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[ConfigName] | Rainmeter, desktop customization tool






The following should be put under the the sections for their respective configs, e.g. [illustro\Clock]. Most of these settings can also be set via the skin right-click context menu or through the Manage dialog.


WindowX, WindowY These define the X and Y positions of the config on the screen in pixels. If the %-sign is added, the measurement will be in percentage. If a capital R is added to the value then the position will be relative to the right edge of the screen instead of the left. By default the position is relative to the primary screen. You can override this with @n where n is 0 to 32 and denotes which screen to position the meter on (1-32) or the virtual desktop (0). The screen selection will apply to both WindowX and WindowY if the value is set on only one of them. AnchorX, AnchorY By default WindowX and WindowY control the position of the upper left corner of the config window. AnchorX and AnchorY allow that anchor position to be changed. The Anchor can be defined in pixels from the upper left corner of the window or as a percentage of the config if % is used. If a letter R or B is added to AnchorX or AnchorY, then the position is relative to the right or bottom edge of the window. As an example, by setting WindowX, WindowY, AnchorX and AnchorY all to 50% the config will be truly centered in the primary monitor regardless of screen resolution or aspect ratio. SavePosition If set to 1, the position of the window is stored in the Rainmeter.ini file so that it will be remembered when Rainmeter is executed the next time. AlwaysOnTop If set to 1, the window is always on top of other windows. If 0, the window positioning is normal. If set to -1 the window stays behind the other windows. A value -2 pins the window to the desktop and 2 keeps the window ontop of other topmost windows. Note that -2 (On Desktop) only works with Explorer.exe as the Window shell. Also be aware that the "order" of skins when two or more are set to "On Desktop" and positioned on top of each other is determined by their order in Rainmeter.ini in ascending order. The first skin [section] in Rainmeter.ini is on the bottom relative to ones that come after. A value of -2 (On Desktop) will work with XP/Vista/Windows 7 with the Aero Interface on or off. In Vista and Windows 7 if a skin is set to On Desktop and Windows "Show Desktop" is used (WIN+D), the Rainmeter skins will stay visible. Draggable If set to 1, the window can be dragged around with the mouse. If 0, the window will be stationary. SnapEdges If set to 1, the window will snap, or "stick", to screen edges and other skins when moved. If shift, ctrl, or alt is held while moving, the window will not snap. HideOnMouseOver If set to 1 the config will disappear if the mouse pointer is moved over it. The window will reappear when the mouse pointer is moved off the position where the window was. If shift, ctrl or alt is held while moving the mouse, the window will not disappear (or reappear). StartHidden If set to 1, the config is hidden when started. You can use !Show bang to make it visible. NativeTransparency Set to 1 for native transparency support (only necessary for Windows XP). AlphaValue The transparency value (0 - 255) for the window. For Windows XP, NativeTransparency must be enabled. FadeDuration

Manual Installation Settings [Rainmeter] [TrayMeasure] [ConfigName] Built-in Variables Config Groups Multiple Monitors Skins Measures Meters Plugins Mouse Actions Bangs Lua Scripting Developers Contact Manual (beta) Rainmeter 101 Tips & Tricks[22-9-2011 10:31:20]

[ConfigName] | Rainmeter, desktop customization tool

This defines the amount of time it takes to fade the window. The time is in milliseconds. To get rid of the fading set the value to 0. ClickThrough If set to 1 the mouse clicks go through the window. Only works if native transparency is enabled. If shift, ctrl or alt is held while clicking, the skin will respond to clicks as normal. KeepOnScreen Set to 1 to keep the windows always on the monitor area. LoadOrder This determines the order in which the configs are loaded. Values can be positive or negative. Configs will load starting with the one with the lowest value for LoadOrder, ending with the highest. Configs loaded first are below those loaded last, for example: Three configs having LoadOrder=-1 , LoadOrder=2 and LoadOrder=5 would load the configs in that order, with the config with LoadOrder=-1 appearing beneath the one with LoadOrder=2 which is in turn beneath the config containing LoadOrder=5 . If two configs have the same value for LoadOrder, they are then loaded in alphabetical order. LoadOrder must be set manually in Rainmeter.ini by selecting "Edit Settings..." from the tray context menu. Note: The value of LoadOrder has no bearing on what the position of the config is, i.e. "On Desktop", "Normal, "Topmost", etc. Configs in these positions will continue to appear in the same manner, with LoadOrder only affecting how skins in the same position interact with each other. That is to say, configs set to "Topmost" will always appear above configs set to "Normal", but two configs in "Topmost" will layer themselves according to their LoadOrder value.

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