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Civil law- 1)legal system developed from Roman codified law, established by a state for its regulation 2) Area of the law concerned with non-criminal matters, rights, and remedies 2. Common law legal system which is the foundation of the legal systems of most of the English speaking countries of the world, based on customs, usage and court decisions ( also case law, judge-made law) 3. Criminal law- area of the law which deals with crimes and their punishments, including fines, and/or imprisonment (also penal law) 4. Directive order from a central authority, for example, the European Community. A European Community Directive is binding as to the result, but each Member State may choose how to implement it. 5. Bill- formal proposal for legislation 6. Statue formal written law created by a legislative body such as a parliament, as opposed to a law created through the courts 7. Ordinance (US) municipal law (UK by- law) 8. Regulation- order controlling through rules or restrictions 9. Appellate court ( or court of appeals, appeals court)- this is where a case is reviewed which has already been heard in a lower court 10. Crown court this is where serious criminal cases are heard by a judge and jury in the UK 11. High court- this is usually the highest court in a jurisdiction, the court of last resort 12. Juvenile court this is where a person under the age of 18 would be tried 13. Lower court- this is the court of primary jurisdiction, where a case is heard for the first time 14. Magistrates court this is where small crimes are tried in the UK 15. Moot court this is where law students argue hypothetical cases 16. Small-claims court- this is where cases involving a limited amount of money are handled 17. Tribunal this is where a group of specially chosen people examine legal problems of a particular type, such as employment disputes 18. Judge public official who has the authority to hear and decide cases 19. Claimant(UK), plaintiff, (US)- person who initiates a civil lawsuit 20. Clerk - employee who takes records, files papers and issues processes 21. Defendant/ respondent person who is sued in a civil lawsuit 22. Reasonably prudent person hypothetical person who uses good judgment or common sense in handling practical matters; such a persons actions are the guide in determining whether an individuals actions were reasonable 23. Expert witness- person who has specialised knowledge of a particular subject who is called to testify in court 24. Appellant(UK), petitioner (US)- person who appeals a decision to a higher court 25. Advocate- person who pleads cases in court 26. Bailiff officer of the court whose duties include keeping order and assisting the judge and jurors 27. Capitalisatoin- act of providing capital for a company through the issuance of securities 28. Memorandum of association (UK), articles of incorporation (US)- legal document that sets out the important elements of the corporation , including its name, address objects

and powers. It Is one the two fundamental documents upon which registration of a company is based 29. Authorized share capital (UK), authorized shares (US), - total amount of stock a company may offer to its shareholders. It is also known as nominal capital 30. Subscriber person who has purchased stock in the company by an agreement 31. Issued share capital shares of a company that are held by shareholders 32. Ordinary shares (UK), common shares(US)- shares that carry voting rights and dividends entitlements and which are the most common form of shares 33. Preference shares (UK), preferred shares (US)- shares that are given preference in dividend entitlements over ordinary shares, but usually do not carry any voting rights 34. Dividend distribution of company profits to its shareholders 35. Share subdivision (UK), stock split (US) exchange of a multiple of new shares for each old share such that shareholding are in the same proportion afterwards 36. Share consolidation (UK), reverse (stock) split (US) proportional exchange of existing shares in the corporation for a fewer number of shares, each with greater value 37. Pre- emption rights (UK), preemptive rights( US)- rights of shareholders to maintain their proportionate ownership in a company by purchasing newly issued stock before it is offered to the public 38. Special resolution - resolution on major decisions of a company at a general meeting that must be passed by a certain majority, usually 75 % 39. Rights issue offer to existing shareholders to purchase additional new shares in the company 40. Loan capital form of long-term borrowing 41. Debentures (UK), Secured debt instrument (USA) instrument issued under seal which evidences adept or security for loan or fixed sum of money; long term dept not secured by any particular asset but rather by the general earning capacity of the company 42. Fixed charge (UK), Security interest in specific assets (USA) grant of security for a loan on a specific asset or on specific asset whereby the creditor has first claim to recover upon default by the debtor. 43. Floating charge (UK), Floating lien (USA) form of security interest or the debtors assets which may change on a daily basis, such as a stock; a grant of security for a loan on the companys assets in general, and not on any specific assets. 44. Authorised share capital maximum number of shares that a company can issue a specified in the firms memorandum of association 45. Dividend part of a companys profits paid to shareholders 46. Issued share capital proportion of authorised, which has been issued to shareholders in the form of shares 47. Ordinary share type of share in a company that entitles the shareholders to voting rights and dividends 48. Pre-emption rights entitlement entailing that, when new shares are issued this must first be offered to existing shareholders in proportion to their existing holdings 49. Preference share type of share that gives rights of priority as to dividends, as well as priority over other shareholders in a companys winding-up 50. Right issue offer of additional share to existing shareholders in proportion to their holdings, to raise money for the company 51. Subscriber someone who agrees to buy shares or other securities

52. Ordinary share: Standard shares with voting rights Potential to give the highest financial gains; pro-rata right to dividends Bear highest risk Ordinary shareholders are the last to be paid if the company is wound up 53. Preference share: Usually not voting rights Have a fixed dividends; shareholders has no rights to receive an increase dividend based on increased business profits Low risk; rights to their dividends ahead of ordinary shareholders if the business is in trouble Preference shareholders are repaid the par value of shares ahead of ordinary shareholders if the company wound-up 54. A motion was filed by the board of directors to dismiss the case 55. The chairman warned that if investors were asked for more money, they might exercise their option to sale their shares. 56. The Chief Executive resigned when the board tried to exercise greater control over the company bankruptcy plan 57. The company is expected to restrict its spending while its markets remain weak 58. Financial benefits accrue(d) to the owners and operators of the factories as well as to the shareholders 59. A company spokeswoman advised shareholders to exercise caution on their share dealings until the further announcement is made 60. One important Commercial Code provision may restrict some of the freedom of directors to grant options without shareholders approval 61. The annual general meeting has authority to draw up or amend the constitution and to elect or dismiss member directors of the board 62. Thereto to it/that 63. Thereon on it/them 64. Thereof of it/them 65. Therewith with that 66. Therefor for it/that 67. Therein in or into a particular place or thing 68. In my opinion 69. The way I see, it ... 70. To my mind 71. In my view 72. If you ask me 73. From my point of view 74. As far as Im concerned, 75. I think 76. It seems to me that 77. I firmly believe 78. For me 79. I would argue that

80. Asset dividend equity share 81. Irrespective of regardless of conversely despite 82. Discretionary mandatory obligatory compulsory 83. Entail suggest involve imply 84. Consequently therefor therefore accordingly 85. Relinquish cede waive postpone 86. Initially, company capitalisation takes place through the issuance of shares. 87. A company may authorise capital in excess of the mandatory minimum share capital but refrain from issuing all of it until a later date or at all 88. It return for the privilege of limited liability under law, shareholders power a generally restricted 89. Someone with ownership rights in a company can express their disappointment with the companys performance by either getting rid of their shares or in some way expressing their concern 90. With the Anglo-Saxon one-tier board, managing executives are also represented on the board, and all directors, executives as well as non-executive are appointed by the controlling shareholders and must answer to the annual meeting 91. The shares shall be divided into preferred to consist of 5.000 shares 92. having a par value, and common, to consist of 20,000 shares without par value 93. Dependent independent 94. Likely unlikely 95. Respective irrespective 96. Legal illegal 97. Normal abnormal 98. Limited unlimited 99. Restricted unrestricted 100. Direct indirect 101. Formal informal 102. Comparable incomparable 103. Issue Issuance 104. Pre-empt Pre-emption 105. Refuse Refusal 106. Consolidate Consolidation 107. Divide Division 108. Resolve Resolution 109. Diversify Diversification 110. Amend Amendment 111. Rely (on) Reliance 112. Stipulate specify proscribe prescribe 113. Succeeding elapsing ensuring subsequent 114. Responsibility duty discretion obligation 115. Prior previous prerequisite preceding 116. Margin leeway latitude interpretation 117. Preclude permit forestall prevent 118. Administrate administration administrator 119. Audit audit auditor

120. Liquidate liquidation liquidator 121. Perpetrate perpetration perpetrator 122. Appoint appointment 123. Assume assumption 124. Authorise authorization 125. Form formation 126. Issue issuance/ issuing issuer 127. Omit omission 128. Provide provision provider 129. Redeem redemption redeemer 130. Require requirement 131. Resolve resolution 132. Transmit transmission transmitter 133. Auditor person appointed by the company to examine the company's accounts and to report to the shareholders annually on the accounts 134. Company secretary - company's chief administrative officer, whose responsibilities include accounting and finance duties, personnel administration and compliance with employment legislations, security of documentation insurance and intellectual property rights 135. Director - person elected by the shareholders manage the company and decide its general policy 136. Liquidator person appointed by a court, the company or its creditors to wind-up the companys affairs 137. Managing director - company director responsible for the day-to-day operation of the company 138. Official receiver officer of the court who commonly act as a liquidator of a company being wound-up by the court 139. Promoter - person engaged in developing or taking the initiative to form a company (arranging capital, obtaining personnel, making arrangements for filing corporate documentation) 140. Proxy person appointed by a shareholders to attend and vote at a meeting in his/her place when the shareholders is unable to attend 141. Receiver - person appointed by creditors to oversee the repayment of debts 142. Shareholder - member of the company by virtue of an acquisition of shapes in a company

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