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B4-THE LETHBMOOE HERALO-Sund^ Augu*t 28,1904


Truth revealed: Women drivers in more accidents

Some noies on cars and women: After more than 30 years of using crash-test dummies lo analyze car safely, General Motors is now developing Ihe first pregnant dummy. Traffic accidents involving women in the U.S. increased by nine percent from 1991 lo 1992, even though the overall iraffic accident rale fell by seven per cent. Women's lifestyle and physiology have been shown lo be Ihe problem. For example, women oflen buy less expensive compact and subcompaci car because they don't cam as much money on average. Ycl the one characteristic of a car Ihat most determines ils safety is weight. Also, women often hunch forward and sit closer lo the wheel in order lo reach ihe pedals in larger cars because ihey arc smaller. The result is Dial air bags may not inflate properly, finally, women make more short trips and tend lo cluster them, lacking domestic errands on to iheir regular commuic. As ;i resnli, they may become distracted when driving a major cause of accidents. Source: Self magazine. Natural History. Source: Associ- $2,172; recreation, 58,674; housated Press. ing, 522,116; health and house maintenance, 510,463; babysitting, No silver lining for 511,619; day care, 554,163. Source: Toronto Star. English truck driver By Susan Chung Dennis Wadswonh's luck was bad, and then it got worse, ['irst, his truck ran out of gas in Gay old time was had York City yoga inslructor Donna London. So he left ihe vehicle on U.S. airline Davidgc: behind. When he relumed 90 min Before going lo bed. close utes later, Ihe truck was a pile of This "news" item was pulled your right nostril and lake 12 deep scrap police had blown it up. from the Intcmel, a computer netbreaths through your left. This The problem? Wuilswonh's imck work connecting many other comstimulates the pan of Ihe brain assvas opposite 10 Downing Si., resi- puter networks. Is it iruc or another sociated wilh crcalivily and rclaxdence of the British prime minister. urban myth in the making? alion. When security officials saw ilic An employee for a U.S. airline, To release frustration during unattended vehicle, they raised a who happened lo have Ihe last Ihe day, sniff green apples. major alerl and police destroyed the name of Gay, boarded a plane on Source: Mademoiselle magairuck in a controlled explosion. his company's free flight program. zine. "Againsl the background of IRA But when Mr. Gay tried lo take his 2,200 year-old scat, he found it occupied by a payatrociiies...wc had no option," a ing passenger. So as not to make a senior police official said. Mummy x-rayed fuss, he simply cliose another seat. Source: Reuters News Agency. Hospital workers in Washington Unknown lo Mr. Gay, passengers recently wheeled in a 2,200-ycarfrom anoiher flight had been Planning council old mummy for x-rays. Scicnlisis rerouted lo his airplane, and pasarc excited because mummies are plots parents costs sengers holding a free licket were not as common as people think, How much does it cosl lo raise a being bumped. Airline officials, .said a Smithsonian Institution child lo age 18 in a iwo-parent fam- armed wilh a list of the free ticket anthropologist. There used to a lot ily, wilh bolli parenls working? Ex- holders, boarded the plane lo of them, but in the 19th century, remove them. When Ihe lickcl ael ly S160,741, according lo Ihe thousands were burned for fireagent approached ihe seal where Metro Toronto Social Planning wood. Mr. Gay was supposed lo be, she An apple a day keeps The x-rays will allow scientists Council. asked ihe startled customer, "Arc The breakdown: Pood, 538,600; to create a three-dimensional image you Gay?" The man shyly nodded frustrations at bay clothing, 58,047; personal care, of the mummy, including a holothai he was, at which poinl she 53,104; public transportation, Relaxation techniques from New gram, lor an exhibit being develdemanded, "Then you have to gel 51,783; special school needs. oped for Ihe National Museum of


off Ihe plane," Mr. Gay, overhearing wlial lite ticket agent said, tried to clear up the situation by saying. "You've got ihe wrong man. I'm Gay!" This caused an angry ihird passenger lo yell, "Hell, I'm gay, loo! They can't kick us all off!" Confusion reigned as more and more passengers began yelling thai ihe airline had no right lo remove gays from iheir flights. As far as we know, ihey're slill fighting it out on ihe tarmac. Source: Associated Press.

Jessy Newberry, who was out on. ihe reservoir with her niece, Kim McConnick, says al firsi she ; thought her line was caught on a rock, but then ilic rock started pulling the boat. It look about Ihree hours for ihe' women lo land the 26.5 kilogram catfish. Swimmers fled a crowded bay in Hawaii recently when a hammerhead shark was spotted thrashing in ihe water about nine metres from ' shore. But the shark didn't have food on its mind. "It came up and thrashed again/ and a baby popped out of il," said' Eat or be eaten David Cole, who was in a boat a Mosquitoes driving you few metres from the shark. crazy? Rite back. Here is the winWitnesses weren't able to count ning recipe from Ihe second annual how many babies ilic 4.5-mclrc- , Mosquilo Cook-Off at Crowlcy's long shark had, but slate biologisi Ridge Stale Park in Arkansas: Don Hcacock said a hammerhead . First, crush Ihe mosquitoes lignl- shark can give birth to 20-40 pups, ly lo keep Ihciu from flying. Then each aboui 50 centimetres long. pour them into a mixture of brown Source: Associated Press. sugar and syrup and then boil. The boiling seasons Ihe critters and rids Ihcm of 16 disease-carrying bacteria.

Pour the mix on lo cookie sheets, lei dry and cul into small chips lo be added lo regular cookie mix. A couple of women fishing in a reservoir got more itian Ihey bargained for when Ihey hooked a monster catfish bcnl on pulling up a lion-sized fight.

Manson murders shocked the nation

Crime Flashback

Can 25 years have passed since bers changed oul of iheir bloody stead, his madness was directly recovered al murder scenes were llial night of horror, thai night of clothing. Hack at their home base, checked against suspects. A myriad sponsible for ilic dealhs of nine inAug. 8, 1969, when the rage wilhin the children ofevil reported lo Saof evidence pointed lo (lie family as nocent individuals. Charlie Malison's soul was unlan. He was pleased. pcrpciralors of the Tate-LaBianca Now, 25 years laler, Charlie, leashed inside the home of director Next morning, the bodies were murders. Finally, the family's Squeaky Fromme, Robert BeausoRoman Polanski and his pregnant lender was lakcn into custody. discovered. Charlie and his chilBy Max Haines leil, Susan Alkins and Patricia wife, movie actress Sharon Tale? dren were ecslalic al Ihe publicity 'flic world was shocked. These Krenwinkcl arc still in prison. LeIn 1967, small-lime Ihicf and his crime was receiving. Thai very suspects were young girls from slie Van Houlcn has obtained a unipseudo-folksingcr Charlie Manson night they would do il all again, bul middle-class American families. Once in the Polanski residence, versity degree in psychology and was paroled from Terminal Island this lime Satan himself would lead They likened their leader lo Jesus Tex accoslcd Frykowski. He lilcratiire and is still serving her in San Pedro, California. There was shouted: "I'm Ihe devil. I'm here Ihe wayChrisl and displayed no remorse time. Tex Watson remains in Charlie, 32, free al last after servLinda Kasabian drove Ihe '59 for what they had done. Tex Watto do the devil's business." The prison, where lie has sired llircc ing almost seven years in prison. II girls were instructed to secure Ford lo Ihe home of grocery chain son was a high school Irack star Phone 329-3729 children via conjugal visits. Linda was the era of love and peace. store owner Lcno LaDiancia, 44, at from Texas. Van Houtcn had been Frykowski with nylon rope. AbiKasabian, who testified for the Homeless girls wandered the coun- gail Folger was found reading in 3301 Wavcrly Dr. His wife, Rosea small-town high school princess. try1 in search of a meaning to life. prosecution in return for immunity mary, 38, was in bed when Charlie Somewhere in the deep recesses bed in her room. Sharon Talc was from prosecution, is now living in l.SD helped. Il was an era customManson appeared in [he living of his mind, Charlie Manson belying in bed in another room. Jay made for Charlie Manson. New Hampshire. Diane Lake, who room waving a sword at her huslieved ihat the blacks of Ihe world Sebring, fully clothed, sal on the also testified for Ihe slalc, is beAs they gravitated lo San Franwould rise against Ilic whiles. He bed talking lo Sharon. All the occu- band. Charlie lied the I.aBiancas lieved lo be working for a large cisco, Charlie's inner circle ofsub- pants of llic house were gathered in sianding up back lo back. He would be Ihe catalyst, Ihe (rigger cullurc followers grew in number. corporation in California. walked oul of the house. Il was thai would change the world. InIlic living room. . .. Lynclic "Squeaky" Frommc and killing time again. It was killing lime. Jay Sebring Patricia Krcnwinkcl became known was shot by Tex for suggcsiing ihe Tex Watsqii, Leslie Van lloulen as Charlie's girls. They slcpl, trav- gang allow Sharon to sit clown. and Pairicia Krcnwinkcl were elled, stole and begged together. given their instructions. After Ihe Abigail and Sharon were tied New recruits joined Ihe Mansion around the neck with nylon cord. job was completed, they were lo "family." Susan Alkins, a 19-ycjr- One end of (he cord was tossed hitchhike back lo ilicir home base, old hellion, came aboard. Robert Linda Kasabian and Charlie sped over a beam. Susan Atkins pulled Dcausolcil, a 20-ycar-oltl actor wlio tlie rope taut. Abigail and Sharon off. sometimes lived wilh an The killing squad did their work had to sland straight up or strangle. acquaintance, Gary Hinman, beefficiently. They led Rosemary into Tex ordered Susan lo kill. She came a Manson follower. Diane the bedroom, where ihey slabbed complied, slabbing Frykowski Lake, 14, who was lalcr renamed her lo death. Leno was killed in the repeatedly. When he continued lo Snake because of her distinctive struggle, Tex clubbed the wounded living room. Tex carved ihe word movements during intercourse, "war" on Leno LaBiancia's chest. man with his gun and shot him. If you cannot reuse glass jars or bottles, joined ihe family in Iheir nomadic Using the dead man's blood, the alFrykowski made il outside before existence. Tex Watson was also an being killed on the lawn. Laicr, 51 lackcrs wrote "death lo pigs" on recycle them in the recycling bins: avid Mansion disciple. (he walls. On ihe refrigerator, Patristab wounds were found on his Glass must be clear In July 1969, Gary I tinman had a body. cia wrolc "HeallcrSkcallcr." The Clean, with labels, caps and lids removed falling out wilh Charlie. Although killing squad then bathed and Sharon and Abigail frantically Gary had always allowed members struggled to free Ihemsclves. Abig- raided ihe fridge. (put lids into the metal cans bin) of Charlie's family lo crash at his Rosemary's children by a previail was successful. She ran to llic Please do not include light bulbs, windows, house, he was never a commuted ous marriage called on the house of back door. Patricia Krenwinkcl member of Ihe seel. When Gary plate glass, chinaware, porcelain, ceramics or death and the second night of horslabbed at her wildly, bul Abigail steadfastly refused lo dcvoie himror was made known to the world. warded off the blows, her hands clay pots self to Charlie and his children, he and arms horribly cm. Tex spoiled The ritualistic aspects of Ihe iwo Widemouth jars suitable for canning may be signed his own dealli warrant. killing sprees linked Ihcm forever. the melee. He ran over and cut Robert Beausoleil and a couple They became known as Ihe TatcAbigail's throat and abdomen. dropped off at the MCC Variety Store, 1211 of ihe girls paid Hinman a visit. LaBianca murders. Inside, Ihe killing continued. 2nd Ave. South between 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Gary wouldn't give them Ihe time Weeks turned into months. The Sharon Tale, unaitended for a few of day. Charlie showed up and, in a moments, freed herself. She started family kepi busy. They stole gasoGlass is recycled to make glass beads, used in fii of rage, stabbed Hinman in the toward her from door, bul was seen line and robbed indiscriminalcly. reflective paint for highways, fiberglass head with a sword, almost severing by Pairicia Krenwinkel. Patricia so- Onc man. Shorty Shea 40, somehis car. Then he left. Beausoleil how found oul details of the Taiclicitously assisted Sharon lo a insulation and new glass containers. Road base and ihe girls bound Gary with rope. chair. Susan Atkins held her, while LaBianca killings. Charlie's clan material, golf course sand traps, landfill cover When ihey phoned Charlie for intortured, killed and buried Shony Tex Walson stabbed her lo death. structions, they were lold lo kill and under drain systems are some of the in ihe desert. The ihrce members of Charlie's their captive. By ihe end of September, memfamily took turns stabbing the innovative ways glass is reused. Hinman was slabbed twice in the body. bers of the Manson family were bechest and bled to death on his living rounded up for minor crimes. Il was quiet Everyone was dead. Harvesting your Garden?! ing-room Poor. Charlie's girls Many were in and oin ofjail on As Ihey drove, ilic family memTurn your garden waste into rich compost. Buy wrote "Political Piggy" on the various charges. Fingerprints rea Backyard Composter (call the Recycle Line for wall in Hinman's blood. Wilhin I wo weeks, police had matched a more details) or take your garden waste to fingerprint in Gary's home to RobDobry-Den Recovery System. (Call 328-7278 for ert Beaiisoleil. He was picked up and charged with murderfurther information). Recreation On ihe niuht of Aug. 8 and early Programs morning of Aug. 9, 1969, Charlie's followers went on a mission. Tc\ for Walson drove. Linda Kasabian, SuChildren san Atkins and Pairicia Krcnwinkcl jumped in the vehicle. On their l'/ 2 - 5yrs. way, Tex lold (he girls they were going lo kill everyone in a house once owned by Doris Day's son. NEW Terry Melchcr. Achievement Tex pulled up to 10050 Cielo Dr., ihcn leased by Roman PolanProgram ski, who was away in Europe on 6 yrs & up business. His wife, Sharon Tale, 7-LOCATIONS: eight and a half monllis pregnant Centre Village Mall was al home entertaining friends Park Place Mall coffee heiress Abigail Folger. hair Park Meadows Mall stylist Jay Sebring and Voilyck Fairways Plaza Frykowski. Shopping Centre REGISTRATION It was Sieve Parent's misfortune Nicholas Sheran lo have picked that particular night FOR Leisure Centre lo visit Ihe Polanskis' carelaker. FALL CLASSES College Value Mall Bill Garrelson, who lived in a sepa GPS Recycling, 719 August 29. 30 rate dwelling on the eslale. Sieve -32nd SI. North was in his car, just about to pull & list pmmtB m nuruur away, when he spotted Tex Waison nicrcue Mwmrnr 2 8 p.m. and said: "Hey. whal are you doing here?" Tex thrust his .22 calibre revolver into the open driFor more information call the RECYCLE LINE at 329-7367 or ver's window and pulled the trigger five limes. Inside his house. Bill GPS RECYCLING at 329-9096 12 C St No Lrthbr.dge Garretson hcaal nothing.

mis summer, give your child; confidence, self-esteem and better grades next fall. for more information, call today.
T^ *

- James Jensen

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