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ABIM - Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (The Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia)

my Sejarah Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM) ialah sebuah pertubuhan bukan kerajaan yang mewakili salah satu pergerakan belia Islam di Malaysia. ABIM telah ditubuhkan pada 6 Ogos 1971 di Fakulti Pengajian Islam, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Pengerusi penaja penubuhannya ialah Ustaz Abdul Wahab Abdullah (Almarhum) dan Setiausahanya ialah Sdr. Fauzi Abdul Rahman (Dato). Pada 17 Ogos 1972, ABIM telah didaftarkan secara rasmi dibawah Akta Pertubuhan 1966. Manakala pada tahun 2009, setelah pihak kerajaan membuat semakan terhadap dasar belia negara, ABIM telah didaftarkan penubuhannya dibawah Akta Pertubuhan-pertubuhan Belia 2007. ABIM telah melangsungkan Persidangan Agung Tahunan atau Muktamar yang pertama pada tahun 1972. Di Muktamar ini, Ustaz Razali Nawawi (Prof. Dr.) telah dipilih sebagai Presiden pertama. Muktamar juga telah memilih Sdr Anwar Ibrahim sebagai Setiausaha Agung. Semenjak itu, ABIM telah menjayakan kegiatannya dengan jaya. Era awal pergerakannya dicorakkan oleh usaha bagi mempertegaskan idealisme dan cita-cita perjuangan. Pelbagai kegiatan direncanakan bagi menjelaskan identiti ABIM sebagai sebuah pertubuhan belia dan gerakan Islam yang berteraskan prinsip dakwah dan tarbiyyah sebagai asas pendekatan pergerakannya. Cita-cita utama ABIM ialah bagi menyumbang secara proaktif pembinaan sebuah masyarakat Islam yang mampu menjadi teras terhadap proses pembinaan negara bangsa Malaysia yang utuh di dalam pelbagai aspek kehidupan. Bagi mencapai cita-cita tersebut, ABIM telah menumpu banyak usaha membangun kerangka faham masyarakat terhadap agama Islam sebagai satu bentuk cara hidup yang menyeluruh serta mempertegaskan prinsip-prinsip masyarakat madani di dalam segala aspek kemasyarakatan, perundangan dan kenegararaan. Pada tahun 1974, telah berlaku peralihan kepimpinan ABIM. Ustaz Razali Nawawi melepaskan jawatannya dan Muktamar memilih Sdr Anwar Ibrahim sebagai Presiden kedua. Di era kepimpinan beliau, ABIM telah tertonjol sebagai sebuah gerakan Islam yang berpengaruh di peringkat nasional dan antarabangsa. Sikap dan pendirian ABIM yang tegas terhadap pelbagai persoalan ekonomi, kebudayaan dan politik telah menjadikannya sebuah pertubuhan yang dihormati. Kepimpinan ABIM beralih kepada Ustaz Siddiq Fadzil (Dato) sebagai Presiden ketiga pada tahun 1983. Di era kepimpinan beliau, ABIM banyak menumpu usaha dakwah bil hal atau

dakwah di dalam bentuk praktis bagi tujuan menyelesaikan permasalahan masyarakat dan umat secara lebih berkesan. Semenjak itu, beberapa institusi dakwah di bidang pendidikan dan perekonomian telah dikembangkan seperti Taman Asuhan Kanak-Kanak Islam (TASKI), Sekolah Rendah Islam (SERI), Sekolah Menengah Islam (SEMI), Institut Pengajian Ilmuilmu Islam (IPI), Koperasi Belia Islam Malaysia (KBI) dan Islamic-Outreach ABIM (IOA). Pada tahun 1991, Dr Muhammad Nur Manuty telah mengambil alih kepimpinan ABIM sebagai Presiden keempat. Di era ini, ABIM terlibat dengan aktif di dalam proses pembinaan negara serta mengukuhkan gerakan kependidikan, kemasyarakatan dan ketamadunan. ABIM juga mula mengembangkan peranannya di bidang khidmat antarabangsa dengan membantu umat Islam yang menghadapi musibah seperti di Afghanistan dan Bosnia Herzegovina. Kepimpinan ABIM beralih kepada Hj Ahmad Azam Abdul Rahman pada tahun 1997. Di era ini, ABIM telah memperkukuhkan peranannya di arena antarabangsa menerusi penubuhan Misi Keamanan Sejagat (MKS). Era ini juga ditandai oleh kemelut politik tanahair dan tercetusnya Gerakan Reformasi. ABIM telah menyumbang dengan konstruktif menggagaskan agenda Penyatuan Ummah seluruh masyarakat Melayu Islam di Malaysia. Pada tahun 2003, Hj Yusri Muhammad telah mengambil alih kepimpinan ABIM sebagai Presiden ke enam. Di era kepimpinan beliau, ABIM telah menyumbang dengan aktif di dalam aspek kenegaraan terutama berkaitan isu kedudukan istimewa Islam di dalam perlembangaan dan persoalan syariah di dalam masyarakat majmuk. Peralihan terbaru kepimpinan ABIM telah berlaku pada Ogos 2009 di mana Sdr Muhamad Razak Idris telah dipilih sebagai Presiden ke tujuh.

Visi dan Misi ABIM. ABIM adalah sebuah gerakan yang bertunjangkan ilmu (knowledge-based) dan memilih untuk mengambil sikap terbuka serta sederhana (moderate) berasaskan realiti masyarakat setempat di samping memegang teguh prinsip-prinsip Islam serta kesepaduan ilmu, iman dan amal dalam rangka pembangunan manusia. Walaupun ABIM menangani isu-isu politik, namun ia sentiasa bersikap non-partisan; bebas dan tidak memihak atau tunduk kepada kepentingan mana-mana parti-parti politik. Visi ABIM: 'Membina Dan Memimpin Tamadun Khayra Ummah' Misi ABIM: 'Gerakan Islam Yang Komprehensif untuk Merealisasikan Cita-cita Islamiyyah'

Aliran - Aliran Kesedaran Negara (National Consciousness Movement)

Malaysia is at a cross-roads today. Something is stirring in the psyche of the people. They are starting to come out and reclaim the basic rights that they have lost over the years. They are now waking up and demanding meaningful change: more democratic space, greater accountability, respect for human rights. Eye-witness Reports Aliran identifies with this natural quest for justice in all aspects of public life. Indeed, that has been the core of our struggle since 1977, making us Malaysias oldest human rights group. Aliran has had Roster (A1) Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations since 1987. Aliran Kesedaran Negara (Malay for National Consciousness Movement) is Malaysias first multi-ethnic reform movement dedicated to justice, freedom and solidarity. Listed on the Roster of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations since 1987, Aliran has a consistent record of championing democratic reforms. (Why Aliran?) Guided by universal spiritual values, our struggle focuses on building genuine unity by upholding human dignity and promoting social justice for all Malaysians. Since 1977, we have been planting the seeds of public awareness of critical political, economic and social issues. Over the years, we have lobbied hard for wide-ranging reforms in all aspects of public life. (Pages from the Past) Today, the stirring cries of Reformasi! ring out for all to hear. To conscientise the public, we publish Aliran Monthly, Malaysias leading independent English-language news magazine. With 40 pages of independent articles and in-depth analyses, it is a must read for all those concerned about what is really going on in Malaysia. (Analysing Aliran, Speaking of Justice) Origin Aliran was launched in Penang on 12 August 1977 by seven concerned Malaysians from different ethnic backgrounds. Today, we are a national reform movement with members, friends and supporters from different parts of the country. Locating the Aliran office Position in Malaysian society

Aliran is the first movement of its kind in the history of our country. We are multi-ethnic in our philosophy, policies, programmes and membership unlike most movements in the past, which were confined to one community or another. We have a holistic, comprehensive concept of change which is not bound to any particular time frame. Most movements so far have been concerned with specific issues for short periods of time. (Alirans first 25 years) Besides, Alirans struggle for social justice is guided by a universal spiritual world-view which makes it different from other groups whose foundation is either strictly secular or religious in a sectarian sense. Most of all, Aliran is not involved in electoral competition for power and position. In this way, we hope to preserve and protect our role as a social educator dedicated to the evolution of a new social order.

At the gates of the dreaded Kamunting Detention Camp near Taiping: Aliran joined forces with 35 other Malaysian NGOs to call for the immediate repeal of the harsh Internal Security Act, which permits indefinite detention without trial Aliran is an independent, autonomous movement. We are not linked to any political party, trade union, community organisations or civic association. Aliran, however, believes in actively co-operating with other groups on particular issues with specific objectives in mind. Relationship with other groups Aliran also belongs to these networks:

Abolish ISA Movement (AIM) Charter 2000: A Malaysian Citizens Media Initiative Coalition Against Health Care Privatisation Coalition Against Water Privatisation Oppressed Peoples Network (JERIT)

Activities Alirans main activity is publishing Aliran Monthly to raise public awareness on important issues affecting Malaysians. Aliran also issues media releases, which analyse various issues related to its quest for an alternative order, and responds to both local and international human rights appeals.

Aliran members and supporters help to despatch the Aliran Monthly magazine Occasionally, we organise talks for the public or send our officials as speakers or participants to forums organised by other groups. We also serve as a co-ordinating body or secretariat for appeals and campaigns on specific social and human rights issues. Aliran is an important source of independent information on Malaysia for political analysts, academics and others interested in what is really happening in the country. Structure The supreme authority of the movement is vested with its annual general meeting (AGM), usually held in November. The AGM provides broad guidelines for the Executive Committee to work on. The Executive Committee is elected at the AGM and consists of 15 members President, Honorary Secretary, Assistant Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and 11 members. All officials are eligible for re-election. Aliran Executive Committee 2011 Designation President Hon Secretary Assistant Hon Secretary Hon Treasurer Committee members Dr Francis Loh Dr Mustafa K Anuar Leena Mohan Anil Netto P Ramakrishnan Dr Prema Devaraj Dr Soon Chuan Yean

Designation Andrew Wong Dr Andrew Aeria Henry Loh Sarajun Hoda bin Abdul Hassan Angeline Loh Dr Subramaniam Pillay Dr Lye Tuck Po Ch'ng Teng Liang

The formulation of policies and the general administration of the movement are among the many responsibilities of the Executive Committee. In the actual implementation of activities, the executive committee is assisted by a number of bureaus. Each bureau is in charge of a certain activity.

All Womens Action Society (AWAM) About Us AWAM is an independent feminist organization committed to improving the lives of women in Malaysia. We are tax-exempt, non-profit organization established in 1985. Our Vision Our vision is to create a just, democratic and equitable society where women are treated with respect, and free from all forms of violence and discrimination. Towards this, we inform, connect and mobilise those interested in: > Securing women's rights; > Bringing about equality among men & women; > Supporting women in crisis;

We also build the capabilities of those who work for women's empowerment and social transformation. Who We Are AWAM operates on the strength of a dynamic group of volunteer members and a pool of dedicated staff. Both are responsible for the direction and policies of the organisation. Our staff also ensures the smooth running of day-to-day operations. We welcome anyone interested in working towards justice and equality. To volunteer or enquire about volunteer opportunities, email us at History In conjunction with International Womens Day in 1985, a group of women and men organized a workshop and exhibition to highlight the phenomenon of violence against women in Malaysia. For the first time, the issues of rape, domestic violence, sexual harassment at work, prostitution, and portrayal of women in the media were highlighted as matters of public concern. The success of this historic two-day event inspired the formation of several womens organisations. One of these was AWAM. Some of these organisations have gone on to become part of an established network called the Joint Action Group against Violence against Women (JAG) which continuously works to achieve the objective of a violence-free community. Since then, AWAM has developed its programmes to secure womens human rights for a gender-equal society through various ways. These include providing counselling services and legal assistance; training or public education to continue creating awareness on issues of violence against women. As well, we actively lobby and advocate for improved legislation and policies by bringing forward womens concerns to decision makers. Such actions and processes contribute to the expansion of democratic space and help in building multiculturalism in Malaysia. Some of the significant milestones for AWAM are as follows : > 1987 : Citizens Against Rape ( 1st Camplaign ) > 1989 : Amendments to laws relating to rape > 1994 : Enactment of the Domestic Violence Act > 1996 : Setting up of the One Stop Crisis Centre in Hospital Kuala Lumpur and subsequently, in all major government hospitals > 1999 : Introduction of the Code of Practice on the Prevention and Eradication of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace > 2004 : Citizens Against Rape (CAR 2nd Campaign)

Angkatan Zaman Mansang - AZAM / Angkatan Zaman Mansang (AZAM) which means a "Movement for Progress" is a non-profit and non-governmental organisation which seeks to facilitate development efforts in Sarawak through promoting development communication.

To contribute to national efforts to promote development consciousness and participation among the people, AZAM strives to achieve the following objectives:

To help motivate the people to play an active role in development; To promote understanding of government's policies and programmes among the people; and To assist the government in its nation-building programmes through promotion of understanding among the people by means of better communication and social interaction.

AZAM's target groups comprise community leaders, rural communities, youths and women, front liners and government servants, media practitioners, school children and the general public. Asian Institute for Development Communication - Aidcom PROFILE Established in 1986 with initiative and financial support from Unesco, the Asian Institute for Development Communication (Aidcom) is an independent regional, non-profit media organisation accredited to the United Nations. Based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Aidcom carries out activities throughout the Asia Pacific region (including Malaysia and ASEAN Countries) and is mandated to promote the role of mass media and communication with a view to strengthening the development process in a civil society. Aidcom works closely in many countries in the Asia-Pacific with national, regional and international media organizations. The mandate of Aidcom includes sensitizing the media through conferences, seminars, forums, colloquiums, training workshops, and research in various aspects of development. Its mandate also covers development of communication management skills and integration of communication support into development projects. The formation and establishment of Aidcom was in response to the need to develop a communication support system for effective management of sectorial development programme. OUR STRENGTHS Organising conferences, seminars, trainings and workshops anywhere in the Asia Pacific region on a wide range of issues from the media through the environment, human rights, press freedom, gender, population and culture.

Developing and implementing training packages with special reference to the media. Developing projects in relation to economic, health, cultural and social issues, reproductive health, and others. Undertaking communication research and monitoring. Liaising with national and international agencies and maintaining collaborative efforts in the field of development communication. Providing communication and advisory support services to NGOs as well as to policymakers, government and international agencies. Maintaining continued collaboration with stakeholders in introducing communication strategies.

STAFF Aidcom staff consists of consultants and specialists from various parts of Asia and the Pacific who possess expertise in the field of communication and development. Aidcom also has a group of internationally renowned resource persons on its roster who advise in all training and publications. SOURCE OF FUNDING Aidcom is a non-profit and non-governmental organization run by professionals and experts in the field of communication, journalism and development drawn from the Asia-Pacific region. Aidcom is financially supported by various international organizations and United Nations agencies. It does not receive any funds from Malaysian or any other national government. Occasionally, it raises a very modest fund through publications and specialized training courses for media. BENEFICIARIES OF AIDCOMS ACTIVITIES Aidcom regularly undertakes activities which are designed to reach and sensitise people from all walks of societies, whenever or wherever such needs arise. The prime beneficiaries of Aidcoms multi-farious and multi-disciplinary activities are journalists, communicators, women, youth and children, media relations executives as well as media-related personnel and other non-governmental organizations. ISSUES COVERED Aidcoms multi-farious and multi-disciplinary programmes and activities are connected to issues and subjects such as the following:

Media and its Role in Development Media Relations Development Communication / Journalism Environment and Sustainable Development Women in Development Gender Youth and Children Health and Population Human Rights Press Freedom Economics Reproductive Health & HIV / AIDS Communication Research Qualitative Research Information Technology

CONFERENCES, SEMINARS AND WORKSHOPS In accordance with our vision and mission, Aidcom has conducted numerous conferences, seminars, workshops, symposiums and colloquiums on issues which contribute to the

national concerted efforts on capacity building of our labour force, as stated in our national Five-Year Malaysia Development Plans to increase productivity and efficiency in the use of labour as well as strengthening the human resource base for sustained economic growth of Malaysia

Badan Warisan Malaysia - Heritage Foundation of Malaysia

Badan Warisan Malaysia has played a distinctive role in the promotion of the preservation and conservation of Malaysias built heritage since our formation in 1983 as a Non-Government Organisation, concerned with the conservation and preservation of Malaysias built heritage. We are a voluntary organisation with charity status i.e. tax exemption. Our members have been involved in the preservation of significant built heritage structures and sites throughout the country including Rumah Bomoh and Rumah Kutai in Perak, Gedung Raja Abdullah in Kelang, Selangor, Istana Tengku Long in Terengganu, Mesjid Merbok Pengkalan Kakap in Kedah and the Central Market in Kuala Lumpur. In 1995, Badan Warisan Malaysia restored and adapted a 1925 colonial bungalow into a Heritage Centre with exhibition, seminar, specialist resource centre and meeting facilities. This is keeping with our belief that the built environment is a reflection of our national identity and thus be should be conserved for the future. We continue to urge public and private owners to conserve and preserve historic buildings and environments; in addition, we promote their sympathetic adaptation to new uses, so as to ensure their future viability and relevance. Current projects include a model restoration of an early shophouse in the historic core of Malacca and developing an interpretation programme for heritage sites in Kuala Lumpur through a heritage trails publication and information signboards. We are also promoting a hands-on programme for educators and young people to rediscover the architectural and cultural roots for their own towns and cities.

to CREATE AWARENESS and PUBLIC SUPPORT for conservation so as to ensure the survival of our built heritage to INFLUENCE POLICY so as to create a conservation-friendly environment to PROMOTE EDUCATION so as to develop an understanding of our built heritage as an expression of our history and identity to be a TECHNICAL RESOURCE as the national knowledge-base for conservation skills to BUILD a strong, involved and committed MEMBERSHIP to achieve and sustain FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE

Bah Community Of Malaysia

The Bah Faith revolves around three central Figures; the first was a youth named Mirza Ali-Muhammad, known as The Bab (means Gate), Who in May 1844 at the age of 25, advanced the claim of being the Herald Who, according to earlier Sacred Scriptures, came to prepare the way for the advent of the Promised One and initiate a new cycle in the religious history of mankind. Swift and severe persecutions were mounted against Him and His followers by those who saw Him as a threat to their power and prestige. The Bb and His followers were arrested, imprisoned, tortured and finally on July 9, 1850 He was executed in the public square of the city of Tabriz. Some 20,000 of His followers perished in a series of massacres throughout Persia. The second was Bahullh (means Glory of God). He was born as Mirza Husayn-Ali in Mazindarin, Persia in 1817. His advent was foretold by the Bab. By the same forces of ignorance and fanaticism, He was

imprisoned, banished to Baghdad from His native land, exiled again to Constantinople and Adianople and finally to the Penal colony of Akka. He was incarcerated for no less than 24 years in that desolate city, where He passed away in 1892. His remains are interred in the Haram-i-Aqdas (the Most Holy Sanctuary) in the

vicinity of Acre, Israel.

The third, 'Abdul-Bah (means Servant of God) was the eldest son of Bahullh, appointed by Him as His lawful successor, authorized interpreter of His writings and refered to Him as the Perfect Exemplar to whom all Bahs should turn to for guidance and example. He was born Abbas Effendi in May 1844 the very same night of the Babs declaration as Herald to Bahullh. Since early childhood his life had been closely associated with His Father. He shared His exile and imprisonments from a child of 8 years until His release at the age of 64 in 1908. His personification of the many qualities expounded in Bahullhs teachings earned Him the affectionate titles of Master. Abdul-Bah played a key role in explaining the world-embracing vision of His Father, visiting the western world of Europe and America and laying the foundation for the transformation of the world into a global community. He was knighted by the British government after World War One. He passed away on 28 November 1921. 'Abdul-Bahs oldest grandson, Shoghi Effendi Rabbani was appointed by Him as the Guardian of the Faith. As Guardian, Shoghi Effendi was the authorised interpreter of the Bah teachings. He was born in Acre in 1897 and spent most of his childhood with Abdul-Bah. He was educated in Beirut and later at Oxford

University in London. He was conferred this leadership as a youth of 24 years and dedicated the rest of his life to expanding the Bah community and establishing the Bah institutions across the world. Shoghi Effendis clear vision of the Bah Faith and his certainty of its ultimate triumph helped to invigorate a generation of believers, who, though few in number, were responsible for spreading Bahullhs healing message to all parts of the world The Malaysian Bah Community shares the diversity of the multi-ethnic non-Muslim population, from among whom are from the Indian, Chinese, Eurasians and the indigenous people of the Peninsula, Sabah and Sarawak. The Bah Faith was brought to the shores of Malaya in the early 1950s by a Bah couple of Farsi origin, Dr. and Mrs. K. M. Fozdar. In 1953 a renowned artist, Mr. Yan Kee Leong accepted the Faith and the first Bah community was subsequently established in Seremban. This was followed by other Bah communities in Melaka, Penang, Alor Star and Kuala Lumpur. In 1964 the first National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahs of Malaysia was elected

Balai Rakyat == BCSDM - Business Council for Sustainable Development in Malaysia

Befrienders Kuala Lumpur, The - Befriender - Free, confidential counselling for the depressed & suicidal

Borneo Research Council - BRC

CETREE - Universiti Sains Malaysia' Centre for Education & Training in Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency

Centre for Environment, Technology and Development, Malaysia - CETDEM

Center for Orang Asli Concerns COAC - Information on the indigenous minority peoples

Charity-Net Malaysia

Consumers Association Of Penang - CAP

Eastern Regional Organisation For Planning & Housing - EAROPH

ERA Consumer Malaysia - Education & Research Association For Consumers Malaysia

FFPAM - Federation of Family Planning Associations, Malaysia

FOMCA - Federation of Malaysian Consumers Associations (Gabungan PersatuanPersatuan Pengguna Malaysia)

Force of Nature Aid Foundation - Charitable organisation helping survivors of natural disasters, tsunami victims /

Global Peace Mission GPM - Misi Keamanan Sejagat MKS

HAKAM - National Human Rights Society - Persatuan Kebangsaan Hak Asasi Manusia

HATI - The online welfare, charity and community resources portal

HINDRAF - Hindu Rights Action Force

Hospis Malaysia International Council on Management of Population Programmes

ISIS - Institute of Strategic & International Studies

JERIT - Jaringan Rakyat Tertindas - Coalition of the Oppressed People

JUST - International Movement for a Just World

Kumpulan Aktivis Media Independen KAMI - Independent Media Activist Group

Malaysian AIDS Foundation

Malaysian CARE - Malaysian Christian Association for Relief

Malaysia Crime Prevention Foundation MCPF - Yayasan Pencegahan Jenayah Malaysia

Malaysian National Animal Welfare Foundation - MNAWF

Malaysian Nature Society - MNS

Malaysian Red Crescent Society - Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah Malaysia

Malaysian Volunteer Fire & Rescue Association - MVFRA

Malaysian Youth Council MYC - Majlis Belia Malaysia MBM

Mercy Malaysia - Malaysian Medical Relief Society. A medical volunteer relief organization

MTUC - Malaysian Trade Union Congress

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