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Heat Bridges in Building Constructions: Requirements for Sustainable Housing and Solutions

Gerhard Faninger
Keywords: Cause and effect of heat bridges. Calculation of heat transmission losses in buildings. Heat bridges in building connections and windows. Measures to minimise heat bridges. Assessment of heat transmission losses through heat bridges. Methodology for calculation. Results of calculations and conclusions. 1. Introduction

Heat Bridges in building constructions result from locally limited areas of a building envelope with raised heat transit. Examples for heat bridges in buildings are: Connection of building materials with different heat conductivity. Larger cooling outside area of a building compared with a smaller heat absorbing area of the inner edge; Figure 1.

Heat bridges effect transmission losses as well as condensation problems. 2. Heat transmission losses

The transmission losses through the building envelope include heat transfer through the external wall, the outside windows and doors, the highest floor level (roof) and the lowest floor level (basement, cellar), and additional the heat losses through heat bridges in the building envelope: corners, windows, highest floor (roof, attica) and lowest floor (basement, cellar), balconies and other building connections; Figure 2. The heat transmission losses in a building are calculated on the basis of the Thermal Conductance Methodology Leitwertberechnung/1, 2/. The calculation includes the building parts from heated rooms to outside, from heated rooms to non-heated rooms and from non-heated rooms to outside; Figure 3. The calculation from heated rooms to outside is illustrated in Figure 4, and through heat bridges in building connections in Figure 4. The calculation of heat losses through cellars different types and through the basement (non insulated and insulated) is more complex and includes also the heat losses through the different building connections in the cellar area. Figure 5 illustrates the numerical formulation; /2/. The heat losses through heat bridges in building connections are calculated on the basis of numerical formulation for transient and steady-state heat conductions in two and three dimensions, described in /3/. Computer programmes have been developed within the scope of international co-operation in EU-member countries: EUROKOBRA/AUSTROKOBRA; /4/. With this PC-tool, thermal bridges, heat transfer through corners of windows, heat loss from a house to the ground can be analysed, and it is quite easy to solve ordinary construction problems. The tool makes it simple to describe a large range of heat transfer problems. The user will be helped to design the building construction with minimised heat bridges. Figure 6 demonstrates the practical use of the PC-tool. The programme includes a database for typically building construction parts (outside walls, floors, window-frames, balconies, cellars,

basements, other building connections) in form of defaults for editing the structure (thickness of material layers , horizontal and vertical) and materials (characterised with the heat conductivity , W/(m, K) ). The results are temperature lines (isotherm lines)in the building construction with assessment of condensation problems and values for characterisation of the heat losses through heat bridges. The results of heat bridge analysis in building constructions are illustrated in Figure 7a and 7b (outside wall), Figure 8a and 8b (balconies) and Figure 9a to 9d (windows); /4/. 3. Heat bridges in windows

The influence of heat bridges between glass and frame is described with the following equation (NORM EN 30077-1): Uw = (Ug*Ag + Uf*Af + lfg*g) / (Ag + Af) Uw : equivalent thermal convective heat transfer coefficient, W/(m, K) Ug: thermal convective heat transfer coefficient of glass, W/(m, K) Ag: glass area, m Uf: thermal convective heat transfer coefficient of window frame, W/(m, K) Af: frame area, m lfg: length of heat bridge, related to g, m g: correction factor (supplementary thermal conductance value) for 2D-heat bridge between window frame and window glass, W/(m, K). Guide numbers for g-values for heat bridges between window frame and window glass are shown in Table 1 /2/. The U-values of windows are increased through heat bridges between glass and frame by about 0,05 W/(m, K) (high-efficient windows) until 0,19 W/(m, K) (standard-window). 4. Minimizing of heat bridges in building connections

Typically building connections are shown in Figure 10: correct and wrong solutions. 5. Calculation of heat transmission losses through heat bridges

The basis for the calculation of heat transmission losses through heat bridges is the methodology of Thermal Conductance Analyses. The influence of heat bridges is described through characteristically supplementary heat conduction values for typically building constructions. can be calculated within the PC-tools for heat bridge analyses; /4/. Typically guide numbers are listed in Table 2. The thermal conductance value LHB is calculated with: LHB = * 1, W/K = l = supplementary thermal conductance value, related to length, W/m length of heat bridge, m

Figure 11 shows an example for calculation.


The transmission heat losses QHB through heat bridges are calculated from the supplementary thermal conductance value LHB with /1, 2/: QHB = (LHB * 3) * 0,024 * HGD/Vg, kWh/(m, a) HGD: Heating degree days Vg : Volume of heated building area, m (gross) 6. Calculation of total heat transmission losses of the building envelope

The thermal conductance Le of the building envelope is the sum of all heat transfers through the building envelope: i j Le = Ai * Ui + j i=1 j=1 Ai: Ui : j : l j: area of outside building envelope, m U-value of Ai, W/(m,K) supplementary thermal conductance value for heat bridge, related to length j, W/K length of heat bridge j, m

The total transmission heat losses Qtotal through the building envelope are calculated from the thermal conductance value Le with /1, 2/: Qtotal = (Le * 3) * 0,024 * HGD/Vg, kWh/(m, a) HGD: Heating degree days Vg : Volume of heated building area, m (gross) 7. Results of calculations and summary

The results of the calculation of heat transmission losses in housing with different envelope insulation standard are illustrated in Figure 11 (Apartment House), Figure 12 (Row House) and Figure 13 (Single-family Detached House). The contribution of heat bridges to the transmission heat losses are up to 25%. Figure 11c shows the share of the different building parts to the heat transmission for an Apartment House in Low-energy House- and Passive House-standard. The goal/requirement for the heat transmission through heat bridges in Passive Houses is below 4%; Figure 14a and 14b. The influence of heat losses through heat bridges may be high and has to be considered in the design phase. It is strong recommended to investigate some time to find solutions for minimized heat bridges in building connections.

Literature: /1/ /2/ NORM B 8110, NORM EN 1190: Wrmeschutz im Hochbau. sterreichisches Normungsinstitut. Wien.1999 Energieausweis fr Gebude: Rechenprogramm zur Abschtzung des Heizwrme- und Brennstoffbedarfes von Gebuden. Ausgabe 8.0, Mrz 2003. Gerhard Faninger. Institut fr systemische Interventionsforschung und Weiterbildung, iff. Universitt Klagenfurt. Sterneckstrae 15, A-9020-Klagenfurt Free download from: Heat Conduction in Two and Three Dimensions: Computer Modelling of Building Physics Applications Thomas Blomberg. Lund University, Lund Institute of Technology, Department of Building Technology, Building Physics. Report TVBH-1008. May 1996 EUROKOBRA / AUSTROKOBRA: Das EDV Programm fr den Baupraktiker Dynamischer Wrmebrcken-Europa-Atlas im PC E. Panzhauser, K. Krek, J. Lechleitner Technische Universitt Wien, Institut fr Hochbau fr Architekten Karlsplatz 13, A-1040 Wien Wrmebrcken, Luft- und Winddichte Erwin Schwarzmller Energie Tirol, Adamgasse 4, A-6020 Innsbruck. 1999 Wrmebrckenvermeidung Christian Astl, Christina Grembacher, Guido Wimmers, Helmut Crepaz, Karl Auer Energie Tirol, Adamgasse 4, A-6020 Innsbruck. 1999





Table 1

-Values for Heat Bridges in Building constructions

Two dimension calculation

Guide Numbers
-Values, W/(m, K)

Building Envelope
Highest floor / roof / attic Outside wall / ceiling / floors Outside wall / balconies Outside wall / window frame Outside wall / basement

StandardHouse 0.20 0.20 0.30 0.20 0.20

Low-EnergyHouse 0.12 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.10

PassiveHouse 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.040 0.050

Table 2
g-values for heat bridges between window frame and window glass Guide number (NORM B 8110-1)

g -Werte

Window frame
Wood- and plastic frame Metall-Frame Metall-frame with insulation

Double-and triple glasses, without coating

Double-and triple glasses, evacuated, with coating

0,04 0,06 0,00

0,06 0,08 0,02

Figure 1: Heat bridges in building constructions

Figure 2: Transmission heat losses in buildings

Fig. 3: Heat flow through the building envelope

Le for Building Heated Area to Outside Building Part

Upper Floor/Roof/Attic (1) Upper Floor/Roof/Attic (2) Outside Wall (1) Outside Wall (2) Outside Wall (3) Windows Outside Doors Outside Wall, soil-connected Others (1) Others (2)
Frame Glass

AB1 (m) 409,38 833,86 39,80 179,20 409,38 -

U (W/(m, K))AB1*U (W/K) 0,100 0,100 0,700 0,700 0,100 40,94 83,39 27,86 125,44 8,19 -





L for two-dimension Heat Bridges

Building Part Upper Floor/Roof/Attic Outside Wall/1st Floor Outside Wall/2nd Floor Outside Wall/3rd Floor Outside Wall/Balcony Outside Wall/Balcony Outside Wall/Windows Outside Wall/Doors Basement Others 90,50 0,05 4,53 l (m) 90,50 271,50 480,00 (W/(m, K)) 0,01 0,01 0,01 l* (W/K) 0,72 2,17 4,80



Figure 4: Calculation of thermal conductance of the building envelope /2/

Figure 5: Heat flow through building basement and cellar

Figure 6: PC-tool for heat bridge analysis: input data and results


Figure 7a: Heat flow in outside wall; examples /5/


Figure 7b : Heat flow in outside wall; examples /5/


Figure 8a: Heat flow in building connections - balconies; examples /5/


Figure 8b: Heat flow in building connections - balconies; examples /5/


Figure 9a: Heat flow in window frames; examples /5/


Figure 9b: Heat flow in window frames; examples /5/


Figure 9c: Heat flow in window frames; examples /5/


Figure 9d: Heat flow in window frames; examples /5/


Figure 10: Minimizing of heat bridges in typically building connections /5/


Transmissions Heat Losses Through Heat Bridges

Reference Apartment House, 1872 m /4070 m Location: Zurich
Building Insulation Standard

U, W/(m, K) 0.50 0.40 1.80 0.50 , W/(m, K) 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.30

U, W/(m, K) 0.15 0.20 1.10 0.20 , W/(m, K) 0.12 0.10 0.10 0.10

Passive-House A
U, W/(m, K) 0.10 0.12 0.70 0.10 , W/(m, K) 0.05 0.08 0.10 0.10

Passive-House B
U, W/(m, K) 0.10 0.10 0.70 0.10 , W/(m, K) 0.008 0.008 0.010 0.050

Upper floor/roof/attic Outside wall Outside window Basement/ceiling Thermal conductance, W/K Total transmission losses, kWh/(m, a) Transmission losses through heat bridges, kWh/(m, a)

195,55 74,46 11,76 15,80

95,06 36,11 5,18 15,83

83,20 23,20 5,00 21,57

12,22 17,93 0,735 4,10

Qheat bridges/ Qtotal, %

Figure 11a: Transmission heat losses in housing: Reference Apartment House, IEA-SHC-TASK 28

Figure 11b: Transmission heat losses in housing: Reference Apartment House, IEA-SHC-TASK 28

Figure 11c: Transmission heat losses in housing: Reference Apartment House, IEA-SHC-TASK 28


Transmissions Heat Losses Through Heat Bridges

Reference Row House, 748 m /1254 m Location: Zurich
Building Insulation Standard

U, W/(m, K) 0.50 0.40 1.80 0.50 , W/(m, K) 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.30

U, W/(m, K) 0.15 0.20 1.10 0.20 , W/(m, K) 0.12 0.10 0.10 0.10

Passive-House A
U, W/(m, K) 0.10 0.12 0.70 0.10 , W/(m, K) 0.05 0.08 0.10 0.10

Passive-House B
U, W/(m, K) 0.10 0.10 0.70 0.10 , W/(m, K) 0.008 0.008 0.010 0.050

Upper floor/roof/attic Outside wall Outside window Basement/ceiling Thermal conductance, W/K Total transmission losses, kWh/( m, a) Transmission losses through heat bridges, kWh/(m, a)

58,62 80,46 11,44

27,67 40,35 5,40

22,76 24,12 4,44

4,62 19,49 0,90

Qheat bridges/ Qtotal, %





Figure 12a: Transmission heat losses in housing: Reference Row House, IEA-SHC-TASK 28


Figure 12b: Transmission heat losses in housing: Reference Row House, IEA-SHC-TASK 28


Transmissions Heat Losses Through Heat Bridges

Reference Detached House, 470 m /625 m Location: Zurich
Building Insulation Standard

U, W/(m, K) 0.50 0.40 1.80 0.50 , W/(m, K) 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.30

U, W/(m, K) 0.15 0.20 1.10 0.20 , W/(m, K) 0.12 0.10 0.10 0.10

Passive-House A
U, W/(m, K) 0.10 0.12 0.70 0.10 , W/(m, K) 0.05 0.08 0.10 0.10

Passive-House B
U, W/(m, K) 0.10 0.10 0.70 0.10 , W/(m, K) 0.008 0.008 0.010 0.050

Upper floor/roof/attic Outside wall Outside window Basement/ceiling Thermal conductance, W/K Total transmission losses, kWh/(m, a) Transmission losses through heat bridges, kWh/(m, a)

37,58 88,72 14,72

17,32 37,71 6,78

14,05 23,38 5,50

3,14 18,22 1,23

Qheat bridges/ Qtotal, %





Figure 13a: Transmission heat losses in housing: Reference Detached House, IEA-SHC-TASK 28

Figure 13b: Transmission heat losses in housing: Reference Detached House, IEA-SHC-TASK 28


Figure 14a: Goal / requirement for minimizing of heat bridges in Passive Housing


Figure 14b: Goal / requirement for minimizing of

heat bridges in Passive Housing

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