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Polynomial Representation for Links


ABSTRACT In this paper we introduce the concept of a degree sequence and the minimal degree sequence for link-types. The main focus is on nding a degree sequence for an arbitrary torus link. We conclude the paper by giving polynomial representations of all links up to 7 crossings. Keywords: Torus Links, Quasitoric braids Mathematics Subject Classication 2000 : 57M25, 14P25

1. Introduction

In 1992, Shastri ([10]) created polynomial parametrizations of several knots, and showed that every knot-type has a polynomial representation. In 1996, Mishra ([3]) introduced the concepts of a degree sequence and the minimal degree sequence for knot-types, which occurs naturally from polynomial representation of knots. In our earlier papers [5], [6], [7], [8], we studied the properties of rational knots, torus knots, quasitoric braids and explored the minimal degree sequence for 2-bridge knots and torus knots, which paved the way to nd a degree sequence for a general knot type. It is evident that every link-type has a polynomial representation. So, naturally one can dene a degree sequence and the minimal degree sequence for a link-type. The main aim of this article is to explore a way to nd out a degree sequence to a general link-type. Giving a polynomial representation to a knot-type lays the foundation to the concept of a degree sequence and the minimal degree sequence for knots. In this paper, our goal is to understand the coecient space of polynomial links, and to determine a degree sequence for a general link-type. We outlined this paper as follows: 1. Introducing the concepts of polynomial representation of links, degree sequence and the minimal degree sequence of link types. 2. Finding a degree sequence for a torus link-type. 1

3. Regular projection of links up to 7 crossings with a polynomial representations and their degree sequence. The main part of this paper will focus on nding a degree sequence for torus links. Finding a degree sequence for a general link-type is then a self-explanatory.
2. Preliminaries

In this section we present the basic denitions, background and the known results which serve as the prerequisite for the main result. Denition 2.1 An isotopy class of a proper smooth embedding : 3 where each X = R such that | X1 X2 . . . Xn R i Xi is monotone outside some closed interval is called a non-compact ncomponent link-type or an open n-component link-type. In Shastris theorem [10], the existence of a polynomial representation for a given knot type K is shown by using Weierstrass approximation. As each n-link type L can be obtained by n-copies of knots, the existence of a polynomial representation for a given link type L can also be shown by using Weierstrass approximation. In this case also estimating the degrees of the polynomials is not clear. For a knot type K if t (f (t), g(t), h(t)) is a polynomial representation and deg(f (t)) = l, deg(g(t)) = m and deg(h(t)) = n, then we say that (l, m, n) is a degree sequence of K. We dene (l, m, n) to be the minimal degree sequence of K if (l, m, n) is minimal amongst all the degree sequences of K with respect to the usual lexicographic ordering of N3 . Note that a degree sequence of K need not be unique. Using the same technique, we will formulate the denition of a degree sequence and the minimal degree sequence for an n-link-type L. Denition 2.2 Let L be a k-component open link. Let : R R . . . R R3 , such that (t1 , t2 , . . . , tk ) ((f1 (t1 ), g1 (t1 ), h1 (t1 )), (f2 (t2 ), g2 (t2 ), h2 (t2 )), . . . , (fk (tk ), gk (tk ), hk (tk ))) be a polynomial representation of L. If deg(fi (ti )) = li , deg(gi (ti )) = mi and deg(hi (ti )) = ni then we say that ((l1 , m1 , n1 ), (l2 , m2 , n2 ), . . . , (lk , mk , nk )) is a degree sequence for a given link-type. Denition 2.3 We say that ((l1 , m1 , n1 ), (l2 , m2 , n2 ), . . . , (lk , mk , nk )) 2

is the minimal degree sequence for a link-type L if ((l1 , m1 , n1 ), (l2 , m2 , n2 ), . . . , (lk , mk , nk )) is a degree sequence for L and whenever ((p1 , q1 , r1 ), (p2 , q2 , r2 ), . . . , (pk , qk , rk )) is another degree sequence for L then (li , mi , ni ) (pi , qi , ri ) i, with respect to lexicographic ordering in N3 . One can observe that only nitely many link-types can be realized with a given degree sequence. Hence, for a given link-type estimating a degree sequence and eventually the minimal degree sequence is an important aspect for polynomial link-types. Here our main objective is to discuss the polynomial parametrization of torus link-types and nd some bound on the degrees of polynomials for a given link-type L. In our earlier papers ([9],[2],[3], [5],[6], [7]) we have estimated a degree sequence and the minimal degree sequence for torus knots, 2-bridge knots. Using quasitoric braid representation we had given a degree sequence for a general knot type also. Theorem 2.4 A torus knot of type (2, 2n+1) has a degree sequence (3, 4n, 4n + 1). Theorem 2.5 A torus knot of type (p, q), 2 < p < q, has a degree sequence (2p 1, 2q 1, 2q). Remark 2.6 These are not the minimal degree sequence for torus knots. For minimal degree sequence we have the following: Theorem 2.7 [3] The minimal degree sequence for torus knot of type (2, 2n + 1) for n = 3m; 3m + 1 and 3m + 2 is (3, 2n + 2, 2n + 4); (3, 2n + 2, 2n + 3) and (3, 2n + 3, 2n + 4) respectively. Theorem 2.8 [6] The minimal degree sequence for a 2-bridge knot having minimal crossing number N is given by (3, N + 1, N + 2) when N 0 (mod 3); (3, N + 1, N + 3) when N 1 (mod 3); (3, N + 2, N + 3) when N 2 (mod 3)

Theorem 2.9 [5] The minimal degree sequence for a torus knot of type (p, 2p1), p 2 denoted by Kp,2p1 is given by (2p1, 2p, d), where d lies between 2p + 1 and 4p 3. Remark 2.10 In order to represent a link-type by a polynomial embedding we require a suitable link diagram. For example for torus link of type (p, q) we use its representation as closure of a p-braid namely (1 .2 . . . p1 )q . For a general link-type there may not be such systematic nice diagram available. Denition 2.11 For any two positive integers p and q the p-braid (1 . . . p1 )q is called the toric braid of type (p, q). Remark 2.12 Closure of a toric braid gives a torus link of type (p, q). In particular if (p, q) = 1, then we obtain the torus knot of type (p, q), and it is denoted by Kp,q . Denition 2.13 A braid is said to be quasitoric of type (p, q) e ej,p1 if it can be expressed as 1 . . . . .q , where each j = 1j,1 . . . p1 , with ej,k is either 1 or 1. Remark 2.14 A quasitoric braid of type (p, q) is a braid obtained from the standard diagram of the toric (p, q) braid by switching some of the crossing types. Theorem 2.15 (Manturovs Theorem) [1] Each knot isotopy class can be obtained as a closure of some quasitoric braid. By using these results we proved the following in [8]. Theorem 2.16 Let K be a knot which is the closure of a quasitoric braid obtained from a toric braid (1 2 . . . p1 )q , where (p, q) = 1, by making r crossing changes. Then (2p 1, q + r0 , d) is a degree sequence for K where r0 is the least positive integer such that (2p 1, q + r0 ) = 1 and d 2q 1 + 4r. In [8], we had given polynomial representations for all knot types up to 8 crossings.
3. A Degree Sequence for Torus Links

In order to prove the main result of this section, we rst prove the following lemmas. Lemma 3.17 Let (t1 , . . . , tk ) ((f1 (t1 ), g1 (t1 )), . . . , (fk (tk ), gk (tk ))) 4

represent a regular projection of a k-component link L. Let Ni be the number of variations in the nature of the crossings as we move along the ith component of the link L. Then there exists a polynomial hi (t) of degree Ni such that the embedding (t1 , . . . , tk ) ((f1 (t1 ), g1 (t1 ), h1 (t1 )), . . . , (fk (tk ), gk (tk )), hk (tk )) is a representation for L. Proof. Let s1 < s2 < . . . < sNi be such that all crossings correspond to parameter values t R \ {s1 , s2 , . . . , sNi } and in any of the open intervals (, s1 ), (s1 , s2 ), . . . , (sNi , ) all the crossings are of the same type (either over or under), also in successive intervals, the crossings are of opposite type. Now dene

hi (t) =

(t sj ).

It is easy to observe that hi (t) has constant sign on each interval and opposite sign on consecutive intervals. Once after determining all hi (t)s they provide an over/under crossing data for the link L. Hence (t1 , . . . , tk ) ((f1 (t1 ), g1 (t1 ), h1 (t1 )), . . . , (fk (tk ), gk (tk )), hk (tk )) is a representation for L. Lemma 3.18 If L is a k-component alternating link represented by a polynomial embedding (t1 , . . . , tk ) ((f1 (t1 ), g1 (t1 ), h1 (t1 )), . . . , (fk (tk ), gk (tk )), hk (tk )) and if the ith component of the link L has ni number of self intersections and ni number of intersections with other components of the link L, then deg(hi (t)) = 2ni + ni 1. The proof directly follows from the above lemma. Theorem 3.19 Let L(P, Q) denote a torus link of type (P, Q) with d = gcd(P, Q). Thus, each component is a torus knot of type (p, q) such that P = dp, Q = dq. Then a degree sequence for L(P, Q) is given by ((2p 1, q + r, 2q), (2p 1, q + r, 2q), . . . , (2p 1, q + r, 2q)) where r is the least positive integer satisfying the following: 5

(i) (2p 1, q + r) = 1 (ii) r(2p 1) q is a non-negative even integer. Proof. Let L(P, Q) be a d component torus link of type (P, Q). Then a braid representation of L(P, Q) is given by (1 2 . . . P 1 )Q . Since L(P, Q) is a d component torus link, there exist integers p, q such that P = dp and Q = dq. Hence
1 L(P, Q) = Kp,q 2 Kp,q


d Kp,q ,

i where each Kp,q is a torus knot of type (p, q). Also observe that j i #Kp,q Kp,q = 2pq. i Since Kp,q has bridge number p, there are p relative maxima and p relative minima. In the non-compact version, one relative maxima and one relative minima can be destroyed. Thus there are at least 2p 2 relative extrema. Hence the degree of fi (t) (representing the X-coordinate) is 2p 1. For a detailed proof on the existence of fi (t), gi (t) and the degree of fi (t) one can refer to [6]. From [6] the degree of a polynomial gi (t) such that (Xi (t), Yi (t)) = i (fi (t), gi (t)) is a regular projection of Kp,q , must be at least q + r, where r is the least positive integer such that (2p 1, q + r) = 1. Now if we consider the curve Ci : (Xi (t), Yi (t)) = (fi (t), gi (t)) with degrees of fi (t) is equal to 2p 1 and degree of gi (t) is equal to q + r, then the Milnor number of this curve is (2p 1)(q + r 1) and hence the delta invariant is (p 1)q + (p 1)(r 1). Since the total number of double points in the link is (P 1)Q = (dp 1)dq and the linking number between any two components is 2pq, by translation of each component curve to get the desired number of double points, we choose the integer r such that it satisfy the following: (i) (2p 1, q + r) = 1 (ii) r(2p 1) q is a non-negative even integer.

By using lemma it is easy to construct the third polynomial hi (t) which gives over/under crossing data. Since the number of crossings in L(P, Q) is (P 1)Q = (dp 1)dq and as L(P, Q) is a (P 1) = (dp 1) alternating, we have degree of hi (t) is equal to 2q. Now by using quasitoric braid representation of any link L, it is easy to nd a degree sequence for L. If the quasitoric braid representation of L is L(P, Q), then the regular projection of L and L(P, Q) is same and hence by above theorem we can give a degree sequence for L. Since the crossing pattern is dierent for both L 6

and L(P, Q), the degree of the polynomial which determines the over/under crossing data, will vary.
4. Polynomial Representations and Regular Projection of links up to 7-crossings

Here we give a polynomial representation of Links up to 7 Crossings and plotted the regular projections of these polynomial embeddings using Mathematica. We have the same regular projection for L6a4 and L6n1; L7n1 and L7n2, which can be distinguished by the over/under crossing data provided by the third polynomial in the polynomial embedding. L2a1: (t1 , t2 ) ((t1 , t2 1, t1 ), (t2 , t2 + 1, t1 )) 1 2 L4a1: (t1 , t2 ) ((t1 , t2 0.25, (t1 + 1.27908)(t1 + 0.1011465)(t1 1 1.2790785)), (3t2 2.25, t2 + 2, (t2 + 1.27908)(t2 + 0.1011465)(t2 2 1.2790785)))
4 2 4 3 2 -6 -4 -2 -2 -4 2 4 6 1




L5a1: (t1 , t2 ) ((t1 0.65, 0.75 + 0.4t1 + 2t2 , (t1 + 0.798354)(t1 1 0.0152965)(t1 0.820854)), (t2 + 0.7t2 , 0.68t2 1.05t2 + t3 , (t2 + 2 2 2 0.756045)(t2 0.0581055)(t2 0.820854)(t2 1.1127465)(t2 0.307689)) L6a1: (t1 , t2 ) ((t1 (t1 4)(t1 + 4), t2 (t1 1.2)(t1 + 1.2)(t1 1 3.16)(t1 + 3.16)), (6t2 , 4t2 20)) 2

1 0.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 0.5 1

-10 -5



5 -50







L6a2: (t1 , t2 ) ((t1 + 3.5, (t2 3.025)(t1 2.5)(t1 .0415), (t + 1 2.337045)(t+2.072685)(t+1.63653)(t0.01967)(t1.58398)), (t2 , t2 , (t+ 2 2.072685)(t + 2.337045)(t + 1.90094)(t 0.01967)(t 1.58398))) L6a3: (t1 , t2 ) ((102 (t2 3)(t2 1.5)(t2 0.25), 100t1 , (t2 1 1 1 1 1.4905952 )(t2 0.8550892 )t1 ), (102 (t2 3)(t2 1.5)(t2 0.25), 100t2 , (t2 1 2 2 2 2 1.4905952 )(t2 0.8550892 )t2 )) 2

5 4



2 -5 -10 -15

-400 -200 200 400





L6a4: (t1 , t2 , t3 ) ((t1 , t2 0.25, (t1 +0.20798995)(t1 0.29201005)(t1 1 0.82175)), (t2 + 0.025, t2 , (t2 0.6932205)(t2 0.16348055)(t2 + 2 0.48678495)), (t3 , t2 + 0.25, (t3 + 0.1285295)(t3 0.3714705)(t3 3 0.278795))) L6a5: (t1 , t2 , t3 ) ((t1 , (.34t2 0.5), (t1 +0.2723875)(t1 1.0437375)(t1 1 1.72035)), (t2 +1.195, 1.4t2 0.25, (t2 1.72035)(t2 0.522664)(t2 + 2 0.680401)), (1.9t3 0.75, 0.7t2 +0.25, (t3 +0.2723875)(t3 0.3355415)(t3 + 3 0.680401)))


-2 -1 -0.5 1 2


-2 -1





L6n1: (t1 , t2 , t3 ) ((t1 , t2 0.25, (t1 )), (t2 + 0.025, t2 , (t2 1 2 0.61376005)), (t3 , t2 + 0.25, t3 )) 3 L7a1: (t1 , t2 ) ((t1 (t1 1)(t1 + 1), t2 (t1 1.09)(t1 + 1.07), (t1 + 1 0.57852485)(t1 + 0.54183035)(t1 + 0.30542775)(t1 0.1008705)(t1 + 0.019425)(t1 +0.1264315)(t1 0.316296)(t1 0.5329602)(t1 0.5650752)), ((t2 ), (t2 + 2 0.095), (t2 + 0.23753885)(t2 + 0.02087465)(t2 0.2155282)))

1 0.5
-1.5 -1 -0.5

0.4 0.2

0.5 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8



-1 -0.5 -1



L7a2: (t1 , t2 ) ((t1 (t1 1)(t1 + 1), t2 (t1 1.09)(t1 + 1.09), (t1 + 1 1.037945)(t1 +0.4666504)(t1 0.2027426)(t1 0.081977)t1 (t1 +0.081977)(t1 + 0.2027426)(t1 0.4666504)(t1 1.037945)), ((t2 ), (t2 +0.235), (t2 + 2 0.2027426)t2 (t2 0.2027426))) L7a3: (t1 , t2 ) ((t1 (t1 2)(t1 + 2), t2 (t1 2.28)(t1 + 2.39), (t1 + 1 2.12)(t1 +1.25)(t1 0.85)(t1 0.8)(t1 0.12)(t1 1.35)(t1 0.99)(t1 0.85)(t1 1.95)), ((t2 + 1.8), (t2 +1.9), (t2 +0.265)(t2 0.85)(t2 2 1.895)))


6 4


-0.5 -0.2


2 -4 -2 -2 2 4



-6 -8



L7a4: (t1 , t2 ) (((t2 16), 2.4t1 + 2, (t1 + 4.30718)(t1 + 3.76)(t1 + 1 2.69)(t1 + 0.742422)(t1 1.021858)(t1 1.76428)(t1 2.69)(t1 3.76)(t1 4.328485)), ((0.48t2 2.75), 0.015(t2 4.242 )(t2 3.282 )(t2 2 2 2 2 2.12 )(t2 ), (t2 + 1.879602)(t2 1.021858)(t2 2.922765))) L7a5: (t1 , t2 ) ((t2 + 0.2t1 + 1.2, 0.18 + 0.68t1 + 1.05t2 1 1 t3 , (t1 +1.396225)(t1 +1.0207085)(t1 0.101714)(t1 1.0686675)(t1 1 1.29451)), (t2 1, 0.15t2 + 0.21, (t2 + 1.068201)(t2 + 0.053755)(t2 2 1.29451)(t2 +0.04796)(t2 +0.228025)(t2 0.1474915)(t2 0.101714)))






-2 -1 1 2






L7a6: (t1 , t2 ) ((t2 + 0.7t1 + 0.52, 0.64 + 0.68t1 + 1.05t2 1 1 t3 , (t1 +0.715353)(t1 +0.621006)(t1 +0.2521986)(t1 0.3963954)(t1 1 0.96444)(t1 1.28685)(t1 1.40311)), (t2 1, 0.25t2 +1, (t2 0.96444)(t2 2 0.221499)(t2 0.337759)(t2 0.432106)(t2 + 0.2521986))) L7a7: (t1 , t2 , t3 ) ((t1 0.025, 0.025+0.4t1 +2t2 , (t1 +0.8753485)(t1 1 0.0986855)(t1 0.614808)), (t2 +0.7t2 +0.92, 0.5+0.68t2 +1.05t2 2 2 t3 , (t2 +0.8753485)(t2 +0.7023155)(t2 +0.7521165)(t2 +0.9834995)(t2 2 0.118615)), (t2 .25, t3 +1, (t3 0.614808)(t3 +0.053406)(t3 +0.9834995))) 3















L7n1: (t1 , t2 ) ((t1 (t1 1)(t1 + 1), t2 (t1 1.09)(t1 + 1.07), (t1 + 1 0.57852485)(t1 0.14052315)(t1 0.2566305)(t1 0.5740625)(t1 1.043905)), ((t2 ), (t2 + 0.095), (t2 + 0.1625337))) 2 L7n2: (t1 , t2 ) ((t1 (t1 1)(t1 + 1), t2 (t1 1.09)(t1 + 1.07), (t1 + 1 0.57852485)(t1 0.14052315)(t1 0.2566305)(t1 + 0.1214315)(t1 + 0.1625337)), ((t2 ), (t2 +0.095), (t2 +0.23753885)(t2 0.14052315))) 2

0.4 0.2

0.4 0.2



-0.5 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8





-0.5 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8





The authors would like to thank Prof. Akio Kawauchi for his support during their stay in OCU, where they carried out this research.
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Prabhakar Madeti: Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Guwahati - 781039, India Rama Mishra: Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi - 110016, India


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