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Elementary Reading Attitude Survey Scoring Sheet Teacher: ______________________________________ Student: ______________________________________ Date: _____________ Class: _____________

Scoring Guide 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point Happiest Garfield Slightly smiling Garfield Mildly upset Garfield Very upset Garfield

Recreational Reading Test Item Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Raw Score Percentile Ranks NOTE: Divide raw score by 80 to determine percent. Number of Points 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Raw Score Recreational Academic Full Scale

Academic Reading Test Item Number Number of Points

Full Scale Raw Score (Recreational + Academic) =

Elementary Reading attitude survey adapted from McKenna & Kear , 1990.

APPENDIX I ELEMENTARY READING ATTITUDE SURVEY Name: ________________________________________ Class:___________________

1. How do you feel when you read a book on a rainy Saturday?

2. How do you feel when you read a book in school during free time?

3. How do you feel about reading for fun at home?

4. How do you feel about getting a book for a present?

5. How do you feel about spending free time reading?

6. How do you feel about starting a new book?

7. How do you feel about reading during school holidays?

8. How do you feel about reading instead of playing?

9. How do you feel about going to a bookstore?

10. How do you feel about reading different kinds of books?

11. How do you feel when the teacher asks you questions about what you read?

12. How do you feel about doing reading activity book?

13. How do you feel about reading in school?

14. How do you feel about reading your school books?

15. How do you feel about learning from a book?

16. How do you feel when it's time for reading class?

17. How do you feel about the stories you read in reading class?

18. How do you feel when you read out aloud in class?

19. How do you feel about using a dictionary?

20. How do you feel about taking a reading test?


Class: ______________

Teachers Name:____________________________________________________________

Please rate the following for each student by ticking the appropriate column.

Student's name: 1. Application to tasks 2. Ability to concentrate 3. Attitude to school 4. Personal organization 5. Ability to follow instructions 6. Behaviour in class 7. Willingness to conform to authority 8. Attitude to reading for enjoyment in class 9. Attitude to reading in class activities 10. Attitude to reading for homework 11. Attitude towards reading fiction texts 12. Attitude towards reading non-fiction texts 13. Fluency as a reader 14. Reading comprehension 15. Willingness to change his/her reading books often 16. Interest in books as a source of learning 17. Overall achievement in school reading

Excellent Good Satisfactory Developing

Adapted from Young (2003)

APPENDIX III MARKING SCHEME FOR ENGLISH PAPER 2 BAND Q1 Q 2B Q3 DESCRIPTION *Excellent & confident use of the language. *Ideas conveyed clearly through a variety of sentence structures. *Confident use of new words to express ideas. *Ideas are well-planned, relevant & are linked so as to sustain the interest of the reader. *Overall accurate use of spelling & punctuation.


9 10

13 15








*Confident use of the language throughout. *Attempts made to construct a variety of sentence structures but occasional errors. *Most ideas are well-organised, relevant & 10 12 conveyed clearly. *Ideas are well-planned but links may be absent or inappropriate but overall meaning is still clear. *A few spelling & punctuation errors may be found in the script. *Generally confident use of the language. *Simple sentences with minor errors but meaning is still clear. 59 *Satisfactory presentation of ideas. *Vocabulary is adequate to convey meaning. *A few punctuation & spelling errors may be found in the script. *Poor use of language. *Multiple errors found in sentences. 0 4 *Ideas are incomprehensible even after a few reading. *Limited & incorrect use of vocabulary. *Many spelling & punctuation errors.

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