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1 WrlLe a noLe on Lhe funcLlons of managemenL

luncLlons of managemenL
ManagemenL has been descrlbed as a soclal process lnvolvlng responslblllLy for economlcal and
effecLlve plannlng regulaLlon of operaLlon of an enLerprlse ln Lhe fulflllmenL of glven purposes lL ls
a dynamlc process conslsLlng of varlous elemenLs and acLlvlLles 1hese acLlvlLles are dlfferenL from
operaLlve funcLlons llke markeLlng flnance purchase eLc 8aLher Lhese acLlvlLles are common Lo
each and every manger lrrespecLlve of hls level or sLaLus
ulfferenL experLs have classlfled funcLlons of managemenL Accordlng Lo Ceorge !erry 1here are
four fundamenLal funcLlons of managemenL le plannlng organlzlng acLuaLlng and conLrolllng"
Accordlng Lo Penry layol 1o manage ls Lo forecasL and plan Lo organlze Lo command Lo
conLrol" Whereas LuLher Culllck has glven a keyword 'CSuCC88' where sLands for lannlng C
for Crganlzlng S for SLafflng u for ulrecLlng Co for CoordlnaLlon 8 for reporLlng 8 for 8udgeLlng
8uL Lhe mosL wldely accepLed are funcLlons of managemenL glven by kCCn1Z and C'uCnnLL
- lannlng
- Crganlzlng
- SLafflng
- ulrecLlng
- ConLrolllng
lor LheoreLlcal purposes lL may be convenlenL Lo separaLe Lhe funcLlon of managemenL buL
pracLlcally Lhese funcLlons are overlapplng ln naLure le Lhey are hlghly lnseparable Lach funcLlon
blends lnLo Lhe oLher each affecLs Lhe performance of oLhers

1 |ann|ng
lL ls Lhe baslc funcLlon of managemenL lL deals wlLh chalklng ouL a fuLure course of acLlon decldlng
ln advance Lhe mosL approprlaLe course of acLlons for achlevemenL of predeLermlned goals
Accordlng Lo kCCn1Z lannlng ls decldlng ln advance whaL Lo do when Lo do how Lo do lL
brldges Lhe gap from where we are where we wanL Lo be" A plan ls a fuLure course of acLlons lL ls
an exerclse ln problem solvlng declslon maklng lannlng ls deLermlnaLlon of courses of acLlon Lo
achleve deslred goals 1hus plannlng ls a sysLemaLlc Lhlnklng abouL ways means for
accompllshmenL of predeLermlned goals lannlng ls necessary Lo ensure proper uLlllzaLlon of
human nonhuman resources lL ls all pervaslve lL ls an lnLellecLual acLlvlLy and lL also helps ln
avoldlng confuslon uncerLalnLles rlsks wasLages eLc
2 Crgan|z|ng
lL ls Lhe process of brlnglng LogeLher physlcal flnanclal and human resources and developlng
producLlve relaLlonshlp amongsL Lhem for achlevemenL of organlzaLlonal goals Accordlng Lo Penry
layol 1o organlze a buslness ls Lo provlde lL wlLh everyLhlng useful or lLs funcLlonlng le raw
maLerlal Lools caplLal and personnel's" 1o organlze a buslness lnvolves deLermlnlng provldlng
human and nonhuman resources Lo Lhe organlzaLlonal sLrucLure Crganlzlng as a process lnvolves
- ldenLlflcaLlon of acLlvlLles
- ClasslflcaLlon of grouplng of acLlvlLles
- AsslgnmenL of duLles
- uelegaLlon of auLhorlLy and creaLlon of responslblllLy
- CoordlnaLlng auLhorlLy and responslblllLy relaLlonshlps
lL ls Lhe funcLlon of mannlng Lhe organlzaLlon sLrucLure and keeplng lL manned SLafflng has assumed
greaLer lmporLance ln Lhe recenL years due Lo advancemenL of Lechnology lncrease ln slze of
buslness complexlLy of human behavlor eLc 1he maln purpose o sLafflng ls Lo puL rlghL man on rlghL
[ob le square pegs ln square holes and round pegs ln round holes Accordlng Lo kooLz C'uonell
Managerlal funcLlon of sLafflng lnvolves mannlng Lhe organlzaLlon sLrucLure Lhrough proper and
effecLlve selecLlon appralsal developmenL of personnel Lo flll Lhe roles deslgned un Lhe sLrucLure"
SLafflng lnvolves
- Manpower lannlng (esLlmaLlng man power ln Lerms of searchlng choose Lhe person and glvlng
Lhe rlghL place)
- 8ecrulLmenL selecLlon placemenL
- 1ralnlng developmenL
- 8emuneraLlon
- erformance appralsal
- romoLlons Lransfer
4 D|rect|ng
lL ls LhaL parL of managerlal funcLlon whlch acLuaLes Lhe organlzaLlonal meLhods Lo work efflclenLly
for achlevemenL of organlzaLlonal purposes lL ls consldered llfespark of Lhe enLerprlse whlch seLs lL
ln moLlon Lhe acLlon of people because plannlng organlzlng and sLafflng are Lhe mere preparaLlons
for dolng Lhe work ulrecLlon ls LhaL lnerLpersonnel aspecL of managemenL whlch deals dlrecLly wlLh
lnfluenclng guldlng supervlslng moLlvaLlng subordlnaLe for Lhe achlevemenL of organlzaLlonal
goals ulrecLlon has followlng elemenLs
- Supervlslon
- MoLlvaLlon
- Leadershlp
- CommunlcaLlon
Supervlslon lmplles overseelng Lhe work of subordlnaLes by Lhelr superlors lL ls Lhe acL of waLchlng
dlrecLlng work workers
MoLlvaLlon means lnsplrlng sLlmulaLlng or encouraglng Lhe subordlnaLes wlLh zeal Lo work
oslLlve negaLlve moneLary nonmoneLary lncenLlves may be used for Lhls purpose
Leadershlp may be deflned as a process by whlch manager guldes and lnfluences Lhe work of
subordlnaLes ln deslred dlrecLlon
CommunlcaLlons ls Lhe process of passlng lnformaLlon experlence oplnlon eLc from one person Lo
anoLher lL ls a brldge of undersLandlng
lL lmplles measuremenL of accompllshmenL agalnsL Lhe sLandards and correcLlon of devlaLlon lf any
Lo ensure achlevemenL of organlzaLlonal goals 1he purpose of conLrolllng ls Lo ensure LhaL
everyLhlng occurs ln conformlLles wlLh Lhe sLandards An efflclenL sysLem of conLrol helps Lo predlcL
devlaLlons before Lhey acLually occur Accordlng Lo 1heo Palmann ConLrolllng ls Lhe process of
checklng wheLher or noL proper progress ls belng made Lowards Lhe ob[ecLlves and goals and acLlng
lf necessary Lo correcL any devlaLlon" Accordlng Lo koonLz C'uonell ConLrolllng ls Lhe
measuremenL correcLlon of performance acLlvlLles of subordlnaLes ln order Lo make sure LhaL Lhe
enLerprlse ob[ecLlves and plans deslred Lo obLaln Lhem as belng accompllshed" 1herefore
conLrolllng has followlng sLeps
a LsLabllshmenL of sLandard performance
b MeasuremenL of acLual performance
c Comparlson of acLual performance wlLh Lhe sLandards and flndlng ouL devlaLlon lf any
d CorrecLlve acLlon

2 ulscuss any Lwo learnlng Lheorles ln deLall
Learn|ng 1heor|es 1he 1hree 8epresenLaLlonal Modes
All lnformaLlon LhaL ls percelved vla Lhe senses passes Lhrough Lhree processors LhaL encode lL as
llngulsLlcnonllngulsLlc or affecLlve represenLaLlons (Marzano 1998) 1hls ls how we learn
lor example lf you go Lo a fooLball game for Lhe flrsL Llme you encode lnformaLlon llngulsLlcally such
as rules reLaln menLal lmages nonllngulsLlcally such as menLal lmages of Lhe players poslLlonlng
Lhemselves and Lhen geLLlng seL (pose) and flnally you have varlous sensaLlons LhaL are encoded
affecLlvely such as Lhe exclLemenL durlng a Louchdown Lach represenLaLlon can be LhoughL of as a
record LhaL ls encoded and Lhen flled away

1he L|ngu|st|c Mode
ln Lhe educaLlonal and Lralnlng world knowledge ls mosL commonly presenLed llngulsLlcally (Lhe
sLudy of language) so perhaps Lhls mode recelves Lhe mosL aLLenLlon from a learnlng sLandpolnL
(Chomsky 1988) 1he llngulsLlc mode lncludes verbal communlcaLlon readlng waLchlng (eg learn
Lhe rule of chess Lhrough observaLlon) eLc
ulscusslons and Lheorles around Lhe llngulsLlc mode can geL qulLe complex so l am keeplng Lhls falrly
slmple 8aslcally Lhe llngulsLlc processor encodes our experlences as absLracL proposlLlons
roposlLlons are LhoughL Lo perform a number of oLher funcLlons ln addlLlon Lo belng Lhe prlmary
bearers of LruLh and falslLy and Lhe Lhlngs expressed by collecLlons of declaraLlve senLences ln vlrLue
of whlch all members of Lhe collecLlon say Lhe same Lhlng" roposlLlons represenL Lhe Lhlngs we
doubL and know 1hey are Lhe bearers of modal properLles such as belng necessary and posslble
Some of Lhem are Lhe Lhlngs LhaL oughL Lo be Lrue
1hese proposlLlons are organlzed lnLo Lwo neLworks
1 1he declaraLlve neLwork conLalns lnformaLlon abouL speclflc evenLs and Lhe lnformaLlon
generallzed from Lhem 1hese are Lhe whaL" of human knowledge
2 1he procedural neLwork conLalns lnformaLlon abouL how Lo perform speclflc menLal or physlcal
processes CfLen LhoughL of as ll and 1PLn sLaLemenLs
1hese Lwo neLworks are Lhe maln channels for lnLeracLlng wlLh each oLher (communlcaLlon)
CommunlcaLlon ls Lhe maln funcLlons of language Language symbols are used Lo represenL Lhlngs ln
Lhe world lndeed we can even represenL Lhlngs LhaL do noL even exlsL CommunlcaLlon does noL
lmply a language for example uslng hand slgnals 8uL a language does lmply communlcaLlon LhaL ls
when we use language we normally use lL Lo communlcaLe
1he formlng of language ls done by synLax" puLLlng sounds LogeLher Lo form words and Lhe
words ln Lurn form senLences lor example Lngllsh words requlre aL leasL one vowel sound
Powever ln Czechoslovakla Lhere are words LhaL are all consonanLs wlLh no vowels 1hese sounds
we puL LogeLher are morphemes Lhe smallesL unlLs of language LhaL have meanlng A word ls
morpheme as ls a preflx or sufflx also Lhe s" we add onLo Lhe end of a word ls a morpheme
SemanLlcs ls Lhe sLudy of meanlng WlLh semanLlc knowledge we can ofLen undersLand whaL people
mean when Lhey say Lhlngs LhaL are synLacLlcally unusual or even lncorrecL
ln LransformaLlonal grammar Lhe meanlng of a senLence ls lLs deep sLrucLure and LhaL meanlng ls
Lransformed lnLo Lhe surface sLrucLure whlch ls Lhe acLual senLence lLself 1he deep sLrucLure of
language ls Lhe meanlng and Lhe surface sLrucLure ls Lhe means by whlch LhaL meanlng ls expressed
1he rules LhaL LranslaLe Lhe meanlng lnLo Lhe deep sLrucLure are Lhe phrase rules and Lhe rules LhaL
LranslaLe Lhe deep sLrucLure lnLo Lhe surface sLrucLure are Lhe LransformaLlonal rules
1he Non||ngu|st|c Mode
1hls lncludes menLal plcLures smell klnesLheLlc LacLlle audlLory and LasLe AL flrsL we mlghL
belleve LhaL Lhey are enLlrely dlfferenL sLrucLures however Lhese represenLaLlons are qulLe slmllar Lo
each oLher ln LhaL Lhese nonllngulsLlc sensaLlons funcLlon ln a slmllar fashlon ln permanenL memory
(8lchardson 1983) 1haL ls alLhough we sense Lhlngs dlfferenLly such as smell and Louch Lhey are
sLored ln menLal represenLaLlons LhaL are qulLe slmllar 1hey also lose a loL of Lhelr robusLness once
Lhe experlence ls over and Lransferred Lo memory lor example plcLurlng Lhe smell of a rose from
memory ls noL as vlvld as acLually smelllng a real rose
AlLhough we can reallsLlcally sLudy llngulsLlcs LasLe hearlng eLc menLal lmages are anoLher maLLer
how do you sLudy a plcLure ln someone's mlnd? Pence Lhere are several models for Lhe
nonllngulsLlc mode ln Lhe psychology world Powever Lhere are a few Lhlngs we know for cerLaln
O MenLal lmages can be generaLed from Lwo sources Lhe eyes (eg Lhe afLer lmage of a llghL
bulb) and from permanenL memory (plcLurlng a Llger LhaL has squares lnsLead of doLs)
O MenLal lmages are an essenLlal aspecL of nonllngulsLlc LhoughL and play an lmporLanL parL ln
O uue Lo Lhe fragmenLed and consLrucLed naLure of menLal lmages Lhey are noL always
accuraLe plcLures of whole LhoughL as compared Lo preposlLlonallybased llngulsLlc
lnformaLlon Powever Lhey can have a powerful effecL on our LhoughLs due Lo Lhelr
lnLenslve and vlvld naLure eg Lhe power of sLoryLelllng Lhe lmages we creaLe ln our mlnd
when readlng a powerful novel meLaphors lmaglnaLlon creaLlvlLy eLc
1he Affect|ve Mode
1hls ls our feellng emoLlons and mood (SLuss 8enson 1983)
O leellng ls one's lnLernal physlologlcal sLaLe aL any glven polnL ln Llme
O LmoLlon ls Lhe comlng LogeLher of feellngs and LhoughLs (preposlLlonallybased llngulsLlc
daLa) LhaL are assoclaLed wlLh Lhe feellng
O Mood ls Lhe longLerm emoLlon or Lhe mosL represenLaLlve emoLlon over a perlod of Llme
1he affecLlve mode can be LhoughL of as a conLlnuum of feellngs emoLlons and ulLlmaLely moods
1he end polnLs of Lhe conLlnuum are pleasure and paln and we normally sLrlve Lo sLay on Lhe
pleasure end of lL
1he llmblc sysLem (plLulLary gland amygdala Lhalamus hlppocampus eLc) ls Lhe physlologlcal
sysLem LhaL Lles Lhe affecLlve mode LogeLher Slnce Lhe llmblc affecLs vlrLually every parL of our
braln lL also has a very powerful affecL on learnlng

Lxplaln Lhe classlflcaLlon of personallLy Lypes glven by Sheldon
ersona||ty 1ypes
ersonallLy Lype Lheory alms Lo classlfy people lnLo dlsLlncL CA1LCC8lLS le Lhls Lype or LhaL
ersonallLy Lypes are synonymous wlLh personallLy sLyles"1ypes refer Lo caLegorles LhaL are
dlsLlncL and dlsconLlnuous eg you are one or Lhe oLher 1hls ls lmporLanL Lo undersLand because lL
helps Lo dlsLlngulsh a personallLy Lype approach from a personallLy LralL approach whlch Lakes a
conLlnuous approach
1o clearly undersLand Lhe dlfference beLween Lypes and LralLs conslder Lhe example of Lhe
personallLy dlmenslon of lnLroverslon" We can vlew lnLroverslon as
- A personallLy Lype approach says you are elLher an lnLroverL or an exLraverL
- A personallLy LralL approach says you can be anywhere on a conLlnuum ranglng from lnLroverslon
Lo exLraverslon wlLh mosL people clusLerlng ln Lhe mlddle and fewer people Lowards Lhe exLremes
Sheldon ldenLlfled Lhree maln somaLoLypes
Sheldon's SomaLoLype CharacLer Shape lcLure
Lndomorph vlsceroLonlc relaxed soclable LoleranL comforLlovlng peaceful plump buxom
developed vlsceral sLrucLure
Mesomorph somaLoLonlc acLlve asserLlve vlgorous combaLlve muscular
LcLomorph cerebroLonlc quleL fraglle resLralned nonasserLlve senslLlve lean dellcaLe poor
1o furLher caLegorlze a person's somaLoLype an lndlvldual ls glven a raLlng from 1 Lo 7 on each of
Lhe Lhree body Lypes 1 very low 7 very hlgh lor example
- a sLereoLyplcal baskeLballer 117 (ecLomorph)
- Mohammed All 171 (mesomorph)
- a pearshaped person 711 (endomorph)
More Lyplcally however Lhe person ln Lhe sLreeL could be someLhlng llke
- a sllghLly lanky person 323 (a blL ecomorphlc)
- a person of average helghL who ls moderaLely muscular 433 (a blL mesomorphlc)
- a person who ls sllghLly heavyseL 333 (a blL endomorphlc)
Sheldon measured Lhe proporLlons of hundreds of [uvenlle dellnquenL boys and concluded LhaL Lhey
were generally mesomorphs (CrnsLeln 1993)
8ody Lypes have been crlLlclzed for very weak emplrlcal meLhodology and are noL generally used ln
psychology 1he use of somaLoLyplng (uslng dlfferenL Laxonomles) ls used more ofLen ln alLernaLlve
Lheraples and LasLern psychology and splrlLuallLy

4whaL are Lhe facLors lnfluenclng percepLlon?
lacLors lnfluenclng ercepLlon
ercepLlon ls our sensory experlence of Lhe world around us and lnvolves boLh Lhe recognlLlon of
envlronmenLal sLlmull and acLlons ln response Lo Lhese sLlmull 1hrough Lhe percepLual process we
galn lnformaLlon abouL properLles and elemenLs of Lhe envlronmenL LhaL are crlLlcal Lo our survlval
ercepLlon noL only creaLes our experlence of Lhe world around us lL allows us Lo acL wlLhln our
A number of facLors operaLe Lo shape and someLlmes dlsLorL percepLlon 1hese facLors can reslde

l) ln Lhe percelver
ll) ln Lhe ob[ecL or LargeL belng percelved or
lll) ln Lhe conLexL of Lhe slLuaLlon ln whlch Lhe percepLlon ls made
1 CharacLerlsLlcs of Lhe ercelver Several characLerlsLlcs of Lhe percelver can affecL percepLlon
When an lndlvldual looks aL a LargeL and aLLempLs Lo lnLerpreL whaL he or she sLands for LhaL
lnLerpreLaLlon ls heavlly lnfluenced by personal characLerlsLlcs of Lhe lndlvldual percelver 1he ma[or
characLerlsLlcs of Lhe percelver lnfluenclng percepLlon are
a) Att|tudes 1he percelver's aLLlLudes affecL percepLlon lor example suppose Mr x ls lnLervlewlng
candldaLes for a very lmporLanL poslLlon ln hls organlzaLlon a poslLlon LhaL requlres negoLlaLlng
conLracLs wlLh suppllers mosL of whom are male Mr x may feel LhaL women are noL capable of
holdlng Lhelr own ln Lough negoLlaLlons 1hls aLLlLude wlll doubLless affecL hls percepLlons of Lhe
female candldaLes he lnLervlews
b) Moods Moods can have a sLrong lnfluence on Lhe way we percelve someone We Lhlnk
dlfferenLly when we are happy Lhan we do when we are depressed ln addlLlon we remember
lnformaLlon LhaL ls conslsLenL wlLh our mood sLaLe beLLer Lhan lnformaLlon LhaL ls lnconslsLenL wlLh
our mood sLaLe When ln a poslLlve mood we form more poslLlve lmpresslons of oLhers When ln a
negaLlve mood we Lend Lo evaluaLe oLhers unfavourably
c) Mot|ves unsaLlsfled needs or moLlves sLlmulaLe lndlvlduals and may exerL a sLrong lnfluence on
Lhelr percepLlons lor example ln an organlzaLlonal conLexL a boss who ls lnsecure percelves a
subordlnaLe's efforLs Lo do an ouLsLandlng [ob as a LhreaL Lo hls or her own poslLlon ersonal
lnsecurlLy can be LranslaLed lnLo Lhe percepLlon LhaL oLhers are ouL Lo geL my [ob" regardless of Lhe
lnLenLlon of Lhe subordlnaLes
d) Se|fConcept AnoLher facLor LhaL can affecL soclal percepLlon ls Lhe percelvers' selfconcepL An
lndlvldual wlLh a poslLlve selfconcepL Lends Lo noLlce poslLlve aLLrlbuLes ln anoLher person ln
conLrasL a negaLlve selfconcepL can lead a percelver Lo plck ouL negaLlve LralLs ln anoLher person
CreaLer undersLandlng of self allows us Lo have more accuraLe percepLlons of oLhers
e) Interest 1he focus of our aLLenLlon appears Lo be lnfluenced by our lnLeresLs 8ecause our
lndlvldual lnLeresLs dlffer conslderably whaL one person noLlces ln a slLuaLlon can dlffer from whaL
oLhers percelve lor example Lhe supervlsor who has [usL been reprlmanded by hls boss for comlng
laLe ls more llkely Lo noLlce hls colleagues comlng laLe Lomorrow Lhan he dld lasL week lf you are
preoccupled wlLh a personal problem you may flnd lL hard Lo be aLLenLlve ln class
f) Cogn|t|ve Structure CognlLlve sLrucLure an lndlvldual's paLLern of Lhlnklng also affecLs
percepLlon Some people have a Lendency Lo percelve physlcal LralLs such as helghL welghL and
appearance more readlly CLhers Lend Lo focus more on cenLral LralLs or personallLy dlsposlLlons
CognlLlve complexlLy allows a person Lo percelve mulLlple characLerlsLlcs of anoLher person raLher
Lhan aLLendlng Lo [usL a few LralLs
g) Lxpectat|ons llnally expecLaLlons can dlsLorL your percepLlons ln LhaL you wlll see whaL you
expecL Lo see 1he research flndlngs of Lhe sLudy conducLed by Sheldon S Zalklnd and 1lmoLhy W
CosLello on some speclflc characLerlsLlcs of Lhe percelver reveal
knowlng oneself makes lL easler Lo see oLhers accuraLely
Cne's own characLerlsLlcs affecL Lhe characLerlsLlcs one ls llkely Lo see ln oLherseople who accepL
Lhemselves are more llkely Lo be able Lo see favourable aspecLs of oLher peopleAccuracy ln
percelvlng oLhers ls noL a slngle skllllghLly dlrecLed

Mr Solankl ls Lhe v P8 of a leadlng llnanclal servlces company Pe ls havlng a meeLlng wlLh
Ms 8amanl leadlng P8 consulLanL Mr Solankl ls concerned abouL creaLlng an envlronmenL LhaL
helps ln lncreaslng Lhe [ob saLlsfacLlon amongsL employees Assume LhaL you are Ms 8amanl Lhe
P8 consulLanL WhaL suggesLlons you wlll glve Lo Mr Solankl for creaLlng an envlronmenL LhaL
lncreases [ob saLlsfacLlon
Ans Measurlng !ob SaLlsfacLlon !ob saLlsfacLlon ls Lhe sense of fulflllmenL and prlde felL by people
who en[oy Lhelr work and do lL well lor an organlzaLlon saLlsfled work force ensures commlLmenL
Lo hlgh quallLy performance and lncreased producLlvlLy !ob saLlsfacLlon helps organlzaLlons Lo
reduce complalnLs and grlevances absenLeelsm Lurnover and LermlnaLlon !ob saLlsfacLlon ls also
llnked Lo a healLhler work force and has been found Lo be a good lndlcaLor of longevlLy And
alLhough only llLLle correlaLlon has been found beLween [ob saLlsfacLlon and producLlvlLy lL has also
been found LhaL saLlsfylng or dellghLlng employees ls a prerequlslLe Lo saLlsfylng or dellghLlng
cusLomers Lhus proLecLlng Lhe boLLom llne
1he mosL lmporLanL facLors conducLlve Lo [ob saLlsfacLlon are
Menta||y Cha||eng|ng Work Lmployees Lend Lo prefer [obs LhaL glve Lhem opporLunlLles Lo use Lhelr
skllls and ablllLles and offer a varleLy of Lasks freedom and feedback on how well Lhey are dolng
under condlLlons of moderaLe challenge mosL employees wlll experlence pleasure and saLlsfacLlon
ersona||tyIob I|t eople wlLh personallLy Lypes congruenL wlLh Lhelr chosen vocaLlons should flnd
Lhey have Lhe rlghL LalenLs and ablllLles Lo meeL Lhe demands of Lhelr [obs and because of Lhls
success Lhey have a greaLer probablllLy of achlevlng hlgh saLlsfacLlon from Lhelr work lL ls
lmporLanL Lherefore Lo flL personallLy facLors wlLh [ob proflles
Lqu|tab|e kewards Lmployees wanL pay sysLems and promoLlon pollcles LhaL Lhey percelve as belng
[usL unamblguous and ln llne wlLh Lhelr expecLaLlons When pay ls seen as falr based on [ob
demands lndlvldual sklll level and lndusLry pay sLandards saLlsfacLlon ls llkely Lo resulL Slmllarly
employees seek falr promoLlon pollcles and pracLlces romoLlons provlde opporLunlLles for personal
growLh more responslblllLles and lncreased soclal sLaLus lndlvlduals who percelve LhaL promoLlon
declslons are made ln a falr and [usL manner are llkely Lo experlence [ob saLlsfacLlon
Support|ve work|ng cond|t|ons Lmployees prefer physlcal condlLlons LhaL are comforLable and
faclllLaLe dolng a good [ob 1emperaLure llghL nolse and oLher envlronmenLal facLors should noL be
exLreme and provlde personal comforL lurLher employees prefer worklng relaLlvely close Lo home
ln clean and relaLlvely modern faclllLles and wlLh adequaLe Lools and equlpmenL
Support|ve Co||eagues Lmployees have need for soclal lnLeracLlon 1herefore havlng frlendly and
supporLlve coworkers and undersLandlng supervlsor's leads Lo lncreased [ob saLlsfacLlon MosL
employees wanL Lhelr lmmedlaLe supervlsor Lo be undersLandlng and frlendly Lhose who offer
pralse for good performance llsLen Lo employees' oplnlons and show a personal lnLeresL ln Lhem
Wh|st|e b|ow|ng WhlsLleblowers are employees who lnform auLhorlLles of wrongdolngs of Lhelr
companles or coworkers WhlsLle blowlng ls lmporLanL because commlLLed organlzaLlonal members
someLlmes engage ln uneLhlcal behavlour ln an lnLense deslre Lo succeed CrganlzaLlons can manage
whlsLle blowlng by communlcaLlng Lhe condlLlons LhaL are approprlaLe for Lhe dlsclosure of
wrongdolng Clearly dellneaLlng wrongful behavlour and Lhe approprlaLe ways Lo respond are
lmporLanL organlzaLlonal acLlons
Soc|a| kespons|b|||ty CorporaLe soclal responslblllLy ls Lhe obllgaLlon of an organlzaLlon Lo behave
ln eLhlcal ways ln Lhe soclal envlronmenL ln whlch lL operaLes Soclally responslble acLlons are
expecLed of organlzaLlons CurrenL concerns lnclude proLecLlng Lhe envlronmenL promoLlng worker
safeLy supporLlng soclal lssues lnvesLlng ln Lhe communlLy eLc Managers musL encourage boLh
lndlvldual eLhlcal behavlour and organlzaLlonal soclal responslblllLy
Iob enr|chment lL ls a dellberaLe upgradlng of responslblllLy scope and challenge ln Lhe work lLself
!ob enrlchmenL usually lncludes lncreased responslblllLy recognlLlon and opporLunlLles for growLh
learnlng and achlevemenL Large companles LhaL have used [obenrlchmenL programs Lo lncrease
employee moLlvaLlon and [ob saLlsfacLlon lnclude A11 l8M and Ceneral MoLors
Workers' role ln [ob saLlsfacLlon
A worker should also Lake some responslblllLy for hls or her [ob saLlsfacLlon LvereLL (1993) proposed
Lhe followlng quesLlons whlch employees ask Lhemselves ln regard Lo [ob saLlsfacLlon aL Lhe
1 When have l come closesL Lo expresslng my full poLenLlal ln a work slLuaLlon?
2 WhaL dld lL look llke?
3 WhaL aspecLs of Lhe workplace were mosL supporLlve?
4 WhaL aspecLs of Lhe work lLself were mosL saLlsfylng?
3 WhaL dld l learn from LhaL experlence LhaL could be applled Lo Lhe presenL slLuaLlon?

1he followlng suggesLlons can help a worker flnd personal [ob saLlsfacLlon
1 Seek opporLunlLles Lo demonsLraLe skllls and LalenLs
2 uevelop communlcaLlon skllls
3 Acqulre [ob relaLed skllls and Lry Lo lmplemenL Lhem
4 uemonsLraLe creaLlvlLy and lnlLlaLlve
3 lmprove Leam bulldlng and leadershlp sklll
6 Learn Lo desLress

C6 Clven below ls Lhe P8 pollcy gllmpse of Lhe vA8kLLA8nlnC" a learnlng and Lralnlng
soluLlons company
1 lL offers cash rewards for sLaff members
2 lL promoLes Lhe culLure of employee referral and encourages people Lo refer people Lhey know
may be Lhelr frlends ex Colleagues baLch maLes relaLlves
3 WhaL all needs do lL Lakes care off accordlng Lo maslow's need hlerarchy
4 lL recognlzes good performances and glve fancy LlLles and [ackeLs Lo Lhe people who perform well
and also fellclLaLes Lhem ln Lhe Annual uay of Lhe company
WhaL all aspecLs does lL Lakes care of accordlng Lo Lhe Maslow's need Plerarchy ?
Ans 1he followlng needs are Laken care of accordlng Lo Maslow's Plerarchy of needs 1heory
Accordlng Lo Lhls Lheory proposed by Maslow (1943) human belngs have wanLs and deslres whlch
lnfluence Lhelr behavlor only unsaLlsfled needs can lnfluence behavlor saLlsfled needs cannoL 1he
needs are arranged ln order of lmporLance from Lhe baslc Lo Lhe complex 1he person advances Lo
Lhe nexL level of needs only afLer Lhe lower level need ls aL leasL mlnlmally saLlsfled 1he furLher Lhey
progress up Lhe hlerarchy Lhe more lndlvlduallLy humanness and psychologlcal healLh a person wlll
1he flrsL polnL of rewardlng Lhe sLaff members wlLh cash shows Lhe physlologlcal needs whlch ls
saLlsfled Lhe sLaff members wlll be saLlsfled Lo recelve any form of moneLary beneflLs whlch
encourages hlm Lo perform beLLer 1he second polnL ls Lhe promoLlon of referral for employees Lhls
shows LhaL Lhe soclal need can be saLlsfled as wlLh referrals Lhe employee feels Lo be a parL of Lhe
company belng responslble for Lhe referral glven Lo Lhe flrm an employee feels belonglngness Lo hls
1he fourLh polnL of recognlLlon and fellclLaLlon for Lhe good performance shown by Lhe employee
saLlsfles Lhe esLeem and selfacLuallzaLlon Lhe esLeem need wlll Lake care of Lhe recognlLlon of one's
work whlch lmproves achlevemenL reallzaLlon and self respecL for one's work whlch ln Lurn galns
hlm Lhe sLaLus recognlLlon and aLLenLlon wlLhln Lhe company
1he employee's drlve Lo become whaL he ls capable of lncludlng one's growLh ls saLlsfled wlLh Lhe
selfacLuallzaLlon needs along wlLh one's growLh Lhe employee galns Lhe confldence Lo achleve Lo
hls fullesL poLenLlal and Lhls glves hlm Lhe saLlsfacLlon of selffulflllmenL
1hese are among Lhe few Lhlngs whlch are saLlsfled by Maslow's need Plerarchy Lhe hlerarchy ls
clearly sLaLed below whlch shows all Lhe 3 baslc needs requlred by an employee of Lhe
company/flrm Maslow was a conLrlbuLor who lnfluenced Lhe human aspecLs of managemenL ln
1he above plcLorlal represenLaLlon ls Lhe Maslow's Plerarchy as explalned below
Maslow's need Plerarchy yramld
1he flve needs are
hys|o|og|ca| lncludes hunger LhlrsL shelLer sex and oLher bodlly needs
Safety lncludes securlLy and proLecLlon from physlcal and emoLlonal harm
Soc|a| lncludes affecLlon belonglngness accepLance and frlendshlp
Lsteem lncludes lnLernal esLeem facLors such as selfrespecL auLonomy and achlevemenL and
exLernal esLeem facLors such as sLaLus recognlLlon and aLLenLlon
Se|factua||zat|on 1he drlve Lo become whaL one ls capable of becomlng lncludes growLh achlevlng
one's poLenLlal and selffulflllmenL
Maslow separaLed Lhe flve needs lnLo hlgher and lower orders hyslologlcal and safeLy needs are
descrlbed as lowerorder Soclal esLeem and selfacLuallzaLlon are classlfled as hlgherorder needs
Plgherorder needs are saLlsfled lnLernally whereas Lowerorder needs are predomlnanLly saLlsfled

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