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Quiz 1 study guide Sociological Theory Article Introduction to Sociology Online

What is the central notion underlying functionalism (the order perspective) that he mentions? Understand the five major assumptions of this perspective. 1. Society is made up of a number of interdependent parts 2. Every element of society performs some function for the social system 3. Societies tend toward stability and equilibrium because each part is performing a function. 4. Societies tend toward consensus, at least on certain basic values 5. Consensus and stability are desirable in society. What kind of political movement is functionalism primarily associated with? When was this perspective most popular? Often associated with political conservatism. Most popular from around WWII into early 1960.

What is the basic premise of conflict theory? Understand its four basic assumptions. What kind of political orientation is it associated with? Society is made up of groups with conflicting self interests. One group dominates. Assumptions: 1. Conflict is built into society because wealth and power are limited and are distributed unequally 2. Because of this, one group usually becomes dominant and uses the power so that most aspects of the social structure operate in a way that serves its interests. 3. When consensus does appear in society, it is artificial and unlikely to persist over the long run. 4. Conflict in society is desirable because it makes possible social change which may lead toa more equitalb distribution of wealth and power.

As Farley points out, one social theorist, Karl Marx, has had an especially strong influence on the conflict perspective. Understand the basic ideas and assumptions of Marxist theory, as discussed on pages 75 and 76 of the article. Understand the terms ideology, means of production, capital, and false consciousness. What is the relationship between the means of production in a society and its culture and its social institutions (such as its political system)?

Why does Farley mention the concept of the divine right of kings? What points is he trying to make when he mentions Senator George McGoverns proposed tax and President Bushs proposal to eliminate the inheritance tax? To give an example of Marx theory of conflict perspective. He is trying to explain false consciousness by showing how a law that would obviously benefit most, was rejected by most.

Farley points out that in many ways, order and conflict are competing perspectives. How are they competing perspectives?

Order approach sees society as basically stable and ordely meeting its basic needs and marked by value consensus. Conflict approach sees society as being arranged in ways that meet the needs of a powerful few, with conflicting values and power conflicts caused by unequal distribution of resources.

Farley also points out that the fact that the two perspectives often compete and disagree does not necessarily make them completely incompatible. He then mentions several ways that they can be seen as compatible. What are these ways?

In the next part of the article, Farley discusses how the two perspectives look at social problems. How do the functionalist perspective and the conflict perspective differ in their ideas about the definition of social problems?

Page 78

How do the order perspective and the conflict perspective differ in their ideas about the location (or causes) of social problems?

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