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Andrew Yang 9/21/11 PERSIAN Chart Period 7 AP World History

POLITICAL Leaders, Elites State Structure War Diplomacy, Treaties Courts, Laws

Chapter 5: Decline of Classical Civilizations and Emergence of Some Others China emphasized greater centralized control by the government to establish a foothold on its empire; the other civilizations either used religion (Hinduism in India) or an elaborate legal framework (Roman and Greek judicial systems) to maintain order. Social hierarchies persisted and were cemented by religions or philosophies (caste system India, and Confucian China, for ex.). All used military might to consolidate their control, although not all had strong government systems. All empires declined seriously between 200 and 600CE, from a combination of factors, including tax collecting problems and population decreases. China revived itself in the Sui and Tang dynasties, while the Mediterranean fractured into the Byzantine empire, Western Europe, and North African civilizations, and the Guptan Empire was outright shattered. At the same time: 1. Olmecs disappear c.400BCE but leave framework for Mayan civilization 2. The nations of Japan and Northern Europe develop, one being the backward area until c.1200CE, and one borrowing heavily from Chinese influences 3. Kush kingdom established on the Upper Nile river; defeated by Axum c.300BCE and then defeated by Ethiopia 4. Polynesian migration around 400BCE to as far as Hawaii and forming the loose network of Pacific island kingdoms 5. Andes region leaves a framework for the later Inca empire in Peru and Paraguay Political Systems and Entities at the fall of Classical Civs: 1. Loosely organized regional kingdoms in Europe (Teutones, Celtics, Goths, Visigoths, Ostrogoths, etc) 2. Strong government in Byzantine and attempts to retake and reunify Roman Empire by Justinian, who is famous for Justinian Code 3. Three Kingdoms period in China (centuries of instability) 4. Return to fragmented India with regional princes.

ECONOMIC Type of System Technology, Industry Trade, Commerce Capital/Money Types of Businesses

Extensive trading networks fall into disrepair as the classical civilizations decline; Roman roads, aqueducts, baths, and public works fall into decay in the Western half; Han China is invaded by the Xiongnu in part because they could not provide the other end of the trade deal; Roman economy is crippled by lack of trade; India is prosperous and will continue to prosper in trade and culture. Technology of Rome and India are lost permanently until the Renaissance Age Changes in Religious Philosophies Daoism gains popular appeal during the Yellow Turban revolt around 200CE but only allows the further speeding up of Chinese decline; it is popular especially among the peasant class that is heavily taxed. Christianity springs up in the later days of the Roman Empire, temporarily halting but never being able to stop the decline of Rome. The New Religious Map: blending of various religions together; called syncretism Buddhism: experienced a huge decline in India in the Gupta period but was able to culturally diffuse into East and Southeast Asia Concept of the bodhisattvas, or the people who could attain nirvana while choosing to stay on Earth and giving guidance to people on how they too can achieve nirvana; Buddhism coexists with Daoism in China and Hinduism in India, although to less of an extent.

RELIGIOUS Holy Books Beliefs, Teaching Conversion Sin/Salvation Deities

Appealing to the toiling lower castes/classes, who had hope for a better afterlife in the heavens Eventually spread to encompass as a religion, not as a set of ethics. Christianity: initially experiencing hostility by Roman officials, the disciples went on to spread the teachings of Jesus, eventually receiving recognition by the emperor Constantine with the Edict of Milan that officially recognized Christianity. Thus, Christianity was able to spread through to Byzantine Empire and the rest of Europe and Africa, where it gained appeal among the lower classes. Conflict with Islam later on (one deity of God; addition of New Testament) Islam: Spread by prophet Muhammad and his followers in present day Saudi Arabia; helped establish the Arabic invasions of the seventh century and spread to North Africa and Southern Spain and Portugal One all important god Allah and the 5 duties of a Muslim Shintoism = partially influenced by Buddhism and Daoism; has gods such as the all giving rice god and preaches similar doctrines to both (Chinese influences) Even after the decline of the classical civilizations, there is a continuing belief of the superiority of men to women, although the advent of Christianity and Buddhism (if interpreted correctly) allows mobility for women. Also, the loosening of the social hierarchy (collapsed in western half of former Roman Empire). An appeal to the lower classes with the hope of a beneficial and supernatural afterlife. Buddhism is distorted in China to accommodate for the submission of women to husbands and threatening to Confucian values on social order. The loss of much knowledge in the Mediterranean, destroyed through the invasions of barbarians, or nomadic peoples, and revived only later in the Renaissance period; Indian advances in math and science become decadent and unknown; Sanskirt dies out and is replaced by Hindi, while Classical Latin (NOT the church version) appears to be a dead language. Chinese culture and advances in technology are too strong to be overturned and are lasting over the course of dynasties. Architecture is influenced heavily by religious beliefs (Temples and Mosques with Christianity and Islam, and pagoda designs with Buddhism and Shintoism) Education is purely religiously motivated and guided.
NEAR: GEOGRAPHY Location Physical Movement Human/Environment Region

SOCIAL Family Gender Relations Social Classes Inequalities Life Styles

INTELLECTUAL, ARTS Art, Music Writing, Literature Philosophy Math & Science Education

One of the reasons for Chinas resilience is its relative location, in isolation from the rest of the World. Rome fell apart because of the vast territory it was overstretched to defend, while India was accessible through mountain passes and was thus destroyed by outside invasion

NOTES: The classical civilizations left behind legacies of their own, although China continued to revived itself. And while they developed, new centers of civilization sprang up in Sub Saharan Africa and the Americas, giving birth to new civilizations such as the Mayans, Incas, Aztecs, Ghana, and Mali. Religion became a huge factor in the culture of each society, and more contacts were opened up in Japan and Korea, as well as Vietnam.

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