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Victoria Piceno Mr. Allman AP American History Period 9 30 September 2011 Essay DBQ Ch.

3 Although New England and those along the Chesapeake were both British colonies, they were not necessarily the similar. The British colonies of New England and those along the Chesapeake differed in immigrant and environment, resulting in contrasting colonial societies. The immigrants of the British colonies of New England found Puritanism to be essential part of their lives. Case in point, the immigrants of the British colonies of New England had argued, when in England, for reviving communities by placing reformed Christian congregations at their core to monitor the behavior of individuals. In A Modell of Christian Charity, John Winthrop states that we must be willing to abridge ourselves of our superfluities, for the supply of others necessities. Showing how Puritans believed individuals were not as important as the greater good. Although, John Winthrop may have written with an extra sense of Puritan belief, because he wanted to use A Modell of Christian Charity to show the entire world their vision of a relationship with God. In New England they stressed the importance of puritanical concepts. For instance, in The Mason Children, the painting depicts three Puritan children, 2 girls and one boy, with on girl holding a rose to symbolize innocence. The surrounding environment in New England was divided, as shown in The First Map by the north and west being separated by boundaries of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

The British colonies along the Chesapeake were interactive with slaves. In Bromleys tobacco label it depicts working slaves in Virginia, cultivating tobacco as well as smoking it. Showing how slaves were a part of the society among those along the Chesapeake. The label is Piceno 2 not necessarily used to promote tobacco to slaves, but to give the idea of how if slaves can use tobacco then surely anyone else should be able to. Slaves were part of society along the Chesapeake mainly in assisting. In the painting Alexander Spotswood Payne and His Brother, John Robert Dandridge Payne, with Their Nurse exhibits a slave taking care of colonists children. The reason for the immigrants in British colonies along the Chesapeake was because of their close proximity in environment with one another. As shown in the map of Virginia, there was densely settled territories making the immigrants more tolerate of one another. The British colonies of New England and those along the Chesapeake had different colonial societies. The British colonies along the Chesapeake were more tolerate of slaves than New England. It is proven in African as a Percentage of Total population of the British Colonies by those along the Chesapeake having three times more amount of slaves then New England. This in turn made the British colonies along the Chesapeake more profitable than the British colonies of New England because they were able to more slaves in work, creating more goods. This was recorded in Value of Colonial Exports by Region, Annual Average expressing how New England made less then half of what those along the Chesapeake made. The British colonies of New England and those along the Chesapeake vary in many ways by immigrants and environment.

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