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The Authentic Origin Of Man Samael Aun Weor


Tonight my friends we will begin our meeting talking precisely about man's enigma,
something that is necessary to know in order to have a better knowledge of ourselves.

It is necessary to know the origin of man, from where he comes and what is the
fundamental reason of his existence. Much more has been said about man but it is
necessary to investigate it in a more profound way.

There actually lives on Earth a population of about four and a half billion people;
obviously these people are the Aryan Race. Our continents are densely populated:
Europe, America, Asia, Africa, Oceania, are the five continents on which humanity lives.

If we ask, what is the origin of this humanity? Where did it come from? Do you think this
humanity that lives on these five continents, did originate in them?

Human traces were found in the caves of Grimaldi, and there has been an effort to
reconstruct the history, or the pre- history, of the races of Grimaldi and Cromagnon.

Skeletons of giants have been found in different places, in Brazil was found a figure or
human skeleton of about six or seven meters height. Also skeletons of human beings that
look just like gorillas, orangutans or something like that, have been found specially in the
caves of Cromagnon.

From all of that it has been mistakenly deduced that possibly the human race originated
from the apes or monkeys.

Darwin's theory was very celebrated in his era and it was thought that man come from the
apes. This mystery worries our humanity and from time to time someone tries to figure
out if man comes from the ape or if the ape came from the man (who came from who?).
In some epochs this controversy calmed down; in others it re-emerged again.

A pseudo scientist, a kind of "pampered child" had the idea that the human race
descended from the savages, (that is what he said), and of course, in the end this did not
resolve anything.

Who came from who? I do not think that all the population of four and a half billion that
actually live in the world came from these five continents because the world has changed
its aspect many times.

Before it had the aspect that you observe on a map, its physiognomy was different. There
are older maps; there exists different maps that have been found in different parts of the
world in which, the physiognomy of Earth appears different.

Earth did not always have the same continents, the same physiognomy. In older times, it
had a different aspect. What today are Poles, was the Equator, and what today is Equator,

The Authentic Origin Of Man Samael Aun Weor

were the Poles. Then, the actual continents did not exist or existed only partly (it were
emerging from the bottom of the oceans), and there was a densely populated continent,
that was located in the Atlantic Ocean.

Therefore, the physiognomy of the planet was different. I cannot believe, no matter what,
that the origin of the human race is in the actual continents.

When the human race unfolded in the ancient Atlantis, it was very different. The apes, or
the type of men-apes found in the caves of Cromagnon and Grimaldi (and other caves) in
reality belong to degenerated descendants, to degenerations of the Atlantean race.

I say that as there exists the evolution in plants (and also involution), as exists the
evolution in animals (and also involution), or in the human beings, etc., there also has to
exist the evolution and involution in the civilizations.

For example, when one speak with some tribes located on the western or eastern
hemisphere one understands that they have in their past huge civilizations, that they have
or preserve in their memory, legends that are related with their ancestors (already
disappeared and from very ancient civilizations) and that they speak about them with a lot
of respect. Even the cannibals that look so primitive, have great traditions : they preserve
traditions of immemorial times, of huge cities, etc., etc., etc. Therefore, they are not
"primitives;" they are just degenerates, (some very cruel, bloodthirsty and savage tribes,
are involutions, or descendants of ancient civilizations). It is hard to find really primitive
people today, and it is because the human race evolves and also fall into involution.

I repeat, before these five continents existed, there existed Atlantis.

Today we are fascinated with modern civilization: it is a wo nder to us. Its space machines
that travel to the Moon or to Jupiter, or Venus; its atomic experiments surprise us, the
physiological investigations, the study of living cells, etc. We are so fascinated with these
experiments that we really believe that this is the most powerful civilization to have
existed in the world. We have fallen in a kind of "geocentric system," I say it because in
other times, in the middle ages, you know very well that people used to believe that all
the stars were in movement around the Earth. Well, we have fallen again into a kind of
"geocentrism," when we believe that the history of the world has to move around our
much applauded civilization.

I think that it is necessary for a kind of "modern geocentrism," a new Newton that could
be able to demonstrate that our much applauded civilization is just one of the many
civilizations that have existed on the planet Earth.

The day will come when it will be possible to prove all of this.

There are systems, that make possible the verification of the fact that before of our
civilization, that looks so bright, there existed a more powerful civilization.

The Authentic Origin Of Man Samael Aun Weor

Well, I want to point now, in emphatic form, to the Akashic Archives of Nature, the
Memory of Nature.

The experiments with the Carbon-14, for example, have demonstrated that Moon is older
than the Earth. We can also demonstrate that there are systems that make it possible to
read the Memories of Nature. The Akashic Archives are a reality (I do not deny that one
day the scientists will find them). We, the Gnostics, have methods that make it possible to
study the Akashic Archives of Nature.

The one that wants to study those Akashic Archives, will have to develop in an
extraordinary form the Lotus of Thousand Petals, that is related with the Pineal Gland
(Sahasrara Chakra), and the latent powers that exists in the Pituitary Gland (the Lotus of
the Two Petals and 96 radiations). These two small glands are extraordinary. Once they
are developed, they bring access to the ultra, to the extra sensorial perceptions, and also
to the Akashic Archives of Nature.

When one study the Akashic Archives of Nature, one can watch them as a "living
movie," and in them, all the history of Earth and its races.

The wise men that have studied the Akasich Archives, know that Atlantis was real, that it
was a huge continent spreading from South to North. This gigantic continent was the
stage of the race that existed before us. I am talking about the great Atlantean Race, that
was a race of giants. That is why the ancie nt legends talk about Briareo, the one with one
hundred arms, a race of real cyclops. That race had a powerful civilization, millions of
times more powerful than ours.

About transplants, they transplanted organs of any type: liver, kidneys, heart, and the y
even did transplants of brains (that was formidable). In the field of the Nuclear Physics,
they attained the massive atomic illumination. All the cities used the atomic illumination:
the farms, their houses, were illuminated using nuclear energy.

In the field of mechanic, I can say that their cars were not only amphibious, but could
also fly and were propelled by nuclear energy. They extracted the energy not only from
uranium and radium, but also from many other metals and vegetables, that also were

In the navigation area, they had planes more powerful than now: real flying ships,
propelled by nuclear energy.

They had better travels to the Moon that the ones that "syrians" and "troyeans" are doing
now. They had amazing atomic spaceships, in which they travelled to the Moon, and not
only did those astronauts descended to the Moon, they also used to go to any planet of the
solar system. Therefore, we do not even approach them with our much applauded
civilization and pseudo modern wisdom.

About anatomy and biology, they made discoveries that we do not even remotely suspect.

The Authentic Origin Of Man Samael Aun Weor

Katie King (Ketabel) "the one of the sad destinies," an Atlantean queen, could live (and
with all her youth) during thousand of years.

Unfortunately, and this is how the decadency of the Atlantean Civilization began, she
established a cannibalism really unfortunate.

Then, girls, young men, etc. were sacrificed to the gods. The cadavers, any young
sacrificed cadaver, was transported to the laboratory where the glands that the famous
Ketabel (the one of the sad destinies) needed, were removed and used to replace her
already wasted glands.

But not only did they remove the physical glands from those cadavers; no. Today the
famous scientists are so degenerated that they do not know how to manage the Principles
of Life. The Atlantean wise men knew how to use the Vital Principles of the endocrine
glands. They did not ignore that the Vibrations of the Ether or better to say the Tattwas,
enter into the endocrine glands, (the small micro laboratories that produce hormones) and
they never exit).

They knew how to use those tattwas, or Vibrations of the Universal Ether: when a gland
was transplanted to Ketabel, at the same time they were using the tattwas. This is why
those scientists were absolutely superior to the modern endocrinologists, that do not
know anything about this, that ignore the existence of the tattwas because they never
even tried to study Rama-Fasa or Doctor Krumm Heller.

There existed a marvellous Atlantean university. I want to speak in emphatic terms about
the Akaldana Society, a true university of wise men. They studied the Law of the Eternal
Heptaparaparshinokh (the Law of Seven); they learned how to concentrate the solar rays
and make them pass through different chamb ers, they knew how to transform the seven
colours of the solar prism, how to get "the positive", that is to say, the "slide" of the solar
prism rays.

One thing is to see the seven colours of the prism and another is to transform them into a
positive form, to get "the positive."

The modern scientists have studied the seven fundamental colours of the solar prism but
they have not obtained the "slide" of those seven colours. The Atlantean wise men knew
how to get the "real positive" from the seven colours of the solar prism, and with that
"positive" of the seven colours, they made real prodigies.

I remember the case of two Chinese wise men that made experiments (in the Atlantean
style) with the seven colours of the solar prism. They extracted "the positive," from the
seven colours. For example, they put opium in front of a red ray, and then they saw how
the opium was transformed into other substances. They put a piece of bamboo and
saturated it with a certain substance of blue colour (using the positive part of the solar
prism) and then they saw how that bamboo was intensely dyed with that blue colour...
They passed, for example, the sound of the notes: Do or Re or Mi, in combination with

The Authentic Origin Of Man Samael Aun Weor

determinate colour, and then they saw how the note had transformed the colour,
transformed it into a completely different colour.

The seven rays were used in their positive form, and they made prodigies in the Atlantean
continent; the Law of the Heptaparaparshinokh was profoundly study.

A wise man put the milk of a nanny goat and mixed it with the resin of pine on a plate of
marble, he later saw that after its decomposition, the substance had formed seven
different layers. This experiment induced the study of the Law of the Eternal
Heptaparaparshinokh, the Law of Seven.

The Atlanteans attained extraordinary things in the field of science; they were scientists
and magicians at the same time: they could make a robot that had the Intelligent Principle
of a vegetable or animal (the elemental), and that principle made the functions of the Soul
or Spirit in the robot. So, those robots were real alive creatures that obeyed their masters
and lords.

That Atlantean race existed before the actual human race. They had huge cities, but
unfortunately they degenerated: they made the atomic bomb and even more deadly arms,
and in the war entire cities were devastated, many cities were converted into holocausts,
atomic holocausts.

If we believe that we are the most wise men in the entire universe, we are absolutely
wrong, because before have existed a more powerful race, more civilized, more cultured.
In reality, in comparison to them we look like barbarians, uncivilized and uncultured.

It is unfortunate that Atlantis had degenerated, and it is because all races are born, they
grow, develop and die!

In the Atlantean decadency, horrible things happened: the humanity degenerated

(obviously in the vices), in the homosexuality, in the lesbianism, in the drugs, etc. etc.
Everything was abused in the time of the degeneration, and obviously that race had to be

Did that humanity have seven sub-races? Nobody can deny that, but in the end, they

The wise men of the Akaldana Society made notable experiments; they were the first to
use the Sphinx, that was put in front of the unive rsity. Much later, when the wise men of
the Akaldana Society understood that a great catastrophe was coming, they emigrated to a
small continent called Graboncsi (Africa). Later, the new lands that emerged from the
bottom of the oceans, made this continent bigger.

In the beginning the members of the Akaldana Society went to the south of Africa; after,
they emigrated to Cairona (today Cairo city). In the land of Nivea, Nile or Egypt, they
established their famous universities and the Sphinx in front of it.

The Authentic Origin Of Man Samael Aun Weor

The claws of the Lion in the Sphinx, represent the Fire; the head represents the Water; the
feet of the Bull, represents the Earth element; the Wings represents the Air element. Four
are the necessary virtues to achieve the Inner Self-Realization of the Be ing: one has to
have the Courage of a Lion, the Intelligence of a Man, the Wings of a Spirit and the
Tenacity of a Bull. Only in this form is it possible to achieve the inner Self- Realization of
the Being.

The Akaldana Society in Cairona (today Cairo city), established a Temple of Astrology.

Then the stars were studied not with telescopes as today but with the Sixth Sense.

When the pyramids are examined (especially the Great Pyramid), it is possible to see a
kind of "tube," some canals that go from the bottom, from the profound underground
sepulchre to the upper part, to the superior part of the Pyramid. Much has been thought or
said about those "canals," but in reality those canals were telescopes, and the observatory
was not in the upper part, but underground, in the bottom of the sepulchre. There, they
used to put a receptacle with water and on a pre-determined day, when it was known that
a star would be visible, it was reflected on the water.

The adepts of astrology used to observe in the water the studied star, not only with the
physical faculties but also with the psychic ones. Instead of observing the sky, they
observed the water, and there, in the water, with the Sixth Sense, they studied them.

The brothers of the Akaldana Society, the great wise men, were very good astrologers:
when a child was born, immediately a horoscope was done. Not horoscopes in the
modern style, not conventional horoscopes; no, that was very different. The wise
astrologers observed the stars directly, with procedures that today are unknown. They
were able to read the horoscopes of the children, and in their prophecies and calculations,
obviously they never failed.

Children were married since newborn; it was already known who was going to be the
wife. I do not want to say that they had to live together from the beginning, because that
would be absurd, but it was known to the newborn girl, who was going to be her husband,
and the man in his time and hour was informed of who was going to be his wife. When
they reached adulthood, they were married.

The citizens were oriented with mathematical precision under the direction of those
astrologers, in their skill or profession. They knew what any citizen was born for, what
each man was useful for, because each man is useful for something. What mattered is to
know what a man was useful for, and those wise men knew the skill of each creature that
was born. The wise men of the Akaldana Society never failed!

They moved out of Atlantis before the earthquakes and tidal waves would shake the
continent. They moved in time, because they knew very well that the end was near.

The Authentic Origin Of Man Samael Aun Weor

Of course, when the revolution of the Earth's axis came, when the Poles were
transformed into the Equator and the Equator into the Poles, when it was almost near the
time when that continent had to be submerged to the bottom of the dark ocean, the
Atlanteans were already warned. It was then when the splendidly dressed crowds went to
the temples (one of those was the Ra-Mu's Temple).

Wearing jewels the women and the men dressing in splendid form, cried out saying: "Ra-
Mu, save us!" In the end, Ra-Mu appeared on the altar. These crowds that were crying
said to him: "Save us...!" Ra-Mu answered: "You will die, with your women and
children, with your riches and slaves; I had warned you. And as you are going to die, in
the same form a new civilization will surge in the new lands (indicating our Aryan Race),
and if they behave as you did, they will also die... It is necessary to know that is more
important to give than receive..."

Well, the word of Ra-Mu was of no use. It is said that the smoke and the flames
suffocated his last words: Atlantis was submerged, with all its millions of inhabitants.
Today, entire palaces are in the bottom of the ocean and are the habitat of seals and fish;
entire cities are submerged in the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. The gigantic continent,
bigger than all America, from Canada to Chile and Argentina disappeared (a huge
continent with a powerful civilization!).

Therefore, ladies and gentlemen, we do not have anything special. The actual civilization
is not the first and will not be the last; it is not the highest one and will not be the most
extraordinary; until now it has been the poorest, the most degenerated.

Can we actually, conquer space? Are we able to travel in atomic spaceships to Mars,
Mercury or Venus? Is there a project? Yes, there can exist beautiful projects, but actually,
are we doing it now?

Regarding the transplants, is it already possible to transplant brains? Are we already able
to create robots, with Intelligent Principles?

There is nothing of that; there is no reason to believe that we are the most powerful. This
much applauded modern civilization with its vulgar generation will disappear and will
not even remain the stones! The Great Babylon, the mother of all fornications and
abominations of Earth will be destroyed soon.

We feel great with our supersonic planes, and we believe that we are the masters of
creation, but soon nothing will remain, absolutely nothing, of this perve rse civilization of

So, before the existence of this race that lives on these five continents, there existed the
Atlantean race. Descendants of Atlantis are the Mayans. The Mayans emigrated, to Tibet,
Egypt and Central America. It looks incredible, but even now, the Mayan language is still

The Authentic Origin Of Man Samael Aun Weor

spoken in Tibet, and it is a sacred-ritual language in that country. Let us remember that
the Naga and Mayan languages are very similar.

Jesus of Nazareth learned Mayan in Tibet. That sentence of Jesus: "Eloi, Eloi, Lama,
Sabachthani" ("Lord, Lord," some say "how you have glorified me"; and others say:
"Lord, Lord, why have you forsaken me?"), well, that is not a Hebrew phrase. That is
why, when the Jewish listened to Christ saying "Eloi, Eloi, Lama, Sabachthani", they said
to themselves: "This man calls for Elias, to come to save him..." But any small Indian of
Yucatan and Guatemala, can translate the sentence "Eloi, Eloi, Lama Sabachthani,"
because it is Mayan and not Hebrew. That is why the Jewish did not understand it, and it
means according to the Mayans and their translation, "I hide myself in the pre-dawn of
your existence" (it is a mayan ritual sentence).

The Turaneans were also survivors of Atlantis, unfortunately they were devoted to black
magic. They also reached Tibet, as other descendants did, like the selected Aryans, and
emigrated in the direction of ancient Persia. The Great Law finally defeated them and
were destroyed.

The Red-Skin are descendants of Atlantis; our ancestors, the ancient Nahuatls: Zapotecs,
Toltecs, etc., came originally from Atlantis; almost all the tribes of America, descend
from Atlantis.

When one advances in these studies, understands that our actual race did not have its
origin as many believe, on the continents on which we live, one understands that one
comes from another race, from Atlantis.

One does not come from the apes (orangutans, monkeys) as mistakenly, Mr. Darwin and
his followers believe; one descended I repeat, from the Atlantean race, and that is clear.

However, the Atlanteans, with all their powerful civilizations did not descend from the
Atlantean continent. Atlantis, with all its powerful civilizations was magnificent, but the
Atlanteans do not descend from Atlantis: they descend from Lemuria.

Lemuria was even older than the Atlantean continent. The Lemurians lived on a continent
that existed in the Pacific Ocean. It was a continent that existed in that furious sea: a huge
continent that covered almost all the Pacific area, bigger than Atlantis, bigger than
Europe, bigger than Asia.

Obviously, the Lemurian civilization was powerful. The Lemurians were a race of giants,
of cyclops (their height was about four, five or six meters). They were giants, it was the
race of the giants.

Lemuria had a powerful civilization, huge, formidable. In Lemuria enormous cities were
build, cyclopeans, surrounded with stone walls and lava of volcanoes. Like now, many
people also lived in the country.

The Authentic Origin Of Man Samael Aun Weor

In the beginning, in the pre- lemurian era, we could say that there existed a race of
hermaphrodites, of Lemurian hermaphrodites. The division into different sexes, was in
the post- lemurian era. Therefore, we can divide Lemuria in two halves or times: first part,
existence of hermaphrodites; second, division of the race in two sexes.

Let us observe that human race: in the beginning there did not exist separate sexes, the
race was hermaphrodite. Then, each sacred Lemurian, had the sexual organs (masculine
and feminine), totally developed and reproduction was made through the system of
Gemmation: the hermaphrodite detached (from its ovaries naturally), through
menstruation at specific time; an ovule or egg perfectly developed, of the size of a
chicken egg, with its calcareous shell. That egg, once put in a special environment,
gestated a new creature in its interior. In the end, when that creature was out of the shell,
was nourished at the breasts of the Father-Mother.

That is how the Lemurians used to reproduce themselves. The sexual act did not exist,
because each individual was complete. Reproduction was through the Gemmation

However, it happened that when the post- lemurian era came, it was seen clearly that
some children were born with a sexual organ more accentuated than the others (some
were born with the masculine organ more developed than the feminine, or vice versa),
and that process became more and more notorious, to the point that finally unisexual
children (man and woman) were born. But this process of division into different sexes
was made through millions of years, it was not from one day to another. That is why it is
said that "Eve was taken from one of the ribs of Adam" (it is a symbol to represent the
division in different sexes).

When the total division of sexes appeared, then in order to create it was necessary to have
cooperation. The menstruation remained in the feminine sex, but that ovule was
unfertilized. It was then necessary to have the cooperation of the masculine sex, to
fertilize the ovule in order to reproduce the species.

The Creators Elohim, the Kumaras, used to meet the people for the reproduction in pre-
determinated times of the year. It was amazing how those races, those tribes, used to
travel from one point to another in order to go to the temples in which they would have to
reproduce themselves.

The sexual act was never done out of the temple; that Sacrament was only done in the
temple, it was a Sacrament of the Temple, and the couples, man and woman, in the paved
courtyards, were sexually connected in order to procreate under the direction of the

Humanity enjoyed spiritual faculties: they could perceive perfectly, all the wonders of
nature and the cosmos. Their capacity of vision allowed them to see half of a
Holtapamnas, half of the tones of the universal colour (we well know that a Holtapamnas
has five millions and a half of tones of colour). The hearing was sensible, they could

The Authentic Origin Of Man Samael Aun Weor

listen to the Symphonies of the Universe; their sense of smell, was so sensitive that it was
more acute than that of today.

They were a humanity that could use, in their alphabet, 51 vowels and 300 consonants.
The power of the word, of the verb, was not degenerated; their language was the
universal language, that has power over fire, over air, over the waters and the earth. It
was a superior humanity, millions of time superior to ours: they made powerful
civilizations and also knew how to use the energy of the atom and cosmic rays; they had
spaceships in which they travelled throughout infinite space, marvellous spaceships.

Any human being in Lemuria could live from twelve to fifteen centuries, (something
more than one thousand years). It was a strong race, vigorous; they could easily take a
stone and thrown it far away; a stone that today, in order to move, would need a strong
crane, and maybe even with the crane we would not be able to move it.

The Lemurians were a vigorous race, very strong. However, their origin was not in the
Pacific, as it is believed. The Lemurian ancestors were from the Hyperborean continent,
that curved, close around the North and South Pole.

In the Hyperborean continent there existed a powerful race of Androgynous (not

Hermaphrodites, Androgynous). It was not a race that was only limited to the terrestrial
layer as the Lemurian race; no, the Hyperboreans were different: they floated in the
atmosphere, in the atmosphere of those days.
However, they created their own civilization (many have believed that they never knew
war, but as a matter of fact, there existed a race of Hyperboreans that had wars). Then,
the mineral, vegetable, animal and human kingdoms were very mixed. There were
mineral- vegetables and vegetable- minerals, animal- vegetaloids and vegetaloid-animals.
About the human beings, they were totally androgynous; they could elongate their body
voluntarily and to a greater height or reduce themselves to a mathematic point.

The Hyperboreans reproduced themselves as do corals, by Sprouting. We know very well

that there are plants that can reproduce themselves by simple sprouting: a sprout
germinates, and this grows and develops. In the same form, in those bodies a sprout could
be born that later was separated and became a creature that was fed by the Father-Mother.

It was a race of very fighting tall and thin beings. They protected themselves with big
shields and lances, and they used to fight with other tribes.

The Hyperboreans lived in a very different era of the world's history. They had the
Spiritual Vision totally developed, and their pineal gland was protuberant, which let them
see the ultra of everything.

If we think that a plant is the physical body of a Vegetable Elemental then this means that
each plant has a Soul and that the Soul of each plant is a vegetable elemental. The
Hyperboreans did not observe a forest like we do today as a group of trees, (or something
like that), to them that forest was a forest of giants (with big arms as Briareo the one with

The Authentic Origin Of Man Samael Aun Weor

one hundred arms) moving from right to left. That forest was not something in silence,
they could listen everywhere to the voices of the colossus or giants, of the elementals of
the gigantic trees.

That was another form for observing things, not like now, with this miserable sight that
we have, that only perceives the physical things; it was the sight that allowed us perceive
the Superior Dimensions of Nature and Cosmos; it was searching, omniscient. With that
sight we could see Earth as it is and not as it apparently is, not as we observe it now.

They had superior wisdom and knowledge, more than what we have now. All that we
know now is only good to organize the intellect a little bit and that is it.

The Hyperboreans were more wise and were governed by the Superman, for the
Supermen of all times and ages.

They had kingdoms and civilizations, but their racial origin was not in the Hyperborean
continent either. They knew that their ancestors were back further in time. The
Hyperborean's ancestors were the Protoplasmic Men, the Polar Men, the Glacial Men of
the first race that lived in the North Polar Region.

One cannot avoid laughing at Haeckel's Protoplasm theory and his followers that
believed that life comes from it, in accordance with the unbreakable dogma of evolution,
which is also accepted by Darwin and his followers.

It is also not the protoplasm of some other authors "that was floating in the ocean." No;
let us think of the Protoplasmic Man, let us think of the Protoplasmatic Race that existed
in the Sacred Island, the first island and the one that will be the last to disappear. I am
referring to the Nordic Land, the Land of Crystal (as our ancestors of Anahuac called it),
the remote Tule, the continent that now is covered by the ice of the North Pole. In that
era, that continent was located in the equatorial zone of the Earth, because the Earths'
position was different: the actual Equator was Pole and the Poles were the Equator.

It had huge and profound forests, and a gigantic polar civilization was created in it. The
Earth had a magnificent blue colour, really beautiful; the mountains were as transparent
as the crystal.

The human race reproduced themselves with the system that we still know in our
organism, in the blood: cellular division. We know very well that the germinal cell is
divided in two and the nine months gestation process begins. The germinal cell is divided
in two, the two are divided in four, the four in eight and in that form starts the process of
gestation, through cellular division. Even now, that process still exists in our organism.
Why does it exist? Because it existed and, the Polar Men reproduced themselves with that
process: at a certain time, the Father-Mother organism was divided into two (as the cell
divides itself) and in that way reproduction was performed. When a creature was born, it
was celebrated as a great event.

The Authentic Origin Of Man Samael Aun Weor

The Hierophants had meetings in the temples in order to work with the elements of
nature, and the esoteric symbols were used in different forms, to indicate to us that life
was in process of materializing, in the physical.

The men of the polar era could stretch or reduce their bodies to a mathematical point,
voluntarily. They were androgynous and as soon as they could express in themselves the
feminine aspect (and resemble as beautiful ladies) they could submerge themselves to
express the masculine aspect. They were authentic Divine Androgynous: their
imagination reflected the starry firmament, they spoke the word of gold that like a river
flows under the thick jungle of the Sun.

Then, Uriel, Great Master from Venus, taught the Arts and the Science. Uriel left a book
written with Runes, a book that was studied by the men of the polar race (of the first era).

All of that is written in the Akashic Archives of Nature. If you develop the Epiphysis and
the Hypophysis, with those couple of small glands and a proper concentration you will be
able to study by yourselves, what I am saying.

What is the origin of the polar race? The men of the first race knew quite well that they
had evolved in a previous era, or that they had lived in a superior dimension (in the fourth
dimension), they knew that there they had lived and known the Mysteries of the

The men of the Fourth Dimension did not ignore that they had come from the Fifth
Dimension, and the men of the Fifth Dimension did not ignore that they had come from
the Sixth Dimension, and also the men of the Sixth Dimension neve r doubted that they
had unfolded from the Primitive Original Seed.

Therefore, the Elemental Seed (Atomic, Primitive) of the human race, existed before the
universes existence, it was from among the Chaos.

The seeds of the human race, of the vegetable elements and animal species, were among
the Chaos; before the universe (would) existed those seeds were asleep in the Chaos.
When the universe was shaken with the Word, when the Creator Word of the first
moment put in movement all the atoms, those seeds surged from among the Chaos. They
had their first manifestation in the Seventh Dimension, crystallized and developed a bit
more in the Sixth, then in the Fifth, later in the Fourth, and the day came when those
seeds appeared (already with some development) on our planet Earth, on the
Protoplasmic Earth, as simple living protoplasms.

The human race came from the Chaos, evolved in the Chaos and was unfolded in the
Chaos. One day, the human organisms will return to the seminal primitive state and will
come back to the Chaos (from the chaos came and to the chaos will return).

The Authentic Origin Of Man Samael Aun Weor

One day our planet Earth was a protoplasm; later it will be a cadaver, a new Moon (after
the Seventh race). Then life will exist in the superior spheres and will return to the Chaos,
because from the Chaos came and to the Chaos it will have to return.

Those who heard my conference tonight. Those that would like to ask a question, can do
it with absolute freedom.

** Master, Could you say something about the Jinas' Science?

*** We have already talked last night about the Jinas' Science. Today I will not speak
about it because at this moment we are speaking exclusively about Gnostic
Anthropology. Does somebody have something else to ask?

** In that Chaos that you mentioned, did the "I's" start their gestation?

*** The "I's" do not have any relation with the Chaos; they are a diabolical creation of
our errors, here and now. The Chaos is the Chaos and the reason for its existence, is the
Chaos itself. The Chaos is sacred; there, are the latent seeds of life, there they developed
and from there evolve and descend later from dimension to dimension, to finally appear
here, in a concrete form. This is it! Some other question?

** Master, I would like to know if there is some written documentation about the
conference that we just listened to.

*** I wrote a Christmas Message (1.968-1.969), in which I talk about that. I will try to
send you that Christmas Message.

However, there are other authors that have explained many aspects of Anthropogenesis. I
can specially recommend the second volume of the Secret Doctrine, entitled
"Anthropogenesis" whose author is Mistress H. P. Blavatsky. Also Rudolf Steiner, for
example, in his "Treatise of the Occult Science," clarified many aspects about that.

I can speak to you (about this) because what I am explaining is something that I have
lived. I do not need to study it in order to explain it: I have lived it, and I have not
explained the entire topic (something that I would like), because we would have to stay
here all night; not even in one thousand nights could I explain all the development of this
universe, since it emerged from Chaos. Anyways, I have lived it and I know it by direct
experimentation. Does somebody has something else to ask?

** Some authors speak about the Chaos and the Cosmos. Are there differences between

*** From the Chaos emerged the Cosmos. Undoubtedly, through the Law of Three,
through the Holy Triamazikamno it is possible for the creation of new unities. When the
three forces (positive, negative and neutral) coincide in a common point, there appears a
new creation. It would not be possible for the creation of any cosmic unity without the

The Authentic Origin Of Man Samael Aun Weor

conjunction of those three forces that make up by themselves the Holy Triamazikamno.
Those three forces are: the Holy Affirmation, the Holy Denial, the Holy Conciliation.

However, to create it is one thing and to organize it is another. It is possible to create, but
if there is not any organization, what could the creation itself be worth? For a cosmos
(that in parentheses, means: order of world) to emerge, to crystallize, it is necessary to
have another law. I want to refer in an emphatic manner to the Law of the Eternal
Heptaparaparshinokh, the Law of Seven. Through the Law of the Holy Triamazikamno
creation is done, but through the Law of Seven there is established the organization of
what has been created (in the form of a cosmos).

Therefore, our solar system exists because of two laws: first, the Holy Triamazikamno;
second, the Eternal Heptaparaparshinokh. Thanks to these two laws, our solar system and
planet Earth can exist. From the Chaos, emerged a cosmos and from the Chaos emerged
all the cosmoses. So, from the darkness emanates the light...

Another question..? Well, if there are not more questions, we have completed this talk.


Samael Aun Weor


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