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Web 8ased Market|ng

Lxplorlng web based markeLlng can mean Laklng advanLage of cuLLlng edge Lechnologles whlle en[oylng a
very cosL effecLlve meLhod of adverLlslng 1he lnLerneL has greaLly changed how adverLlslng ls
accompllshed and how producLs are sold 1o lgnore Lhls vlLal area of commerce and communlcaLlon
would be foollsh Lo say Lhe leasL 1here are many elemenLs Lo successful markeLlng over Lhe World Wlde
Web lncluded ln Lhe pleLhora of avallable Lools are quallLy lnLerneL slLes effecLlve use of search englnes
onllne adverLlslng opporLunlLles afflllaLe programs emall adverLlslng campalgns and onllne producL
revlews and dlrecLorles A ma[or bulldlng block when esLabllshlng a sLrong lnLerneL presence ls a quallLy
webslLe 1he flrsL lmpresslon LhaL can be galned by Lhe overall look of a slLe when a vlslLor flrsL logs on ls
very lmporLanL 8uL ln addlLlon Lo Lhls flrsL lmpresslon easy navlgaLlon and clear and conclse copy can
enLlce vlslLors Lo sLlck around Search englne opLlmlzaLlon and Lhe savvy use of keywords are also
lmporLanL Lools ln dlrecLlng lnLerneL Lrafflc Lo a parLlcular slLe AdverLlslng banners and afflllaLe programs
can be vlLal aspecLs of any web based markeLlng campalgn Some enLrepreneurs have galned success by
poslLlonlng producLs on lnLerneL dlrecLory pages 1hese webslLes generally conLaln brlef lnformaLlon
abouL a varleLy of producLs as well as llnks Lo Lhe slLes LhaL sell Lhem Consumers who are researchlng a
parLlcular lLem or servlce wlll ofLen vlslL Lhese slLes when maklng purchaslng declslons

Any successful web based markeLlng campalgn wlll rely heavlly on a pollshed and professlonal webslLe
1here are many agencles and buslnesses LhaL can help companles creaLe a quallLy slLe or enhance an
exlsLlng one rofesslonal webmasLers can gulde buslnesses large and small Lhrough Lhe process of
bulldlng a cuLLlng edge lnLerneL presence WlLhouL a quallLy webslLe oLher markeLlng Lools such as banner
ads cross llnklng emall campalgns or afflllaLe programs can be useless lf Lhere noL a solld and lnvlLlng
slLe from whlch a producL or servlce can be sold dlrecLlng Lrafflc Lo LhaL slLe ls polnLless rofesslonals ln
Lhls fleld can help companles lmprove Lhelr webslLes ln areas of navlgaLlon search englne opLlmlzaLlon
graphlcs llnks conLenL and overall appearance navlgaLlon buLLons LhaL appeal Lo speclflc cusLomer
groups can be very effecLlve ages wlLhln Lhe slLe LhaL key ln on speclflc areas such as frequenLly asked
quesLlons and new producLs can be helpful as well Some slLes may lend Lhemselves Lo cerLaln lnLeracLlve
feaLures such as games prlzes glveaways or blogs 1hese feaLures can draw reLurn vlslLors Lo a slLe and
lncrease revenue rofesslonals can also help creaLe webslLes LhaL achleve hlgh ranklngs on ma[or search
englnes uslng such Lools as relevanL keywords and meLaLags can glve a slLe more favorable search
englne promlnence Successful web based markeLlng wlll work Lo a companys besL advanLage when a
quallLy webslLe ls presenLed

AnoLher helpful Lool ln Lhe area of web based markeLlng ls Lhe onllne dlrecLory luncLlonlng as a sorL of
lnLeracLlve yellow pages Lhese slLes are frequenLed by consumers who are ln Lhe markeL for a speclflc
producL SubmlLLlng lnformaLlon Lo Lhese slLes can noL only draw lmporLanL Lrafflc Lo an ecommerce slLe
buL could also dlrecL poLenLlal cusLomers who are predlsposed Lo make a purchase 1o make Lhls work a
wlse vendor wlll send submlsslons ln more Lhan one Loplc or producL Lype and wlll change and updaLe
Lhose submlsslons on a regular basls Checklng back wlLh Lhe dlrecLory slLe from Llme Lo Llme ls a good
ldea 8y dolng Lhls a merchanL can make sure LhaL all lnformaLlon LhaL ls offered on Lhe dlrecLory ls up Lo
daLe and correcL Cross llnklng ls anoLher lmporLanL aspecL of successful web based markeLlng 1hls
pracLlce lnvolves posLlng llnks on oLher relaLed slLes Some webslLes wlll allow organlzaLlons Lo posL Lhese
llnks free of charge whlle oLhers may charge a fee Cf course before llnklng wlLh a parLlcular webslLe a
buslness would be wlse Lo Lhoroughly lnvesLlgaLe Lhe slLe and Lhe organlzaLlon LhaL ls behlnd lL lf a slLe ls
non professlonal ln appearance or seems Lo funcLlon poorly an onllne merchanL may noL wlsh Lo be
assoclaLed wlLh lL ln addlLlon lf Lhe organlzaLlon LhaL ls behlnd Lhe webslLe has a less Lhan honorable
repuLaLlon llnklng Lo Lhls organlzaLlons slLe wlll probably noL be a good ldea

Complllng a llsL of emall addresses belonglng Lo regular and poLenLlal cusLomers can open Lhe door for a
speclflc Lype of web based markeLlng ClrculaLlng newsleLLers LhaL conLaln helpful lnformaLlon and
noLlces of upcomlng sales or evenLs can go a long way ln brlnglng ln new buslness ln addlLlon Lhese
newsleLLers can provlde a solld source of cusLomer good wlll 8y uLlllzlng Lhe klnds of cuLLlng edge
Lechnology LhaL Lhe lnLerneL offers many companles hope Lo see an lncrease ln sales as well as a more
favorable corporaLe proflle 1he 8lble Lalks abouL Lhe hope LhaL bellevers can recelve from Lhe scrlpLures
lor whaLsoever Lhlngs were wrlLLen aforeLlme were wrlLLen for our learnlng LhaL we Lhrough paLlence
and comforL of Lhe scrlpLures mlghL have hope (8omans 134)

1aklng advanLage of afflllaLe programs ls anoLher effecLlve web based markeLlng Lool AfflllaLes are
webmasLers who allow ads Lo be placed on Lhelr own webslLes 1hese ads wlll conLaln llnks Lo an
adverLlslng merchanLs slLe lf an lnLerneL vlslLor cllcks LhaL llnks and Lravels Lo Lhe merchanL slLe Lhe
afflllaLe can earn a referral fee Should LhaL same vlslLor declde Lo compleLe a purchase whlle aL Lhe
merchanL slLe Lhe afflllaLe wlll earn a commlsslon on Lhe sale Whlchever Lool or comblnaLlon of Lools an
onllne enLrepreneur mlghL choose Lo uLlllze Lhe lnLerneL ls rlch wlLh markeLlng poLenLlal

WlLh Lhe growlng reallzaLlon LhaL Lhe markeLplace ls noL whaL lL used Lo be more and more companles are
Lurnlng Lo Lhe Web as Lhe markeLlng envlronmenL capable of reachlng a dlspersed dlaspora of Long 1all (Chrls
Anderson 1he Long 1all Wlred Magazlne) lnLeresLed prospecLs wlLh a relevanL memorable markeLlng
8eallzlng LhaL you now have an economlcally vlable mulLlmedla plaLform LhaL evens Lhe markeLlng playlng
fleld you musL carefully conslder how Lo proceed lf you merely Lransfer your LradlLlonal prlnL adverLlslng and
dlrecL markeLlng malllngs Lo Lhe lnLerneL you wlll be lefL behlnd
Any buslness can puL LogeLher a successful Webbased markeLlng plan lf Lhey Lake Lhe Llme Lo deflne Lhe slx
crlLlcal elemenLs of a WebmarkeLlng campalgn
1 MarkeLlng urpose
2 MarkeLlng Cb[ecLlves
3 resenLaLlon vehlcle
4 lnformaLlon lormaL
3 MarkeLlng venue
6 Achlevable LxpecLaLlons
1 MarkeLlng urpose

1hus whlle Lhe psychologlcal/emoLlonal need ls Lo consLrucL reconsLrucL and malnLaln Lhe selfldenLlLy Lhe
socloculLural need ls Lo communlcaLe Lo oLhers Lhe selfldenLlLy CuwerslooL 1udorlca 8rand ersonallLy
AccepLlng Lhe need Lo bulld a brand personallLy LhaL leglLlmaLe prospecLs can relaLe Lo mlghL very well mean
reLhlnklng exacLly who you are as a company and exacLly whaL you are offerlng on boLh a psychologlcal
emoLlonal and socloculLural level
MosL companles have a welldeflned llsL of funcLlonal beneflLs LhaL Lhey provlde cllenLs buL whaL you have Lo
ask yourself ls whaL psychologlcal emoLlonal and socloculLural beneflLs do you offer and are Lhey
represenLed by your corporaLe lmage or brand personallLy? And lf you Lhlnk Lhls only applles Lo consumer
producL companles you are mlsLaken Lvery company from lndusLrlal wldgeL suppllers Lo packaged goods
manufacLurers needs Lo deflne Lhelr personallLy ln Lerms of Lhe emoLlve beneflLs Lhey provlde
2 MarkeLlng Cb[ecLlves
Cne of Lhe mosL dlfflculL Lhlngs for small companles Lo accepL ls LhaL sales are Lhe resulL of esLabllshlng an
approprlaLe markeLlng framework Cnce you recognlze LhaL Lhe real purpose of markeLlng ls Lo creaLe a
relaLlonshlp wlLh your audlence based on an emoLlonal connecLlon ln Lhe form of a brand personallLy you are
ready for Lhe nexL sLep deflnlng your markeLlng ob[ecLlves
Successful markeLlng campalgns rely on sLraLegles and LacLlcs LhaL grow ouL of deflnlng elghL lmporLanL
markeLlng ob[ecLlves
Awareness ob[ecLlve one ls Lo make your markeL audlence aware of your exlsLence buL name recognlLlon
alone wonL brlng ln Lhe orders
ALLenLlon ob[ecLlve Lwo ls Lo draw aLLenLlon Lo your company web deslgn producL or servlce ?our markeL
audlence may be aware of your exlsLence buL noL undersLand or care whaL you do or why Lhey should be
lnLeresLed ?ou have Lo do someLhlng Lo aLLracL Lhelr aLLenLlon before Lheyll llsLen Lo whaL you have Lo say
Comprehenslon ob[ecLlve Lhree ls Lo explaln Lo your markeL audlence whaL lL ls you are offerlng Lhem 1elllng
people you sell Lhe besL wldgeL and provlde Lhe besL servlce ls meanlngless your audlence musL undersLand
how Lhelr personal or professlonal llves are golng Lo be lmproved funcLlonally emoLlonally and soclally MosL
auLomoblles wlll geL you were you wanL Lo go (funcLlonal beneflL) buL a Mercedes geLs you Lhere ln sLyle
(emoLlonal beneflL) and dlsplays Lo Lhe world LhaL you are a success (soclal beneflL) When was Lhe lasL Llme
you saw a real esLaLe agenL drlve around ln a [alopy? As focused on closlng Lhe sale as real esLaLe agenLs are
Lhey lnsLlncLlvely know Lhey musL pro[ecL a confldenL comforLable successful professlonal lmage
knowledge ob[ecLlve four ls Lo provlde your audlence wlLh Lhe ammunlLlon Lhey need Lo make Lhe purchase
?our prospecLs need Lo [usLlfy Lo Lhemselves Lhelr corporaLe superlors or maybe Lhelr spouses Lhelr
purchaslng declslon rospecLs musL be educaLed lnformed and enLhused wlLh Lhe knowledge LhaL your
company producL or servlce ls Lhe rlghL cholce
8ehavlor/Lxperlence ob[ecLlve flve ls Lhe creaLlon of a corporaLe culLure LhaL maLches your brand personallLy
lf prospecLs are frusLraLed or annoyed by Lhelr experlence ln deallng wlLh you your webslLe or your emall
landlng page Lhen all Lhe feelgood adverLlslng ln Lhe world ls wasLed 1he cusLomer experlence of deallng
wlLh your company musL maLch Lhe lmage you pro[ecL
lnvolvemenL ob[ecLlve slx ls Lo evangellze your cusLomers so LhaL Lhey become lnvolved ln promoLlng your
producL servlce or company Lo Lhelr frlends and colleagues eople wanL Lo showoff Lhelr lnLelllgence good
LasLe and buslness acumen lf your producL fulfllls your cusLomers emoLlonal and psychologlcal needs Lhey
wlll become your besL sales people
AblllLy ob[ecLlve seven ls Lo educaLlon your cusLomers so LhaL Lhey can maxlmlze Lhe beneflLs from Lhelr
purchase Show cusLomers how Lo lncrease Lhelr ablllLy Lo achleve perform or excel by uslng your producL or
servlce lL ls absoluLely amazlng how many how Lo books are sold by Lhlrd parLles Lo supplemenL Lhe dreadful
lnsLrucLlons and manuals provlded by manufacLurers 1hlnk abouL Lhe message you are sendlng cusLomers
when Lhey have Lo buy a book wlLh Lhe word uummles ln Lhe LlLle [usL Lo make your producL work
CpporLunlLy ob[ecLlve elghL ls Lo glve cusLomers Lhe opporLunlLy Lo purchase you producL or servlce elLher
dlrecLly or Lhrough an approprlaLe channel of dlsLrlbuLlon Spendlng money on adverLlslng and promoLlon for
Lhlngs people canL geL ls noL much value lf prospecLs canL saLlsfy Lhelr needs when Lhey wanL Lo youll have
mlssed your chance
3 resenLaLlon vehlcle
Cld hablLs and ldeas are hard Lo overcome AfLer all we are creaLures of hablL more accuraLely we are

creaLures of paLLern We undersLand Lhe world around us by absorblng famlllar paLLerns of acLlon and
behavlor aLLerns make lL easler for us Lo deal wlLh Lhe complexlLles of modern llfe and Lhe demands of
everyday work 1hls ls a good Lhlng as long as Lhese paLLerns serve our needs buL Lhe world of markeLlng
communlcaLlon has changed
1here ls a new markeLlng paradlgm LhaL needs Lo be accepLed and new seLs of behavlor paLLerns LhaL need Lo
be acknowledged 1here was a Llme when you used Lhe phone book Lo lookup phone numbers and Lhe local
newspaper Lo flnd whaL movles were playlng buL Loday Lhe flrsL place people go ls Lhe lnLerneL 1hlngs have
changed and buslnesses have Lo change wlLh Lhe Llmes
Sure every buslness has a webslLe LhaLs a glven buL mosL webslLes are noLhlng more Lhan dlglLal verslons of
company brochures or caLalogues LhaL have been pushed and pulled ouL of shape by SLC consulLanLs selllng
Lhe laLesL mlracle markeLlng cure more Lrafflc never mlnd Lhe approprlaLeness of Lhe Lrafflc or Lhe relevancy
of Lhe bloaLed SLCmassaged conLenL or Lhe meanlngfulness of Lhe markeLlng message 1rafflc by lLself wlll
noL wln Lhe day or geL you where you wanL Lo be Lhls ls noLhlng more Lhan Lhe same old shoLgun volume
broadcasL approach LhaL we know doesnL work for mosL companles
1he real lssue here ls presenLlng relevanL meanlngful compelllng lnformaLlve memorable maLerlal on your
webslLes and landlng pages Lo an lnLeresLed audlence LhaL acLually cares whaL you have Lo say [usL make sure
you say someLhlng worLhwhlle
So how do we do lL? 1he answer ls Webbased mulLlmedla presenLaLlons now leLs be clear whaL we are noL
Lalklng abouL we are noL Lalklng abouL addlng meanlngless background muslc or lrrlLaLlng banner anlmaLlons
Lo your slLe WhaL we are Lalklng abouL ls uslng audlo and vldeo Lo presenL lnformaLlon LhaL esLabllshes your
experLlse creaLes your brand personallLy and dellvers your markeLlng message so lL sLlcks ln Lhe mlnds of your
4 lnformaLlon lormaL
?our WebmarkeLlng campalgn should conslsL of a varleLy of lnformaLlon vehlcles LhaL each bulld on one
anoLher creaLlng Lhe lmage and dellverlng Lhe lnformaLlon LhaL wlll ulLlmaLely lead Lo a relaLlonshlp
?our WebmarkeLlng campalgn should be almed aL achlevlng more Lhan [usL a sale lL should be almed aL
creaLlng a saLlsfled cusLomer who wlll promoLe your company Lhrough wordofmouLh 1o achleve Lhls end
you musL dellver a varleLy of lnformaLlon Lo poLenLlal cllenLs lnformaLlon LhaL aLLracLs aLLenLlon narrows
declslons lnsLrucLs usage and promoLes lnvolvemenL
lnformaLlon as enLerLalnmenL when you wanL Lo esLabllsh a personallLy or lmage your audlo or vldeo
presenLaLlon should have some enLerLalnmenL elemenL 1hls enLerLalnmenL elemenL could be ln Lhe characLer
of Lhe presenLer Lhe scrlpL or dlalog belng presenLed or merely Lhe sLyle and panache of Lhe volceover
announcer or onscreen acLor
lnformaLlon as knowledge Lhere used Lo be a 8uffalobased cloLhlng reLaller LhaL feaLured Lhe slogan an
educaLed consumer ls our besL cusLomer 1hey never had a sale buL all Lhelr cloLhes were dlscounLed Lhe
same way on a slldlng scale based on how long Lhe merchandlse was ln lnvenLory All Lhelr adverLlsemenLs
explalned Lhelr pollcy ln clear conclse Lerms 1hey undersLood LhaL lf cusLomers know and LrusL Lhelr pollcy
Lhey would have confldence LhaL Lhey were buylng from a leglLlmaLe reLaller aL a leglLlmaLe prlce
lnformaLlon as lnsLrucLlon we llve ln a very complex world where producLs and servlces are lncreaslngly
compllcaLed lf we wanL cusLomers Lo Lake Lhe leap of falLh and buy our merchandlse and hopefully upgrade Lo
blgger beLLer more expenslve verslons Lhen cusLomers musL undersLand how Lo use Lhe producL and also
how Lo maxlmlze Lhe promlsed beneflLs from Lhelr purchase 1eachlng people how Lo Lake beLLer phoLographs
wlLh Lhe camera you sell ls a far beLLer sales LacLlc LhaL promoLlng an exLra feaLure Lhey wlll never use
lnformaLlon as lnvolvemenL we all know wordofmouLh ls Lhe besL form of adverLlslng CeLLlng your Web
audlence lnvolved ln your campalgns Lhrough Lhe use of conLesLs surveys and lnLeracLlve enLerLalnmenLs are
only a few ways Lo geL Lhem lnvolved 8uL Lhe besL way Lo geL people lnvolved ln evangellzlng your producL ls
Lo provlde an experlence LhaL echoes Lhelr psychologlcal emoLlonal and socloculLural asplraLlons
lnformaLlon as promoLlon leLs face facLs Lhe vasL ma[orlLy of webslLe vlslLors are [aded and cynlcal and
hypersenslLlve Lo unscrupulous onllne buslnesses MosL of your Webaudlence puLs you rlghL nexL Lo
pollLlclans and used car salesman ln Lhe LrusL deparLmenL ?ou are noL golng Lo overcome Lhls lack of
confldence wlLh a webslLe LhaL smacks of hlgh pressure or alLernaLlvely a webslLe LhaL bores people resenL
your offer uslng real people dellverlng a well crafLed message LhaL reflecLs your company persona and lnsplres
confldence raLher Lhan puLs ouL danger slgnals
3 MarkeLlng venue
1he Webs mulLlmedla capablllLy has ofLen been equaLed Lo an egallLarlan form of Lelevlslon where every
company has a shoL aL aLLracLlng an audlence wlLhouL Lhe hlgh cosL of buylng alrLlme buL llke Lelevlslon lL ls
Lhe programs people are aLLracLed Lo noL Lhe commerclals lf your webslLe ls noLhlng more Lhan a commerclal
your vlslLors wlll hyperllnk Lhemselves away from your slLe aL warp speed
lf we equaLe Lhe new mulLlmedla Web Lo Lelevlslon we musL consLrucL our webslLes as lf Lhey were programs
noL brochures An excellenL example of Lhls new sLyle webslLe ls Lhe lord MoLor Companys 8old Moves slLe
?our emall markeLlng and Adword campalgns are Lhe equlvalenL of program Leasers aLLracLlng people Lo your
maln slLe campalgn mlcroslLe or landlng page based on a conLenL hook and promlse
6 Achlevable LxpecLaLlons
We are all concerned abouL 8Cl buL you cannoL expecL lnsLanLaneous resulLs WebslLes are longLerm
lnvesLmenLs LhaL musL be conLlnually Lweaked Lo conform Lo your longrange sLraLeglc ob[ecLlves ?ou musL
have reallsLlc achlevable expecLaLlons new leads cusLomer lnqulrles lnformaLlon requesLs newsleLLer slgn
ups and even complalnLs ?ou cannoL deLermlne Lhe value of your slLe based on dlrecL sales alone lf you are
noL achlevlng adequaLe resulLs Lhen lLs Llme you reLhoughL your webslLe sLraLegy ln Lerms of lLs mulLlmedla
conLenL and program poLenLlal

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