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Chapter 4 Entry into the Active Stratum: Three Pathways

In this chapter the attention given to the earliest interest is shifted toward the earliest activity. Research Question: What factors determine the composition of the politically active stratum? Prewitt provides a general description of the earliest activities but also he tries to find an explanation on how different experiences are associated with the three pathways presented in the previous chapter: a) of those people who entered politics as politically socialized, or b) as politically mobilized, or c) as the lateral entrants

Personal experiences and Community Conditions associated with the Initial Activity
1. Civic activities To step from a civic role into the politically active stratum is the most frequent route. And an example is given on the American society which reflects the structure of the civic life on the politically active stratum: the fact that Americans are joiners and they choose to involve into organizations, groups, clubs and the fact that associational membership is related to political participation. The frequency with which a civic role ushers persons into the active stratum is important in two respects: a) it means that civic organizations and activities dominate the shaping of the politically active stratum b) the elected position is an extension of a community role formed by and spelled out in the numerous volunteer organizations Regarding the issue of volunteerism, there is an explanation of how should we regard the concept: Some theorists say that democracy is viable only to the extent that the elected leaders want to stay in office (Dahl: elections are crucial device for controlling leaders). Other sustain that if the elected leader is indifferent to future contests, he is a dangerous leader, because the volunteer is a man free to ignore constituent wishes. 2. Partisan activities Partisan activities find themselves in contrast to civic roles regarding the no of councilman they ushered into politics.

The few members who cited partisan activities as instrumental in their initial political involvement are those who can be placed in the first pathway, they are those whose political roots breach back to childhood. !! This fact demonstrates that civic organizations play a major part in screening, selecting, and nominating people. 3. The occupational Nexus It is well-known that certain occupations are overrepresented among political leaders. - Professional and occupational roles can be so located in the social network that they facilitate movement into the active stratum. -Lawyers, union leaders, lobbyists, businessmen and educators, by virtue of their occupational duties, are closely linked to the public sector. - The convergence of professional-occupational roles and political activity has a major consequence for political life because the skills and the perspectives available in the leadership group are those available in the active stratum. !!The occupational makeup of political leadership is subject to change.

These three types of activities are the one influencing the structure of the active stratum but Prewitt continues with two influential community conditions: 1. Sense of Personal Investment in the Community Persons who feel they have a stake in their community do attempt to control political resources. - 22% of the councilmen report getting involved in the community leadership because of a life-time experience which reminded them that political levers could be pulled to advantage: buying property, sending children off to school, going into business etc. - Leaders first became politically active to protect some community investment suggests a reason why the prevailing ideology in so many of these communities is protective the status quo. 2. Communitywide Political Events Community upheavals act as socializing mobilizing agencies. Prominent among such community events are recall elections, incorporation movements and annexation drives. Large segments of the population, previously indifferent to local politics, become agitated and activated in response to the sense of community urgency implicit in times of recall, incorporation or annexation. 23% of the councilmen date the beginning of their public careers from a period of major community change.

Attitudes and values associated with Initial Activity

Lawyers, union leaders, lobbyists, businessmen and educators , by virtue of their occupational duties , are closely linked to the public sector.

Prewitt tries to answer to two main questions: 1. What political attitudes are associated with initial activity? There were identified four main attitudes which determined the decision to join the active stratum: a) a sense of political indignation or protest b) a feeling of civic obligation c) an attitude of pragmatism and problem-solving d) a sense of general interest, even curiosity. Reformers, pragmatists, the socially conscious and the generally interested are always energizing forces in national and local politics. The kind of career entry pattern followed by councilmen is differentially associated with the attitudes they express. e.g. both the socialized and mobilized councilmen see their early involvement in the context of pragmatic goals and problem solving activities. 2. Whether the political stereotypes affect self-selection patterns? Cultural stereotypes serve as selective devices affecting those who join the active stratum. -politics is dirty and attractive only to the dishonest-expect self-seeking to become active - politics is public service and attractive to statesman-like person expect the civic minded to seek for active roles Easton: the effect of cultural norms in political life is to impose outer limits on the number and kinds of persons seeking entry into active stratum The notion of cultural stereotypes affect selection processes has a theoretical affinity. Political life can also be dominated by images and stereotypes, and that these, in turn affect who will choose, and be chosen for, leadership positions. e.g. People and councilmen were not ask regarding how clean or dirty politics is but they were asked whether they consider their job to be a political one or whether the people in the community viewed the council as a political body. Politics- is in a bad repute among the councilmen. The municipalities leaders are non-political rather than anti-political.

Summary observations 1. As youths, elected officials experienced greater exposure to things political than is usual during their preadult years. 2. The personal experiences which facilitated a political career were exceedingly varied. a) the politically socialized b) the politically mobilized

c) the lateral entrants 3. A variety of life experiences ushers persons in the active stratum = a wide range of values and ideologies will be represented in that stratum 4. Entry into the active stratum is facilitated by its porous boundaries and by its numerous access points

Within limits set by considerations of socioeconomic advantage, the social processes shaping the active stratum guarantee a diversity of opinion and background among actives that strongly contradicts the oligarchic assumptions.

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