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CCS maln use or Coal ls Lo ensure Lhe redlcLable neLwork erformance

varlaLlon ln uelay ls called !lLLer
volce can noL LoleraLe !lLLer and packeL Loss
Maxlmum 8andwldLh slowesL Llnk 8andwldLh ln aLh
Lnd 2 Lnd uelay varlable and flxed uelay
We can only do 3 Lhlngs wlLh lncomlng 1rafflc on an lnLerface Classlfy Mark or ollce Lhe 1rafflc
CaLalysL SwlLches perform CCS ln Pardware and Lhey only have Pardware Cueues no SofLware
23 of llnk bandwldLh musL be lefL for 8esL efforL 1rafflc
We musL noL used more Lhen 33/ remanlng llnk bandwldLh afLer 23 for LLC rlorlLy Cueue for
volce and vldeo 1rafflc
1o so|ve 8andw|dth Congest|on Shortage use fo||ow|ng 1echn|ques
lncrease 8andwldLh
use SofLware Cueulng MeLhods
Compress ayload and Peaders
Latency Ck De|ay
ropagat|on De|ay Speed of Lhe daLa over Lhe wlre from sLarLlng polnL Lo end polnL uelay
happens end Lo end
Ser|a||zat|on De|ay laclng Lhe blLs on Lhe wlre from lnLerface Pardware Cueue
rocess|ng De|ay 1lme Lake by 8ouLer Lo move Lhe daLa from lnpuL Lo CuLpuL lnLerface lL ls
varlable ln naLure
acket|zat|on De|ay 1lme Lo Lake 8aw daLa and Lurn lL ln Lo Lhe ackeL
ueue|ng De|ay 1lme Spend ln Lhe SofLware Cueues of CuL uL lnLerface
CLher Lypes are Codec Shaplng and Compresslon uelay
Cne way l1u 8ecommended uelay ls 130ms le 300ms 8ound 1rlp uelay for S1n ackeL
swlLched neLwork up Lo 200ms Cne way delay ls accepLable ln some neLworks golng
beyond 200ms cause Lhe overlapplng and packeL loss
|tter !lLLer ls happened when LaLency can noL be measured lL ls called varlaLlon ln uelay
DL|tter 8uffer We can use ln case uelay ls predlcLable means lnL he case of volce lL ls
sLored and played from buffer Lo over come Lhe laLency lssue so Lhe volce sLream can play

CS 1oo| 8e|t
1 C|ass|f|cat|on and Mark|ng
CS o||cy creat|on
ollowlng sLeps are lnvolved
c|ass|f|cat|on of 1raff|c lL ldenLlfy Lrafflc wlLh slmllar requlremenLs and deflne Lhelr
requlremenLs 1o classlfy Lhe 1rafflc we use CLASS MA and n8A8 neLwork based
appllcaLlon 8ecognlLlon
We can use Lhe followlng command Lo SL1 Lhe 1CS precedence of ackeLs generaLed by
Local 8ouLer or when we are MaLchlng 1CS for packeLs llke 1elneL Lrace plng eLc use Lhe
followlng Clobal conflguraLlon mode command lp LelneL/eLc Los hexa value menLloned
use Lo change Lhe 1CS preference of packeL
ulfference b/w maLch lp dscp/precedence and maLch dscp/precedence ls when we menLlon
l keyword lL wlll only maLches lv4 packeLs maLch command wlLhouL l keyword maLches
boLh lv4 lv6 packeLs be carefu| |n the exam
Match qos group |s |oca||y s|gn|f|cant and most|y used for MLS packet ho|der when do|ng
CS w|th MLS
N8Ak Network 8ased App||cat|on kecogn|t|on use Lo classlfy packeLs based on Layer
4 AppllcaLlon lLself lL perform Lhe ueep packeL lnspecLlon Lo recognlze Lhe appllcaLlon
daLa buL lL does noL perform deep packeL lnspecLlon for all appllcaLlons ln some case where
lL ls hlghly unllkely LhaL an admlnlsLraLor wlll change Lhe orL number n8A8 uses porL
number Lo ldenLlfy Lhe appllcaLlon Lype le 8C buL ln Lhe case of 1 P11 eLc n8A8 does
perform Lhe ueep ackeL lnspecLlon we can even use n8A8 Lo ldenLlfy Lhe packeLs based
on u8L MlML Lype eLc
We can use Lhe command |p nbar portmap we can use Lhls command Lo assoclaLe Lhe
appllcaLlon Lo cusLom porLnumber 1o check Lhe assoclaLlon of AplllcaLlons Lo Lhelr defaulL
orL numbers use Lhe command show |p nbar portmap
n8A8 can also perform Lhe passlve ackeL snlfflng Lo gaLher Lhe lnformaLlon abouL Lhe
amounL of 8andwldLh an appllcaLlon ls uslng Lo enable Lhls feaLure we have Lo conflgure
lnLerface level command |p nbar protoco|d|scovery by defaulL Lhls command shows Lhe
average 1rafflc raLe over Lhe erlod of 3 mlnuLes Lo change Lhls perlod we can use Lhe
command |oad|nterva| 60 whlch change lL from 3 Lo 1 mlnuLe Lo check Lhe sLaLlcs abouL
bandwldLh consumpLlon we use Lhe command show |p nbar protoco|d|scovery ln Lhe ouL
we may see Lhe unknCWn appllcaLlons consumlng Lhe bandwldLh or Lo flnd Lhe porL
numbers used by unknown and oLher appllcaLlons lrsL we need Lo Lurn on n8A8 uebugglng
and afLer LhaL we use Lhe command show |p nbar unc|ass|f|edportstats Lhls command
wlll show all Lhe porL number of all appllcaLlon n8A8 does noL have SlgnaLure yeL
Clsco CL need Lo be enabled for n8A8 Lo work lL only supporLs nonragmenLed non
MLS l 1rafflc only
n8A8 ls noL supporLed on loglcal lnLerfaces llke LLher channel dlalre lnLerfaces or
lnLerfaces lnvolved ln 1unnelllng and encrypLlon
Mark|ng or 1AG Lhe ackeLs so Lhey can ldenLlfy elsewhere ln Lhe neLwork and geL
classlfled accordlngly Marklng ls performed aL Layer 2 layer 2 and half MLS and aL Layer
ueflne Lhe CCS pollcy LhaL meeLs Lhe requlremenL of 1rafflc class dlfferenL pollcles can be
deflned for dlfferenL class of Lrafflc
Layer 2 Marklngs sLrlpped off Pop by hop layer 3 Marklngs does noL change hop by hop
Clsco recommends we should Mark as close Lo Lhe source as posslble
1rusL 8oundary ls Lhe lrsL 8ouLer whlch Mark Lhe ackeL flrsL 1lme
8ouLer checks Lhe 1CS 1ype of Servlce blL Lo check Lhe layer 3 Marklng declslon
Marklng ls noL necessary buL lL causes each devlce on Lhe paLh Lo lnspecL Lhe ackeL and
classlfy lL hop by hop whlch creaLes Lhe Cu overhead on each and every devlce
1here are two types of Mark|ng
1 Layer 2 Mark|ng Lxamples are CCS Class of Servlce 8 uL 8lL A1M CL 8l1 MLS
Lx 8l1 Layer 1wo Marklng changes every Pop means we have Lo 8LMark packeLs
on each Pop
CCS C|ass of Serv|ce and Irecedence Mark|ng
0 8ouLlne
1 rlorlLy
2 lmmedlaLe
3 lash
4 lash Cverrlde
3 CrlLlcal
6 lnLerneLwork ConLrol
7 neLwork ConLro
2 Layer 3 Mark|ng 1wo Lypes of Marklng are avallable l recedence ulfferenLlaLlve
Servlces Code olnL uSC Layer3 Marklng Servlce endLoend
uSC allow us Lo use value from 0 Lo 63 uSC ls backward compaLlble wlLh lrecedence
When Marklng Lhe packeLs we can use Lhe number 0 Lo 63 or we can use Lhe A Assured
orwardlng formaL 47 L LxpedlLed orwardlng hlghesL Marklng used for volce ackeLs
SeL dcsp
SeL dscp lp l opLlonal key word ls used Lo conLrol Marklng lv4 only or also lv6
1o check classmap use show classmap x x x command
1o chech pollcymap use show pollcymap x x x command
1o mark Lhe 81 volce ackeLs recommended value ls use Ip recedenceS Cr|t|ca|
Avallable Irecedence and CCS va|ues are 0to7 and we can Mark Lhe ackeLs ln
lncomlng dlrecLlons
0 8esL efforL 2 Web 1rafflc
1 Medlum rlorlLy uaLa
2 Plgh rlorlLy uaLa ClLrlx SnA Maln frame Lrafflc
3 Call slgnalllng normally 81C found here used for conLrol roLocol of volce and vldeo
81 roLocol
4 vldeo conferenclng
3 volce bearer volce Lrafflc 81 normally puL ln Lhls class
6 8eserved
7 8eserved
8oLh 6 and 7 are used by neLwork lnfrasLrucLure and ManagemenL roLocols le 8ouLlng
roLocols SynchronlzaLlon roLocols eLc
1hree rame 8elay CCS blLs are LCn 8LCn uL
1rusL 8oundary ls slmply a place where we lrsL Mark Lhe ackeL Clsco 8ecommends Mark
as close Lo Lhe source as posslble

kLC|ass|f|cat|on CCS use wlLh C8L and lSLC vns An encrypLed header can noL be
read for CCS Marklng 1o make lL posslble lSLC copy Lhe 1CS 8yLe ln Lo new encrypLed
packeL header 1CS 8yLe copled ln Lo C8L Peader Lhen ln Lo lSec Peader
reclasslfy ls used whenever we wanL Lo use CCS for SecurlLy
Clone header lnformaLlon never leave Lhe local 8ouLer
8emember CCS preclasslfy ls noL a classlflcaLlon based on 1CS 8yLe lL goes beyond Lhls
1o conflgure lL we only need Lo enable qos preclasslfy command lL ls resLrlcLed Lo use
wlLh 1unnel lnLerfaces (C8L) vl81uALL 1emplaLe (L21) and crypLo maps (lSLC) 1o verlfy
lL use show lnLerface or show crypto map commands
C|ass|f|cat|on VS Mark|ng
ClasslflcaLlon checks one or More aspecLs/characLerlsLlcs of Lhe ackeL Lo see whaL LhaL
packeL ls carrylng and Lhe classlfy Lhem ln a same or dlfferenL Class
Marklng wrlLe lnformaLlon or 1ag a packeL ldenLlfy Lhe ClasslflcaLlon declsslon so Lhe ackeL
class can be ldenLlfled easlly and rouLer can process Lhe packeL accordlng Lo Lhe pollcles seL
for Lhe packeL class
2 o||c|ng and Shap|ng o||c|ng 8emark or urop Lhe ackeLs when llmlL ls
o||c|ng can be conf|gureInbound] Cut8ound
Shapp|ng can on|y be conf|gured Cut8ound
We have slngle 8uckeL Model Means we can only deflne Lhe Conform 8aLe and
anyLhlng beyond lL wlll drop 8uckeL ls a 1erm refer Lo Lhe AmounL of uaLa LhaL can
be 1ransferred over 1lme lnLerval
We can also have uual 1oken 8uckeL Model ln Lhls we can have Conform buckeL and
Lxceed 8uckeL ln Lhe when 1rafflc does noL go beyond Lhe deflne LlmlL of Conform
8uckeL ln Lhls case Lxceed 8uckeL sLarL 8anklng Lhe 8andwldLh whlch can be used
laLLer Lo send Lhe 8ursL of 1rafflc when 8usLy naLure of 1rafflc flll up Lhe Conform
8uckeL buL Lhere ls LlmlL how much we can 8ank ln Lxceed 8uckeL uual 8uckeL also
allow us Lo 8LMA8k 1rafflc
We use MCC Lo deflne ollclng 8emember Lxceed 8uckeL only banks durlng Lhe
1lme when 1rafflc ls noL uslng Lhe enLlre LlmlL of Conform 8uckeL
lMC81An1 racLlce Lhls Lo remember how Lo conflgure Slngle 8uckeL and how Lo
Conflgure uual 8uckeL CLlClnC
When we conf|gure o||c|ng and Conf|gure LxceedAct|on to Drop |t |s S|ng|e
8ucket Mode| |f we Conf|gure the LxceedAct|on other then Drop |t |s ca||ed Dua|
8ucket Mode| we can even go beyond and conf|gure the V|o|ateAct|on wh|ch
means we are us|ng the 38uckets Mode| of o||c|ng

Shap|ng Cueues ackeLs ln SofLware queue when llmlL ls reached and send Lhe
1rafflc on lnLervals buL lf aL any polnL 1rafflc exceeds Lhe Cueue LlmlL lL wlll be
dropped MosL of Lhe Llme lL ls used ln Lhe case of Speed MlsmaLch or Lo MaLch Lhe
1rafflc accordlng Lo Lhe Cl8
ln legacy Shaplng lL ls applled erlnLerface basls and any Lrafflc goes Lhrough Lhe
lnLerface ls sub[ecL Lo Shaplng arameLers C8Shaplng allow us Lo shape 1rafflc per
class of 1rafflc basls raLher Lhan er lnLerface basls
Conform Act|on means we have avallable 1oken ln buckeL |e we have requlred
bandwldLh ln a glven 1C Lo Lransfer Lhe ackeL defaulL Conform AcLlon ls
Lransferred and defaulL Lxceed AcLlon ls urop
1rafflc can be shaped around Average 8aLe means llmlLed Lo Cl8 1rafflc wlll sLlll
bursL only lf Lhe 8andwldLh has banked
1rafflc can be shaped around Lhe eak8aLe means lL wlll go above Lhe Cl8 and 8ursL
Lhe 1rafflc all Lhe 1lme means eak 8aLe
Shaplng does noL Mark or 8emark ackeL and C8Shaplng does noL supporL Ll
uefaulL 1C on Clsco 8ouLers ls 32ms

Ik1S Irame ke|ay 1raff|c Shap|ng Can be applled uslng Legacy or MCC
3 Congest|on Avo|dance lrsL we undersLand Lhe defaulL meLhod 8ouLer use
for Lrafflc sendlng ls lC and once Lhe Cueue ls full 1all urop happens Lwo meLhods
are avallable
kLD kandom Lar|y Detect|on When enable 8ouLer randomly choose Lhe ackeLs
wlLhouL any dlscrlmlnaLlon and drop Lhem well before Lhe CongesLlon happen and lnLerface
8uffers geL full Lo prevenL CongesLlon Clsco does noL supporL 8Lu lnsLead Clsco supporL
WkLD We|ghted kandom Lar|y Detect|on When Lhls meLhod ls used flrsL we have
Lo mark our ackeLs and 8ouLer wlll choose and urop Lhe ackeLs based on Lhelr Marklngs
or rlorlLy basls raLher Lhan randomly dropplng Lhe ackeLs 8uL 8LMLM8L8 lf all ackeLs
have same Marklng or no Marklng W8Lu behave llkes 8Lu and 8ouLer [usL plck Lhe packeLs
randomly and urop lL
W8Lu allow us Lo conflgure Lhe dlfferenL Mlnlmum and Maxlmum 1hresholds for dlfferenL
Cueues or based on ackeL Marklngs such as lrecedence/uSC and packeLs geL uropped
based on Lhelr rlorlLy Marklngs
Class 8ased W8Lu works same as CLl 8ased 8emeber Class 8ased W8Lu works only wlLh
C8WC lL allows ulSL8v Assured orwardlng P8
1o conflgure Lhe W8Lu Lo work llke 8Lu we can conflgure All Lhe CuLuLS Lo have same
Mlnlmum and Maxlmum levels for lrecedence
M|n|mum 1hresho|d ls Lhe olnL where W8Lu packeL dropplng sLarLs
MD Mark robab|||ty Denom|nator 1hls ls a number LhaL Lells Lhe 8ouLer when packeLs
reaches Lhe Maxlmum 1hreshold how many packeLs ouL of Mu geL urops le lf conflgured
Mu ls 10 lL Lells Lhe 8ouLer drop one ackeL ouL of every 10 ackeLs lL effecL per flow
basls packeL drop cause Lhe parLlcular flow Lo cuL back lLs wlndow slze Lo half lL effecLs
slngle flow whose packeL has been dropped
Max|mum 1hresho|d ls Lhe olnL as soon as ackeLs goes beyong Lhls llmlL a 100 packeL
droplng ls Pappened Any Lhlng goes above Lhls polnL wlll be dropped Cnce ackeLs cross
Lhls llmlL 1AlL urops happen
W|ndow|ng ls Lhe amounL of daLa LhaL can be senL before walLlng for Lhe
uu does noL have any wlndow slze wlndow slze ls speclflc Lo 1C and 8Lu/W8Lu ls only
supporLed for 1C
1C SynchronlzaLlon A Lerm used when MulLlple susLem synchronlze Lhelr 1C segmenL slze
aL Lhe same raLe All sysLem lncrease Lhelr 1C wlndow slze and drop aL Lhe same Llme
1o conf|gure WkLD
lrsL conflgure Lhe ClassMap Lo classlfy Lhe 1rafflc
Secondly Conflgure Lhe ollcyMap Lo Mark Lhe 1rafflc or eLc
1hlrdly go under Lhe ollcyMap aL enable Wred uslng Lhe command kandomdetect xyz
LCN Lxp||c|t Congest|on Not|f|cat|on lL allows Lhe W8Lu raLher Lhen uropplng Lhe
packeLs ask Lhe Sender Lo slow down lL uses Lhe lasL 2 blLs of 1CS 8yLe Lo uLlllze Lhls eaLue
lasL 2 blLs can have followlng Cu8 values 00 noL LCn Compllance 10 01 LCn
Compllance 11 congesLlon happenlng when 8ouLer reclve Lhe ackeL Mark wlLh LCn blLs
of 11 lL sends Lhe LCn Lcho back Lo Lhe sender Lo Lell hlm Lo slow down 8uL 8emember for
Lhls funcLlon Lo work Cur Lnd uevlce musL be LCn CompaLlable so Lhey can undersLand and
8espond Lo LhaL Marklng
1o Lnable W8Lu wlLh LCn use Lhe command randomdetect ecn
4 Congest|on Management 1oo| Maln cause of congesLlon ls when 1rafflc
moves from hlgh speed Lo slow speed llnks le LAn Lo WAn lnLerfaces Some oLher
are over subscrlpLlon AggregaLlon buffers wlLh low holdlng space eLc
Congest|on Management w||| on|y k|ck |n when there |s a congest|on |n the
ueu|ng lnLerface has 1wo Lypes of Cueues lnpuL Cueue and CuLpuL Cueue number
of Cueues avallable ls 8 for S?S1LM ackeLs when we are uslng 8Sv lL can be up Lo 1000
number of Cueues avallable for ulSL8v lows ls based on Llnk bandwldLh for llnk wlLh
speed less Lhen 64k lL ls 16 and llnk wlLh speed more Lhen 312k lL ls 236
CuLulnC ALWA?S ALlLu Cu18Cunu
Cne problem faced by lows ls lows can end us ln Lhe same Cueue probablllLy for Lhls Lo
happen ls 13 for 3 concurrenL lows and 64 Cueus
Ior Input ueue one queue per lnLerface ls avallable and uefaulL Cueulng MeLhod ls lC
and can do 73 packeLs by defaulL
Ior Cutput ueue we have SofLware Cueue and Pardware Cueue Pardware Cueue ls
always uses Lhe lC and ofLen called 1x queue or 1x 8lng buL we can manlpulaLe Lhe
SofLware Cueue and can use Lhe lC or one of Lhe avallable ancy Cueulng MeLhods
We cannoL change Lhe defaulL Cueulng meLhod of Pardware Cueue buL we can change Lhe
Pard ware Cueue buL Clsco recommends never do Lhls Lo change Lhe slze Lhe command ls
1o change Lhe Software queue s|ze the command |s ho|dqueue |n|out
ueu|ng Methods 1o check Lhe defaulL queue meLhod of lnLerface use Lhe command
show queulng lnLerface
IIIC number of avallable Cueues ls CnL no bandwldLh and uelay CuaranLee noL
recommended for volce 1all drop ls happened uLAuL1 MeLhod for Pardware and hlgh
speed lnLerface SofLware Cueue lL only deflnes how blg wlll be Lhe lnLerface Poldlng buffer
for Lrafflc walLlng Lo be send Lo Pardware Cueue/1x8lnC
1o conflgure lL we need Lo flrsL dlsable whaLever Cueulng Mechanlsm ls 8unnlng on
lnLerface mosL of Lhe Llme lL ls WC Lo dlsable WC Lype no falrqueue afLer LhaL only
parameLer we need Lo deflne Lo enable lC ls ho|dqueue C 1C 4096
Ia|r ueu|ng Also known as maxmln scheduled lL makes Lhe MulLlple appllcaLlon
LCWS Lo share Lhe same amounL of 8andwldLh means lL dlved Lhe avallable bandwldLh
equally beLween MulLlple appllcaLlos
r|or|ty ueu|ng number of avallable Cueues are ICUk no 8andwldLh CuaranLee
uelay ls CuaranLeed buL only for nIGn r|or|ty ueue SLrlcL rlorlLy ls glven Lo Plgh rlorlLy
Cueue As long as 1rafflc ls avallable ln Plgh Cueue lL wlll always servlced before movlng Lo
oLher Cueue avallable Cueues are Plgh Medlum normal and Low noL hlghly
recommended for volce Cueuelng MeLhod ln use ls SLrlcL rlorlLy
1o conflgure lL we have Lo lmplemenL on lnLerface basls we can noL use MCC We can
conflgure lL uslng roLocol 1ype or uslng lngress lnLerface
1o conf|gure |t on protoco| bas|s use the fo||ow|ng command rlorlLyllsL llsLnumber
proLocol proLocolname hlgh|medlum|normal|lowqueuekeyword keywordvalue
1o conf|gure on Ingress Interface bas|s use the fo||ow|ng Command rlorlLyllsL llsL
number lnLerface lnLerfaceLype lnLerfacenumber hlgh|medlum|normal|low
Defau|t for a|| other 1raff|c types rlorlLyllsL llsLnumber defaulL
1o app|y to an |nterface use the fo||ow|ng Interface mode command rlorlLygroup llsL
1o spec|fy the s|ze of ueue we can use the command rlorlLyllsL llsLnumber queuellmlL
Custom ueu|ng We have to |mp|ement |t under the Interface we cannot use MC
to |mp|ement |t SupporL 16 SLaLlc Cueues and by defaulL each Cueue geLs 1300 8yLe
Cueue need Lo be manually deflned and Lhen we Map Lhe 1rafflc Lo each Cueue we can do
lL on Lhe 8asls of roLocol 1ype mosL common way or by lngress lnLerface basls for all
oLher 1rafflc 1ypes noL speclfled ln each of 16 Cueue we have a uefaulL Cueue we also
need Lo deflne Lhe AmounL of daLa ln 8yLes each Cueue can carry and rocess before
movlng Lo nexL Cueue lL use Lhe ueflclL 8ound 8obln MeLhod Lo serve Lhe Cueues S?S1LM
Cueue ls CuLuL0 whlch ls used for Layer2 keep allve and we can Map 8ouLlng roLocol
1rafflc Lo lL nC uelay CuaranLee 8andwldLh ls guaranLeed lL ls noL recommended for
volce Lach Cueue have lLs own asslgned depLh amounL of daLa Lo be send defaulL ls 1300
8yLe seL lL send Lhe allocaLed blLs and move Lo Lhe nexL Cueue and so on ln 8ound 8obln
Conf|gure on rotoco| bas|s examp|e CueullsL llsLnumber roLocol proLocolname queue
number queuekeyword keywordvalue
Conf|gurat|on based on Ingress Interface CueuellsL llsLnumber lnLerface lnLerfaceLype
lnLerfacenumber queuenumber
Defau|t for a|| other 1raff|c type CueuellsL llsLnumber defaulL queuenumber
We also musL have Lo asslgn creaLed CusLom Cueue Lo an lnLerface uslng Lhe command
cusLomqueuellsL llsL
CpLlonally buL Lyplcally we also seL maxlmum slze of Cueue uslng Lhe command on Lhe
number of ackeLs processed basls queuellsL llsLnumber queue queuenumber llmlL llmlL
C8 on Lhe basls of number of 8yLes orwarded uslng Lhe command queuellsL llsL
number queue queuenumber byLecounL byLecounLnumber Lhls ls mosL common
approach Lo use
WI We|ghted Ia|r ueue|ng Cueue are asslgned er low basls and lL uses
WelghLed alr Cueue MeLhod uelay and 8andwldLh ls noL CuaranLeed and Lhls MeLhod ls
noL recommended for volce lL ls a defaulL MeLhod for any connecLlon wlLh a 8andwldLh
less Lhen 2048mbps and MulLlllnk lnLerface WelghLed alr MeLhod prlorlLlze Lhe
appllcaLlons Consumlng less 8andwldLh over appllcaLlon consumlng Plgh 8andwldLh lL move
Lhe packeLs of appllcaLlon consumlng low 8andwldLh ln fronL of Lhe Cueue lL ls noL
recommended for volce
CD1 Congest|ve D|scarded 1hresho|d lL conLrols early droplng of ackeLs from mosL
aggresslve lows
nC no|d ueue Cut LlmlL and conLrol Lhe maxlmum packeLs ln Lhe WC sysLem
kemember lp recedence has no effecL on WC uropplng sLraLegy
WC WelghL ls calculaLed from l recedence
1o conflgure WC Lwo meLhods are avallable LLCAC? way conflgurlng lL under Lhe lnLerface
conflguraLlon mode command fa|rqueue x x x or we can use Lhe new MeLhod of MC
o||cymap verlflcaLlon also depends on how dld we lmplemenL WC verlflcaLlon
commands are show lnLerface show queue show pollcymap lnLerface
kemember lf Lhe number of LCWS exceeds Lhe conflgured number of Cueue we wlll have
Cverlap of 1rafflcs under Lhe Cueues
Poldqueue maxllmlouL
CdL 1 Lo 4096 defaulL 64
uynamlc Cueue 16 32 64 128 236 312 1024 2048 4096
8eservable Cueue 8Sv Cueue defaulL ls 0 up Lo 1000
Poldqueue defaulL ls 1000
C8WI C|ass 8ased We|ghted Ia|r ueu|ng up Lo 236 Cueue can be creaLed
mean we can creaLe 236 Classes of 1rafflc and each class can have lLs own Cueue nC uelay
ls CuaranLeed buL lL supporLs CuaranLeed 8andwldLh for each Cueue lnslde Lhe lndlvldual
Cueue Lhe Cueulng MeLhod ls lC as opposed Lo Lhe CusLom Cueue lL allow us Lo deflne
Lhe amounL of 8andwldLh asslgned Lo Class/Cueue ln Lerms of ercenLage of Lhe Llnk
8andwldLh as apposed Lo Lhe CusLom Cueue where we deflne 8andwldLh ln 8yLes buL
8emember Lhls 8andwldLh ls noL rlorlLy 8andwldLh Lhe 1rafflc Class wlll have deflned
8andwldLh Lo use buL lL ls random elLher flrsL or lasL percenLage of Lhe avallable 8andwldLh
uefaulL urop MeLhod ls 1all urop buL can be changed Lo W8Lu
WC parL of C8WC ls used for uefaulL Class any 1rafflc LhaL does noL MaLch any 1rafflc
Class maLches LhaL uefaulL Class and uefaulL Class use Lhe WC MeLhod for 1rafflc
rocesslng by defaulL buL lL can be changed We can also Lurn on Lhe W8Lu for uefaulL
uefaulLclass wlll have a remalnlng bandwldLh of Lhe lnLerface LhaL ls noL deflne Lo oLher
classes buL we musL aL leasL deflne 1 of llnk bandwldLh Lo Lhls class
1C conflgure C8WC we have Lo conflgure lL under ollcy map uslng Lhe 8andw|dth x x x
We can also conflgure Lhe queue llmlL/ slze of Lhe queue uslng Lhe command queue||m|t
1o verlfy conflguraLlon we use Lhe command show po||cymap |nterface
1o asslgn C8WC we go under Lhe lnLerface and use Lhe command serv|cepo||cy |n]out
LL Low Latency ueu|ng lL ls Lhe comblnaLlon of C + C8WC 1hls Cueulng
MeLhod ls recommended for volce 1rafflc and wldely used LLC have 1 r|or|ty ueue
whlch ls ollced means lL wlll never go beyond Lhe Speclfled 8andwldLh of Lhe Llnk uelay ls
CuaranLeed for C 1rafflc and 8andwldLh ls CuaranLeed Loo volce 1rafflc ls always laced
ln Lo C 8emember lf we placed MulLlple 1rafflc 1ypes lnslde Lhe C 1rafflc lnslde Lhe C
wlll end up uslng Lhe lC lnslde Lhe C very car full of lL for resL of Lhe 1rafflc 1ypes we use
Lhe C8WC whlch supporLs up Lo 236 1rafflc classes and WC parL of Lhe C8WC ls used for
classdefaulL LhaL maLches all 1rafflc LhaL does noL maLch any speclflc 1rafflc Class
1o conflgure LLC we use Lhe followlng command under Lhe ollcymap rlorlLy bandwldLh
bursL prlorlLy percenL percenLage bursL we cannoL use Lhe CueuellmlL or W8Lu for LLC
rlorlLy Cueue
C|sco kecommendat|on for des|gn|ng Network w|th Vo|ce 1raff|c us|ng LL
Asslgn 33 of Lhe Llnk 8andwldLh Lo LLCs C
Asslgn 73 of 8andwldLh Lo Sum of all 1rafflc lncludlng 33 of C for slow speed Llnks and
63 for hlgh speed llnks lf we go beyond Lhls llmlL 8ouLer wlll reLurn error when we apply
Lhls pollcymap on lnLerface Lo force Lhe 8ouLer Lo 8reak Lhls 8ule and go beyond Lhe
defaulL we have Lo use followlng command maxreservedbandw|dth
LLAvL 23 or uefaulL Class whlch deals Lhe ManagemenL 1rafflc such as 8ouLlng roLocol
1rafflc and unknown Lrafflc whlch has noL been asslgned guaranLeed 8andwldLh ln 1rafflc
Class eLc
Above 8ule ls even hard coded on lnLerface

S L|nk eff|c|ency 1oo|s
Compresslon and Ll llnk fragmenLaLlon and lnLerleavlng
1 ayload or Peader Compresslon for volce and uaLa
ay|oad Compress|on use Lhe Stac lL lncreases Lhe rocess uLlllzaLlon red|ctor lL
lncrease Lhe Memory uLlllzaLlon and flnally Lhe MlcrosofL's MC ayload
compresslon also have rlmary Lhree codec Lo compress Lhe Audlo C729 eaLs
8k8S per call C711 eaLs 64k8S per call C723 eaLs 63kbps per call buL call quallLy
ls noL good and Clsco does noL recommend Lo use lL all Lhese codec are conslde Lo
be payload compresslon
neader compress|on uLlllzes Lhe feaLure such as 81/1C Peader Compresslon ln
Lhe case of C729C711 C723 Lhe Peader lLself ls larger Lhan Lhe acLual payload
WhaL 81 Peader Compresslon does lL Lakes Lhe 8edundanL lnformaLlon lnslde Lhe
Peader source and desLlnaLlon lp address source desLlnaLlon porL eLc and
compress lL lL acLually cache Lhls lnformaLlon and keep Lhe Lrack of sesslon lL
effecLlvely compress Lhe 40 8yLe ackeL ln Lo 2 or 4 byLe ackeL
In case of 1C neader Compress|on ackeL slze ls usually 1300 byLe and compresslng
Lhe Peader ls noL much advanLageous and mosL of Lhe Llme does noL used ln real
world because lL can lncrease Lhe Cu processlng wlLhouL provldlng any ral

1o conflgure Peader Compresslon use Lhe followlng command under Lhe ollcyMap
Compress|on header |p rtp Cr we can do lL under Lhe lnLerface Mode buL once
conflgured under Lhe lnLerface Mode lL wlll Compress everyLhlng uslng MCC pollcy
map we can compress Lhe 1rafflc per 1rafflc Class basls
Show lp rLp headercompresslon
Show pollcymap lnLerface

2 Ll Llnk ragmenLaLlon and lnLerleavlng for or rame8elay Llnks lL breaks Lhe
Large ackeLs such as uaLa ackeLs ln Lo small chunks so Lhe rlorlLy or Small ackeLs
can be send b/w Lhem problem occurs such as when 8ouLer SLarL sendlng Lhe 1300
byLe ackeL down Lhe Llne ln normal cases 8ouLer wlll noL sLop sendlng lL unLll lL
flnlsh sendlng compleLe ackeLs lL cause Lhe senslLlve 1rafflc Such as volce wlLh
speclflc uelay 8equlremenLs Lo dle before even geLLlng ln Lo Lhe lnLerface Ll 8reaks
Lhe large ackeL and allow Lhe volce Lrafflc Lo geL Lhrough b/w Lhem
Clsco recommends LhaL SerlallzaLlon uelay ls 10 Lo 13 ms and we should noL enable
Ll on llnks wlLh speed hlgher Lhen 768kbps
Ll ls only avallable for and rame 8elay Llnks lL ls noL avallable for PuLC llnks
1o conflgure Ll on llnks we have Lo creaLe Lhe MulLlllnk for Slngle Llnk and
apply all lnformaLlon under MulLlllnk we musL conflgure followlng 1wo commands
under Lhe MulLlllnk ppp mulLlllnk fragmenL delay 10 Lo 13 ppp mulLlllnk
lnLerleave mulLlllnk lnLerleave allows packeLs Lo be fragmenLed and volce
packeLs can be leave b/w Lhem
Show ppp mulLlllnk
rame 8elay Ll lL need Lo apply under rame 8elay mapclass And to f|nd the va|ue
CS Imp|ementat|on Method
our meLhods are avallable
CLI Command L|ne Interface Legacy MeLhod CCS conflguraLlon needs Lo be
conflgured under each and every lnLerface means lnLerface by lnLerface
MC Modu|e CS Command L|ne Interface 1hls meLhod allows us Lo creaLe Lhe
pollcy and apply lL Lo lnLerfaces raLher Lhan conflgurlng lndlvldual lnLerface
Auto CS When we enable auLoqos on devlce lL generaLes Lhe CCS 1emplaLe based on
our based conflguraLlons such as Llnk 8andwldLh
CL musL be enabled or CCS and lnLerfaces musL have lp addresses asslgned and musL noL
be ln AdmlnlsLraLlvely uown SLaLe 8ANDWID1n MUS1 8L CCNIIGUkLD 8LICkL USING
auto qos VCI CCMMAND Auto os vo|p command when enab|e Automat|ca||y create
the Mu|t| ||nk Interface for ||nks
C|sco Works Us|ng M CS o||cy Manager
CS Mode|s
1hree CS Mode|s are ava||ab|e
1 8est Lffort Mode| no CCS applled defaulL MeLhod ls lC Scalable wlLh no
2 Integrated Serv|ce Mode| lL uses 8Sv 8esource 8eservaLlon roLocol requlred
resources for Lhe appllcaLlon ls reserved endLoend aL Lhe sLarLup of 1ransmlsslon
lf requlred resources are noL avallable no 1ransmlsslon wlll begln lL also called PA8u
CCS lL ls noL Scalable SoluLlon
1o enable 8Sv go under Lhe lnLerface and Lype |p rsvp bandw|dth bandw|dth
|n kbps s|ng|ef|owkbps defaulL ls 73 of Lhe lnLerface bandwldLh
Ip rsvp resourceprov|der none 1hls command dlsable reservlng Lhe lnLerface
Ip rsvp datapacket c|ass|f|cat|on none Lhls command dlsables Lhe packeL
3 D|fferent|ated Serv|ce Mode| neLwork recognlze dlfferenL classes and
rovlde dlfferenL level of CCS and Level of CCS asslgned Lo Lhe 1rafflc Class ls
declde devlce by devlce basls means dlfferenL devlce can asslgn dlfferenL level
of servlce Lo Lhe Lrafflc as lL passes Lhrough Lhe neLwork lL ls very complex we
break lL down ln Lo
ClasslflcaLlon Marklng CongesLlon Avoldance CongesLlon ManagemenL
Shaplng/ollclng and Llnk Lfflclency

MC Modu|ar ua||ty of serv|ce CLI MC s|nce ICS 124 |s ca||ed
nI n|erarch|ca| ueu|ng Irame Work check C|sco Webs|te for nI
Crlglnally lnvenLed for C8WC An? 1PlnC ln 1PL Lxam or ln real world LhaL ask us
Lo lmplemenL C8Class based eg class based shaplng class based pollclng class
based compresslon eLc lL lndlcaLes we have Lo use Lhe MCC approach Lo conflgure lL
1hree steps |nvo|ve |n the |mp|ementat|on of MC
1 Def|n|ng C|assMaps class maps ldenLlfy or group Lhe 1rafflc LogeLher whlch
have same requlremenLs ln Lerms of CCS 1hey are sorL of 1emplaLes and can be
reused agaln and agaln Classmaps can be nesLed lnslde anoLher classmap
Group Lhe Lrafflc classes wlLh slmllar requlremenLs 1haL has been classlfled ln
above sLep
When classmap ls creaLed a classdefaulL class ls creaLed auLomaLlcally whlch
maLch everyLhlng LhaL does noL maLch any maLch sLaLemenL ln classmap

2 Def|n|ng o||cyMaps pollcy maps deflne pollcles for classmaps class maps
are asslgned Lo pollcymaps More Lhan one classmaps can be referenced ln
pollcy map We can only have one ollcy map per lnLerface per dlrecLlon
|nbound|outbound Mu|t|p|e C|ass Maps can be reffered |n o||cy Map
3 Ass|gn the po||cy maps Lo lnLerfaces serv|cepo||c|es



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