About board. lap in board-superintenPolicy dent responsibilities? ASBJ: The Cultured Club ASBJ: Governance as a Profession ASBJ: Eight Traits of Effective School Boards Policy 6110 Superintendent-School Board Relations Procedure 6110P Superintendent-School Board Relations WSSDA: Governing Through Policy

12/21/2011 8:53 PM

Everett Public Schools Board of Directors

Workshop Section Title Objectives

2011-12 Board Development Workshop

Key Questions References/Resources

Board-Superintendent Team Building, Operating Protocol ....................................................................................................... Phil Gore, Colleen Miller Review, refine Everett Public Schools protocol Review key areas for What are key compo ASBJ: Building a Cul Reviewing the director request process Everetts board-superinnents of Everetts proture of Trust tendent protocol.. tocol? ASBJ: A Precious But Refine as necessary key Is there consensus Fragile Bond ASBJ: Working Togethcomponents of Everabout maintaining the er etts board-superintenoperating protocol? dent protocol.. Are any changes neces Policies 1620Board Review and refine as sary for Everetts? Superintendent Rela What changes should necessary the director tions; 1621Boardbe made to the director request process. Superintendent Operatrequest process? ing Protocol; 1622 Board-Staff Communications; 6110Superintendent-School Board Relations Procedures 1622P Board-Staff Communications; 4312P Community Relations; 6110SuperintendentSchool Board Relations Code of Governance .................................................................................................................................................... Phil Gore, Colleen Miller Conflict of interest concepts Review the duties of What are our obligations WSSDA: Avoiding Con Ethical conduct responsibilities each board member. in avoiding, disclosing flicts of Interest Civility policy responsibilities Review the duties of ASBJ: Out of Control conflicts of interest? the board as a whole. What are our obligations Policies 1000Legal Sta Review and discuss in maintaining the hightus & Operation; 1100 conflict of interest est ethics? Organization of the What challenges do conconcepts. Board of Directors; flicts of interest pose? Review, discuss ethical 1240Duties of Individ What adjustments may practice concepts. ual Board Members; Discuss board responbe made in meeting 1610Conflicts of Inter-

12/21/2011 8:53 PM

Everett Public Schools Board of Directors

Workshop Section Title Objectives
sibility for avoiding conflicts, maintaining high ethical practices. Discuss board responsibility for implementing the civility policy.

2011-12 Board Development Workshop

Key Questions
structure and process to guard against conflicts? In what ways could the directors model civility?

est; 1611Code of Ethics; 5161Civility in the Workplace RCW 5.60.060, Privileged Communications; RCW 28A.635.030, Disturbing school meetings; RCW 42.23.070, Prohibited acts; RCW 42.30.110, Executive sessions

Board Coverage & Liability (Lunch Discussion) ................................................................................................................................................ Deborah Callahan Board liability insurance coverage Review key concepts What are the elements PowerPoint: School embedded in the Washof liability coverage Board Liability: Everett ington Schools Risk provided to school di Washington Schools Management Pool rectors? Risk Management Pool What are the limits on (WSRMP) coverage Coverage Agreement WSRMP liability covagreement. 2011-12 erage? Review board errors and Policy 1732Board In What are potential omissions coverage. surance; 8300Risk Discuss limits on liabilconsequences of acting Management; 8310 ity coverage. outside authority? Liability Insurance How can directors Procedure 8300PRisk guard against exceeding Management coverage limitations? Board Meeting Plan, Structure, Conduct ....................................................................................................................... Phil Gore, Jeff Russell Board meeting structure and practices Discuss regular meet Does the meeting struc ASBJ: An Agenda That Practice basic parliamentary procedure ing structure; how the ture emphasize imWorks Community engagement options ASBJ: Becoming a board allocates time. portance with time? Champion for Change Review Board annual meeting plan Review basic parlia How should the board Review meeting self-assessment results Policies 1400Meetings; mentary rules. and staff respond to Review the boards 1420Agenda; 1421 public comments? When should presentaannual meeting plan. Consent Agenda; 1440

12/21/2011 8:53 PM

Everett Public Schools Board of Directors

Workshop Section Title

2011-12 Board Development Workshop

Discuss the board meeting selfassessment results Discuss community engagement for 2012.

Key Questions
tions be interrupted? How should community engagement be approached this year? What adjustments should be made in structure, annual plan? What adjustments should be made based on self-assessments?

Meeting Conduct and Order of Business Procedures 1400P Meetings; 1440P Meeting Conduct and Order of Business Board Work Plan 201112 Report 1 Draft WSSDA: School Board Standards WSSDA: Benchmarks For Success WSSDA: Parliamentary Procedures and chart WSSDA: Open Public Meetings Board Meeting SelfEvaluation Summary

Collective Bargaining Responsibilities ...................................................................................................................................................................... Buzz Porter Legal framework Understand the legal What are key state and PowerPoint: Board Bar Bargaining process framework within laws that frame districts gaining Role Role of the board Outline: Board Bargainwhich collective barcollective bargaining? ing Role gaining is conducted. Strategic approach to bargaining What are the typical Review the steps of the phases of collective bar- Chapter 41.56 RCW, bargaining process. Public employees' colgaining process? Clarify the role of the How can board memlective bargaining board in setting pabers provide leadership rameters, monitoring for the process? progress, and adopting What is the responsibilthe tentative agreeity of the board for tenment. tative agreements? Discuss strategies How do common stratcommon to the baregies affect the boards gaining process. role in bargaining?

12/21/2011 8:53 PM

Everett Public Schools Board of Directors

Workshop Section Title Objectives

2011-12 Board Development Workshop

Key Questions References/Resources

Board Workshop Evaluation ..................................................................................................................................................................................... Colleen Miller Board workshop objectives review Complete assessments What elements of the Workshop Assessment of workshop content. workshop best met ditool Identify key topics for rectors needs? What key adjustments August workshop. should be made? What content is needed for the next workshop?

12/21/2011 8:53 PM

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