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1uLorMarked AsslgnmenL 01
CutCff Date 1S December 2011
1oLal Marks 100
CuesLlon 1 (30 marks)3
CuesLlon 2 (13 marks)6
CuesLlon 3 (13 marks)6
CuesLlon 4 (20 marks)7
CuesLlon 3 (20 marks)7
|ag|ar|sm Warn|ng
As per ACu rules and regulaLlons all sLudenLs are requlred Lo submlL Lhelr own 1MA work and
avold plaglarlsm 1he ACu has lmplemenLed sophlsLlcaLed Lechnlques for plaglarlsm deLecLlon
?ou musL provlde all references ln case you use and quoLe anoLher persons work ln your 1MA
?ou wlll be penallzed for any acL of plaglarlsm as per Lhe ACus rules and regulaLlons
Dec|arat|on of No |ag|ar|sm by Student (to be s|gned and subm|tted by student w|th 1MA
l hereby declare LhaL Lhls submlLLed 1MA work ls a resulL of my own efforLs and l have noL
plaglarlzed any oLher persons work l have provlded all references of lnformaLlon LhaL l have
used and quoLed ln my 1MA work
name of SLudenL


acu|ty of Comput|ng Stud|es Leve| 2
M2S3 1eam work|ng |n d|str|buted env|ronments

M||estone 01
(1utormarked ass|gnment 1MA 01)
1hls AcLlvlLy SheeL MllesLone 01 conLalns Lhe flve quesLlons LhaL comprlse Lhls LuLor marked
asslgnmenL (1MA 01)
8efore submlLLlng your compleLed 1MA 01 check LhaL you have lncluded a copy of Lhe relevanL
documenLaLlon prepared by your Leam as well as your own lndlvldual submlsslon
1he marks allocaLed Lo each quesLlon are glven ln brackeLs ln Lhe margln

M||estone 01
8y MllesLone 01 you should have compleLed Lhe acLlvlLles seL ouL ln Lhe '1ask' secLlon of Lhls
AcLlvlLy SheeL As a resulL of Lhese acLlvlLles you should be ln a poslLlon Lo submlL your
responses Lo Lhe quesLlons posed ln Lhe 'uellverables' secLlon of Lhls AcLlvlLy SheeL ?ou wlll be
expecLed as a Leam Lo have produced responses Lo quesLlons 2 3 4 and 3 ?ou wlll also be
expecLed as an lndlvldual Lo have produced responses Lo quesLlon 1 havlng reflecLed on Lhe
processes LhaL led Lo your Leam response
l suggesL LhaL you refer Lo Lhe scenarlo durlng Lhe Lwo parLs of Lhe mllesLone Lo ensure LhaL you
are addresslng your acLlvlLles approprlaLely Lo Lhe scenarlo ?ou should remlnd yourself of Lhe
'8oad map for uslng Lhe scenarlo' and Lhe oLher guldance glven ln Lhe Scenarlo AcLlvlLy SheeL
1he Lask descrlbed ln Lhls secLlon comprlses Lhe flrsL seL of acLlvlLles LhaL you need Lo compleLe
as lndlvlduals and as a Leam ln order Lo achleve Lhe learnlng ouLcomes of Lhe course 1hls Lask ls
ln Lhe naLure of a scoplng exerclse ?ou wlll be asked Lo lnvesLlgaLe Lhe 'problem domaln' by
looklng aL Lhe 'real world' slLuaLlon ln whlch a proposed sysLem ls Lo be locaLed and conslderlng
Lhe requlremenLs of Lhe varlous poLenLlal users of Lhe sysLem 1he flrsL Lhlng you should do lf
you have noL done so already ls read Lhe Scenarlo AcLlvlLy SheeL Lo acqualnL yourself wlLh Lhe
appllcaLlon area LhaL we have chosen as a focus for your acLlvlLles durlng Lhe resL of Lhls course
ln Lhls course we wlll ask you Lo conslder Lhe requlremenLs (or needs) of Lhe varlous

sLakeholders We do noL expecL you Lo use any formal noLaLlon for Lhese requlremenLs you
should descrlbe Lhem ln language LhaL would be clearly undersLood by Lhe cllenL
We wanL your Leam Lo lnvesLlgaLe and Lo reporL back on whaL sLakeholders are lnvolved and
whaL requlremenLs Lhey have LhaL you Lhlnk an ldeal sysLem for Lhls appllcaLlon area should
meeL and Lo declde whlch of Lhese requlremenLs are Lhe mosL lmporLanL 1he scenarlo ls by
lnLenLlon raLher vague Where you ldenLlfy any uncerLalnLles or need Lo make any assumpLlons
you should lnclude Lhls ln your Leam dlscusslon
8emember for Lhls flrsL Lask we wanL you Lo focus on whaL such a sysLem should provlde raLher
Lhan how lL should provlde lL We do noL wanL you Lo spend Loo much Llme aL Lhls sLage of Lhe
pro[ecL Lhlnklng abouL soluLlons such as Lhe appearance or Lhe deLalled operaLlon of Lhe
sysLem 1hls ls an lmporLanL polnL Lo noLe slnce compuLlng sLudenLs more ofLen Lhan noL fall
lnLo Lhe LempLaLlon of golng sLralghL for 'how' Lhey are golng Lo solve problems before Lhey
have clarlfled 'whaL' Lhe acLual problems are LhaL Lhey are Lrylng Lo solve! ln carrylng ouL Lhls
Lask you mlghL flnd lL parLlcularly useful Lo refer Lo Lhe 8esource SheeLs enLlLled 1he sysLems
approach Speclfylng requlremenLs and ro[ecL plannlng and schedullng"

Act|v|ty 1 (ulscussed ln MllesLone1 forum cuLoff daLe end of week 4)

ln order Lo compleLe Lhls scoplng Lask we wanL each of you as lndlvlduals Lo read some
relevanL lnformaLlon from whaLever sources you choose for example ellbrary brochures and
magazlnes webslLes oplnlons gaLhered from oLher people LhaL wlll provlde you wlLh raw
maLerlal on whlch Lo base your subsequenL analysls

?ou should make a llsL of all Lhe people who you Lhlnk could be regarded as sLakeholders ln Lhe
sysLem ln Lhe sense LhaL Lhey are llkely Lo be lnvolved ln or affecLed by lLs developmenL or use
?ou should also ldenLlfy flve lmporLanL requlremenLs LhaL Lhe varlous sLakeholders may have
(each sLakeholder may have several requlremenLs and you may ldenLlfy requlremenLs LhaL
'belong' Lo more Lhan one sLakeholder)

Act|v|ty 2 (ulscussed ln MllesLone1 forum cuLoff daLe end of week 3)
Pere you should look aL everyone else's llsLs and compare Lhem wlLh yours ln Lerms of boLh
Lhelr conLenLs and Lhe order of Lhe lLems LhaL Lhey conLaln Popefully many of Lhe lLems
ldenLlfled wlll be Lhe same ln dlfferenL llsLs alLhough Lhe order of lmporLance of Lhese lLems
may well be very dlfferenL

WhaL we wanL you Lo do nexL ls operaLe as a Leam Lo agree and apply a seL of crlLerla Lo declde
Lhe flve mosL lmporLanL requlremenLs and Lhe order ln whlch Lhey should be placed ln addlLlon
we would llke you Lo agree some [usLlflcaLlon for boLh Lhe lncluslon and Lhe orderlng as well as
agree an explanaLlon for Lhe excluslon of oLher lLems


Act|v|ty 3 (ulscussed ln MllesLone1 forum cuLoff daLe end of week 6)
As a Leam you need Lo come Lo a common agreemenL abouL and [usLlflcaLlon of whaL ma[or
subsysLems you would lnclude ln Lhe proposed sysLem lrom Lhese you should choose as a
Leam Lhe Lwo mosL lmporLanL subsysLems from Lhose LhaL you have ldenLlfled

Act|v|ty 4 (ulscussed ln MllesLone1 forum cuLoff daLe end of week 7)
Make Lwo groups ln each Leam Lach group should analyze one of Lhe Lwo subsysLems LhaL have
been ldenLlfled 1hls wlll lnvolve deLermlnlng lndlvldually (ln each group) whlch requlremenLs of
whlch sLakeholder Lhe nomlnaLed subsysLem wlll address Pavlng made your lndlvldual llsLs of
suggesLlons you should Lhen posL your suggesLlons Lo Lhe group members wlLh whom you are
cooperaLlng on Lhe subsysLems allocaLed Lo your group so LhaL you can compare your llsLs and
agree on a common llsL for Lhe subsysLem

All agreed llsLs should Lhen be made avallable Lo Lhe whole Leam

A flnal Leam documenL should be produced showlng all Lhe chosen subsysLems and Lhe way Lhey
wlll address Lhe requlremenLs of Lhe sLakeholders

Act|v|ty S (ulscussed ln MllesLone1 forum cuLoff daLe end of week 8)
ln your Leam we would also llke you Lo ldenLlfy prlnclples of webslLe deslgn LhaL address lssues
of accesslblllLy 1he 'useful llnks' secLlon aL Lhe end of Lhls documenL provldes a sLarLlng polnL

Act|v|ty 6 (ulscussed ln MllesLone1 forum cuLoff daLe end of week 9)
As a Leam you need Lo come Lo a common agreemenL abouL Lhe conLenLs of Lhe home page
and Lhe naLure of Lhe seL of pages LhaL wlll be dlrecLly accesslble from lL We would expecL you
Lo ldenLlfy aL leasL four pages lL would be senslble Lo check LhaL your proposed webslLe deslgn
ls conslsLenL wlLh Lhe subsysLems LhaL you earller ldenLlfled as lmporLanL for your varlous

1he responslblllLy for deLermlnlng whaL should be dlsplayed on each page should be allocaLed Lo
group ln Lhe Leam 8earrange Lhe members of Lhe Lwo groups so LhaL each group should be wlLh
a dlfferenL fellow member of Lhe Leam Lach group wlll need Lo work on Lwo pages A polnL Lo
noLe ln Lhls conLexL changlng parLners frequenLly ls one of Lhe mechanlsms LhaL Lhe recenL
developmenL of exLreme rogrammlng (x) uses Lo ensure LhaL ln sofLware developmenL Leam
sLandards are adhered Lo and Lhe effecLs of lndlvldual ldlosyncrasles are kepL Lo a mlnlmum

Act|v|ty 7 (ulscussed ln MllesLone1 forum cuLoff daLe end of week 10)
?ou should analyze each proposed pages LhaL has been allocaLed Lo you by Lhe Leam 1hls wlll
lnvolve deLermlnlng lndlvldually Lhe conLenL LhaL you Lhlnk lL needs Lo dlsplay and Lhe way ln
whlch Lhls conLenL wlll be presenLed ?ou should noLe down Lhe reasons for Lhe lLems LhaL you
lnclude on your allocaLed pages and Lhe way Lhey wlll be presenLed

Pavlng made your lndlvldual llsLs of suggesLlons you should Lhen posL your suggesLlons Lo Lhe
group members wlLh whom you are cooperaLlng on each of Lhe pages allocaLed Lo your group
so LhaL you can compare your suggesLlons and agree on a common descrlpLlon of whaL should
be dlsplayed on each page and how lL should be dlsplayed

All agreed page descrlpLlons should Lhen be made avallable Lo Lhe whole Leam

Act|v|ty 8 (ulscussed ln MllesLone1 forum cuLoff daLe end of week 11)
When all Lhe page descrlpLlons have been agreed and submlLLed Lo Lhe Leam Lhey should be
comblned lnLo a slngle documenL LhaL presenLs Lhe Leam's concluslons abouL Lhe naLure and
conLenL of Lhe Lop Lwo layers/subsysLems of your proposed webslLe
lease noLe LhaL we are noL asklng you Lo provlde a worklng webslLe and LhaL Lhere wlll be no
exLra marks avallable for Lhe creaLlon of a flashy fronLend Lo your proposed sysLem Powever
you may flnd lL easler Lo descrlbe your concluslons wlLh reference Lo screen shoLs of mockup
web pages or some oLher form of dlagrammaLlc represenLaLlon and lf anyone ln your Leam has
Lhe approprlaLe skllls Lhen lL would be senslble Lo make use of Lhem ln Lhls conLexL

Act|v|ty 9 (ulscussed ln MllesLone1 forum cuLoff daLe end of week 11)
ln your Leam we would llke you Lo provlde for Lhe beneflL of your cllenLs a brlef Leam reporL on
Lhe work you have underLaken and Lhe concluslons you have reached abouL Lhe varlous aspecLs
of Lhe sysLem LhaL you have lnvesLlgaLed durlng Lhls pro[ecL 1he naLure of Lhls reporL ls furLher
descrlbed below ln CuesLlon 4 of Lhls AcLlvlLy SheeL ?ou mlghL flnd lL useful Lo refer Lo Lhe
8esource SheeL WrlLlng a reporL before" aLLempLlng Lhls acLlvlLy

AL Lhe end of Week 11 (13 uecember 2011) each of you should submlL Lo your LuLor vla Lhe
LMS one MS Word flle conLalnlng answers Lo Lhe quesLlons seL ouL below Answers of quesLlons
2 3 4 and 3 wlll be Lhe resulLs of your Leam acLlvlLles and answer of quesLlon 1 wlll be Lhe
resulLs of your lndlvldual reflecLlon on Lhose acLlvlLles

uest|on 1 (30 marks) Ind|v|dua| response persona| ref|ect|on
ln Lhls quesLlon we expecL you Lo glve an accuraLe accounL of varlous aspecLs of Lhe Leam work
and Lo reflecL on how you as an lndlvldual have underLaken Lhe varlous acLlvlLles and whaL
your learnlng from Lhem has been ?ou should use evldence from a range of sources Lo supporL
your response

(a) uescrlbe Lhe role elLher formal or lnformal LhaL you have underLaken wlLhln Lhe Leam 1o
whaL exLenL do you feel you have been able Lo underLake Lhls role? 13

(b) uescrlbe Lhe negoLlaLlon and declslonmaklng process LhaL occurred wlLhln your Leam Pow
was Lhls organlzed? 13

1he answer Lo Lhls quesLlon should be no more Lhan 300 words ln LoLal lL should represenL your
lndlvldual reflecLlon on Lhe processes underLaken ln your Leam acLlvlLles

1hls quesLlon assesses your ablllLy Lo reflecL on Lhe way LhaL you operaLed as a member of Lhe
Leam durlng Lhe acLlvlLles underLaken whllsL worklng Lowards Lhe flrsL pro[ecL mllesLone lL ls
lnLended Lo glve you Lhe opporLunlLy as an lndlvldual Lo reflecL consLrucLlvely on your
experlence of worklng as a member of a Leam and on Lhe acLlvlLles LhaL you have underLaken
durlng Lhe flrsL phase of Lhe pro[ecL and Lo express your feellngs abouL Lhe process and Lhe
producLs ?ou should make references Lo course maLerlals and lnclude evldence Lo supporL your


uest|on 2 (1S marks) 1eam response product
?our answer Lo Lhls quesLlon should Lake Lhe form of a formal progress reporL for Lhls mllesLone
1hls reporL may be seen by Lhe cllenL aL a laLer sLage ?ou should Lherefore adopL Lhe
approprlaLe level of formallLy and avold [argon or overLechnlcal Lermlnology
lL requlres Lhe Leam noL only Lo provlde an agreed llsL buL also Lo provlde a reasoned
explanaLlon for Lhe lncluslon and orderlng of Lhe lLems ln LhaL llsL and Lherefore for Lhe
excluslon of oLher requlremenLs

(a) WhaL sLakeholders have been ldenLlfled? 3

(b) LlsL Lhe Lop flve prlorlLy requlremenLs (ln descendlng order) LhaL you have ldenLlfled for Lhls
cllenL Clve reasons for Lhls cholce and for Lhe order of Lhe llsL 10
1he answer Lo Lhls quesLlon should be no more Lhan 200 words ln LoLal lL should be a copy of a
shared documenL LhaL has been agreed by Lhe Leam as a resulL of Lhe acLlvlLles underLaken ln
Lhls flrsL phase of Lhe course

1hls quesLlon ls lnLended Lo assess Lhe work resulLlng from Lhe acLlvlLles LhaL you underLook as a
Leam Lo produce an agreed llsL of Lhe mosL lmporLanL sLakeholder requlremenLs for Lhe
proposed sysLem lndlrecLly Lhe quesLlon also assesses Lhe Leam's ablllLy Lo lndlvldually gaLher
and analyze lnformaLlon ln relaLlon Lo a speclfled problem presenL Lhe flndlngs Lo oLher
members of a Leam deLermlne collecLlvely Lhe mosL lmporLanL aspecLs of Lhe problem and
collaboraLe on reachlng and presenLlng a common soluLlon Lo a problem uslng elecLronlc
conferenclng as a medlum

uest|on 3 (1S marks) 1eam response process
lor Lhe company presenLed ln Lhe scenarlo Lhe managemenL ls lnLeresLed ln how Lhls Leam ls
worklng and wlsh for a reflecLlve reporL 1hls wlll noL be shown Lo Lhe cllenL and consequenLly
may be less formal lL should lnclude ldenLlflcaLlon of good and less good pracLlce so far and
make suggesLlons for how Lhe Leam wlll lmprove Lhelr performance for Lhe nexL mllesLone

(a) Pow was Lhe Leam organlzed ln order Lo carry ouL Lhe acLlvlLles necessary Lo produce Lhe
producL dellverables requlred for Lhls mllesLone? 3

(b) WhaL organlzaLlonal problems were encounLered and how were Lhey resolved? 10
1he answer Lo Lhls quesLlon should be no more Lhan 200 words ln LoLal

1he quesLlon ls lnLended Lo glve Lhe Leam Lhe opporLunlLy Lo reflecL and reporL on Lhe way ln
whlch lL carrled ouL Lhe varlous acLlvlLles wlLhln Lhe Llmescale seL ouL for Lhe pro[ecL ?ou should
conslder Lhe effecLlveness of Lhe way ln whlch Lhe Leam was organlzed and Lhe way ln whlch
members communlcaLed and collaboraLed wlLh each oLher ln underLaklng Lhe acLlvlLles and
produclng Lhe requlred producL dellverables ln Llme

1he quesLlon assesses Lhe Leams ablllLy Lo complle and presenL a sLrucLured and coherenL
reporL on Lhe way ln whlch Lhe Leam operaLed whllsL underLaklng Lhe acLlvlLles requlred by Lhls


uest|on 4 (20 marks) 1eam response report
?our answer should Lake Lhe form of a shorL reporL based on Lhe Leam acLlvlLles and declslons
made durlng Lhe whole pro[ecL lL should brlng LogeLher Lhe resulLs of your acLlvlLles ln a form
LhaL could be presenLed Lo Lhe cllenL as an lnlLlal proposal for Lhe new sysLem Lhey need ln
order Lo manage Lhelr buslness more effecLlvely 1hls should be conslsLenL wlLh sLakeholder
requlremenLs and subsysLems buL lL ls noL necessary Lo address each ln Lhe same level of deLall

1he sLyle of your reporL and use of Lermlnology should be such LhaL Lhe reporL could be
presenLed Lo Lhe cllenL lf Lhe company approves lL ?ou should Lherefore ensure LhaL lL ls
selfconLalned and readlly undersLandable by Lhe cllenL

1he reporL should answer Lhe followlng quesLlon
WhaL are your Leam's overall recommendaLlons Lo Lhe cllenL aL Lhls sLage of your lnvesLlgaLlons
lnLo Lhelr problem as descrlbed ln Lhe orlglnal Scenarlo AcLlvlLy SheeL? 20

1he answer Lo Lhls quesLlon should be no more Lhan 300 words ln LoLal
1he quesLlon assesses your ablllLy Lo prepare and presenL a reporL aL an approprlaLe level for a
cllenL brlnglng LogeLher Lhe concluslons LhaL your Leam has reached whllsL underLaklng Lhe
varlous phases of Lhe pro[ecL

uest|on S (20 marks) 1eam response des|gn
?our answer Lo Lhls quesLlon ls Lhe flnal progress reporL for Lhls mllesLone lL should be dlrecLed
Lo Lhe company and noL Lo Lhe cllenL alLhough Lhe cllenL wlll see lL and lL should Lherefore be
undersLandable by Lhe cllenL ln parLlcular lL requlres Lhe Leam Lo reporL on Lhe resulLs of your
conslderaLlon of Lhe conLenL and presenLaLlon of a webslLe lnLerface for Lhe sysLem LhaL you
proposed ?ou should lnclude brlef reasons for your cholces of conLenL and deslgn

1he reporL should answer Lhe followlng quesLlon

(a) ldenLlfy up Lo flve aspecLs of good pracLlce LhaL should be followed when conslderlng
accesslblllLy lssues for a webslLe lnLerface Clve only a senLence or Lwo for each 3

(b) WhaL are Lhe lmpllcaLlons of Lhe uaLa roLecLlon AcL for your proposed sysLem? 3

(c) WhaL are your Leam's proposals for Lhe home page of Lhe webslLe for your proposed sysLem
and for Lhe 4 pages dlrecLly accesslble from Lhe home page? 10

1he answer Lo Lhls quesLlon should be no more Lhan 300 words ln LoLal ln addlLlon Lo any
Lables dlagrams or screenshoLs lllusLraLlng your answer

1he quesLlon also assesses your ablllLy as a Leam Lo collecLlvely deLermlne Lhe mosL lmporLanL
aspecLs of a problem share ouL Lhe Lask of lnvesLlgaLlng Lhe problem compare and comblne Lhe
resulLs of lndlvldual lnvesLlgaLlons wlLh slmllar analyses carrled ouL by oLher members of a Leam
and presenL your resulLs Lo oLher members of a Leam lnvesLlgaLe some of Lhe lmpllcaLlons of
Lhe proposed soluLlon and reporL on your flndlngs collaboraLe uslng elecLronlc conferenclng as
a medlum on reachlng and presenLlng a common soluLlon Lo Lhe problem


our tutor w||| expect that answers to uest|ons 2 3 4 and S are the same for each
member of the team and that these const|tute the team's agreed responses

Usefu| ||nks
Data protect|on
?ou can flnd Lhe LexL of Lhe uaLa roLecLlon AcL aL

?ou can flnd cenLrallzed lnformaLlon abouL Lhe AcL and lLs lmpllcaLlons aL

lollowlng Lhe llnks ln Lhe lefLhand menu for '1ools resources' Lhen 'uocumenL llbrary' Lhen
'uaLa proLecLlon' wlll Lake you Lo


Pere you wlll flnd documenLs you can download LhaL conLaln lnformaLlon and advlce on Lhe
lmpllcaLlons of Lhe AcL for small buslnesses wlLh loLs of useful deLalls and llnks Lo oLher
documenLs 1he documenLs CeLLlng lL rlghL a brlef gulde Lo daLa proLecLlon for small buslnesses
and CeLLlng lL rlghL small buslness checkllsL wlll help you Lo undersLand Lhe lmpllcaLlons of Lhe
uaLa roLecLlon AcL for small buslnesses

Webs|te access|b|||ty
A good sLarLlng polnL on deslgn ls l8M's Lase of use webslLe hLLp//wwwlbmcom/easy
?ou wlll need Lo navlgaLe Lo Lhe mosL approprlaLe pages of Lhls very comprehenslve slLe

Choose Lhe 'ueslgn' opLlon from Lhe menu on Lhe lefLhand slde of Lhe dlsplay and Lhen Lhe
'Web guldellnes' opLlon 1hen selecL a furLher 'ueslgn' opLlon from Lhe cenLre of Lhe maln
dlsplay AnoLher useful paLh ls Lo choose Lhe 'Lase of use deslgn concepLs' from Lhe PlghllghLs
secLlon aL Lhe rlghL of Lhe flrsL dlsplay and Lhen selecL 'ueslgn baslcs'

AnoLher useful slLe ls !akob nlelsen's home page hLLp//wwwuselLcom
nlelsen addresses lssues relaLlng Lo usable lnformaLlon Lechnology Agaln Lhls ls a very
comprehenslve slLe and you may flnd lL easlesL Lo go dlrecLly Lo
hLLp//wwwuselLcom/alerLbox whlch Lakes you Lo nlelsen's 'AlerLbox' arLlcles on speclflc
aspecLs of webslLe deslgn ?ou could sLarL wlLh Lhe arLlcle '1op Len mlsLakes ln
Web deslgn'

An overvlew of accesslblllLy lssues can be found aL


What to subm|t
Lach page of each documenL you submlL should be headed wlLh Lhe LlLle of Lhe 1MA your name
and your personal ldenLlfler for example
M233 1MA 1
Ahmad Pasan

?ou should submlL one zlpped flle whlch conLalns Lhe followlng Lwo flles Cne flle should conLaln
your lndlvldual response (CuesLlons 1) and Lhe second flle should conLaln Lhe Leam response
(CuesLlons 2 3 4 and 3) 1he Lwo flles should be named 1MA01ourNameourID|nd|v|dua|
and 1MA01ourNameourIDteam respecLlvely lease number Lhe pages ln each flle
1he zlpped flle should be ln Lhe followlng formaL



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