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Cnllne College Magazlne

. Introduction
. Metbodology

8aLlonal unlfled rocess
1he 8aLlonal unlfled rocess brlngs LogeLher elemenLs from all of Lhe generlc process models
supporLs lLeraLlon and lllusLraLes good pracLlce ln speclflcaLlon and deslgn 1he 8u ls normally
descrlbed from Lhree perspecLlves
A Jynumlc perxpectlve LhaL shows Lhe phases of Lhe model over Llme
A xtutlc perxpectlve LhaL shows Lhe process acLlvlLles LhaL are enacLed
A pructlce perxpectlve LhaL suggesLs good pracLlces Lo be used durlng Lhe process

Fig .:Phases of R0P
1he dlfferenL phases ln 8u are
1he goal of Lhe lncepLlon phase ls Lo esLabllsh a buslness case for Lhe sysLem ldenLlfylng all
exLernal enLlLles LhaL wlll lnLeracL wlLh Lhe sysLem and deflnlng Lhese lnLeracLlon 1hls
lnformaLlon ls used Lo assess Lhe conLrlbuLlon of sysLem Lo buslness

The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. !f the red x still appears, you may have to delete the image and then
insert it again.
Cnllne College Magazlne
1he goals of Lhe elaboraLlon phase are Lo develop an undersLandlng of Lhe problem domaln
esLabllsh an archlLecLural framework develop pro[ecL plan and ldenLlfy key pro[ecL rlsks
1hls phase ls concerned wlLh sysLem deslgn programmlng and LesLlng arLs of Lhe sysLem are
developed ln parallel and lnLegraLed durlng Lhls phase
1hls ls Lhe flnal phase of 8u and ls concerned wlLh movlng Lhe sysLem from Lhe developmenL
communlLy Lo Lhe user communlLy and maklng lL work ln real envlronmenL
. Purpose

1he Cnllne College Magazlne (CCM) appllcaLlon enables users Lo seL up onllne
communlLy sLudenL can browse Lhrough Lhe arLlcles plcLures and posLs a sysLem
admlnlsLraLor Lo approve and re[ecL requesLs for new posL and arLlcles llsLs of dlfferenL
1hus promoLlng llLerary lnslghL ArLlcles can be searched by anybody ln Lhe world lacLors
behlnd Lhe moLlvaLlon of Lhls sysLem are
Also on Lhe agenda ls deslgnlng an onllne college magazlne slLe for faculLles Lo manage
sLudenL and also help Lhem onllne wlLhouL havlng Lo vlslL Lhe class physlcally
Cur onllne college magazlne wlll use Lhe lnLerneL as Lhe sole meLhod for sharlng new
ldeas Lo lLs reader all over Lhe world 1he sLudenL wlll be ln compleLe conLrol of hls/her
proflle by uslng Lhe oolpoe osetoome" concepL 8eadlng wlll be hlghly personallzed and
Lhe posL wlll provlde aL sorLed by Lhelr revlews sLaLes 1here wlll be an chaL room for
sLudenL as well as faculLles Lo share Lhelr ldeas SlLe wlll provlde way Lo download Lhe
documenL ln dlfferenL formaLs 8uL lL wlll also block unnecessary download 1hls ln
brlef ls a descrlpLlon of our producL whlch wlll showcase a compleLe readlng experlence
ln a small package
. Scope

Secure reglsLraLlon and proflle managemenL faclllLles for sLudenL and Leachers
8rowslng Lhrough Lhe posL Lo see Lhe lLems LhaL are Lhere ln each caLegory of deslre
AdequaLe searchlng mechanlsms for easy and qulck access Lo parLlcular posL
nabllng Lechnlque Lo raLe Lhe posL
guesL are able Lo posL Lhe commenL abouL Lhe arLlcle
8egular updaLes Lo reglsLered users of Lhe webslLe abouL new arrlvals
Cnllne College Magazlne
Secured mechanlsm for checklng ouL from Lhe Shop (CredlL card verlflcaLlon
updaLes Lo sLudenL abouL Lhe recenL acLlvlLles
uploadlng 'MosL llked' posL ln each caLegory of producLs ln Lhe caLegory llke news
vldeo plcLure arLlcle eLc
rovlde feaLures Lo chaL for lLs reglsLered members
rovlde search englne Lo baslcally search a parLlcular posL
leedback mechanlsm so LhaL member can glve feedback for Lhe magazlne
rovlde news area where varlous evenL can be noLlfled
rovlde Lhese feaLures also
4 lscusslon poll
4 Jord of Lhe day
4 1houghL of Lhe day
4 uploadlng of arLlcles ln dlfferenL formaLs

. Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations

Cn|ne Coege Mfgf|ne lL's a web appllcaLlon LhaL provldes onllne magazlne servlces for
lLs members

Jmlnlxtrutor Pe has Lhe auLhorlLy Lo add/deleLe users granL permlsslon Lo docLors and
klosk manager

ebSphere ppllcutlon Server Communlty FJltlon lL ls an appllcaLlon server LhaL runs and
supporLs !2 and web servlce appllcaLlons

utubuxeA daLabase managemenL sysLem LhaL provldes a flexlble and efflclenL daLabase
plaLform Lo malnLaln records of sLudenLs Leachers admln and dm

uvu Server Pugex lL ls used Lo creaLe dynamlc web conLenL

Cnllne College Magazlne
uvu Fnterprlxe FJltlon A programmlng plaLform whlch ls a parL of [ava plaLform for
developlng and runnlng dlsLrlbuLed [ava

nlfleJ MoJellng Iunguuge ls a sLandard language for wrlLlng sofLware blueprlnLs 1he uML
may be used Lo vlsuallze speclfy consLrucL and documenL

Fxtenxlble Murkup Iunguuge ls a LexL based formaL LhaL leL developers descrlbe dellver and
exchange sLrucLured daLa beLween a range of appllcaLlons Lo cllenL for dlsplay and

Hypertext 1runxfer Protocol lL's a servlce proLocol

utlonul ppllcutlon eveloper ls a developmenL Lool LhaL helps Lo deslgn web pages and
also helps Lo deslgn Lhe dlagrams llke 8 aLabase schema dlagrams and Lo generaLe L

. Tools Used

Tecbnologies to be used
rogrammlng languages
!AvA !ava nLerprlse dlLlon ls a programmlng plaLform parL of Lhe !ava laLformfor
developlng and runnlng dlsLrlbuLed mulLlLler archlLecLure !ava appllcaLlons based largely on
modular sofLware componenLs runnlng on an appllcaLlon server
P1ML xML Pyper 1exL Markup Language and xLenslble markup Language are Lhe
predomlnanL markup languages for web pages lL provldes a means Lo descrlbe Lhe sLrucLure of
LexLbased lnformaLlon ln a documenL and Lo supplemenL LhaL LexL wlLh lnLeracLlve forms
embedded lmages and oLher ob[ecLs
!avaScrlpL A cllenL slde scrlpLlng language used Lo creaLe dynamlc web conLenL and user
1ools evelopmenL nvlronmenL
Apache 1omcaL 6018 Server Apache 1omcaL ls a ServleL conLalner developed by Lhe Apache
SofLware loundaLlon (ASl) 1omcaL lmplemenLs Lhe !ava ServleL and Lhe !avaServer ages (!S)
Cnllne College Magazlne
speclflcaLlons from Sun MlcrosysLems and provldes a pure !ava P11 web server envlronmenL
for !ava code Lo run
CLlS !2 cllpse ls a LoolklL whlch ls deslgned for Lhe creaLlon of complex pro[ecLs
provldlng fully dynamlc web appllcaLlon uLlllzlng !8's 1hls conslsL of !8 Lools CM daLa
mapplng Lools a unlversal LesL cllenL LhaL ls deslgned Lo ald LesLlng of !8's
. References
O Cb[ecL CrlenLed Modellng and eslgn wlLh uMLMlchael 8laha !ames 8ambaugh
O SofLware nglneerlng SevenLh dlLlon lan Sommervllle
O l8M 8ed 8ooks
O l8M 1CMC Sample Synopsls
O l8M wwwlbmln/developerworks
O !ava wwwsuncom
O Jlklpedla lklpeJlonm
O aLabase ManagemenL SysLems navaLhe
O CompleLe 8eference !2 keogh

.8 Uverview
1he resL of Lhls S8S ls organlzed as follows SecLlon 2 glves an overall descrlpLlon of Lhe
sofLware lL glves whaL level of proflclency ls expecLed of Lhe user some general consLralnLs
whlle maklng Lhe sofLware and some assumpLlons and dependencles LhaL are assumed SecLlon
3 glves speclflc requlremenLs whlch Lhe sofLware ls expecLed Lo dellver luncLlonal requlremenLs
are glven by varlous use cases Some performance requlremenLs and deslgn consLralnLs are also

|st|ng System
O 8eglsLraLlon for users
O lscusslon forum
O no chaLLlng wlndow
O 8emoLe area users and people who doesnL have knowledge of lnLerneL cannoL use Lhe sysLem
roposed System
O 8eglsLraLlon for sLudenL faculLy
O moderaLor help Lhe sLudenL who doesnL have knowledge of lnLerneL Lo use Lhe sysLem
Cur fn
O 8eglsLraLlon for users
O Cnllne malnLenance of arLlcles
O download of arLlcles
Cnllne College Magazlne
O Cnllne commenL faclllLy
O arLlcles revlews and raLlngs for docLor
Uverall Description
Product perspective
CCM ls almed Lowards Lhe sLudenL who wanL Lo reach ouL Lo Lhe maxlmum peoples aLLracLlon
Loward Lhelr arL who have poLenLlal 1hls pro[ecL envlsages brldglng Lhe gap beLween Lhe
sLudenL and faculLy CCM should be userfrlendly 'qulck Lo learn' and rellable sofLware for Lhe
above purpose CCM ls lnLended Lo be a sLandalone producL and should noL depend on Lhe
avallablllLy of oLher sofLware lL should run on boLh unlx and Jlndows based plaLform

Cnllne College Magazlne

ArLlcle Manager
College Magazlne
Cnllne College Magazlne

. Software Interface
C|ent on Internet
Jeb 8rowser CperaLlng SysLem (any)
C|ent on Intrfnet
Jeb 8rowser CperaLlng SysLem (any)
We Server
JASC CperaLlng SysLem (any)
ftf fse Server
82 CperaLlng SysLem (any)
eveopment nd
8A (!2 !ava !ava 8ean ServleLs P1ML xML A!Ax) 82 CS (Jlndows)
Jeb Sphere(Jeb Server)
. Hardware Interface
M|n|mum kequ|rements
Client Side
rocessor kAM |sk Spfce
Z`eiZe` Exploiei -
lnLel enLlum lll or AM
800 MPz
128 M8 100 M8
Server Side
rocessor kAM |sk Spfce
lnLel enLlum lll or AM
800 MPz
1 C8 33 C8
BB - 9. 236 M8
300 M8
(xcludlng aLa
kecommended kequ|rements
Client Side
rocessor kAM |sk Spfce
Cnllne College Magazlne
Z`eiZe` Exploiei - All lnLel or AM 1 CPZ 236 M8 100 M8
Web cam 30 Megaplxel Camera
Server Side
rocessor kAM |sk Spfce
All lnLel or AM 2 CPZ
2 C8 33 C8
BB - 9. 312 M8
300 M8
(xcludlng aLa

. Communication Interface
O CllenL (cusLomer) on lnLerneL wlll be uslng P11/P11S proLocol
O CllenL (sysLem user) on lnLerneL wlll be uslng P11/P11S proLocol

. Constraints
O Cul ls only ln ngllsh
O Logln and password ls used for Lhe ldenLlflcaLlon of users
O Cnly reglsLered paLlenLs and docLors wlll be auLhorlzed Lo use Lhe servlces
O LlmlLed Lo P11/P11S

Cnllne College Magazlne
M_conLacL A_passw
1lme aLe

Cnllne College Magazlne
A8CPl1C1u8 lAC8AM
Logln ul
8eglsLraLlon ul
Search ul
ComplalnL ul
ALlCA1lCn LA?8 8u

.9 Database Design

Cnllne College Magazlne

.Specific RequiiemeZ`s
. Use Case Reports
uS CAS lAC8AM lC8 S1un1

CS1 reglsLer

Log In 1he SLudenL has Lo log ln order Lo
V|e prof|e very reglsLered SLudenL has hls/her own proflle conLalnlng personal deLalls
Dpdfte prof|e 1he SLudenL has Lhe opLlon Lo updaLe hls/her own proflle
Crefte prof|e 1he sLudenL can creaLe hls/her own proflle
V|e prof|e 1he sLudenL can vlew hls/her proflle
post 1he sLudenL can posL arLlcle
comment 1he sLudenL can commenL on a parLlcular arLlcle
Interfct |th ffcuty 1he sLudenL can lnLeracL wlLh faculLy
I|e compf|nt 1he sLudenL can flle complalnL Lo moderaLor
W|thdrf compf|nt 1he sLudenL has opLlon Lo wlLhdraw hls/her complalnL
V|e threfd 1he sLudenL can download a arLlcle ln hls/her deslred formaL
feedfck 1he sLudenL can glve hls/her feedback on Lhe arLlcle
kece|ve mf| 1he sLudenL can recelve mall
Sefrch 1he SLudenL can search for a parLlcular arLlcle ln webslLe by enLerlng Lhe keyword

uS CAS lAC8AM lC8 laculLy

9 Page 13


Log In 1he laculLy has Lo log ln order Lo
V|e prof|e very reglsLered laculLy has hls/her own proflle conLalnlng personal deLalls
Dpdfte prof|e 1he faculLy has Lhe opLlon Lo updaLe hls/her own proflle
Crefte prof|e 1he faculLy can creaLe hls/her own proflle
V|e prof|e 1he faculLy can vlew hls/her proflle
post 1he faculLy can posL arLlcle
comment 1he faculLy can commenL on a parLlcular arLlcle
Interfct |th ffcuty 1he faculLy can lnLeracL wlLh faculLy
I|e compf|nt 1he faculLy can flle complalnL Lo moderaLor
W|thdrf compf|nt 1he faculLy has opLlon Lo wlLhdraw hls/her complalnL
V|e threfd 1he faculLy can download a arLlcle ln hls/her deslred formaL
feedfck 1he faculLy can glve hls/her feedback on Lhe arLlcle
kece|ve mf| 1he faculLy can recelve mall
Sefrch 1he faculLy can search for a parLlcular arLlcle ln webslLe by enLerlng Lhe keyword

uS lAC8AM lC8 MC8A1C8

9 Page 14

Log |n 1he moderaLor has Lo log ln ln order Lo sLarL begln hls work
V|e prof|e very reglsLered moderaLor has hls/her own proflle conLalnlng personal and professlonal
Dpdfte prof|e 1he moderaor has Lhe opLlon Lo updaLe hls/her own proflle
post 1he faculLy can posL arLlcle
V|es frt|ces 1he moderaLor can vlew arLlcle
V|es ogs 1he moderaLor can vlew logs
Mfnfge frt|ce 1he moderaLor can accepL or re[ecL a arLlcle
Approvf from fdm|n 1he moderaLor should geL approval from Lhe admln
Clve feedback 1he moderaoL can glve feedback of Lhe prLlcular arLlcle Lo Lhe deslred member
V|e compf|nts 1he moderaLor can vlew complalnLs
Generfte report 1he moderaoL can creaLe a new reporL and send lL Lo admlnlsLraLor
Crefte ne post 1he kM can creaLe a new posL ln a newly creaLed or already presenL Lhread
Sefrch 1he moderaLor can search for a parLlcular lLem ln webslLe by enLerlng Lhe keyword
uS CAS lAC8AM lC8 AMln

9 Page 13

og |n 1he admln has Lo log ln ln order Lo sLarL begln hls work
V|e prof|e Admln has hls/her own proflle conLalnlng personal and professlonal deLalls
Dpdfte prof|e 1he admln has Lhe opLlon Lo updaLe hls/her own proflle
V|e reports 1he admln can vlew reporLs senL by moderaLor
Generfte reports 1he admln can generaLe reporLs
1he admln wlll auLhenLlcaLe moderaLor
V|e compf|nt 1he admln vlews Lhe complalnL senL by oLher users
1fke fct|on 1he admln can Lake necessary acLlons
1fke fckup 1he admln can Lake backup of Lhe sysLem
eete users 1he admln ls glven Lhe opLlon Lo deleLe Lhe users
Send mf| 1he admln can send mall
kece|ve messfge 1he admln can recelve prlvaLe messages from paLlenLs kMs and docLors
V|e threfd 1he admln can vlew already creaLed Lhread ln a dlscusslon forum
Crefte threfd 1he admln can creaLe a new Lhread ln a dlscusslon forum
V|e ogs 1he admln can vlew logs senL by moderaLor
Sefrch 1he admln can search for a parLlcular lLem ln webslLe by enLerlng Lhe keyword

9 Page 16
. Index

9 Page 17
AbbrevlaLlons 3
Acronyms 3
AdmlnlsLraLor 16
A!Ax 7 13
Analysls 3 eslgn 18
CllenL on lnLerneL 8
CllenL on lnLraneL 8
CommunlcaLlon 11
ComplalnLs 3
ConsLralnLs 11
ConsLrucLlon 4

aLa 8ase 13
82 3 6
eflnlLlons 3
evelopmenL nd 8
rawbacks 8
ocLor 413

laboraLlon 4
8 lagram 12
xlsLlng SysLem 8

Pardware 10
PealLh 8ecord 10
P1ML 8
P11 38
P11S 8
lncepLlon 3
lnLerface 91011
lnLroducLlon 4
!2 3 13
!ava 6
!S 36
moderaLor 4
mod 3 13
Medlcal xpenses 3
MeLhodology 4
CperaLlng SysLem 6 8
Cur lan 8
Cverall 9
Cvervlew 8

roducL erspecLlve 9
roposed SysLem 8
urpose 4
8A 6
8eferences 7
8eporLs 4
8aLlonal unlfled rocess 3
Scope 4
Sequence 30
SofLware 9
1ranslLlon 4
1echnologles 7
usecase 13 16
uML 3
onllne college magazle 4
vMP 4 3
JASC 3 6

9 Page 18

Special Tbanks

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delete the image and then insert it again.

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