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lndlvldual AsslgnmenL Lnglneerlng Ceology

Lnglneerlng Ceology ls Lhe lnLeracLlon of Lhe maLerlals wlLh Lhe geologlcal envlronmenL
Pence Lnglneerlng CeologlsL ls a person who works wlLh englneers applylng Lhe prlnclples
and concepLs of geology ln englneerlng pracLlces 1hey are concerned wlLh Lhe deLalled
Lechnlcal analysls and Lhe rlsk assessmenL of Lhe earLh maLerlals and posslble geologlcal
hazards LhaL could be caused ln a parLlcular area 1hey ldenLlfy any of Lhe geologlcal facLors
LhaL could be affecLlng Lhe consLrucLlon or englneerlng and make sure LhaL lL ls Laken care of
1hey are lnvolved ln slope sLablllLy sLudles and ln sLudles of accepLable areas for power
planLs for hlghways ln mounLalnous reglons for Lunnels and cannels for rlver banks and
seashore communlLles 1hey are also lnvolved ln plannlng for largescale sLrucLures as
brldges dams power planLs and hlghways especlally ln areas LhaL are LecLonlcally acLlve
1hey also play an acLlve role ln Lhe sLablllzlng slope deslgnlng and consLrucLlng dams and
flood conLrol pro[ecLs and also bulldlng varlous sLrucLures ln order Lo proLecL seaslde
communlLles {keference to 4rtic/e "nqineerinq ond 6eo/oqy")
1hey gaLher lnformaLlon abouL Lhe dlfferenL klnds of naLural dlsasLers LhaL have Laken place
(such as earLhquakes) by lnspecLlng Lhe reglons where Lhey occurred and predlcL Lhe
posslblllLy of lL happenlng agaln hence helplng ln undersLandlng any damage LhaL could be
caused{keference "Po/eoseismo/oqy") ln addlLlon Lo Lhls Lhey also monlLor Lhe area's
ground condlLlon ln order Lo be sure of Lhe sLablllLy of Lhe sLrucLure ln Lhe shorL and long
8y Lhe work and research of englneerlng geologlsLs all over Lhe world Lhere has been a loL
of lnformaLlon LhaL has been found ouL whlch Lurned ouL Lo be useful for Lhe developmenL
of boLh counLrles and Lhe fleld lLself upon lnvesLlgaLlon of Lhe reglons of SouLhern
Callfornla LhaL had been vlcLlm Lo landslldes lL was found ouL LhaL Lhe areas had a hlsLory of
landslldes Lo begln wlLh 1he well saLuraLed sedlmenLs Lhe lack of coheslon of Lhe soll ln Lhe
area and Lhe sleep slope LhaL was cuL aL lL's base by a road all were causes for Lhe
unforLunaLe naLural dlsasLer LhaL cosL many llves lL was found ouL LhaL due Lo Lhe
comblnaLlon of heavy raln and Lhe already unsLable grounds Lhe landslldes were lnevlLable
{keference "5outhern co/ifornion 5/ides") 1he collecLlon of Selsmlc uaLa from a mld
oceanlc rldge have lead Lo Lhe dlscovery LhaL Lhere may be a llnk beLween Lhe mlcro selsmlc
acLlvlLy and Lhe Lldes of Lhe earLh 1he selsmomeLers were seL up aL Lhe oceanlc rldge
because Lhe crusL would be weaker due Lo Lhe mulLlple fracLures ln lL and Lhe clrculaLlng
waLer 1he daLa recorded from Lhe selsmomeLers and Lhe waLer pressure daLa was analyzed
and lL was found ouL LhaL earLhquake acLlvlLy lnLenslfles aL low Lldes {keference "uoes the
orth 8reothe?") ln addlLlon Lo Lhls Lhere has been a loL of lnformaLlon found ouL abouL Lhe
colllslon of Lhe plaLes hence leadlng Lo more belng found ouL abouL Lhe mechanlsms LhaL
cause Lhe earLhquakes along Lhe plaLe boundarles 1he colllslons of Lhe conLlnenLal and Lhe
conLlnenLal plaLes have caused Lhe formaLlon of Lhe mounLaln ranges such as Lhe
Plmalayas 8eglons ln Lhe conLlnenLs wlLh Lhe areas LhaL are volcanlcally acLlve are
monlLored 1he movemenLs aL Lhe San Andreas 1ransform faulL how Lhe plaLes move along
each oLher and Lhe zones of sllppage were ldenLlfled {keference "lndentotion 1ectonics
ond "Mushy" P/ote 8oundories") varlous uses of Clay have been found ouL lncludlng
several lmporLanL facLs abouL Swelllng Clay" whlch has Lhe ablllLy Lo swell up when waLer
ls added Lo lL 1he large lncrease ln volume ofLen generaLes enough pressure Lo llfL a
bulldlng (keference "C|ay M|nera|s that Swe||") (Don't know |f I shou|d add parts from
Art|c|e f|ve here)
lnformaLlon LhaL has been found ouL from such research ls belng and wlll be used ln
developlng Lhe englneerlng codes or Lhe guldellnes LhaL Lhe englneers follow ln Lhe
consLrucLlon of varlous sLrucLures
CeoLechnlcal Lnglneers and Lnglneerlng geologlsLs work LogeLher and use Lhe lnformaLlon
avallable from boLh Lhe areas of experLlse ln order Lo carry ouL Lhe consLrucLlon as
efflclenLly as posslble 1hey excavaLe Lrenches across Lhe areas LhaL have prevlously been
affecLed by earLhquakes and examlne Lhe sedlmenLs LhaL were deposlLed Lhere due Lhe
earLhquakes 1hese sedlmenLs Lell Lhe hlsLory of earLhquakes LhaL have occurred ln Lhe
parLlcular reglon hence helplng Lo deLermlne Lhe frequency of any posslble earLhquakes ln
fuLure 1hls ln Lurn glves an ldea for Lhe people who have consldered llvlng ln Lhe area Lo
posslbly change Lhe locaLlon somewhere safer {keference "Po/eoseismo/oqy")
,onLmorlllonlLe ( a Lype of swelllng clay) lf presenL underneaLh a bulldlng could cause lL
serlous damage upon swelllng lf lL ralns Lnglneers do Lhe slLe mapplng before Lhe
consLrucLlon beglns ln order Lo ldenLlfy any of Lhese klnds of maLerlals LhaL are presenL
1hough havlng lL underneaLh Lhe house would probably break Lhe foundaLlon Lhls clay can
be used ln fllllng up cracks ln concreLe or rock When lL ralns Lhe clay expands and fllls up
Lhe cracks 1he englneers declde whlch klnd of maLerlals are Lo be used for Lhe consLrucLlon
dependlng on where and Lhe condlLlons lor example ln Lhe bulldlng of dams Lhe
prevlously menLloned ,onLmorlllonlLe ls used mlxed wlLh waLer when dams are bullL on
fracLured bedrock Seallng Lhe rocks ensures LhaL Lhe waLer wlll sLay lnslde of Lhe reservolr
and noL move ouL (keference "C|ay M|nera|s that Swe||")
-aLurally Lhere ls a huge lmpacL of Ceohazards on Lhe work of a geoLechnlcal englneer
CeoLechnlcal englneers works wlLh Lhe maLerlals used Lo consLrucL bulldlngs and are
responslble for Lhe sLablllLy and Lhe safeLy of Lhe flnlshed sLrucLures 8ecause of Lhls Lhe
dlfferenL geo hazards LhaL occur have Lo be Laken lnLo accounL when Lhe englneers are
consLrucLlng a bulldlng lf Lhe area ls prone Lo landslldes or even earLhquakes lL ls Lhe
responslblllLy of Lhe geoLechnlcal englneer Lo lnform Lhe cllenL of Lhe slLuaLlons LhaL could
arlse upon research lL has been found LhaL SeaLLle was sLruck by a shallow earLhquake of
almosL 70 magnlLude abouL 1000 years ago AlLhough Lhey are noL sure when or wheLher
anoLher earLhquake of Lhe same force would hlL SeaLLle agaln Lhe bulldlngs LhaL are belng
bullL would have Lo be bullL so LhaL Lhey suffer leasL damage as posslble {keference
"Po/eoseismo/oqy") ln Lhls way alLhough Lhere ls no way of prevenLlng Lhe naLural dlsasLers
from happenlng some amounL of acLlon can be Laken so as Lo reduce Lhe damage LhaL ls
broughL Lo Lhe homes of LhaL Lhe people llvlng ln Lhe area and Lhe loss of llves lL ls
unforLunaLe however LhaL even wlLh Lhe prlor geologlcal knowledge many of Lhe resldenLs
pay no aLLenLlon Lo lL 8ulldlngs conLlnue Lo be consLrucLed ln Lhe same slLes where prevlous
earLhquakes have caused Lhe soll Lo llquefy and have caused ma[or damage {keference to
4rtic/e "nqineerinq ond 6eo/oqy") eople conLlnue Lo wanL Lo bulld Lhelr houses on Lhe
hllly areas LhaL have unsLable soll causlng landslldes Lo occur when lL ralns desLroylng Lhelr
homes ln lL's wake -o maLLer how we look aL lL even lf Lhe damage ls due Lo naLural
dlsasLers Lhe people who have Lo Lake mosL of Lhe responslblllLy for lL ln Lhe end are Lhe
englneers Lhemselves Pence Lhere ls a huge lmpacL of CeoPazards on Lhe work of a
CeoLechnlcal Lnglneer
Whlle damage due Lo naLural dlsasLers ls lnevlLable Lhere are several ways ln whlch Lhe
damage can be reduced ln case of hlgh hllly areas where Lhe soll lsn'L sLable enough Lhe
englneers mlghL suggesL bulldlng reLalnlng walls and add rods or a dralnage sysLem Lo
prevenL Lhe waLer from belng accumulaLed ln Lhe soll or planL vegeLaLlon {keference to
4rtic/e "nqineerinq ond 6eo/oqy")

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