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High school science teacher and education (STKIP) H AMZANWADI Selong fromHamzanwadi university scie nce education faculty,

was established by TGKH.MuhammadZainuddin Abdul Maj id in 1977. then obtain registered status on 18 August 1984. STKIP HAMZANWADI Selong aims to prepare students to become undergraduateeducation students who fro fesional In future developments STKIP HAMZANWADI Selong d ituntut to conform with public universities, for it STKIP HAMZANWADI Selong work to improve the status of belomaccredited in 1999 became accredited in 2000. In addition STKIP campus also consists of three levels, t he green color of the exterior wallsand the bottom floor in front of the class there is a garden decorated with various kinds offlowers and have a wide range of facilities that can be used by students or students. one of which he has laboratory space. And behind the newly built campus STKIP also a buildingcalled a white stage, there venue for major events such as Hultah NWDI. And dikampus STKIP have many male and female students who study there, becausemany who admired

him. therefore STKIP want to build another building in order toaccommodate the number of male and female students who each year more and morewho want their studies here


STKIP Hamzanwadi Selong was originally named the Faculty of Education University founded by TGKH Hamzanwadi Selong Zainuddin Muhammad Majid in 1977. In that year also set its name to College of Education (STIP) Hamzanwadi Selong. But by January 1, 1978 its name was changed to STKIP Hamzanwadi Selong. Initially these institutions hold only one department - Science Education with courses Educational Psychology and Guidance (PPB) level three diploma programs (D3) and Strata One (S1). Then acquire the status of 'registered' in 1984. Ditahun 1987/1988 STKIP Hamzanwadi open new courses and majors D3 levels: (1).Department of Mathematics and Science Education Programs Education Studies with Mathematics and Biology

(2). IPS with the Department of Education Educational Studies Program History (3). Department of Education and Language Arts with Education Studies Program and the Regional Language Literature Indonesia and English Education. The fifth course is to obtain the status of 'registered' in 1990. On October 11, 1994 the Directorate General of Higher Education Department of Education and Culture held a permit STKIP Hamzanwadi S1 courses for all courses are held. Furthermore, ESD Studies Program (now the Program Guidance and Counselling) and 5 other courses have been accredited in 2000. STKIP has a dominant building color with the color green because it symbolizes the NWDI.bagunan STKIP one place with the school and Mualimat mua'limin and on the west campus there is a mosque of Al-abror place of worship for Muslims perform. in STKIP also have the White House a place to conduct activities or special occasions. STKIP there are three gates in front of him. STKIP memepunyai library room on the second floor to look for books that are needed. STKIP also been opened in Internet services for students and mahasisinya so easy for them to access and search tasks.

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