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Temporary Conclusions

A Cosmological Spectrum of Paradoxes Human Images and Natural Reality Science and Religion Separation and Union

This paper has been written with common words only. Therefore, not requiring you to have a dictionary near by in order to decipher its meaning. In all my studies of the deep and mysterious questions, my largest concern was the over use of big words by scholarly people. My aim is to write my points down in a clear manner as to communicate to a wider audience. Many important points have been ignored by the public at large simply because of wording.

Human Images and Natural Reality

Human beings have a developing Consciousness. We are always trying to figures things out, there by resolving with ever more clarity our Minds Eye or our Consciousness. It seems the more Consciousness an animal develops, the more it must develop it further or else that very Consciousness will destroy itself along with the organism. I am not going to be talking on the Consciousness of the past. I simply want to focus on the current state of our Consciousness as of 2012. To clarify what I mean by Consciousness. No longer are we limited to our local newspaper or a magazine printed only in a specific country when it comes to learning. One can learn just about anything they want via the Internet. Anyone can learn anything they want, given enough time. The Internet can be looked upon as the collection of all ideas, good and bad that Human beings have thus come up with. Only the deepest and darkest of secrets are unknown to the vast Internet, such as some governments affairs and some individual personal affairs. But, on the whole, The Internet has become a Mirror or Reflection of ourselves. It represents our immense Collective Knowledge and Goings on. Including our greatness as well as our horror. I will refer to this Knowledge as our current Human Consciousness. This Consciousness could be called a Cosmic Collective Consciousness, but for simplicity we will just refer to it as our current Human Consciousness. Consciousness has at present developed three basic arrangements. Mathematics, Literature and the Arts. We have discovered everything from particles of the

Atom, Complex Chemistry that arranges these Atoms into patterns the give rise to Biology and Geography. We have discovered important Laws of Nature like Gravity, Electro-magnetism and Atomic forces with an amazing range and scope, from the nanometer to the Light Year. When it comes to Human Nature, we have developed many Religions that try to define morality and whether or not there is some purpose to existence at all. Unfortunately, there is a negative side to having a developing Consciousness. We are currently living in the most dangerous and most prosperous of times. We are poisoning every Natural System on our planet. We also possess the technology to correct this poisoning. If you want to know more about the answers to population control, food production, energy production and living more in tune with Nature you can consult the Internet. What will determine the probability of our survival completely depends on how well the Images in our Minds Match up with the Laws or Patterns of Nature. Nature is constantly flowing and in every possible direction and speed. If we are not able to match up the Images in our Minds with the Reality of Nature, we will stupidly replace the Harmonious Natural Patterns with the inaccurate Images of our Minds. In other words, the more we meddle with Natural Patterns that took Billions of years to evolve Life than the more pressure there is for the Images of the Human Mind to keep things running for our survival in the long run. It is obviously a scary thought to think we can control Nature with Images in our heads that we think to be good enough to work as good or better than Mother Earth. Many people, white people or non natives, believed they could harness and control Nature in order to reap Mother Earth for all her resources. But, as the Images in our Minds begin revealing to us, by the Internet and Nature itself, technologically advanced cultures are beginning to think twice about trying to replace Natural Patterns with mere Human Images that seem to be unrefined and are disrupting the Natural Patterns that sustain all life. It is much better to understand Natures existing Patterns than to arrogantly believe we can make up the rules as we go based on the inaccurate Images in our Minds. For the Images in our Minds will never be able to with 100% absolute accuracy replicate or predict what Natural processes are really at work. The human mind is simply not equipped to process the infinite amount of variables and at the unpredictable pace that Nature operates at. This is why Science is so vital. Science does not prejudge or even declare any observations to be 100% certain. The Scientific method of thought is currently the best way to match what we think to be factual with what Natural Patterns

reveal. Through science all Human Images (ideas) are double triple checked and by multiple parties spanning nationality and race. Science may tells us if what we are thinking matches up with Nature.

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