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------------------------------------Design of Structural Elements

Issue date: 2nd March 2009

Design of Structural Elements

Hand in Date: 20th March 2009

Assignment: No.1
Module Leader: Dr A B-Jahromi

Weighting: 25%

Note: Any assignments handed in after the due date will be subject to a late
marking fee or may not be marked, unless there are exceptional extenuating



------------------------------------Design of Structural Elements

1. Learning Outcomes ................................................................................................ 3
2. Assignment .............................................................................................................. 3
3.Tasks.......................................................................................................................... 5
4 Marking ...................................................................................................................... 6
5. For this assignment: ............................................................................................... 7
6 Completion ................................................................................................................ 7
7. Reference materials ............................................................................................... 8



------------------------------------Design of Structural Elements

1. Learning Outcomes
1. Introduce students to structural design
2. Consolidate and extend the understanding of the concepts of structural
mechanics and their application to design.
3. Develop an understanding of the codes of practice and their application
to the design of structural elements.

2. Assignment
2.1 Design Bending Moment over Support B
Consider the beam which is shown in Figure 1. The beam supports
permanent and variable actions as indicated which can exist independently on
spans AB and BC. Using the design data given and the ultimate limit state of
STR, determine the design bending moment over support B.

Figure 1
Design Data:
Permanent characteristic uniformly distributed load (gk)
2,0 kN/m
1,0 kN/m
Variable characteristic uniformly distributed load - action 1 (qk,1)
Variable characteristic concentrated load - (action 2) (Qk,2) 1,5
Rupture (STIR,) Ed ERd (Equation (6.8) of EC 1990)
The arrangement of loading in the combination to be considered is the
addition of the Permanent and variable actions as indicated in (i) to (iv):

favourable permanent action on span from A to B,

unfavourable permanent action on span from B to C,
variable action 1 on span from B to C,
variable action 2 on span from B to C.



------------------------------------Design of Structural Elements

Each - variable action is considered as the leading variable in turn. Four cases
should be considered below for the calculations using the Equation (6.10) and
Equations (6.10(a)) and (6.10(b)).

Note: The value of the bending moment over the support at B is independent
of the loading which is applied to span AB.

Guide notes:
You need to consider following four cases:
1. Case 1: Using Equations (6.10) of BS EN1990 assuming the uniformly
distributed load to be the leading variable action. (Figure 2)

Figure 2
2. Case 2: Using Equations (6.10) of BS EN1990 assuming the
concentrated load to be the leading variable action. (Figure 3)

Figure 3
3. Case 3: Using Equations (6.10(a)) and (6,10(b)) of BS EN1990
assuming the uniformly distributed load as the leading variable action.
4. Case 4: Using Equations (6.10(a)) and (6.10(b)) of BS EN1990
assuming the concentrated load as the leading variable action.



------------------------------------Design of Structural Elements


Produce the shear force diagram for each case

Calculate the maximum design bending moments for each case
Present the results in a table below and identify the critical case

Summary of maximum design bending moments over support B

Case No. Equation
Leading variable
Design bending moment (kN.m)
Distributed load
Concentrated load
Distributed load
Concentrated load



------------------------------------Design of Structural Elements

4 Marking
Marking Scheme


Shear force diagram for case 1

Shear force diagram for case 2


Shear force diagram for case 3


Shear force diagram for case 4


Calculate the maximum design bending moments for case 1


Calculate the maximum design bending moments for case 2


Calculate the maximum design bending moments for case 3


Calculate the maximum design bending moments for case 4


Present the results in a table and identify the critical case



------------------------------------Design of Structural Elements

5. For this assignment:

Preferably use word processor and submit the printed document (see
The document should have clear layout, title, headings, and sub-headings
and diagrams (where appropriate).
Include the assignment brief

6 Completion
When your work is complete hand it to one of the administrators based in
School of Technology in Room B14 of TVU Kings Road campus.
Your report should be submitted in a clear plastic folder, with following
information in first page:

Student ID number
Title of assignment
Module title: Design of Structural Elements
Module leader:
Assignment 1
Submission date

Make sure that you keep a copy.



------------------------------------Design of Structural Elements

7. Reference materials
BS EN 1990:2002 Eurocode: Basis of structural design
BS EN 1991:2002 Eurocode 1: Actions on structures
NA to BS EN 1990:2002 UK National Annex for Eurocode 0 Basis of
structural design



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