You are on page 1of 43

rate a . Loading caPacitY b . Pumping c . Pipingarrangements d .


RepaiYard |}1ldorJrittg


Londrg Veadng D&aflasting

DEcharying tG Operadons
CrudeOilWash*tg Aa$a*ittg

irnssnee LOADED
of Vernltlrg caryP7anks byP/VValves

Fig.7.2:A tankervoyagecycle
vis-a-vis of pollution the regirlated sizeof eachtankfor prevention MAR'OL 73l7ghas Ts to precaution 20'000 approximately' electricity of length a tankis 20%LBP' Themaximum i. ii.lfL>10%LBPor,l5mthetankwillhaveawashp|atebu|khead. oil a multi-grade tanker"Two pumprooms aft are Pumprooms oftenlocated if theshipis into cargoSpaces two or threeSecl divide so in evenbe located sucha manner as to .^.1 arran fanilil facili


and tank ballasting, cleaning even discharging, for loading

of isolation Parcels' complete

PLAN THECARGO for stowage a tanker: of are There twomethods planning Method Primary 1. load fromthe appropriate lineregulation. .rlated

etc.for the voyage. This givesthe total FW, stores, deductbunk'ers, Fromdeadweight ntityto be loaded. of under all conditions weight distribution Plan loadingto accountfor appropriate ding.

the withfactors. Multiply weightsby these sheets loading have"proforma" Vessels Moments. andBending Force readoutsof Shear rs to givedirect conditions to corresponding step-by-step A sequenceof loadingis completed ballast tanks. two tanksfirst,thosein between arrival located centrally ablee.g.Select
progress two otheremptytanks. loading out' and car r ied s de S i m u l t a n e o us b a l l a sti nig to b e p l anned is to End tanksare preferably be loadedafterdeballasting completed. The time factorwhere vapourcontrolis requiredis also to be taken into accountfor

methods. acement compression or

loadedtanker most often sags. An effectivebalancedloading A homogeneously and carriedout e.g. when heavycargoesare loaded,some tanks are am is calculated stresses to amidships reducesagging iredto be keptemptyand theseare usually SecondaryMethod methodon tankers: followed mostcommonly loadedcargo. of planning from the information a previously We commence to All vesselswill at least have basic data of their sea trials,ballasted fully loaded conditions. fromthe basicplan. of Stowage bunkersand freshwatermay then be compared purposes, are dealingwith a fully ladentankerand will be shifting we For all practical stageof loading. on by smallamountsof cargoesin her finalcompletion out so The calculations carried for her finalstagewouldbe:
TankNo. Old Cargo Quantity

NewCargo Quantity 1250 1450 1400 1550

Difference 150 100 200 50

Dist. Fr omCF +15 +10 -10 -15


4 I

1400 15 5 0 1600 1500

-2250 -1000
+20 0 0

2 3 4


out may calculations be carried accordingly' stability

until are the In practice calculations not completed a correctmomenthas been after Trim (MCTC) to Moment Change in will estimated'which result the required
tanks. is trimming carriedout from end-to-end


Trimming may also be carried by bunkers from for'd and aft tanks.

viii. Today tankers provided loadicators, all are with stress-finderscomputers. or ix. The leastwhich is expected from the tankerprofessional to feed the pr is
disposition weights into these equipmentand ensure that the hull will not of overstressed any stageof the loading at process. The foregoingpatternsof stowageplanningcontinuously requiresreference the to particulars, thoroughunderstanding the pipeline, a of valvesand all cargooperative whichis especially gradecargoes. essentialwhen dealing with variety

PORT OPERATIONS Thispartdeals withthe preparations procedures the arrival a tanker and for of in EXCHANGE INFORIIJIATION OF
General Beforethe tanker arrivesat the terminalthere should be an exchangeof infor necessary the followingmatters. on Tankerto the AppropriateCompetentAuthority

Information as required by International regional and national regulations recommendations. Tanker/Terminal information exchange
Over and above the routineexchangeof information the port control,the operatorhas to particular following tankeroriented information divulge: to Tankerto Terminal. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) Confirmation regards IGS beingoperational. with to in Oz concentration cargotanks. A n y t a nkcl e a n i n g q u i re me nts. re n M a n i f ol d e ta i l s, u mb e r si zeof r educer s, ater ial connections. & m of Cargostowage. Natureof slops& dirtyballast. Details lastcargocarried. of Methodof tank cleaning deployed. Stateof cargolines. if Partlyloadedcargodetails, any. pumpable rates. Maximum Toppingoff rate.

quantity nominations. acceptable Cargo of sequence loading. Preferred & temperaturesacceptability. Cargo methods. venting Proposed / vis-a-vis loading discharging / of time Approximate duration ballastingdeballasting time.
inalto Tanker:

anditsconnections. and Number sizeof hoses measurements. gaspressure for requirements cargo Inert information the for necessary considered at feature jetty,buoymooring Any particular tanker, tanksand due requirements to changeoffshore Any changeof crudeoil washing in reduction backpressure. corresponding arrangements. Slopreceipts Cargo specifications. / Preferred of sequence loadingdischarging. (Whether includes somecrude). cargo HzS of content crude procedures. Tankventing flashpoints, T.V.P., i.e. cargoes leadcontent, of Speqial characteristicssometypical pumps. Stand timefor stopping by rates. / loading discharging Proposed systems. Communication arm. of Limitations the movements the loading of pumpwhich maybe on stream Anybooster LOADING OF CTION SHIPTANKSPRIOR
the entering tanks,unlessit of cases,inspection the cargooil tanksare madewithout

by necessary are partyrequirements entrychecks deemed or undercharter

in requirements, whichcasegas free cargosensitivity special for o inspectors certain tankshavea blue haze,if the tanksare largeit will not be are expected.lnerted
Alternativemethods used by cargo inspectorsmay ible for adequate inspections. e: g a Dip p i n g n d m e a s u ri n th e h e e l . sounds. for and listen the suction linesor eductors Openthe stripping


Removetank cleaning coversand sight tank structureswith the aid of sunl reflectors.

lf it is required the inspectors enter a tank, each individual for to tank to be entered inspection mustbe isolated from the lGS. All precautions with regardsto gas freeinga having 21o/o mustbe taken. Oz SHIP/SHORE SAFETY CHEGK LIST
The recommended ship/shore safetychecklist (SeeAppendixQ). shouldbe completed ship/shore safetychecklist for the safetyof both ship and terminal is and of all personnel jointlyby the responsible shouldbe completed officerand the terminalrepresentative. Ea item shouldbe verifiedbeforeit is ticked.

Thiswillentail physical a checkby the two persons jor concerned willbe conducted and whereappropriate. is of no value if it is merelyregarded a paperexercise. lt as lt emphasized soni. cf the itemson the checklist require that physical will several checks evencontinuous supervision during operation. the

Keepbilges dry & clean. pumpseals, Maintain glands, drain cocks, mudboxes goodcondition. and in permission the responsible Prior entry, obtain of officer, pumproom Check prior atmosphere eachoperation. Check leaks. for Do nottamper withexplosion prooflighting arrangements. iirish Prior repairs, any system urater. with Foam spread overan oilspill check will vapour toxic formation. Regular inspection rounds.
L O A D I N G PE R A T ION S O Generalpoints: 1. 2.

The chief officer makes out the loadingplan, in consultation with the master handsit overto the duty officer. The duty officer will informthe crewwho are involved loadingoperations sali in the plan. features the loading of Checkthe flamescreenspriorloading commencement.


pumproom operating. Check vent Maintain close a watch overside a for

MM ENC E M E N O F L OA D IN G T u Lining p. flow shouldbe bYgravitY' lnitial Checkthe systemfor tightness. tank. in Checkthat cargois beingreceived the correct rate. the increase loading lf no leaksare revealed,

ON OF LOADING prior up proper tapemovement to topping ullage Ensure intervals' at readings frequent flowratesand report Reduce segregation. have up, Aftertopping preferably twovalve and resulting a Maintain watchon toppedup tank levelsin case valvespassing
r t or d r a i n i n go an o th e ta n k. completion Shutall valvesin the systemand lashthem on loading


I points: to the makes plan,a copyis given the with in Thechiefofficer consultation the master for duty-officer followuP. and to plan of features the discharge shallbe madeavailable engineers crew Salient oPeration. in involved the cargo satisfactorily. is Check thatthe lG System operating satisfactorily. are blowers operating thatpumproom Check up. Lining sea Check overboard areafor anypollution. Check sloptanklevels. OF MENCEMENT DISCHARGE is discharge to be at a lowrate. Initial tank' the is thatcargo leaving right Check for the Check manifold leaks.
for & tanks,deck pipeline over side DBs,ballast cofferdams, Checkthe pumproom, / anyleaks pollution Prevention.

rate the Increase pumping gradually



4. 5. 6.

valves not havetheirdiscin linewiththe oil do that Remember if butterfly mayslamshut. the end Do notshutanyvalveon thedownstream against flow. tank before sh the in divert flowto a second During tankchangeover, loading, thefirsttank. pumps to be operated levels do notcause that cavitation. at are Centrifugal the with startthe pumpprioropening sea va1 Whenballasting cargopumps, prevent pollution
cargotanks,open the tank valvefirst non-gasfree non-inerted or When ballasting start at a slow rate to preventstatichazards.

LOADPORTINSPECTION port At the loading a surveyor board ascertain following. is in the interest will to the lt past with by and t shipto co-operate the surveyor making available records ensur inghat of and quality donefairly. A knowledge the su is of determination cargoquantity workwouldgreatly helpthe chiefofficer and Master. 1. Shorepipeline priortoiafter loading, not full in one case,then if The condition the shorepipeline, of lf empty volume calculation be necessary. possible, will displace lineintoone dry the pipeline givesettling volume displaced into tank, timeand dip for waterto ascertain the ship's tanks. 2. Ship'scleanliness

Ship'stanks and lines will be inspected. lf found fit for loadingthe cargo, a . s h i p ' s will cleanliness certificate be issued. lf tank(s)containslopsand/orfree water,the foll information be required: will a) b) by T a n k n u mb e r- so u n d i n g /g auge volume of On Boar d Quantity( OBa)

formula grade(s) slops of (Ship's Report threecargoes last carried cleaning and out carried for thisloading previous voyage history report, COWhistory). is after dry-dock. Report the vessel at herfirstloading if record Tor monitoring if Also to Loadon top procedure applicable. refer the ship's quantity slops. procedures regarding of L.O.T.
the inspectormust clearly IGS existence operativity. lf IGS is in operation, / for whetherthe vessel has issueda lettertaking full responsibility the condit



of tanksand linesdueto operation the IGSsystem.lf this is notthe case ship's "TankInspection inspection that a normal specify should Certificate" inspector's by are lf due not possible to IGS in operation. slopquantities determined the u

l t h e s h i p ' sa u t o g a u g e e q u i p m e n t(,d u e t o l . G . S .m a k i n gp h y s i c a m e a s u r e m e n t s a t) impo s s i b l e h i ss h o u l d l sob e sta te d . D 3. t ln d ic a t eh e p o r ta n d d a teo f l a std i sch a rge. Experiencefactor

full factorfor each of the ten previous cargoesshall be indicated. Note Ship'sexperience D} ASTMtablesused by shoreauthorities {referto appendix a. Balla s t Ballast quantity on arrival is to be indicatedand whether clean/dirty,segregatedor beforeand for permanent. segregated ballast tanks must be inspected oil contamination All for'dand aft peaktanks. including afterloading t. Shore tanks measurements

p Ea ch shore t a n k m e a su re me n t, ri o r to a n d after ship' s loading,shall be checkedand pcordedtogether of numberof shoretank, presence wateror with temperature, corrections, pd ime nt s . l f c a r g ov o l u mei s me a su re d y e l ectr onic meter ing,ecor dof r eadings r should b

gauging shore of tanks, to also indicated eachtank. lf it is permitted per-form manual for
measur ements of i s operat io s h o u l db e ca rri e d u t i n o rd e rto checkr eliability automatic o n for each shor e tank ll owin gc h e c k s / r e c ord i n g s o u l d b e ca rrredoutimadeavailable sh

Sho re a n kn u m b e r t Measure Correction Water(checkwater levelsand tank suctionlevelsto ensurethat waterdoes not enterthe s hip 's an k sw h e n l o ad i n g t Volume(Litres) Temperature (Litres) Volumeat 1SoC Dens it y t 1 5 o C a volume, weightand percentage) BS&W(indicate Netvolumeat 15oC(Litres)

be table of the Foreachconversion, number thecorresponding usedshall indicated certificate Quantity

in d fo s h o reta n k m e a s ure me n ts, l l o w i n g a ta shallbe pr ovided the shor etank quantity

andnet: , gross
Litres(CBM)at temperature (CB M )a t 1 So C Litr es Earre ls t 6 0 o F a


Sa m pl i n g

? Samples shouldbe drawnas follows: ? Ship'scomposite ? l n l i n es a m p l e r

? Shoretanks(eachshoretank involved) ? 8. Freewater (if any) Automatic Samplers

Confirm following: the f,t Type of sampler >i<Automaticsamplerreceptacle empty beforeloading is >:r Automatic sampleris workingproperly duringloacling r,3 In case it is not workingproperly indicate reasons the and provide alternative samples j,r StarUstop timesand quantity loadedduringsampling j,3 ln linesampleris to be started/stopped when cargostarts/stops {< Volumeof samplecollected 9. Ship's ullage report

The following information requested each ship'stank: is for @ Tank number- gauge- trim correction temperature volume- waterdips @ Indicate segregated ballast tanks. The reportshallalso indicate: 3 Dateand time of measures @ Weatherconditions duringmeasurements o Ship'sdraftfore and aft - List o Sea temperature @ All ship'scargovalvesand sea suction have been properly sealed @ Quantity reportto be expressed the same unitsas (6) above. in Note: lf the vesse/ is equipped with automatic sight gauges, the report shall state that same have been used for measurements. However, also manual gauges should be t and shown in a separate report, in order to check reliabilityof automatic measurement there is an abnormal difference (outside shrp's experience factor) between ship and

figures, manualgaugingoperation to be carriedout. has


PartCargoes at loading another re vesselis loadedwith a part cargoonly and has to complete and be should ascedained reported: the l(s)/berth(s), following Y 1't LoadPort as Y Report usual. arrival) Y 2"oLoadPort(ascertainments'on of Y Uttage tanksof 1'tportof loading Y Waterdipsfor above for Y Temperature above for Y Vafue sealsintact above port. second on V Usualreport cargoloaded Protest immediately. should reported be found irregularities/discrepancieson the above to :r(s) should addressed the Master. be Deadfreight protest deadfreight the suppliers/terminal,following the to for intends present to e master in r should inserted the report: be capacity) or all ffhether cargo filled tankvolumes not (98%and 100% has drafts at and ihip'sTPI/TPC sailing summer FW,boilerwater,constant NeightsBunkers board, : on Draft ihip'sofficial Summer )raftat sailing -oading areadraftseason (F.O. ihip'sdaily consumption - D.O.- Water) )ermanent ballast tanksandquantities Segregation duringloading, kept strictly segregated qualities cargoes rrent shouldbe generally of suchsegregiation, doesnot permit in rg, discharging. the cargosurveyor, hisopinion, lf to letter(s) the Master. by rtingmaybe completed protest Topping-off data additional is cargoin road,following to is ex-barges necessary complete rping-off
i red: from berth at ihip'sullages depafture loaded luantityper bargeand totalquantity in ihip'stanksinvolved topping-off

p F i n a lu l l a g e s ri o rd e p a rtu re

Note: A representativesample from each cargo is to be retained for customary amo" time. 14. A n a l ysi s/ S a mp l e s is _Analysis to be carriedout as per request. Analysisshall be generailymade on s of. shouldbe takenfor the purpose samples.Samples tr Analysis ,1r Custody ,t To be left on board madefor each shoreand ship tank involved One running sampleof 1 literis generally s a m p l e s h al la l so b e ma d e i n l l i ter bottles. lf only one shor etank and only one l i ne s used,then two samples 1 litereach shallbe made. of

(gasoline, oil etc.)sampling analysis ship's gas Forparticular of products and : type of maybe required.Instructions be given thetimeof appointment. will at
15. Quality certificate

The certificate shall indicate whichmethodquality, on BS&W,densities, havec etc. (board, ascertained, on which line) and samples shore, theyhavebeendetermined. 16. 17. Bunkers TimeSheet FO,DOon arrival departure and should checked reporteci. be and Fulltimesheet fromtimevessel arrived anchorage sailing at until shallbe drawn.Folic informationrequired: is D Ship's name DVessel arrived, NORtendereci D Piloton board, anchors up f- Allfast in berth D Hoses connected D Deballasting started
t=l D eballasti g completed n [D Tanks inspected/passed D Loading commenced D Loading completed D Hosesoff on D Documents board

All stoppages/delays between one of these operationsshall be reported and in (shore/ship commented reasons, bad weather, etc.) copyof terminal time sheetplusall otherdocuments shallbe delivered.

letters shouldbe issuedif The ship is not found cleanand readyfor loadingthe cargo. A full reporton times and action(cleaning, etc.)wouldbeissued thesurveyor. by Any restriction ship on shore loading capacityor delay of loading operationfor by whichever reasons.

Other experienced irregularities, mayresult a claim which in Reports

reports soon as quantities ascertained as are shallcontain: (Shore/Ship) (gross/net) API (crudeoil only) Quantities litres15oC in Quantities BBLS60oF in Quantities MetricTons in Quantities LongTons in Analysis requested as underpoint13 Protestlettersissued Time sheet 8/L date copiesof reportsare to be sent by the fastestmeans,unlessothenryise requested, to ress/attention icatedon appointment. add ind Debitnotesshallbe sent to same address.



|INATIO-N gtuB6o SUi&NTITV AY' Df,T'f,Rfi

the net volumeof petroleum pi-ocr-;i AUGING: In order to calculate water contentsanrj gauge readings, accurate gauge temperatures, required. ca G a u g i n g n b e d o n eb y: -

o Dip-Tape Innage o Dip-Tape Ullage o Ullage Stick o DipRod o Hydrostatic Gauges o Electronic Gauging (ATG) o AutoTankGauging gauging be rendered SAMPLING: mostcareful The will useless sampling doner if is thought. Lossof light ends,inclusion extraneous of impurities dirtyequipment, by etc be attended to. Types Sampling: of I Upper Sample(1/6height tank) of Lower of Sample(5/6height tank)
A v e r a g eS a m p l e ( m i d d l eo r b l e n d e d )

(1/2 9 Middle Sample height tank) of I



(Pipelines) Continuous Sample (Avg. Composite Samples samples all ships of tanks)

(Values) 9 lntermittent Sample

TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT: ievels which The at temperatures measurer: I are is oneof the mainfactors errors. of TheASTMD1086method states for non-pressure of morethan4..5 cf lir;,: that tanks m the witha minimum 3 measurerne-: temperaturemeasured is through gauging hatch of thefollowing levels: I I level. 1 m below topof theliquid the of level At themiddle thelictuid and

1 m. above bottom the liquid level. e average temperature the liquid calculated of is fromthe threeobserved temperatures

been m3de providins contror, ross lt:rl?T:*"jr:i,o1l^:"'1.l,lglT:_h"r, providetowards theequipment accuracy and necessary to
ranies involved the movement all bulkoils. in of


M.M.C. Oil-Water fnterface probe (portabte Type): - This is a simpleand precise J for measuring uta$e of a sonicarytransmissibre fruidor the location an interface of

of oil/water mixture. Alsomeasures temperature.

Electronic Gauges: - The electronic measurementof the height .of liquid is lken by a transducer probe. or

areilrrtnstcaily safe; intrinsicaily sale; devices refiable, ff":T,iTl::,:,'9.::j1.^,:111y! partsbut must are having moving no be keptfreeof dirt,rust,:water/ice suchcontaminants.

capacitanceGauges:- This type of gauge measures the changein electrical :ance between probes the product two as takesup the spacebetween them a singlepresetlevefindication, for overfiff as shut offlhighlevelalarms. shortprobe A

revlrftreerectricar circuits

= = 5---_-- F=- = =e === ============E:F+:5 -----Eg=I_ Fig.

curDE wrRES LEADTNG- - i ro THE THEBoTToMoF TlrF raruru BOTTOM THE OF rNr\rr r I I


-- = =


FloatGauges: Thefloatgaugeis widery usedon mosttankers, consists a froat it of ed by a tape to an indicating devicewhichcan be arranged rocar for and remote b normalfy instailed a tuburar or withguidewires, in weil with a gate valvefor isolation so gt thefloatcan be serviced in a safeatmosphere. floatmustbe lifted fromthe liquid levelwhennot in use as the fluctuations levels in at willdamage tape/wire the tensioning device.



5. Tank Radar System (SMB Sum-21): - The centralprocessing co unit ullageusing information received from the transmitter.The model consists the of unitsi) A radar transmitteris fitted to each cargo tank top. These are connected the to transmitter connection moduleby cable. ii) The processorunit is providedwith a

displayunit and a data outputfor a load calculator. The display panel unit gives parame(ers. measured calculated and These areusedfor setting alarmlevels and indication of alarms. iii) Additional sensorscan be connected the processor to unit if necessary for measuring temperature and inert gas pressure the tank. Eachtransmitter be in can equipped 3 sensors. with
iv) A tank displayunit can be installed for

eachtank. Thiswittprovid" o"r.ln',; ,



full tank and digital reading of ullage and innageand alarmlevels. v)

Glosed Ullaging System

Localreadoutunitsare with digitaldisplays and alarmfunctions.This can be ins

in protective boxeson deckneartanks. vi) A wireless portable readout withalpha-numerical unit displays be connected can walkie-talkie. canbe usedfor communicationthesametime. This at Theparticular modelprovides following the information: 1) 2) 3) (level) thetank. Ullage lnnage or in Volume, Weight Temperature cargo. and of lnertgaspressure thetanks. in

TheTankRadar System thefollowing has advantages: 1) Temperature tankatmosphere (depending cargo) haveno significant or on will on the velocity propagation radar of of waves. Thiswouldgivea highdegree.of accuracy. 2) 3)

partinside tankandthereis no partin contact the liqui There no moving is the with The partsinside tankare robust are installed the tanktop,so installa the and from
The systemis suitable all kindsof chemicals. for

and maintenance easy. is

5). SAAB Tank Radar Model System:- The system has been developedfrom a knownSum - 21 has been in use for nearlya decade.


l(F t- U,

vd zu

E g


tr, TL



c ut

E E g

H ul


o an

F t! E (J


ql IIJ f; r

,f ,f
o o

friH g s

o z tr o-

pi fi
.AUl 5





s/ i t ->

R *-\J
1 -.)


Fig. 8.4: Oil-water nterfaceDetector f


o s IN (-\^ \r
r.,^'-J ---,t




S A M P L ER S: 1. C o r e S a mp l e r - l t sa mp l e s ANY levelin the sam e way as the Zone Sampl samplepassesthroughthe bottomcheckballas it is lowered and is trappedwhen the pulled. 2-

storage tank, tank trucl<, car,barge. tank

Zone Sampler - This samplesfrom any levelto within 10 cm. from the bott

3. Funnel- lt has an external valvetripper emptythe contents the Core to of andZoneSampler. 4. TufsaOil Thief- lt canbe usedfora zoneand the rs available for plastic, through aluminiurn brass. The bottomof the sampler or springs closed

touchesthe bottomof tj;e tank. lt has an adjustable extension and can be triqqer rod spotsamples.

5. BaconBomb- Thishasan improved O-ring typevalve seal. lt is available in stainless steelor acrylic. sampler The springs openwhenit hitsthe bottom the tank of bottom drilled tapped 3",6", 12" is and for and 1g"extension rods.
Continuoussample: - lt is takenfrom the pipeline as to give a representative.aver so the streamthroughout periodof flow. the


Fig.8.5: Galculation WedgeVolume of

ln fi9.8'5, the fonrrrard be O(zero), draftbe EF and length let draft aft perpendicul between (L)be FG.ThusTrim= EF-0= EF. = XZ = Height sounding of gauge D = Maximum Ullage fromcalibration book. U = Distance sounLling to tank's bulkhead. from point aft B = Uncorrected sounding oil in tank. of = F = TrimFactor TRlMrl-BP.
I z4


at sounding Aft bulkhead. A = Adjusted triangles (Breadth Tank)In similar of W = Width = = = YZIXZ EF|EG trim/LBP F XYZ& EFG, Therefore = XZx F, or YZ = D x F - (1) YZ NY=NZ-YZi.e. NY =U-(DxF) -(2)

'----+ -+>

/1 | /

]M a ss .t/oLtlt*L

t. ,_ L- <)(3Lvi :lgLvttnr"

lem t in1

vu' R/'

= t= + @ , w t - e )3 2

MN in in si m i l a t r i a n g l e s Y & E F G,MN /NY= EF|EG= I/LBP= F r

= F @-4tg

M N= N Yx F = [ U- ( D x F ) ]x F - ( 3 )
= sounding; PM + MN PN (adjusted

= sounding) S + [U - (D x F)]x F - (a) re PN = A (adjusted

PNQ & EFG, NQ/PN= EG/EF= LBP/I= 1lF triangles similar r NQ = PN/F = A/F - (5) area of trianglePNQ = TzBasex Height= lz PN X NQ ' / z A x N F = ' / . A 2F -G)

of refore volume wedgePNQ= '/rA' xWlF data:- draftF andA, trim, volume be foundout if we havethefollowing can us thewedge and soundings) PM (S) are W The lengths (actual , widthof the tank and sounding.
is med to be equal, though PM would be longer. The assumption logicalin wedge

whichhas not been the coulddecrease volumeslightly lculation the tank internals as for. unted
to use the wedge formula

Whento use the wedge 9.8.6: rmula

n the ROB in a tank is below the
n of the fonruardbulkhead and tank

- i.e. it does not touch the forward lkhead Usethe WedgeFormula. and bulkhead tankbottom i.e. of the the ROBin a tankis above junction theforward tables. bulkheadUsethe ship's Trimand Calibration ingtheforward
length"A" above is equal to the maximumsoundingat the aft bulkheadwith oil just ingthe forwardbulkhead.

of andL the length thetank, A = L x F. F to be thetrimfactor Tables of lcutation WedgeVolumeby Ship'sGalibration on that assume the shipis brought an areaby WedgeFormula, the r determining wedge
keel. The whole TK P N Q w i l lth e ntakea box shapeRNTK. Thissounding can

be checked the tank calibration in tablesand the volumedetermined. TANK souNDlNG = Area of wedge(by wedgeformula) Lengthof the / tank.

The volume thusobtained should equalto the wedgevolume be calculated, slighly or because tankinternal structures nottakenintoaccount are whenusing wedge the formd Practical wedgeformulacalculation Thiscalculation be usedto geta quick may approximationthe R.o.B of S = Diptaken fromsounding pipe. U = Distance thesounding fromtheaft burkhead. of pipe T = Trim. L = LBP. A = Dipat aft end of tank.(To be calculated) LT = Length tank. of F = TrimFactor be calculated). (To W = Wedge Volume. be calculated). (To V = Volume actual on evenkeel. of dip A=S+(U+T)/L -----(1) F=AtTxLt2xLT_____(2) WhenF > 0'5: - Applyactual trimcorrection fromtabfes arriveat the volume even to on


WhenF < 0'5: - Multiply volume obtained dip fromthe calibration for tables withtrimf (F)to arrive Wedge at Volume (W)in cubicmetre. W=VxF. ASTMGALCULATIONS Densityat toc Thedensity a product t.c = Massof a qiven of at volume thatproduct of Volume thatquantity toC of at Massis givenin Kg, volume litresor m3. So thedensity expressed in is in Kg/lit kg/m3 or = kg/lit 1000kg/m3) Density also referred as density t 0C. ASTMTablesrequire density is to at a or equiva (Relative Density API)as argument enter respective or to the tables. ln EastEuropean countries density 200C used. ln WestEuropean at is countries density 1soC oftenused. is In other countries Apl or evena relative an density 60/600F applied. at is


Relative density
at iv ed e n s i t y s a l sokn o w na s sp e ci fi c avity. i gr 0F; of a productis relative density the ratioof the densityof that product tr0, \ltzjC 1or at idedby the densityof waterat t2o ormula: Relative Density of at lltz] - Density product t1q Density waterat t2o of

TE:As unitsof both numerator denominator same,theywill cancel in this and are out
la . T h u sR e la ti ve e n si tys a n u me ral D i without units. ific Gravity 60/600F

is theold namefor the relative density 60/600F meaning:

= ve density 60/600

Density waterat 600 of F ativedensity1il40C = Density productat 1SOe of

Density of water at 40C the densityof water at 40 c is 1 as per definition, value of the relative the density 0Ci s n u m e r i c al l y e q u a lto th e d e n si ty t 150C. a

nameapparent densityis used for the densityat toC,corrected the buoyancy the for of air (density air) in apparent densitycan be foundout by meansof W.C.F.(WeightCorrection Factor) table Thistableis to be entered withthe density toC. at resultis the weight correction FactorTable56 or apparent density.

ityhigher than1.13 difference less. the gets

- Gravity

that for mineralproducts difference 0.001 kgl1.) For chemical the is 1 products with a

- gravityis a unit,whichis used amongothersfor calculations Metric of or longtons fror:-r Barrels600F.API can be calculated from RelativeDensity6O/600F the followin3 by |141.5 - 1315 .

Relative Density 60/600F the above mentioned units ONLY the density at t0 C can be used for calculating mass ight"- in - VACUO)out of volume. ht GorrectionFactors b important note that relative to density API cannotbe usedfor directweightcalculation. or ulations shouldbe done usinga weightcorrection factor(W.C.F.)

T h e s eW . C .F .'s n b e fo u n di n : ca s AS T MT a b l e1 1 (l o n g to n p e r b ar r el s 600F) s ASTM Table 13 (metric tons per barrel600F) 6 ASTM Table29 (longtons barrel600F) per d ASTM Table56 (kg/'3) (maintableof 56) MA S SAN D WE IGH T IS O N AM E INDUSTRYERM T Weight-in-vacuo Weight-in-air Spec.Gravityl4]C vacuo in Spec.Gravityl4oin air C

Quantity Kg in in Quantity Kg Mass Volume / Weight Volume / Mass

Ma ss Weight Density tu C at W.C.F.

Note:Longtons existONLYin AlRl The mass of matteris the quantityof material that the matterexistsof. This ma independent external from conditions attractive like powerof the earth(placeon earth,y. theoil business is oftenmentioned "VAC", this as or',weight-in-vacuo". Massis calculated follows. as Mass= Volume t0c x density t0c (inkg or metric at at tonnes vac)
Weight The weightof a productis the weight of that matterweighedin air, taking in accounr buoyancy the displaced of air. often related as "weightin Air',. to The weight is calculated followsin various as weightsysrems;

= Metricsystem:Weight volume m3150 x w.e.f. in C (table (kgor metric 56) tonnes A in = Barrelsystem:Weight volume US Bbls600F x w.e.f. in (table 1) (longtons air) 1 in weight= volume us Bbls600F x w.e.f. in (table 13) (inor metric tons
ASTM H T a b l e s 5 4 ,5 4 a ,5 4 b : F o r vo l u me cor r ection factorwhen using density@ lSoC volumesin kiloliters cubicmeters. or ]t Tables 6, 64, 68: For volume correction factor when using Apl gravityand voiume barrels. l{ Tables24,24A,24F: For volumecorrection factorwhen usingspecific gravity@ 60oF t{ Tables52: For conversion kiloliters 1soCto US gals @ 60oFand barrels 60oF of @ @ l{ Tables58: For conversion from metrictonnesto US gals @ OO.F and US barrels@ 60

CARGO CALCULATIONS 1. With actualdensity(observed) temperature and (observed) the densityfrom find ASTM tables in [No.53 India] 2. Withobserved temperature density 1SoC VRFfromASTMtables.[No.S4 and at find in
j I ndi a l 3 Fromdensityat 15oCsubtract 0.001 to get WRF. 1

1. Obtainthe observedvolumefrom ship's ullagetablesand multiplyby VRF to obtain volume 1 5 o C . at

Volume 1soC WRF= Quantity metric x in tons. @

Volume VRF= Volume 1soc x @ x WRF = Qty. Mts. in

x 1 . 0 1 6 1 = t y .i n l o n gt o n s . Q basis of all these calculations that a volumemeasuredat a cerlaintemperature is is

to a standard temperature meansof a volume by correction factor. Thiscorrected umeis called Standard Volume. m thisstandard volume calculated we Massor Weight means a Weight by of Correction r of a Density thisstandard at temperature. thecommonly usedoil calculations, systems used: two are



eral calculatemass/weight from volumeas follows: and temperature the product in a vessel or shore tank are measured.This of red volume (Total ObservedVolume) has to be correctedfor trim, list, free water, g roof,etc. This corrected volumeis calledthe Gross Observed Volume. This is the that will be corrected a volumeat a standard to temperature, the GrossStandard i.e.

standard volume be expressed can in:


t t t t

at Barrels 60' F a C u b i cm e t e rs t 1 S o C (Cubicmetresat 12oC) ( C u b i c e te rs t 2 0 o C ) a m

calculatingsystem. Note: IJse the correct volume unit with the corresponding at withAPI or RD 60/60 OR litreswith Density 150C together e.g.: barrels (lf calculations to be performedmetricin vacuo and the observedvolume is g are to this barrels, shouldbe converted litresby use of ASTM Table1)

is Volume doneby meansof a V to Volume Standard for Thiscalculation Observed or Factor V.C.F. Correction in by volumeis multiplied the density,resulting ma standard Next the obtained in resulting weight. by multiplied W.C.F.,
on depending the kindof produ factors are dividedintothreegroups, Volumecorrection d Tables6-24-54A: For crudeoils

gasoline, na products, oil,gasoil,kerosene, fuel B: 6-24-54 Forgeneralized d Tables Oils D: 6-24-54 Forlubricating d Tables ternpe Barrels actual at Factors correcting for Correction Tables6 A-B-DgiveVolume 0F, in and on at to Barrels 600F. depending APIat 600F temperature Barrelsat' Factorsfor correcting Tables 24 A-B-D give Volume Correction 6O/600F temperature and Density on depending relative at to temperature Barrels 600F, temper Litres actual at for Factors correcting Correction Tables54 A-B-DgiveVolume 0C. in at and depending Density 150C temperature on to Litres 150C, at e.g.Gasoil (metric- vacuocalculation) (vacuo) . at Density 15oC Volume . Gross Observed Temperature (548) v, 15oC : : kgll 0.8421 litre 5,321,980 16.300C 0.9989 l t @ 5 , 3 1 6 , 1 2i6 r e 1 5 0 C ( 5 , 3 2 1 ,x 0 .0 9 8 9 ) 98 9 x kg 4,476,710 (5,316,1260.8421)

Volume : Standard Gross '. (Weight-in-Vacuo) Mass

CrudeOil (barrel calculation) : 32.0 API at 60 oF Volume : Gross Observed Temperatures v, 60oF : : Barrels 648,234 68.4oF 6 9961(Table A) (648 x.9961) Bbls 645,706 600F ,234

Volume : Standard Gross

Table 1 1 (i We ight nA I R ) Con v e rs i o n s

, '.

tons/bb 600 1 F .0.13512 8 7 .2 4 7 .7 9 ( Longtons645.706 0.13512) x

Let us makea difference between conversions calculations. Calculation the basic and A is calculation from Observed Volume(eventually Standard via Volume) Massor Weight, to
p e n d in g n l o c a lr eg u l a ti o n s. o

basic calculations be followed conversions, can by if necessarv. conver sions mustbe ardedas translations figures theirsystems, from to necessary comparison other' for to

version factorscan be found in ASTM Tables,basedon density, Apl or relative densiiy fixedfactors(ASTI\{ Table 1). Volumeconversions must be based on volume. M assor

rght conversions be based mass weight. must on or

7s Va c u o ever comparisons are made betweendifferentfigures (air to vacuo or Vice versa), figures shouldboth be converted eitherair or vacuo. to n the Bill of Lading is one of the figuresto be compared, the conversions should be e towards Billof Lading the figuie (The Billof Lading figuresshouldneverbe,converted) se conversions should be done by means of the short tables of Table 56 (Tabte56

out of a shorttable,to be usedwithconversions from vacuoto air or vice versa, and main table,givingthe kg/m' used to calculate weightin metrictons AtRout of

(litres m") or

mple: A vesselarrives with a parcel 80,000.260 in VAC.Outturn of m.t. density 30at 150C. TheOutturn 79,900.867 in AlR. Since outturn established was m.t. the is in a conversion air to vacuois needed makea gocld from to comparison between outturn Billof Lading.In order do so a conversion to factor needed convert outturn is to the from to VAC. Thisconversion factorcan be foundin the shorttableof table56, usingthe
ity at 150Cas entry. In the tablea correction factorof 1.00125is found. The outturnin

cannowbe calculated multiplying: by = 79,900.8671,00125 80000.740 in VAC. x M.t. tons - MetricTons conversions to be doneby means ASTMTable are of
i ll of L a d i n g h a t h a s b e e na ch i e ve dn B a r r els t i pointsto a Billof Ladingin and Longtons . When metrictons are converted of the longtons out (usingASTM Table 1) this will also

a figure AlR, in = (ASTM Table Longtons 1.01605 Metric 1; x Tons AIR) everfigures compared, is necessary makesurethatthe figures are it to havethe same (E g.:M.T, VACto M.TVAC,long tonsto long tons, ) etc s can be calcirlated of metric out tonsAlR, usingthe fixedfactor0.984206 from

ASTM Table 1. Conversion from metrictons in VAC to bng tons shouldbe done as Convert metrictons in VAC to metrictons in AlR, usingthe shorttable56 the

Now convert metric the tons in AIR to longtons usingthe factor0.984206 fr table . 1

API- Relative density- Density Witha lot of crudeparcels API is usedto calculate Billof Lading. For calcu the India density oftenrequired. a is Thisconversion be doneusingASTMTable3, EnterthistablewithAPI at can thenreadthe matching density 150 andif necessary Relative at C the density 60/60c In the samewayASTMtable51 can be usedto convert Density 150C Relative at to 60/600 andAPl. F ASTMtable21 can be usedto convert R.D.60/600 to API at 600F density l Scf'. F or at Example: Billof Lading 2,058,484 Barrels/600 U.S. F - 279,250,300 tons(vac) Outturn M. 275,425long tons APt/600 33.60 F.:

To makea comparison between of Lading theoutturn following Bill and the should be convert 600F to density 1S0 API at C - ASTMTable API = 33.6->density 0.8566 = 3: - Usedensity 150C findconversion at to factor fromVac to air. - ASTMTable Density .8566-)Conversion = = 56: factor 0.99875. - Outturn VACto be multiplied factor in by table56: = 279250.3 0.99875 278901 Metric x .24 tonsAtR UseASTMTable1 for conversion M. tonsto longtons: 0.984206 from = 278901.24 .984206 274496.27 tons. x long NOTE:Nevercompare to vacor'viceversa! air VolumeGonversions

Conversions onevolume to another barrels F to litres C; sn from unit (e.g. 600 1S0 done volume on base, : so
Barrels 600F x corrfactor= litres150C. Cubic metres 150C sBarrels 600F

This conversion done by one of the ASTM tables:Table4, 21,22,or 52. Which of is tablesmustbe used is dependent whethercalculations basedon density API on are or B a r r e l s6 0 " F to Ga l l o n s6 0 'F When US Barrelsare being converted US Gallonsa fixed factor of 42 is used. (A to

= iable 1; 1 barrel 42 gallons perdefinition). as C 600 Cubicmetres150 to Gatlons F into en converting Cubicmeters 150C Barrels 600F and Gallons 600F shouid at at at this doneas follows: Multiply cubicmeters 150C at bythe correction factorfrom table52 (Barrels per cubic 60 meter 15). ThenBEFORE rounding barrel figure, the multiply by 42 in order getthe Gallons this to at 60. Nowboththe Gallon the Barrel and figure be rounded. can
mp l e :A v e s s e l o a d e d e fo l l o w i n g illof Lading: th B 15,690,515 es 150C13,798,239 Litr at

(Mass) density: 0.8794

ng conversions asked: are Litresat 150C; US Barrels 600F; at US Gallons 600F; to Metrictons in van and in air; longtons lations:US Barrels F: factor 600 table52 = 6.293 = 690,515: 1000) 6.293 98,740.411 x

= 4,147og7.2sB Gallons F:42x 10s,714.314 600

B a r r e l s 0 0F ( ro u n d e d ):9 8 7 4 0 6

Tons(AlR): Factor table56 = 0.99875 7 9 8 , 2 3x 1 0 0 0 0 . 9 9 8 7= 1 3 , 7 8 0 . 9 9 1 ) 9 x 5

= t o n s :1 3 7 8 0 . 9 9 x .9 8 4 2 0 6 1 3 5 6 3 .334 1 Factors and tables TO ASTM TABLE s600F TonsAir Ga l l o n s 0 0F 6 Longtons MetricTons Air R .D .6 0 /6 0 D e n s.1 5 oC & 1 1 1 3 4 21 22 51 52 56 56

ENTRY ITEM (42) (.e84206) ( 1. 0 1 6 0 5 ) API API R.D. 60/60 R.D. 60/60 Density Density Density Density


ls 600F s 6ooF


density60/60 D e n si ty 5 o C 1 Litres15oC A P r & R .D .6 0 /6 0 Barrels 60oF MetricTonsAir MetricTons Vac

TonsVac TonsAir

Ghapter 9


U M PT H E OR Y pump does not draw up a liquidbut rathera Strictlyspeakinga centrifugal pressure pushthe createsa vacuumon the inletside,allowing atmospheric to

intothe pump. theory In therefore, pumpcould a drawup a liquid column corr =10meters liquid. dingto the pressure the surrounding which of air, of In practice situation different. the is Theoretical height influenced a positive suction is in
pressure, by atmospheric inertgas pressure and the heightof liquidin a tank. lt is neg influenced the net positivesuctionhead (NPSH)of the pumps,frictional by lossesin

pipelines, vapourpressure the liquidbeingpumped true of and the heightof pump piping suction above tankbottom. these the All in canbe expressed metres liquid of NPSH a pumpis a combination friction vacuum of of losses associated a part with and pumpon board. Theselossescan be decreased decreasing velocity by fluid throu pump, other in words, decreasing by flbw. Pipeline friction caused the is by passing through suction the and depends on

Ghapter 9


U M PT H E O R Y pump does not draw up a liquidbut rather Strictlyspeakinga centrifugal pressure push createsa vacuumon the inletside,allowing atmospheric to

intothe pump. theory In therefore, pumpcould a drawup a liquid column

d\ng to \he pressure of \he surround\nga\r,wh\ch e10 meters of \\qu\d.

In practice situation different. the is Theoretical suction height influenced a is in

pressure, by atmospheric inertgas pressure and the heightof liquidin a tank. lt is influenced the net positivesuctionhead (NPSH)of the pumps,frictional by

pipelines, vapourpressure the liquidbeingpumped true of and the heightof piping above tankbottom. these the All in of suction canbe expressed metres I with losses associated NPSH a pumpis a combination friction vacuum of and of pumpon board. Theselossescan be decreased decreasing velocig fluid by pump, other words, decreasing flbw. in by piping passing the and is by through suction Pipeline friction caused the liquid
by lossesmay be decreased the lengthof pipingand fluidvelocity.Again,friction the by flow. The heightof the liquidcolumncan be improved trimming ship.

in is factors involved shown Table1. lt may Theorder magnitude the different of of

of that, ignoring columnof liquidin the tank,that whatevercombination factorsi the factorswill equalor nearlyequal10 metres. the sum of negative


pump stage single Pipeline friction pressure Thevapour + PumP lineabovebottom

height O-tank

on depending tank Gulfareacrudes type on depending ship

of of on depending location tankandphase disc

on Depending phaseof discharge

pressure Atmospheric

gas pressure& on Depending weather inert

figure9.1 showsthem bala the of In orderto appreciate significance the factorsinvolved against each other. It will be clear that when positivefactorsare largerthan the negativeones, there will and holdstrue,therewill be cavitation suctionstops. suction. If the opposite n P + H + h > N P S H+ L F + r y P - - P u m p i n g o r m a l begins P + H + h = NPSH+ LF + TVP -- Cavitation P + H + h < N P S H+ L F +TVP - - No suction.

h = Liquid Head+ Trim Pressure Atmospheric


Head Suction NPSH= Net Positive TVP = True VapourPressure LF

t tJ*

Fig. 9.1: FactorsaffectingSuction

then bubble suctionhead is approached the maximumavailable

+ + NrlsH

the and vapouris formedthroughout liquid,in re is reached

w o r d st h e l i q u i db o i l s.

specific of is mixture formed varying a shortperiod, liquid/vapour by caused the in is . The consequence fluctuations pressure, columnbeingdrawnin and in the pumppower. This can be of pressure revolutions the and in as fluctuations discharge can bubbles, by caused imploding and ore, cavitation rattle, the is mixture in factbeingpumped, sincevapour distincfly.
velocity in the suction piping decreases, line resistance


I i

Suction at full


while. for is andsuction maintained a short eventhough will onlyvapour be drawnin and the pumpstops, quantity oil remaining' of maybe a considerable and lineresistance thenboth,NPSH pumpis to be keptworking, is rate. The result that the by influenced decreasing discharge
and NPSH decrease gh lowerliquidvelocityboth, line resistance

It tl



is pointpressure not that ensures the bubble , in combination,

llad(m) Q = Dischargerate Eff= Pump Efficiency PositiveSuction Head NPSH=Net H.P. =PowerGonsumpsion

'f' 1'
starts Cavitation

ti IA





4t: ' V |

tl tf n1'" I VV



100 200 300 400 500

"fo i
SuVion at reduced pump capacitY

rpm 9.2:PumpGharacteristics1800 @

of The characteristicsa givenpumpcan bestbe seen in a set of curves. These are pumpspeed,several pump givenfor a particular setsof curvescovering several pump running of Figure9.2 shows such pump characteristics a centrifugal per (rpm). revolutions minute
scales.which relateto the different curves. The bottom The left side showsdifferent

of as col the discharge as a function head.Theheadis givenin metres a liquid rate

between every pump speed there is a Q-H curve which gives the relationship

to it the rate. Whenthe headis known, is possible determine discha discharge

To into Head,it shouldbe noted is not equalto backpressure. convertbackpressure shouldbe converted into and betweenbackpressure suctionpressure the difference

pumped. On the gravity the liquid gauge being of by water anddivided the specific workingcondition the shownthe designpointwhichrepresents most economical curyes be seenare to pump. Thisis alsoreflected the efficiency in curve(E). Other of andpower consumption the pump(HP). somewhere alongthe Q-H curve. The actud The pump,at 1800rpm is operating the the whichrepresents pressure a crlrve, depends wherethe Q-Hcrosses shore on in on is static, depending difference has to work against. The pressure partially Fig due anddynamic, to lineresistance. levels ashore andon board, liquid between pointbetween curyes the the reflecting di and showsthe relationship the common rate. parallel havea common Pumpsrunning by Q-H curvewhich can be constructed addingthe curveshorizontally. lt is interesting notethat with a steepshore to curve (i.e. large back pressure)the one and four in difference outputbetween pumps is not great, contraryto a more gradually inclined shore curye, low representing backpressure ANDPRESSURES PIPING SYSTEM the of handling oil cargo During normal the pipeline is subjectedto high internal pressure on, depends which a. b. c. pressure The hydrostatic pressure if and atmospheric if vapourpressure the tank is closed The product's and tankis open, generated the pump. by Thepressure

l2 Pumpsparallel

Fig. 9.3:ShoreCurveseffect

oil othenruise may leak thesepressures; shouldbe capableof withstanding The pipeline to is or the jointsor couplings.Such leakage spillage likely createhealthand/orfire ca th ru lf t h e p i p e l i n e p tu re s, e re su l ts n be disastr ous'


e pressures known thereis something by experienced a pipeline, pressures fromthe usualinternal or in change the flow velocity by is surgepressure.Surgepressure caused an abrupt damage: of one may in Surge a pipeline cause or more thefollowing in Bsure a pipeline. pipeline or of Fracture shore ship's arms or of Bursting hoses metal joints of Rupture flange dueto oneof thefoliowing: to pressure likely occur is value operated or of closure a manual power Rapid valve' shutdown emergency of Closure an automatic value' shut Slamming of a non-return rate. in change the PumPing Abrupt of or Starting stoPPing a PumP. to strong cope are equipment made sufficiently the pipelinesand the associated pressures they may not be ableto withstandthe extreme normal pressures, to may be includedin the designof a pipingsystem by surges. The following :pressures surge the so may be constructed as to minimize surge ship'spipelineand shorepipeline pressure. that period maybe so adjusted the their are valves employed, closing powered Where safe') or of (A too wlves do notclose quickly. period 30 seconds moreis considered

varvecrosedfrom the berth or ship. similarly switchedoff and the upstream discharge pumpand closethe ship's off grovisions be madeto switch the ship's may
end. lve from the receiving shut down systemactuatedby pressureswitchesmay be ship/shore emergency would theseswitches connection in the pressure the ship-shore alled. By sensing

the shore pump may De emergency shutdown system may be provided so that

a exceeds certain valveif the pressure the off the pumpandthenclose upstream operated of rapidclosing manually to is . Thisprotection intended guardagainst

reliefvalvesmay be fittedto relieve surgetanks and pressure long pipelines tanks' into valves surge the through relief by surgepressures bleeding ;essive safety certain in are suchsafetyfeatures included the designof a pipingsystem
e' s h o u l dN E V E Rb e n e g l e cte d. g' quicklyagainstthe flow of the ually operatedvalvesshouldnever be closedtoo e lastquarterof the valveclosureshouldbe slow'

c. d. e. f. g.

The butterfly valvesand the non-return valveswhich are to be kept open s keptfullyopen to avoidslamming shut.

while starting pumpthe flow rate shouldbe increased a gradually; similarty

stopping pumpthe flow rateshouldbe reduced a gradually beforestopping the The pumpingrateshouldneverbe changed abruptly. All the necessaryvalves should be opened beforethe pump is started(exce valvenextto the pumpwhichmay be openedafterstarting pump) discharge the lf diverting flow of oil from one tank to anotherthe secondtank valvessho the

opened the before firsttankvalveis closed. h. lf loading gravity finalvalveto be opened by the should thatone at the u be endof the system. pumps Although centrifugal can handle largequantities liquid, of theycannot gasor gas mixtures. prime pumps So the before starting. pumpsrun by electric Centrifugal motors diesel or engines mustbe started with delivery valveclosed as to keepprime so mover loadto minimum. pump Never a reciprocating against throttled run a discharge valve. your"manifold Always match curve" against "shore the curye" get the dutypo to port. thatparticular
Do not run the pump belowits NPSHrequired; elsecavitation be severe. or will pumpsrun in parallel the same lineincreases frictional Two centrifugal to the lose Lastpart of discharging moreeffective is with pump running low RPM and aga at



6. 7.

throttled delivery valve. 8. A few important discharge requirements are: a. b. c. d. e. f. L 10. Tidalportsneeds quick a bulkdischarge evenkeel. at A goodtrimachieves flowof cargo. free Plandischarge geta goodsequence tankchange to of over. lnternal stripping be doneas far as possible. to ControlNPSH by slowingthe pump, reducing rate or with discharge pressure. Be sureof yoursystems theirworking. and

Running parallel, pumps in the RPMmustbe kept same. the pumps Indicating faults centrifugal in are: ?. b. Failure deliver to liquid. quantity. Reduction discharge of

c. d. e. f. g. h.

Failure develop to discharge pressures. Lossof suction starting. on Overloading primemover. of Vibrations. Bearing overheating. Highrateof hearing wear. Pump tight when turnedby hand lrregular delivery. Pumprefuses prime. to N o i syru n n i n g . beforestartingthe power.

)i '

I t.

Thereasons the aboveindications _ for are; a. Wrongdirection rotation. of b. Pumpspeednotcorrect.

c. d.

Pumpnot primed properly. Suction not primed fine properly. Air pockets vapour suction. or in Air leakage suction at side. Pumpsuction headnotsufficient. lmproper lubrication. lmproper alignment. Damaged wornout parts. or Clogged damaged or filters. CE CURVES

acity diagramshows the refationship betweencapacity,head, speed, hydraulic re, efficiency etc. for a certaintype of pump. Nor m ally our diagr ams show head, ed and hydraufic pressure operating the hydraulic at motorin the pump.s a function as of watercapacity.

Fig. 9.4: Capacity v/s Head

"" *: rhe decrease capacity very ;iil",: in is sma,wher when ;::'::I"'::^:i":""::,:ilthis due backpressure and is:r tosmarl rises,
'ir!o;::: ',,tln#^,:i::::1il?l

rly:j:,:racement (screw orpiston pump o,ro pump) a and galpump shown if."ji::"#y"ff.,:::: in diasram As shown is e.4.
tn" ;; ffi#"'

differencebetweena positive dispracement pump and a centrifugarpump

thehead' rfthehead very ln: is row (when pumpins ;;';;:;',i" cityis large.Butif the

internar ,""*n;;;i;ril, ilL,lttrr capacity a centrifusar va'esvery of pump much

headis veryhigh, capaciiy the reacnes zero.


Diagram Useof the Gapacity and the Gorrection Ghartfor Liquidswith HighVi
A capacity diagramshows pumpingcapacity againstdischarge head and the corr

pressure. gravity 0). The diagram based waterpumping (specific is hydraulic on 1 gravity liquids with otherspecific and/or viscosities pumped, dataon the are the
according the correction to chartgivenfor every pump. To illu must be corrected diagram, see fig.9.5 whichis an example chosenat random. use of the capacity a capacity 250 m3/ha of The pumpused in the examplehas,for instance maximum pr essur e 117 kp/cm 2. hydr is h 8 5 m . d i s ch a rg e e a da n d th e co rresponding aulic

pressures.lf a liquidwith The diagram showsthe capacity various at hydraulic gravity is 1.81is to be pumped against m, the diagram usedas follows order 70 in to pressure thesystem 140kp/cm' lf hydraulic for is we maximum capacity. maximum = 1 4 0k p / c m X 1 . 0 t 1 . 8 1 7 7 . 3k p / c m z . 2 Youenterthe line75 (or a little above rso E the line)and the diagram showsthat $ of the pumpshouldreacha capacity ! rzs 70 about200 m3/hagainst metresif I the pump is run at a maximum loo ; pressure 140kplcm2. of hydraulic -g o' Ts you are to pump a liquid; Assuming the i s0 viscosity thanwater, witha higher must from the diagram dataobtained be corrected according to the 125 chart. correction too thatthe pumpis to pumpa o Assume cargo with specificgravity 1.1 and rs viscosity centistokes. 220 E is waterthe capacity B 50 When pumping the e.g.175m3/h, headis 100m and - 2s pressure 102 kplcm'. is the hydraulic HydraulicpressureP, correctedfor o gravity .1: 1 specific =1 x l'1.0 12kplcmz Pr = 1g2kplcm2 1.1 for factors the viscosity The correction (Theexample canbe foundin diagram lines). in is shown dotted
(O) factorfor capacity = 0.93 Correction (Y) factoryfor efficiency = 0.72 Correction X 175 m2lh 0.93 = 163 m3/h capacity: Corrected h C o r r e c t e d e a d :1 0 0 m X 0 .9 7= 9 7 m


100 150 200 250 300 350 capacityin lvt3lX Watep

Diagram Fig.9.5:Capacity

= = pressure 112kplcm20.93X0.9710.72 140kplcm2 X ed hydraulic

car a a i n g t o t h i s t h e ca p a ci ty n d h e a dw ill decr ease gr eatdeal when pumping goe s

highviscosity. to not necessary the cargo pump maximum at

ity and discharge



The pump's ions might be

by down in g t h e h y d r a u l i c
1p u m p 2p u m p s p u m p s

so, . By doing avoids throttling pumps cargo

rge valve to the desired

m p



E and thereby A is consumption D reduced.



S I N PA R A L L E L ing two identical

I pumps in (i.e. on a n cargo line)


3P 2P 1p uuuu mmmm pppp sss




acity would be as much as for pump and if three pumps

itv would be



times greater br one pumpand

as indicatedin m 9.6A.
Cp Ir ulu
mln p n

this is not reallY is Thereason that

losses in the
line. which is a

1p uuu





pumpsin Fig. 9.6:Gentrifugal of the capacity, to the static as the (i.e.the heightbetween shipand the cargotanksashore) shownin fig
tq I

i n


are at Figure 9.68willdo if the pumps running the samespeedand if the oil levelin the cargotanks the same. But if one pumpis working T is almost than the otherones you o underworseconditions T A in as willhavea situation indicated fig.9.6C. L is in As youwillseethe increase the totalcapacity to lessfor each pumpyou connect the common in linethanshown fig.9.64. to manypumps the line,the output lf you connect zero. forthe lastoneswillbe almost As you will see, the pump that is runningat pump) notableto pump (the4th. is reduced speed anycargointothe cargolineat all. The maximum for head(at zera capacity) this pumpis lessthan in back pressure the cargo line, and the three will otherpumps pumpsomecargointothe cargo fig.9.6C. the tankwhere 4thpumpis situated IN PUMPS SERIES OF RUNNING GENTRIFUGAL



pu Fig.9.7:Centrifugal in series

pumps series. the outlet connection in i.e. two Whenyou are connecting centrifugal pump, you can simply add the heads In pump is connected the inlet of another to pumps not two do in 9.7.The (ormore) as of diagram the pumps shown figure capacity pumps series. in centrifugal when youareconnecting to be identical (VAC-STRIP SYSTEM) SYSTEM UNLOADING AUTOMATTC oil and the cargo tankers is of The purpose thissystem to simplify workof unloading pumpalone. oil by can time. Unloading be doneautomatically the cargo unloading are of Thefeatures thissystem as follows: by procedure preventing whichwas done formerly the oper (1) The cavitation automated. pumps can be doneby largecapacity (2) Sincethe stripping cargooil tankers of pumps, time can unloading stripping reciprocating smallcapacity of instead conventional reduced. j procedure and high:grade intricate work is automated, (3) Sincestripping are required the operator not necessary. by formerly BasicPrinciple of carryout the prevention of The basicprinciple this systemis to automatically pumpa by of of and cavitation suction gasesso thatcompletion unloading a centrifugal
are basicactions the On becomespossible. the basisof this principle following carriedout.


beilin line, The air sucked fromthe suction frompumpsuction of Removal gases orl from line produced the suction areseparated the cargo in andthe cargooil vapour pumpout of the top of the by tank. Thesegasesare extracted the vacuum separator
(slop) tank. In thisway liquidaloneis sentto the intoa reservoir tank and released

air. Whena largevolume pumpfromsucking for valvecontrol preventing Discharge verylow.Andif levelbecomes its stage, liquid in @mesintothe separator the stripping impossible. pumping becomes in airis sucked by thepump,

fromthe cavitation' the valve pumpcanbe avoided

is the separatorlevel falls below the minimum set value, the dischargevalve and liquidalone is y closed. this way suctionof air into the pump is prevented In

b thepump.


Cargo tank

e PT aa

ak t

Oil level Bell-Mouth

SYstem Fig.9.8:TheVac-StriP
the Afterstarting cargopump,on the console;

a) b)

valveis set to "NOR" actingon the air extraction selector The NOR/CLOSE actingon the vacuumpumpis set to "AUTO"' selector The AUTO/MANUAL selectoracting on the dischargecontrolvalve is set to The AUTO/MANUAL .,AUTO".

2. Towards finalunloading the stage, cargolevelin the tank lowers,a parl as vapour, becomes whichaccumulates the upperportion the separator, at of w to begins lower. Whenthe separator pumpstarts an air si 3. levellowers B0%, vacuum to the by fromthe leveltransmitter at the sametime,the air extraction and valveis opened discharge valveis throttled. control pump, separator 4. Whenthe vapour extracted vacuum is by the levelrisesaga pumpstops, air extraction it becomes 100%, vacuum the the valvecloses andthe di control valve fully. opens proceeds 5. The unloading repeatedly mentioned as aboveto preventthe entering cargopumpwhenever accumulatesthe separator. the it in 6. Whenthe levelin the cargotank lowersfurther, vortexoccursaroundthe a
bell-mouth and air is sucked. The air suckedis separated from the cargo in the and accumulated the upperportion the separator at of and the operation same as vapouris suckedis repeated.

7. lf the levelin the cargotanklowers further, levelaround bell-mouth the the flu heavily and a lot of air is sucked. The separator levellowers seriously eventhou pumps operated vacuum are continuously the discharge and control valveopening verysmall.lf the separator level reaches the low-level 5%, lampin redon the console to showthatunloading comes thestripping now into stage. lf thiscondition 8. continues about3 minutes stripping for the completion lampin theconsole flickers buzzing shows completion unloading. with the and of Function MainComponents Of (1) Separator tank: The separator is installed the suction tank at sideof the cargo produced the suction pipe. to separate coming fromthe bell-mouth vapours air and in A leveltransmitter fittedon it. The leveltransmitter is measures liquidlevelin the separator and changesit to an air signalwhich handles opening closingof the or valve,starting extraction and stopping the vacuumpump and opening/control of of
liquid, hot wateror steamline is p control valve. In case of highviscosity a discharge

to the on the pressure sensor the leveltransmitter washand prevent liquidin the of fromsticking afterunloading. (2) Air Extraction line-of valveis installed the vertical on Valve: The air extraction pumpandis an on-off piping valve actuated an by the and between separator the vacuum pressure a spring. and
of with and stopping the vacuumpump. It opensand closessimultaneously the starting (3) valve controlvalve unit is a butterfly Discharge controlvalve unit: The discharge automatically an air signal by flow of the cargo pump. lt is controlled discharge control on fromthe leveltransmitter the separator.


an r the valvestem end there is a valveposition transmitter which indicates openrng the of
to the cargo control room. The valve can be operated locally and manually by a

to lever manual. change an handle setting auto/manual by al operation

of V a c u u mp u m p u n i t: T h e va cu u mp u mp unit consists two vacuumpum psand a at ng watertank and is installed the pumproomentrance.

in separated theseparator air pumpis a water ringtypeandsucks andvapours vacuum tank. them discharges intotheslop
an mo p v ac uu m u m pi s d ri ve nb y a n e l e ctri c torin the enginer oomthr ough inter mediate in is to . F re s hw a t e r n e ce ssa ry th e va cu u mpump' sfunction contained the sealing disorderof the r tank and cooled by a coolingtube in the tank to preventfunctional umpump.

line line line, sealing andoverflow to bilge the liquids, suction high handling viscosity pumpunitare connected the hotwateror steamlineto washand prevent to the vacuum
a liq u id t h e l i n e sf ro m sti cki n g fte ru n l o a ding. in

the is on selector the cargoconsole set to "AUTO" pumpsstartwitha timelag'of20

relay. switchand the time-lag each by the sequential s between

pumpand alsothe waterto the vacuum sealing watertank is a tankto supply sealing
in water;air and vapoursare separated it.

_______,(p.-- _ 'valve: L control for selector discharge Auto/manual J tlt valve to is used to changeover the discharge the tic or manualcontrol. In manualcontrol,
by optionally manually valve can be controlled

selector. of signal the auto/manual ingtheoutput

Reversinq relay: This converts the pneumatic signal into the operating from the leveltransmitter start valve and the signalfor automatic extraction

pump. of stop thevacuum VES- GateValve

v al v es l i d e su p a n d d o w ng u i d e sse t i n a housing

by b fittedon a pipeline. The valve is operated takes18 to 30 a ly turning threaded fromfull opento full close. Sizesas largeas the
required for the particularpipeline size are . lt is very dependableand almost fail-proof; it is not easily automated. When the gate


to position, offers resistance the no it in the'open' to adjustment the rateof an oil. lt offers accurate
desired. lt offers positive sealing under high res but if the valve seat is damagedit leaksat low res.

Fig. 9.9: GateValve

ButterflyValve The butterfly valveis very easilyadaptable automation. to - one-fourth opensor closes It is easilyoperated turn the valve. lt is also light, compactand less expensive. However the disadvantages that pipeline are flow is not controllable the valvebeingin the middle oil flow,it and of offersresistance flow. lt also needsmoreattention to and maintenance it develops as leaks readily. SeatValves Seatvalveshavelimited use in cargosystems due to the development a highpressure of drop. Whenabsolutely tight seamseals required, are seat valveshavebeenused with a bellowarrangement insteadof "O"rings.

Fig.9.10: Butt

i I?






Fig. 9.11:Seat Valve

Ball Valves

Fig. 9.12:Ball Valve

y T h e s e a r e p a rti cu l a rlsu i ta b l ei n small and medium dimensions. Above - 250 diameter, operating the torque becomeshigh. Most designshave a 'lock-in' cargo vol ' b a l l '. T o cl e a nth i s vo l u mewhen line- cleaning, valve m ust be oper ated aro u n dt h e the couple f times. o

o is loaded/discharged shore hosesor metal loadingarms which are connected via to rtshipsdeck lines known as manifolds. Valves in these lines near the connectino routethe cargoas desired.

ing lines leadingvertically from the deck lines to the tank lines are calleddrop lines. "dropvalves" control flow of oil in theselines. the r Valves valves are fitted where a fore and aft pipelinepassesthrougha tank bulkhead; rt tes othertanksfromthe one it seryes.A Master valveis usedto separate setsof "a c r o ss n ks"(l P , l C , l S se p ar ates 2C, 23 witha m aster t ta 2P, valve) . -Over Valves

rtshiplinesjoiningmain linesare calledcrossover lines. Valveson theselines te adjacent tanksi.e.2Pis separated 2c by a "crossover from Varve". Valves bell-mouth, valvecontrols flowof oil intoor out of the tank. Theseare called a the E SYSTEMS
Main System


v*rve \

It is basically 'square' a
layout. circular l f r e q u i r e d , i l ca n b e o




from one side to

with p a m i d s h i p u m p rooms, o n e r i n g ma i n SETVES tanks fonrvard of the pump room w h i l e another serves the aft



a i---__-r

-lrr +rr


Suitable for products versatility required is for gra v a r i o u s d e s. A major disadvantage



I t



system is that it is e to builddue to the

Fig. 9.13:DoubleRing Main Systern


of proliferation jointsbendsand valves. and the necessary extrapipelengthsrequired of erosionof bendsand leaksare majorproblems thistype of layout. Maintenance, 6. Free Flow System Gate Valves(sluiceva On some VLCC,sthe main pipelineis not used for discharging the sterntrim causesthe oil to flow in are constructed the tank bulkheads.When opened,

pumps located' are to lines thecargo direct where tanks the aftermost as drained, the and of Thisis a veryfastmethod discharge thetanksarealsoefficiently flow to permit oil residue readily aft' the valves sluice bulkhead

with RingMain FreeFtowSystem Fig.9.14:

DirectLine SYstem quick and Facilitates loading discharging' lessloss ensures thanthe ringmainsystem and pipelengths fewerbends Shorter 2. suction. better pressure provides and 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. g. to CheaPer construct. less Requires maintenance. bends' lesser are Leaks fewerbecause timeis reduced Linewashing as into and is Linewashing difficult hasto be flushed tanks theyarenotcircular' to leaksif anyaredifficult control' As therearefewervalves, problems' due grades be carried to segregation can and versatility lesser Lacks

on Thistypeis morecommon VLCC's.





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