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You, Senator Obama opposed the war in Iraq at a time when Congress and virtually the entire civilized
world agreed that Saddam Hussein had WMD’S, committed genocide, ignored UN propositions, defied
international law, threatened US security, perpetrated atrocities against humanity, trained anti-
American terrorists; vowed to eliminate 'the great (USA) Satan’, and celebrated the incineration of
innocent civilians on 9-11' with sadistic clarity.

You stood WITH Hussein, and AGAINST your own government, at the very moment in history, when a
wounded America came together as one nation under God-- united against state-sanctioned terrorism.


You stood FOR radicalization, and AGAINST principled mortgage-lending, education standards and
election safeguards. You worked for an infamous association of community activists (ACORN) for the
purpose of moving America radically to the left. You gave new meaning to the term ‘organizer’ when
you linked up with unrepentant terrorists (Ayers and Dorne) and traded the faith of your fathers for the
blasphemous ranting of ‘Reverend’ Jeremiah Wright. You let blind ambition, left-wing king-makers and
agents of radical change shape your direction and grease your palm. Your subversive ideology and
voter registration schemes do not pass the smell test.

Americans are wary of social engineers, averse to rhetorical double-speak, and against Orwellian
diktats that render some animals in the barnyard -- more equal -- than others.


We the People know well the ills of radical upheaval, especially in education. Our kindergarten babies
are immersed in homosexual desensitization programs, pedophilia profiling, and outcome-based
curricula more aptly entitled, ‘loss of precious innocence, 101’. Amoral pedagogues denigrate our
parenthood, our patriotism, and each and every traditional family value gracing history. Elitist
educators sport ‘Obama” buttons in the classroom, re-write the story of America the Beautiful, and
stain our nation’s soul with Godless tripe and propaganda.


You condemn innocent life to sacrificial altars of unthinkable cruelty by your continued stance
AGAINST the ban on partial birth abortion and AGAINST the protection of infants-born-alive. Judeo-
Christian bio-ethicists find no quarter in your world view, where genetic engineers pay homage to
infant immolation. Almighty God is blasphemed in your church of twenty years, and change agents
(denying absolutes) call good, evil and evil, good.


You propose an unrepresentative, disproportionate, punitive tax on entrepreneurs and small business
owners. Your recidivist-plagiarist mate adds insult to injury by deeming opposition to the proposition
‘unpatriotic’. As a team, you and Senator Biden urge successful Americans to ‘step up to the plate’,
be stripped of earnings, or lose freedom. It’s been tried before -- by Marxists – and failed abysmally.

Your quest to re-distribute the wealth of our great nation diminishes us all. Drop it. Great Americans
perform superlatively their philanthropic, humanitarian and charitable works -- without interference
from a corrupt and bloated bureaucracy.

You are AGAINST tax credits for Americans seeking alternatives to failing public schools – Americans
choosing to home-school or private-school. Yet you favor tax ‘credits’ for individuals who pay no
income tax at all. You want the 'haves' among us to send the children of 'have-nots' to college. Some
of us resent a law that would compel us to pay college tuition fees, especially where the tuitions we
are compelled to pay, provide little more than radical, anti-American dribble, posing as liberal arts.


Your health plan is, in effect, socialized medicine with a TWIST. I find it both dangerous and ironic. It is
dangerous, because it will cost America tons of dollars, doctors, freedom -- and lives. It is ironic,
because it spews hypocrisy. You claim to care about the healthcare of the least and most vulnerable
among us, but you voted multiple times to deny babies born alive (after a botched abortion) access to

Your plan to re-distribute the wealth in America could I suspect, affect the behavior of the masses, the
conduct of the State, and the climactic environment of the entire planet. Such a plan may well require
a messiah.
Aye, there’s the twist!

M. Di Bari, Esq.

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