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TARAFLAR bu rn Tedarik Szlemesi (Szleme),

SUPPLY AGREEMENT 1. PARTIES This Supply Agreement (the Agreement) has been executed on [] by and between:

a. Trkiye Cumhuriyeti Kanunlar uyarnca a. nternet Be [], a company duly established kurulmu, merkezi [] adresinde olan nternet Be under the laws of Republic of Turkey, having its [] (irket), ile registered address at [] (the Company), and b. [] Kanunlar uyarnca kurulmu, merkezi [] b. [], a company duly established under the laws adresinde olan [] (Tedariki) of [], having its registered address at [] (the Supplier) arasnda [] tarihinde imzalanmtr. irket ve Tedariki ayr ayr Taraf, birlikte The Company and the Supplier shall individually Taraflar olarak anlacaktr. referred to as a Party, and collectively as the Parties. 2. Anlamann Konusu bu Szleme Tedariki tarafndan sunulan rn listesinde (rn Listesi) yer alan rnler arasndan irket tarafndan seilecek rnlerin (rn veya rnler) irkete ait www. [] adl web sitesi zerinden ve/veya fiziki ya da elektronik dier ortamlar zerinden ilan edecei ve sresini, eklini ve fiyatn kendisi belirleyecei kampanyalar veya baka suretle tketicilere (Tketici) yeniden satlmasna ve bu erevede Taraflarn karlkl hak ve ykmllklerinin dzenlenmesi amacyla akdedilmitir. 3. Taraflarn Hak ve Ykmllkleri 3.1 Tedariki rn Listesini ve rn bilgi ve detaylarn (rn kodu, rn ismi, rn modeli, rn barkod numaras, rn stok durumunu ve rn grsellerini) Szleme balangcnda irket ile elektronik ortamda (excel ve/veya xml dosya formatnda) paylaacaktr. Tedariki, szleme sresince, rn Listesini ve sz konusu bilgi ve detaylar gncelleyecektir. Tedariki, rnlerin bilgilerini irkete doru olarak vermek ile ykmldr. 2. Scope of the Agreement This Agreement has been executed in order to resale the products (the Product or Products), which are selected by the Company from the product list (Product List) presented by the Supplier, to consumers (the Consumers) on the Companys website www.[] and/or any other physical or electronic media by campaigns or any other means time, term and price of which are determined by the Company and determine the rights and obligations of the Parties within this scope. 3. Rights and Obligations of the Parties 3.1 The Supplier shall provide the Product List and information and details of the Products (code, name, model, barcode number, stock status and images of the Products) to the Company electronically (in excel and/or xml format) with the execution of the Agreement. The Supplier shall update such information, details and Product List during the term of the Agreement. The Supplier is obliged to provide accurate information regarding the Products to the Company.

3.2 rnlerin kutular zerinde barkod 3.2 Each Product shall have the barcode numbers bulunacaktr. Barkod basm ile ilgili tm on its package. The Supplier shall bear all costs giderler Tedariki tarafndan stlenilmitir. for printing the barcodes. 3.3 Tedariki rnleri orijinal kutusunda Trke
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3.3 The Supplier is obliged to deliver the goods in 1

kullanm talimat, garanti belgesi ile mevzuatn the original package with the Turkish user gerektirdii sair bilgi ve belgeleri, kutusu manual, guarantee certificate1 and any other ierisinde teslim etmek ykmllndedir. required information and documents. 3.4 Tedariki, irket tarafndan gnderilen sipari formunda (ipari Formu) belirtilenden eksik rn ya da hasarl rn gnderemez. Tedariki, belirttii stoklar karlamak ile ykmldr. Aksi halde Tedariki, eksik, hasarl ya da hi rn gnderilmemesi nedeniyle irketin urad tm zararlarn derhal tazmin edecektir. 3.5 Tedariki nc kiilere ait marka, lisans, logo ve benzeri fikri mlkiyet haklarn ihlal etmediini taahht eder. Tedariki rnler ile ilgili olarak herhangi bir fikri mlkiyet hakknn veya benzeri bir hakkn ihlali durumunda irketi her tr iddia ve benzeri tahkikattan ari tutacak, koruyacak ve irketin tm zarar ve masraflarn tazmin edecektir. 3.4 The Supplier shall not deliver damaged Products or less Products than in the purchase order (the Purchase Order) sent by the Company. The Supplier is obliged to provide the stated stocks. Otherwise, the Supplier shall immediately reimburse the damages incurred by the Company due to delivery of damaged and incomplete Product or non-delivery. 3.5 The Supplier guarantees that it does not infringe any third parties intellectual property rights such as trade mark, license, logo etc. The Supplier shall fully indemnify, protect and save harmless the Company from and against all claims, damages, expenses, actions or other proceedings arising or resulting from the infringement of any intellectual rights or any other protected rights in connection with the Products. 4. Purchase Delivery Order, Transportation and

4. Sipari Formu, Nakliyat ve Teslim 4.1 irket rn siparilerini (teyidli faks veya email ile) Tedarikiye Sipari Formu ile yazl olarak iletir. Sipari Formu irket tarafndan yazl olarak (teyidli faks veya e-mail ile) onaylanmadka balayc deildir. 4.2 Tedariki yazl olarak (teyidli faks veya email ile) kendisine gnderilen rn siparilerini, sipari tarihinden itibaren 24 saat iinde sipariin depo stoklarnda var olup olmadn yazl (faks veya e-mail ile) olarak cevaplayacaktr. Bu sreye hafta sonu (Cumartesi gn hari) ve Trkiyedeki resmi tatil sreleri dahil deildir.

4.1 The Company shall order the Products in writing (via confirmed receipt fax and or e-mail) by sending a Purchase Order to the Supplier. The Purchase Order shall not be binding unless confirmed by the Company in writing (via confirmed receipt fax and or e-mail). 4.2 The Supplier shall inform the Company in writing (via confirmed receipt fax and or e-mail) if the Products are in stocks within 24 hours as of receiving the Purchase Order. This 24 hour period does not include weekends (excluding Saturday) and official holidays in Turkey.

4.3 Tedariki rnleri irketin bildirecei depo 4.3 The Supplier shall deliver the Products to the adres veya adreslerinde ve depo mal kabul warehouses which will be specified by the saatlerinde teslim edecektir. Company within the delivery acceptance hours of such warehouse. 4.4 rnler irkete en ge 1 ubat 2012 tarihinde teslim edilecektir. 4.4 The Products shall be delivered to the Company on 1 February 2012 at latest.

4.5 rnlerin irket tarafndan teslim alnmasna 4.5 The Supplier shall bear the transportation, kadar olan nakliye, ykleme ve teslim masraflar, loading delivery costs, the risk of loss and hasar ve kayp riski ve rnlerin sigortas damages and insurance of the Products until the

BASEAK: Please note that, guarantee certificates should be signed and sealed/attested by the seller (Internet Bes) before the Products are delivered to the Consumers.
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Tedarikiye aittir. 4.6 irket,

delivery to the Company. 4.6 The Company shall have the right to refuse the delivery or return the Products by 10 (ten) days written prior notice in case: (i) the Products are defected or damaged;


rnlerin hasarl veya zarar grm olmas,

(ii) rnlerin kullanm amacna, taahht edilen (ii) the Products does not fit for the purpose of zellik ve standartlara, yrrlkteki kanun, use, meet the guaranteed specifications and ynetmelik ve koullara uymamas, ve standards and comply with all current laws, regulations and legal requirements; and (iii) Yrrlkteki mevzuat uyarnca nakliye ve teslimat srasnda bulundurulmas zorunlu sevk irsaliyesi, tama irsaliyesi, irsaliyeli fatura ve sair evrakn bulundurulmamas, durumlarnda rnleri teslim almaktan kanma veya teslim alnan rnleri 10 (on) gn iinde yazl olarak bildirmek suretiyle iade etme hakkn haizdir. 5. Fiyat ve deme 5. Payment and Price (iii) lack of consignment invoice, transportation bill, delivery bill and any other documents required for transportation and delivery under the current laws and regulations,

5.1 bu Szleme konusu rnlerin toplam 5.1 The total price of the Products which are fiyat [] (ltfen yazyla belirtiniz) TLdir. subject to this Agreement is TL [] (please insert the amount in writing). 5.2 irket faturada belirtilen tutar rnlerin ilgili depo tarafndan teslim alnmasnn onaylanmasn takip eden 90 (doksan) gn ierisinde aada detaylar belirtilen hesaba havale yoluyla gerekletirir. Banka: ube ad: Hesap sahibi: IBAN: 5.2 The Company shall the pay the amount stated in the invoice upon 90 (ninety) days following the confirmation of the receipt of the Products by the warehouse to the nominated bank account which is detailed below by electronic funds transfer. Bank: Branch: Name: IBAN:

5.3 Fatura, dzenlenme tarihi, fatura numaras, 5.3 The Invoice must contain the date of issue, rn detaylar, irsaliye numaras, tutar ve the invoice number, Product details, delivery note demenin yaplaca yer detaylarn iermelidir. number, invoice amount, date for payment, and details of where the payment is to be made. 5.4 irket rnlerin %20sini (yzde yirmi) 1 5.4 The Company shall have the right to return Temmuz 2012 tarihine kadar herhangi bir tarihte 20% (twenty percent) of the Products for the price alm olduu fiyattan iade etme hakkn haizdir. the Company bought for at any time until July 1st 2012. [6. Mnhasrlk [6. Exclusivity

Tedariki, Trkiye Cumhuriyeti snrlar dahiline, The Supplier hereby accepts, declares and rnleri 31 Aralk 2012 tarihine kadar elektronik undertakes not supply the Products to any other
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yolla ticaret yapan baka hibir irkete tedarik company dealing with e-commerce and allow etmemeyi ve online satna izin vermemeyi online selling until December 31 2012, within the kabul, beyan ve taahht eder.] boundaries of Republic of Turkey.] 7. Gizlilik Tedariki, ibu Szlemenin ifas srasnda veya ifas ile balantl olarak kendisinin ya da personelinin rendii irketin i ve faaliyetlerine ilikin her trl bilgi ve veriyi gizli tutacaktr. 7. Confidentiality The Supplier shall keep confidential any and all information and data concerning Company's business or its activities that may come to the knowledge of the Supplier or its staff during or in connection with the execution of this Agreement. Complaints and Right of

8. Tketici ikayetleri ve Tketicilerin Cayma 8. Customer Hakkn Kullanmas Withdrawal 8.1 rnler ile ilgili olarak 4077 sayl Tketicinin Korunmas Hakkndaki Kanun ve Tketici Mevzuatndan doan tm sorumluluk ve ykmllk Tedarikiye aittir. irket, sz konusu hususta kanunen kendisine yneltilebilecek talepleri Tedarikiye rcu edebilecektir. 8.2 Tketiciler tarafndan irkete cayma hakk kapsamnda 7 (yedi) gn ierisinde veya aypl olduu iddia edilerek iade edilen veya aypsz ile deitirilmesi istenen rnlere ilikin olarak Tedariki ibu Szleme sresince ve ibu Szleme feshedilse dahi rnn Tketiciye tesliminden iribaren 120 (yz yirmi) gn ierisinde rnleri iade almay kabul, beyan ve taahht eder. 9. Szlemenin Sresi ve Sona Ermesi 9.1 bu Szleme imza tarihinden itibaren [1 Aralk 2013] tarihine kadar geerlidir. Sz konusu srenin sona ermesiyle Szleme kendiliinden herhangi bir bildirime gerek kalmakszn sona erer. 9.2 rnlerin Tedariki tarafndan ge teslim edilmesi halinde irket ya ibu Szlemeyi yazl bildirimde bulunmak artyla derhal feshetme hakknda sahip olacaktr ya da geciken her gn iin al bedelinden % 0,5 orannda iskonto uygulama hakknda sahip olacaktr. bu maddede dzenlenen haklar irketin dier tazminat haklarna halel getirmeyecektir. 10. Uygulanacak Hukuk

8.1 The Supplier shall be responsible from all liabilities and obligations arising from Consumer Protection Law numbered 4077 and Consumer Regulations. The Company shall have the right to recourse to the Supplier for all legal claims with this respect. 8.2 The Supplier guarantees and undertakes to accept the request of return or change the defective Products, which will be returned by the Consumer due to defects or in 7 (seven) days within the scope of the right of withdrawal, during this Agreement or within 1202 (one hundred and twenty) days upon the delivery of the Products to the Customer in case the Agreement is terminated. 9. Term and Termination of the Agreement 9.1 This Agreement shall be valid until December [1, 2013]. The Agreement shall automatically terminate at the end of this period without being subject to any prior notice. 9.2 In case of a late delivery of the Products by the Supplier, the Company shall either have the right to terminate the Agreement upon written notification with immediate effect or have the right to reduce the purchase price by 0.5 % per delayed day. The rights set forth herein are without prejudice to any indemnification right of the Company. 10. Applicable Law

10.1 bu Szleme, veya bununla balantl 10.1 This Agreement, and any non-contractual 2
BASEAK: Please note that, the Consumer has certain rights pursuant to Consumer Protection Law. For instance consumers have the right to return the products in thirty days. However, we envisaged 120 days because the conflicts generally take time.
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