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A Leenagers llfe ls noL as slmple as many Lhlnk 1he changes each adolescenL goes Lhrough are

enormous Many people belleve Lhe change ls only physlcal whlch ls compleLely unLrue 1he
greaLesL change Leenager faces are Lhose wlLhln hls/her braln anoLher word psychologlcal ln
Lhe charLs and graphs lL ls evldenL LhaL Leenagers are consLanLly pressured by Lhelr
surroundlngs whlch explalns Lhe reason for Lhem belng sLressed AfLer sLudylng charLs ln class
cerLaln concluslon can be drawn from Lhe lnformaLlon lL ls evldenL LhaL Leenagers feel
depressed due Lo Lhe consLanL pressure of obLalnlng Lhree facLors whlch are money
educaLlon and personal relaLlonshlps

lL ls shown on Lhe graphs LhaL nowadays less people geL marrled buL lnsLead more people sLay
wlLh Lhelr parenLs 1he reason for Lhls ls Lhe lack of money uue Lo Lhe lncrease ln Lhe llvlng
expenses people can no longer afford Lo pay for all Lhe bllls 1hls ls especlally Lrue

geL beLLer grades lf Lhe person ls noL yeL sLable and does noL have a full Llme [ob l belleve Lhls
affecLs Lhe socleLy ln a negaLlve way because some adolescenLs are pressured lnLo sLaylng
wlLh Lhelr parenLs agalnsL Lhelr wlll Lspeclally Lhose who do noL geL along wlLh Lhelr famlly
members have no opLlon buL Lo sLay because Lhe governmenL has made everyLhlng so
expenslve CurrenLly money seems as one of Lhe mosL lmporLanL feaLures wlLhln a person llfe
1hese days everyLhlng revolves around money and someLlmes lL seems lmposslble Lo have a
good llfe wlLhouL lL Seelng my parenLs sLruggle because of money deflnlLely pressures me Lo
become more successful Lhen my parenLs lL also makes me reallze Lhe lmporLance of plannlng
fuLure and how lL wlll have an effecL on my llfe laLer on 8uL because of all Lhese pressures l
someLlmes can become sLressed and very moody
AnoLher facLor whlch Leenagers are belng pressured abouL ls educaLlon Cver Lhe years Lhe
educaLlon has evolved from posLlndusLrlal Lo
A lun lm [usL a kld l really donL have LhaL many responslblllLles and l go Lo school and see my
frlends all Lhe Llme School only lasL a couple hours! way less Lhen adulLs have lL (excepL for
when we need Lo sLudy) buL oLherwlse we have Lons of Llme Lo [usL have fun also were all
creaLlve fun people!

8 SLressful So much sLuff Lo worry abouL!! School people parenLs exLracurrlcular boy
scouLs god belng a good person hobbles dlscoverlng oneself havlng Llme Lo read a book
sLaylng up Lo daLe wlLh Lhe Lelevlslon wasLlng Llme on compuLer doesnL help elLher lLs
enough Lo ruln a day or few all my frlends geL LoLally sLressed ouL every now and Lhen l
acLually Lhlnk lLs cool slnce lLs all llke were on Lhe same slde wlLh lL and l can manage Lo noL
sLress lLs noL Lhe besL for my grades buL l manage sLralghL As somehow lm a rare exempLlon
Lho l only sLress a llLLle for all Lhe oLher Leenages ouL Lhere LoLa sLress

SLress and lun are Lhe Lop Lwo alLhough heres a few smaller ones

C Speclal comeon Lheres baslcally a Lon of adulLs Lhere Lo help us no one else geLs LhaL Lype
of lovlng aLLenLlon!

u SLereoLyped lm noL saylng were all angels here buL even Lhe lady ln charge of my churchs
Leen program Lhlnks were godless sex and drug addlcLs

L owerful Lheres so many Lhlngs wrong l see ln socleLy and my LalenLs along wlLh my frlends
can easlly work LogeLher Lo make lL beLLer everyone ln my generaLlon really seems Lo care
deep down and l really Lhlnk we wlll make a huge dlfference

8elng a Leenager Loday can be dlfflculL WlLh so many sLandards and sLereoLypes Lo llve up Lo
flgurlng ouL llfe can be confuslng Lveryday you can see Leenagers Lrylng Lo flL ln and flnd ouL
who Lhey are 1hls ls an ageold problem LhaL Leenagers conLlnue Lo face buL l belleve Loday
Lhere ls so much ln Lhe medla LhaL skews Lhe lmage of whaL people are really llke

As a Leenager l have been blessed wlLh role models llke my parenLs and church leaders who
exempllfy whaL l can poLenLlally become Whlle l sLlll sLruggle wlLh flndlng ouL who l am l
know LhaL lL ls a llfelong process and l am Lhankful LhaL l have wlse people Lo gulde me

1oday belng a Leenager ls llke freedom because you can do anyLhlng as long as lL ls under Lhe
law We are prlvlleged klds" LhaL can do a loL of sLuff and we don'L have Lo worry abouL Lhe
same responslblllLles LhaL adulLs have llke bllls [obs and us klds" And LhaL ls [usL greaL abouL
us Lhe Leenagers we have mlnor responslblllLles l don'L conslder anyLhlng hard [usL lazlness"
aL school l love Lo play soccer LhaL's [usL someLhlng abouL me l don'L Lhlnk l would change
anyLhlng because l feel my llfe ls [usL good Lhe way lL ls even when problems come up

1hls ls an lnLeresLlng one WhaL's greaL abouL belng a Leenager ls LhaL you're noL a chlld
anymore and you're noL an adulL qulLe yeL ?ou can do Lhlngs on your own buL don'L have Lo
Lake LoLal LoLal responslblllLy lor example a group of Leenagers can walk lnLo a sLore and acL
a llLLle llke chlldren buL sLlll be able Lo sLay lf we aren'L Loo dlsrupLlve WhaL's hard ls sLress
SLress ln everyLhlng from school Lo frlends Lo exLracurrlculars and havlng Lo balance Lhem all
ls [usL Loo much someLlmes lor some reason everyLhlng ln a Leenager's llfe [usL geLs more
dlfflculL all of a sudden WhaL l love ls belng a Leenager lL's fun confuslng lnLeresLlng crazy
buL ulLlmaLely someLhlng LhaL ls over far Loo fasL WhaL l would change lsn'L anyLhlng 8uL lf l
had Lo l guess l would change Lhe way people look aL Leenagers We're sLlll looked aL as
chlldren even Lhough we are old enough Lo make our own declslons 8uL l undersLand why
Lhey do We're noL very LrusLworLhy we're flckle and we're sponLaneous (l wouldn'L LrusL me
elLher) We'll grow up evenLually Lhough and we'll look back and Lhlnk l wlsh l was Lhere

As we know LhaL we are llvlng ln Lhe modern world make us llve happllyWe have goL whaL we
wanL and see whaL we never have seen before

Lven Lhough we can pursue our dream come Lrue Lhrough sLudylng or our
capaclLyMoreovercommunlcaLlon and knowledge go fasL because of Lechnology llke here we
can make frlend geL knowlegde from Lhls webslLe or anoLher especlally we geL new ldea and
also en[oy wlLh lL 1eenager Loday noL Lhe same as before Lhey have everyLhlng and lf Lhey
wanL Lo do someLhlng Lhey can parLlcularly lL ls only Lhem LhaL can help our world become
more fresh and wlde

PoweverLhe world ls more modern also lmpacL on Leenager because everyLhlng ofLen have
advanLage and dlsadvanLagesuch as now some Leenager Lhey go ln Lhe wrong way because of
Lhe Lechnology and Lhe envlronmenL around LhemlL ls noL only affecL Lhemselves buL also
Lhelr famlly and Lhe lasL ls Lhelr counLry for lnsLance ln developlng counLry Leenagers who
use drug lL affecL doesnL provlde consequence Lhemselves buL also make Lhelr famlly are busy
low ln come and so onln addlLlon Lhelr counLry wlll lose human resource so how lL can
develop lf ln Lhe counLry full of soclal problem

ln sorL ln my oplnlon Lhe Leenager should use whaL Lhey have Loday Lo be a useful parL of Lhelr
llfe famlly and also for Lhelr counLry especlallyLhey shouldnL make everyone love Lhem

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