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Statement of Work for

Presented to Davi d Aguil ar / Gil Bender
By SETA nternati onal
bruce@seta-internati onal .com

The above parties agree that the information in this estimate shall not be disclosed to any
outside party and shall not be duplicated, used or disclosed in whole or in part for any purpose
other than to evaluate the estimate. This estimate is valid until May 31, 2011, after which date
SETA nternational, LLC retains the right to make revisions. This restriction does not limit the
right of each party to use information contained in this estimate if it was obtained from another
source without restriction

TabIe of Contents
1. ecutive Summary 1
11 ro[ecL Cvervlew 1
12 ro[ecL Scope 3
13 AssumpLlons 3
14 Cur Approach Lo MeeL ?our Cb[ecLlves 6
13 ro[ecL 1eam 7
16 ro[ecL CosL 8
17 aymenL 1erms CondlLlons 9
. Project Management 10
3. SoIution Overview 11
31 SysLem Cvervlew 11
32 SysLem ArchlLecLure 12
cceptance and authorization 14
4. ppendi 15
41 1ask 8reakdown SLrucLure 13
42 Mlsc lnformaLlon 13


1. ecutive Summary
1.1 Project Overview
Medta|kcom wlll change Lhe way physlclans nurses and oLher healLhcare provlders lnLeracL and Lake
care of paLlenLs CurrenL meLhods of communlcaLlon ln medlclne lncludlng Lelephones and pagers are
slow Llme consumlng and error prone CommunlcaLlon Lhrough medLalk wlll be easler fasLer more
accuraLe and effecLlve beLween healLhcare workers ln Lhe hosplLal offlce and anywhere paLlenL care ls
MedLalk ls a web based plaLform LhaL ls comprlsed of a worklng neLwork of healLhcare provlders
lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo physlclans and nurses 1he core concepL of medLalk ls a messaglng Lool LhaL
can be accessed Lhrough Lhe medLalk webslLe vla deskLop lapLop or moblle devlce 1hrough medLalk's
neLwork of members and lLs messaglng sysLem a physlclan can selecL anoLher physlclan and send a real
Llme lnsLanL daLe and Llme sLamped hlppa compllanL message LhaL can be read and replled Lo ln
slmllar fashlon Secondly a hosplLal nurse or oLher hosplLal sLaff member can communlcaLe wlLh a
medLalk physlclan by sendlng a realLlme message vla Lhe medLalk messaglng sysLem Lo docLors who
Lhen can respond ln a Llmely accuraLe and lndusLry compllanL fashlon 1hls wlll help ellmlnaLe
medlcaLlon errors or oLher communlcaLlon errors and wlll accuraLely documenL every lnLeracLlon
beLween hosplLal sLaff and physlclans
1wo use case examples wlll lllusLraLe Lhe beneflLs of medLalk and how communlcaLlon wlll evolve and
lmprove ln medlclne whlle lowerlng healLhcare cosLs and llablllLy CurrenLly dlrecL communlcaLlon
beLween physlclans does noL occur because of Lhe cumbersome naLure lnvolved wlLh flndlng calllng
and walLlng for physlclans on Lhe Lelephone lurLher hosplLal nurses can only communlcaLe wlLh
physlclans by Lelephone desplLe Lhls slow lneffecLlve and non documenLed meLhod
Use Case #1 A physlclan hosplLallsL a docLor who ls ln charge of Lhe care of hosplLallzed paLlenLs
needs Lo lnform Lhe prlmary docLor medlcal speclallsLs and home healLh nurses abouL Lhe hosplLal
course and dlscharge plans for Lhelr hosplLallzed paLlenL A phone call Lo each healLhcare worker ls
needed 1he Llme lnvolved renders Lhls meLhod vlrLually lmposslble and Lherefore lL ls noL done WlLh
medLalk Lhe hosplLallsL logs onLo medLalk flnds Lhe provlders lnvolved ln Lhe paLlenLs care sends a
qulck realLlme message llke " Mrs !ones ls golng home Loday she had a negaLlve mrl and eeg buL her
blood pressure medlcaLlon was changed Lo 1oprol xL 30 mg q day She needs follow up ln 1 week
1hanks" 1he recelvlng medLalk members recelve Lhe message on Lhelr medLalk moblle app pad or
deskLop lnsLanLly and can reply Lo Lhe sender and Lhe oLher provlders MedLalk replaces Lhe slow Llme
wasLlng Lelephone process and even slower paper mall Also medLalk ensures accuraLe documenLed


Use Case #2 a surglcal floor nurse needs Lo noLlfy Lhe paLlenL's surgeon of a blood LesL resulL LhaL may
requlre an alLeraLlon ln Lhe paLlenL's care such as a medlcaLlon change CurrenLly lf Lhe surgeon lsn'L
sLandlng nexL Lo her she has Lo call hls offlce or page hlm walL on Lhe phone lnLerrupL hls currenL work
and relay Lhe message 1hls can Lake 20 Lo 30 mlnuLes or more of Lhe nurse's Llme 1hen Lhe surgeon
replles wlLh a verbal order" LhaL can be easlly mlslnLerpreLed and lncorrecLly Lranscrlbed by Lhe nurse
leadlng Lo a cosLly or deadly error WlLh MedLalk Lhe nurse flnds Lhe MedLalk surgeon sends Lhe
encrypLed message vla medLalk and recelves an auLomaLlc conflrmaLlon LhaL Lhe surgeon recelved Lhe
hlppa compllanL message 1he surgeon on hls Llme processes Lhe lnformaLlon and responds lor
example lease glve Mr SmlLh heparln 3000 unlLs SC Llmes 1" 1he message and reLurn order ls fasL
compllanL Llme sLamped and accuraLe
As demonsLraLed by Lhese cases physlclans' and nurses' Llme wlll be saved paLlenL care wlll be beLLer
and safer medlcaLlon errors wlll decrease physlclan and hosplLal malpracLlce cases wlll decrease and
communlcaLlon wlll be more preclse and Llme sLamped WlLh Lhese and many oLher beneflLs medLalk
wlll lmprove healLhcare overall


1. Project Scope
MedLalk wlll need a web based sofLware program and webslLe LhaL ls fully funcLlonal for moblle devlces
1he program wlll be easlly downloadable for use on deskLops lapLops and moblle devlces uslng Lhe
lphone drold blackberry and wlndows based operaLlng sysLems aL Lhe mlnlmum MedLalk wlll be
loadable and funcLlonal on hosplLal based and oLher faclllLy sysLems and ln all cases wlll be exLremely
user frlendly fasL slmple and professlonal lL wlll be lnLernaLlonally adapLable and use moblle
enablemenL allowlng for global slmple and effecLlve access
Detailed breakdown of each of the task/function below is outlined in Appendix A.
Task /
Item Description
Discovery O Requirements Analysis
O Technical Evaluation
ireframes / GraphicaI Design
Wireframes O Wireframe creation
O Client modifications and assessments
Creative Design O Creative Design
O Client Discussion and Modifications
Prototype DeveIopment
Prototype O Flash Presentation
ppIication DeveIopment (eb ppIication)
O Hippa Compliace
O nstant/Real Time (text, email)
O Date/Time Stamp
O Voice to Text Capabilities
O External Database ntegration
O nternationalization


O MedTalk ntroduction
O MedTalk Message
O MedTalk Members
O Business Talk
O Content Management System
O Message System
O Users Management
O Photos Management
O Advertise Management
O Capture Users/Feedback
O Custom Medical Dictionary Management
ppIication DeveIopment (MobiIe ppIication)
O Web-based software program that is fully functional for mobile devices
O iPhone MedTalk Application
O Droid MedTalk Application
O Blackberry MedTalk Application
Deployment O Deployment
Maintenance & Support
Maintenance &
O Post Deployment Maintenance & Support


1.3 ssumptions
1 lA CompllanL (aL leasL)
a LncrypLed
b 8ack up and recoverable
c Cnly accesslble by auLhorlzed personnel
d 1amper proof cannoL be alLered
e SLored and archlved ln encrypLed manner
f When noL needed can be dlsposed of properly and permanenLly
2 osplLal compllanL
3 Slmple and secure reLrleval sysLem so LhaL hosplLals and members can access sLored or archlved
messages lf necessary Lhls reLrleval sysLem needs Lo be more Lhan whaL ls accompllshed by
hosLlng servers
4 Medlcal legal approval
3 lnsLanL/8eal Llme (llke LexL or emall)
6 uaLe and Llme sLamped" very lmporLanL funcLlon of medLalk
7 hoLos lf slmple and easy lf noL perhaps bulld ln buL noL roll ouL unLll laLer
8 1exL has no resLrlcLlon of characLer number
9 volce Lo LexL capable
10 Message recall or remlnder capablllLy (eg physlclan recelves paLlenL lnformaLlon LhaL he would
llke Lo recall laLer hours or days) Cnly lf easy and workable ln all apps lncludlng moblle app
11 lf blppo ollowoble messages can be personally archlved and prlnLed
12 uependlng on screen slze and devlce a hlppa compllance regulaLory noLe wlll be needed slmllar
Lo whaL ls used aL Lhe end of emalls lor example Lhls medLalk message conLalns confldenLlal
lnformaLlonas deflned by Lhe lA prlvacy ruleplease noLlfy sendereLc
13 1he work Lo be developed under Lhls SLaLemenL of Work (SCW) ls descrlbed under secLlon 11
1he scope consLlLuLes Work roducL as deflned ln Lhe rofesslonal Servlces AgreemenL below ln
SecLlon 3 Any changes Lo Lhls SCW (wheLher by lnLroduclng new funcLlons feaLures or
lncreaslng Llme) wlll be communlcaLed Lo Lhe CllenL for Approval prlor Lo execuLlng All CllenL
requesLs Lo change and / or lnLroduce new funcLlons or feaLures lnLo Lhls SCW shall be handled
ln accordance wlLh SL1A's Change Crder rocess
14 CuLslde of Lhe addlLlonal feaLure seLs ouLllned ln Lhe scope of servlces above any neL new
feaLure requesLs or enhancemenLs wlll be execuLed vla block hours
13 A deLalled pro[ecL schedule lncludlng mllesLones and Lask acLlvlLles for SL1A's scope of servlces
wlll be esLabllshed shorLly afLer pro[ecL approval
16 CreaLlve deslgns wlll lnclude our logo and brand deslgn lncludlng deslgn for paper producLs


17 8equlred legal and professlonal dlsclalmers LhaL we provlde wlll be lncluded were approprlaLe
LhroughouL Lhe plaLform and aL Lhe end of medLalk messages as needed
18 1he medLalk message sysLem wlll have a remlnder Lool LhaL wlll allow a physlclan or oLher
medLalk member Lo seL a remlnder daLe LhaL brlngs up a parLlcular message recelved buL 17
days laLer (for example)
19 We wlll verlfy professlonal sLaLus le physlclans nurse eLc where posslble ln all lnsLances
20 MedLalk wlll have a medLalk language daLabase
21 Cll 8ender and uavld Agulllar's personal emall Lo have medLalk logo/llnk Lo webslLe or moblle

1.4 Our pproach to Meet Your Objectives

1 Work closely wlLh Lhe cllenL Lo obLaln and documenL all deLalled requlremenLs and expecLaLlons
from Lhe cllenL
2 Leverage besL pracLlces durlng Lhe enLlre developmenL and quallLy assurance llfecycle for Lhe
new web appllcaLlon
3 LsLabllsh a supporL model Lo provlde adequaLe supporL Lo all end users of Lhe new web
4 LsLabllsh a pro[ecL managemenL offlce Lo ensure LhaL Lhe schedule quallLy and end dellverable
meeLs cllenL expecLaLlons
3 LsLabllsh mulLlple check/valldaLlon polnLs ln every phase of Lhe developmenL cycle Lo ellmlnaLe
scope creep whlle meeLlng cllenL expecLaLlons
6 Assemble a Leam of hlghly quallfled sofLware englneers and pro[ecL managers Lo successfully
compleLe Lhe pro[ecL (SecLlon 13)


1.5 Project Team
Project StakehoIders
Name TitIe RoIe & ResponsibiIity Contact information
Dr. Dave
Partner MedTaIk
Focal Point
Dr. Gil
Partner MedTaIk
Focal Point
Managing Partner ST InternationaI (North
merica) Focal Point
Voice: (949) 887-6884
Fa: (949) 480-9474
maiI: bruce@seta-
Managing Partner ST InternationaI (North
merica) Focal Point
Voice: (714) 227-0342
Fa: (949) 480-9474
maiI: sean@seta-
Ho Xuan
Managing Partner ST InterationaI
Focal Point
Voice: +84 912 73 8784
Fa: (949) 480-9474
maiI: hungx@seta-
Project Team
Name TitIe RoIe & ResponsibiIity Contact information
Lam Tran Project Manager Project Management Voice: +84912472625
Graphical Designer Wireframes
Graphical Design
maiI: brian@seta-
Son Nguyen Project Lead Technical Project Team
Voice: +84985907273
Duc Tran Senior Software
Development Voice:
Thiep Le Software Engineer Development Voice:
Viet Le Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance Voice:


Anh Dang Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance Voice:
1.6 Project Cost
SL1A anLlclpaLes Lhe followlng Llme and charges Lo compleLe Lhe work acLlvlLles ouLllned ln Appendlx A
1he anLlclpaLed Llme and charges ls a flxed bld and wlll noL change as long as Lhe pro[ecL falls wlLhln Lhe
scope of servlces ouLllned ln Lhe SCW As parL of our sLandard revlew process aL Lhe sLarL durlng and
afLer any pro[ecLs any changes from Lhese esLlmaLes wlll be communlcaLed Lo Med1alk for approval
prlor Lo beglnnlng any work All modlflcaLlons Lo orlglnal requlremenLs are handled ln accordance wlLh a
muLually agreed upon changeorder" process

@ask ] Iunct|on Item Descr|pt|on kespons|b|||ty Lst|mated @|me I|xed Cost
CreaLlve 8equlremenLs SysLem
SL1A/Med1alk 3 4 weeks
Wlreframes usablllLy

SL1A 6 8 weeks
100 wlreframes
CreaLlve Craphlcal/CreaLlve ueslgn SL1A 4 6 weeks
laLform uevelopmenL
SL1A 12 14 weeks
lronLend/8ackend uevelopmenL
Moblle uevelopmenL (lhone
urold 8lackberry)
lnLernal 1esLlng
erformance SysLem
CompaLlblllLy lnLegraLlon 1esLlng
SL1A 3 4 weeks
CllenL dlscusslons and
SL1A/Med1alk 2 weeks
AppllcaLlon ueploymenL and
SupporL (l1unes urold)
SL1A 1 week
18 20 weeks

O All bug fixes and
enhancement requests on


upport existing features for
O System Administrator
(manages MedTalk's
MedTalk pager support for
critical issues)
O MedTalk inbox monitoring

1.7 Payment Terms & Conditions
TotaI Price
1 25% nitial Payment or (Upon signature of approved quote)
2 25% 2
nstallment or (Due upon wireframe complete)
3 25% 3
Payment or (Due upon Feature development complete)
4 25% Final Payment or (Due upon Client Acceptance)

O Payments in US$ may be made by check or wire transfer
O Fees paid after the due date will be charged a late fee of 1.5% per month on the unpaid
O For questions regarding payments, please contact the Bruce Watanabe at +1(949) 887-
O Acceptance Criteria: Delivery of Software Applications described in section 1. Scope,
including all programming codes and release to iTunes and Facebook at Client's
ire Transfer US Checks PayabIe to;
4128 Temple City Blvd.
Rosemead, CA 91770
Account Name: SETA nternational LLC
Account #: 30525411
ABA #122203950
Swift Code: CATHUS6L
ST InternationaI LLC
20271 Spruce Avenue
Newport Beach, CA 92660


. Project Management
21 erformance @argets and Accountab|||ty
1he key performance levels requlred for success ln Lhls pro[ecL wlll be based ln Lhe followlng areas
O MeLrlcs 8eporLlng
O uevelopmenL
O CuallLy Assurance and ConLrol
1hese areas wlll be dellvered by Lhe pro[ecL Leam as a whole
Clearly deflnlng Lhe cllenLs vlslon Lo our pro[ecL managemenL Leam and measurlng our sLaff's
performance Lo deLermlne Lhe level of undersLandlng
1argeL performance levels wlll be Lracked by our managemenL Leam
ro[ecL managemenL provldes each sLaff member a deLalled llsL of essenLlal Lasks and meLrlcs for each
role wlLhln Lhe pro[ecL Leam and ls conLlnually worklng Lo lmprove employee performance
SL1A lnLernaLlonal wlll puL ln place a developmenL Leam LhaL has Lhe effecLlve skllls and compeLencles
Lo supporL Lhe sLraLeglc goals of Lhe cllenL
SL1A lnLernaLlonal wlll
O rocure all pro[ecL documenLaLlon
O LsLabllsh crlLlcal mllesLones and benchmarks Lo be seL and monlLored by senlor pro[ecL sLaff
O Make avallable all pro[ecL documenLaLlon for audlL and revlew
O Lnsure all resources lncludlng human resources are avallable for Lhe llfe of Lhe pro[ecL plan
O eep pro[ecL managemenL and sLaff clearly deflned ln Lhe skllls and compeLencles relevanL Lo Lhelr
O Lead pro[ecL managemenL and sLaff make use of approprlaLe Lechnology and lndusLry sLandards
O Secure operaLlons and processes by Lhe auLhorlLy of senlor pro[ecL sLaff
O MalnLaln a conLlnuous lmprovemenL plan LhroughouL Lhe pro[ecL llfe cycle


3. SoIution Overview
3.1 System Overview


3. System rchitecture

The System Architecture is broken into 4 Layers:
tension Layer
O Allows the system to integrate with third party systems and applications, including social
networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.
O Allow the system to integrate with future modules seamlessly. ntegrated modules can
be in the form of Drupal extensions (contributed by Drupal Developer Community), third
party modules or custom development modules.
O Develop extension modules including: News/ Blogs, Media, Products Catalog, Shopping
Cart, Banner Ad, Newsletter, Contact/ Feedback, Site Setting.
ppIication Layer
O Provide the ability to share modules and components within the system. Each module
implements specific business rules and tasks which is independent of any integrated
modules in the system.
O Shared modules includes: User Management, Component Management, Module
Management, Template Management, System Management and Language


O Existing modules/ features in the Framework Layer can be customized, and extended to
match any requirement.
Framework Layer
O Provide the ability to share libraries, AP, and services to the Application Layer
O The Framework Layer will be built on .NET CMS Platform
Database Layer
O The database layer will use a MySQL database engine which provides greater
performance, security, and clustering


Acceptance and author|zat|on
1he Lerm of Lhls SCW ls from 3/23/2011 Lo 3/23/2012 assumlng LhaL Lhe 8uyer approves Lhe flnal
producL from Lhe Suppller 8uyer may LermlnaLe Lhls SCW upon 13 days wrlLLen noLlce
1he Lerms and condlLlons of Lhe rofesslonal Servlces AgreemenL apply ln full Lo Lhe servlces and
producLs provlded under Lhls SLaLemenL of Work
ln Wl1nLSS WL8LCl Lhe parLles hereLo each acLlng wlLh proper auLhorlLy have execuLed Lhls
SLaLemenL of Work under seal
uavld Agullar/Cll 8ender 8ruce WaLanabe
lull name lull name
arLner Managlng arLner
1lLle 1lLle

SlgnaLure SlgnaLure

uaLe uaLe


4. ppendi
4.1 Task Breakdown Structure

4. Misc. Information
Co||eague and Member medta|k
O log ln (afLer flrsL Llme made as easy as posslble eg puLLlng ln flrsL leLLer of lasL name fllls ln name)
O selecL medLalk" from opLlonal lcons
O SelecL colleague(s) or flnd member Lype or dlcLaLe Lhen send message user recelves message
{instont o/ert) and has bubble opLlons Lo
O 1hank you and send (defaulL and serves as auLo conflrm lf appllcaLlon closed)
O 8eply and send
O noL avallable and send
O lease conLacL and send
O noL lnLeresLed and send
O noL lnLeresLed block user and send

Make Colleague" prompL 18u


Iootnote when mu|t|p|e members or co||eagues are |nvo|ved w|th one pat|ent screen wou|d show a||
members the pat|ent (maybe |n the center) w|th a|| members or co||eagues |nvo|ved surround|ng the
pat|ent Members rece|v|ng medta|k message w||| know a|| members who were or are |nvo|ved |n
message @h|s |s d|fferent from text messag|ng whereby a rece|v|ng member doesn't know a|| of the
members [ust sender

uSL8 C8CulnCS
lu1u8L CCn1Ln1
CA1u8lnC uSL8S/lLLu8AC

Wlll need Lo be verlfled and upgradable as user sLaLus changes

hyslclans Mus
hyslclans uCs
O ulsLlncLlon ls made here only Lo capLure all physlclans and daLabases MedLalk wlll only refer Lo
physlclans noL have a dlsLlncLlon beLween Mus and uCs
8esldenL hyslclans
Medlcal SLudenLs
hyslclan AsslsLanLs As
nurse racLlLloners ns
osplLal ersonnel or ouLpaLlenL faclllLy initio/ setup of medto/k to hove copobi/ity but not inc/ude
these users
O LaboraLory Lechnlclans
O 8adlology Lechnlclans

All users wlll be medLalk members" each member wlll have hls personal llsL of members called
colleagues" llndlng a member or colleague would be as fasL and slmple as posslble
LocaLlng a colleague could happen by elLher selecLlng from a llsL or as ln locaLlng a member by searchlng
by name 1yplng ln leLLers would brlng members up lor example Lyplng s" would brlng all members


dependlng on caLegory wlLh Lhe lasL name sLarLlng wlLh s furLher leLLers would narrow down name
1hese grouplngs can be used ln addlLlon Lo search by name ln order Lo
O Make Lhe neLwork more famlllar and comforLable
O Clve an opLlon Lo locaLe a colleague or member
O 8rlng Lhe communlLy feellng wlLhln groups

hyslclans by geographlc areas
hyslclans by hosplLal afflllaLlon(s)
hyslclans by speclalLy
8esldenL hyslclans wlLhln a resldency program (poLenLlally)
8esldenL hyslclans wlLhln a hosplLal program (poLenLlally)
Medlcal sLudenLs by medlcal school
nurses by osplLal(s) worked aL
nurses by SpeclalLy
hyslclan AsslsLanLs and nurse racLlLloners by speclalLy worked ln

8eglsLerlng verlflcaLlon of each member and proflle seL up wlll be done aL Lhe same Llme lor
hyslclans only name and baslc verlflcaLlon lnformaLlon (sLaLe llcense number lasL 4 of soclal?)
wlll be requlred CLher proflle lnformaLlon can be opLlonal Lach member wlll have hls personal
seLLlngs capablllLles lncludlng colleagues frequenL faclllLles and Lelephone numbers used
lncludlng hosplLals pharmacles labs xray faclllLles uaLa enLry by member mlghL have drop
down llsLs capablllLy

hyslclans roflle (reglsLerlng wlll need verlflcaLlon 18u)
O name (requlred)
O All oLher lnfo opLlonal buL can be compleLed aL any Llme
4 SpeclalLy
4 Address
4 Work Lelephone
4 AssoclaLes wlLhln group lf noL solo
4 osplLal afflllaLlon(s)
4 Medlcal Croup or lA afflllaLlon(s)
4 Medlcal School year of graduaLlon

8esldenL hyslclans roflle (reglsLerlng wlll need verlflcaLlon 18u)
O name
O 8esldenL rogram
O Level (81 82 eLc) prompL Lo change aL cerLaln Llmes
O LocaLlon
O SpeclalLy

Medlcal SLudenLs roflle (reglsLerlng wlll need verlflcaLlon 18u)


O name
O Medlcal school class of
O Level (1
year) prompL Lo change aL cerLaln Llmes

nurses roflle (reglsLerlng wlll need verlflcaLlon 18u)
O name
O SpeclalLy
O ?ear graduaLed
O osplLal AfflllaLlon(s)

hyslclan AsslsLanLs and nurse racLlLloners roflle (reglsLerlng as above 18u)
O name
O SpeclalLy fleld
O Address
O Work Lelephone
O osplLal AfflllaLlon lf appllcable
O hyslclan supervlsors
O 1ralnlng program and year of graduaLlon

harmaclsLs roflle
O name
O SpeclalLy (lf appllcable)
O laclllLy
O Address
O Work Lelephone
O 1ralnlng program and year of graduaLlon

1hese daLabases would be parL of Lhe medLalk appllcaLlon and whlle Lhe focal polnL ls Lhe Lalk" Lhese
daLabases would supplemenL Lhe appllcaLlon and enhance Lhe member's experlence 1hey would help
Lhe member wlLh Lhelr dally work flow Lach daLabase would have personal seLLlngs capablllLles Lo
make Lhem cusLomlzable for each user When appllcable and only lf easy google maps capablllLles

O osplLals and approprlaLe demographlcs
4 ey phone numbers maln er admlLLlng hone numbers would be dlaled lf selecLed
O osplLal Medlcal SLaff (poLenLlally)
O CuLpaLlenL laclllLles and demographlcs lncludlng phone numbers
4 xray
4 Lab
4 harmacles
4 CuLpaLlenL surglcenLers


O lA/Medlcal Croups
4 rlmary care hyslclans
4 SpeclallsLs
4 Medlcal dlrecLors
4 Maln Lelephone number
O Medlcal drug formularles
4 8y speclalLy lf posslble
O useful medlcal references or LexLbooks
4 arrlsons 1he 8ed 8ook oLhers (poLenLlally)

8ulld wlLh lnlLlal producL roll ouL 6 monLhs laLer

O 8uSlnLSS 1AL
4 A feaLure whereby a user could plng oLher members or llsLed nonusers re varlous aspecLs
lnvolvlng Lhe buslness of medlclne
LM8 reference physlclans
Career opporLunlLles
Cfflce lssues supplles devlces or anyLhlng Lo do wlLh Lhe offlce
4 A member could posL level [ob requesLs Lo cerLaln geographlc areas 1he requesLs would
noL be parL of Lhe Lalk noL be lnsLanL perhaps seen only by Lhe reclplenL member when Lhey


AppllcaLlon wlll capLure user groups wlLhln caLegorles and have capablllLy Lo send welcome emalls or
monLhly medLalk messages

O Messages could be lnformaLlonal
O Welcome emall afLer slgn up Lo be conclse descrlbe uses wlLh brlef lnsLrucLlon and lnclude vldeo
llnk LuLorlal
O 8emlnd of securlLy (brlef hlppa compllance explanaLlon)
O 1uLorlal ln naLure (LuLorlal lcon on maln page)
O noLlfy perlodlcally of slmllar members by geographlc locaLlon hosplLal sLaff and speclalLy
O Announce new hosplLal afflllaLlons
O ldenLlfy users acLlvlLy and send message Lo Lhose noL uslng
O Wlll noL be lnLruslve
O Wlll noL sollclL or adverLlse
O Ask for feedback (sofL lcon)
O Can lnform of new feaLures


O SLandard helpful hlnLs on medLalk uses can be Lurned on or off
O users could send lnvlLes Lo non users wlLh vldeo llnk lnvlLe would be plaLform speclflc le lf vlewed
on deskLop or phone end user would geL Lhe correcL plaLform
O nonusers wlll be capLured by lnvlLaLlon emall LhaL lncludes vldeo llnk


O AppllcaLlon Lo have lnformaLlonal and lnsLrucLlonal vldeo
O Lach vldeo professlonal smooLh easy and lnvlLlng
O AppllcaLlon wlll have premlum (pay for use) funcLlonallLy
O Cur own emalls Lo have medLalk logo LhaL launches Lo webslLe or moblle app when selecLed
O AblllLy Lo Lrack unprofesslonal use and remove users
O AblllLy for users Lo reporL unprofesslonal use
O remlums
4 remlums (hosplLals) walved aL Lhe beglnnlng Lhen lmplemenLed aL a deslgnaLed Llme
O AblllLy Lo add adverLlslng when ready wlLh varlable premlums dependlng on LargeLs
O Medlcal legal dlsclalmers
O rofesslonal dlsclalmers

UL CAL not |n order of |mportance

1 hyslclan Lo medLalk member
a osplLallsL(s) (o hospito/ist is o physicion who works primori/y in the hospito/ ond
tokes core of hospito/ited potients ln the post eoch physicion wou/d toke core of his
own potients when they were hospito/itednow dedicoted hospito/ists do this work
ond the pcps most/y core for potients in the outpotient or c/inic settinq) selecLs prlmary
care physlclan can updaLe sLaLus of paLlenL can noLlfy of hosplLal course of paLlenL and
dlscharge plans lncludlng Lhlngs llke perLlnenL labs done LesLs performed medlcaLlons
changed or conLlnued
b osplLallsL(s) noLlfles varlous physlclan speclallsLs who are also lnvolved ln Lhe care of
Lhe paLlenL of Lhe hosplLal course and or dlscharge plans
c osplLallsLs noLlfy medlcal dlrecLors of lAs or medlcal groups above lnformaLlon
d osplLallsL noLlfles dlscharge plannlng nurse or home healLh nurse of dlscharge plans
e cp speclallsL hosplLallsL exchange lnformaLlon and orders wlLh nurses ln Lhe hosplLal
f Lmergency room physlclan noLlfles pcps speclallsLs and hosplLallsLs of er sLaLus May
be Lhlngs llke LesL resulLs medlcaLlons prescrlbed and dlscharge from er plans or
admlsslon Lo hosplLal plans
g L8 physlclan noLlfles medlcal dlrecLors of above lnformaLlonperhaps aL Lhe same Llme
when noLlfylng pcps
h cp noLlfles speclallsL ln Lhe offlce seLLlng of change ln managemenL of muLual paLlenL
l cp noLlfles speclallsL of new pendlng consulLa heads up and concern


[ SpeclallsLs ln Lhe ouLpaLlenL cllnlc seLLlng noLlfy pcps oLher speclallsLs of consulL
flndlngs and fuLure plans
k Surglcal speclallsLs noLlfy pcp or oLher speclallsLs of surglcal flndlngs rlghL afLer surgery
l cps and speclallsLs lnLeracL ask and noLlfy medlcal dlrecLors of cllnlcal sLaLus and
requesLs for cerLaln managemenL lssues
m Medlcal dlrecLors lnLeracL wlLh pcps speclallsLs requesLlng addlLlonal lnformaLlon
regardlng paLlenL managemenL and plans
n hyslclan could flnd speclallsL or oLher physlclan aL cerLaln LerLlary faclllLy and ask
cllnlcal advlce or admlnlsLraLlve quesLlon

2 8esldenL hyslclan and or Medlcal sLudenL Lo medLalk member
a noLlfy pcp speclallsL oLher members of Lhe hosplLal resldenL Leam of paLlenL sLaLus

Nurses to medta|k member
a osp|ta| nurses not|fy pcps hosp|ta||sts and spec|a||sts of test resu|ts pat|ent status
changes med|cat|on requests or changes and request response or order

4 hyslclan AsslsLanLs and nurse pracLlLloners are now funcLlonlng as physlclans ln many seLLlngs
lncludlng Lhe offlce Lhe hosplLal Lhe emergency room surgery and anesLhesla All lnLeracLlons
above could occur wlLh Lhese healLh care provlders

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