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the next revolution There's been some disagreement about which specific technologies transformed our society the

most. Steam, electricity, the automobile,.. ^^ We're about to see a REVOLUTION in our society unparalleled in the history of humankind. The only comparable technologies are the ones already mentioned. According to conventional science, 'in the beginning', there was mostly hydrogen with a little helium. Density fluctuations caused random aggregations which grew and became gravitationally bound. These became the first protostars which were essentially vast spherical oceans of hydrogen. :) At some point, the tremendous pressure caused fusion and the first stars were born. :) A few stellar generations later, we have our sun and solar system. :) Lucky we. :) The Moon protects us from rogue asteroids, Jupiter performs a similar function, and generally speaking, our solar system fosters life on the 'insignificant' third planet, Earth. :) So we have this reliable fusion furnace 'hanging' in our sky, the Sun. For billions of years, stars have used the reliable process of fusion to fuel themselves and sustain life here on Earth. :) Replicating fusion here on Earth is a little shaky. It's not so easy to sustain the pressure and temperature required. ^^ But it's not impossible, fortunately. :) With clever ingenuity and superconducting magnets, fusion can be achieved and used as a power source! :) ITER, supported by an international consortium, is such a project. :) i'm willing to bet my life, if you asked any practicing engineer to proclaim it's impossible to scale-down ITER for spacecraft propulsion, they'd tell you go take a hike. ;) In other words, it's feasible to scaledown ITER, using appropriate technologies, and repackage it appropriately. ^^ Do i have your attention yet? ;) Fire, steam power, electricity, the telephone, the automobile, radio, TV, the internet, and finally: portable fusion. ^^ Now do i have your attention? ;) Spacecraft fusion will transform our society more than all others combined because it will make our solar system accessible and allow us to reach for the stars. :) i've studied physics for several decades and am inclined to recommend we don't focus on 'warp drive' or other truly fictional concepts.. That technology may actually be physically impossible in our universe. No, nature has been doing fusion for billions of years reliably. It's only our lack of ingenuity and will (after superconducting magnets were developed) that we don't develop fusion for space applications.. ^^ But times are ripe for winds of change. :) Even though 'Nasa is dead', interest and support for space-tourism is growing. :) If there's a single project for humanity to focus on, if even in our 'death throes' ;), i'd recommend: fusion for space applications. i've spent considerable effort attempting to reconnect humanity with the Prime Goddess.. That's my 'primary mission' here on Earth if there ever was one.. ;) But that does not mean i don't have secondary missions.. Father to Arthur is one.. Making sure we don't neglect developing the absolutely critical technology of spacecraft fusion engine is another.. ^^ i don't know how else to say it.. If i had to trade anything for humanity to take this critical step, would i? In a heartbeat. ;) In a heartbeat. A race not following their true destiny is a wasted stagnating dead race. Besides, Arthur needs something novel to pilot. ;)

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