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Metals and chemicals are the basis of the metal finishing industry.

The toughtkess use, release or dumping of chemical residues and effluent can effect a wide range of environmental species, as welll as causing serious human health effect . some effect occur immidiately, others may take some years to manivet themselves. Often pollution and helath effect are closely limited. Common process, and the chemicals used are summarized in annex c. It is important to stress that irrespective of their measured level of toxicity, all chemicals must be treated with respect. Most chemicals are toxic if their exposure is high enough, and all chemicals in large amounts. Information on chemical hazards, on pollution and on management option to avoid these effect is now available through handsbook and information networks. Most process which involve the use of chemicals should be examined for their propensity to cause pollution. Loss of chemicals can occur from rinsing operation, from spills, or the discarding of spent solutions. In a few instances even the products from the industry may be enviromental concern, eg . object plated with cadmium. While waste water treatment will greatly reduce quantities of pollutans reaching the environment. It is also now realized such treatment can itseld lead to some environmental problems if not carefully done. In some cases the sludges resulting from waste water treatment are considered hazrdous wastes- by regularly authorities, die to their high metal concentrations reduction of such secondary sources of pollution can only be achieved when a comprehensive approach to wate management, preferably based on waste avoidance principles is adopted withih a company. A number of ancillary operations may also give rise to loss of chemicals to the environment. These include : Storage of chemicals Transfer and handling of chemicals Wastewater treatment and discharge Discharge from process control laboratories Disposal of residues Re-use or disposal of empty chemical container

2.2 enviromental effects Chemical pollutans can cause a wide variety of environmental effects. These effects may vary from one target species to another, and also depend on the particular pathway that a chemical takes in the environment. Human are particulary important targets of course, but many other parts of the environment are also susceptible to the toxic effect of chemicals.

With respect to the work place it is useful to identify a number of common hazard. Corrosive chemicals such a acids and alkalis eat away at tissues and materials, eg reaction tanks. Strong oxidizing agents may cause burns, or cause fires if they come into cntact with paper, packaging materials, timber, or textiles. Large quantities of flammable materials are fire hazar dan sometimes cause explosions. Many solvent are flammable. With respect to human health and animal and plant life, the following terms are often encountered. Toxicity refers to poisoning of living things and can be immediate (acute), or can manifest itself after long periods of time (chronic) . many chemicals such as heavy metals tend to gradually accumulate the body and may begin to show effects only years after exposure begun. Only rarely can sickness then be prevented form proceeding. Cancer producing properties of chemicals (carcionegenicity) and their potential to alter genetic codes (mutagenicity) are normally counted among the toxic properties. With respect to the environment it is useful to have an understanding of the following terms, pollutions refer to damage to the environment, or upset pf ecologial system. The routes in the environment trough which chemicals are distributed are callled enviromental pathways. Chemical can migrates in the environment from one compartement to the next: eg. From soil into water or from water into air . some materials and chemicals tend to degrade rapidly in the environment, others are more or less persistent and can over time migrate to new locations under the influence of natural force. Mertals tend to adsorb easily on surfaces like soil or sediments and show a considerable tendency to geo-accumulate. Many metals also have the abilty to bio-accumulate in plant or animal tissue. Sometimes they can reach such high concentrations there that consumption of the contaminated foodstuffs has to be regulated for the reasons of health.

The discharge of untreated metal finishing wastewaters to natural wasteways has contributed to water poluutions in many industrial region. As well as damaging natural ecosystems, the water has often become unfit for drinking. Fisheris may be directly destroyed, or their products rendered unfit for eating. Purification of ater to restore its use is generally expensive. To reduce problems of local pollution, many authorities provide a public sewerage system for wastewaters. However if such wastewaters are too concentrated, the discharge into public drains and sewer can still cause problems. Toxic chemicals can interfere with the purification process of treatment systems. Heavy metals contained in effluents often accumulate in the biological sewage sludge. If used as soil conditioners on farms, the contaminated sludge can pass the chemicals on to food lants or to animal feed. Many public authorities now regulate the discharge of effluents into the publc sewerage system to avoid such effects.

The storage and transportation of heavily contaminated sludges or wastewater may also pose some difficulties due to the composition or consistency of the materials. Hauling equipment and transfer operations should therefore pay particular attention to these needs.

Altoug many reagents in metal finishing are relatively non volatile , air pollution problem may still be important. Substansial quantities of acid fumes and mists may be released from some operations. Certain hazardous gases may be released from process reaction. The dumping of treatment sludges and chemical water into poorly located, badly constructed or carelessly managed landfill sites can lead to groundwater pollution problems. Obviously health and safety problems for workers can also result from such practice. Hazard from old waste dumps,a bandoned storage and plant sites are now well knowns and documented in many parts of the world. The high concentration of toxic chemicals sometimes found there have led to costly excavation programmes in order to prevent continued damage to health and the environment, Accident involving chemicals can be very serious matter. Prevention of accidents is far more effective and less costly than paying for the clean up and damehe after they have occured. Prevention menas installing equipment that is not accident prone, ensuring safe operating procedures, and having suitable emergency response procedurs in place. Proper training of personnnel is essential to ensure safe operating procedures. Recruitment of shop floor personnel should pay due regard to their need for safety training. Direct exposure of workers to chemical reagents and fumes can cause a number of long term illnesess. Severe exposure may cause acute illness, or even death. Unhygenic conditions at work and eating and smoking in the work place greatly contribute to the chance of exposure.

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