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4, JULY 2001


A Space Vector Modulated CSI-Based AC Drive for Multimotor Applications

Jack Daming Ma, Member, IEEE, Bin Wu, Senior Member, IEEE, Navid R. Zargari, and Steven C. Rizzo, Member, IEEE

AbstractA space vector controlled channel state information (CSI) drive for multimotor applications is investigated. The multimotor operation of the drive is achieved by integrating the proposed active damping control, inverter-side dc link voltage feedforward control and pulse width modulation (PWM) index control control. The main function of the acinto the conventional tive damping control is to suppress possible LC resonances caused by the inverter filter capacitor and motor inductances. This function is essential in achieving stable operation of the drive, especially in the multimotor drive where multiple LC resonant modes exist. An additional advantage provided by the active damping control is that it makes the control system less sensitive to motor parameters. The inverter-side dc link voltage feedforward control and the adjustable PWM modulation index control are developed to improve the dynamic performance of the drive system. In addition, the proposed space vector PWM pattern features a low switching frequency (500 Hz), which makes the proposed drive system suitable for high power applications. The system stability is investigated by means of eigenvalue analysis. The theoretic analysis is verified by experiments on a digital signal processing (DSP) controlled CSI multimotor drive. control, Index TermsActive damping control, constant current source inverter, DSP controller, feedforward control, high power applications, LC resonance suppression, multiple induction motor operation, space vector switching pattern.

I. INTRODUCTION ULSE width modulation (PWM) current source inverter (CSI) fed ac motor drives are often used in high power (1,00010 000 hp) applications [1], [2]. The CSI drive has the features of simple structure, reliable short circuit protection, four quadrant operation capability and nearly sinusoidal outputs. In addition, the switching device [symmetrical GTO or gate commutated thyristor (GCT)] used in the CSI can be easily connected in series, which makes the CSI drive particularly suitable for implementation at medium voltage (2300 V7200 V) levels [2]. However, the CSI drive has mainly focused on single motor applications so far. It seems that no PWM CSI-based multimotor drive has been reported to the authors knowledge.

Manuscript received January 15, 2001; revised April 16, 2001. This work was supported by Rockwell Automation Canada and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. Recommended by Associate Editor J. Ojo. J. D. Ma is with Inverpower Controls, Ltd., Burlington, ON L7N 3P3, Canada. B. Wu is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON M5B 2K3, Canada. N. R. argari and S. C. Rizzo are with Power Electronics R&D, Rockwell Automation Canada, Inc, Cambridge, ON N1R 5X1, Canada. Publisher Item Identifier S 0885-8993(01)05965-8.

Fig. 1 shows the circuit diagram of a typical CSI based multimotor drive, where the SCR rectifier converts the utility ac power supply to a dc current source while the PWM inverter converts the dc current to an ac current with variable amplitude and frequency. The SCR rectifier can be replaced by a GTO or GCT based PWM rectifier for harmonic reduction, dynamic performance improvement and power factor correction. The main function of the filter capacitor C is to assist GTO commutation as well as to filter out harmonic currents produced by the inverter. The size of the capacitor is mainly determined by the inverter switching frequency. Since the drive is proposed for high power applications where the switching frequency of the inverter is often limited to several hundred Hertz, a large size capacitor (0.30.6 per unit) is usually required. It is well known that the CSI drive is a nonlinear and nonminimum phase system [3]. It cannot operate stably under open loop conditions. To achieve stable operation and improve dynamic performance of the drive, field oriented (vector) control is usually employed [4][6]. However, this control scheme requires motor parameters, based on which the drive system design can be carried out. Obviously, the field oriented control cannot be used for multimotor applications. One of the control schemes which may be considered for use in the multiple motor drive is control since it does not require motor parameters. Keeping the ratio of motor voltage to frequency constant can make motor air-gap flux approximately constant. This scheme can be easily implemented in the drive using voltage source inverters. Howcontrol is used in the CSI drive, the folever, when the lowing two technical challenges should be addressed. 1) LC resonance. There exist two resonant modes associated with the CSI drive due to the parallel connection of the filter capacitor and the motor. One is a low frequency resonance caused by the capacitor and motor magnetizing inductance. The other is a high frequency resonance associated with the capacitor and motor leakage inductance. controlled CSI drive, if the low resonant freIn the quency falls into the range of the drive operating frequency, the stability of the drive is lost [3]. In high power drives, the capacitor is usually in the range of 0.3 to 0.6 per unit while the motor magnetizing inductance has a value of three to five per unit. The resultant resonant frequency varies from 0.6 to 1.0 per unit (36 Hz to 60 Hz), which is in the drive operating range, making the drive unstable. The problem becomes worse with the multimotor drive, where disconnecting one or more motors from the inverter will cause a reduction in the resonant

08858993/01$10.00 2001 IEEE



Fig. 1. Circuit diagram of a typical CSI based multiple induction motor drive.

frequency since the motor magnetizing inductances are virtually connected in parallel. The LC resonant problem associated with the CSI drive was investigated in [7] where the instantaneous voltage of the filter capacitor was detected and fed back to the inverter voltage controller. In doing so, the LC resonance was effectively suppressed but at the expense of using a high switching frequency (2.8 KHz). Obviously, this scheme may not be suitable for high power drives where the switching frequency has to be low due to the switching loss and limited speed of switching devices. 2) Fast current response. In order to implement the control, the inverter output voltage should be kept constant in both steady and transient states for a given operating frequency. Otherwise, an interaction between the motor and inverter will occur, resulting in a sustained oscillation. To solve this problem, a fast current response is required. However, the CSI drive is usually considered as a sluggish system mainly due to the use of the dc link choke. One strategy to achieve a fast dynamic response is to keep the dc link current at its rated value and control the inverter output current via modulation index adjustment [8]. This scheme may not be considered practical for high power drives due to the power losses on the dc link choke and switching devices. Another approach is to introduce an additional feedback loop for the inverter modulation index control [7]. The modulation index can be adjusted instantaneously to improve the dynamic response of the drive. Obviously, the system design becomes more complex because of the additional feedback loop. In this paper, a simple but effective modulation index control is proposed for system dynamic performance improvements. The main feature of the proposed drive is its ability to power multiple motors without losing its stability. This is achieved mainly by introducing an active damping control into the drive system. In literature, the active damping control was proposed for use in front-end rectifiers or active power line filters to suppress high frequency resonances [9][12]. In this paper the active damping control is implemented on the inverter side to solve the system stability problem caused by the low frequency LC resonance. In addition, an inverter-side dc voltage feedforward control is also proposed to facilitate the multimotor operation. The control scheme contains only two feed-

Fig. 2.

Block diagram of the proposed CSI multimotor drive.

back control loops, an inner current loop and an outer voltage loop, which makes the implementation and parameter tuning simple and straightforward. II. CONTROL SCHEME Fig. 2 shows the block diagram of the proposed multimotor controlled system, where no motor drive. It is essentially a parameters are required. The reference signal for the drive is the based on which the inverter refinverter output frequency is calculated. There are two feedback loops: erence voltage an inner current loop and an outer voltage loop. The amplitude of the inverter output voltage is controlled by adjusting the inverter output current through a PI regulator. The damping current is obtained by detecting the capacitor voltage (peak value, constant in steady state) and then dividing the voltage by . The damping current is then subtracted a damping factor from the inverter reference current. A space vector controller is used to generate PWM switching pattern for the inverter according to the inverter reference current and dc link current . The modulation index of the switching pattern is kept at unity in steady state, and it is adjusted in transient to provide a is calfast dynamic response. The dc link reference current culated by the space vector controller according to . The difference between the reference and feedback dc link current is sent to a PI regulator for the rectifier output voltage adjustment. The dynamic voltage regulation of the rectifier is improved by feedforward compensation, where is the inverter-side dc



Fig. 3. Steady state equivalent circuit of the motor and filter capacitor.

link voltage. This voltage is calculated according to the PWM switching pattern and the inverter output voltage . A. Principle of Active Damping Control A simplified steady state equivalent circuit for the inverter, filter capacitor and induction motor is shown in Fig. 3, where the inverter is represented by a sinusoidal current source and the motor is represented by the stator resistance , magnetizing , total leakage inductance and rotor resistance inductance , respectively. It can be observed from Fig. 3 that there exist two resonant modes: a high frequency resonance caused by C and a low frequency resonance due to C and . The and high frequency resonance may be excited by harmonics in the inverter output current while the low frequency resonance may fall into the motor operating range. As concluded in [3], the drive cannot operate stably at a frequency higher than its low resonant frequency. For multiinduction motor drives, multiple resonant modes exist, which complicates the problem further. To solve the resonant problem, a physical damping resistor (dotted lines in Fig. 3) may be connected in parallel with the filter capacitor C. With an adequately small damping resistance, the parallel resonance can be sufficiently suppressed. Obviously, this method is not practical due to excessive energy loss on the resistor. To eliminate the use of the damping resistor, an active damping control is proposed. The system damping to the conis achieved by introducing a damping factor trol scheme shown in Fig. 2. To prove that the proposed active damping control is as effective as the physical damping resistor, transfer functions of the drive are derived and compared. A simplified system block diagram without active damping represents the control is shown in Fig. 4(a), where transfer function of the filter capacitor and induction motor. , and are the transfer functions of voltage amplitude calculator, PI Regulator, and inverter reference current generator, respectively. The current source inverter and space vector controller are considered as a linear amplifier with a unity gain . Fig. 4(b) shows a block diagram of the drive where a physical is taken into account. Since the resistor is damping resistor connected in parallel with the motor and capacitor, the transfer function of the motor/capacitor block in Fig. 4(a) has been modified while the other blocks remain the same. Fig. 4(c) shows a block diagram where the system damping control is achieved . The inverter by the damping control block in Fig. 4(c) can be expressed as output voltage (1)

Fig. 4. Block diagrams of the drive system with different damping methods: (a) simplified block diagram, (b) with a physical damping resistor in parallel with the motor, (c) with active damping control.

The output of the damping control block is (2) Substituting (2) into (1) yields (3) Obviously, an identical transfer function to (3) can be derived from Fig. 4(b) where a physical damping resistor is used. This implies that the proposed damping control provides the same function as the damping resistor for resonance suppression. B. Selection of Damping Factor The damping factor is mainly associated with the size of inverter capacitor and switching frequency. Since it is difficult to derive analytical expressions for the calculation of the damping factor, computer simulation is used to assist the investigation. It is revealed that the reciprocal of the damping factor is approximately proportional to the capacitor size and independent of the number of motors connected. The simulation results are summarized in Fig. 5. The per unit capacitor value in the figure is based on the total power rating of the multimotor drive. Since the damping control is proposed for use in high power drives where the typical switching frequency is 500 Hz, this frequency is used in the simulation. Fig. 5 provides a design guidance for selecting an appropriate damping factor. For the drive with switching frequencies other than 500 Hz, the damping factor can be adjusted



voltage is dropped across the choke. In transient state, especially when the motor has a step load change, the inverter output voltage may change substantially, forcing to change. Howcannot closely follow the ever, the rectifier output voltage , yielding a sluggish response. changes of To improve the dynamic response of the rectifier, the infeedforward control is proposed. This verter-side dc voltage voltage can be obtained either by calculation based on inverter and switching pattern or by detection using output voltage a voltage sensor which obviously will increase the hardware complexity and cost of the drive. In the proposed system, the is fed forward former is adopted. The calculated voltage , that is and used as part of the dc voltage reference (5)
Fig. 5. Guidance for damping factor R selection.

accordingly. In general, for a given capacitor, the higher the can be. switching frequency, the smaller the damping factor C. Modulation Index Control control, the inverter output In order to implement the voltage should be kept constant for a given operating frequency. In the voltage source inverter based drive where a large size of dc link capacitor is used, the inverter can virtually provide required motor voltage almost instantaneously by adjusting the PWM modulation index. In conventional high power CSI drives, the inverter output current is controlled by the front-end rectifier whereas the harmonic content in the inverter output current is minimized by the PWM switching pattern whose modulation is usually fixed. As a result, the dynamic performance index of the system is limited due to the dc link choke. In the proposed CSI drive, a space vector switching pattern is developed. The inverter output current can be directly adjusted to improve the dynamic response of the inverter output by current. In order to avoid current derating and excessive energy loss associated with shoot-through switching, the modulation index is kept at unity in steady state. In the transient, the modulation index adjusted automatically according to the change in the inverter reference current . When over-modulation occurs during transient, the inverter output current may be distorted. The temporary waveform distortion is acceptable since it will not cause any resonant problems due to the active damping control. D. Feedforward Control

is the output of the current PI regulator. As a result, where the changes in the inverter-side dc voltage can be directly compensated through the adjustment of the dc voltage reference. feedforward It should be mentioned that the proposed control has an added feature. Comparing (4) to (5), one can observe that the output of the PI controller represents the voltage drop on the dc link choke. This implies that the design of the dc link current PI compensator is mainly associated with the dc link choke, independent of other system parameters. With the feedforward control, the PI parameters can be easily tuned for the drive to operate stably in the full speed range. III. SPACE VECTOR SWITCHING PATTERN In order to achieve a fast control of the CSI output current, which in turn controls the output voltage, an on-line space vector PWM pattern is developed. In transient state the PWM modulation index is adjusted to improve system dynamic performance, while in steady state the PWM modulation index is kept close to unity to achieve high system efficiency. In order to minimize the time delay associated with system sampling rate, the ratio of sampling frequency to switching frequency should be maximized. This requirement is especially important in high power motor drives where the switching frequency is usually limited. Fig. 6 shows the distribution of current space vectors and their switching states. Vectors I1 to I6 are nonzero current vectors corresponding to various switching states. I7 to I9 are zero vectors representing shoot through states. is the reference vector of the inverter output current. To reduce inverter switching frequency and harmonic distortion, the reference vector is usually approximated by two adjacent nonzero vectors ( and ) and , e.g., I3, I4, and I9 in Fig. 6. The assignment a zero vector of current vectors in each of the six sectors is also shown in the figure. The time intervals , and of the vectors , and can be calculated by (6) (7) is the sampling period. where Fig. 7 shows the vector sequence of two different switching patterns with sampling points indicated by vertical arrows.

To improve the drive dynamic response further, an inverter-side dc voltage feedforward control is proposed. The can be expressed by rectifier output voltage (4) is the inverter-side dc voltage and is the dc link where current. When the drive operates in steady state with a constant dc link current, the average value of the rectifier output voltage is equal to that of the inverter-side dc voltage . No dc



Fig. 6. Current space vectors.

Fig. 7. Vector sequences of different switching patterns: (a) simple PWM and (b) new PWM. Fig. 9. Dominant eigenvalue loci of the two-motor drive with active damping control (R = 1:0 per unit, 25% loading).

Fig. 8. Dominant eigenvalue loci of the two-motor drive without active damping control (25% loading).

Fig. 7(a) shows the commonly used switching pattern in which two adjacent nonzero vectors ( and ) and a zero vector are arranged in a fixed sequence. Since there are three switchings in a sampling period, the total switching rate of six devices is three times the sampling frequency, and therefore the average switching frequency of each device is half of the sampling frequency. The resultant ratio of sampling frequency to switching frequency is two.

Fig. 10. Dominant eigenvalue loci of the two-motor drive with active damping control (R = 0:5 per unit, 25% loading).

To increase the sampling frequency, a new switching pattern is proposed and shown in Fig. 7(b). The current vectors are arranged in such a way that the first vector in a sampling period is always the last vector in the previous sampling period. Obviously, one switching is avoided in each sampling period. As a



Fig. 11. Experimental waveforms of the drive without active damping control (Two motors are connected with a resonant frequency of 69 Hz. The drive is stable since it operates below the resonant frequency). CH1: Motor voltage (500 V/div); CH2: 5 hp motor current (25 A/div); CH3: 2 hp motor current (25 A/div); CH4: dc link current (20 A/div).

Fig. 12. Experimental waveforms of the drive without active damping control (Only 2 hp motor is connected with a resonant frequency of 50 Hz. The drive loses its stability at 51 Hz). CH1: Motor voltage (500 V/div); CH2: 5 hp motor current (25 AIdiv); CH3: 2 hp motor current (25 A/div); CH4: dc link current (20 A/div).

result, the sampling frequency is three times the switching frequency. Examining the proposed switching pattern closely, one can also observe that the current vector is always separated by and . In real-time implementation, the longer nonzero vector should be selected as and the shorter vector as such that the longer vector is split into two segments which are separated by or . IV. EIGENVALUE ANALYSIS To investigate the stability of the CSI multimotor drive, smallsignal eigenvalue analysis is conducted. The small-signal equations of the drive with two induction motors (2 hp and 5 hp) are formulated and given in Appendix A. The parameters of the drive and motors are given in Appendix B. With the given values of the filter capacitor and motor magnetizing inductance, the LC resonant frequency is 69 Hz for the drive with two motors, 50 Hz with the 2 hp motor and 47 Hz with the 5 hp motor. The results of stability analysis using the small-signal eigenvalue approach are given in Fig. 8, where the active damping control is not implemented. Fig. 8(a) shows the dominant eigenvalue loci of the drive powering both 2 hp and 5 hp motors operating from 6 Hz to 60 Hz. The motors have a light mechanical load (25%) under which the drive is more difficult to stabilize. It can

be observed that all the eigenvalues are located in the left half -plane, which implies that the drive can operate stably in the full speed range. This is an expected result since the LC resonant frequency of the drive is above its rated operating frequency. The eigenvalue loci of the drive with the 2 hp motor are depicted in Fig. 8(b). Two of the dominant eigenvalues move into the right half -plane when the drive operates at a frequency higher than the LC resonant frequency of 50 Hz. As a result, the stability of the drive is lost. The same phenomenon can be observed in Fig. 8(c) for the drive feeding the 5 hp motor, where the drive becomes unstable with its operating frequency exceeding 47 Hz. To improve the drive stability, the active damping control is employed. Fig. 9 shows the eigenvalue loci of the drive with a damping factor of 1.0 per unit. The other system parameters and operating condition remain unchanged. It is clear in Fig. 9 that the stability of the drive is improved since all the right half -plane eigenvalues in Fig. 8 tend to move toward the left. However, the drive is still unstable at high operating frequencies. The drive stability can be improved further with the reduction in the damping factor. Fig. 10 shows such a case where the damping factor is reduced to 0.5 per unit. Since all the eigenvalues are now located in the left half -plane, the drive can operate stably in the full speed range regardless the number of mo-



Fig. 13. Experimental waveforms of the drive without active damping control (Only 5 hp motor is connected with a resonant frequency of 47 Hz, The drive starts to oscillate at 48 Hz.). CH1: Motor voltage (500 V/div); CH2: 5 hp motor current (25 A/div); CH3: 2 hp motor current (25 A/div); CH4: dc link current (20 A/div).

Fig. 14. Experimental waveforms of the drive with active damping control (Two motors are connected, R = 0:5 per unit LC resonant frequency: 69 Hz.). CH1: Motor voltage (500 V/div); CH2: 5 hp motor current (25 A/div); CH3: 2 hp motor current (25 A/div); CH4: dc link current (20 A/div).

tors in operation. Furthermore, the location of dominant eigenvalue loci does not change significantly with the drive operating frequencies, which implies that the dynamic performance of the drive at different motor speeds will approximately remain the same. A robust control is achieved. V. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS To verify the theoretical analysis, the proposed control scheme was implemented in a DSP controlled CSI multimotor (2 hp and 5 hp) drive. Since the control scheme is developed for high power drives, a switching frequency of 500 Hz is employed. Using the proposed space vector switching pattern the sampling frequency is increased to 1500 Hz. As mentioned in the previous section, the LC resonant frequency is 69 Hz for the drive with both motors, 47 Hz with the 5 hp motor and 50 Hz with the 2 hp motor. As discussed earlier, the drive becomes unstable when its operating frequency is higher than the LC resonant frequency. The following experiments will demonstrate that the proposed active damping control can be used to effectively solve the problem. In addition, the proposed adjustable modulation index control, feedforward control and motor voltage feedback control are

essential in keeping the inverter output voltage constant both in transient and steady states, which facilitates the system stability further. Since the CSI drive is most difficult to stabilize under light load conditions at which the system damping produced by slip is minimal, all the exthe equivalent rotor resistance perimental results given in this paper were carried out with a 25% load. A. Experiments Without Active Damping Control As indicated by eigenvalue analysis in Fig. 8, the drive powering both 2 hp and 5 hp motors can operate stably in the full speed range whereas it will become unstable at 51 Hz with the 2 hp motor and at 48 Hz with the 5 hp motor. The prediction is well supported by experimental results. Fig. 11 shows the measured motor voltage, stator current and dc link current of the drive. It can be observed that the drive can operate stably over the full speed range. This is due to feedforward control and pro1) the implementation of posed switching pattern with modulation index control; 2) the LC resonant frequency of 69 Hz which is outside the drive operating range. Fig. 12 shows the operation of the drive with one of the motors disconnected while the system parameters remain



Fig. 15. Experimental waveforms of the drive with active damping control (Only 2 hp motor is connected, R = 0:5 per unit, LC resonant frequency: 50 Hz, refer to Fig. 10 for comparison.). CH1: Motor voltage (500 V/div); CH2: 5 hp motor current (25 A/div); CH3: 2 hp motor current (25 A/div); CH4: dc link current (20 A/div).

Fig. 16. Experimental waveforms of the drive with active damping control (Only 5 hp motor is connected, R = 0:5 per unit, LC resonant frequency: 47 Hz, refer to Fig. 5 for comparison.). CH1: Motor voltage (500 V/div); CH2: 5 hp motor current (25 A/div); CH3: 2 hp motor current (25 A/div); CH4: dc link current (20 A/div).

unchanged. The LC resonant frequency of the 2 hp motor drive is 50 Hz. As shown in the figure the drive can stably operate up to 49 Hz. Fig. 13 demonstrates the same phenomenon when the 5 hp motor is connected to the drive. The resultant LC resonant frequency is 47 Hz and the drive loses its stability at the stator frequency of 48 Hz. B. Experiments with Active Damping Control According to eigenvalue analysis given in Fig. 10, the drive stability can be effectively improved by introducing the active damping control to the system. It should be noted that in the following figures, the drive control and its parameters remain unchanged except that the proposed damping control is added. Fig. 14 illustrates the measured waveforms of the drive feeding both 2 hp and 5 hp motors. The waveforms are essentially the same as those shown in Fig. 11, indicating that the use of the active damping control dose not affect the steady state operation of the drive. The experimental results of the drive with the 2 hp and 5 hp motors are given in Figs. 15 and 16, respectively. These figures show that the proposed drive can stably operate over the full speed range, and the stability problem associated with the LC resonance is effectively solved.

VI. CONCLUSIONS A space vector controlled CSI drive for multiple induction motor application is developed. The main contributions of the paper include 1) a proposed active damping control which improves the drive system stability; 2) a novel inverter-side dc link voltage feedforward control which enhances the dynamic performance of the inverter output voltage; 3) a new space vector PWM pattern which features low switching frequency, reduced harmonic distortion and high sampling rate. The main features of the proposed drive are as follows: 1) it can be used to power multiple induction motors; control scheme 2) it is easy to implement due to the where no motor parameters nor speed sensor are required; 3) it is suitable for medium voltage (2300 V7200 V) high power applications due to the low switching frequency and the use of the CSI technology. The performance of the proposed drive system is verified by experiment.





APPENDIX A The small-signal equations of the drive with two induction motors are as follows:

where you have Table I. APPENDIX B See Table II. REFERENCES

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Navid R. Zargari received the B.Eng. degree from Tehran University, Iran, in 1987 and the M.A.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from Concordia University, Montreal, QC, Canada, in 1991 and 1995, respectively. Since November 1994, he has been with the Medium Voltage R&D Department, Rockwell Automation Canada, Inc., Cambridge, ON, Canada, where he is involved with simulation and design of rectifiers/inverters for medium voltage ac drives. His research interests include power converter topologies and their control aspects and electrical ac drives.

Jack Daming Ma (M99) received the B.Sc. and M.A.Sc. degrees from Tianjin University, Tianjin, China, in 1990 and 1993, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 1997. He was a Research Associate in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ryerson Polytechnic University, Toronto, ON, Canada, from 1998 to 2000. He is currently an Electronics and Controls Engineer with Inverpower Controls, Ltd., Canada. His research interests are in the areas of power electronics, active filters, UPS system, fuel cell power conditioning system, motor drives, computer simulation, and DSP controls.

Steven C. Rizzo received the B.Eng. degree from McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada, in 1986 and the M.S. degree from the University of Teesside, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, U.K., in 1998. From 1986 to 1992, he was with Inverpower Power Controls, where he worked in the development of low and medium-voltage power converters. Since 1992, he has been with Rockwell Automation Canada, Inc., Cambridge, ON, Canada, where he is presently the Manager of the Medium Voltage Development Group. His research interests are in the application of high-power semiconductor devices in medium-voltage applications and simulation on power converters. Mr. Rizzo is a registered Professional Engineer in the Province of Ontario, Canada.

Bin Wu (S92M92SM99) received the M.A.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, in 1989 and 1993, respectively. After being with Rockwell Automation Canada, Inc., as a Senior Engineer, he joined Ryerson Polytechnic University, Toronto, where he is currently an Associate Professor and Assistant Chair of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. His research interests include power converter topologies, motor drives, advanced control algorithms, and DSP/FPGA applications. Dr. Wu received the Gold Medal of the Governor General of Canada and the Premiers Research Excellence Award. He is a registered Professional Engineer in the Province of Ontario, Canada.

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