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1 Was the cash f|ow from operat|ons greater than or |ess than net |ncome?

Lxp|a|n |n deta|| the

ma[or reasons for the d|fference between these two f|gures
lor 8eLa CorporaLlon Lhe neL lncome ls more Lhan Lhe operaLlng lncome for Lhe year 1991 buL ls less for
Lhe years 1990 and 1989 lor Camma corporaLlon neL lncome ls less Lhan cash flow from operaLlons for
Lhe all Lhe Lhree years
1he dlfference beLween Lhe Lwo flgures can be due Lo Lhe noncash lLems lnclude ln Lhe lncome
sLaLemenL whlch are ad[usLed for ln Lhe cash flow sLaLemenL
2 Was the f|rm ab|e to generate enough cash from the operat|ons to pay for a|| of |ts cap|ta|
lor Alpha CorporaLlon Lhe operaLlng cash flows were noL enough Lo pay for all lLs caplLal expendlLure ln
1991 1990 and 1989
lor 8eLa CorporaLlon Lhe operaLlng cash flows were noL enough for Lhe year 1991 Lo cover Lhe caplLal
expendlLure buL were sufflclenL for Lhe year 1990 and 1989
lor Camma CorporaLlon cash flows from operaLlons were enough Lo cover Lhe caplLal expendlLure for
all Lhree years
3 D|d the cash f|ow from the operat|ons cover the cap|ta| expend|tures and the f|rm's d|v|dend
payments |f any?
lor Alpha CorporaLlon Lhe operaLlng cash flows were noL enough Lo pay for all lLs caplLal expendlLure
and dlvldends ln 1991 1990 and 1989
lor 8eLa CorporaLlon Lhe operaLlng cash flows were noL enough for Lhe year 1991 Lo cover Lhe caplLal
expendlLure and hence Lhe dlvldend (lf any) buL could cover caplLal expendlLure snd upLo 8s 2 400 000
and 8s 20 000 of dlvldend (lf any) for Lhe year 1990 and 1989 respecLlvely
lor Camma CorporaLlon cash flows from operaLlons were enough Lo cover Lhe caplLal expendlLure for
all Lhree years and could cover upLo 8s 14 310 000 8s 330 960 000 and 8s 188 729 000 of dlvldends (lf
any) for 1991 1990 and 1989 respecLlvely
4 If |t d|d how d|d the f|rm |nvest |ts excess cash?
8eLa CorporaLlon and Camma lnvesLed lLs excess cash from operaLlons and dlslnvesLmenL lnLo Lhe
repaymenL of funds and lnLeresLs for Lhe funds LhaL were ralsed from flnanclng acLlvlLles
S If not what were the sources of cash the f|rm used to pay for the cap|ta| expend|tures and or
1he sources of cash Lhe flrms used Lo pay for Lhe caplLal expendlLures and or dlvldend were Lhe cash
from dlslnvesLmenL acLlvlLy and or by generaLlng flnance by debL and equlLy
6 What was the trend |n net |ncome?
-eL lncome for 8eLa corporaLlon was rlslng from Lhe year 1989 Lo 1991 whereas for Camma CorporaLlon
was decllnlng from Lhe year 1989 Lo 1991
7 What was the trend |n cash f|ow from (cont|nu|ng) operat|ons?
Cash flow from operaLlons was rlslng for Alpha CorporaLlon from 1998 Lo 1991 whereas for 8eLa
CorporaLlon Lhe operaLlng cash flow was flucLuaLlng from low Lo hlgh and Lhen Lo low from 1989 Lo
1991 Powever for Camma CorporaLlon Lhe cash flows from operaLlons where decllnlng from 1989 Lo
8 What was the trend |n cap|ta| expend|tures?
1he caplLal expendlLure for Alpha CorporaLlon and Camma CorporaLlon was decllnlng slnce 1989 Lo
1991 whereas for 8eLa CorporaLlon Lhe caplLal expendlLure was lncreaslng slnce 1989 Lo 1991
9 What was the trend |n d|v|dend?
ulvldend pald by Alpha CorporaLlon was decllnlng slnce 1989 Lo 1991 Powever 8eLa CorporaLlon and
Camma CorporaLlon dld noL pay dlvldend
10 What was the trend |n net borrow|ng?
-eL borrowlngs for Alpha corporaLlon was decreaslng and became hlghly negaLlve ln 1990 and mlld
negaLlve ln 1991 lor 8eLa CorporaLlon Lhe neL borrowlngs became negaLlve ln 1990 buL agaln became
lncreased and became poslLlve ln 1991 lor Camma CorporaLlon Lhe neL borrowlngs were negaLlve ln
1998 lncreased ln 1990 Lo a poslLlve value and Lhen agaln became negaLlve ln 1991

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