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Jordan Russ
Mr. Borrero
English 1101-017
September 23, 2011
My Personal Experiences With Literacy and Composition
One oI the most amazing and arguably the most important journey in my liIetime was,
and still is, the progression and growth oI my expertise in the ability to master literacy and
composition. This journey consists oI a myriad oI stories depicting personal success, hardships
and struggles, and much more. Throughout each individual`s liIe they are challenged with many
obstacles and are Iorced to overcome them, or become a Iailure. While Iailure in a particular
single aspect oI one`s liIe does not make that person any less oI a human being than the next,
Iailure does have its own way oI stripping another Irom their honor and selI-esteem. My liIe has
had its Iair share oI ups and downs, and bountiIul events oI breakthroughs and iron curtains`
that hindered my ability to read and write. This is the story oI my progression through the world
oI literacy and composition.
As a young child I was brought up by a very kind and successIul Iamily, my mother`s
side oI the Iamily especially. I was always instructed, even beIore the age that reading was even
a plausible idea, that reading and writing was one oI the most important skills that a person could
have. My grandIather once told me that iI he had never learned to read, he never would have met
his Iirst wiIe, and thereIore I would not exist in the same dimensions oI reality. I was brought up
believing that one oI liIe`s greatest successes was the ability to read and to write. Each oI my
grandparents` Iamilies was brought up as Iarming Iamilies and they had not been given the best
opportunities to read and write. They had not been brought up on the same values as some oI the
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lucky ones. During their childhood they did not have the option oI learning to read and write, as
they had to work on their Iarmland. I believe this compelled them to motivate me and to push me
as hard towards my successes in reading and writing as strictly and as aggressively as they did.
My parents always brought me up thinking that success in my literary liIe was the only
option; there was no alternative but to be brilliant and knowledgeable in the literary world. At the
time I did not see the immense pressure that was on my shoulders because it was all that I had
ever known. Soon aIter starting grade school, and starting the reading curriculum at my
elementary school, I learned that I was much Iarther ahead than any oI the students in my grade
level. This came to a great surprise to me and I began to question why I had to work so hard at
reading outside oI school iI I`m ahead oI my peers in the Iirst place. Even through questioning
my reading habits, I could not put the books down. Reading was an integral part oI my liIe that I
wouldn`t give up Ior the world.
Reading opened up a variety oI doors Ior me as a person. Being able to read sparked my
imagination in the wildest oI ways. Being able to read better than my peers always pushed me to
stay one step ahead oI the game as a child and even throughout the rest oI grade school.
Although I was competitive, my true competitive side did not Iully emerge until my next door
neighbor, Cody, moved in during the summer oI my 2
grade year. One oI the amazing and
somewhat strange things about Cody and I were, we had the same birthday. We were born in the
same hospital, on the same day. In our minds (and in the minds oI our also competitive mothers`)
having a next door neighbor who is the exact same age as you, going to the exact same classes
and having the exact same assignments opened up the real door Ior competition. We began to
battle each other Ior who could read Iaster, who could read longer books. Our parents also gained
bragging rights when one oI us did better than the other.
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The competition with Cody and I was very short lived however; due to my Iamily
moving out oI the school district during my IiIth grade year. This was an extremely diIIicult
change, and through the hectic time oI moving, and getting used to the new environment, there
wasn`t much time Ior reading. Books, and my writing ability took the back burner Ior the next
Iew months, it became less and less important in the Iollowing year when my grandmother died
Irom lung cancer. It seemed as iI there were more much more important things in liIe at the time
than reading a book. I lost interest in school and I Iell behind in my writing skills.
My sixth grade year was one oI the toughest years oI my educational career. It became
more and more diIIicult to read, and I just wasn`t sure why. I could only see clearly enough to
read when something was as close to me as maybe less than halI a Ioot away Irom my eyes, and
even then, iI I held a book that close I could almost lick the book Irom that distance. I thought
this was normal in a kid my age and I would eventually grow out oI it, I knew no better. Reading
as I knew it in elementary school ceased to exist. I did not have the passion to read or write due
to the Iact that it was almost impossible Ior me to read in the Iirst place.
AIter going a Iew months thinking I was normal` Ior not being able to see, I realized that
I was Iar Irom normal. I needed glasses! I knew my eyes wouldn`t get better, but I was ashamed
to admit to anyone, especially my own parents that something was wrong with me. The Ieeling
oI needing glasses devastated my literary liIe. I completely shunned books Irom my realm oI
existence; they no longer belonged in my liIe. Reluctantly, I Iinally gave in near the end oI my
seventh grade year and received my Iirst pair oI glasses, and magically I could see again.
Reading then began to be a Iun activity I would do in my leisure time.
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Progressing through eighth grade and my high school career, reading and writing
became one oI the biggest parts oI my liIe. My newIound sparked interest Ior women and my
desire to write endearing letters oI love sparked my interest in writing even more. I was
somewhat oI a sappy romantic in the ways oI my writing, but I didn`t get that way overnight. I
had to continue reading. Shakespeare became a prevalent part oI my liIe and I learned to broaden
my vocabulary accordingly. Reading gave me the edge I needed to have the poetic vibe required
to be a public speaker at many oI my school`s community service events as well as having to
compose a speech dedicated to my head Iootball coach my senior year in high school.
My ability to compose my thoughts onto paper and portray the ideas in my head in a
colorIul and exciting way to catch the reader`s eye has always been a goal oI mine. I have always
attempted to take great care and pride into every document I have ever written. I solemnly
believe that iI anything is worth doing, it is worth doing right (the Iirst time). My expertise and
my aspirations to become a better writer proceeded to grow as I entered high school, and
although I wasted much valuable time in middle school in a standstill, not learning much oI
anything in the aspect oI reading and writing, I believed that I well made up Ior it in the last Iew
years oI my high school career.
Although I pride myselI in the progression I have made over the years in literacy and
composition, I know that the mastery oI these skills is never Iinished, and one cannot possibly
learn all there is to learn about these skills. Being completely literate is impossible due to the
inIinite types oI literacy one can learn. One can improved their composition skills but one can
never completely perIect the skill, because one individuals perception oI another`s composition
and the way they comprehend the writer`s words could be entirely diIIerent Irom the way
another pieces the literary puzzle together within their brain. Literacy and composition are two oI
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the most important skills one person could ever have in their liIe, and I will continue to progress
in these two areas oI my educational liIe as long as I have the opportunity.

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Jordan Russ
Mr. Borrero
English 1101-017
September 23, 2011
Genre DeIense
For my literary narrative explaining and portraying my progression in literacy and
composition during my liIetime, I chose to compose an autobiography. To me an autobiography
is the easiest way to portray my past experiences and my personal stories. In the past I have
written essays in autobiography type Iormat about my some oI my other liIe experiences in the
English classes I took in high school and they really helped me open the doors oI my liIe and
spill my emotions onto my paper. When I write about myselI narratively as an autobiography I
Ieel like I have the ability to convey directly what I can recollect Irom my memories. This
particular writing style most accurately portrays my history oI literacy and composition because
it gives me the ability to give every single detail oI every experience that I Ieel is important
directly Irom my perspective.
The techniques used and the way something is written is almost equally as important as
the content oI the writing. I choose to write my narrative as an autobiography because oI the
experience I have with this speciIic genre oI writing. I Ieel as iI one`s comIortableness with
anything in liIe directly inhibits its outcome. II a student is uncomIortable during the school day
while wearing sweatpants, a hoodie, as well as various other winter items during a hot summer
day, the Iocus on their schoolwork will be very low. II the student changes into his athletic shorts
and t-shirt and begins to cool oII and be more comIortable with the situation at hand, he may be
more prone to show more Iocus on his schoolwork. Almost every situation can be improved with
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increasing how comIortable someone is with a particular task. I myselI am more comIortable
writing an autobiography.
When it comes to arts and craIts, and the aesthetic side oI projects Ior any class, I am not
the most creative one. It is easier Ior me to just put my thoughts onto paper in the Iorm oI an
essay rather than trying something else. I do not have much experience creating poems, and I do
not have the imagination to create a children`s story or something else oI such. I have never been
one to make anything Ior my projects. All throughout grade school and even in high school, my
mother and sometimes my grandmother would help me construct my poster boards and the
inIamous baking soda and vinegar exploding volcano that was to be built in the sixth grade. Even
though a volcano should have been a Iun and easy thing Ior me to make, my creative side
hindered me Irom being able to make it myselI. The construction side oI any project was always
my downIall, so when I was given the option to choose any genre to portray my literary
narrative, excitement Iilled my heart. I knew right then and there I would be choosing some Iorm
oI strictly writing to portray my past experiences in literacy and composition.
During high school I was given the very unique and special opportunity to have the same
English teacher Ior three years in a row. This teacher was a enormous Ian oI autobiographies.
Each year we had a cumulative assignment on the works we completed during her class
throughout that current year and the assignment was due in autobiography Iorm. These
autobiographies had a Iour page minimum and were very similar to the project my current
assignment is about. Although those assignments and autobiographies only covered the course oI
about Iour months oI my literacy and composition progression, thinking back upon them
contributed to an immediate outline in my head oI what I wanted to do Ior this assignment and
quite a good Ieel Ior how I wanted to portray myselI in this narrative.
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Portraying my thoughts and ideas is easiest Ior me when I can sit down and pour out my
thoughts onto paper instead oI constructing aesthetically pleasing projects or poems. I could have
chosen any diIIerent type oI essay or written document to portray the history oI my literary and
composition progression however I chose the autobiography because I am most Iamiliar with it.
Choosing an autobiography gave me a challenge to do something that not many others in the
classroom had chosen. Only one other person in the class had chosen an autobiography and it
seemed like a very challenging genre to use Ior this project. I knew however that with my
experience with autobiographies that it would not pose a problem Ior me.
There are not many writing styles and genres that allow one to portray their emotions and
personal experiences the way an autobiography does. An autobiography opens up the
possibilities to write almost anything that is on the writer`s mind. From a personal standpoint I
love the idea oI writing an autobiography because oI how honest and open you can be. It is not
opinionated and there is no speciIic standpoint that is created. One cannot oppose the views
inside oI an autobiography because there is theoretically no standpoint being used. I believe this
removed some oI the stress involved with writing papers and portraying one`s ideas. There is
always some imagined sort oI Iear that there could be a person out there, or a some sort oI group
oI people out there that oppose your views as a writer, and that Iear alone could intimidate many
writers into the inability to portray the Ieelings that they wish to portray to their readers
Writing has always been a means oI communicating with others Ior me. It is also one oI
the easiest ways Ior anyone to communicate. When one writes, more times than not, the targeted
audience Ior the document or the item are not always a personally known audience. This can
provide one with a sense oI wellness and comIortableness with writing over directly speaking to
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another. I would much rather inIorm someone, oI any particular Iorm oI inIormation, that I do
not know, one that I an uncomIortable speaking to, through a letter than through the word oI
Writing Ior me has always been easier when I have something personal to write about.
When I have a personal experience that I can directly relate to the story I am telling, my words
just seem to spill onto the paper and the ideas just Ilow out because I can relate to the story I am
telling. An autobiography is perIect Ior just that, because every single description oI an
autobiography is simply 'personal stories. Also an autobiography requires no real knowledge oI
anything other than one`s liIe. II you just tell the truth, and elaborate on your memories in order
to paint a visual picture Ior the reader, then your writing is a success. There is no wrong way to
portray a memory to another person, as long as you are being descriptive and recall as many
memories as possible to try to make the reader Ieel as iI they are there.
I picked an autobiography Ior my generalized literary narrative because it was the easiest
choice Ior me. It was the most comIortable choice Ior me considering I have written them beIore
in my classes and it came easy to me. It was the Iirst thing that I thought oI when I was given the
option to choose any type oI genre I wanted to choose. Being able to portray personal
experiences instead oI opinions and display research was also an added bonus to being able to
write. My un-creative nature also tempted me to write an autobiography because I am not well
suited Ior creating an aesthetic project that is eye-pleasing as well as inIormative. The ease oI
writing an autobiography also helped me with my decision to choose this option. Writing has
always been a staple oI my educational career. Writing is my easiest way Ior portraying my
thoughts and my ideas and what better way to tell a story about one`s selI than an autobiography,
a story completely dedicated the person writing it.
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Jordan Russ
Mr. Borrero
English 1101
August 25, 2011
My Experiences in English
In the past English courses I have taken has been a very important part oI every school
year. Within every single class I took during my high school career, there almost indeIinitely
was always some sort oI writing requirement, or an assignment was given that took a good deal
oI reading and research. Taking English and excelling in it really made these assignments and
requirements easy. Having the knowledge to write essays and correctly portray your ideas onto a
sheet oI paper is an important skill; a knowledge which some abuse. English is the single-most
important subject in a learning environment because oI its proIuse use in all other subjects as
I believe that reading and writing are one oI the most important skills Ior anyone to have.
Being able to read and to take in inIormation is important Ior various reasons. II one cannot read
and absorb inIormation Irom reading literature and books retaining to their interest, their
knowledge on the subject or course will never increase. And being able to write and to portray
the ideas inside is equally important. Designers and Engineers could have the best ideas in the
world hidden inside oI them; however, without the knowledge and the skill to put those thoughts
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onto paper, their ideas are all but worthless. I love the English class itselI, learning more about
my own language and learning to better how I speak in a conversation or in a written document
is thrilling.
Reading to me has always been an important part oI my liIe, since I was a child reading
game manuals and strategy books Irom the latest Pokemon games, to reading childhood series, I
couldn`t get enough oI it. As a kid I was overly obsessed with anything that I did. So when I
picked up a series oI books, I literally could not put the books down until all oI the series was
read; only then was I content with myselI to do other things.
I Ieel as iI the motivation in my earlier years to begin reading and to be interested in
reading was jealousy oI my brother being able to read. He is twelve years older than I am, and he
had always been able to read anything. OI course now looking back and I think to myselI,
'obviously he could read and write, but at the time I still wanted to be better than him and be
able to impress my parents at things that I had learned. I still to this day attempt to out-do my
brother and work to better myselI because oI his accomplishments. He has given me a lot oI
competition in my liIetime; despite the large age diIIerence. I think that is what Iirst pushed me
to have a desire Ior reading, somewhat oI a childhood jealousy.
A disability that withheld my progress as a student and more subjectively to English and
reading in general was my eyesight. During my 3
grade year my eyesight became so bad I
could hardly see to read the books I once loved. And trying to read became more oI a chore than
an enjoyment like it once was. I was ashamed oI my eyesight and was too embarrassed to tell my
parents because I was aIraid that iI I got glasses, people at school would make Iun oI me and
mock me. This hindered my progress in the reading/writing world. But once I Iinally worked up
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the courage to see a doctor and wear glasses that he prescribed, things became easier again and I
enjoyed reading once more. And as embarrassing as it was to wear reading glasses, the pros
outweighed the cons because reading inIluenced my liIe like no other.
Reading and writing has been such an important part oI my liIe. Through all oI the texts
and books I have read over the years I have been given knowledge that otherwise I would have
never gained. And I am more thankIul Ior the ability to read and write than anything. I believe
everyone should also give reading the same chance that I did. Because once you do, it opens up
an entire new world oI opportunity and wisdom.

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P4k1 2 cuL1uk4L uOM4lN 4N4LY5l5
ur name !rdan 8uss
Curse # 1101017
uaLe SepLember 1 2011
Project #1 Mu/tiModo/ Literocy Norrotive Port 2 cu/turo/ uomoin 4no/ysis xP4Nuu

Instruct|ons (art 1 Doma|n Ana|ys|s Chart) When lnLrduclng Lhe MulLlMdal LlLeracy narraLlve precL we
esLabllshed LhaL yur mlnd ls lnfluenced by dlfferenL culLural/sclal sysLems LhaL wrk bLh separaLely and
LgeLher L shape yur ldeas bellefs and pracLlces as a reader and wrlLer 1 analyze Lhese sysLems yur flrsL Lask
ls L cmpleLe Lhe dmaln analysls charL ln whlch yu musL reflecL n each f Lhe fur dmalns llsLed belw and
ldenLlfy as many pracLlces ldeas/values/bellefs becLs r slgnlflcanL deLalls frm each culLural/sclal sysLem LhaL
yu Lhlnk has lnfluenced yur llLeracy and cmpslLln skllls

nome work

O My grandparenLs always pushed me L be able
L read My grandmLher bughL all srLs f
bks durlng my chlldhd L spark my lnLeresL
ln readlng and wrlLlng
O My mLher cllecLed a myrlad f dlfferenL
genres f bks and cllecLlns alLhugh l
culd nL read many f Lhem because f Lhelr
hlgh readlng level as a chlld l was always
lnLeresLed ln maklng myself a beLLer reader ln
hpes f ne day belng able L read my
mLher's bks
O My lack f havlng Lhe ablllLy L read (readlng
glasses) pushed me L wanL L read mre
O My brLher was ln hlgh schl durlng Lhe Llme l
was learnlng L read s Lhe slbllng rlvalry f
hlm always belng ahead f me pushed me L
wanL L read mre
O My grandfaLher and grandmLher always
brughL bks alng n famlly Lrlps and read L
me and LaughL me L read aL bedLlme

O 1he llLLle wrk experlence l have was when l
was aL Lhe age f 17 already
O n my b l wrked ln cncesslns s l learned
hw L read a cash reglsLer and all f Lhe slgns
and symbls used n ne
O l learned an undersLandlng fr Lher peple's
handwrlLlng (my bss's)
O l had L wrlLe reprLs n my dally acLlvlLles r
anyLhlng LhaL had gne wrng durlng Lhe
wrkday 1hese were nL usually lng buL Lhey
had L be very deLalled ln rder fr my bss and
my superlr advlsr's L undersLand Lhe
clrcumsLances LhaL my emplyees and l were
placed ln durlng any glven day
5choo/ Neiqhborhood / community / Peers

O l have a very cmpeLlLlve naLure and all
LhrughuL schl l had L be Lhe very besL aL
everyLhlng 1hls lncluded readlng and wrlLlng
O elng ln Lhe AcceleraLed 8eaders prgram ln
elemenLary schl made me eny readlng even

O l was always ln Lhe grup f klds wh read fr
fun nL always Lhe ppular bunch buL a very
rewardlng crwd
O My nexL dr nelghbr was Lhe same age as me
grwlng up brn n Lhe very same day s l
8uss 16

mre 1hls prgram lnLrduced fun and new
genres f bks L chlldren my age
O l have been very lucky wlLh Lhe Leachers LhaL l
have been placed wlLh ln Lhe years pasL 1hese
Lngllsh Leachers have always pushed me L my
full pLenLlal
O WlLhuL my parenLs maklng me Lhlnk LhaL
Pnrs classes are Lhe nly pLln l wuld
have never Laken Pnrs Lngllsh classes
O Pnrs Lngllsh classes really brughL uL Lhe
wrlLer ln me

always had smene L cmpeLe wlLh Pe was
always prvldlng me wlLh a challenge and ur
mLher's als used us L cmpeLe agalnsL ne
O AlLhugh smeLlmes lL was nL Lhe msL
ppular Lhlng L Lalk abuL ln a lunchrm
seLLlng l enyed Lalklng abuL Lhe recenL
bks l had read durlng lunch and smeLlmes
even recess n Lhse ralny days
Instruct|ons (art 2 Doma|n Ana|ys|s Narrat|ve) nw LhaL yu have cmpleLed Lhe charL and generaLed sme
ldeas abuL Lhe culLural/sclal sysLems yu engage wlLh lL ls Llme L flesh uL Lhse ldeas and analyze/explaln
hw yu Lhlnk each dmaln has lnfluenced yur llLeracy and cmpslLln lr each f Lhe sysLems llsLed belw
wrlLe between 75 ond 100 wrds L explaln Lhe mar deLalls f each culLural/sclal sysLem and hw Lhe quallLles
f each sysLem have lnfluenced yur llLeracy and cmpslLln (Lhls means yu wlll cmpse shrL analyses
LLal) u may cmpleLe yur essays belw Slmply Lype yur essay nexL L each f Lhe headers

1 nome As a chlld l was always urged L read by my famlly My grandparenLs my brLher and my
mLher always pushed me L be a beLLer reader and L challenge myself l always felL as lf learnlng a
new wrd r wrlLlng an essay ln whlch Lhey were prud f gave Lhem a sense f prlde ln wh l was
Clvlng my famlly Lhls sense f prlde was ne f Lhe msL fulfllllng feellngs l have experlenced 1he
deslre L feel Lhls n an everyday basls has almsL lndeflnlLely lnfluenced my llLeracy and
cmpslLln prgressln as a sLudenL

2 work AlLhugh my wrklng envlrnmenL dld nL requlre much readlng and wrlLlng wrklng as a
cashler aL Lhe Cabarrus Arena and LvenLs CenLer ln Cncrd deflnlLely helped my prgress ln
llLeracy l learned LhaL nL all peple even ln a prfesslnal envlrnmenL wrlLe leglbly and clear
enugh fr Lhers L read l als learned LhaL Cashlers use Lhelr wn language when uslng a cash
reglsLer 1he knwledge f Lhe lcaLln f all f Lhe lmprLanL buLLns and Lhe speed aL whlch a
cashler can enLer Lhese buLLns ls a frm f llLeracy ln lLs wn elng able L cnslsLenLly glve
deLalled nLes n a wrkday was als smeLhlng LhaL helped my advancemenLs ln cmpslLln My
bsses requlred very deLalled nLes n a dally basls f LhaL day's wrk 1hls helped me be able L
prduce deLalls and speclflc lnfrmaLln ln my wrlLlng

3 5choo/ elng ln a schl envlrnmenL bvlusly has lLs beneflLs L ne's advancemenL as a reader
and a wrlLer uL my sheer luck ln belng placed ln very skllled Leacher's classes has advanced me Lhe
msL l have always had Lngllsh Leachers LhaL push me L my llmlLs expandlng my knwledge
grammaLlcally and helplng me use Lhe crrecL wrds ln Lhe msL ldeal places Als my cmpeLlLlve
naLure has als shaped me as a reader and a wrlLer My wanL and need L be Lhe besL aL everyLhlng
LhaL l d has made me wrk Lwards always pushlng myself Lwards challenglng gals

8uss 17

4 Neiqhborhood / community / Peers 1 dlscuss llLeraLure and L lnvlve Lhers ln Lhe readlngs LhaL l
currenLly myself was lnvlved ln was a very enyable parL f my develpmenL ln llLeracy and
cmpslLln l belleve Lhe key L my develpmenL ln llLeracy and cmpslLln was ln Lhe
cmpeLlLln LhaL l had wlLh my nexL dr nelghbr rn n Lhe same day n Lhe same year we
always had very slmllar asslgnmenLs as each Lher Lhe Lhrlll f belng beLLer Lhan hlm always pushed
me L be a beLLer reader and wrlLer 1he cmpeLlLlve naLure wlLhln my mm's hearL als pushed me
fr Lhe same reasns She always wanLed me L be beLLer Lhan my nexL dr nelghbr aL almsL
everyLhlng LhaL l dld And Lhls made me wanL lL even mre

8uss 18

P4k1 l Ll1k4cY 4kcnOLO6Y xPklMN1
!rdan 8uss

SepLember 8 2011

Mr rerr

Lngllsh 1101017
@r|p|e Lntry Iourna| Iormat

becL uescrlpLln/1lLle LapLp
Sclal/CulLural SysLem becL 8epresenL (le Pme Wrk Schl CmmunlLy/nelghbrhd/eers) Pme

sslbly lncludes
O LlLeral vlsual descrlpLlns
O LlLeral facLs
O ey Lerms LhaL pp uL
O uescrlpLlns f cnLenL (Lhls applles
parLlcularly fr llLerary LexLs)

sslbly lncludes
O lmmedlaLe reacLlns
O ;uesLlns
O LmLlnal respnse

sslbly lncludes
O Dse evldence L declde whaL ls
reasnable L cnclude abuL hw Lhe
becL has lnfluenced yur readlng
wrlLlng and cmmunlcaLln skllls
O Answer quesLlns yu had
O se psslble Lherles

My lapLp ls a cmpacL cmpuLer
lL ges wlLh me everywhere
WlLh my lapLp l can access Lhe
lnLerneL n maLLer where l am
l am able L access lnflnlLe amunLs
f llLeraLure and readlngs wlLh Lhe
Luch f my keybard
lL ls a uell brand cmpuLer
lL runs Wlndws 7 wlLh an lnsplrn
lL cmplles wlLh LnergySLar
mlnlmums and requlremenLs
AnyLhlng LhaL l am able L research
and lk up n Lhe lnLerneL ls

lmmedlaLely when l lk aL Lhls
devlce lL lks llghL
1hls devlce ls black
WhaL klnd f lnfrmaLln ls
avallable Lhrugh Lhls devlce?
l am lnsLanLly lnLeresLed ln uslng
Lhls ln curlslLy f belng able L use
Lhe lnLerneL fr research r nL

1hls devlce msL llkely has lnfluenced
me ln Lhe ablllLy L have research readlly
avallable n maLLer where l am
1he ablllLy L us spellcheck and L lk
up lnfrmaLln has lncreased my
1alklng L peple n nllne messaglng
has glven me beLLer cmmunlcaLln
1he lnfrmaLln n Lhls devlce ls lnflnlLe
1he lnLerneL ls readlly avallable n Lhls
devlce fr Lhe means f research

8uss 19

avallable as cnLenL fr Lhls
road Conc|us|on About Cbservat|on

sslbly lncludes
O 8eflecL n Lhe daLa respnses and cncluslns yu have dcumenLed abve Dslng Lhe cncluslns yu have drawn
abuL Lhe becL declde whaL brader cncluslns can be made abuL hw yur becL has lnfluenced Lhe
develpmenL f yur readlng wrlLlng and cmmunlcaLln skllls (remember LhaL Lhese cncluslns can speak L hw
yu have been lnfluenced bLh pslLlvely and negaLlvely)

l belleve Lhls devlce has lnfluenced me bLh pslLlvely and negaLlvely ver Lhe years AlLhugh lnfrmaLln ls readlly
avallable anywhere l am lcaLed Lhrugh Lhls devlce Lhe bvlus dlsLracLlns f lacebk and Lher slLes such as
flash game slLes exlsL elng able L sLray away frm prcrasLlnaLln and fcuslng n Lhe wrk aL hand whlle uslng
Lhls lapLp ls a prlceless sklll LhaL anyne uslng Lhls devlce musL masLer l belleve Lhe use f my lapLp has als
helped lnfluence my develpmenL f wrlLlng because f Lhe ablllLy L Lype my LhughLs much fasLer Lhan l culd
ever be able L wrlLe Lhem nL paper 1lme managemenL ls much mre efflclenL Lhrugh Lhls lLem

becL uescrlpLln/1lLle lue ballplnL pen
Sclal/CulLural SysLem becL 8epresenL (le Pme Wrk Schl CmmunlLy/nelghbrhd/eers) Wrk

sslbly lncludes
O LlLeral vlsual descrlpLlns
O LlLeral facLs
O ey Lerms LhaL pp uL
O uescrlpLlns f cnLenL (Lhls applles
parLlcularly fr llLerary LexLs)

sslbly lncludes
O lmmedlaLe reacLlns
O ;uesLlns
O LmLlnal respnse

sslbly lncludes
O Dse evldence L declde whaL ls
reasnable L cnclude abuL hw Lhe
becL has lnfluenced yur readlng
wrlLlng and cmmunlcaLln skllls
O Answer quesLlns yu had
O se psslble Lherles

8uss 20

lue ballplnL pen
lue lnk
lc rand
DlLra 8und SLlck Crlp
Pas a remvable cap
Cap has been vlslbly chewed n by
wner (me)
Iery llLLle lnk lefL ln pen due L a
prfuse amunL f use

lnsLanLly l see Lhls pen has had a lL
f use ver Lhe years
1hls pen wrlLes black and wlLh a
very smLh execuLln
Why has Lhls pen been used as
much as lL has?
1hls pen ls very prfesslnal lklng
1he pen seems very wrn

1hls becL culd have lnfluenced my
wrlLlng and cmmunlcaLln skllls by
uslng lL L wrlLe nLes r messages L
1hls pen culd have been used L wrlLe
papers LhaL culd have been Lurned ln L
1hls pen has been used s much because
Lhe wner enys wrlLlng wlLh lL
1he pen musL be a very cmfrLable
wrlLlng pen
Maybe Lhls pen was used by mulLlple
peple slnce lL has very llLLle lnk

road Conc|us|on About Cbservat|on

sslbly lncludes
O 8eflecL n Lhe daLa respnses and cncluslns yu have dcumenLed abve Dslng Lhe cncluslns yu have drawn
abuL Lhe becL declde whaL brader cncluslns can be made abuL hw yur becL has lnfluenced Lhe
develpmenL f yur readlng wrlLlng and cmmunlcaLln skllls (remember LhaL Lhese cncluslns can speak L hw
yu have been lnfluenced bLh pslLlvely and negaLlvely)

1hls becL has lnfluenced my cmmunlcaLln skllls Lhe msL 1he purpse f Lhls pen was L cmmunlcaLe wlLh my
bss L lnfrm hlm f dally acLlvlLles and evenLs LhaL had happened n any glven wrkday l had L wrlLe ln a very
prfesslnal manner wlLh respecLable vcabulary use f grammar and puncLuaLln ln rder L lnfrm my bss ln a
prfesslnal way raLher Lhan casual 1hls pen affecLed me pslLlvely because lL was Lhe means f cmmunlcaLln L
dlrecLly speak L my bss

becL uescrlpLln/1lLle Llbrary Card
Sclal/CulLural SysLem becL 8epresenL (le Pme Wrk Schl CmmunlLy/nelghbrhd/eers) Schl

sslbly lncludes
O LlLeral vlsual descrlpLlns
O LlLeral facLs
O ey Lerms LhaL pp uL
O uescrlpLlns f cnLenL (Lhls applles
parLlcularly fr llLerary LexLs)

sslbly lncludes
O lmmedlaLe reacLlns
O ;uesLlns
O LmLlnal respnse

sslbly lncludes
O Dse evldence L declde whaL ls
reasnable L cnclude abuL hw Lhe
becL has lnfluenced yur readlng
wrlLlng and cmmunlcaLln skllls
O Answer quesLlns yu had
O se psslble Lherles

8uss 21

Iery small card Lhe slze f a credlL
Pas a barcde n Lhe back f lL
Pas Lhe name !rdan 8uss
Pas Lhe schl name nrLhwesL
Cabarrus Plgh Schl n Lhe frnL
Llbrary Card ls presenL n Lhe frnL
f Lhe card and als n Lhe back
1he barcde ls very wrn

1hls card has been used qulLe a lL
due L Lhe wrn barcde n Lhe
nrLhwesL Cabarrus musL have a
very large llbrary L lssue llbrary
cards L every sLudenL
WhaL klnds f bks were checked
uL by Lhls sLudenL?
1hls card ls a very cl range

1hls becL msL llkely lnfluenced my
readlng skllls because f Lhe bks LhaL
were checked uL
1he wrn barcde suggesLs LhaL readlng
was very lmprLanL ln my llfe
ulllng up bk recrds fr Lhls card lL
shws hlsLry bks belng checked uL
S hlsLry musL have been lmprLanL L
1hls card was a very lmprLanL means f
learnlng and research ln my llfe
road Conc|us|on About Cbservat|on

sslbly lncludes
O 8eflecL n Lhe daLa respnses and cncluslns yu have dcumenLed abve Dslng Lhe cncluslns yu have drawn
abuL Lhe becL declde whaL brader cncluslns can be made abuL hw yur becL has lnfluenced Lhe
develpmenL f yur readlng wrlLlng and cmmunlcaLln skllls (remember LhaL Lhese cncluslns can speak L hw
yu have been lnfluenced bLh pslLlvely and negaLlvely)

1hls card msL llkely lnfluenced me ln a very pslLlve way as d msL llbrary cards L msL peple 1hls llbrary card
was bvlusly used qulLe a blL due L lLs bvlusly wrn barcde n Lhe back f lL 1hls llbrary card lnfluenced my
ablllLy L read and my efflclency ln research 1he lnfluence n my research dlrecLly lnfluences my ablllLy L
cmmunlcaLe ldeas effecLlvely 1hls devlce als makes lL seem as Lhugh l had spenL a greaL deal f my Llme wlLhln
Lhe llbrary aL nrLhwesL Cabarrus

becL uescrlpLln/1lLle Cell hne
Sclal/CulLural SysLem becL 8epresenL (le Pme Wrk Schl CmmunlLy/nelghbrhd/eers)

sslbly lncludes
O LlLeral vlsual descrlpLlns
O LlLeral facLs
O ey Lerms LhaL pp uL
O uescrlpLlns f cnLenL (Lhls applles
parLlcularly fr llLerary LexLs)

sslbly lncludes
O lmmedlaLe reacLlns
O ;uesLlns
O LmLlnal respnse

sslbly lncludes
O Dse evldence L declde whaL ls
reasnable L cnclude abuL hw Lhe
becL has lnfluenced yur readlng
wrlLlng and cmmunlcaLln skllls
O Answer quesLlns yu had
O se psslble Lherles

8uss 22

Iery small phne
Pas a ;WL81 keybard
Slldes up
Pas a Luch screen
lL says ln Wlndws hne and
Ierlzn Sharp n Lhe back
Pas a camera n Lhe back wlLh a
llghL (psslbly Lhe flash)
Pas nly 4 buLLns avallable aslde
frm Lhe keybard

lmmedlaLely l Lhlnk Lhls phne ls
L small fr a by L be uslng lL
musL be a glrls' phne
1he buLLns n Lhe keybard are
super small and Lhe user prbably
hlLs mre Lhan ne buLLn when he
Lrles L use lL and ls psslbly
exLremely annylng
Pw des Lhe Luchscreen wrk?
Pw deflned ls Lhe camera and ls
Lhe flash very brlghL?
WhaL d Lhe fur buLLns n Lhe
uLslde d?

1hls becL msL llkely lnfluenced my
cmmunlcaLln skllls by belng able L
cnLacL Lhers
1he use f LexL and calllng ls apparenL
and bvlus due L Lhe wrn buLLns n
Lhe keybard s cmmunlcaLln musL
be a prlrlLy ln my llfe
1he Luchscreen wrks by heaL emlLLed
by ne's Luch nL s much Lhe
pressure applled wlLh Lhe Luch
1he camera ls very deLalled and has a
hlgh deflnlLln
1he flash ls very brlghL and llghLs up Lhe
surrundlng envlrnmenL
ne buLLn lcks Lhe phne and Lurns lL
ff anLher ls Lhe camera 'Lake plcLure'
buLLn anLher ls a 'back' key whlle Lhe
lasL key ls a vlume key

road Conc|us|on About Cbservat|on

sslbly lncludes
O 8eflecL n Lhe daLa respnses and cncluslns yu have dcumenLed abve Dslng Lhe cncluslns yu have drawn
abuL Lhe becL declde whaL brader cncluslns can be made abuL hw yur becL has lnfluenced Lhe
develpmenL f yur readlng wrlLlng and cmmunlcaLln skllls (remember LhaL Lhese cncluslns can speak L hw
yu have been lnfluenced bLh pslLlvely and negaLlvely)

1hls cell phne has pslLlvely affecLed my ablllLy L cmmunlcaLe hwever lL has negaLlvely affecLed my ablllLy L
read and L wrlLe because f Lhe way l LexL Lhers l d nL use prper grammar and puncLuaLln Lhrugh LexL and
Lhls negaLlvely affecLs my hablLs when lL cmes L wrlLlng essays and papers ln a schl envlrnmenL lL pslLlvely
affecLs my cmmunlcaLln because l am ln cnsLanL cnLacL wlLh frlends and my schl vla emall and lnLerneL

8uss 23

P4k1 4 6Nk1l2u N4kk41lv kcON51kuc1lON MMO
!rdan 8uss
My narraLlve wlll lnclude (cnLenL)
O ersnal memlrs ln each sLage f develpmenL as a chlld
O 1he pressures f mlddle/hlgh schl and hw l cped wlLh lL
O 1he reasns l was cmpelled L read ln each sLage f my llfe
(chlld/elemenLary/mlddle/hlgh schl)
O Speclflc evenLs ln my llfe LhaL lnsplred my wlll L lncrease my efflclency ln llLeracy ad
4 CmpeLlLln wlLh my brLhers
4 1he mmenL when l reallzed LhaL my eyeslghL prblem wasn'L nrmal" and
culd be flxed wlLh readlng glasses
8uss 24

4 Speclflc famlly Llme such as nlghLLlme sLrles as a chlld and acceleraLed reader
sesslns as an elemenLary sLudenL
4 1he Leachers l was asslgned L ln hlgh schl whlch were very lnfrmaLlve and
Lk wrlLlng mechanlcs and wrlLlng sLyle mre serlusly Lhan Lher Leachers
wuld have r shuld have
O Speclflc bks and serles f bks LhaL lnvlved me mre deeply as a reader and pushed
me L braden my llLeraLe knwledge
Pw L cnvey Lhls narraLlve
O l plan L cnvey Lhls narraLlve ln an auLblgraphlcal frm wlLh persnal memlrs and
excerpLs frm my favrlLe bks
O l plan L lnclude many exemplary quLes frm my favrlLe bks and serles LhaL
speclflcally reach uL L Lhe Lplc f llLeracy and cmpslLln
O My prducL wlll baslcally be an auLblgraphy n usL my llLeracy and cmpslLln
O lL wlll be ln paragraph frmaL wlLh Lhe nly wrks requlred L be clLed wuld be bks
LhaL l speclflcally quLe wlLhln my narraLlve

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