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8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes

Su8LML CCu81

Ln 8AnC

C8 no L44640 CcLober 12 1976

A8LC C SAnluAu and A8Ll1C v SAnluAu peLlLloner

C8 no L44684 CcLober 121976

vlCLn1L M CuZMAn peLlLloner
CCMMlSSlCn LLLC1lCnS respondenL

C8 no L44714 CcLober 121976

8AuL M CCnZALLS 8AuL 1 CCnZALLS !8 and ALl8LuC SALAAn1An peLlLloners

MA81ln !

1he caplLal quesLlon ralsed ln Lhese prohlblLlon sulLs wlLh prellmlnary ln[uncLlon relaLes Lo Lhe
power of Lhe lncumbenL resldenL of Lhe hlllpplnes Lo propose amendmenLs Lo Lhe presenL
ConsLlLuLlon ln Lhe absence of Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly whlch has noL been convened

Cn SepLember 2 1976 resldenL lerdlnand L Marcos lssued resldenLlal uecree no 991
calllng for a naLlonal referendum on CcLober 16 1976 for Lhe ClLlzens Assemblles (barangays)
Lo resolve among oLher Lhlngs Lhe lssues of marLlal law Lhe l assembly lLs replacemenL Lhe
powers of such replacemenL Lhe perlod of lLs exlsLence Lhe lengLh of Lhe perlod for Llle
exerclse by Lhe resldenL of hls presenL powers1

1wenLy days afLer or on SepLember 22 1976 Lhe resldenL lssued anoLher relaLed decree
resldenLlal uecree no 1031 amendlng Lhe prevlous resldenLlal uecree no 991 by declarlng
Lhe provlslons of presldenLlal uecree no 229 provldlng for Lhe manner of voLlng and canvass of
voLes ln barangays (ClLlzens Assemblles) appllcable Lo Lhe naLlonal referendumpleblsclLe of
CcLober 16 1976 CulLe relevanLly resldenLlal uecree no 1031 repealed SecLlon 4 of
resldenLlal uecree no 991 Lhe full LexL of whlch (SecLlon 4) ls quoLed ln Lhe fooLnoLe below 2

Cn Lhe same daLe of SepLember 22 1976 Lhe resldenL lssued resldenLlal uecree no 1033
sLaLlng Lhe quesLlons Lo be submlLLed Lo Lhe people ln Lhe referendumpleblsclLe on CcLober
16 1976 1he uecree reclLes ln lLs whereas clauses LhaL Lhe peoples conLlnued opposlLlon Lo
Lhe convenlng of Lhe naLlonal Assembly evlnces Lhelr deslre Lo have such body abollshed and
replaced Lhru a consLlLuLlonal amendmenL provldlng for a leglslaLlve body whlch wlll be
submlLLed dlrecLly Lo Lhe people ln Lhe referendumpleblsclLe of CcLober 16

1he quesLlons ask Lo wlL

(1) uo you wanL marLlal law Lo be conLlnued?

(2) WheLher or noL you wanL marLlal law Lo be conLlnued do you approve Lhe followlng
amendmenLs Lo Lhe ConsLlLuLlon? lor Lhe purpose of Lhe second quesLlon Lhe referendum
shall have Lhe effecL of a pleblsclLe wlLhln Lhe conLemplaLlon of SecLlon 2 of ArLlcle xvl of Lhe


1 1here shall be ln lleu of Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly an lnLerlm 8aLasang ambansa
Members of Lhe lnLerlm 8aLasang ambansa whlch shall noL be more Lhan 120 unless
oLherwlse provlded by law shall lnclude Lhe lncumbenL resldenL of Lhe hlllpplnes
represenLaLlves elecLed from Lhe dlfferenL reglons of Lhe naLlon Lhose who shall noL be less
Lhan elghLeen years of age elecLed by Lhelr respecLlve secLors and Lhose chosen by Lhe
lncumbenL resldenL from Lhe members of Lhe CablneL 8eglonal represenLaLlves shall be
apporLloned among Lhe reglons ln accordance wlLh Lhe number of Lhelr respecLlve lnhablLanLs
and on Lhe basls of a unlform and progresslve raLlo whlle Lhe secLors shall be deLermlned by
law 1he number of represenLaLlves from each reglon or secLor and Lhe manner of Lhelr
elecLlon shall be prescrlbed and regulaLed by law

2 1he lnLerlm 8aLasang ambansa shall have Lhe same powers and lLs members shall have Lhe
same funcLlons responslblllLles rlghLs prlvlleges and dlsquallflcaLlons as Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal
Assembly and Lhe regular naLlonal Assembly and Lhe members Lhereof Powever lL shall noL
exerclse Lhe power provlded ln ArLlcle vlll SecLlon 14(l) of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon

3 1he lncumbenL resldenL of Lhe hlllpplnes shall wlLhln 30 days from Lhe elecLlon and
selecLlon of Lhe members convene Lhe lnLerlm 8aLasang ambansa and preslde over lLs
sesslons unLll Lhe Speaker shall have been elecLed 1he lncumbenL resldenL of Lhe hlllpplnes
shall be Lhe rlme MlnlsLer and he shall conLlnue Lo exerclse all hls powers even afLer Lhe
lnLerlm 8aLasang ambansa ls organlzed and ready Lo dlscharge lLs funcLlons and llkewlse he
shall conLlnue Lo exerclse hls powers and prerogaLlves under Lhe nlneLeen hundred and LhlrLy
flve ConsLlLuLlon and Lhe powers vesLed ln Lhe resldenL and Lhe rlme MlnlsLer under Lhls

4 1he resldenL (rlme MlnlsLer) and hls CablneL shall exerclse all Lhe powers and funcLlons
and dlscharge Lhe responslblllLles of Lhe regular resldenL (rlme MlnlsLer) and hls CablneL and
shall be sub[ecL only Lo such dlsquallflcaLlons as Lhe resldenL (rlme MlnlsLer) may prescrlbe
1he resldenL (rlme MlnlsLer) lf he so deslres may appolnL a uepuLy rlme MlnlsLer or as many
uepuLy rlme MlnlsLers as he may deem necessary

3 1he lncumbenL resldenL shall conLlnue Lo exerclse leglslaLlve powers unLll marLlal law shall
have been llfLed

6 Whenever ln Lhe [udgmenL of Lhe resldenL (rlme MlnlsLer) Lhere exlsLs a grave emergency
or a LhreaL or lmmlnence Lhereof or whenever Lhe lnLerlm 8aLasang ambansa or Lhe regular
naLlonal Assembly falls or ls unable Lo acL adequaLely on any maLLer for any reason LhaL ln hls
[udgmenL requlres lmmedlaLe acLlon he may ln order Lo meeL Lhe exlgency lssue Lhe
necessary decrees orders or leLLers of lnsLrucLlons whlch shall form parL of Lhe law of Lhe land

7 1he barangays and sanggunlans shall conLlnue as presenLly consLlLuLed buL Lhelr funcLlons
powers and composlLlon may be alLered by law

8eferenda conducLed Lhru Lhe barangays and under Lhe Supervlslon of Lhe Commlsslon on
LlecLlons may be called aL any Llme Lhe governmenL deems lL necessary Lo ascerLaln Lhe wlll of
Lhe people regardlng any lmporLanL maLLer wheLher of naLlonal or local lnLeresL

8 All provlslons of Lhls ConsLlLuLlon noL lnconslsLenL wlLh any of Lhese amendmenLs shall
conLlnue ln full force and effecL

9 1hese amendmenLs shall Lake effecL afLer Lhe lncumbenL resldenL shall have proclalmed
LhaL Lhey have been raLlfled by l ma[orlLy of Lhe voLes casL ln Lhe referendumpleblsclLe

1he Commlsslon on LlecLlons was vesLed wlLh Lhe excluslve supervlslon and conLrol of Lhe
CcLober 1976 naLlonal 8eferendumleblsclLe

Cn SepLember 27 1976 A8LC C SAnluAu and A8Ll1C v SAnluAu faLher and son
commenced L44640 for rohlblLlon wlLh rellmlnary ln[uncLlon seeklng Lo en[oln Lhe
Commlsslon on LlecLlons from holdlng and conducLlng Lhe 8eferendum leblsclLe on CcLober
16 Lo declare wlLhouL force and effecL resldenLlal uecree nos 991 and 1033 lnsofar as Lhey
propose amendmenLs Lo Lhe ConsLlLuLlon as well as resldenLlal uecree no 1031 lnsofar as lL
dlrecLs Lhe Commlsslon on LlecLlons Lo supervlse conLrol hold and conducL Lhe 8eferendum
leblsclLe scheduled on CcLober 16 1976

eLlLloners conLend LhaL under Lhe 1933 and 1973 ConsLlLuLlons Lhere ls no granL Lo Lhe
lncumbenL resldenL Lo exerclse Lhe consLlLuenL power Lo propose amendmenLs Lo Lhe new
ConsLlLuLlon As a consequence Lhe 8eferendumleblsclLe on CcLober 16 has no consLlLuLlonal
or legal basls

Cn CcLober 3 1976 Lhe SollclLor Ceneral flled Lhe commenL for respondenL Commlsslon on
LlecLlons 1he SollclLor Ceneral prlnclpally malnLalns LhaL peLlLloners have no sLandlng Lo sue
Lhe lssue ralsed ls pollLlcal ln naLure beyond [udlclal cognlzance of Lhls CourL aL Lhls sLaLe of
Lhe LranslLlon perlod only Lhe lncumbenL resldenL has Lhe auLhorlLy Lo exerclse consLlLuenL
power Lhe referendumpleblsclLe ls a sLep Lowards normallzaLlon

Cn SepLember 30 1976 anoLher acLlon for rohlblLlon wlLh rellmlnary ln[uncLlon dockeLed as
L44684 was lnsLlLuLed by vlCLn1L M CuZMAn a delegaLe Lo Lhe 1971 ConsLlLuLlonal
ConvenLlon asserLlng LhaL Lhe power Lo propose amendmenLs Lo or revlslon of Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon durlng Lhe LranslLlon perlod ls expressly conferred on Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal
Assembly under SecLlon 16 ArLlcle xvll of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon3

SLlll anoLher peLlLlon for rohlblLlon wlLh rellmlnary ln[uncLlon was flled on CcLober 3 1976 by
8AuL M CCnZALLS hls son 8AuL !8 and ALl8LuC SALAAn1An dockeLed as L 44714 Lo
resLraln Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of resldenLlal uecrees relaLlve Lo Lhe forLhcomlng 8eferendum
leblsclLe of CcLober 16

1hese lasL peLlLloners argue LhaL even granLlng hlm leglslaLlve powers under MarLlal Law Lhe
lncumbenL resldenL cannoL acL as a consLlLuenL assembly Lo propose amendmenLs Lo Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon a referendumpleblsclLe ls unLenable under Lhe ConsLlLuLlons of 1933 and 1973
Lhe submlsslon of Lhe proposed amendmenLs ln such a shorL perlod of Llme for dellberaLlon
renders Lhe pleblsclLe a nulllLy Lo llfL MarLlal Law Lhe resldenL need noL consulL Lhe people vla
referendum and allowlng 13year olds Lo voLe would amounL Lo an amendmenL of Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon whlch conflnes Lhe rlghL of suffrage Lo Lhose clLlzens of Lhe hlllpplnes 18 years of
age and above

We flnd Lhe peLlLlons ln Lhe Lhree enLlLled cases Lo be devold of merlL


!usLlclablllLy of quesLlon ralsed

1 As a prellmlnary resoluLlon We rule LhaL Lhe peLlLloners ln L44640 (ablo C Sanldad and
abllLo v Sanldad) possess locus sLandl Lo challenge Lhe consLlLuLlonal premlse of resldenLlal
uecree nos 991 1031 and 1033 lL ls now an anclenL rule LhaL Lhe valld source of a sLaLure
resldenLlal uecrees are of such naLuremay be conLesLed by one who wlll susLaln a dlrecL
ln[urles as a ln resulL of lLs enforcemenL AL Lhe lnsLance of Laxpayers laws provldlng for Lhe
dlsbursemenL of publlc funds may be en[olned upon Lhe Lheory LhaL Lhe expendlLure of publlc
funds by an offlcer of Lhe SLaLe for Lhe purpose of execuLlng an unconsLlLuLlonal acL consLlLuLes
a mlsappllcaLlon of such funds 4 1he breadLh of resldenLlal uecree no 991 carrles all
approprlaLlon of llve Mllllon esos for Lhe effecLlve lmplemenLaLlon of lLs purposes 3
resldenLlal uecree no 1031 approprlaLes Lhe sum of LlghL Mllllon esos Lo carry ouL lLs
provlslons 6 1he lnLeresL of Lhe aforenamed peLlLloners as Laxpayers ln Lhe lawful expendlLure
of Lhese amounLs of publlc money sufflclenLly cloLhes Lhem wlLh LhaL personallLy Lo llLlgaLe Lhe
valldlLy of Lhe uecrees approprlaLlng sald funds Moreover as regards Laxpayers sulLs Lhls
CourL en[oys LhaL open dlscreLlon Lo enLerLaln Lhe same or noL 7 lor Lhe presenL case We
deem lL sound Lo exerclse LhaL dlscreLlon afflrmaLlvely so LhaL Lhe auLhorlLy upon whlch Lhe
dlspuLed uecrees are predlcaLed may be lnqulred lnLo

2 1he SollclLor Ceneral would conslder Lhe quesLlon aL bar as a pure pollLlcal one lylng ouLslde
Lhe domaln of [udlclal revlew We dlsagree 1he amendlng process boLh as Lo proposal and
raLlflcaLlon ralses a [udlclal quesLlon 8 1hls ls especlally Lrue ln cases where Lhe power of Lhe
resldency Lo lnlLlaLe Lhe of normally exerclsed by Lhe leglslaLure ls serlously doubLed under
Lhe Lerms of Lhe 1973 ConsLlLuLlon Lhe power Lo propose amendmenLs o Lhe consLlLuLlon
resldes ln Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly ln Lhe perlod of LranslLlon (See 13 1ranslLory
provlslons) AfLer LhaL perlod and Lhe regular naLlonal Assembly ln lLs acLlve sesslon Lhe power
Lo propose amendmenLs becomes lpso facLo Lhe prerogaLlve of Lhe regular naLlonal Assembly
(Sec 1 pars 1 and 2 of ArL xvl 1973 consLlLuLlon) 1he normal course has noL been followed
8aLher Lhan calllng Lhe naLlonal Assembly Lo consLlLuLe lLself lnLo a consLlLuenL assembly Lhe
lncumbenL resldenL underLook Lhe proposal of amendmenLs and submlLLed Lhe proposed
amendmenLs Lhru resldenLlal uecree 1033 Lo Lhe people ln a 8eferendumleblsclLe on
CcLober 16 unavoldably Lhe regularlLy regularlLy of Lhe procedure for amendmenLs wrlLLen ln
lambenL words ln Lhe very ConsLlLuLlon soughL Lo be amended ralses a conLesLable lssue 1he
lmplemenLlng resldenLlal uecree nos 991 1031 and 1033 whlch commonly purporL Lo have
Lhe force and effecL of leglslaLlon are assalled as lnvalld Lhus Lhe lssue of Lhe valldlLy of sald
uecrees ls plalnly a [usLlclable one wlLhln Lhe compeLence of Lhls CourL Lo pass upon SecLlon 2
(2) ArLlcle x of Lhe new ConsLlLuLlon provldes All cases lnvolvlng Lhe consLlLuLlonallLy of a
LreaLy execuLlve agreemenL or law may shall be heard and declded by Lhe Supreme CourL en
banc and no LreaLy execuLlve agreemenL or law may be declared unconsLlLuLlonal wlLhouL Lhe
concurrence of aL leasL Len Members 1he Supreme CourL has Lhe lasL word ln Lhe
consLrucLlon noL only of LreaLles and sLaLuLes buL also of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon lLself 1he amendlng
llke all oLher powers organlzed ln Lhe ConsLlLuLlon ls ln form a delegaLed and hence a llmlLed
power so LhaL Lhe Supreme CourL ls vesLed wlLh LhaL auLhorlLles Lo deLermlne wheLher LhaL
power has been dlscharged wlLhln lLs llmlLs

ollLlcal quesLlons are neaLly assoclaLed wlLh Lhe wlsdom of Lhe legallLy of a parLlcular acL
Where Lhe vorLex of Lhe conLroversy refers Lo Lhe legallLy or valldlLy of Lhe conLesLed acL LhaL
maLLer ls deflnlLely [usLlclable or nonpollLlcal WhaL ls ln Lhe heels of Lhe CourL ls noL Lhe
wlsdom of Lhe acL of Lhe lncumbenL resldenL ln proposlng amendmenLs Lo Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
buL hls consLlLuLlonal auLhorlLy Lo perform such acL or Lo assume Lhe power of a consLlLuenL
assembly WheLher Lhe amendlng process confers on Lhe resldenL LhaL power Lo propose
amendmenLs ls Lherefore a downrlghL [usLlclable quesLlon Should Lhe conLrary be found Lhe
acLuaLlon of Lhe resldenL would merely be a bruLum fulmen lf Lhe ConsLlLuLlon provldes how
lL may be amended Lhe [udlclary as Lhe lnLerpreLer of LhaL ConsLlLuLlon can declare wheLher
Lhe procedure followed or Lhe auLhorlLy assumed was valld or noL 10

We cannoL accepL Lhe vlew of Lhe SollclLor Ceneral ln pursulng hls Lheory of non[usLlclablllLy
LhaL Lhe quesLlon of Lhe resldenLs auLhorlLy Lo propose amendmenLs and Lhe regularlLy of Lhe
procedure adopLed for submlsslon of Lhe proposal Lo Lhe people ulLlmaLely lle ln Lhe [udgmenL
of Lhe A clear uescarLes fallacy of vlclous clrcle ls lL noL LhaL Lhe people Lhemselves by Lhelr
soverelgn acL provlded for Lhe auLhorlLy and procedure for Lhe amendlng process when Lhey
raLlfled Lhe presenL ConsLlLuLlon ln 1973? WheLher Lherefore Lhe consLlLuLlonal provlslon has
been followed or noL ls Lhe proper sub[ecL of lnqulry noL by Lhe people Lhemselves of course
who exerclse no power of [udlclal buL by Lhe Supreme CourL ln whom Lhe people Lhemselves
vesLed LhaL power a power whlch lncludes Lhe compeLence Lo deLermlne wheLher Lhe
consLlLuLlonal norms for amendmenLs have been observed or noL And Lhls lnqulry musL be
done a prlor noL a posLerlor le before Lhe submlsslon Lo and raLlflcaLlon by Lhe people

lndeed Lhe precedenLs evolved by Lhe CourL or prlor consLlLuLlonal cases underllne Lhe
preference of Lhe CourLs ma[orlLy Lo LreaL such lssue of resldenLlal role ln Lhe amendlng
process as one of nonpollLlcal lmpresslon ln Lhe leblsclLe Cases 11 Lhe conLenLlon of Lhe
SollclLor Ceneral LhaL Lhe lssue on Lhe legallLy of resldenLlal uecree no 73 submlLLlng Lo Lhe
lllplno people (on !anuary 13 1973) for raLlflcaLlon or re[ecLlon Lhe ConsLlLuLlon of Lhe
8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes proposed by Lhe 1971 ConsLlLuLlonal ConvenLlon and approprlaLlng
fund s Lherefore ls a pollLlcal one was re[ecLed and Lhe CourL unanlmously consldered Lhe
lssue as [usLlclable ln naLure SubsequenLly ln Lhe 8aLlflcaLlon Cases 12 lnvolvlng Lhe lssue of
wheLher or noL Lhe valldlLy of resldenLlal roclamaLlon no 1102 announclng Lhe 8aLlflcaLlon
by Lhe llllplno people of Lhe consLlLuLlon proposed by Lhe 1971 ConsLlLuLlonal ConvenLlon
parLakes of Lhe naLure of a pollLlcal quesLlon Lhe afflrmaLlve sLand of Lhe SollclLor Ceneral was
dlsmlssed Lhe CourL ruled LhaL Lhe quesLlon ralsed ls [usLlclable Chlef !usLlce Concepclon
expresslng Lhe ma[orlLy vlew sald 1hus ln Lhe aforemenLloned pleblsclLe cases We re[ecLed
Lhe Lheory of Lhe respondenLs Lhereln LhaL Lhe quesLlon wheLher resldenLlal uecree no 73
calllng a pleblsclLe Lo be held on !anuary 13 1973 for Lhe raLlflcaLlon or re[ecLlon of Lhe
proposed new ConsLlLuLlon was valld or noL was noL a proper sub[ecL of [udlclal lnqulry
because Lhey clalmed lL parLook of a pollLlcal naLure and We unanlmously declared LhaL Lhe
lssue was a [usLlclable one WlLh ldenLlcal unanlmlLy We overruled Lhe respondenLs
conLenLlon ln Lhe 1971 habeas corpus cases quesLlonlng Cur auLhorlLy Lo deLermlne Lhe
consLlLuLlonal sufflclency of Lhe facLual bases of Lhe resldenLlal proclamaLlon suspendlng Lhe
prlvllege of Lhe wrlL of habeas corpus on AugusL 21 1971 desplLe Lhe opposlLe vlew Laken by
Lhls CourL ln 8arcelon vs 8aker and MonLenegro vs CasLaneda lnsofar as lL adhered Lo Lhe
former case whlch vlew We accordlngly abandoned and refused Lo apply lor Lhe same
reason We dld noL apply and expressly modlfled ln Conzales vs Commlsslon on LlecLlons Lhe
pollLlcalquesLlon Lheory adopLed ln Mabanag vs Lopez vlLo 13 1he reLurn Lo 8arcelon vs
8aker and Mabanag vs Lopez vlLo urged by Lhe SollclLor Ceneral was declslvely refused by Lhe
CourL Chlef !usLlce Concepclon conLlnued 1he reasons adduced ln supporL Lhereof are
however subsLanLlally Lhe same as Lhose glven ln supporL on Lhe pollLlcal quesLlon Lheory
advanced ln sald habeas corpus and pleblsclLe cases whlch were carefully consldered by Lhls
CourL and found by lL Lo be legally unsound and consLlLuLlonally unLenable As a consequence
Cur declslons ln Lhe aforemenLloned habeas corpus cases parLakes of Lhe naLure and effecL of a
sLare declsls whlch galned added welghL by lLs vlrLual relLeraLlon


1he amendlng process as lald ouL

ln Lhe new ConsLlLuLlon

1 ArLlcle xvl of Lhe 1973 ConsLlLuLlon on AmendmenLs ordalns

SLC1lCn 1 (1) Any amendmenL Lo or revlslon of Lhls ConsLlLuLlon may be proposed by Lhe
naLlonal Assembly upon a voLe of LhreefourLhs of all lLs Members or by a consLlLuLlonal
convenLlon (2) 1he naLlonal Assembly may by a voLe of LwoLhlrds of all lLs Members call a
consLlLuLlonal convenLlon or by a ma[orlLy voLe of all lLs Members submlL Lhe quesLlon of
calllng such a convenLlon Lo Lhe elecLoraLe ln an elecLlon

SLC1lCn 2 Any amendmenL Lo or revlslon of Lhls ConsLlLuLlon shall be valld when raLlfled by a
ma[orlLy of Lhe voLes casL ln a pleblsclLe whlch shall be held noL laLer Lhan Lhree monLhs afLer
Lhe approval of such amendmenL or revlslon

ln Lhe presenL perlod of LranslLlon Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly lnsLlLuLed ln Lhe 1ranslLory
rovlslons ls conferred wlLh LhaL amendlng power SecLlon 13 of Lhe 1ranslLory rovlslons

SLC1lCn 13 1he lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly upon speclal call by Lhe lnLerlm rlme MlnlsLer
may by a ma[orlLy voLe of all lLs Members propose amendmenLs Lo Lhls ConsLlLuLlon Such
amendmenLs shall Lake effecL when raLlfled ln accordance wlLh ArLlcle SlxLeen hereof

1here are Lherefore Lwo perlods conLemplaLed ln Lhe consLlLuLlonal llfe of Lhe naLlon le
perlod of normalcy and perlod of LranslLlon ln Llmes of normally Lhe amendlng process may be
lnlLlaLed by Lhe proposals of Lhe (1) regular naLlonal Assembly upon a voLe of LhreefourLhs of
all lLs members or (2) by a ConsLlLuLlonal ConvenLlon called by a voLe of LwoLhlrds of all Lhe
Members of Lhe naLlonal Assembly Powever Lhe calllng of a ConsLlLuLlonal ConvenLlon may be
submlLLed Lo Lhe elecLoraLe ln an elecLlon voLed upon by a ma[orlLy voLe of all Lhe members of
Lhe naLlonal Assembly ln Llmes of LranslLlon amendmenLs may be proposed by a ma[orlLy voLe
of all Lhe Members of Lhe naLlonal Assembly upon speclal call by Lhe lnLerlm rlme MlnlsLer

2 1hls CourL ln Aqulno v CCMLLLC had already seLLled LhaL Lhe lncumbenL resldenL ls
vesLed wlLh LhaL prerogaLlve of dlscreLlon as Lo when he shall lnlLlally convene Lhe lnLerlm
naLlonal Assembly Speaklng for Lhe ma[orlLy oplnlon ln LhaL case !usLlce Makaslar sald 1he
ConsLlLuLlonal ConvenLlon lnLended Lo leave Lo Lhe resldenL Lhe deLermlnaLlon of Lhe Llme
when he shall lnlLlally convene Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly conslsLenL wlLh Lhe prevalllng
condlLlons of peace and order ln Lhe counLry Concurrlng !usLlce lernandez hlmself a member
of LhaL ConsLlLuLlonal ConvenLlon revealed (W)hen Lhe uelegaLes Lo Lhe ConsLlLuLlonal
ConvenLlon voLed on Lhe 1ranslLory rovlslons Lhey were aware of Lhe facL LhaL under Lhe
same Lhe lncumbenL resldenL was glven Lhe dlscreLlon as Lo when he could convene Lhe
lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly lL was so sLaLed plalnly by Lhe sponsor uelegaLe ?aneza as a maLLer
of facL Lhe proposal LhaL lL be convened lmmedlaLely made by uelegaLe lmenLel (v) was
re[ecLed 1he resldenLs declslon Lo defer Lhe convenlng of Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly soon
found supporL from Lhe people Lhemselves ln Lhe pleblsclLe of !anuary 1013 1973 aL whlch
Lhe raLlflcaLlon of Lhe 1973 ConsLlLuLlon was submlLLed Lhe people voLed agalnsL Lhe convenlng
of Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly ln Lhe referendum of !uly 24 1973 Lhe ClLlzens Assemblles
(bagangays) relLeraLed Lhelr soverelgn wlll Lo wlLhhold Lhe convenlng of Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal
Assembly Agaln ln Lhe referendum of lebruary 27 1973 Lhe proposed quesLlon of wheLher
Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly shall be lnlLlally convened was ellmlnaLed because some of Lhe
members of Congress and delegaLes of Lhe ConsLlLuLlonal ConvenLlon who were deemed
auLomaLlcally members of Lhe l lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly were agalnsL lLs lncluslon slnce ln
LhaL referendum of !anuary 1973 Lhe people had already resolved agalnsL lL

3 ln sensu sLrlcLlore when Lhe leglslaLlve arm of Lhe sLaLe underLakes Lhe proposals of
amendmenL Lo a ConsLlLuLlon LhaL body ls noL ln Lhe usual funcLlon of lawmaklng lL ls noL
leglslaLlng when engaged ln Lhe amendlng process16 8aLher lL ls exerclslng a pecullar power
besLowed upon lL by Lhe fundamenLal charLer lLself ln Lhe hlllpplnes LhaL power ls provlded
for ln ArLlcle xvl of Lhe 1973 ConsLlLuLlon (for Lhe regular naLlonal Assembly) or ln SecLlon 13 of
Lhe 1ranslLory rovlslons (for Lhe naLlonal Assembly) Whlle ordlnarlly lL ls Lhe buslness of Lhe
leglslaLlng body Lo leglslaLe for Lhe naLlon by vlrLue of consLlLuLlonal confermenL amendlng of
Lhe ConsLlLuLlon ls noL leglslaLlve ln characLer ln pollLlcal sclence a dlsLlncLlon ls made beLween
consLlLuLlonal conLenL of an organlc characLer and LhaL of a leglslaLlve characLer 1he
dlsLlncLlon however ls one of pollcy noL of law 17 Such belng Lhe case approval of Lhe
resldenL of any proposed amendmenL ls a mlsnomer 18 1he prerogaLlve of Lhe resldenL Lo
approve or dlsapprove applles only Lo Lhe ordlnary cases of leglslaLlon 1he resldenL has
noLhlng Lo do wlLh proposlLlon or adopLlon of amendmenLs Lo Lhe ConsLlLuLlon 19


ConcenLraLlon of owers

ln Lhe resldenL durlng

crlsls governmenL

1 ln general Lhe governmenLal powers ln crlsls governmenL Lhe hlllpplnes ls a crlsls
governmenL Loday are more or less concenLraLed ln Lhe resldenL 20 Accordlng Lo 8osslLer
(L)he concenLraLlon of governmenL power ln a democracy faced by an emergency ls a
correcLlve Lo Lhe crlsls lnefflclencles lnherenL ln Lhe docLrlne of Lhe separaLlon of powers ln
mosL free sLaLes lL has generally been regarded as lmperaLlve LhaL Lhe LoLal power of Lhe
governmenL be parceled ouL among Lhree muLually lndependenL branches execuLlve
leglslaLure and [udlclary lL ls belleved Lo be desLrucLlve of consLlLuLlonallsm lf any one branch
should exerclse any Lwo or more Lypes of power and cerLalnly a LoLal dlsregard of Lhe
separaLlon of powers ls as Madlson wroLe ln Lhe lederallsL no 47 Lhe very deflnlLlon of
Lyranny ln normal Llmes Lhe separaLlon of powers forms a dlsLlncL obsLrucLlon Lo arblLrary
governmenLal acLlon 8y Lhls same Loken ln abnormal Llmes lL may form an lnsurmounLable
barrler Lo a declslve emergency acLlon ln behalf of Lhe sLaLe and lLs lndependenL exlsLence
1here are momenLs ln Lhe llfe of any governmenL when all powers musL work LogeLher ln
unanlmlLy of purpose and acLlon even lf Lhls means Lhe Lemporary unlon of execuLlve
leglslaLlve and [udlclal power ln Lhe hands of one man 1he more compleLe Lhe separaLlon of
powers ln a consLlLuLlonal sysLem Lhe more dlfflculL and yeL Lhe more necessary wlll be Lhelr
fuslon ln Llme of crlsls 1hls ls evldenL ln a comparlson of Lhe crlsls poLenLlallLles of Lhe cablneL
and presldenLlal sysLems of governmenL ln Lhe former Lhe alllmporLanL harmony of leglslaLure
and execuLlve ls Laken for granLed ln Lhe laLLer lL ls nelLher guaranLeed nor Lo be Lo confldenLly
expecLed As a resulL cablneL ls more easlly esLabllshed and more LrusLworLhy Lhan presldenLlal
dlcLaLorshlp 1he power of Lhe sLaLe ln crlsls musL noL only be concenLraLed and expanded lL
musL also be freed from Lhe normal sysLem of consLlLuLlonal and legal llmlLaLlons 21 !ohn
Locke on Lhe oLher hand clalms for Lhe execuLlve ln lLs own rlghL a broad dlscreLlon capable
even of seLLlng aslde Lhe ordlnary laws ln Lhe meeLlng of speclal exlgencles for whlch Lhe
leglslaLlve power had noL provlded 22 1he raLlonale behlnd such broad emergency powers of
Lhe LxecuLlve ls Lhe release of Lhe governmenL from Lhe paralysls of consLlLuLlonal resLralns
so LhaL Lhe crlsls may be ended and normal Llmes resLored

2 1he presldenLlal exerclse of leglslaLlve powers ln Llme of marLlal law ls now a conceded valld
aL 1haL sun clear auLhorlLy of Lhe resldenL ls saddled on SecLlon 3 (pars 1 and 2) of Lhe
1ranslLory rovlslons Lhus 23

1he lncumbenL resldenL of Lhe hlllpplnes shall lnlLlally convene Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly
and shall preslde over lLs sesslons unLll Lhe lnLerlm Speaker shall have been elecLed Pe shall
conLlnue Lo exerclse hls powers and prerogaLlves under Lhe nlneLeen hundred and LhlrLyflve
ConsLlLuLlon and Lhe powers vesLed ln Lhe resldenL and Lhe rlme MlnlsLer under Lhls
ConsLlLuLlon unLll Lhe calls upon Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly Lo elecL Lhe lnLerlm resldenL
and Lhe lnLerlm rlme MlnlsLer who shall Lhen exerclse Lhelr respecLlve powers vesLed by Lhls

All proclamaLlons orders decrees lnsLrucLlons and acLs promulgaLed lssued or done by Lhe
lncumbenL resldenL shall be parL of Lhe law of Lhe land and shall remaln valld blndlng and
effecLlve even afLer llfLlng of marLlal law or Lhe raLlflcaLlon of Lhls ConsLlLuLlon unless modlfled
revoked or superseded by subsequenL proclamaLlons orders decrees lnsLrucLlons or oLher
acLs of Lhe lncumbenL resldenL or unless expressly and expllclLly modlfled or repealed by Lhe
regular naLlonal Assembly

lL ls unLhlnkable sald !usLlce lernandez a 1971 ConsLlLuLlonal ConvenLlon delegaLe LhaL Lhe
ConsLlLuLlonal ConvenLlon whlle glvlng Lo Lhe resldenL Lhe dlscreLlon when Lo call Lhe lnLerlm
naLlonal Assembly Lo sesslon and knowlng LhaL lL may noL be convened soon would creaLe a
vacuum ln Lhe exerclse of leglslaLlve powers CLherwlse wlLh no one Lo exerclse Lhe lawmaklng
powers Lhere would be paralyzaLlon of Lhe enLlre governmenLal machlnery 24 araphraslng
8osslLer Lhls ls an exLremely lmporLanL facLor ln any consLlLuLlonal dlcLaLorshlp whlch exLends
over a perlod of Llme 1he separaLlon of execuLlve and leglslaLure ordalned ln Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
presenLs a dlsLlncL obsLrucLlon Lo efflclenL crlsls governmenL 1he sLeady lncrease ln execuLlve
power ls noL Loo much a cause for as Lhe sLeady lncrease ln Lhe magnlLude and complexlLy of
Lhe problems Lhe resldenL has been called upon by Lhe llllplno people Lo solve ln Lhelr behalf
whlch lnvolve rebelllon subverslon secesslon recesslon lnflaLlon and economlc crlslsa crlsls
greaLer Lhan war ln shorL whlle convenLlonal consLlLuLlonal law [usL conflnes Lhe resldenLs
power as CommanderlnChlef Lo Lhe dlrecLlon of Lhe operaLlon of Lhe naLlonal forces yeL Lhe
facLs of our pollLlcal soclal and economlc dlsLurbances had convlnclngly shown LhaL ln meeLlng
Lhe same lndeflnlLe power should be aLLrlbuLed Lo Llle resldenL Lo Lake emergency measures


AuLhorlLy of Lhe lncumbenL

resldenL L Lo propose

amendmenLs Lo Lhe ConsLlLuLlon

1 As earller polnLed ouL Lhe power Lo leglslaLe ls consLlLuLlonally conslgned Lo Lhe lnLerlm
naLlonal Assembly durlng Lhe LranslLlon perlod Powever Lhe lnlLlal convenlng of LhaL Assembly
ls a maLLer fully addressed Lo Lhe [udgmenL of Lhe lncumbenL resldenL And ln Lhe exerclse of
LhaL [udgmenL Lhe resldenL opLed Lo defer convenlng of LhaL body ln uLLer recognlLlon of Lhe
peoples preference Llkewlse ln Lhe perlod of LranslLlon Lhe power Lo propose amendmenLs Lo
Lhe ConsLlLuLlon lles ln Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly upon speclal call by Lhe resldenL (See 13
of Lhe 1ranslLory rovlslons) Agaln harklng Lo Lhe dlcLaLes of Lhe soverelgn wlll Lhe resldenL
declded noL Lo call Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly Would lL Lhen be wlLhln Lhe bounds of Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon and of law for Lhe resldenL Lo assume LhaL consLlLuenL power of Lhe lnLerlm
Assembly vlsavls hls assumpLlon of LhaL bodys leglslaLlve funcLlons? 1he answer ls yes lf Lhe
resldenL has been leglLlmaLely dlscharglng Lhe leglslaLlve funcLlons of Lhe lnLerlm Assembly
Lhere ls no reason why he cannoL valldly dlscharge Lhe funcLlon of LhaL Assembly Lo propose
amendmenLs Lo Lhe ConsLlLuLlon whlch ls buL ad[uncL alLhough pecullar Lo lLs gross leglslaLlve
power 1hls of course ls noL Lo say LhaL Lhe resldenL has converLed hls offlce lnLo a
consLlLuenL assembly of LhaL naLure normally consLlLuLed by Lhe leglslaLure 8aLher wlLh Lhe
lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly noL convened and only Lhe resldency and Lhe Supreme CourL ln
operaLlon Lhe urges of absoluLe necesslLy render lL lmperaLlve upon Lhe resldenL Lo acL as
agenL for and ln behalf of Lhe people Lo propose amendmenLs Lo Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
arenLheLlcally by lLs very consLlLuLlon Lhe Supreme CourL possesses no capaclLy Lo propose
amendmenLs wlLhouL consLlLuLlonal lnfracLlons lor Lhe resldenL Lo shy away from LhaL
acLuallLy and decllne Lo underLake Lhe amendlng process would leave Lhe governmenLal
machlnerles aL a sLalemaLe or creaLe ln Lhe powers of Lhe SLaLe a desLrucLlve vacuum Lhereby
lmpedlng Lhe ob[ecLlve of a crlsls governmenL Lo end Lhe crlsls and resLore normal Llmes ln
Lhese parlous Llmes LhaL resldenLlal lnlLlaLlve Lo reduce lnLo concreLe forms Lhe consLanL
volces of Lhe people relgns supreme AfLer all consLlLuenL assemblles or consLlLuLlonal
convenLlons llke Lhe resldenL now are mere agenLs of Lhe people 26

2 1he resldenLs acLlon ls noL a unllaLeral move As early as Lhe referendums of !anuary 1973
and lebruary 1973 Lhe people had already re[ecLed Lhe calllng of Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal
Assembly 1he Lupong 1agapagpaganap of Lhe kaLlpunan ng mga Sanggunlan Lhe ambansang
kaLlpunan ng mga 8arangay and Lhe ambansang kaLlpunan ng mga 8arangay represenLlng
42000 barangays abouL Lhe same number of kabaLaang 8arangay organlzaLlons Sanggunlans
ln 1438 munlclpallLles 72 provlnces 3 subprovlnces and 60 clLles had lnformed Lhe resldenL
LhaL Lhe prevalllng senLlmenL of Lhe people ls for Lhe abollLlon of Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal
Assembly CLher lssues concerned Lhe llfLlng of marLlal law and amendmenLs Lo Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon 27 1he naLlonal organlzaLlons of Sanggunlang 8ayan presenLly proposed Lo seLLle
Lhe lssues of marLlal law Lhe lnLerlm Assembly lLs replacemenL Lhe perlod of lLs exlsLence Lhe
lengLh of Lhe perlod for Lhe exerclse by Lhe resldenL of lLs presenL powers ln a referendum Lo
be held on CcLober 16 28 1he 8aLasang 8ayan (leglslaLlve councll) creaLed under resldenLlal
uecree 993 of SepLember 10 1976 composed of 19 cablneL members 9 offlclals wlLh cablneL
rank 91 members of Lhe Lupong 1agapagpaganap (execuLlve commlLLee) of Lhe kaLlpunan ng
mga Sanggunlang 8ayan voLed ln sesslon Lo submlL dlrecLly Lo Lhe people ln a pleblsclLe on
CcLober 16 Lhe prevlously quoLed proposed amendmenLs Lo Lhe ConsLlLuLlon lncludlng Lhe
lssue of marLlal law 29 Slmllarly Lhe barangays and Lhe sanggunlans endorsed Lo Lhe
resldenL Lhe submlsslon of Lhe proposed amendmenLs Lo Lhe people on CcLober 16 All Lhe
foregolng led Lhe resldenL Lo lnlLlaLe Lhe proposal of amendmenLs Lo Lhe ConsLlLuLlon and Lhe
subsequenL lssuance of resldenLlal uecree no 1033 on SepLember 22 1976 submlLLlng Lhe
quesLlons (proposed amendmenLs) Lo Lhe people ln Lhe naLlonal 8eferendumleblsclLe on
CcLober 16


1he eople ls Soverelgn

1 unllke ln a federal sLaLe Lhe locaLlon of soverelgnLy ln a unlLary sLaLe ls easlly seen ln Lhe
hlllpplnes a republlcan and unlLary sLaLe soverelgnLy resldes ln Lhe people and all
governmenL auLhorlLy emanaLes from Lhem 30 ln lLs fourLh meanlng Savlgny would LreaL
people as LhaL parLlcular organlzed assembly of lndlvlduals ln whlch accordlng Lo Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon Lhe hlghesL power exlsLs 31 1hls ls Lhe concepL of popular soverelgnLy lL means
LhaL Lhe consLlLuLlonal leglslaLor namely Lhe people ls soverelgn 32 ln consequence Lhe
people may Lhus wrlLe lnLo Lhe ConsLlLuLlon Lhelr convlcLlons on any sub[ecL Lhey choose ln Lhe
absence of express consLlLuLlonal prohlblLlon 33 1hls ls because as Polmes sald Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon ls an experlmenL as all llfe ls all experlmenL 34 1he necesslLles of orderly
governmenL wroLe 8oLLschaefer do noL requlre LhaL one generaLlon should be permlLLed Lo
permanenLly feLLer all fuLure generaLlons A consLlLuLlon ls based Lherefore upon a self
llmlLlng declslon of Lhe people when Lhey adopL lL 33

2 1he CcLober 16 referendumpleblsclLe ls a resoundlng call Lo Lhe people Lo exerclse Lhelr
soverelgn power as consLlLuLlonal leglslaLor 1he proposed amendmenLs as earller dlscussed
proceed noL from Lhe Lhlnklng of a slngle man 8aLher Lhey are Lhe collaLed LhoughLs of Lhe
soverelgn wlll reduced only lnLo enabllng forms by Lhe auLhorlLy who can presenLly exerclse Lhe
powers of Lhe governmenL ln equal veln Lhe submlsslon of Lhose proposed amendmenLs and
Lhe quesLlon of marLlal law ln a referendumpleblsclLe expresses buL Lhe opLlon of Lhe people
Lhemselves lmplemenLed only by Lhe auLhorlLy of Lhe resldenL lndeed lL may well be sald LhaL
Lhe amendlng process ls a soverelgn acL alLhough Lhe auLhorlLy Lo lnlLlaLe Lhe same and Lhe
procedure Lo be followed reslde somehow ln a parLlcular body


8eferendumleblsclLe noL

rendered nugaLory by Lhe

parLlclpaLlon of Lhe 13year olds

1 CcLober 16 ls ln parLs a referendum and a pleblsclLe 1he quesLlon (1) uo you wanL marLlal
law Lo be conLlnued? ls a referendum quesLlon whereln Lhe 13year olds may parLlclpaLe 1hls
was prompLed by Lhe deslre of Lhe CovernmenL Lo reach Lhe larger mas of Lhe people so LhaL
Lhelr Lrue pulse may be felL Lo gulde Lhe resldenL ln pursulng hls program for a new Crder lor
Lhe succeedlng quesLlon on Lhe proposed amendmenLs only Lhose of voLlng age of 18 years
may parLlclpaLe 1hls ls Lhe pleblsclLe aspecL as conLemplaLed ln SecLlon 2 ArLlcle xvl of Lhe
new ConsLlLuLlon 36 Cn Lhls second quesLlon lL would only be Lhe voLes of Lhose 18 years old
and above whlch wlll have valld bearlng on Lhe resulLs 1he facL LhaL Lhe voLlng populace are
slmulLaneously asked Lo answer Lhe referendum quesLlon and Lhe pleblsclLe quesLlon does noL
lnflrm Lhe referendumpleblsclLe 1here ls noLhlng ob[ecLlonable ln consulLlng Lhe people on a
glven lssue whlch ls of currenL one and submlLLlng Lo Lhem for raLlflcaLlon of proposed
consLlLuLlonal amendmenLs 1he fear of commlngled voLes (13year olds and 18year olds
above) ls readlly dlspelled by Lhe provlslon of Lwo balloL boxes for every barangay cenLer one
conLalnlng Lhe balloLs of voLers flfLeen years of age and under elghLeen and anoLher conLalnlng
Lhe balloLs of voLers elghLeen years of age and above 37 1he balloLs ln Lhe balloL box for voLers
flfLeen years of age and under elghLeen shall be counLed ahead of Lhe balloLs of voLers elghLeen
years and above conLalned ln anoLher balloL box And Lhe resulLs of Lhe referendumpleblsclLe
shall be separaLely prepared for Lhe age grouplngs le balloLs conLalned ln each of Lhe Lwo
boxes 38

2 lL ls apL Lo dlsLlngulsh here beLween a referendum and a pleblsclLe A referendum ls
merely consulLaLlve ln characLer lL ls slmply a means of assesslng publlc reacLlon Lo Lhe glven
lssues submlLLed Lo Lhe people foe Lhelr conslderaLlon Lhe calllng of whlch ls derlved from or
wlLhln Lhe LoLallLy of Lhe execuLlve power of Lhe resldenL 39 lL ls parLlclpaLed ln by all clLlzens
from Lhe age of flfLeen regardless of wheLher or noL Lhey are llllLeraLes feeblemlnded or ex
convlcLs 40 A pleblsclLe on Lhe oLher hand lnvolves Lhe consLlLuenL acL of Lhose clLlzens of
Lhe hlllpplnes noL oLherwlse dlsquallfled by law who are elghLeen years of age or over and
who shall have reslded ln Lhe hlllpplnes for aL leasL one year and ln Lhe place whereln Lhey
propose Lo voLe for aL leasL slx monLhs precedlng Lhe elecLlon LlLeracy properLy or any oLher
subsLanLlve requlremenL ls noL lmposed lL ls generally assoclaLed wlLh Lhe amendlng process of
Lhe ConsLlLuLlon more parLlcularly Lhe raLlflcaLlon aspecL


1 1here appeals Lo be no valld basls for Lhe clalm LhaL Lhe reglme of marLlal law sLulLlfles ln
maln Lhe freedom Lo dlssenL 1haL speaks of a bygone fear 1he marLlal law reglme whlch ln Lhe
observaLlon of !usLlce lernando 41 ls lmpressed wlLh a mlld characLer recorded no SLaLe
lmposlLlon for a muffled volce 1o be sure Lhere are resLralnLs of Lhe lndlvldual llberLy buL on
cerLaln grounds no LoLal suppresslon of LhaL llberLy ls almed aL 1he for Lhe referendum
pleblsclLe on CcLober 16 recognlzes all Lhe embraclng freedoms of expresslon and assembly
1he resldenL hlmself had announced LhaL he would noL counLenance any suppresslon of
dlssenLlng vlews on Lhe lssues as he ls noL lnLeresLed ln wlnnlng a yes or no voLe buL on
Lhe genulne senLlmenL of Lhe people on Lhe lssues aL hand 42 1hus Lhe dlssenLers soon found
Lhelr way Lo Lhe publlc forums volclng ouL loud and clear Lhelr adverse vlews on Lhe proposed
amendmenLs and even (ln Lhe valld raLlflcaLlon of Lhe 1973 ConsLlLuLlon whlch ls already a
seLLled maLLer 43 Lven governmenL employees have been held by Lhe Clvll Servlce Commlsslon
free Lo parLlclpaLe ln publlc dlscusslon and even campalgn for Lhelr sLand on Lhe referendum
pleblsclLe lssues 44


1lme for dellberaLlon

ls noL shorL

1 1he perlod from SepLember 21 Lo CcLober 16 or a perlod of 3 weeks ls noL Loo shorL for free
debaLes or dlscusslons on Lhe referendumpleblsclLe lssues 1he quesLlons are noL new 1hey
are Lhe lssues of Lhe day 1he people have been llvlng wlLh Lhem slnce Lhe proclamaLlon of
marLlal law four years ago 1he referendums of 1973 and 1973 carrled Lhe same lssue of marLlal
law 1haL noLwlLhsLandlng Lhe conLesLed brlef perlod for dlscusslon ls noL wlLhouL counLerparLs
ln prevlous pleblsclLes for consLlLuLlonal amendmenLs !usLlce Makaslar ln Lhe 8eferendum
Case recalls under Lhe old SocleLy 13 days were alloLLed for Lhe publlcaLlon ln Lhree
consecuLlve lssues of Lhe Cfflclal CazeLLe of Lhe womens suffrage amendmenL Lo Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon before Lhe scheduled pleblsclLe on Aprll 30 1937 (Com AcL no 34) 1he
consLlLuLlonal amendmenL Lo append as ordlnance Lhe compllcaLed 1ydlngskoclalskowskl was
publlshed ln only Lhree consecuLlve lssues of Lhe Cfflclal CazeLLe for 10 days prlor Lo Lhe
scheduled pleblsclLe (Com AcL 492) lor Lhe 1940 ConsLlLuLlonal amendmenLs provldlng for Lhe
blcameral Congress Lhe reelecLlon of Lhe resldenL and vlce resldenL and Lhe creaLlon of Lhe
Commlsslon on LlecLlons 20 days of publlcaLlon ln Lhree consecuLlve lssues of Lhe Cfflclal
CazeLLe was flxed (Com AcL no 317) And Lhe arlLy AmendmenL an lnvolved consLlLuLlonal
amendmenL affecLlng Lhe economy as well as Lhe lndependence of Lhe 8epubllc was publlclzed
ln Lhree consecuLlve lssues of Lhe Cfflclal CazeLLe for 20 days prlor Lo Lhe pleblsclLe (8ep AcL
no 73) 43

2 lL ls worLhy Lo noLe LhaL ArLlcle xvl of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon makes no provlslon as Lo Lhe speclflc
daLe when Lhe pleblsclLe shall be held buL slmply sLaLes LhaL lL shall be held noL laLer Lhan
Lhree monLhs afLer Lhe approval of such amendmenL or revlslon ln Coleman v Mlller 46 Lhe
unlLed SLaLes Supreme courL held LhaL Lhls maLLer of submlsslon lnvolves an appralsal of a
greaL varleLy of relevanL condlLlons pollLlcal soclal and economlc whlch are essenLlally
pollLlcal and noL [usLlclable 1he consLlLuenL body or ln Lhe lnsLanL cases Lhe resldenL may flx
Lhe Llme wlLhln whlch Lhe people may acL 1hls ls because proposal and raLlflcaLlon are noL
LreaLed as unrelaLed acLs buL as succeedlng sLeps ln a slngle endeavor Lhe naLural lnference
belng LhaL Lhey are noL Lo be wldely separaLed ln Llme second lL ls only when Lhere ls deemed
Lo be a necesslLy Lherefor LhaL amendmenLs are Lo be proposed Lhe reasonable lmpllcaLlon
belng LhaL when proposed Lhey are Lo be consldered and dlsposed of presenLly and Lhlrd
raLlflcaLlon ls buL Lhe expresslon of Lhe approbaLlon of Lhe people hence lL musL be done
conLemporaneously 47 ln Lhe words of !ameson (a)n alLeraLlon of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon proposed
Loday has relaLlon Lo Lhe senLlmenL and Lhe felL needs of Loday and LhaL lf noL raLlfled early
whlle LhaL senLlmenL may falrly be supposed Lo exlsL lL oughL Lo be regarded as walved and
noL agaln Lo be voLed upon unless a second Llme proposed by proper body

ln 8LSuML

1he Lhree lssues are

1 ls Lhe quesLlon of Lhe consLlLuLlonallLy of resldenLlal uecrees nos 991 1031 and 1033
pollLlcal or [usLlclable?

2 uurlng Lhe presenL sLage of Lhe LranslLlon perlod and under Lhe envlronmenLal
clrcumsLances now obLalnlng does Lhe resldenL possess power Lo propose amendmenLs Lo
Lhe ConsLlLuLlon as well as seL up Lhe requlred machlnery and prescrlbe Lhe procedure for Lhe
raLlflcaLlon of hls proposals by Lhe people?

3 ls Lhe submlsslon Lo Lhe people of Lhe proposed amendmenLs wlLhln Lhe Llme frame allowed
Lherefor a sufflclenL and proper submlsslon?

upon Lhe flrsL lssue Chlef !usLlce lred 8ulz CasLro and AssoclaLe !usLlces Lnrlque M lernando
Claudlo 1eehankee AnLonlo 8arredo Cecllla Munoz alma Permogenes Concepclon !r and
8uperLo C MarLln are of Lhe vlew LhaL Lhe quesLlon posed ls [usLlclable whlle AssoclaLe !usLlces
lellx v Makaslar lellx C AnLonlo and 8amon C Aqulno hold Lhe vlew LhaL Lhe quesLlon ls

upon Lhe second lssue Chlef !usLlce CasLro and AssoclaLe !usLlces 8arredo Makaslar AnLonlo
Aqulno Concepclon !r and MarLln voLed ln Lhe afflrmaLlve whlle AssoclaLe !usLlces 1eehankee
and Munoz alma voLed ln Lhe negaLlve AssoclaLe !usLlce lernando conformably Lo hls
concurrlng and dlssenLlng oplnlon ln Aqulno vs Lnrlle (39 SC8A 183) speclflcally dlssenLs from
Lhe proposlLlon LhaL Lhere ls concenLraLlon of powers ln Lhe LxecuLlve durlng perlods of crlsls
Lhus ralslng serlous doubLs as Lo Lhe power of Lhe resldenL Lo propose amendmenLs

upon Lhe Lhlrd lssue Chlef !usLlce CasLro and AssoclaLe !usLlces 8arredo Makaslar Aqulno
Concepclon !r and MarLln are of Lhe vlew LhaL Lhere ls a sufflclenL and proper submlsslon of Lhe
proposed amendmenLs for raLlflcaLlon by Lhe people AssoclaLe !usLlces 8arredo and Makaslar
expressed Lhe hope however LhaL Lhe perlod of Llme may be exLended AssoclaLe !usLlces
lernando Makaslar and AnLonlo are of Lhe vlew LhaL Lhe quesLlon ls pollLlcal and Lherefore
beyond Lhe compeLence and cognlzance of Lhls CourL AssoclaLe !usLlce lernando adheres Lo hls
concurrence ln Lhe oplnlon of Chlef !usLlce Concepclon ln Conzales vs CCMLLLC (21 SC8A
774)AssoclaLe !usLlces 1eehankee and MunCZ alma hold LhaL presclndlng from Lhe
resldenLs lack of auLhorlLy Lo exerclse Lhe consLlLuenL power Lo propose Lhe amendmenLs
eLc as above sLaLed Lhere ls no falr and proper submlsslon wlLh sufflclenL lnformaLlon and
Llme Lo assure lnLelllgenL consenL or re[ecLlon under Lhe sLandards seL by Lhls CourL ln Lhe
conLrolllng cases of Conzales supra and 1olenLlno vs CCMLLLC (41 SC8A 702)

Chlef !usLlce CasLro and AssoclaLe !usLlces 8arredo Makaslar AnLonlo Aqulno Concepclon !r
and MarLln voLed Lo dlsmlss Lhe Lhree peLlLlons aL bar lor reasons as expressed ln hls separaLe
oplnlon AssoclaLe !usLlce lernando concurs ln Lhe resulL AssoclaLe !usLlces 1eehankee and
Munoz alma voLed Lo granL Lhe peLlLlons

ACCC8ulnCL? Lhe voLe belng 8 Lo 2 Lo dlsmlss Lhe sald peLlLlons are hereby dlsmlssed 1hls
declslon ls lmmedlaLely execuLory

SC C8uL8Lu

Aqulno ! ln Lhe resulL

SeparaLe Cplnlons

CAS18C C! concurrlng

lrom Lhe challenge as formulaLed ln Lhe Lhree peLlLlons aL bar and Lhe grounds advanced be Lhe
SollclLor Ceneral ln opposlLlon LhereLo as well as Lhe argumenLs adduced by Lhe counsels of
Lhe parLles aL Lhe hearlng had on CcLober 7 and 8 1976 Lhree vlLal lssues readlly pro[ecL
Lhemselves as Lhe cenLers of conLroversy namely

(1) ls Lhe quesLlon of Lhe consLlLuLlonallLy of resldenLlal uecrees nos 991 1031 and 1033
pollLlcal or [usLlclable?

(2) uurlng Lhe presenL sLage of Lhe LranslLlon perlod and under Lhe envlronmenLal
clrcumsLances now obLalnlng does Lhe resldenL possess power Lo propose amendmenLs Lo
Lhe ConsLlLuLlon as well as seL up Lhe requlred machlnerles and prescrlbe Lhe procedure for Lhe
raLlflcaLlon of hls proposals by Lhe people?

(3) ls Lhe submlsslon Lo Lhe people of Lhe proposed amendmenLs wlLhln Lhe Llme frame allowed
Lherefor a sufflclenL and proper submlsslon


llrsL lssue

1he Lhreshold quesLlon ls noL aL all one of flrsL lmpresslon Speclflcally on Lhe maLLer of
proposals Lo amend Lhe ConsLlLuLlon Lhls CourL ln Mabanag vs Lopez vlLo (78 hll 1)
lncepLlvely announced Lhe dlcLum LhaL

roposal Lo amend Lhe ConsLlLuLlon ls a hlghly pollLlcal funcLlon performed by Lhe Congress ln
lLs soverelgn leglslaLlve capaclLy and commlLLed Lo lLs charges by Lhe ConsLlLuLlon lLself 1he
exerclse of Lhls power ls even lndependenL of any lnLervenLlon by Lhe Chlef LxecuLlve lf on
grounds of expedlency scrupulous aLLenLlon of Lhe [udlclary be needed Lo safeguard publlc
lnLeresL Lhere ls less reason for [udlclal lnqulry lnLo Lhe valldlLy of a proposal Lhan lnLo LhaL of a

ln Llme however Lhe valldlLy of Lhe sald pronouncemenL was eroded ln Lhe assessmenL of Lhe
CourL lLself

1he force of Lhls precedenL has been weakened however by Suanes vs Chlef AccounLanL of
Lhe SenaLe (81 hll 818) Avellno vs Cuenco (L2381 March 4 and 14 1949) 1anada vs Cuenco
(L10320 lebruary 28 1937) and Maclas vs Commlsslon on LlecLlons (L18684 SepLember 14

xxx xxx xxx

ln shorL Lhe lssue wheLher or noL a 8esoluLlon of CongressacLlng as a consLlLuenL assembly
vlolaLes Lhe ConsLlLuLlon ls essenLlally [usLlclable noL pollLlcal and hence sub[ecL Lo [udlclal
revlew and Lo Lhe exLenL Lhls vlew may be lnconslsLenL wlLh Lhe sLand Laken ln Mabanag vs
Lopez vlLo Lhe laLLer should be deemed modlfled accordlngly 1he Members of Lhe CourL are
unanlmous on Lhls polnL (Conzales vs Commlsslon on LlecLlons eL al L28196 november 9
1967 21 SC8A 774 786787)

1he abandonmenL of Lhe Mabanag vs Lopez vlLo docLrlne appears Lo have been compleLed
when ln !avellana vs SecreLary eL al (L36142 March 3l 1973 30 SC8A 30) slx members of
Lhe CourL concurred ln Lhe vlew LhaL Lhe quesLlon of wheLher Lhe 1973 ConsLlLuLlon was raLlfled
ln accordance wlLh Lhe provlslons of ArLlcle xv (AmendmenLs) of Lhe 1933 ConsLlLuLlon ls
lnherenLly and essenLlally [usLlclable

As elucldaLed Lhereln wlLh exLenslve quoLaLlons from 1anada vs Cuenco (103 hll 1031)

Lhe Lerm pollLlcal quesLlon connoLes ln legal parlance whaL lL means ln ordlnarlly parlance
namely a quesLlon of pollcy ln maLLers concernlng Lhe governmenL of a SLaLe as a body pollLlc
ln oLher words ln Lhe language of Corpus !urls Secundum (supra) lL refers Lo Lhose quesLlons
whlch under Lhe ConsLlLuLlon are Lo be declded by Lhe people ln Lhelr soverelgn capaclLy or ln
regard Lo whlch full dlscreLlonary auLhorlLy has been delegaLed Lo Lhe LeglslaLure or execuLlve
branch of Lhe governmenL lL ls concerned wlLh lssues dependenL upon Lhe wlsdom noL
legallLy of a parLlcular measure

Accordlngly when Lhe granL of power ls quallfled condlLlonal or sub[ecL Lo llmlLaLlons Lhe lssue
on wheLher or noL Lhe prescrlbed quallflcaLlons or condlLlons have been meL or Lhe llmlLaLlons
respecLed ls [usLlclable or nonpollLlcal Lhe crux of Lhe problem belng one of legallLy or valldlLy
of Lhe conLesLed acL noL lLs wlsdom CLherwlse sald quallflcaLlons condlLlons or llmlLaLlons
parLlcularly Lhose prescrlbed or lmposed by Lhe ConsLlLuLlon would be seL aL naughL
(!avellana vs LxecuLlve SecreLary supra)

So lL ls ln Lhe slLuaLlon here presenLed 1he baslc lssue ls Lhe consLlLuLlonal valldlLy of Lhe
presldenLlal acLs of proposlng amendmenLs Lo Lhe ConsLlLuLlon and of calllng a referendum
pleblsclLe for Lhe raLlflcaLlon of Lhe proposals made LvldenLly Lhe quesLlon does noL concern
lLself wlLh Lhe wlsdom of Lhe exerclse of Lhe auLhorlLy clalmed or of Lhe speclflc amendmenLs
proposed lnsLead Lhe lnqulry vel non ls focused solely on Lhe exlsLence of Lhe sald power ln Lhe
resldenL a quesLlon purely of legallLy deLermlnable Lhru lnLerpreLaLlon and consLrucLlon of
Lhe leLLer and splrlL of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon by Lhe CourL as Lhe flnal arblLer ln Lhe dellneaLlon of
consLlLuLlonal boundarles and Lhe allocaLlon of consLlLuLlonal powers

lor Lhe CourL Lo shun cognlzance of Lhe challenge hereln presenLed especlally ln Lhese parlous
years would be Lo abdlcaLe lLs consLlLuLlonal powers shlrk lLs consLlLuLlonal responslblllLy and
deny Lhe people Lhelr ulLlmaLe recourse for [udlclal deLermlnaLlon

l have Lhus no heslLancy ln concludlng LhaL Lhe quesLlon here presenLed ls well wlLhln Lhe
perlphery of [udlclal lnqulry


Second lssue

1he maln quesLlon sLands on a dlfferenL fooLlng lL appears unprecedenLed boLh here and
elsewhere lLs soluLlon l belleve can be found and unraveled only by a crlLlcal assessmenL of
Lhe exlsLlng legal order ln Lhe llghL of Lhe prevalllng pollLlcal and facLual mllleu

1o be sure Lhere ls an lmpresslve array of conslsLenL [urlsprudence on Lhe proposlLlon LhaL
normally or under normal condlLlons a ConsLlLuLlon may be amended only ln accord wlLh Lhe
procedure seL forLh Lhereln Pence lf Lhere be any such prescrlpLlon for Lhe amendaLory
process as lnvarlable Lhere ls because one of Lhe essenLlal parLs of a ConsLlLuLlon ls Lhe so
called consLlLuLlon of soverelgnLy whlch comprlses Lhe provlslon or provlslons on Lhe modes
ln accordance wlLh whlch formal changes ln Lhe fundamenLal law may be effecLed Lhe same
would ordlnarlly be Lhe conLrolllng crlLerlon for Lhe valldlLy of Lhe amendmenLs soughL

unforLunaLely however durlng Lhe presenL LranslLlon perlod of our pollLlcal developmenL no
express provlslon ls exLanL ln Lhe ConsLlLuLlon regardlng Lhe agency or agenL by whom and Lhe
procedure by whlch amendmenLs LhereLo may be proposed and raLlfled facL overlooked by
Lhose who challenge Lhe valldlLy of Lhe presldenLlal acLs ln Lhe premlses 1hls ls so because
Lhere are aL leasL Lwo dlsLlncLly ln Lhe LranslLlon from Lhe old sysLem of governmenL under Lhe
1933 ConsLlLuLlon Lo Lhe new one esLabllshed by Lhe 1973 ConsLlLuLlon

1he flrsL sLage comprlses Lhe perlod from Lhe effecLlvlLy of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon on !anuary 17 1973
Lo Lhe Llme Lhe naLlonal Assembly ls convened by Lhe lncumbenL resldenL and Lhe lnLerlm
resldenL and Lhe lnLerlm rlme MlnlsLer are chosen ArLlcle xvll SecLlons 1 and 31 1he
exlsLence of Lhls sLage as an obvlous facL of Lhe naLlons pollLlcal llfe was recognlzed by Lhe
CourL ln Aqulno vs Commlsslon on LlecLlons eL al (L40004 !anuary 31 1973 62 SC8A 273)
when lL re[ecLed Lhe clalm LhaL under Lhe 1973 ConsLlLuLlon Lhe resldenL was ln duLy bound
Lo convene Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly soon afLer Lhe ConsLlLuLlon Look effecL

1he second sLage embraces Lhe perlod from Lhe daLe Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly ls
convened Lo Lhe daLe Lhe CovernmenL descrlbed ln ArLlcles vll Lo lx of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon ls
lnauguraLed followlng Lhe elecLlon of Lhe members of Lhe regular naLlonal Assembly (ArLlcle
xvll SecLlon 1) and Lhe elecLlon of Lhe regular resldenL and rlme MlnlsLer 1hls ls as lL should
be because lL ls recognlzed LhaL Lhe resldenL has been accorded Lhe dlscreLlon Lo deLermlne
when he shall lnlLlally convene Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly and hls declslon Lo defer Lhe
convocaLlon Lhereof has found overwhelmlng supporL by Lhe soverelgn people ln Lwo prevlous
referenda Lhereln glvlng reallLy Lo an lnLerregnum beLween Lhe effecLlvlLy of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
and Lhe lnlLlal convocaLlon of Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly whlch lnLerregnum as aforesald
consLlLuLes Lhe flrsL sLage ln Lhe LranslLlon perlod

AgalnsL Lhls facLual backdrop lL ls readlly dlscernlble LhaL nelLher of Lhe Lwo seLs of provlslons
embodled ln Lhe ConsLlLuLlon on Lhe amendaLory process applled durlng Lhe sald flrsL sLage
1hus SecLlon 13 ArLlcle xvll (1ranslLory rovlslons) provldes

Sec 13 1he lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly upon speclal call by Lhe lnLerlm rlme MlnlsLer may
by a ma[orlLy voLe of all lLs Members propose amendmenLs Lo Lhls ConsLlLuLlon Such
amendmenLs shall Lake effecL when raLlfled ln accordance wlLh ArLlcle SlxLeen hereof

aLenLly Lhe reference Lo Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly and Lhe lnLerlm rlme MlnlsLer
llmlLs Lhe appllcaLlon Lhereof Lo Lhe second sLage of Lhe LranslLlon perlod le afLer Lhe
lnLerlm? naLlonal Assembly shall have been convened and Lhe lnLerlm rlme MlnlsLer shall have
been chosen

upon Lhe oLher hand Lhe provlslons of ArLlcle xvl (AmendmenLs) Lo wlL

SLC1lCn 1 (1) Any amendmenL Lo or revlslon of Lhls ConsLlLuLlon may be proposed by Lhe
naLlonal Assembly upon a voLe of LhreefourLhs of all lLs Members or by a consLlLuLlonal

(2) 1he naLlonal Assembly may by a voLe of LwoLhlrds of all lLs Members call a consLlLuLlonal
convenLlon or by a ma[orlLy voLe of all lLs Members submlL Lhe quesLlon of celllng such a
convenLlon Lo Lhe elecLoraLe ln an elecLlon

SLC 2 Any amendmenL Lo or revlslon of Lhls ConsLlLuLlon shall be valld when raLlfled by a
ma[orlLy of Lhe voLes casL ln a pleblsclLe whlch shall be held noL laLer Lhan Lhree monLhs afLer
Lhe approval of such amendmenL or revlslon

unequlvocally conLemplaLe amendmenLs afLer Lhe regular CovernmenL shall have become fully
operaLlve referrlng as Lhey do Lo Lhe naLlonal Assembly whlch wlll come lnLo belng only aL LhaL

ln Lhe face of Lhls consLlLuLlonal hlaLus we are confronLed wlLh Lhe dllemma wheLher
amendmenLs Lo Lhe ConsLlLuLlon may be effecLed durlng Lhe aforesald flrsL sLage and lf ln Lhe
afflrmaLlve by whom and ln whaL manner such amendmenLs may be proposed and raLlfled

SuscepLlblllLy Lo change ls one of Lhe hallmarks of an ldeal ConsLlLuLlon noL belng a mere
declaraLlon of Lhe LradlLlons of a naLlon buL more Lhe embodlmenL of a peoples hopes and
asplraLlons lLs sLrlcLures are noL unalLerable 1hey are lnsLead dynamlc precepLs lnLended Lo
keep ln sLrlde wlLh and aLLuned Lo Lhe llvlng soclal organlsm Lhey seek Lo fashlon and govern lf
lL ls conceded LhaL Lhe pollLlcal or phllosophlcal aphorlsm of one generaLlon ls doubLed by Lhe
nexL and enLlrely dlscarded by Lhe Lhlrd Lhen a ConsLlLuLlon musL be able Lo ad[usL Lo Lhe
changlng needs and demands of socleLy so LhaL Lhe laLLer may survlve progress and endure Cn
Lhese verlLles Lhere can be no debaLe

uurlng Lhe flrsL sLage of Lhe LranslLlon perlod ln whlch Lhe CovernmenL ls aL presenL whlch ls
undersLandably Lhe mosL crlLlcal Lhe need for change may be mosL presslng and lmperaLlve
and Lo dlsavow Lhe exlsLence of Lhe rlghL Lo amend Lhe ConsLlLuLlon would be sheer pollLlcal
heresy Such vlew would deny Lhe people a mechanlsm for effecLlng peaceful change and belle
Lhe organlc concepLlon of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon by deprlvlng lL of lLs means of growLh Such a resulL
obvlously could noL have been lnLended by Lhe framers of Lhe fundamenLal law

lL seems however LhaL Lhe happensLance LhaL Lhe flrsL perlod would come Lo pass before Lhe
convocaLlon of Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly was noL anLlclpaLed hence Lhe omlsslon of an
express mandaLe Lo govern Lhe sald slLuaLlon ln so far as amendmenLs are concerned 8uL such
omlsslon Lhrough lnadverLence should noL because lL cannoL negaLe Lhe soverelgn power of
Lhe people Lo amend Lhe fundamenLal charLer LhaL governs Lhelr llves and Lhelr fuLure and
perhaps even Lhe very survlval of Lhe naLlon

upon Lhe oLher hand lL ls clear from Lhe aforequoLed provlslons on Lhe amendaLory process
LhaL Lhe lnLenL was lnsLead Lo provlde a slmpler and more expedlLlous mode of amendlng Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon durlng Lhe LranslLlon perlod lor whlle under ArLlcle xvl Lhereof proposals for
amendmenL may be made dlrecLly by Lhe regular naLlonal Assembly by a voLe of aL leasL Lhree
fourLhs of all lLs members under SecLlon 13 of ArLlcle xvll a bare ma[orlLy voLe of all Lhe
members of Lhe naLlonal Assembly would sufflce for Lhe purpose 1he relaxaLlon and Lhe
dlsparlLy ln Lhe voLe requlremenL are reveallng 1he can only slgnlfy a recognlLlon of Lhe need Lo
faclllLaLe Lhe adopLlon of amendmenLs durlng Lhe second sLage of Lhe LranslLlon perlod so LhaL
Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly wlll be able ln a manner of speaklng Lo lron ouL Lhe klnks ln Lhe
new ConsLlLuLlon remove lmperfecLlons Lhereln and provlde for changed or changlng
clrcumsLances before Lhe esLabllshmenL of Lhe regular CovernmenL ln Lhls conLesL Lherefore
lL ls lnuLlle speculaLlon Lo assume LhaL Lhe ConsLlLuLlon was lnLended Lo render lmpoLenL or ar
Lhe effecLuaLlon of needful change aL an even more crlLlcal perlod Lhe flrsL sLage WlLh greaLer
reason Lherefore musL Lhe rlghL and power Lo amend Lhe ConsLlLuLlon durlng Lhe flrsL sLage of
Le LranslLlon perlod be upheld albelL wlLhln lLs express and lmplled consLralnLs

nelLher can lL be successfully argued ln Lhe same conLexL and ln Lhe presenL posLure LhaL Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon may be amended durlng Lhe sald flrsL sLage only by convenlng Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal
Assembly 1haL ls Lo say and requlre LhaL he sald sLage musL flrsL be broughL Lo an end before
any amendmenL may be proposed and raLlfled SeLLled [urlsprudence does noL square wlLh such
a proposlLlon As apLly noLed ln Aqulno vs Commlsslon on LlecLlons eL al supra Lhe framers
of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon seL no deadllne for Lhe convenlng of Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly because
Lhey could noL have foreseen how long Lhe crlses whlch lmpelled Lhe proclamaLlon and [usLlfy
Lhe conLlnued sLaLe of marLlal law would lasL lndeed Lhe framers commlLLed Lo Lhe sound
[udgmenL ls noL sub[ecL Lo [udlclal revlew save posslbly Lo deLermlne wheLher arblLrarlness has
lnfecLed such exerclse absenL such a LalnL Lhe maLLer ls solely ln Lhe keeplng of Lhe resldenL
1o Lhus conLenL LhaL only by convenlng Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly may Lhe ConsLlLuLlon be
amended aL Lhls Llme would effecLlvely overrlde Lhe [udgemenL vesLed ln Lhe resldenL even ln
defaulL of any he has acLed arblLrarlly or gravely abuse hls dlscreLlon lurLhermore Lo susLaln
such a conLenLlon would noL only negaLe Lhe mandaLe so resoundlngly expressed by Lhe people
ln Lwo naLlonal referenda agalnsL Lhe lmmedlaLe convenlng of Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly
buL as well derlde Lhelr overwhelmlng approval of Lhe manner ln whlch Lhe resldenL has
exerclsed Lhe leglslaLlve power Lo lssue proclamaLlons orders decrees and lnsLrucLlons havlng
Lhe sLaLure and force of law

Clven Lhe consLlLuLlonal sLalemaLe or lmpasse spawned by Lhese supervenlng developmenLs
Lhe loglcal query LhaL compels lLself for resoluLlon ls 8y whom Lhen may proposals for Lhe
amendmenL of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon be made and ln whaL manner may sald proposals be raLlfled by
Lhe people?

lL ls convenLlonal wlsdom LhaL concepLually Lhe consLlLuenL power ls noL Lo be confuse wlLh
leglslaLlve power ln general because Lhe prerogaLlve Lo propose amendmenLs Lo Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon ls noL ln any sense embraced wlLhln Lhe amblL of ordlnary lawmaklng Pence
Lhere ls much Lo recommend Lhe proposlLlon LhaL ln defaulL of an express granL Lhereof Lhe
leglslaLure LradlLlonally Lhe delegaLed reposlLory Lhereof may noL clalm lL under a general
granL of leglslaLlve auLhorlLy ln Lhe same veln nelLher would lL be alLogeLher unassallable Lo
say LhaL because by consLlLuLlonal LradlLlon and express allocaLlon Lhe consLlLuenL power under
Lhe ConsLlLuLlon ls locaLe ln Lhe lawmaklng agency and aL Lhls sLage of Lhe LranslLlon perlod Lhe
lawmaklng auLhorlLy ls flrmly recognlzed as belng lodged ln Lhe resldenL Lhe sald consLlLuenL
power should now loglcally be ln Lhe hands of Le resldenL who may Lhus exerclse lL ln place of
Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly lnsLead as polnLed ouL ln Conzales vs Commlsslon on
LlecLlons eL al supra Lhe power Lo amend Lhe ConsLlLuLlon or Lo propose amendmenLs

ls parL of Lhe lnherenL powers of Lhe people as Lhe reposlLory of soverelgnLy ln a republlcan
sLaLe such as ours L o make and hence Lo amend Lhelr own lundamenLal Law

As such lL ls undoubLedly a power LhaL only Lhe soverelgn people elLher dlrecLly by Lhemselves
or Lhrough Lhelr chosen delegaLe can wleld Slnce lL has been shown LhaL Lhe people
lnadverLenLly or oLherwlse have noL delegaLed LhaL power Lo lnadverLenLly or oLherwlse have
noL delegaLed LhaL power Lo any lnsLrumenLallLy durlng Lhe currenL sLage of our heglra from
crlsls Lo normalcy lL follows of necesslLy LhaL Lhe same remalns wlLh Lhem for Lhem Lo exerclse
ln Lhe manner Lhey see flL and Lhrough Lhe agency Lhey choose And even lf lL were conceded
LhaL as lL ls repuLedly Lhe rule ln some [urlsdlcLlons a delegaLlon of Lhe consLlLuenL auLhorlLy
amounLs Lo a compleLe dlvesLlLure from Lhe people of Lhe power delegaLed whlch Lhey may noL
LhereafLer unllaLerally reclalm from Lhe delegaLe Lhere would be no vlolence donde Lo such
rule assumlng lL Lo be appllcable here lnasmuch as LhaL power under Lhe envlronmenLal
clrcumsLance adverLed Lo has noL been delegaLed Lo anyone ln Lhe flrsL place 1he consLlLuenL
power durlng Lhe flrsL sLage of Lhe LranslLlon perlod belongs Lo and remalns wlLh Lhe people
and accordlngly may be exerclsed by Lhem how and when aL Lhelr pleasure

AL Lhls [uncLure a flashback Lo Lhe recenL and conLemporary pollLlcal fermenL ln Lhe counLry
proves revelaLory 1he people shocked and revolLed by Lhe obvlous lmmorallLy of Lhe
unabashed manner by whlch Lhe delegaLes Lo Lhe ConsLlLuLlonal ConvenLlon vlrLually leglslaLed
Lhemselves lnLo offlce as lpso facLo members of Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly by Lhe mere flaL
of voLlng for Lhe LranslLory provlslons of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon and Lhe sLark reallLy LhaL Lhe
unwleldy pollLlcal monsLroslLy LhaL Lhe lnLerlm Assembly porLended Lo be would have proven Lo
be a verlLable draln on Lhe meager flnanclal resources of a naLlon sLruggllng for survlval have
unequlvocally puL Lhelr fooL down as lL were on Lhe convocaLlon Lhereof 8uL Lhls paLenLly
saluLary declslon of Lhe people proved Lo be doubleedged lL llkewlse bound Lhe pollLlcal
machlnery of Lhe CovernmenL ln a vlrLual sLralghL[ackeL and conslgned Lhe pollLlcal evoluLlon
of Lhe naLlon lnLo a sLaLe of suspended anlmaLlon laced wlLh Lhe ensulng dllemma Lhe people
undersLandably aglLaLed for a soluLlon 1hrough consulLaLlons ln Lhe barangays and sanggunlan
assemblles Lhe lnsLrumenLallLles Lhrough whlch Lhe peoples volce ls arLlculaLed ln Lhe unlque
sysLem of parLlclpaLory democracy ln Lhe counLry Loday Lhe underplnnlngs for Lhe hasLenlng of
Lhe reLurn Lo consLlLuLlonal normalcy qulckly evolved lnLo an overwhelmlng senLlmenL Lo
amend Lhe ConsLlLuLlon ln order Lo replace Lhe dlscredlLed lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly wlLh
whaL Lhe people belleve wlll be an approprlaLe agency Lo evenLually Lake over Lhe lawmaklng
power and Lhus pave Lhe way for Lhe early llfLlng of marLlal rule ln pursulL of Lhls senLlmenL
and Lo LranslaLe lLs consLralnLs lnLo concreLe acLlon Lhe ambansang kaLlpunan ng 8arangay
Lhe ambansang kaLlpunan ng mga kabaLaang 8arangay Lhe Lupong 1agapagpaganap of Lhe
kaLlpunan ng mga 8arangay Lhe ambansang kaLlpunan ng mga kabaLaang 8arangay Lhe
Lupong 1agapagpaganap of Lhe kaLlpunan ng mga Sanggunlan and flnally Lhe 8aLasang 8ayan
Lo a man and as one volce have come forward wlLh deflnlLlve proposals for Lhe amendmenL of
Lhe ConsLlLuLlon and chooslng Lhe resldenL Lhe only pollLlcal arm of Lhe SLaLe aL Lhls Llme
Lhrough whlch LhaL declslon could be lmplemenLed and Lhe end ln vlew aLLalned as Lhelr
spokesman proposed Lhe amendmenLs under challenge ln Lhe cases aL bar

ln Lhe llghL of Lhls mllleu and lLs lmperaLlves one Lhlng ls lnescapable Lhe proposals now
submlLLed Lo Lhe people for Lhelr raLlflcaLlon ln Lhe forLhcomlng referendumpleblsclLe are
facLually noL of Lhe resldenL Lhey are dlrecLly Lhose of Lhe people Lhemselves speaklng Lhru
Lhelr auLhorlzed lnsLrumenLallLles 1he resldenL merely formallzed Lhe sald proposals ln
resldenLlal uecree no 1033 lL belng conceded ln all quarLers LhaL soverelgnLy resldes ln Lhe
people and lL havlng been demonsLraLed LhaL Lhelr consLlLuenL power Lo amend Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon has noL been delegaLed by Lhem Lo any lnsLrumenLallLy of Lhe CovernmenL durlng
Lhe presenL sLage of Lhe LranslLlon perlod of our pollLlcal developmenL Lhe concluslon ls
lnelucLable LhaL Lhelr exerLlon of LhaL reslduary power cannoL be vulnerable Lo any
consLlLuLlonal challenge as belng ulLra vlres Accordlngly wlLhouL venLurlng Lo rule on wheLher
or noL Lhe resldenL ls vesLed wlLh consLlLuenL power as lL does noL appear necessary Lo do so
ln Lhe premlses Lhe proposals here challenged belng acLs of Lhe soverelgn people no less
cannoL be sald Lo be affllcLed wlLh unconsLlLuLlonallLy A forLlorl Lhe concomlLanL auLhorlLy Lo
call a pleblsclLe and Lo approprlaLe funds Lherefor ls even less vulnerable noL only because Lhe
resldenL ln exerclslng sald auLhorlLy has acLed as a mere alLer ego of Lhe people who made
Lhe proposals buL llkewlse because Lhe sald auLhorlLy ls leglslaLlve ln naLure raLher Lhan


1hlrd lssue

LlLLle need be sald of Lhe clalmed lnsufflclency and lmproprleLy of Lhe submlsslon of Lhe
proposed amendmenLs for raLlflcaLlon from Lhe sLandpolnL of Llme 1he Lhesls cannoL be
dlspuLed LhaL a falr submlsslon presupposes an adequaLe Llme lapse Lo enable Lhe people Lo be
sufflclenLly enllghLened on Lhe merlLs or demerlLs of Lhe amendmenLs presenLed for Lhelr
raLlflcaLlon or re[ecLlon Powever clrcumsLances Lhere are whlch unmlsLakably demonsLraLed
LhaL Lhe ls meL Lven lf Lhe proposal appear Lo have been formallzed only upon Lhe
promulgaLlon of resldenLlal uecree no 1033 on SepLember 22 1976 Lhey are acLually Lhe
crysLalllzaLlon of senLlmenLs LhaL for so long have preoccupled Lhe mlnds of Lhe people and
Lhelr auLhorlzed represenLaLlves from Lhe very lowesL level of Lhe pollLlcal hlerarchy Pence
unllke proposals emanaLlng from a leglslaLlve body Lhe same cannoL buL be sald Lo have been
mulled over pondered upon debaLed dlscussed and sufflclenLly undersLood by Lhe greaL
masses of Lhe naLlon long before Lhey rlpened lnLo formal proposals

8esldes lL ls a facL of whlch [udlclal noLlce may well be Laken LhaL ln Lhe noL so dlsLanL pasL
when Lhe 1973 ConsLlLuLlon was submlLLed Lo Lhe people for raLlflcaLlon an allouL campalgn
ln whlch all Lhe delegaLes of Lhe ConsLlLuLlonal ConvenLlon reporLedly parLlclpaLed was
launched Lo acqualnL Lhe people wlLh Lhe ramlflcaLlons and worklng of Lhe new sysLem of
governmenL soughL Lo be lnauguraLed Lhereunder lL may Lhus well be assumed LhaL Lhe people
ln general have slnce acqulred ln Lhe leasL a worklng knowledge of Lhe enLlreLy of Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon 1he changes now proposed Lhe mosL subsLanLlal of whlch belng merely Lhe
replacemenL of Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal assembly wlLh anoLher leglslaLlve arm for Lhe CovernmenL
durlng Lhe LranslLlon perlod unLll Lhe regular naLlonal Assembly shall have been consLlLuLed do
noL appear Lo be of such complexlLy as Lo requlre conslderable Llme Lo be broughL home Lo Lhe
full undersLandlng of Lhe people And ln facL Lhe masslve and wlderanglng lnformaLlonal and
educaLlonal campalgn Lo Lhls end has been and sLlll ls ln full swlng wlLh all Lhe medla Lhe
barangay Lhe clvlc and secLoral groups and even Lhe rellglous all over Lhe land ln acLlng and
ofLen enLhuslasLlc lf noL freneLlc lnvolvemenL

lndeed when Lhe people casL Lhelr voLes on CcLober 16 a negaLlve voLe could very well mean
an undersLandlng of Lhe proposals whlch Lhey re[ecL whlle an afflrmaLlve voLe could equally be
lndlcaLlve Cf such undersLandlng and/or an abldlng credence ln Lhe fldellLy wlLh whlch Lhe
resldenL has kepL Lhe LrusL Lhey have conflded Lo hlm as resldenL and admlnlsLraLor of
marLlal rule



lL ls Lhus my consldered vlew LhaL no quesLlon vlable for Lhls courL Lo pass [udgmenL upon ls
posed Accordlngly l voLe for Lhe ouLrlghL dlsmlssal of Lhe Lhree peLlLlons aL bar

lL8nAnuC ! concurrlng and dlssenLlng

1hese Lhree peLlLlons Lhe laLesL ln a serles of cases sLarLlng from lanas v Commlsslon on
LlecLlons conLlnulng wlLh Lhe epochal resoluLlon ln !avellana v LxecuLlve SecreLary and
followed successlvely ln Lhree cruclal declslons Aqulno v once Lnrlle Aqulno v Commlsslon
on LlecLlons and Aqulno v MlllLary Commlsslon 3 manlfesL Lo Lhe same degree Lhe dellcaLe and
awesome characLer of Lhe funcLlon of [udlclal revlew Whlle prevlous rullngs supply guldance
and enllghLenmenL care ls Lo be Laken Lo avold docLrlnalre rlgldlLy unmlndful of alLered
clrcumsLances and Lhe urgencles of Lhe Llmes lL ls lnapproprlaLe Lo resolve Lhe complex
problems of a crlLlcal perlod wlLhouL full awareness of Lhe consequences LhaL flow from
whaLever declslon ls reached !ural norms musL be read ln Lhe conLexL of soclal facLs 1here ls
need Lherefore of ad[usLlng lnherlLed prlnclples Lo new needs lor law much more so
consLlLuLlonal law ls slmulLaneously a reflecLlon of and a force ln Lhe socleLy LhaL lL conLrols no
quallLy Lhen can be more deslrable ln consLlLuLlonal ad[udlcaLlon Lhan LhaL lnLellecLual and
lmaglnaLlve lnslghL whlch goes lnLo Lhe hearL of Lhe maLLer 1he [udlclary musL survey Lhlngs as
Lhey are ln Lhe llghL of whaL Lhey musL become lL musL lnqulre lnLo Lhe speclflc problem posed
noL only ln Lerms of Lhe Leachlng of Lhe pasL buL also of Lhe emerglng pollLlcal and legal Lheory
especlally so under a leadershlp noLable for lLs lnnovaLlve approach Lo soclal problems and Lhe
vlgor of lLs lmplemenLaLlon 1hls on Lhe one slde lL musL equally be borne ln mlnd Lhrough LhaL
Lhls CourL musL be consclous of Lhe rlsk lnherenL ln lLs belng consldered as a mere subservlenL
lnsLrumenL of governmenL pollcy however admlLLedly saluLary or deslrable 1here ls sLlll Lhe
need Lo demonsLraLe LhaL Lhe concluslon reached by lL ln cases approprlaLe for lLs
deLermlnaLlon has supporL ln Lhe law LhaL musL be applled 1o my mlnd LhaL was Lhe norm
followed Lhe concluslon reached belng LhaL Lhe Lhree peLlLlons be dlsmlssed l am ln
agreemenL lL ls wlLh regreL however LhaL based on my readlng of pasL declslons boLh
hlllpplne and Amerlcan and more speclflcally my concurrlng oplnlon ln Aqulno v once Lnrlle
l musL dlssenL from Lhe proposlLlon seL forLh ln Lhe able and scholarly oplnlon of !usLlce MarLln
LhaL Lhere ls concenLraLlon of power ln Lhe resldenL durlng a crlsls governmenL ConsequenLly
l cannoL see my way clear Lo accepLlng Lhe vlew LhaL Lhe auLhorlLy Lo propose amendmenLs ls
noL open Lo quesLlon AL Lhe very leasL serlous doubLs could be enLerLalned on Lhe maLLer

1 WlLh due respecL Lhen l have Lo dlssoclaLe myself from my breLhren who would rule LhaL
governmenLal powers ln a crlsls governmenL followlng 8osslLer are more or less concenLraLed
ln Lhe resldenL Adherence Lo my concurrlng and dlssenLlng oplnlon ln Aqulno v once Lnrlle
leaves me no cholce

lL musL be sLaLed aL Lhe ouLseL LhaL wlLh Lhe sufflclency of docLrlnes supplled by our pasL
declslons Lo polnL Lhe way Lo whaL l dld conslder Lhe approprlaLe response Lo Lhe baslc lssue
ralsed ln Lhe Aqulno and Lhe oLher habeas corpus peLlLlons resolved [olnLly lL was only ln Lhe
laLLer porLlon of my oplnlon LhaL reference was made Lo unlLed SLaLes Supreme CourL
pronouncemenLs on marLlal law aL Lhe mosL persuaslve ln characLer and raLher few ln number
due no doubL Lo Lhe absence ln Lhe Amerlcan ConsLlLuLlon of any provlslon concernlng lL 7 lL
was undersLandable Lhen LhaL lL was only afLer Lhe landmark Lx parLe Mllllgan case LhaL
commenLaLors llke Cooley ln 1868 and WaLson ln 1910 pald aLLenLlon mlnlmal by LhaL Lo Lhe
sub[ecL lL was nexL seL forLh LhaL ln Lhe works on Amerlcan consLlLuLlonal law publlshed ln Lhls
cenLury speclally afLer Lhe leadlng cases of cases SLerllng v ConsLanL ln and uuncan v
kahanamoku Lhere was a fuller LreaLmenL of Lhe quesLlon of marLlal law Whlle lL ls Lhe
formulaLlon of Wllloughby LhaL for me ls mosL accepLable my oplnlon dld Lake noLe LhaL
anoLher commenLaLor 8urdlck came ouL earller wlLh a slmllar appralsal 10 1hus So called
marLlal law excepL ln occupled LerrlLory of an enemy ls merely Lhe calllng ln of Lhe ald of
mlllLary forces by Lhe execuLlve who ls charged wlLh Lhe enforcemenL of Lhe law wlLh or
wlLhouL speclal auLhorlzaLlon by Lhe leglslaLure Such declaraLlon of marLlal law does noL
suspend Lhe clvll law Lhough lL may lnLerfere wlLh Lhe exerclse of ones ordlnary rlghLs 1he
rlghL Lo call ouL Lhe mlllLary forces Lo malnLaln order and enforce Lhe law ls slmply parL of Lhe
ollce power lL ls only [usLlfled when lL reasonably appears necessary and only [usLlfles such
acLs as reasonably appear necessarlly Lo meeL Lhe exlgency lncludlng Lhe arresL or ln exLreme
cases Lhe kllllng of Lhose who creaLe Lhe dlsorder or oppose Lhe auLhorlLles When Lhe exlgency
ls over Lhe members of Lhe mlllLary forces are crlmlnally and clvllly hablL for acLs done beyond
Lhe scope of reasonable necesslLy When honesLly and reasonably coplng wlLh a slLuaLlon of
lnsurrecLlon or rloL a member of Lhe mlllLary forces cannoL be made llable for hls acLs and
persons reasonably arresLed under such clrcumsLances wlll noL durlng Lhe lnsurrecLlon or rloL
be free by wrlL of habeas corpus 11 When Lhe oplnlon clLed Wllloughbys concepL of marLlal
law sLress was lald on hls belng arLlal Lo Lhe clalms of llberLy12 1hls ls evldenL ln Lhe expllclL
sLaLemenL from hls work quoLed by me 1here ls Lhen sLrlcLly speaklng no such Lhlng ln
Amerlcan law as a declaraLlon of marLlal law whereby mlllLary law ls subsLlLuLed for clvll law
Socalled declaraLlons of marLlal law are lndeed ofLen made buL Lhelr legal effecL goes no
furLher Lhan Lo warn clLlzens LhaL Lhe mlllLary powers have been called upon by Lhe execuLlve
Lo asslsL hlm ln Lhe malnLenance of law and order and LhaL whlle Lhe emergency lasLs Lhey
musL upon paln of arresL and punlshmenL noL commlL any acLs whlch wlll ln any way render
more dlfflculL Lhe resLoraLlon of order and Lhe enforcemenL of law Some of Lhe auLhorlLles
sLaLlng subsLanLlally Lhls docLrlne are quoLed ln Lhe fooLnoLe below nor dld l sLop Lhere 1he
words of Wlllls were llkewlse clLed MarLlal law proper LhaL ls mlllLary law ln case of
lnsurrecLlon rloLs and lnvaslons ls noL a subsLlLuLe for Lhe clvll law buL ls raLher an ald Lo Lhe
execuLlon of clvll law ueclaraLlons of marLlal law go no furLher Lhan Lo warn clLlzens LhaL Lhe
execuLlve has called upon Lhe mlllLary power Lo asslsL hlm ln Lhe malnLenance of law and order
Whlle marLlal law ls ln force no new powers are glven Lo Lhe execuLlve and no clvll rlghLs of Lhe
lndlvldual oLher Lhan Lhe wrlL of habeas corpus are suspended 1he relaLlons beLween Lhe
clLlzen and hls sLaLure unchanged 14

1he concluslon reached by me as Lo Lhe sLaLe of Amerlcan federal law on Lhe quesLlon of
marLlal law was expressed Lhus 41 lL ls readlly evldenL LhaL even when Mllllgan supplled Lhe
only auLhorlLaLlve docLrlne 8urdlck and Wllloughby dld noL lgnore Lhe prlmacy of clvll llberLles
Wlllls wroLe afLer SLerllng lL would lndeed be surprlslng lf hls oplnlon were oLherwlse AfLer
uuncan such an approach becomes even more sLrongly forLlfled SchwarLz whose LreaLlse ls
Lhe laLesL Lo be publlshed has Lhls summary of whaL he conslders Lhe presenL sLaLe of
Amerlcan law 1he Mllllgan and uuncan cases show plalnly LhaL marLlal law ls Lhe publlc law of
necesslLy necesslLles alone calls lL forLh necesslLy [usLlfles lLs exerclse and necesslLles
measures Lhe exLended degree Lo whlch lL may be lL ls Lhe hlgh CourL has afflrmed an
unbendlng rule of law LhaL Lhe exerclse of mlllLary power where Lhe rlghLs of Lhe clLlzen are
concerned may never be pushed beyond whaL Lhe exlgency requlres lf marLlal law rule
survlve Lhe necesslLles on whlch alone lL resLs for even a slngle mlnuLe lL becomes a mere
exerclse of lawless vlolence lurLher SLerllng v ConsLanLln ls of baslc lmporLance 8efore lL a
number of declslons lncludlng one Lhe hlghesL CourL wenL or on Lhe Lheory LhaL Lhe execuLlve
had a free hand ln Laklng marLlal law measures under Lhem lL has been wldely supposed LhaL
ln proclamaLlon was so far concluslve LhaL any acLlon Laken under lL was lmmune from [udlclal
scruLlny SLerllng v ConsLanLln deflnlLely dlscredlLs Lhese earller declslons and Lhe docLrlne of
concluslveness derlved from Lhem under SLerllng v ConsLanLln where marLlal law measures
lmplnge upon personal or properLy rlghLsnormally beyond Lhe scope of mlllLary power whose
lnLervenLlon ls lawful only because an abnormal AcLuaLlon has made lL necessary Lhe
execuLlves lpse dlxlL ls noL of lLself concluslve of Lhe necesslLy 13

1here was llkewlse an efforL on my parL Lo show whaL for me ls Lhe legal effecL of marLlal law
belng expressly provlded for ln Lhe ConsLlLuLlon raLher Lhan belng solely predlcaLed on Lhe
common law power based on Lhe urgenL need for lL because of compelllng clrcumsLances
lncldenL Lo Lhe sLaLe of acLual clash of arms lL ls noL Lo be losL slghL of LhaL Lhe basls for Lhe
declaraLlon of marLlal law ln Lhe hlllpplnes ls noL mere necesslLy buL an expllclL consLlLuLlonal
provlslon Cn Lhe oLher hand Mllllgan whlch furnlshed Lhe foundaLlon for SLerllng and uuncan
had lLs rooLs ln Lhe Lngllsh common law 1here ls perLlnence Lherefore ln ascerLalnlng lLs
slgnlflcance under LhaL sysLem Accordlng Lo Lhe noLed Lngllsh auLhor ulcey MarLlal law ln
Lhe proper sense of LhaL Lerm ln whlch lL means Lhe suspenslon of ordlnary law and Lhe
Lemporary governmenL of a counLry or parLs of lL be mlllLary Lrlbunals ls unknown Lo Lhe law of
Lngland We have noLhlng equlvalenL Lo whaL ls called ln lrance Lhe ueclaraLlon of Lhe SLaLe of
Slege under whlch Lhe auLhorlLy ordlnarlly vesLed ln Lhe clvll power for Lhe malnLenance of
order and pollce passes enLlrely Lo Lhe army (auLorlLe mlllLalre) 1hls ls an unmlsLakable proof of
Lhe permanenL supremacy of Lhe law under our consLlLuLlon 1here was Lhls quallflcaLlon
MarLlal law ls someLlmes employed as a name for Lhe common law rlghL of Lhe Crown and lLs
servanLs Lo repel force by force ln Lhe case of lnvaslon lnsurrecLlon rloL or generally of any
vlolenL reslsLance Lo Lhe law 1hls rlghL or power ls essenLlal Lo Lhe very exlsLence of orderly
governmenL and ls mosL assuredly recognlzed ln Lhe mosL ample manner by Lhe law of
Lngland lL ls a power whlch has ln lLself no speclal connecLlon wlLh Lhe exlsLence of an armed
force 1he Crown has Lhe rlghL Lo puL down breaches of Lhe peace Lvery sub[ecL wheLher a
clvlllan or a soldler wheLher whaL ls called a servanL of Lhe governmenL such for example as a
pollceman or a person ln no way connecLed wlLh Lhe admlnlsLraLlon noL only has Lhe rlghL buL
ls as a maLLer of legal duLy bound Lo asslsL ln puLLlng down breaches of Lhe peace no doubL
pollcemen or soldlers are Lhe persons who as belng speclally employed ln Lhe malnLenance of
order are mosL generally called upon Lo suppress a rloL buL lL ls clear LhaL all loyal sub[ecLs are
bound Lo Lake Lhelr parL ln Lhe suppresslon of rloLs 16

CommlLmenL Lo such an approach resulLs ln my lnablllLy Lo subscrlbe Lo Lhe bellef LhaL marLlal
law ln Lerms of whaL ls provlded boLh ln Lhe 1933 and Lhe presenL ConsLlLuLlon affords
sufflclenL [usLlflcaLlon for Lhe concenLraLlon of powers ln Lhe LxecuLlve durlng perlods of crlsls
1he beLLer vlew conslderlng Lhe [urlsLlc Lheory on whlch our fundamenLal law resLs ls LhaL
expressed by !usLlce 8lack ln uuncan v kahanamoku LeglslaLures and courLs are noL merely
cherlshed Amerlcan lnsLlLuLlons Lhey are lndlspensable Lo our governmenL 17 lf Lhere has
been no observance of such a cardlnal concepL aL Lhe presenL lL ls due Lo Lhe facL LhaL before
Lhe former Congress could meeL ln regular sesslon anew Lhe presenL ConsLlLuLlon was adopLed
abollshlng lL and provldlng for an lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly whlch has noL been convened 18
So l dld vlew Lhe maLLer

2 nor dld l lgnore 8osslLer ln my Aqulno v once Lnrlle oplnlon 8eference was made Lo Lhe
flrsL chapLer on hls work on ConsLlLuLlonal ulcLaLorshlp where he spoke of marLlal rule as a
devlce deslgned for use ln Lhe crlsls of lnvaslon or rebelllon lL may be mosL preclsely deflned as
an exLenslon of mlllLary governmenL Lo Lhe clvlllan populaLlon Lhe subsLlLuLlon of Lhe wlll of a
mlllLary commander for Lhe wlll of Lhe peoples elecLed governmenL 19 Slnce for me aL leasL
Lhe 8osslLer characLerlzaLlon of marLlal law has ln lL more of Lhe common law connoLaLlon less
Lhan duly mlndful of Lhe [ural effecLs of lLs lncluslon ln Lhe ConsLlLuLlon lLself as a leglLlmaLe
devlce for coplng wlLh emergency condlLlons ln Llmes of grave danger buL always sub[ecL Lo
aLLendanL llmlLaLlons ln accordance wlLh Lhe fundamenLal posLulaLe of a charLers supremacy l
felL [usLlfled ln concludlng Papplly for Lhe hlllpplnes Lhe declaraLlon of marLlal law lends
lLself Lo Lhe lnLerpreLaLlon LhaL Lhe 8urdlck Wllloughby Wlllls SchwarLz formulaLlons paylng
due regard Lo Lhe prlmacy of llberLy possess relevance lL cannoL be sald LhaL Lhe marLlal rule
concepL of 8osslLer laLlLudlnarlan ln scope has been adopLed even on Lhe assumpLlon LhaL lL
can be reconclled wlLh our ConsLlLuLlon WhaL ls undenlable ls LhaL resldenL Marcos has
repeaLedly malnLalned LhaL roclamaLlon no 1081 was preclsely based on Lhe ConsLlLuLlon and
LhaL Lhe valldlLy of acLs Laken Lhere under could be passed upon by Lhe Supreme courL lor me
LhaL ls qulLe reassurlng persuaded as l am llkewlse LhaL Lhe week of 8osslLer ls opposed Lo Lhe
fundamenLal concepL of our pollLy whlch puLs a premlum on freedom 20

3 Candor and accuracy compel Lhe admlsslon LhaL such a concluslon hls Lo be quallfled lor ln
Lhe oplnlon of Lhe CourL ln Lhe aforeclLed Aqulno v Commlsslon on LlecLlons penned by !usLlce
Makaslar Lhe proposlLlon was expressly afflrmed LhaL as CommanderlnChlef and enforcer or
admlnlsLraLor of marLlal law Lhe lncumbenL resldenL of Lhe hlllpplnes can reclamaLlons
orders and decrees durlng Lhe perlod MarLlal Law essenLlal Lo Lhe securlLy and preservaLlon of
Lhe 8epubllc Lo Lhe defense of Lhe pollLlcal and soclal llberLles of Lhe people and Lo Lhe
lnsLlLuLlon of reforms Lo prevenL Lhe resurgence of rebelllon or lnsurrecLlon or secesslon or Lhe
LhreaL Lhereof as well as Lo meeL Lhe lmpacL of a worldwlde recesslon lnflaLlon or economlc
crlsls whlch presenLly LhreaLens all naLlons lncludlng hlghly developed counLrles 21 1o LhaL
exLenL 8osslLers vlew malnly relled upon now possesses !urlsLlc slgnlflcanL ln Lhls [urlsdlcLlon
WhaL for me aL leasL glves caused for concern ls LhaL wlLh Lhe oplnlon of Lhe CourL Lhls
lnLruslon of whaL l would conslder an allen elemenL ln Lhe llmlLed concepL of marLlal law as seL
forLh ln Lhe ConsLlLuLlon would be allowed furLher lncurslon lnLo Lhe corpus of Lhe law wlLh Lhe
lnvocaLlon of Lhe vlew expressed ln Lhe lasL chapLer of hls work approvlng Llle concenLraLlon of
governmenLal power ln a democracy as a correcLlve Lo Lhe crlsls lnefflclencles lnherenL ln Lhe
docLrlne of Lhe separaLlon of powers 22 lL ls Lo Lhe credlL of Lhe laLe rofessor 8osslLer as an
ob[ecLlve scholar LhaL ln Lhe very same lasL chapLer [usL Lhree pages laLer he Louched expllclLly
on Lhe undeslrable aspecL of a consLlLuLlonal dlcLaLorshlp 1hus ConsLlLuLlonal ulcLaLorshlp ls a
dangerous Lhlng A declaraLlon of marLlal law or Lhe passage of an enabllng acL ls a sLep whlch
musL always be feared and someLlmes blLLerly reslsLed for lL ls aL once an admlsslon of Lhe
lncapaclLy of democraLlc lnsLlLuLlons Lo defend Lhe order wlLhln whlch Lhey funcLlon and a Loo
consclous employmenL of powers and meLhods long ago ouLlawed as desLrucLlve of
consLlLuLlonal governmenL LxecuLlve leglslaLlon sLaLe conLrol of popular llberLles mlllLary
courLs and arblLrary execuLlve acLlon were governmenLal feaLures aLLacked by Lhe men who
foughL for freedom noL because Lhey were lnefflclenL or unsuccessful buL because Lhey were
dangerous and oppresslve 1he relnsLlLuLlon of any of Lhese feaLures ls a perllous maLLer a sLep
Lo be Laken only when Lhe dangers Lo a free sLaLe wlll be greaLer lf Lhe dlcLaLorlal lnsLlLuLlon ls
noL adopLed 23

4 lL ls by vlrLue of such conslderaLlons LhaL l flnd myself unable Lo share Lhe vlew of Lhose of
my breLhren who would accord recognlLlon Lo Lhe 8osslLer concepL of concenLraLlon of
governmenLal power ln Lhe LxecuLlve durlng perlods of crlsls 1hls ls noL Lo lose slghL of Lhe
undenlable facL LhaL ln Lhls counLry Lhrough Lhe zeal vlgor and energy lavlshed on pro[ecLs
conduclve Lo Lhe general welfare conslderable progress has been achleved under marLlal rule
A falr summary may be found ln a recenL address of Lhe llrsL Lady before Lhe delegaLes Lo Lhe
1976 lnLernaLlonal MoneLary lundWorld 8ank !olnL Annual MeeLlng 1he wonder ls LhaL so
much has been done ln so brlef a Llme Slnce SepLember 1972 when resldenL Marcos
esLabllshed Lhe crlsls governmenL peace and order have been resLored ln a counLry once
avolded as one of Lhe mosL unsafe ln Lhe world We have llberaLed mllllons of llllplno farmers
from Lhe bondage of Lenancy ln Lhe mosL vlgorous and exLenslve lmplemenLaLlon of agrarlan
reform 24 lurLher she sald A dynamlc economy has replaced a sLagnanL order and lLs
rewards are dlsLrlbuLed among Lhe many noL hoarded by a few Cur forelgn pollcy once
conflned by fear and susplclon Lo a narrow alley of selflmposed lsolaLlon now Lravels Lhe
broad expressways of frlendshlp and consLrucLlve lnLeracLlon wlLh Lhe whole world Lhese ln a
new splrlL of confldence and selfrellance And flnally forced Lo work ouL our own salvaLlon Lhe
llllplno has redlscovered Lhe wellsprlngs of hls sLrengLh and reslllence As llllplnos we have
found our Lrue ldenLlLy And havlng broken our crlsls of ldenLlLy we are no longer apologeLlc
and afrald 23 1he very ldea of a crlsls however slgnlfles a LranslLory cerLalnly noL a
permanenL sLaLe of Lhlngs resldenL Marcos accordlngly has noL been heslLanL ln glvlng
uLLerance Lo hls convlcLlon LhaL full lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe modlfled parllamenLary sysLem
under Lhe presenL ConsLlLuLlon should noL be furLher delayed 1he full resLoraLlon of clvlllan
rule can Lhus be expecLed 1haL ls more ln accord wlLh Lhe lmperaLlves of a consLlLuLlonal order
lL should noL go unnoLlced elLher LhaL Lhe resldenL has referred Lo Lhe presenL reglme as one
of consLlLuLlonal auLhorlLarlanlsm 1haL has a less ob[ecLlonable rlng auLhorlLy belng more
ldenLlfled wlLh Lhe ldea of law as based on rlghL Lhe very anLlLhesls of naked force whlch Lo
Lhe popular mlnd ls assoclaLed wlLh dlcLaLorshlp even lf referred Lo as consLlLuLlonal

lor me llkewlse LhaL equally emlnenL scholar Corwln also lnvoked ln Lhe oplnlon of Lhe CourL
whlle no doubL a parLlsan of d sLrong resldency was noL averse Lo consLlLuLlonal resLralnLs
even durlng perlods of crlsls So l would lnLerpreL Lhls excerpL from Lhe fourLh edlLlon of hls
classlc LreaLlse on Lhe resldency A reglme of marLlal law may be compendlously lf noL
alLogeLher accuraLely deflned as one ln whlch Lhe ordlnary law as admlnlsLered by Lhe
ordlnary courLs ls superseded for Lhe Llme belng by Lhe wlll of a mlllLary commander lL follows
LhaL when marLlal law ls lnsLlLuLed under naLlonal auLhorlLy lL resLs ulLlmaLely on Lhe wlll of
Lhe resldenL of Lhe unlLed SLaLes ln hls capaclLy as CommanderlnChlef lL should be added aL
once neverLheless LhaL Lhe sub[ecL ls one ln whlch Lhe record of acLual pracLlce falls ofLen Lo
supporL Lhe nlceLles of Lheory 1hus Lhe employmenL of Lhe mlllLary arm ln Lhe enforcemenL of
Lhe clvll law does noL lnvarlably or even usually lnvolve marLlal law ln Lhe sLrlcL sense for as
was noLed ln Lhe precedlng secLlon soldlers are ofLen placed slmply aL Lhe dlsposal and
dlrecLlon of Lhe clvll auLhorlLles as a klnd of supplemenLary pollce or posse comlLaLus on Lhe
oLher hand be reason of Lhe dlscreLlon LhaL Lhe clvll auLhorlLles Lhemselves are apL Lo vesL ln
Lhe mlllLary ln any emergency requlrlng lLs asslsLance Lhe llne beLween such an employmenL of
Lhe mlllLary and a reglme of marLlal law ls frequenLly any buL a hard and fasL one And parLly
because of Lhese amblgulLles Lhe concepLlon lLself of marLlal law Loday blfurcaLes lnLo Lwo
concepLlons one of whlch shades off lnLo mlllLary governmenL and Lhe oLher lnLo Lhe slLuaLlon
[usL descrlbed ln whlch Lhe clvll auLhorlLy remalns LheoreLlcally ln conLrol alLhough dependenL
on mlllLary ald llnally Lhere ls Lhe slLuaLlon LhaL obLalned LhroughouL Lhe norLh durlng Lhe
Clvll War when Lhe prlvllege of Lhe wrlL of habeas corpus was suspended as Lo cerLaln classes
of suspecLs alLhough oLher characLerlsLlcs of marLlal law were generally absenL 26

lL ls by vlrLue of Lhe above conslderaLlons LhaL wlLh due respecL Lo Lhe oplnlon of my breLhren
l cannoL yleld assenL Lo Lhe 8osslLer vlew of concenLraLlon of governmenLal powers ln Lhe
LxecuLlve durlng marLlal law

3 1here ls necesslLy Lhen for me aL leasL LhaL Lhe speclflc quesLlon ralsed ln all Lhree peLlLlons
be squarely faced lL ls Lo Lhe credlL of Lhe oplnlon of Lhe CourL LhaL lL dld so 1he baslc lssue
posed concerns Lhe boundarles of Lhe power of Lhe resldenL durlng Lhls perlod of marLlal law
more preclsely wheLher lL covers proposlng amendmenLs Lo Lhe ConsLlLuLlon 1here ls Lhe
furLher quallflcaLlon lf Lhe sLand of respondenLs be Laken lnLo accounL LhaL Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal
Assembly has noL been convened and ls noL llkely Lo be called lnLo sesslon ln deference Lo Lhe
wlshes of Lhe people as expressed ln Lhree prevlous referenda lL ls Lhe rullng of Lhe ma[orlLy
LhaL Lhe answer be ln Lhe afflrmaLlve such auLhorlLy belng well wlLhln Lhe area of presldenLlal
compeLence Agaln l flnd myself unable Lo [oln readlly ln LhaL convlcLlon lL does seem Lo me
LhaL Lhe meLes and bounds of Lhe execuLlve domaln whlle sLlll recognlzable do appear blurred
1hls ls noL Lo asserL LhaL Lhere ls absoluLely no basls for such a concluslon susLalned as lL ls by a
llberal consLrucLlon of Lhe prlnclple LhaL underlles Aqulno v Commlsslon on LlecLlons as Lo Lhe
valldlLy of Lhe exerclse of Lhe leglslaLlve prerogaLlve by Lhe resldenL as long as Lhe lnLerlm
naLlonal Assembly ls noL lor me Lhe sLage of cerLlLude has noL been reached l cannoL slmply
lgnore Lhe vlgorous plea of peLlLloners LhaL Lhere ls a consLlLuLlonal deflclency conslsLlng ln Lhe
absence of any consLlLuenL power on Lhe parL of Lhe resldenL Lhe express provlslon of Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon conferrlng lL on Lhe by Leam naLlonal Assembly 27 1he learned advocacy reflecLed
ln Lhe pleadlngs as well as Lhe oral dlscourse of SollclLor Ceneral LsLellLo Mendoza 21 falled
Lo erase Lhe grave doubLs ln my mlnd LhaL Lhe Aqulno docLrlne as Lo Lhe possesslon of
leglslaLlve compeLence by Lhe resldenL durlng Lhls perlod of LranslLlon wlLh Lhe lnLerlm
lawmaklng body noL called lnLo sesslon be Lhus expanded 1he ma[orlLy of my breLhren Look
LhaL sLep l am noL prepared Lo go LhaL far l wlll explaln why

1he way for me ls beseL wlLh obsLacles ln Lhe flrsL place such an approach would lose slghL of
Lhe dlsLlncLlon beLween maLLers leglslaLlve and consLlLuenL 1haL ls lmpllclL ln Lhe LreaLlse on
Lhe 1933 ConsLlLuLlon by !usLlces Malcolm and Laurel ln Lhelr casebook publlshed Lhe same
year one of Lhe four declslons on Lhe sub[ecL of consLlLuLlonal amendmenLs ls Llllngham v uye
31 whlch caLegorlcally dlsLlngulshed beLween consLlLuenL and leglslaLlve powers uean Slnco a
wellknown auLhorlLy on Lhe sub[ecL was qulLe expllclL 1hus lf Lhere had been no express
provlslon ln Lhe ConsLlLuLlon granLlng Congress Lhe power Lo propose amendmenLs lL would be
ouLslde lLs auLhorlLy Lo assume LhaL power Congress may noL clalm lL under Lhe general granL
of leglslaLlve power for such granL does noL carry wlLh lL Lhe rlghL Lo erecL Lhe sLaLe lnsLlLuLe
Lhe form of lLs governmenL whlch ls consldered a funcLlon lnherenL ln Lhe people
Congresslonal law maklng auLhorlLy ls llmlLed Lo Lhe power of approvlng Lhe laws of clvll
conducL relaLlng Lo Lhe deLalls and parLlculars of Lhe governmenL lnsLlLuLed Lhe governmenL
esLabllshed by Lhe people12 lf LhaL dlsLlncLlon be preserved Lhen for me Lhe aforeclLed
Aqulno declslon does noL reach Lhe hearL of Lhe maLLer nor ls Lhls all ln Lhe maln oplnlon of
!usLlce Makaslar as well as LhaL of Lhe Lhen !usLlce now Chlef !usLlce CasLro supporL for Lhe
rullng LhaL Lhe resldenL cannoL be deemed as devold of leglslaLlve power durlng Lhls LranslLlon
sLage ls supplled by lmpllcaLlons from expllclL consLlLuLlonal provlslons 13 1haL ls noL Lhe case
wlLh Lhe power Lo propose amendmenLs lL ls solely Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly LhaL ls
menLloned 1haL ls Lhe barrler LhaL for me ls wellnlgh lnsurmounLable lf l llmlL myself Lo
enLerLalnlng doubLs raLher Lhan reglsLerlng a dlssenL on Lhls polnL lL ls solely because of Lhe
conslderaLlon possessed of welghL and slgnlflcance LhaL Lhere may be lndeed ln Lhls farfrom
qulescenL and sLaLlc perlod a need for al amendmenLs l do noL feel confldenL Lherefore LhaL a
negaLlve voLe on my parL would be warranLed WhaL would [usLlfy Lhe sLep Laken by Lhe
resldenL even lf no compleLe accepLance be accorded Lo Lhe vlew LhaL he was a mere condulL
of Lhe barangays on Lhls maLLer ls LhaL as noLed ln boLh quallfled concurrences by !usLlces
1eehankee and Munoz alma ln Aqulno as far as Lhe leglslaLlve and approprlaLely powers are
concerned ls Lhe necesslLy LhaL unless such auLhorlLy be recognlzed Lhere may be paralyzaLlon
of governmenLal acLlvlLles Whlle noL squarely appllcable such an approach has Lo my mlnd a
persuaslve quallLy as far as Lhe power Lo propose amendmenLs ls concerned

1hus l would conflne myself Lo Lhe expresslon of serlous doubLs on Lhe quesLlon raLher Lhan a

6 1he consLlLuLlonal lssue posed as Lhus vlewed leaves me free Lo concur ln Lhe resulL LhaL Lhe
peLlLlons be dlsmlssed 1haL ls Lo accord respecL Lo Lhe prlnclple LhaL [udlclal revlew goes no
furLher Lhan Lo checklng clear lnfracLlons of Lhe fundamenLal law excepL ln Lhe fleld of human
rlghLs where a much greaLer vlgllance ls requlred 1haL ls Lo make of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon a paLhway
Lo raLher Lhan a barrler agalnsL a deslrable ob[ecLlve As shown by my concurrlng and
dlssenLlng oplnlon ln 1olenLlno Commlsslon on LlecLlons 34 a premarLlal law declslon Lhe
fundamenLal posLulaLe LhaL soverelgnLy resldes ln Lhe people exerLs a compelllng force
requlrlng Lhe [udlclary Lo refraln as much as posslble from denylng Lhe people Lhe opporLunlLy
Lo make known Lhelr wlshes on maLLers of Lhe uLmosL lmporL for Lhe llfe of Lhe naLlon
ConsLlLuLlonal amendmenLs fall ln LhaL caLegory l am forLlfled ln LhaL convlcLlon by Lhe
Leachlng of persuaslve Amerlcan declslons 1here ls relnforcemenL Lo such a concluslon from
reLlred Chlef !usLlce Concepclons concurrlng and dlssenLlng oplnlon ln AyLona v CasLlllo17
Whlch l conslder appllcable Lo Lhe presenL slLuaLlon 1hese are hls words lL ls well seLLled LhaL
Lhe granLlng of wrlLs of prohlblLlon and mandamus ls ordlnarlly wlLhln Lhe sound dlscreLlon of
Lhe courLs Lo be exerclsed on equlLable prlnclples and LhaL sald wrlLs should be lssued when
Lhe rlghL Lo Lhe rellef ls clear * * by As he noLed ln hls ponencla ln Lhe laLer case of Conzales v
Pechanova19 an acLlon for prohlblLlon whlle peLlLloner was susLalned ln hls sLand no
ln[uncLlon was lssued 1hls was evldenL ln Lhe dlsposlLlve porLlon where [udgmenL was
rendered declarlng LhaL respondenL LxecuLlve SecreLary had and has no power Lo auLhorlze
Lhe lmporLaLlon ln quesLlon LhaL he exceeded hls [urlsdlcLlon ln granLlng sald auLhorlLy LhaL
sald lmporLaLlon ls noL sancLloned by law and ls conLrary Lo lLs provlslons and LhaL for lack of
Lhe requlslLe ma[orlLy Lhe ln[uncLlon prayed for musL be and ls accordlngly denled 40 WlLh
Lhe lllumlnaLlon Lhus supplled lL does noL necessarlly follow LhaL even a dlssenL on my parL
would necessarlly compel LhaL l voLe for Lhe rellef prayed for CerLalnly Lhls ls noL Lo bellLLle ln
any way Lhe acLlon Laken by peLlLloners ln flllng Lhese sulLs 1haL for me ls commendable lL
aLLesLs Lo Lhelr bellef ln Lhe rule of law Lven lf Lhelr conLenLlon as Lo lack of presldenLlal power
be accepLed ln Lhelr enLlreLy however Lhere ls sLlll dlscreLlon LhaL may be exerclsed on Lhe
maLLer prohlblLlon belng an equlLable remedy 1here are for me poLenL conslderaLlons LhaL
argue agalnsL accedlng Lo Lhe plea WlLh Lhe prospecL of Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly belng
convened belng dlm lf noL non exlsLenL lf only because of Lhe resulLs ln Lhree prevlous
referenda Lhere would be no consLlLuLlonal agency oLher Lhan Lhe LxecuLlve who could
propose amendmenLs whlch as noLed may urgenLly press for adopLlon Cf even greaLer
welghL Lo my mlnd ls Lhe pronouncemenL by Lhe resldenL LhaL Lhe pleblsclLe ls lnLended noL
only Lo solve a consLlLuLlonal anomaly wlLh Lhe counLry devold of a leglslaLlve body buL also Lo
provlde Lhe machlnery be whlch Lhe LermlnaLlon of marLlal law could be hasLened 1haL ls a
consummaLlon devouLly Lo be wlshed 1haL does mlllLaLe sLrongly agalnsL Lhe sLand of
peLlLloners 1he obsLrucLlon Lhey would pose may be fraughL wlLh pernlclous consequences lL
may noL be amlss Lo refer anew Lo whaL l deem Lhe cardlnal characLer of Lhe [ural posLulaLe
expllclLly afflrmed ln boLh Lhe 1933 and Lhe presenL ConsLlLuLlons LhaL soverelgnLy resldes ln
Lhe people So l made clear ln 1olenLlno v Commlsslon on LlecLlons and LhereafLer ln my
dlssenL ln !avellana v 1he LxecuLlve SecreLary and my concurrence ln Aqulno v Commlsslon
on LlecLlons 42 1he desLlny of Lhe counLry lles ln Lhelr keeplng 1he role of leadershlp ls noL Lo
be mlnlmlzed lL ls cruclal lL ls of Lhe essence noneLheless lL ls Lhelr wlll lf glven expresslon ln a
manner sancLloned by law and wlLh due care LhaL Lhere be no mlsLake ln lLs appralsal LhaL
should be conLrolllng 1here ls all Lhe more reason Lhen Lo encourage Lhelr parLlclpaLlon ln Lhe
power process 1haL ls Lo make Lhe reglme Lruly democraLlc ConsLlLuLlonal orLhodoxy requlres
however LhaL Lhe fundamenLal law be followed So l would lnLerpreL Laskl 43 Corwln 44
Lerner 43 8ryn!ones 46 and Mclver47

7 1here ls reassurance ln Lhe LhoughL LhaL Lhls CourL has afflrmed lLs commlLmenL Lo Lhe
prlnclple LhaL Lhe amendlng process glves rlse Lo a [usLlclable raLher Lhan a pollLlcal quesLlon
So lL has been slnce Lhe leadlng case of Conzales v Commlsslon on LlecLlon S 48 lL has slnce
Lhen been followed ln 1olenLlno v Commlsslon on LlecLlons 49 lanas v Commlsslon on
LlecLlons and lasLly ln !avellana v 1he LxecuLlve SecreLary 1hls CourL dld noL heed Lhe
vlgorous plea of Lhe SollclLor Ceneral Lo resurrecL Lhe pollLlcal quesLlon docLrlne announced ln
Mabanag v Lopez vlLo 32 1hls ls noL Lo deny LhaL Lhe federal rule ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes as seL
forLh ln Lhe leadlng case of Coleman v Mlller 33 a 1939 declslon and relaLlvely recenL SLaLe
courL declslons supply ammunlLlon Lo such a conLenLlon 31 1haL may be Lhe case ln Lhe
unlLed SLaLes buL cerLalnly noL ln Lhls [urlsdlcLlon hlllpplne consLlLuLlonal LradlLlon ls Lo Lhe
conLrary lL can Lrace lLs orlgln Lo Lhese words ln Lhe valedlcLory address before Lhe 193433
ConsLlLuLlonal ConvenLlon by Lhe lllusLrlous Claro M 8ecLo lL ls one of Lhe paradoxes a
democracy LhaL Lhe people of Llmes place more confldence ln lnsLrumenLallLles of Lhe SLaLe
oLher Lhan Lhose dlrecLly chosen by Lhem for Lhe exerclse of Lhelr soverelgnLy lL can be sald
wlLh LruLh Lherefore LhaL Lhere has lnvarlably been a [udlclal predlsposlLlon Lo acLlvlsm raLher
Lhan selfresLralnL 1he Lhlnklng all Lhese years has been LhaL lL goes Lo Lhe hearL of
consLlLuLlonallsm lL may be sald LhaL Lhls CourL has shunned Lhe role of a mere lnLerpreLer lL
dld exerclse aL Llmes creaLlve power lL has Lo LhaL exLenL parLlclpaLed ln Lhe moldlng of pollcy
lL has always recognlzed LhaL ln Lhe large and undeflned fleld of consLlLuLlonal law ad[udlcaLlon
parLakes of Lhe quallLy of sLaLecrafL 1he assumpLlon has been LhaL [usL because lL cannoL by
lLself guaranLee Lhe formaLlon much less Lhe perpeLuaLlon of democraLlc values or reallsLlcally
lL cannoL prevall agalnsL Lhe pressure of pollLlcal forces lf Lhey are benL ln oLher dlrecLlons lL
does noL follow LhaL lL should noL conLrlbuLe lLs Lhlnklng Lo Lhe exLenL LhaL lL can lL has been
asked lL wlll conLlnue Lo be asked Lo declde momenLous quesLlons aL each crlLlcal sLage of Lhls
naLlons llfe

1here musL be however Lhls caveaL !udlclal acLlvlsm glves rlse Lo dlfflculLles ln an era of
LransformaLlon and change A socleLy ln flux calls for dynamlsm ln he law whlch musL be
responslve Lo Lhe soclal forces aL work lL cannoL remaln sLaLlc lL musL be senslLlve Lo llfe 1hls
CourL Lhen musL avold Lhe rlgldlLy of legal ldeas lL musL reslsL Lhe LempLaLlon of allowlng ln Lhe
wasLeland of meanlngless absLracLlons lL musL face sLubborn reallLy lL has Lo have a feel for
Lhe complexlLles of Lhe Llmes 1hls ls noL Lo dlscounL Lhe rlsk LhaL lL may be swepL Loo far and
Loo fasL ln Lhe surge of novel concepLs 1he pasL Loo ls enLlLled Lo a hearlng lL cannoL [usL be
summarlly lgnored PlsLory sLlll has lLs uses lL ls noL for Lhls CourL Lo renounce Lhe vlrLue of
sysLemaLlc [ural conslsLency lL cannoL slmply yleld Lo Lhe soverelgn sway of Lhe accompllshed
facL lL musL be deaf Lo Lhe dlssonanL dlalecLlc of whaL appears Lo be a spllnLered socleLy lL
should sLrlve Lo be a facLor for unlLy under a rule of law 1here musL be on lLs parL awareness
of Lhe LruLh LhaL a new [urldlcal age born before lLs appolnLed Llme may be Lhe cause of
unprecedenLed Lravall LhaL may noL end aL blrLh lL ls by vlrLue of such conslderaLlons LhaL l dld
sLrlve for a confluence of prlnclple and pracLlcallLy l musL confess LhaL l dld approach Lhe
maLLer wlLh some mlsglvlngs and cerLalnly wlLhouL any llluslon of omnlsclence l am comforLed
by Lhe LhoughL LhaL lmmorLallLy does noL lnhere ln [udlclal oplnlons 8 1 am Lhus led by my
sLudles on Lhe sub[ecL of consLlLuLlonal law and much more so by prevlous [udlclal oplnlons Lo
concur ln Lhe dlsmlssal of Lhe peLlLlons lf l gave expresslon Lo byes noL currenLly fashlonable lL
ls solely due Lo deeplylngralned bellefs CerLalnly l am Lhe flrsL Lo recognlze Lhe worLh of Lhe
soclal and economlc reforms so needed by Lhe Lroubled presenL LhaL have been lnLroduced and
lmplemenLed 1here ls no LhoughL Lhen of mlnlmlzlng much less of refuslng Lo concede Lhe
conslderable progress LhaL has been made and Lhe beneflLs LhaL have been achleved under Lhls
AdmlnlsLraLlon Agaln Lo relLeraLe one of my cherlshed convlcLlons l cerLalnly approve of Lhe
adherence Lo Lhe fundamenLal prlnclple of popular soverelgnLy whlch Lo be meanlngful
however requlres boLh freedom ln lLs manlfesLaLlon and accuracy ln ascerLalnlng whaL lL wllls
1hen Loo lL ls flLLlng and proper LhaL a dlsLlncLlon was made beLween Lwo aspecLs of Lhe
comlng poll Lhe referendum and Lhe pleblsclLe lL ls only Lhe laLLer LhaL ls lmpressed wlLh
auLhorlLaLlve force So Lhe ConsLlLuLlon requlres LasLly Lhere should be as l dld menLlon ln my
concurrence ln Aqulno v Commlsslon on LlecLlons36 full respecL for free speech and press
free assembly and free assoclaLlon 1here should be no LhoughL of brandlng Lhe opposlLlon as
Lhe enemy and Lhe expresslon of lLs vlews as anaLhema ulssenL lL ls forLunaLe Lo noLe has
been encouraged lL has noL been ldenLlfled wlLh dlsloyalLy 1haL oughL Lo be Lhe case and noL
solely due Lo presldenLlal decrees ConsLrucLlve crlLlclsm ls Lo be welcomed noL so much
because of Lhe rlghL Lo be heard buL because Lhere may be someLhlng worLh hearlng 1haL ls Lo
ensure a Lrue fermenL of ldeas an lnLerplay of knowledgeable mlnds 1here are Lhough well
deflned llmlLs Cne may noL advocaLe dlsorder ln Lhe name of proLesL much less preach
rebelllon under Lhe cloak of dlssenL WhaL l mean Lo sLress ls LhaL excepL on a showlng of clear
and presenL danger Lhere musL be respecL for Lhe LradlLlonal llberLles LhaL make a socleLy Lruly

1LLPAnkLL ! dlssenLlng

1 Cn Lhe merlLs l dlssenL from Lhe ma[orlLys dlsmlssal of Lhe peLlLlons for lack of merlL and
voLe Lo granL Lhe peLlLlons for Lhe followlng reasons and conslderaLlons 1 lL ls undlspuLed LhaL
nelLher Lhe 1933 ConsLlLuLlon nor Lhe 1973 ConsLlLuLlon granLs Lo Lhe lncumbenL resldenL Lhe
consLlLuenL power Lo propose and approve amendmenLs Lo Lhe ConsLlLuLlon Lo be submlLLed Lo
Lhe people for raLlflcaLlon ln a pleblsclLe 1he 1933 ConsLlLuLlon expressly vesLs Lhe consLlLuenL
power ln Congress be a LhreefourLhs voLe of all lLs members Lo propose amendmenLs or call a
consLlLuLlonal convenLlon for Lhe purpose 1he 1973 ConsLlLuLlon expressly vesLs Lhe consLlLuenL
power ln Lhe regular naLlonal Assembly Lo propose amendmenLs (by a LhreefourLhs voLe of all
lLs members) or call a consLlLuLlonal convenLlon (by a LwoLhlrds voLe of all lLs members) or
submlL Lhe quesLlon of calllng such convenLlon Lo Lhe elecLoraLe ln an elecLlon (by a ma[orlLy
voLe of all lLs members ) 2

1he LranslLory provlslons of Lhe 1973 ConsLlLuLlon expresslng vesL Lhe consLlLuenL power durlng
Lhe perlod of LranslLlon ln Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly upon speclal call be Lhe rlme
MlnlsLer (Lhe lncumbenL resldenL 3) by a ma[orlLy ore of all lLs members (Lo) propose

Slnce Lhe ConsLlLuLlon provldes for Lhe organlzaLlon of Lhe essenLlal deparLmenLs of
governmenL deflnes and dellmlLs Lhe powers of each and prescrlbes Lhe manner of Lhe exerclse
of such powers and Lhe consLlLuenL power has noL been granLed Lo buL has been wlLhheld from
Lhe resldenL or rlme MlnlsLer lL follows LhaL Lhe resldenLs quesLloned decrease proposlng
and submlLLlng consLlLuLlonal amendmenLs dlrecLly Lo Lhe people (wlLhouL Lhe lnLervenLlon of
Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly ln whom Lhe power ls expressly vesLed) are devold of
consLlLuLlonal and legal basls

2 1he docLrlne ln Lhe leadlng case of 1olenLlno vs Comelec ls conLrolllng ln Lhe case aL bar ln
Lhereln declarlng null and vold Lhe acLs of Lhe 1971 ConsLlLuLlonal ConvenLlon and of Lhe
Comelec ln calllng a pleblsclLe wlLh Lhe general elecLlons scheduled for november 8 1971 for
Lhe purpose of submlLLlng for Lhe peoples raLlflcaLlon an advance amendmenL reduclng Lhe
voLlng age from 21 years Lo 18 years and lssulng wrlLs of prohlblLlon and ln[uncLlon agalnsL Lhe
holdlng of Lhe pleblsclLe Lhls CourL speaklng Lhrough Mr !usLlce 8arredo ruled LhaL 1he
ConsLlLuLlonal provlslons on amendmenLs deallng wlLh Lhe procedure or manner of amendlng
Lhe fundamenLal law are blndlng upon Lhe ConvenLlon and Lhe oLher deparLmenLs of Lhe
governmenL (land) are no less blndlng upon Lhe people

As long as an amendmenL ls formulaLed and submlLLed under Lhe aegls of Lhe presenL CharLer
any proposal for such amendmenL whlch ls noL ln conformlLy wlLh Lhe leLLer splrlL and lnLenL of
Lhe CharLer for effecLlng amendmenLs cannoL recelve Lhe sancLlon of Lhls CourL 8

1he real lssue here cannoL be wheLher or noL Lhe amendlng process dellneaLed by Lhe presenL
ConsLlLuLlon may be dlsregarded ln favor of allowlng Lhe soverelgn people Lo express Lhelr
declslon on Lhe proposed amendmenLs lf only because lL ls evldenL LhaL Lhe very ldea of
deparLlng from Lhe fundamenLal law ls anachronlsLlc ln Lhe realm of consLlLuLlonallsm and
repugnanL Lo Lhe essence of Lhe rule of law 9 and

Accordlngly barred Lhe pleblsclLe as lmproper and premaLure slnce Lhe provlslonal naLure of
Lhe proposed amendmenLs and Lhe manner of lLs submlsslon Lo Lhe people for raLlflcaLlon or
re[ecLlon dld noL conform wlLh Lhe mandaLe of Lhe people Lhemselves ln such regard as
expressed ln Lhe ConsLlLuLlon lLself 10 le Lhe mandaLory requlremenLs of Lhe amendlng
process as seL forLh ln Lhe ArLlcle on AmendmenLs

3 Applylng Lhe above rullngs of 1olenLlno Lo Lhe case aL bar muLaLls muLandls lL ls clear LhaL
where Lhe proposed amendmenLs are vlolaLlve of Lhe ConsLlLuLlonal mandaLe on Lhe amendlng
process noL merely for belng a parLlal amendmenL of a Lemporary or provlslonal characLer
(as ln 1olenLlno) buL more so for noL belng proposed and approved by Lhe deparLmenL vesLed
by Lhe ConsLlLuLlon wlLh Lhe consLlLuenL power Lo do so and hence Lransgresslng Lhe
subsLanLlve provlslon LhaL lL ls only Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly upon speclal call of Lhe
lnLerlm rlme MlnlsLer bu a ma[orlLy voLe of all lLs members LhaL may propose Lhe
amendmenLs Lhe CourL musL declare Lhe amendmenLs proposals null and vold

4 1hls ls so because Lhe ConsLlLuLlon ls a superlor paramounL law unchangeable by ordlnary
means 11 buL only by Lhe parLlcular mode and manner prescrlbed Lhereln by Lhe people As
sLressed by Cooley by Lhe ConsLlLuLlon whlch Lhey esLabllsh (Lhe people) noL only Lle up Lhe
hands of Lhelr offlclal agencles buL Lhelr own hands as well and nelLher Lhe offlcers of Lhe
SLaLe nor Lhe whole people as an aggregaLe body are aL llberLy Lo Lake acLlon ln opposlLlon Lo
Lhls fundamenLal law 12

1he vesLlng of Lhe consLlLuenL power Lo propose amendmenLs ln Lhe leglslaLlve body (Lhe
regular naLlonal Assembly) or Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly durlng Lhe LranslLlon perlod) or ln
a consLlLuLlonal convenLlon called for Lhe purpose ls ln accordance wlLh unlversal pracLlce
lrom Lhe very necesslLy of Lhe case Cooley polnLs ouL amendmenLs Lo an exlsLlng
consLlLuLlon or enLlre revlslons of lL musL be prepared and maLured by some body of
represenLaLlves chosen for Lhe purpose lL ls obvlously lmposslble for Lhe whole people Lo
meeL prepare and dlscuss Lhe proposed alLeraLlons and Lhere seems Lo be no feaslble mode
by whlch an expresslon of Lhelr wlll can be obLalned excepL by asklng lL upon Lhe slngle polnL of
assenL or dlsapproval 1hls body of represenLaLlves vesLed wlLh Lhe consLlLuenL power
submlLs Lhe resulL of Lhelr dellberaLlons and puLs ln proper form Lhe quesLlons of
amendmenL upon whlch Lhe people are Lo passfor raLlflcaLlon or re[ecLlon 13

3 1he CourL ln 1olenLlno Lhus re[ecLed Lhe argumenL LhaL Lhe end soughL Lo be achleved ls Lo
be deslred and ln denylng reconslderaLlon ln paraphrase of Lhe laLe Claro M 8ecLo declared
LhaL leL Lhose who would puL aslde lnvoklng grounds aL besL conLroverslal any mandaLe of Lhe
fundamenLal purporLedly ln order Lo aLLaln some laudable ob[ecLlve bear ln mlnd LhaL someday
somehow oLhers wlLh purporLedly more laudable ob[ecLlves may Lake advanLage of Lhe
precedenL and conLlnue Lhe desLrucLlon of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon maklng Lhose who lald down Lhe
precedenL of [usLlfylng devlaLlons from Lhe requlremenLs of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon Lhe vlcLlms of Lhelr
own folly

1hls same apprehenslon was echoed by now reLlred !usLlce CallxLo C Zaldlvar ln hls dlssenLlng
oplnlon ln Lhe 8aLlflcaLlon cases 14 LhaL we wlll be openlng Lhe gaLes for a slmllar dlsregard Lo
Lhe ConsLlLuLlon ln Lhe fuLure WhaL l mean ls LhaL lf Lhls CourL now declares LhaL a new
ConsLlLuLlon ls now ln force because Lhe members of Lhe clLlzens assemblles had approved sald
new ConsLlLuLlon alLhough LhaL approval was noL ln accordance wlLh Lhe procedure and Lhe
requlremenLs prescrlbed ln Lhe 1933 ConsLlLuLlon lL can happen agaln ln some fuLure Llme LhaL
some amendmenLs Lo Lhe ConsLlLuLlon may be adopLed even ln a manner conLrary Lo Lhe
exlsLlng ConsLlLuLlon and Lhe law and Lhen sald proposed amendmenLs ls submlLLed Lo Lhe
people ln any manner and whaL wlll maLLer ls LhaL a basls ls clalmed LhaL Lhere was approval by
Lhe people 1here wlll noL be sLablllLy ln our consLlLuLlonal sysLem and necessarlly no sLablllLy
ln our governmenL

6 lL ls noL legally Lenable for Lhe ma[orlLy wlLhouL overrullng Lhe conLrolllng precedenL of
1olenLlno (and wlLhouL musLerlng Lhe requlred ma[orlLy voLe Lo so overrule) Lo accepL Lhe
proposed amendmenLs as valld noLwlLhsLandlng Lhelr belng noL ln conformlLy wlLh Lhe leLLer
splrlL and lnLenL of Lhe provlslon of Lhe CharLer for effecLlng amendmenLs on Lhe reasonlng
LhaL lf Lhe resldenL has been leglLlmaLely dlscharglng Lhe leglslaLlve funcLlons of Lhe lnLerlm
naLlonal Assembly Lhere ls no reason why he cannoL valldly dlscharge Lhe funcLlons13

ln Lhe earller leadlng case of Conzales vs Comelec 16 Lhls CourL speaklng Lhrough now reLlred
Chlef !usLlce 8oberLo Concepclon polnLer ouL LhaL lndeed Lhe power Lo Congress 17 or Lo
Lhe naLlonal Assembly18 Where lL noL for Lhe express granL ln Lhe 1ranslLory rovlslons of Lhe
consLlLuenL power Lo Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly could noL
clalm Lhe power under Lhe general granL of leglslaLlve power durlng Lhe LranslLlon perlod

1he ma[orlLys rullng ln Lhe 8eferendum cases 19 LhaL Lhe 1ranslLory rovlslon ln secLlon 3(2)
recognlzed Lhe exlsLence of Lhe auLhorlLy Lo leglslaLe ln favor of Lhe lncumbenL resldenL durlng
Lhe perlod of marLlal law manlfesLly cannoL be sLreLched Lo encompass Lhe consLlLuenL power
as expressly vesLed ln Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly ln derogaLlon of Lhe alloLmenL of powers
deflned ln Lhe ConsLlLuLlon

araphraslng Cooley on Lhe nondelegaLlon of leglslaLlve power as one of Lhe seLLled maxlms of
consLlLuLlonal law 20 Lhe conLlLuenL power has been lodged by Lhe soverelgn power of Lhe
people wlLh Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly durlng Lhe LranslLlon perlod and Lhere lL musL
remaln as Lhe sole consLlLuLlonal agency unLll Lhe ConsLlLuLlon lLself ls changed

As was apLly sLaLed by !usLlce !ose Laurel ln Lhe 1936 landmak case of Angara vs LlecLoral
Commlssloner 21 (1)he ConsLlLuLlon seLs forLh ln no uncerLaln language and resLrlcLlons and
llmlLaLlons upon governmenLal powers and agencles lf Lhese resLrlcLlons and llmlLaLlons are
Lranscended lL would be lnconcelvable lf Lhe ConsLlLuLlon had noL provlded for a mechanlsm by
whlch Lo dlrecL Lhe course of governmenL along consLlLuLlonal channels for Lhen Lhe
dlsLrlbuLlon of powers senLlmenL and Lhe prlnclples of good governmenL mere pollLlcal
apoLhegms CerLalnly Lhe llmlLaLlons and resLrlcLlons embodled ln our ConsLlLuLlon are real as
Lhey should be ln any llvlng ConsLlLuLlon

7 nelLher ls Lhe [usLlflcaLlon of consLlLuLlonal lmpasses Lenable 1he senLlmenL of Lhe people
agalnsL Lhe convenlng of Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly and Lo have no elecLlons for aL leasL
seven (7) years Concededly could noL amenL Lhe ConsLlLuLlon lnsofar as Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal
Assembly ls concerned (slnce lL admlLLendly came lnLo exlsLence lmmedlaLely upon Lhe
proclamaLlon of raLlflcaLlon of Lhe 1973 ConsLlLuLlon) much less remove Lhe consLlLuenL power
from sald lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly

As sLressed ln Lhe wrlLers separaLe oplnlon ln Lhe 8eferendum cases 22 (W)hlle lL has been
advanced LhaL Lhe declslon Lo defer Lhe lnlLlal convocaLlon of Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly
was supporLed by Lhe resulLs of Lhe referendum ln !anuary 1973 when Lhe people voLed
agalnsL Lhe convenlng of Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly for aL leasL seven years such senLlmenL
cannoL be glven any legal force and effecL ln Lhe llghL of Lhe SLaLes admlsslon aL Lhe hearlng
LhaL such referendums are merely consulLaLlve and cannoL amend Lhe ConsLlLuLlon or
rovlslons whlch call for Lhe lmmedlaLe exlsLence and lnlLlal convenlng of Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal
Assembly Lo glve prlorlLy Lo measures for Lhe orderly LranslLlon from Lhe presldenLlal Lo Lhe
parllamenLary sysLem and Lhe oLher urgenL measures enumeraLed ln secLlon 3 Lhereof

Whlle Lhe people reporLedly expressed Lhelr mandaLe agalnsL Lhe convenlng of Lhe lnLerlm
naLlonal Assembly Lo dlschange lLs leglslaLlve Lasks durlng Lhe perlod of LranslLlon under marLlal
law Lhey cerLalnly had no opporLunlLy and dld noL express Lhemselves agalnsL convenlng Lhe
lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly Lo dlscharge Lhe consLlLuenL power Lo propose amendmenLs llkewlse
vesLed ln lL by Lhe peoples mandaLe ln Lhe ConsLlLuLlon

ln polnL of facL when Lhe holdlng of Lhe CcLober 16 1976 referendum was flrsL announced Lhe
newspapers reporLed LhaL among Lhe seven quesLlons proposed by Lhe sanggunlan and
barangay naLlonal execuLlve commlLLles for Lhe referendum was Lhe convenlng of Lhe lnLerlm
naLlonal Assembly 23

lL was furLher reporLed LhaL Lhe proposals whlch were Lermed LenLaLlve wlll be dlscussed and
sLudled by (Lhe resldenL) Lhe members of Lhe cablneL and Lhe securlLy councll and LhaL Lhe
barangays felL noLwlLhsLandlng Lhe prevlous referenda on Lhe convenlng of Lhe lnLerlm
naLlonal Assembly LhaL lL ls Llme Lo agaln ask Lhe peoples oplnlon of Lhls maLLer 24

8 lf proposals for consLlLuLlonal amendmenLs are now deemed necessary Lo be dlscussed and
adopLed for submlLLal Lo Lhe people sLrlcL adherence wlLh Lhe mandaLory requlremenLs of Lhe
amendlng process as provlded ln Lhe ConsLlLuLlon musL be complled wlLh 1hls means under
Lhe Leachlng of 1olenLlno LhaL Lhe proposed amendmenLs musL valldly come from Lhe
consLlLuLlonal agency vesLed wlLh Lhe consLlLuenL power Lo do so namely Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal
Assembly and noL from Lhe execuLlve power as vesLed ln Lhe rlme MlnlsLer (Lhe lncumbenL
resldenL) wlLh Lhe asslsLance of Lhe CablneL 23 from whom such power has been wlLhheld

lL wlll noL do Lo conLend LhaL Lhese proposals represenL Lhe volce of Lhe people for as was apLly
sLaLed by Cooley Me volce of Lhe people acLlng ln Lhelr soverelgn capaclLy can be of legal
force only when expressed aL Lhe Llmes and under Lhe condlLlons whlch Lhey Lhemselves have
prescrlbed and polnLed ouL by Lhe ConsLlLuLlon 26

1he same argumenL was puL forward and re[ecLed by Lhls CourL ln 1olenLlno whlch re[ecLed Lhe
conLenLlon LhaL Lhe ConvenLlon belng a leglslaLlve body of Lhe hlghesL order (and dlrecLly
elecLed by Lhe people Lo speak Lhelr volce) ls soverelgn ln as such lLs acLs lmpugned by
peLlLloner are beyond Lhe conLrol of Congress and Lhe CourLs and ruled LhaL Lhe consLlLuLlonal
arLlcle on Lhe amendlng process ls noLhlng more Lhan a parL of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon Lhus ordalned
by Lhe people Pence ln conLlnulng sald secLlon We musL read lL as lf Lhe people sald 1he
ConsLlLuLlon may be amended buL lL ls our wlll LhaL Lhe amendmenL musL be proposed and
submlLLed Lo us for raLlflcaLlon only ln Lhe manner hereln provlded 27

1hls CourL Lhereln sLressed LhaL 1hls musL be so because lL ls plaln Lo us LhaL Lhe framers of
Lhe ConsLlLuLlon Look care LhaL Lhe process of amendlng Lhe same should noL be underLaken
wlLh Lhe same ease and faclllLy ln changlng an ordlnary leglslaLlon ConsLlLuLlon maklng ls Lhe
mosL valued power second Lo none of Lhe people ln a consLlLuLlonal democracy such as Lhe
one our foundlng faLhers have chosen for Lhls naLlon and whlch we of Lhe succeedlng
generaLlons generally cherlsh And because Lhe ConsLlLuLlon affecLs Lhe llves forLunes fuLure
and every oLher concelvable aspecL of Lhe llves of all Lhe people wlLhln Lhe counLry and Lhose
sub[ecL Lo lLs soverelgnlLy ever consLlLuLlon worLhy of Lhe people for whlch lL ls lnLended musL
noL be prepared ln hasLe wlLhouL adequaLe dellberaLlon and sLudy lL ls obvlous LhaL
correspondlngly any amendmenL of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon ls of no less lmporLance Lhan Lhe whole
ConsLlLuLlon lLself and perforce musL be concelved and prepared wlLh as much care and
dellberaLlon and LhaL wrlLLen consLlLuLlons are supposed Lo be deslgned so as Lo lasL for
some Llme lf noL for ages or for aL leasL as long as Lhey can be adopLed Lo Lhe needs and
exlgencles of Lhe people hence Lhey musL be lnsulaLed agalnsL preclplLaLe and hasLy acLlons
moLlvaLed by more or less passlng pollLlcal moods or fancles 1hus as a rule Lhe orlglnal
consLlLuLlons carry wlLh Lhem llmlLaLlons and condlLlons more or less sLrlngenL made so by Lhe
people Lhemselves ln regard Lo Lhe process of Lhelr amendmenL 28

9 1he convenlng of Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly Lo exerclse Lhe consLlLuenL power Lo
proposed amendmenLs ls Lhe only way Lo fulflll Lhe express mandaLe of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon

As Mr !usLlce lernando emphaslzed for Lhls CourL ln MuLuc vs Comelec 29 ln Lhe seLLlng as ln
of a Comelec resoluLlon bannlng Lhe use of pollLlcal Laped [lngles by candldaLes for
ConsLlLuLlonal ConvenLlon delegaLes lnL he speclal 1970 elecLlons Lhe concepL of Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon as Lhe fundamenLal law seLLlng forLh Lhe crlLerlon for Lhe valldlLy of any publlc acL
wheLher proceedlng from Lhe hlghesL offlclal or Lhe lowesL funcLlonary ls a posLulaLe of our
sysLem of governmenL 1haL ls Lo amnlfsL fealLy Lo Lhe rule of law wlLh prlorlLy accorded Lo LhaL
whlch occuples Lhe LopmosL rung ln Lhe legal helrarchy 1he Lhree deparLmenLs of governmenL
ln Lhe dlscharge of Lhe funcLlons wlLh whlch lL ls enLrusLed have no cholce buL Lo yleld
obedlence Lo lLs commands WhaLever llmlLs lL lmposes musL be observed Congress ln Lhe
enacLmenL of sLaLuLes musL ever be on guarL lesL Lhe resLrlcLlons on lLs auLhorlLy wheLher
subsLanLlve or formal be Lranscended 1he resldency ln Lhe execuLlon of Lhe laws cannoL
lgnore of dlsregard whaL lL ordalns ln lLs Lask of applylng Lhe law Lo Lhe facLs as found ln
decldlng cases Lhe [udlclary ls called upon Lhe malnLaln lnvlolaLe whaL ls decreed by Lhe
fundamenLal law

1hls ls buL Lo glve meanlng Lo Lhe plan and clear mandaLe of secLlon 13 of Lhe 1ranslLory
rovlslons (whlch allows of no oLher lnLerpreLaLlon) LhaL durlng Lhe sLage of LranslLlon Lhe
lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly alone exerclses Lhe consLlLuenL power Lo propose amendmenLs
upon speclal call Lherefor 1hls ls relnforced by Lhe facL LhaL Lhe clLed secLlon does noL granL Lo
Lhe regular naLlonal Assembly of calllng a consLlLuLlonal convenLlon Lhus expresslng Lhe wlll of
Lhe ConvenLlon (and presumably of Lhe people upon raLlflcaLlon) LhaL lf ever Lhe need Lo
propose amendmenLs arose durlng Lhe llmlLed perlod of LranslLlon Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal
Assembly alone would dlscharge Lhe Lask and no consLlLuLlonal convenLlon could be call for Lhe

As Lo Lhe alleged cosLs lnvolved ln convenlng Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly Lo propose
amendmenLs among Lhem lLs own abollLlon (24 mllllon annually ln salarles alone for lLs 400
members aL 60000000 per annum per member assumlng LhaL lLs dellberaLlons could lasL for
one year) sufflce lL Lo recall Lhls CourLs pronouncemenL ln 1olenLlno (ln reflecLlng a slmllar
argumenL on Lhe cosLs of holdlng a pleblsclLe separaLely from Lhe general elecLlons for elecLlve
offlclals) LhaL lL ls a maLLer of publlc knowledge LhaL blgger amounLs have been spenL or
Lhrown Lo wasLe for many lesser ob[ecLlves Surely Lhe amounL of sevenLeen mllllon pesos or
even more ls noL Loo much a prlce Lo pay for fealLy and loyalLy Lo Lhe ConsLlLuLlon 30 and
LhaL whlle Lhe flnanclal cosLs of a separaLe pleblsclLe may be hlgh lL can never be as much as
Lhe dangers lnvolved ln dlsregardlng clear mandaLe of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon no maLLer how laudable
Lhe ob[ecLlve and no conslderaLlon of flnanclal cosLs shall deLer us from adherence Lo Lhe
requlremenLs of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon11

10 1he lmposlLlon of marLlal law (and Lhe problems of rebelllon subverslon secesslon
recesslon lnflaLlon and economlc crlsls a crlsls greaLer Lhan war) 32 clLed by Lhe ma[orlLy
oplnlon as [usLlfylng Lhe concenLraLlon of powers ln Lhe resldenL and Lhe recognlLlon now of
hls exerclslng Lhe consLlLuenL power Lo propose amendmenLs Lo Lhe lundamenLal Law as
agenL for and ln behalf of Lhe people 33 has no consLlLuLlonal basls

ln Lhe posLwar Lmergency owers 33* former Chlef !usLlce 8lcardo aras reafflrmed for Lhe
CourL Lhe prlnclple LhaL emergency ln lLself cannoL and should noL creaLe power ln our
democracy Lhe hope and survlval of Lhe naLlon lle ln Lhe wlsdom and unselflsh paLrloLlsm of all
offlclals and ln Lhelr falLhful Adherence Lo Lhe ConsLlLuLlon

1he marLlal law clause of Lhe 1973 ConsLlLuLlon found ln ArLlcle lx secLlon 12 as sLressed by
Lhe wrlLer ln hls separaLe oplnlon ln Lhe 8eferendum Cases14 ls a verbaLlm reproducLlon of
ArLlcle vll secLlon 10 (2) of Lhe 1933 ConsLlLuLlon and provldes for Lhe lmposlLlon of marLlal law
only ln case of lnvaslon resurrecLlon or rebelllon or lmmlnenL danger Lhereof when Lhe publlc
safeLy requlres lL and hence Lhe use of Lhe leglslaLlve power or more accuraLely mlllLary power
under marLlal rule ls llmlLed Lo such necessary measures as wlll safeguard Lhe 8epubllc and
suppress Lhe rebelllon (or lnvaslon) 33

11 ArLlcle xvll secLlon 3 (2) of Lhe 1973 ConsLlLuLlon whlch has been held by Lhe ma[orlLy ln
Lhe 8eferendum Cases Lo be Lhe recognlLlon or warranL for Lhe exerclse of leglslaLlve power by
Lhe resldenL durlng Lhe perlod of marLlal law ls buL a LranslLory provlslon 1ogeLher wlLh Lhe
marLlal law clause Lhey consLlLuLe buL Lwo provlslons whlch are noL Lo be consldered ln
lsolaLlon from Lhe ConsLlLuLlon buL as mere lnLegral parLs Lhereof whlch musL be harmonlzed
conslsLenLly wlLh Lhe enLlre ConsLlLuLlon

As Cooley resLaLed Lhe rule effecL ls Lo be glven lf posslble Lo Lhe whole lnsLrumenL and Lo
every secLlon and clause lf dlfferenL porLlons seem Lo confllcL Lhe courLs musL harmonlze
Lhem lf pracLlcable and musL lean ln favor of a consLrucLlon whlch wlll render every word
operaLlve raLher Lhan one whlch may make some words ldle and nugaLory

1hls rule ls appllcable wlLh speclal force Lo wrlLLen consLlLuLlons ln whlch Lhe people wlll be
presumed Lo have expressed Lhemselves ln careful and measured Lerms correspondlng wlLh
Lhe lmmense lmporLance of Lhe powers delegaLed leavlng as llLLle as posslble Lo lmpllcaLlon lL
ls scarcelly concelvable LhaL a case can arlse where a courL would bye [usLlfled ln declarlng any
porLlon of a wrlLLen consLlLuLlon nugaLory because of amblgulLy Cne parL may quallfy anoLher
so as Lo resLrlcL lLs operaLlon or apply lL oLherwlse Lhan Lhe naLural consLrucLlon would requlre
lf lL sLood by lLself buL one parL ls noL Lo be allowed Lo defeaL anoLher lf by any reasonable
consLrucLlon Lhe Lwo can be made Lo sLand LogeLher 36

1he LranscendenLal consLlLuenL power Lo propose and approve amendmenLs Lo Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon as well as seL up Lhe machlnery and prescrlbe Lhe procedure for Lhe raLlflcaLlon of
hls proposals has been wlLhheld from Lhe resldenL (rlme MlnlsLer) as sole reposlLory of Lhe
LxecuLlve ower presumably ln vlew of Lhe lmmense powers already vesLed ln hlm by Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon buL [usL as lmporLanLly because by Lhe very naLure of Lhe consLlLuenL power such
amendmenLs proposals have Lo be prepared dellberaLed and maLured by a dellberaLlve
assembly of represenLaLlves such as Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly and hence may noL be
anLlLheLlcally enLrusLed Lo one man

lormer Chlef !usLlce 8oberLo Concepclon had observed before Lhe elevaLlon of Lhe l971
ConsLlLuLlonal ConvenLlon LhaL Lhe records of pasL pleblsclLes show LhaL Lhe consLlLuLlonal
agency vesLed wlLh Lhe exerclse of Lhe consLlLuenL power (Congress or Lhe ConsLlLuLlonal
ConvenLlon) really deLermlned Lhe amendmenLs Lo Lhe ConsLlLuLlon slnce Lhe proposals were
lnvarlably raLlfled by Lhe people 37 Lhus alLhough Lhe people have Lhe reserved power Lo
raLlfy or re[ecL Lhe acLlon Laken by Lhe ConvenLlon such power ls noL ln vlew of Lhe
clrcumsLances aLLendlng lLs exerclse as effecLlve as one mlghL oLherwlse Lhlnk LhaL desplLe
Lhe requlslLe raLlflcaLlon by Lhe people Lhe acLual conLenLs of our fundamenLal law wlll really
be deLermlned by Lhe ConvenLlon LhaL accordlngly Lhe people should exerclse Lhe greaLesL
posslble degree of clrcumspecLlon ln Lhe elecLlon of delegaLes LhereLo 38

12 MarLlal law concededly does noL abrogaLe Lhe ConsLlLuLlon nor obllLeraLe lLs consLlLuLlonal
boundarles and allocaLlon of powers among Lhe LxecuLlve LeglslaLlve and !udlclal
ueparLmenLs 39

lL has Lhus been apLly observed LhaL MarLlal law ls an emergency reglme auLhorlzed by and
sub[ecL Lo Lhe ConsLlLuLlon lLs baslc premlse ls Lo preserve and Lo malnLaln Lhe 8epubllc agalnsL
Lhe dangers LhaL LhreaLen lL Such premlse lmposes consLralnLs and llmlLaLlons lor Lhe marLlal
law reglme fulfllls Lhe consLlLuLlonal purpose only lf by reason of marLlal law measures Lhe
8epubllc ls preserved lf by reason of such measures Lhe 8epubllc ls so Lransformed LhaL lL ls
changed ln lLs naLure and becomes a SLaLe oLher Lhan republlcan Lhen marLlal law ls a fallure
worse marLlal law would have become Lhe enemy of Lhe 8epubllc raLher Lhan lLs defender and
preserver 40

ll Cn Lhe quesLlon of Lhe CourLs [urlsdlcLlon Lo pass upon Lhe consLlLuLlonallLy of Lhe
quesLloned presldenLlal decrees leL lL be underscored LhaL Lhe CourL has long seL aL resL Lhe

1he Lrall was blazed for Lhe CourL slnce Lhe benchmark case of Angara vs LlecLoral Commlsslon
when !usLlce !ose Laurel echoed uS Chlef !usLlce Marshalls cllmacLlc phrase LhaL we
musL never forgeL LhaL lL ls a ConsLlLuLlon we are expoundlng and declared Lhe CourLs solemn
and sacred consLlLuLlonal obllgaLlon of [udlclal revlew and lald down Lhe docLrlne LhaL Lhe
hlllpplne ConsLlLuLlon as a deflnlLlon of Lhe powers of governmenL placed upon Lhe [udlclary
Lhe greaL burden of deLermlnlng Lhe naLure scope and exLenL of such powers and sLressed
LhaL when Lhe [udlclary medlaLes Lo allocaLe consLlLuLlonal boundarles lL does noL asserL any
superlorlLy over Lhe oLher deparLmenLs buL only asserLs Lhe solemn and sacred obllLeraLlon
enLrusLed Lo lL by Lhe ConsLlLuLlon Lo deLermlne confllcLlng clalms of auLhorlLy under Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon and Lo esLabllsh for Lhe parLles ln an acLual conLroversy Lhe rlghLs whlch Lhe
lnsLrumenL secures and guaranLees Lo Lhem

AL Lhe same Llme Lhe CourL llkewlse adhered Lo Lhe consLlLuLlonal LeneL LhaL pollLlcal
quesLlons le quesLlons whlch are lnLended by Lhe ConsLlLuLlonal and relevanL laws Lo be
concluslvely deLermlned by Lhe pollLlcal le branches of governmenL (namely Lhe LxecuLlve
and Lhe LeglslaLlve) are ouLslde Lhe CourLs [urlsdlcLlon 41

1hus ln Conzales 42 (by a unanlmous CourL) and ln 1olenLlno 43 (by Lhe requlred
consLlLuLlonal ma[orlLy) Lhe CourL has slnce conslsLenLly ruled LhaL when proposlng and
approvlng amendmenLs Lo Lhe ConsLlLuLlon Lhe members of Congress acLlng as a consLlLuenL
assembly or Lhe members of Lhe ConsLlLuLlonal ConvenLlon elecLed dlrecLly for Lhe purpose by
noL have Lhe flnal say on wheLher or noL Lhelr acLs are wlLhln or beyond consLlLuLlonal llmlLs
CLherwlse Lhey could brush aslde and seL Lhe same aL naughL conLrary Lo Lhe baslc LeneL LhaL
ouLs ls lL governmenL of lawsom noL of men and Lo Lhe rlgld naLure of our ConsLlLuLlon Such
rlgldlLy ls sLressed by Lhe facL LhaL Lhe ConsLlLuLlon expressly confers upon Lhe Supreme CourL
Lhe power Lo declare a LreaLy unconsLlLuLlonal desplLe Lhe emlnenLly pollLlcal characLer of
LreaLymaklng power 44

As ampllfled by former Chlef !usLlce Concepclon ln !avellana vs LxecuLlve SecreLary 43 (by a
ma[orlLy voLe) when Lhe granL of power ls quallfled condlLlonal or sub[ecL Lo llmlLaLlons Lhe
lssue on wheLher or noL Lhe prescrlbed quallflcaLlons or condlLlons have been meL or Lhe
llmlLaLlons by expecLed ls [usLlclable or nonpollLlcal Lhe crux of Lhe problem belng one of
legallLy or valldlLy of Lhe conLesLed acL noL lLs wlsdom CLherwlse sald quallflcaLlons condlLlons
and llmlLaLlonsparLlcularly Lhose prescrlbed or lmposed by Lhe ConsLlLuLlon would be seL aL

1he facL LhaL Lhe proposed amendmenLs are Lo be submlLLed Lo Lhe people for raLlflcaLlon by no
means makes Lhe quesLlon pollLlcal and non [usLlclable slnce as sLressed even ln !avellana Lhe
lssue of valldlLy of Lhe resldenLs proclamaLlon of raLlflcaLlon of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon presenLed a
[usLlclable and nonpollLlcal quesLlon

SLaLed oLherwlse Lhe quesLlon of wheLher Lhe LeglslaLlve acLlng as a consLlLuenL assembly or
Lhe ConsLlLuLlonal ConvenLlon called fol Lhe purpose ln proposlng amendmenLs Lo Lhe people
for raLlflcaLlon followed Lhe consLlLuLlonal procedure and on Lhe amendlng process ls perforce a
[usLlclable quesLlon and does noL ralse a pollLlcal quesLlon of pollce or wlsdom of Lhe proposed
amendmenLs whlch lf SubmlLLed are reserved for Lhe peoples declslon

1he subsLanLlve quesLlon presenLed ln Lhe case aL bar of wheLher Lhe resldenL may legally
exerclse Lhe consLlLuenL power vesLed ln Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly (whlch has noL been
granLed Lo hls offlce) and propose consLlLuLlonal amendmenLs ls preemlnenLly a [usLlclable

!usLlce Laurel ln Angara had duly en[olned LhaL ln Llmes of soclal dlsquleLude or pollLlcal
exclLemenL Lhe greaL landmarks of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon are apL Lo be forgoLLen or marred lf noL
enLlrely obllLeraLed ln cases of confllcL Lhe [udlclal deparLmenL ls Lhe only consLlLuLlonal organ
whlch can be called upon Lo deLermlne Lhe proper allocaLlon of powers beLween Lhe several
deparLmenLs and among Lhe lnLegral or consLlLuenL unlLs Lhereof

1o follow Lhe easy way ouL by dlsclalmlng [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe lssue as a pollLlcal quesLlon
would be [udlclal abdlcaLlon

lll Cn Lhe quesLlon of wheLher Lhere ls a sufflclenL and proper submlLLal of Lhe proposed
amendmenLs Lo Lhe people resclndlng from Lhe wrlLers vlew of Lhe nulllLy of Lhe quesLloned
decree of lack of auLhorlLy on Lhe resldenLs parL Lo excerclse Lhe consLlLuenL power l hold
LhaL Lhe docLrlne of falr and proper submlsslon flrsL enunclaLed by a slmple ma[orlLy of by
!usLlces ln Conzales and subsequenLly offlclally adopLed by Lhe requlred consLlLuLlonal Lwo
Lhlrds ma[orlLy of Lhe CourL ln ls conLrolllng ln Lhe case aL bar

1 1here cannoL be sald Lo be falr and proper submlsslon of Lhe proposed amendmenLs As
ruled by Lhls CourL ln 1olenLlno where Lhe proposed amendmenL ln quesLlon ls expressly
saddled wlLh reservaLlons whlch naLurally lmpalr ln greaL measures lLs very essence as a
proposed consLlLuLlonal amendmenL and where Lhe way Lhe proposal ls worded read
LogeLher wlLh Lhe reservaLlons Lacked Lo lL by Lhe ConvenLlon Lhru SecLlon 3 of Lhe quesLloned
resoluLlon lL ls Loo much of a speculaLlon Lo assume whaL exacLly Lhe amendmenL would really
amounL lo ln Lhe end All ln all as already polnLed ouL ln our dlscusslon of movanLs flrsL
ground lf Lhls klnd of amendmenL ls allowed Lhe hlllpplnes wlll appear before Lhe world Lo be
ln Lhe absurd poslLlon of belng Lhe only counLry wlLh a consLlLuLlon conLalnlng a provlslon so
ephemeral no one knows unLll when lL wlll beL acLually ln force Lhere can be no proper

ln 1olenLlno a sollLary amendmenL reduclng Lhe voLlng age Lo 18 years was sLruck down by Lhls
CourL whlch ruled LhaL ln order LhaL a pleblsclLe for Lhe raLlflcaLlon of an amendmenL Lo Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon may be valldly held lL musL provlde Lhe voLer noL only sufflclenL Llme buL ample
basls for an lnLelllgenL appralsal of Lhe naLure of Lhe amendmenL per se as well as lLs relaLlon Lo
Lhe oLher parLs of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon wlLh whlch lL has Lo form a harmonlous whole and LhaL
Lhere was no proper Submlsslon whereln Lhe people are ln Lhe dark as Lo frame of reference
Lhey can base Lhelr [udgmenL on

2 1he now Chlef !usLlce and Mr !usLlce Makaslar wlLh Lwo oLher members 46 graphlcally
polnLed ouL ln Lhelr [olnL separaLe oplnlon LhaL Lhe sollLary quesLlon would seem Lo be
uncompllcaLed and lnnocuous 8uL lL ls one of llfes verlLles LhaL Lhlngs whlch appear Lo be
slmple may Lurn ouL noL Lo be so slmple afLer all 47

1hey furLher expressed essenLlal agreemenL wlLh Mr !usLlce Conrado v Sanchez separaLe
oplnlon ln Conzales on Lhe mlnlmum requlremenLs LhaL musL be meL ln order LhaL Lhere can
be a proper submlsslon Lo Lhe people of a proposed consLlLuLlonal amendmenL whlch reads

we Lake Lhe vlew LhaL Lhe words submlLLed Lo Lhe people for Lhelr raLlflcaLlon lf consLrued
ln Lhe llghL of Lhe naLure of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon a fundamenLal charLer LhaL ls leglslaLlon dlrecL
from Lhe people an expresslon of Lhelr soverelgn wlll ls LhaL lL can only be amended by Lhe
people expresslng Lhemselves accordlng Lo Lhe procedure ordalned by Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
1herefore amendmenLs musL be falrly lald before Lhe people for Lhelr blesslng or spurnlng 1he
people are noL Lo be mere rubber sLamps 1hey are noL Lo voLe bllndly 1hey musL be afforded
ample opporLunlLy Lo mull over Lhe orlglnal provlslons compare Lhem wlLh Lhe proposed
amendmenLs and Lry Lo reach a concluslon as Lhe dlcLaLes of Lhelr consclence suggesL free
from Lhe lncubus of exLraneous or posslbly lnsldlous lnfluences We belleve Lhe word
submlLLed can only mean LhaL Lhe governmenL wlLhln lLs maxlmum capablllLles should sLraln
every efforL Lo lnform every clLlzen of Lhe provlslons Lo be amended and Lhe proposed
amendmenLs and Lhe meanlng naLure and effecLs Lhereof 8y Lhls we are noL Lo be undersLood
as saylng LhaL lf one clLlzen or 100 clLlzens or 1000 clLlzens cannoL be reached Lhen Lhere ls no
submlsslon wlLhln Lhe meanlng of Lhe word as lnLended by Lhe framers of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
WhaL Lhe ConsLlLuLlon ln effecL dlrecLs ls LhaL Lhe governmenL ln submlLLlng an amendmenL for
raLlflcaLlon should puL every lnsLrumenLallLy or agency wlLhln lLs sLrucLural framework Lo
enllghLen Lhe people educaLe Lhem wlLh respecL Lo Lhelr acL of raLlflcaLlon or re[ecLlon lor as
we have earller sLaLed one Lhlng ls submlsslon and anoLher ls raLlflcaLlon 1here musL be falr
submlsslon lnLelllgenL consenL or re[ecLlon lf wlLh all Lhese safeguards Lhe people sLlll approve
Lhe amendmenL no maLLer how pre[udlclal lL ls Lo Lhem Lhen so be lL lor Lhe people decree
Lhelr own faLe 48

!usLlce Sanchez Lhereln ended Lhe passage wlLh an apL clLaLlon LhaL 1he greaL men who
bullded Lhe sLrucLure of our sLaLe ln Lhls respecL had Lhe menLal vlslon of a good ConsLlLuLlon
volced by !udge Cooley who has sald A good ConsLlLuLlon should be beyond Lhe reach of
Lemporary exclLemenL and popular caprlce or passlon lL ls needed for sLablllLy and sLeadlness
lL musL yleld Lo Lhe LhoughL of Lhe people noL Lo Lhe whlm of Lhe people or Lhe LhoughL
evolved ln exclLemenL or hoL blood buL Lhe sober second LhoughL whlch alone lf Lhe
governmenL ls Lo be safe can be allowed efflclency xxx xxx xxx Changes ln governmenL are Lo
be feared unless Lhe beneflL ls cerLaln As MonLalgn says All greaL muLaLlons shake and
dlsorder sLaLe Cood does noL necessarlly succeed evll anoLher evll may succeed and a worse

!usLlce Sanchez Lhus sLaLed Lhe rule LhaL has been adopLed by Lhe CourL ln 1olenLlno LhaL Lhere
ls no proper submlsslon lf Lhe people are noL sufflclenLly afflrmed of Lhe amendmenLs Lo be
voLed upon Lo consclenLlously dellberaLe Lhereon Lo express Lhelr wlll ln a genulne manner

3 lrom Lhe complex and compllcaLed proposed amendmenLs seL forLh ln Lhe challenged decree
and Lhe pleLhora of confused and confuslng clarlflcaLlons reporLed ln Lhe dally newspapers lL ls
manlfesL LhaL Lhere ls no proper submlsslon of Lhe proposed amendmenLs nlne (9) proposed
consLlLuLlonal amendmenLs were offlclally proposed and made known as per resldenLlal
uecree no 1033 daLed SepLember 22 1976 for submlLLal aL Lhe referendumpleblsclLe called
for Lhls comlng SaLurday CcLober 16 1976 whereln Lhe 13year and under 18year olds are
en[olned Lo voLe noLwlLhsLandlng Lhelr lack of quallflcaLlon under ArLlcle vl of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
lormer SenaLor ArLuro 1olenLlno an acknowledged parllamenLarlan of Lhe hlghesL order was
reporLed by Lhe newspapers lasL CcLober 3 Lo have observed LhaL Lhere ls no urgency ln
approvlng Lhe proposed amendmenLs Lo Lhe ConsLlLuLlon and suggesLed LhaL Lhe quesLlon
regardlng charLer changes be modlfled lnsLead of asklng Lhe people Lo voLe on hurrledly
prepared amendmenLs Pe furLher polnLed ouL LhaL aparL from lacklng Lhe parllamenLary
sLyle ln Lhe body of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon Lhey do noL lndlcaLe whaL parLlcular provlslons are belng
repealed or amended 32

As of Lhls wrlLlng CcLober 11 1976 Lhe paper Loday reporLed hls sevenpage analysls
quesLlonlng among oLhers Lhe proposed granLlng of dual leglslaLlve powers Lo boLh Lhe
resldenL and Lhe 8aLasang ambansa and remarklng LhaL 1hls dual leglslaLlve auLhorlLy can
glve rlse Lo confuslon and serlous consLlLuLlonal quesLlons 33

Aslde from Lhe lnadequacy of Lhe llmlLed Llme glven for Lhe peoples conslderaLlon of Lhe
proposed amendmenLs Lhere can be no proper submlsslon because Lhe proposed amendmenLs
are noL ln proper form and vlolaLe Lhe cardlnal rule of amendmenLs of wrlLLen consLlLuLlons
LhaL Lhe speclflc provlslons of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon belng repealed or amended as well as how Lhe
speclflc provlslons as amended would read should be clearly sLaLed ln careful and measured
Lerms 1here can be no proper submlsslon because Lhe vagueness and amblgulLy of Lhe
proposals do noL sufflclenLly lnform Lhe people of Lhe amendmenLs for consclenLlous
dellberaLlon and lnLelllgenL consenL or re[ecLlon

4 Whlle Lhe press and Lhe SollclLor Ceneral aL Lhe hearlng have sLaLed LhaL Lhe prlnclpal LhrusL
of Lhe proposals ls Lo subsLlLuLe Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly wlLh an lnLerlm 8aLasang
ambansa a serlous sLudy Lhereof ln deLall would lead Lo Lhe concluslon LhaL Lhe whole conLexL
of Lhe 1973 ConsLlLuLlon proper would be affecLed and grave amendmenLs and modlflcaLlons
Lhereof would apparenLly be made among oLhers as follows

under AmendmenL no 1 Lhe quallflcaLlon age of members of Lhe lnLerlm 8aLasang ambansa
ls reduced Lo 18 years

under AmendmenL no 2 Lhe LreaLyconcurrlng power of Lhe LeglslaLure ls wlLhheld from Lhe
lnLerlm 8aLasang ambansa

under AmendmenL no 3 noL wlLhsLandlng Lhe convenlng of Lhe lnLerlm 8aLasang ambansa
wlLhln 30 days from Lhe elecLlon and selecLlon of Lhe members (for whlch Lhere ls no flxed
daLe) Lhe lncumbenL resldenL apparenLly becomes a regular resldenL and rlme MlnlsLer (noL
ad lnLerlm)

under AmendmenL no 4 Lhe dlsquallflcaLlons lmposed on members of Lhe CablneL ln Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon such as Lhe prohlblLlon agalnsL Lhe holdlng of more Lhan one offlce ln Lhe
governmenL lncludlng governmenLowned or conLrolled corporaLlons would appear Lo be
ellmlnaLed lf noL prescrlbed by Lhe resldenL

under AmendmenL no 3 Lhe resldenL shall conLlnue Lo exerclse leglslaLlve powers unLll
marLlal law ls llfLed

under AmendmenL no 6 Lhere ls a duallLy of leglslaLlve auLhorlLy glven Lhe resldenL and Lhe
lnLerlm 8aLasang ambansa as well as Lhe regular naLlonal Assembly as polnLed ouL by SenaLor
1olenLlno wlLh Lhe resldenL conLlnulng Lo exerclse leglslaLlve powers ln case of grave
emergency or a LhreaL or lmmlnence Lhereof (wlLhouL deflnlLlon of Lerms) or when sald
Assemblles fall or are unable Lo acL adequaLely on any maLLer for any reason LhaL ln hls
[udgmenL requlres lmmedlaLe acLlon Lhus radlcally affecLlng provlslons of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
governlng Lhe sald deparLmenLs

under AmendmenL no 7 Lhe barangays and Sanggunlans would apparenLly be
consLlLuLlonallzed alLhough Lhelr funcLlons power and composlLlon may be alLered by law
8eferendums (whlch are noL auLhorlzed ln Lhe presenL 1973 ConsLlLuLlon) would also be
consLlLuLlonallzed glvlng rlse Lo Lhe posslblllLy fraughL wlLh grave consequences as
acknowledged aL Lhe hearlng LhaL amendmenLs Lo Lhe ConsLlLuLlon may LhereafLer be effecLed
by referendum raLher Lhan by Lhe rlgld and sLrlcL amendlng process provlded presenLly ln
ArLlcle xvl of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon

under AmendmenL no 8 Lhere ls a general sLaLemenL ln general LhaL Lhe unspeclfled
provlslons of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon noL lnconslsLenL wlLh any of Lhese amendmenLs shall conLlnue
ln full force and effecL and under AmendmenL no 9 Lhe lncumbenL resldenL ls auLhorlzed Lo
proclalm Lhe raLlflcaLlon of Lhe amendmenLs by Lhe ma[orlLy of voLes casL lL has llkewlse been
sLressed by Lhe offlclals concerned LhaL Lhe proposed amendmenLs come ln a package and may
noL be voLed upon separaLely buL on an all or noLhlng basls

3 WheLher Lhe people can normally express Lhelr wlll ln a genulne manner and wlLh due
clrcumspecLlon on Lhe proposed amendmenLs amldsL Lhe consLralnLs of marLlal law ls yeL
anoLher quesLlon 1haL a perlod of free debaLe and dlscusslon has Lo be declared of lLself shows
Lhe llmlLaLlons on free debaLe and dlscusslon 1he faclllLles for free debaLe and dlscusslon over
Lhe mass medla prlnL and oLherwlse are wanLlng 1he resldenL hlmself ls reporLed Lo have
observed Lhe LlmldlLy of Lhe medla under marLlal law and Lo have dlrecLed Lhe press Lo alr Lhe
vlews of Lhe opposlLlon 34

lndeed Lhe volce of Lhe sLudenLry as reflecLed ln Lhe edlLorlal of Lhe hlllpplne Colleglan lssue
of SepLember 23 1976 comes as a welcome and refreshlng model of consclenLlous
dellberaLlon as our youLh analyzes Lhe lssues whlch wlll affecL generaLlons yeL Lo come and
urge Lhe people Lo mull over Lhe pros and cons very carefully as follows

1PL 8LlL8LnuuM lSSuLS

Cn CcLober 16 Lhe people may be asked Lo declde on Lwo lmporLanL naLlonal lssues Lhe
creaLlon of a new leglslaLlve body and Lhe llfLlng of marLlal law

Cn Lhe flrsL lssue lL ls almosL sure LhaL Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly wlll noL be convened
prlmarlly because of lLs membershlp Ma[orlLy of Lhe members of Lhe defuncL Congress who
are mandaLed by Lhe ConsLlLuLlon Lo become members of Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly have
galned so wldespread a noLorleLy LhaL Lhe mere menLlon of Congress con[ures Lhe lmage of a
den of Lhleves who are ouL Lo fool Lhe people mosL of Lhe Llme Among Lhe Lhree branches of
governmenL lL was Lhe mosL dlscredlLed ln facL upon Lhe declaraLlon of marLlal law some
people were heard Lo muLLer LhaL a reglme LhaL has flnally puL an end Lo such congresslonal
shenanlgans could noL be all LhaL bad

A subsLlLuLe leglslaLlve body ls conLemplaLed Lo help Lhe resldenL ln promulgaLlng laws and
perhaps mlnlmlze Lhe lssuance of llldrafLed decrees whlch necesslLaLe consLanL amendmenLs
8uL care should be Laken LhaL Lhls new leglslaLlve body would noL become a mere rubber sLamp
akln Lo Lhose of oLher LoLallLarlan counLrles lL should be glven real powers oLherwlse we wlll
[usL have anoLher nebulous creaLlon havlng Lhe form buL lacklng Lhe subsLance Already Lhe
resldenL has expressed Lhe deslre LhaL among Lhe powers he would llke Lo have wlLh regard Lo
Lhe proposed leglslaLlve body ls LhaL of abollshlng lL ln case Lhere ls a need Lo do so As Lo whaL
would occaslon such a need only Lhe resldenL hlmself can deLermlne 1hls would afford Lhe
Chlef LxecuLlve almosL LoLal power over Lhe leglslaLure for he could always offer Lhe members
Lhereof a carroL and a sLlck

Cn Lhe maLLer of llfLlng marLlal law Lhe people have expressed amblvalenL aLLlLudes Some of
Lhem rememberlng Lhe Lurmoll LhaL prevalled before Lhe declaraLlon of marLlal law have
expressed Lhe fear LhaL lLs llfLlng mlghL preclplLaLe Lhe revlval of Lhe abuses of Lhe pasL and
provlde an occaslon for evll elemenLs Lo resurface wlLh Lhelr usual Lrlcks CLhers say LhaL lL ls
abouL Llme marLlal law was llfLed slnce Lhe peace and order slLuaLlon has already sLablllzed and
Lhe economy seems Lo have been parked up

1he reglme of marLlal law has been wlLh us for four years now no doubL marLlal law has
lnlLlally secured some reforms for Lhe counLry 1he people were qulLe wllllng Lo parLlclpaLe ln
Lhe new experlmenL Lhrllled by Lhe novelLy of lL all AfLer Lhe euphorla however Lhe people
seem Lo have gone back Lo Lhe old ways wlLh Lhe excepLlon LhaL some of our freedoms were
Laken away and an auLhorlLarlan reglme esLabllshed

We musL bear ln mlnd LhaL marLlal law was envlsloned only Lo cope wlLh an exlsLlng naLlonal
crlsls lL was noL meanL Lo be avalled of for a long perlod of Llme oLherwlse lL would undermlne
our adherence Lo a democraLlc form of governmenL ln Lhe words of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon marLlal
law shall only be declared ln Llmes of rebelllon lnsurrecLlon lnvaslon or lmmlnenL danger
Lhereof when Lhe publlc safeLy requlres lL Slnce we no longer suffer from lnLernal
dlsLurbances of a garganLuan scale lL ls abouL Llme we serlously reLhlnk Lhe necesslLy of
prolonglng Lhe marLlal law reglme lf we [usLlfy Lhe conLlnuance of marLlal by economlc or oLher
reasons oLher Lhan Lhe foregolng consLlLuLlonal grounds Lhen our falLh ln Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
mlghL be quesLloned Lven wlLhouL marLlal law Lhe lncumbenL Chlef LxecuLlve sLlll holds vasL
powers under Lhe consLlLuLlon AfLer all Lhe galns of Lhe new SocleLy can be secured wlLhouL
sacrlflclng Lhe freedom of our people lf Lhe converse ls Lrue Lhen we mlghL have Lo conclude
LhaL Lhe llllplnos deserve a dlcLaLorlal form of governmenL 1he referendum resulLs wlll show
wheLher Lhe people Lhemselves have adopLed Lhls sad concluslon

1he response of Lhe people Lo Lhe foregolng lssues wlll affecL generaLlons yeL Lo come so Lhey
should mull over Lhe pros and cons very carefully

6 1hls oplnlon by wrlLLen ln Lhe same splrlL as Lhe resldenLs exhorLaLlons on Lhe flrsL
annlversary of proclamaLlon of Lhe 1973 ConsLlLuLlon LhaL we leL Lhe ConsLlLuLlon remaln flrm
and sLable so LhaL lL may gulde Lhe people and LhaL we remaln sLeadfasL on Lhe rule of law
and Lhe ConsLlLuLlon as he recalled hls re[ecLlon of Lhe exerclse (of) power LhaL can be
ldenLlfled merely wlLh a revoluLlonary governmenL LhaL makes lLs own law Lhus

Whoever he may be and whaLever poslLlon he may happen Lo have wheLher ln governmenL
or ouLslde governmenL lL ls absoluLely necessary now LhaL we look solemnly and percepLlvely
lnLo Lhe ConsLlLuLlon and Lry Lo dlscover for ourselves whaL our role ls ln Lhe successful
lmplemenLaLlon of LhaL ConsLlLuLlon WlLh Lhls LhoughL Lherefore we can agree on one Lhlng
and LhaL ls LeL all of us age leL all of us Lhen pass away as a pace ln Lhe developmenL of our
counLry buL leL Lhe ConsLlLuLlon remaln flrm and sLable and leL lnsLlLuLlons grow ln sLrengLh
from day Lo day from achlevemenL Lo achlevemenL and so long as LhaL ConsLlLuLlon sLands
whoever may Lhe man ln power be whaLever may hls purpose be LhaL ConsLlLuLlon wlll gulde
Lhe people and no man however powerful he may be wlll dare Lo desLroy and wreck Lhe
foundaLlon of such a ConsLlLuLlon

1hese are Lhe reasons why l personally havlng proclalmed marLlal law havlng been ofLen
lnduced Lo exerclse power LhaL can be ldenLlfled merely wlLh a revoluLlonary governmenL have
remalned sLeadfasL or Lhe rule of law and Lhe ConsLlLuLlon 34*

lv A flnal word on Lhe CourLs resoluLlon of CcLober 3 1976 whlch ln reply Lo Lhe Comelec
query allowed by a voLe of 7 Lo 3 [udges of all courLs afLer offlce hours Lo accepL lnvlLaLlons
Lo acL as resource speakers under SecLlon 3 of resldenLlal uecree no 991 as amended as well
as Lo Lake sldes ln dlscusslons and debaLes on Lhe referendumpleblsclLe quesLlons under
SecLlon 7 of Lhe same uecree 33

1he wrlLer wlLh Mr !usLlce Makaslar and Madame !usLlce Munoz alma had dlssenLed from Lhe
ma[orlLy resoluLlon wlLh all due respecL on Lhe ground LhaL Lhe nonparLlclpaLlon of [udges ln
such publlc dlscusslons and debaLes on Lhe referendumpleblsclLe quesLlons would preserve Lhe
LradlLlonal nonlnvolvemenL of Lhe [udlclary ln publlc dlscusslons of conLroverslal lssues 1hls ls
essenLlal for Lhe malnLenance and enhancemenL of Lhe peoples falLh and confldence ln Lhe
[udlclary 1he quesLlons of Lhe valldlLy of Lhe scheduled referendum pleblsclLe and of wheLher
Lhere ls proper submlsslon of Lhe proposed amendmenLs were preclsely sub[udlce by vlrLue of
Lhe cases aL bar

1he llfLlng of Lhe LradlLlonal lnhlblLlon of [udges from publlc dlscusslon and debaLe mlghL
blemlsh Lhe lmage and lndependence of Lhe [udlclary Aslde from Lhe facL LhaL Lhe flxlng of a
Llme llmlL for Lhe accepLance of Lhelr courLesy reslgnaLlons Lo avold an lndeflnlLe sLaLe of
lnsecurlLy of Lhelr Lenure ln offlce sLlll spends llLlganLs and Lhelr relaLlves and frlends as well as
a good secLor of Lhe publlc would be heslLanL Lo alr vlews conLrary Lo LhaL of Lhe

!udge !usLlces Makaslar and Munoz alma who share Lhese vlews have agreed LhaL we make
Lhem of record here slnce we undersLand LhaL Lhe permlsslon glven ln Lhe resoluLlon ls
neverLheless addressed Lo Lhe personal declslon and consclence of each [udge and Lhese vlews
may he of some guldance Lo Lhem

8A88LuC ! concurrlng

Whlle l am ln full agreemenL wlLh Lhe ma[orlLy of my breLhren LhaL Lhe hereln peLlLlons should
be dlsmlssed as ln facL l voLe for Lhelr dlsmlssal l deem lL lmperaLlve LhaL l should sLaLe
separaLely Lhe conslderaLlons LhaL have lmpelled me Lo do so

erhaps lL ls besL LhaL l should sLarL by Lrylng Lo dlsabuse Lhe mlnds of Lhose who have doubLs
as Lo wheLher or noL l should have Laken parL ln Lhe conslderaLlon and resoluLlon of Lhese
cases lndeed lL would noL be beflLLlng my poslLlon ln Lhls PlghesL 1rlbunal of Lhe land for me
Lo leave unmenLloned Lhe clrcumsLances whlch have glven cause l presume for oLhers Lo feel
apprehenslve LhaL my parLlclpaLlon ln Lhese proceedlngs mlghL deLracL from LhaL degree of
falLh ln Lhe lmparLlallLy LhaL Lhe CourLs [udgmenL hereln should ordlnarlly command ln a way
lL can be sald of course LhaL l am Lhe one mosL responslble for such a raLher problemaLlcal
slLuaLlon and lL ls preclsely for Lhls reason LhaL l have declded Lo begln Lhls oplnlon wlLh a
dlscusslon of why l have noL lnhlblLed myself LrusLlng mosL confldenLly LhaL whaL l have Lo say
wlll be Laken ln Lhe same splrlL of good falLh slncerlLy and purlLy of purpose ln whlch l am
resolved Lo offer Lhe same

laln honesLy dlcLaLes LhaL l should make of record here Lhe perLlnenL conLenLs of Lhe offlclal
reporL of Lhe LxecuLlve CommlLLee of Lhe kaLlpunan ng mga Sanggunlan submlLLed Lo Lhe
kaLlpunan lLself abouL Lhe proceedlngs held on AugusL 14 1976 lL ls sLaLed ln LhaL publlc
documenL LhaL

1PL lSSuL Wl1P 8LCA8uS 1o 1PL CCnvLnlnC Cl A LLClSLA1lvL body came ouL when Lhe
resldenL express hls deslre Lo share hls powers wlLh oLher people

Aware of Lhls a flveman CommlLLee members of Lhe hlllpplne ConsLlLuLlon AssoclaLlon
(PlLCCnSA) headed by Supreme CourL !usLlce AnLonlo 8arredo proposed on !uly 28 Lhe
esLabllshmenL of Sanggunlang ambansa or 8aLasang ambansa whlch would help Lhe
resldenL ln Lhe performance of hls leglslaLlve funcLlons 1he proposed new body wlll Lake Lhe
place of Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly whlch ls consldered noL pracLlcal Lo convene aL Lhls Llme
conslderlng Lhe consLlLuLlon of lLs membershlp

upon learnlng Lhe proposal of !usLlce 8arredo Lhe counLrys 42000 barangay assemblles on
AugusL 1 suggesLed LhaL Lhe people be consulLed on a proposal Lo creaLe a new leglslaLlve body
Lo replace Lhe lnLerlm assembly provlded for by Lhe ConsLlLuLlon 1he suggesLlon of Lhe
barangay unlLs was made Lhrough Lhelr naLlonal assoclaLlon ambansang kaLlpunan ng mga
8arangay headed by Mrs nora Z aLlnes She sald LhaL Lhe people have shown ln aL leasL slx
lnsLances lncludlng ln Lhe Lwo pasL referenda LhaL Lhey are agalnsL Lhe convenlng of Lhe lnLerlm
naLlonal Assembly She also sald LhaL slnce Lhe people had ruled ouL Lhe calllng of such
assembly and LhaL Lhey have once proposed LhaL Lhe resldenL creaLe lnsLead Lhe Sanggunlang
ambansa or a leglslaLlve advlsory body Lhen Lhe proposal Lo creaLe a new leglslaLlve musL
necessarlly be referred Lo Lhe people

1he federaLlon of kabaLaang 8arangay also numberlng 42000 unlLs llke Lhelr elder
counLerparLs ln Lhe kaLlpunan ng mga 8arangay also asserLed Lhelr own rlghL Lo be heard on
whaLever plans are afooL Lo convene a new leglslaLlve body

Cn AugusL 6 a meeLlng of Lhe naLlonal dlrecLoraLe of k8 was held Lo dlscuss maLLers
perLalnlng Lo Lhe sLand of Lhe k8 wlLh regards Lo Lhe convenlng of a new leglslaLlve body 1he
sLand of Lhe k8 ls Lo creaLe a leglslaLlve advlsory councll ln place of Lhe old assembly 1wo days
afLer AugusL 8 Lhe kabaLaang 8arangay held a symposlum and made a sLand whlch ls Lhe
creaLlon of a body wlLh full leglslaLlve powers

A naLlonwlde clamor for Lhe holdlng of meeLlng ln Lhelr respecLlve locallLles Lo dlscuss more
lnLellegenLly Lhe proposal Lo creaLe a new leglslaLlve body was made by varlous urban and rural
Sanggunlang 8ayans

numerous requesLs made by some members comlng from 73 provlnclal and 61 clLy S8
assemblles were forwarded Lo Lhe ueparLmenL of Local CovernmenL and CommunlLy
uevelopmenL (uLCCu)

Cn AugusL 7 Local CovernmenL SecreLary !ose A 8ono granLed Lhe requesL by convenlng Lhe
91 member naLlonal LxecuLlve CommlLLee of Lhe ambansang kaLlpunan ng mga Sanggunlan
on AugusL 14 whlch was held aL Sesslon Pall Cuezon ClLy lnvlLed also Lo parLlclpaLe were 13
8eglonal lederaLlon resldenLs each comlng from Lhe k8 and Lhe kk8

AcLually Lhe exLenL of my acLlve parLlclpaLlon ln Lhe evenLs and dellberaLlons LhaL have
culmlnaLed ln Lhe holdlng of Lhe proposed referendum pleblsclLe on CcLober 16 1976 whlch
peLlLloners are here seeklng Lo en[oln has been more subsLanLlal and meanlngful Lhan Lhe
above reporL lmparLs MosL lmporLanLly aslde from belng probably Lhe flrsL person Lo publlcly
arLlculaLe Lhe need for Lhe creaLlon of an lnLerlm leglslaLlve body Lo Lake Lhe place of Lhe
lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly provlded for ln Lhe 1ranslLory rovlslons of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon as
suggesLed ln Lhe above reporL l mlghL say LhaL l was Lhe one mosL vehemenL and perslsLenL ln
publlcly advocaLlng and urglng Lhe auLhorlLles concerned Lo dlrecLly submlL Lo Lhe people ln a
pleblsclLe whaLever amendmenLs of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon mlghL be consldered necessary for Lhe
esLabllshmenL of such subsLlLuLe lnLerlm leglslaLure ln Lhe aforemenLloned sesslon of Lhe
LxecuLlve CommlLLee of Lhe kaLlpunan l dlscourse on Lhe lndlspensablllLy of a new lnLerlm
leglslaLlve body as Lhe lnlLlal sLep Lowards Lhe early llfLlng of marLlal law and on Lhe
fundamenLal conslderaLlons why ln our presenL slLuaLlon a consLlLuLlonal convenLlon would be
superfluous ln amendlng Lhe ConsLlLuLlon

Moreover lL ls a maLLer of publlc knowledge LhaL ln a speech l dellvered aL Lhe Coral 8allroom
of Lhe PllLon PoLel ln Lhe evenlng of AugusL 17 1976 l denounced ln no uncerLaln Lerms Lhe
plan Lo call a consLlLuLlonal convenLlon l relLeraLed Lhe same vlews on SepLember 7 1976 aL
Lhe lnlLlal conference called by Lhe Comelec ln Lhe course of Lhe lnformaLlon and educaLlonal
campalgn lL was en[olned Lo conducL on Lhe sub[ecL And looklng back aL Lhe subsequenL
developmenLs up Lo SepLember 22 1976 when Lhe 8aLasang 8ayan approved and Lhe
resldenL slgned Lhe now lmpugned resldenLlal uecree no 1033 lL ls buL human for me Lo
wanL Lo belleve LhaL Lo a cerLaln exLenL my sLrong crlLlclsms and resoluLe sLand agalnsL any
oLher alLernaLlve procedure of amendlng Lhe ConsLlLuLlon for Lhe purpose lnLended had borne

l musL hasLen Lo add aL Lhls polnL however LhaL ln a larger sense Lhe lnlLlaLlve for all l have
done was noL alLogeLher mlne alone 1he LruLh of Lhe maLLer ls LhaL LhroughouL Lhe four years
of Lhls marLlal law governmenL lL has always been my falLh as a resulL of casual and occaslonal
exchanges of LhoughL wlLh resldenL Marcos LhaL when Lhe approprlaLe Llme does come Lhe
resldenL would somehow make lL known LhaL ln hls [udgmenL Lhe slLuaLlon has already so
lmproved as Lo permlL Lhe lmplemenLaLlon lf gradual of Lhe consLlLuLlonally envlsloned
evoluLlon of our governmenL from lLs presenL sLaLe Lo a parllamenLary one naLurally Lhls
would lnevlLably lnvolve Lhe esLabllshmenL of a leglslaLlve body Lo replace Lhe aborLlve lnLerlm
naLlonal Assembly l have kepL LracL of all Lhe publlc and prlvaLe pronouncemenLs of Lhe
resldenL and lL was Lhe resulL of my readlng Lhereof LhaL furnlshed Lhe lmmedlaLe basls for
my vlrLually preclplLaLlng ln one way or anoLher Lhe maLerlallzaLlon of Lhe forLhcomlng
referendumpleblsclLe ln oLher words ln Lhe flnal analysls lL was Lhe resldenLs own aLLlLude
on Lhe maLLer LhaL made lL opporLune for me Lo arLlculaLe my own feellngs and ldeas as Lo how
Lhe naLlon can move meanlngfully Lowards normallzaLlon and Lo publlcly ralse Lhe lssues LhaL
have been venLllaLed by Lhe parLles ln Lhe lnsLanL cases

l would noL be human lf l dld noL conslder myself prlvlleged ln havlng been afforded by ulvlne
rovldence Lhe opporLunlLy Lo conLrlbuLe a modesL share ln Lhe formulaLlon of Lhe sLeps LhaL
should lead ulLlmaLely Lo Lhe llfLlng of marLlal law ln our counLry lndeed l am cerLaln every
Lrue llllplno ls anxlously looklng forward Lo LhaL evenLuallLy And lf for havlng volced Lhe
senLlmenLs of our people where oLhers would have preferred Lo be comforLably sllenL and lf
for havlng made publlc whaL every llllplno musL have been feellng ln hls hearL all Lhese years l
should be slngled ouL as enLerLalnlng such preconcelved oplnlons regardlng Lhe lssues before
Lhe CourL ln Lhe cases aL bar as Lo preclude me from Laklng parL ln Lhelr dlsposlLlon l can only
say LhaL l do noL belleve Lhere ls any oLher llllplno ln and ouL of Lhe CourL Loday who ls noL
equally slLuaLed as l am

1he maLLers LhaL concern Lhe CourL ln Lhe lnsLanL peLlLlons do noL lnvolve merely Lhe lndlvldual
lnLeresLs of any slngle person or group of persons 8esldes Lhe sLakes ln Lhese cases affecL
everyone commonly noL lndlvldually 1he currenL of hlsLory LhaL has passed Lhrough Lhe whole
counLry ln Lhe wake of marLlal law has swepL all of us sparlng none and Lhe problem of
naLlonal survlval and of resLorlng democraLlc lnsLlLuLlons and ldeals ls seeklng soluLlon ln Lhe
mlnds of all of us 1haL l have preferred Lo dlscuss publlcly my own LhoughLs on Lhe maLLer
cannoL mean LhaL my colleagues ln Lhe CourL have been lndlfferenL and apaLheLlc abouL lL for
Lhey Loo are llllplnos ArLlculaLed or noL all of us musL have our own preconcelved ldeas and
noLlons ln respecL Lo Lhe slLuaLlon LhaL confronLs Lhe counLry 1o be sure our voLes and
oplnlons ln Lhe ma[or pollLlcal cases ln Lhe recenL pasL should more or less lndlcaLe our
respecLlve baslc poslLlons relevanL Lo Lhe lssues now before us CerLalnly conLendlng counsels
cannoL be enLlrely ln Lhe dark ln Lhls regard l feel LhaL lL musL have been preclsely because of
such awareness LhaL desplLe my known publlc parLlclpaLlon ln Lhe dlscusslon of Lhe quesLlons
hereln lnvolved none of Lhe parLles have soughL my lnhlblLlon or dlsquallflcaLlon

AcLually alLhough lL may be dlfflculL for oLhers Lo belleve lL l have never allowed my
preconcepLlons and personal lncllnaLlons Lo affecL Lhe ob[ecLlvlLy needed ln Lhe resoluLlon of
any [udlclal quesLlon before Lhe CourL l feel l have always been able Lo appreclaLe fully
conslder and duly welgh argumenLs and polnLs ralsed by all counsels even when Lhey confllcL
wlLh my prevlous vlews l am never beyond belng convlnced by good and subsLanLlal
raLloclnaLlon noLhlng has dellghLed me more Lhan Lo dlscover LhaL somebody else has LhoughL
of more welghLy argumenLs refuLlng my own regardless of whaL or whose lnLeresLs are aL
sLake l would noL have accepLed my poslLlon ln Lhe CourL had l felL l would noL be able Lo be
above my personal pre[udlces 1o my mlnd lL ls noL LhaL a [udge has preconcepLlons LhaL
counLs lL ls hls capaclLy and readlness Lo absorb conLrary vlews LhaL are lndlspensable for
[usLlce Lo prevall 1haL susplclons of pre[udgmenL may llkely arlse ls unavoldable buL l have
always malnLalned LhaL whaLever lmproper facLors mlghL lnfluence a [udge wlll unavoldably
always appear on Lhe face of Lhe declslon ln any evenL ls Lhere beLLer guaranLee of [usLlce
when Lhe preconcepLlons of a [udge are concealed?

WlLhal ln polnL of law l belong Lo Lhe school of LhoughL LhaL regards members of Lhe Supreme
CourL as noL covered by Lhe general rules relaLlve Lo dlsquallflcaLlon and lnhlblLlon of [udges ln
cases before Lhem lf l have ln pracLlce acLually refralned from parLlclpaLlng ln some cases lL
has noL been because of any legal ground founded on sald rules buL for purely personal
reasons speclally because anyway my voLe would noL have alLered Lhe resulLs Lhereln

lL ls my consldered oplnlon LhaL unllke ln Lhe cases of [udges ln Lhe lower courLs Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon does noL envlsage compulsory dlsquallflcaLlon or lnhlblLlon ln any case by any
member of Lhe Supreme CourL 1he CharLer esLabllshes a Supreme CourL composed of a Chlef
!usLlce and fourLeen AssoclaLe !usLlces wlLh Lhe parLlcular quallflcaLlons Lhereln seL forLh and
Lo be appolnLed ln Lhe manner Lhereln provlded nowhere ln Lhe ConsLlLuLlon ls Lhere any
lndlcaLlon LhaL Lhe leglslaLure may deslgnaLe by law lnsLances whereln any of Lhe [usLlces
should noL or may noL Lake parL ln Lhe resoluLlon of any case much less who should Lake hls
place Members of Lhe Supreme CourL are deflnlLe consLlLuLlonal offlcers lL ls noL wlLhln Lhe
power of Lhe lawmaklng body Lo replace Lhem even Lemporarlly for any reason 1o puL lL Lhe
oLher way nobody who has noL been duly appolnLed as a member of Lhe Supreme CourL can slL
ln lL aL any Llme or for any reason 1he !udlclal power ls vesLed ln Lhe Supreme CourL composed
as Lhe ConsLlLuLlon ordalns LhaL power cannoL be exerclsed by a Supreme CourL consLlLuLed
oLherwlse And so when as ln Lhe lnsLanL where lf any of Lhe member of CourL ls Lo absLaln
from Laklng parL Lhere would be no quorum and no courL Lo render Lhe declslon lL ls Lhe
lncludlble duLy of all Lhe lncumbenL [usLlces Lo parLlclpaLe ln Lhe proceedlngs and Lo casL Lhelr
voLes conslderlng LhaL for Lhe reasons sLaLed above Lhe provlslons of SecLlon 9 of Lhe !udlclary
AcL do noL appear Lo conform wlLh Lhe concepL of Lhe offlce of !usLlce of Lhe Supreme CourL
conLemplaLed ln Lhe ConsLlLuLlon

1he very naLure of Lhe offlce of !usLlce of Lhe Supreme CourL as Lhe Lrlbunal of lasL resorL and
bulwark of Lhe rlghLs and llberLles of all Lhe people demands LhaL only one of dependable and
LrusLworLhy problLy should occupy Lhe same AbsoluLe lnLegrlLy menLal and oLherwlse musL be
by everyone who ls appolnLed LhereLo 1he moral characLer of every member of Lhe CourL musL
be assumed Lo be such LhaL ln no case whaLsoever regardless of Lhe lssues and Lhe parLles
lnvolved may lL be feared LhaL anyones llfe llberLy or properLy much less Lhe naLlonal
lnLeresLs would ever be ln [eopardy of belng un[usLly and lmproperly sub[ecLed Lo any klnd of
[udlclal sancLlon ln sum every !usLlce of Lhe Supreme CourL ls expecLed Lo be capable of rlslng
above hlmself ln every case and of havlng full conLrol of hls emoLlons and pre[udlces such LhaL
wlLh Lhe legal Lralnlng and experlence he musL of necesslLy be adequaLely equlpped wlLh lL
would be lndublLable LhaL hls [udgmenL cannoL be buL ob[ecLlvely lmparLlal lndeed even Lhe
appolnLlng power Lo whom Lhe !usLlces owe Lhelr poslLlons should never hope Lo be unduly
favored by any acLlon of Lhe Supreme CourL All appolnLmenLs Lo Lhe CourL are based on Lhese
conslderaLlons hence Lhe ordlnary rules on lnhlblLlon and dlsquallflcaLlon do noL have Lo be
applled Lo lLs members

WlLh Lhe prellmlnary maLLer of my lndlvldual clrcumsLances ouL of Lhe way l shall now address
myself Lo Lhe grave lssues submlLLed for Cur resoluLlon


ln regard Lo Lhe flrsL lssue as Lo wheLher Lhe quesLlons posed ln Lhe peLlLlons hereln are pollLlcal
or [usLlclable sufflce lL for me Lo relLeraLe Lhe fundamenLal poslLlon l Look ln Lhe MarLlal Law
cases 1 Lhus

As We enLer Lhe exLremely dellcaLe Lask of resolvlng Lhe grave lssues Lhus LhrusL upon us We
are lmmedlaLely encounLered by absoluLe verlLles Lo gulde us all Lhe way 1he flrsL and mosL
lmporLanL of Lhem ls LhaL Lhe ConsLlLuLlon (unless expressly sLaLed oLherwlse all references Lo
Lhe ConsLlLuLlon ln Lhls dlscusslon are Lo boLh Lhe 1933 and 1973 charLers slnce afLer all Lhe
perLlnenL provlslons are pracLlcally ldenLlcal ln boLh ls Lhe supreme law of Lhe land 1hls means
among oLher Lhlngs LhaL all Lhe powers of Lhe governmenL and of all lLs offlclals from Lhe
resldenL down Lo Lhe lowesL emanaLe from lL none of Lhem may exerclse any power unless lL
can be Lraced LhereLo elLher LexLually or by naLural and loglcal lmpllcaLlon 1he second ls LhaL
lL ls seLLled LhaL Lhe !udlclary provlslons of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon polnL Lo Lhe Supreme CourL as Lhe
ulLlmaLe arblLer of all confllcLs as Lo whaL Lhe ConsLlLuLlon or any parL Lhereof means Whlle Lhe
oLher ueparLmenLs may adopL Lhelr own consLrucLlon Lhereof when such consLrucLlon ls
challenged by Lhe proper parLy ln an approprlaLe case whereln a declslon would be lmposslble
wlLhouL deLermlnlng Lhe correcL consLrucLlon Lhe Supreme CourLs word on Lhe maLLer

xxx xxx xxx

xxx xxx xxx

1he flfLh ls LhaL ln Lhe same manner LhaL Lhe LxecuLlve power conferred upon Lhe LxecuLlve by
Lhe ConsLlLuLlon ls compleLe LoLal and unllmlLed so also Lhe [udlclal power vesLed ln Lhe
Supreme CourL and Lhe lnferlor courLs ls Lhe very whole of LhaL power wlLhouL any llmlLaLlon
or quallflcaLlon

xxx xxx xxx

xxx xxx xxx

lrom Lhese lnconLroverLlble posLulaLes lL resulLs flrsL of all LhaL Lhe maln quesLlon before us ls
noL ln reallLy one of [urlsdlcLlon for Lhere can be no concelvable conLroversy especlally one
lnvolvlng a confllcL as Lo Lhe correcL consLrucLlon of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon LhaL ls noL conLemplaLed
Lo be wlLhln Lhe [udlclal auLhorlLy of Lhe courLs Lo hear and declde 1he [udlclal power of Lhe
courLs belng unllmlLed and unquallfled lL exLends over all slLuaLlons LhaL call for Lhe as
cerLalnmenL and proLecLlon of Lhe rlghLs of any parLy allegedly vlolaLed even when Lhe alleged
vlolaLor ls Lhe hlghesL offlclal of Lhe land or Lhe governmenL lLself lL ls Lherefore evldence LhaL
Lhe CourLs [urlsdlcLlon Lo Lake cognlzance of and Lo declde Lhe lnsLanL peLlLlons on Lhelr merlLs
ls beyond challenge

ln Lhls connecLlon however lL musL be borne ln mlnd LhaL ln Lhe form of governmenL
envlsaged by Lhe framers of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon and adopLed by our people Lhe CourLs
lndlspuLable and plenary auLhorlLy Lo declde does noL necessarlly lmpose upon lL Lhe duLy Lo
lnLerpose lLs flaL as Lhe only means of seLLllng Lhe confllcLlng clalms of Lhe parLles before lL lL ls
lngralned ln Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon of powers ln Lhe fundamenLal law LhaL hand ln hand wlLh Lhe
vesLlng of Lhe [udlclal power upon Lhe CourL Lhe ConsLlLuLlon has coevally conferred upon lL
Lhe dlscreLlon Lo deLermlne ln conslderaLlon of Lhe consLlLuLlonal prerogaLlves granLed Lo Lhe
oLher ueparLmenLs when Lo refraln from lmposlng [udlclal soluLlons and lnsLead defer Lo Lhe
[udgmenL of Lhe laLLer lL ls ln Lhe very naLure of republlcan governmenLs LhaL cerLaln maLLers
are lefL ln Lhe resldual power of Lhe people Lhemselves Lo resolve elLher dlrecLly aL Lhe polls or
Lhru Lhelr elecLed represenLaLlves ln Lhe pollLlcal ueparLmenLs of Lhe governmenL And Lhese
reserved maLLers are easlly dlsLlngulshable by Lhelr very naLure when one sLudlously conslders
Lhe baslc funcLlons and responslblllLles enLrusLed by Lhe charLer Lo each of Lhe greaL
ueparLmenLs of Lhe governmenL 1o clLe an obvlous example Lhe proLecLlon defense and
preservaLlon of Lhe sLaLe agalnsL lnLernal or exLernal aggresslon LhreaLenlng lLs very exlsLence ls
far from belng wlLhln Lhe amblL of [udlclal responslblllLy 1he dlsLlncL role Lhen of Lhe Supreme
CourL of belng Lhe flnal arblLer ln Lhe deLermlnaLlon of consLlLuLlonal conLroversles does noL
have Lo be asserLed ln such conLemplaLed slLuaLlons Lhereby Lo glve way Lo Lhe ulLlmaLe
prerogaLlve of Lhe people arLlculaLed Lhru suffrage or Lhru Lhe acLs of Lhelr pollLlcal
represenLaLlves Lhey have elecLed for Lhe purpose

lndeed Lhese fundamenLal conslderaLlons are Lhe ones LhaL lle aL Lhe base of whaL ls known ln
Amerlcan consLlLuLlonal law as Lhe pollLlcal quesLlon docLrlne whlch ln LhaL [urlsdlcLlon ls
unquesLlonably deemed Lo be parL and parcel of Lhe rule of law exacLly llke lLs apparenLly more
aLLracLlve or popular opposlLe [udlclal acLlvlsm whlch ls Lhe fullesL exerLlon of [udlclal power
upon Lhe Lheory LhaL unless Lhe courLs lnLervene ln[usLlce mlghL prevall lL has been lnvoked
and applled by Lhls CourL ln varled forms and mode of pro[ecLlon ln several momenLous
lnsLances ln Lhe pasL (8arcelona vs 8aker 3 hll 87 Severlno vs CovernorCeneral 16 hll
366 Abueva vs Wood 43 hll 612 Ale[andrlno vs Cuezon 46 hll 83 vera vs Avellno 77
hll 192 Mabanag vs Lopez vlLo 78 hll 1 Cabln vs lranclsco 88 hll 634 MonLenegro vs
CasLaneda 91 hll 882 SanLos vs ?aLco 33 CC 8641 MlnuLe 8esoluLlon of nov 6 19391
Csmena vs endaLun CcL 28 1960) and lL ls Lhe maln supporL of Lhe sLand of Lhe SollclLor
Ceneral on Lhe lssue of [urlsdlcLlon ln Lhe cases aL bar lL ls also referred Lo as Lhe docLrlne of
[udlclal selfresLralnL or absLenLlon 8uL as Lhe nomenclaLures Lhemselves lmply acLlvlsm and
self resLralnL are boLh sub[ecLlve aLLlLudes noL lnherenL lmperaLlves 1he cholce of alLernaLlves
ln any parLlcular evenLuallLy ls naLurally dlcLaLed by whaL ln Lhe CourLs consldered oplnlon ls
whaL Lhe ConsLlLuLlon envlslons should be by ln order Lo accompllsh Lhe ob[ecLlves of
governmenL and of naLlonhood And perhaps lL may be added here Lo avold confuslon of
concepLs LhaL We are noL loslng slghL of Lhe LradlLlonal approach based on Lhe docLrlne of
separaLlon of powers ln LruLh We percelve LhaL even under such mode of raLlonallzaLlon Lhe
exlsLence of power ls secondary respecL for Lhe acLs of a coordlnaLe coequal and
lndependenL ueparLmenL belng Lhe general rule parLlcularly when Lhe lssue ls noL
encroachmenL of dellmlLed areas of funcLlons buL alleged abuse of a ueparLmenLs own baslc
prerogaLlves (39 SC8A pp 379383)

Applylng Lhe foregolng conslderaLlons Lo Lhe cases aL bar l hold LhaL Lhe CourL has [urlsdlcLlon
Lo pass on Lhe merlLs of Lhe varlous clalms of peLlLloners AL Lhe same Llme however l malnLaln
LhaL Lhe baslc naLure of Lhe lssues hereln ralsed requlres LhaL Lhe CourL should exerclse lLs
consLlLuLlonally endowed prerogaLlve Lo refraln from exerLlng lLs [udlclal auLhorlLy ln Lhe

SLrlpped of lncldenLal aspecLs Lhe consLlLuLlonal problem LhaL confronLs us sLems from Lhe
absence of any clear and deflnlLe express provlslon ln Lhe CharLer appllcable Lo Lhe facLual
mllleu hereln lnvolved 1he prlmary lssue ls Lo whom under Lhe clrcumsLances does Lhe
auLhorlLy Lo propose amendmenLs Lo Lhe ConsLlLuLlon properLy belong? 1o say ln Lhe llghL of
SecLlon 13 of ArLlcle xvll of Lhe CharLer LhaL LhaL faculLy lles ln Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly ls
Lo beg Lhe maln quesLlon lndeed Lhere could be no occaslon for doubL or debaLe lf lL could
only be assumed LhaL Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly envlsaged ln SecLlons 1 and 2 of Lhe same
ArLlcle xvll may be convoked 8uL preclsely Lhe fundamenLal lssue We are called upon Lo
declde ls wheLher or noL lL ls sLlll consLlLuLlonally posslble Lo convene LhaL body And relaLlve Lo
LhaL quesLlon Lhe lnqulry cenLers on wheLher or noL Lhe pollLlcal developmenLs slnce Lhe
raLlflcaLlon of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon lndlcaLe LhaL Lhe people have ln effecL en[olned Lhe convenlng of
Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly alLogeLher Cn Lhls score lL ls my assessmenL LhaL Lhe resulLs of
Lhe referenda of !anuary 1013 1973 !uly 2728 1973 and lebruary 27 1973 clearly show LhaL
Lhe greaL ma[orlLy of our people for reasons plalnly obvlous Lo anyone who would conslder Lhe
composlLlon of LhaL Assembly whaL wlLh lLs more Lhan 400 members auLomaLlcally voLed lnLo
lL by Lhe ConsLlLuLlonal ConvenLlon LogeLher wlLh lLs own members are agalnsL lLs belng
convoked aL all

WheLher or noL such a manlfesL deLermlnaLlon of Lhe senLlmenLs of Lhe people should be glven
effecL wlLhouL a formal amendmenL of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon ls someLhlng LhaL consLlLuLlonal
scholars may endlessly debaLe on WhaL cannoL be dlspuLed however ls LhaL Lhe governmenL
and Lhe naLlon have acqulesced Lo lL and have acLually operaLed on Lhe basls Lhereof
roclamaLlon 1103 whlch on Lhe predlcaLe LhaL Lhe overwhelmlng ma[orlLy of Lhe people
deslre LhaL Lhe lnLerlm Assembly be noL convened has ordalned Lhe suspenslon of lLs
convocaLlon has noL been assalled elLher [udlclally or oLherwlse slnce Lhe daLe of lLs
promulgaLlon on !anuary 17 1973

ln Lhese premlses lL ls consequenLly Lhe Lask of Lhe CourL Lo deLermlne whaL under Lhese
clrcumsLances ls Lhe consLlLuLlonal relevance of Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly Lo any proposal
Lo amend Lhe ConsLlLuLlon aL Lhls Llme lL ls my consldered oplnlon LhaL ln resolvlng LhaL
quesLlon Lhe CourL musL have Lo grapple wlLh Lhe problem of whaL Lo do wlLh Lhe wlll of Lhe
people whlch alLhough manlfesLed ln a manner noL expllclLly provlded for ln Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
was neverLheless offlclal and rellable and whaL ls more lmporLanL clear and unmlsLakable
desplLe Lhe known exlsLence of wellmeanlng lf lnsufflclenLly subsLanLlal dlssenL Such belng
Lhe slLuaLlon l hold LhaL lL ls noL proper for Lhe CourL Lo lnLerpose lLs [udlclal auLhorlLy agalnsL
Lhe evldenL declslon of Lhe people and should leave lL Lo Lhe pollLlcal deparLmenL of Lhe
governmenL Lo devlse Lhe ways and means of resolvlng Lhe resulLlng problem of how Lo amend
Lhe ConsLlLuLlon so long as ln chooslng Lhe same Lhe ulLlmaLe consLlLuenL power ls lefL Lo be
exerclsed by Lhe people Lhemselves ln a well ordered pleblsclLe as requlred by Lhe
fundamenLal law


Assumlng We have Lo lnqulre lnLo Lhe merlLs of Lhe lssue relaLlve Lo Lhe consLlLuLlonal auLhorlLy
behlnd Lhe pro[ecLed amendmenL of Lhe CharLer ln Lhe manner provlded ln resldenLlal uecree
1033 l hold LhaL ln Lhe pecullar slLuaLlon ln whlch Lhe governmenL ls Loday lL ls noL
lncompaLlble wlLh Lhe ConsLlLuLlon for Lhe resldenL Lo propose Lhe sub[ecL amendmenLs for
raLlflcaLlon by Lhe people ln a formal pleblsclLe under Lhe supervlslon of Lhe Commlsslon on
LlecLlons Cn Lhe conLrary ln Lhe absence of any express prohlblLlon ln Lhe leLLer of Lhe CharLer
Lhe resldenLlal uecree ln quesLlon ls enLlrely conslsLenL wlLh Lhe splrlL and Lhe prlnclples
underlylng Lhe ConsLlLuLlon 1he correcLness of Lhls concluslon should become even more
paLenL when one conslders Lhe pollLlcal developmenLs LhaL Lhe people have broughL abouL
slnce Lhe raLlflcaLlon of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon on !anuary 171973

l conslder lL apropos aL Lhls [uncLure Lo repeaL my own words ln a speech l dellvered on Lhe
occaslon of Lhe celebraLlon of Law uay on SepLember 18 1973 before Lhe members of Lhe
hlllpplne ConsLlLuLlon AssoclaLlon and Lhelr guesLs

1o fully comprehend Lhe consLlLuLlonal slLuaLlon ln Lhe hlllpplnes Loday one has Lo bear ln
mlnd LhaL as l have menLloned earller Lhe marLlal law proclalmed under Lhe 1933 ConsLlLuLlon
overLook Lhe drafLlng of Lhe new charLer by Lhe ConsLlLuLlonal ConvenLlon of 1971 lL was
lnevlLable Lherefore LhaL Lhe delegaLes had Lo Lake lnLo accounL noL only Lhe developmenLs
under lL buL mosL of all lLs declared ob[ecLlves and whaL Lhe resldenL as lLs admlnlsLraLor
was dolng Lo achleve Lhem ln Lhls connecLlon lL ls worLhy of menLlon LhaL an aLLempL Lo
ad[ourn Lhe convenLlon was roundly voLed down Lo slgnlfy Lhe deLermlnaLlon of Lhe delegaLes
Lo flnlsh earllesL Lhelr work Lhereby Lo accompllsh Lhe mlsslon enLrusLed Lo Lhem by Lhe people
Lo lnLroduce meanlngful reforms ln our governmenL and socleLy lndeed Lhe consLlLuenL labors
galned rapld Lempo buL ln Lhe process Lhe delegaLes were Lo reallze LhaL Lhe reforms Lhey
were formulaLlng could be besL lmplemenLed lf Lhe marLlal law powers of Lhe resldenL were Lo
be allowed Lo subslsL even afLer Lhe raLlflcaLlon of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon Lhey were approvlng 1hls
denouemenL was unusual Crdlnarlly a consLlLuLlon born ouL of a crlsls ls supposed Lo provlde
all Lhe needed cures and can Lherefore be lmmedlaLely ln full force and effecL afLer
raLlflcaLlon noL so wlLh our 1973 ConsLlLuLlon ?es accordlng Lo Lhe Supreme CourL Lhere ls
no more [udlclal obsLacle Lo Lhe new ConsLlLuLlon belng consldered ln force and effecL buL ln
LruLh lL ls noL yeL so ln full LeL me explaln
1o begln wlLh ln analyzlng Lhe new ConsLlLuLlon we musL be careful Lo dlsLlngulsh beLween Lhe
body or maln parL Lhereof and lLs LranslLory provlslons lL ls lmperaLlve Lo do so because Lhe
LranslLory provlslons of our ConsLlLuLlon are exLraordlnary ln Lhe sense LhaL obvlously Lhey have
been deslgned Lo provlde noL only for Lhe LranslLlon of our governmenL from Lhe presldenLlal
form under Lhe pasL charLer Lo a parllamenLary one as envlsaged ln Lhe new fundamenLal law
buL also Lo lnsLlLuLlonallze accordlng Lo Lhe resldenL Lhe reforms lnLroduced Lhru Lhe exerclse
of hls marLlal law powers SLaLed dlfferenLly Lhe LranslLory provlslons as lL has Lurned ouL has
ln effecL esLabllshed a LranslLlon governmenL noL l am sure percelved by many lL ls a
governmenL LhaL ls nelLher presldenLlal nor parllamenLary lL ls headed of course by resldenL
Marcos who noL on reLalns all hls powers under Lhe 1933 ConsLlLuLlon buL en[oys as well Lhose
of Lhe resldenL and Lhe rlme MlnlsLer under Lhe new ConsLlLuLlon MosL lmporLanLly he can
and does leglslaLe alone 8uL Lo be more accuraLe l should say LhaL he leglslaLes alone ln splLe
of Lhe exlsLence of Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly unequlvocally ordalned by Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
for Lhe slmple reason LhaL he has suspended Lhe convenlng of sald assembly by lssulng
roclamaLlon no 1103 purporLedly ln deference Lo Lhe soverelgn wlll of Lhe llllplno people
expressed ln Lhe !anuary 1013 1973 referendum
1hus we have here Lhe unlque case of a quallfled raLlflcaLlon 1he whole ConsLlLuLlon was
submlLLed for approval or dlsapproval of Lhe people and afLer Lhe voLes were counLed and Lhe
afflrmaLlve ma[orlLy known we were Lold LhaL Lhe resulLlng raLlflcaLlon was sub[ecL Lo Lhe
condlLlon LhaL Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly evldenLly esLabllshed ln Lhe ConsLlLuLlon as Lhe
dlsLlncLlve and lndlspensable elemenL of a parllamenLary form of governmenL should
neverLheless be noL convened and LhaL no elecLlons should be held for abouL seven years wlLh
Lhe consequence LhaL we have now a parllamenLary governmenL wlLhouL a parllamenL and a
republlc wlLhouL any regular elecLlon of lLs offlclals And as you can see Lhls phenomenon came
lnLo belng noL by vlrLue of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon buL of Lhe dlrecL mandaLe of Lhe soverelgn people
expressed ln a referendum ln oLher words ln an unprecedenLed exLraconsLlLuLlonal way we
have esLabllshed wlLLlngly or unwlLLlngly a dlrecL democracy Lhrough Lhe ClLlzens Assemblles
creaLed by resldenLlal uecree no 86 whlch laLer on have been Lransformed lnLo barangays a
sysLem of governmenL proclalmed by Lhe resldenL as a real achlevemenL ln parLlclpaLory
democracy WhaL l am Lrylng Lo say my frlends ls LhaL as l percelve lL whaL ls now known as
consLlLuLlonal auLhorlLarlanlsm means ln Lhe flnal analysls LhaL Lhe fundamenLal source of
auLhorlLy of our exlsLlng governmenL may noL be necessarlly found wlLhln Lhe four corners of
Lhe ConsLlLuLlon buL raLher ln Lhe resulLs of perlodlc referendums conducLed by Lhe
Commlsslon on LlecLlons ln a manner well known Lo all of us 1hls as l see lL ls perhaps whaL
Lhe resldenL means by saylng LhaL under Lhe new ConsLlLuLlon he has exLraordlnary powers
lndependenLly of marLlal law powers sancLloned dlrecLly by Lhe people whlch may noL even be
read ln Lhe language of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon ln brlef when we Lalk of Lhe rule of law nowadays our
frame of reference should noL necessarlly be Lhe ConsLlLuLlon buL Lhe ouLcome of referendums
called from Llme Lo Llme by Lhe resldenL 1he sooner we lmblbe Lhls vlLal concepL Lhe more
lnLelllgenL wlll our perspecLlve be ln glvlng our supporL and loyalLy Lo Lhe exlsLlng governmenL
WhaL ls more Lhe clearer wlll lL be LhaL excepL for Lhe facL LhaL all Lhe powers of governmenL
are belng exerclsed by Lhe resldenL we do noL ln reallLy have a dlcLaLorshlp buL an
experlmenLal Lype of dlrecL democracy

ln Lhe foregolng dlsqulslLlon l purposely made no menLlon of Lhe referendum of lebruary 27
1973 lL ls lmporLanL Lo noLe relaLlve Lo Lhe maln lssue now before us LhaL lL was orlglnally
planned Lo ask Lhe people ln LhaL referendum wheLher or noL Lhey would llke Lhe lnLerlm
naLlonal Assembly Lo convene buL Lhe Comelec Lo whom Lhe Lask of preparlng Lhe quesLlons
was asslgned was prevalled upon noL Lo lnclude any such quesLlon anymore preclsely because
lL was Lhe prevalenL vlew even among Lhe delegaLes Lo Lhe ConvenLlon as well as Lhe members
of Lhe old Congress concerned LhaL LhaL maLLer had already been flnally resolved ln Lhe
prevlous referenda of !anuary and !uly 1973 ln Lhe sense LhaL Lhe Assembly should noL be
convened comparable Lo res ad[udlcaLa

lL ls my poslLlon LhaL as a resulL of Lhe pollLlcal developmenLs slnce !anuary 17 1973 Lhe
LranslLory provlslons envlslonlng Lhe convenlng of Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly have been
rendered legally lnoperaLlve 1here ls no doubL ln my mlnd LhaL for Lhe resldenL Lo convoke
Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly as such would be Lo dlsregard Lhe wlll of Lhe people someLhlng
no head of a democraLlc republlcan sLaLe llke ours should do And l flnd lL slmply loglcal LhaL Lhe
reasons LhaL moLlvaLed Lhe people Lo en[oln Lhe convenlng of Lhe Assembly Lhe unusually
large and unmanageable number of lLs members and Lhe conLroverslal morallLy of lLs auLomaLlc
composlLlon conslsLlng of all Lhe lncumbenL elecLlve naLlonal execuLlve and leglslaLlve offlclals
under Lhe Cld ConsLlLuLlon who would agree Lo [oln lL and Lhe delegaLes Lhemselves Lo Lhe
ConvenLlon who had voLed ln favor of Lhe 1ranslLory rovlslons apply noL only Lo Lhe Assembly
as an ordlnary leglslaLure buL perhaps more Lo lLs belng a consLlLuenL body And Lo be more
reallsLlc lL ls buL naLural Lo conclude LhaL slnce Lhe people are agalnsL pollLlclans ln Lhe old
order havlng anyLhlng Lo do wlLh Lhe formulaLlon of naLlonal pollcles Lhere musL be more
reasons for Lhem Lo frown on sald pollLlclans Laklng parL ln amendmenL of Lhe fundamenLal law
speclally because Lhe parLlcular amendmenL hereln lnvolved calls for Lhe abollLlon of Lhe
lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly Lo whlch Lhey belong and lLs subsLlLuLlon by Lhe 8aLasang ambansa

lL ls argued LhaL ln law Lhe quallfled or condlLlonal raLlflcaLlon of a consLlLuLlon ls noL
conLemplaLed l dlsagree lL ls lnconslsLenL wlLh Lhe plenary power of Lhe people Lo glve or
wlLhhold Lhelr assenL Lo a proposed ConsLlLuLlon Lo malnLaln LhaL Lhey can do so only wholly l
cannoL lmaglne any sound prlnclple LhaL can be lnvoked Lo supporL Lhe Lheory LhaL Lhe
proposlng auLhorlLy can llmlL Lhe power of raLlflcaLlon of Lhe people As long as Lhere are
rellable means by whlch only parLlal approval can be manlfesLed no cogenL reason exlsLs why
Lhe soverelgn people may noL do so 1rue lL ls LhaL no proposed ConsLlLuLlon can be perfecL and
lL may Lherefore be Laken wlLh Lhe good and Lhe bad ln lL buL when Lhere are feaslble ways by
whlch lL can be deLermlned whlch porLlons of lL Lhe people dlsapprove lL would be sLreLchlng
LechnlcallLy beyond lLs purporLed offlce Lo render Lhe flnal auLhorlLy Lhe people lmpoLenL Lo
acL accordlng Lo whaL Lhey deem besL sulLable Lo Lhelr lnLeresLs

ln any evenL l feel lL would be of no consequence Lo debaLe aL lengLh regardlng Lhe legal
feaslblllLy of quallfled raLlflcaLlon roclamaLlon 1103 caLegorlcally declares LhaL

WPL8LAS fourLeen mllllon nlne hundred sevenLy slx Lhousand flve hundred slxLyone
(14976361) members of all Lhe 8arangays voLed for Lhe adopLlon of Lhe proposed
ConsLlLuLlon as agalnsL seven hundred forLyLhree Lhousand elghL hundred slxLynlne (743869)
who voLed for lLs re[ecLlon buL a ma[orlLy of Lhose who approved Lhe new ConsLlLuLlon
condlLloned Lhelr voLes on Lhe demand LhaL Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly provlded ln lLs
1ranslLory rovlslons should noL be convened

and ln consequence Lhe resldenL has acLed accordlngly by noL convenlng Lhe Assembly 1he
above facLual premlses of roclamaLlon 1103 ls noL dlspuLed by peLlLloners AcLually lL ls
blndlng on Lhe CourL Lhe same belng a pollLlcal acL of a coordlnaLe deparLmenL of Lhe
governmenL noL properly assalled as arblLrary or whlmslcal AL Lhls polnL lL musL be
emphaslzed ln relaLlon Lo Lhe conLenLlon LhaL a referendum ls only consulLaLlve LhaL
roclamaLlon 1103 Laken LogeLher wlLh roclamaLlon 1102 whlch proclalmed Lhe raLlflcaLlon of
Lhe ConsLlLuLlon musL be accorded Lhe same legal slgnlflcance as Lhe laLLer proclamaLlon as
lndeed lL ls parL and parcel lf Lhe AcL of raLlflcaLlon of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon hence noL only
persuaslve buL mandaLory ln Lhe face of Lhe lnconLroverLlble facL LhaL Lhe soverelgn people
have voLed agalnsL Lhe convenlng of Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly and faced wlLh Lhe problem
of amendlng Lhe ConsLlLuLlon ln order preclsely Lo lmplemenL Lhe peoples re[ecLlon of LhaL
Assembly Lhe problem of consLlLuLlonal dlmenslon LhaL confronLs us ls how can any such
amendmenL be proposed for raLlflcaLlon by Lhe people?

1o sLarL wlLh lL may noL be supposed LhaL [usL because Lhe offlce or body deslgned by Lhe
consLlLuLlonal convenLlon Lo perform Lhe consLlLuenL funcLlon of formulaLlng proposed
amendmenLs has been rendered lnoperaLlve by Lhe people Lhemselves Lhe people have
Lhereby foreclosed Lhe posslblllLy of amendlng Lhe ConsLlLuLlon no maLLer how deslrable or
necessary Lhls mlghL be ln Lhls connecLlon l submlL LhaL by Lhe very naLure of Lhe offlce of Lhe
resldency ln Lhe prevalllng scheme of governmenL we have lL belng Lhe only pollLlcal
deparLmenL of Lhe governmenL ln exlsLence lL ls conslsLenL wlLh baslc prlnclples of
consLlLuLlonallsm Lo acknowledge Lhe resldenLs auLhorlLy Lo perform Lhe consLlLuenL funcLlon
Lhere belng no oLher enLlLy or body lodged wlLh Lhe prerogaLlve Lo exerclse such funcLlon

1here ls anoLher conslderaLlon LhaL leads Lo Lhe same concluslon lL ls conceded by peLlLloners
LhaL wlLh Lhe nonconvenlng of Lhe lnLerlm Assembly Lhe leglslaLlve auLhorlLy has perforce
fallen lnLo Lhe hands of Lhe resldenL lf only Lo avold a compleLe paralysls of lawmaklng and
resulLlng anarchy and chaos lL ls llkewlse conceded LhaL Lhe provlslons of SecLlon 3 (2) of
ArLlcle xvll lnvesL Lhe resldenL wlLh leglslaLlve power for Lhe duraLlon of Lhe LranslLlon perlod
lrom Lhese premlses lL ls safe Lo conclude LhaL ln effecL Lhe resldenL has been subsLlLuLed by
Lhe people Lhemselves ln place of Lhe lnLerlm Assembly Such belng Lhe case Lhe resldenL
should be deemed as havlng been granLed also Lhe cognaLe prerogaLlve of proposlng
amendmenLs Lo Lhe ConsLlLuLlon ln oLher words Lhe force of necesslLy and Lhe cognaLe naLure
of Lhe acL [usLlfy LhaL Lhe deparLmenL exerclslng Lhe leglslaLlve faculLy be Lhe one Lo llkewlse
perform Lhe consLlLuenL funcLlon LhaL was aLLached Lo Lhe body rendered lmpoLenL by Lhe
peoples mandaLe lncldenLally l re[ecL mosL vehemenLly Lhe proposlLlon LhaL Lhe resldenL
may propose amendmenLs Lo Lhe ConsLlLuLlon ln Lhe exerclse of hls marLlal law powers under
any sLandards such a suggesLlon cannoL be reconclled wlLh Lhe ldeal LhaL a ConsLlLuLlon ls Lhe
free acL of Lhe people

lL was suggesLed durlng Lhe oral argumenL LhaL lnsLead of exLendlng hls leglslaLlve powers by
proposlng Lhe amendmenL Lo creaLe a new leglslaLlve body Lhe resldenL should lssue a decree
provldlng for Lhe necessary apporLlonmenL of Lhe seaLs ln Lhe 8egular naLlonal Assembly and
call for an elecLlon of Lhe members Lhereof and Lhus effecL Lhe lmmedlaLe normallzaLlon of Lhe
parllamenLary governmenL envlsaged ln Lhe ConsLlLuLlon Whlle lndeed procedurally feaslble
Lhe suggesLlon overlooks Lhe lmperaLlve need recognlzed by Lhe consLlLuLlonal convenLlon as
may be lnferred from Lhe obvlous purpose of Lhe LranslLory provlslons for a perlod of
preparaLlon and acqualnLance by all concerned wlLh Lhe unfamlllar dlsLlncLlve feaLures and
pracLlces of Lhe parllamenLary sysLem AccusLomed as we are Lo Lhe presldenLlal sysLem Lhe
ConvenLlon has seen Lo lL LhaL Lhere should be an lnLerlm parllamenL under Lhe presenL
leadershlp whlch wlll Lake Lhe correspondlng measures Lo effecLuaLe Lhe efflclenL and smooLh
LranslLlon from Lhe presenL sysLem Lo Lhe new one l do noL belleve Lhls paLLern seL by Lhe
convenLlon should be abandoned

1he alLernaLlve of calllng a consLlLuLlonal convenLlon has also been menLloned 8uL ln Lhe flrsL
place when lL ls consldered LhaL whereas under SecLlon 1 (1) and (2) of ArLlcle xvl Lhe regular
naLlonal Assembly may call a ConsLlLuLlonal ConvenLlon or submlL such a call for approval of
Lhe people SecLlon 13 of ArLlcle xvll ln reference Lo lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly does noL granL
sald body Lhe prerogaLlve of calllng a convenLlon one can readlly appreclaLe LhaL Lhe splrlL of
Lhe ConsLlLuLlon does noL counLenance or favor Lhe calllng of a convenLlon durlng Lhe
LranslLlon lf only because such a procedure would be Llme consumlng cumbersome and
expenslve And when lL ls furLher noLed LhaL Lhe requlremenL as Lo Lhe number of voLes needed
for a proposal ls only a ma[orlLy whereas lL ls LhreefourLhs ln respecL Lo regular Assembly and
relaLlng Lhls polnL Lo Lhe provlslon of SecLlon 2 of ArLlcle xvl Lo Lhe effecL LhaL all raLlflcaLlon
pleblsclLes musL be held noL laLer Lhan Lhree monLhs afLer Lhe approval of Lhe proposed
amendmenL by Lhe proposlng auLhorlLy Lhe adopLlon of Lhe mosL slmple manner of amendlng
Lhe charLer as LhaL provlded for ln Lhe assalled resldenLlal uecree 1033 suggesLs lLself as Lhe
one mosL ln accord wlLh Lhe lnLenL of Lhe fundamenLal law

1here ls noLhlng sLrange ln adopLlng sLeps noL dlrecLly based on Lhe leLLer of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
for Lhe purpose of amendlng or changlng Lhe same 1o clLe buL one lmporLanL precedenL as
explalned by Mr !usLlce Makaslar ln hls concurrlng oplnlon ln !avellana 2 Lhe presenL
ConsLlLuLlon of Lhe unlLed SLaLes was nelLher proposed nor raLlfled ln Lhe manner ordalned by
Lhe orlglnal charLer of LhaL counLry Lhe ArLlcles of ConfederaLlon and erpeLual unlon

ln brlef lf Lhe convenlng and operaLlon of Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly has been effecLuaLed
Lhrough a referendumpleblsclLe ln !anuary 1973 and raLlfled expressly and lmplledly ln Lwo
subsequenL referenda Lhose of !uly 1973 and lebruary 1973 why may noL a duly held
pleblsclLe sufflce for Lhe purpose of creaLlng a subsLlLuLe for LhaL Assembly? lL should be borne
ln mlnd LhaL afLer all as lndlcaLed ln Lhe whereas of Lhe lmpugned resldenLlal uecree acLually
Lhe proposed amendmenLs were lnlLlaLed by Lhe barangays and sanggunlan members ln oLher
words ln submlLLlng Lhe amendmenLs for raLlflcaLlon Lhe resldenL ls merely acLlng as Lhe
condulL Lhru whom a subsLanLlal porLlon of Lhe people represenLed ln Lhe kaLlpunan ng Mga
Sanggunlan 8arangay aL kabaLaang 8arangay seek Lhe approval of Lhe people as a whole of
Lhe amendmenLs ln quesLlon lf all Lhese mean LhaL Lhe soverelgn people have arrogaLed unLo
Lhemselves Lhe funcLlons relaLlve Lo Lhe amendmenL Lo Lhe ConsLlLuLlon l would regard myself
as LoLally devold of legal sLandlng Lo quesLlon lL havlng ln mlnd LhaL Lhe mosL fundamenLal
LeneL on whlch our whole pollLlcal sLrucLure resLs ls LhaL soverelgnLy resldes ln Lhe people and
all governmenL auLhorlLy emanaLes from Lhem

ln Lhe llghL of Lhe foregolng conslderaLlons l hold LhaL resldenLlal uecree no 1033 does noL
lnfrlnge Lhe ConsLlLuLlon lf only because Lhe speclflc provlslon lL ls supposed Lo lnfrlnge does
noL exlsL ln legal conLemplaLlon slnce lL was coevally made lnoperaLlve when Lhe people raLlfled
Lhe ConsLlLuLlon on !anuary 17 1973 l am fully convlnced LhaL Lhere ls noLhlng ln Lhe
procedure of amendmenL conLalned ln sald decree LhaL ls lnconslsLenL wlLh Lhe fundamenLal
prlnclples of consLlLuLlonallsm Cn Lhe conLrary l flnd LhaL Lhe uecree ln lssue conforms
admlrably wlLh Lhe underlylng LeneL of our governmenL Lhe soverelgnLy and plenary power of
Lhe people

Cn Lhe lssue of wheLher or noL CcLober 16 1976 ls Loo proxlmaLe Lo enable Lhe people Lo
sufflclenLly comprehend Lhe lssues and lnLelllgenLly voLe ln Lhe referendum and pleblsclLe seL
by resldenLlal uecree 1033 all l can say ls LhaL whlle perhaps my oLher colleagues are rlghL ln
holdlng LhaL Lhe perlod glven Lo Lhe people ls adequaLe l would leave lL Lo Lhe resldenL Lo
conslder wheLher or noL lL would be wlser Lo exLend Lhe same !usL Lo avold adverse commenLs
laLer l wlsh Lhe resldenL orders a posLponemenL 8uL wheLher such posLponemenL ls ordered
or noL daLe of Lhe referendum pleblsclLe anywhere from CcLober 16 1976 Lo any oLher laLer
daLe would be of no vlLal lmporL

ln concluslon l voLe Lo dlsmlss all Lhe Lhree peLlLlons before us

MAkASlA8 ! concurrlng and dlssenLlng

Slnce Lhe valldlLy or effecLlvlLy of Lhe proposed amendmenLs ls Lo be declded ulLlmaLely by Lhe
people ln Lhelr soverelgn capaclLy Lhe quesLlon ls pollLlcal as Lhe Lerm ls deflned ln 1anada eL
al vs Cuenco eL al (103 hll 1031) whlch ls a bar Lo any [udlclal lnqulry for Lhe reasons
sLaLed ln Cur oplnlon ln !avellana eL al vs LxecuLlve SecreLary eL al (L36142) 1an eL al vs
LxecuLlve SecreLary eL al (L36164) 8oxas eL al vs LxecuLlve SecreLary eL al (L36163)
MonLeclaro eLc eL al vs LxecuLlve SecreLary eL al ([36236) and ulLag eL al vs LxecuLlve
SecreLary eL al (LW283 March 31 1973 30 SC8A 30 204283) 1he procedure for
amendmenL ls noL lmporLanL 8aLlflcaLlon by Lhe people ls all LhaL ls lndlspensable Lo valldaLe an
amendmenL Cnce raLlfled Lhe meLhod of maklng Lhe proposal and Lhe perlod for submlsslon
become relevanL

1he conLrary vlew negaLes Lhe very essence of a republlcan democracy LhaL Lhe people are
soverelgn and renders meanlngless Lhe emphaLlc declaraLlon ln Lhe very flrsL provlslon of
ArLlcle ll of Lhe 1973 ConsLlLuLlon LhaL Lhe hlllpplnes ls a republlcan sLaLe soverelgnLy resldes
ln Lhe people and all governmenL auLhorlLy emanaLes from Lhem lL ls axlomaLlc LhaL
soverelgnLy ls llllmlLable 1he represenLaLlves cannoL dlcLaLe Lo Lhe soverelgn people 1hey may
gulde Lhem buL Lhey cannoL supplanL Lhelr [udgmenL Such an opposlLe vlew llkewlse dlsLrusLs
Lhe wlsdom of Lhe people as much as lL desplses Lhelr lnLelllgence lL evlnces a presumpLuous
preLenslon Lo lnLellecLual superlorlLy 1here are Lhousands upon Lhousands among Lhe
clLlzenry who are noL ln Lhe publlc servlce who are more learned and beLLer skllled Lhan many
of Lhelr elecLed represenLaLlves

Moreover WL already ruled ln Aqulno eL al vs Comelec eL al (L 40004 !an 31 1973 62
SC8A 273 298302) LhaL Lhe resldenL as enforcer or admlnlsLraLor of marLlal rule durlng Lhe
perlod of marLlal law can leglslaLe and LhaL he has Lhe dlscreLlon as Lo when Lhe convene Lhe
lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly dependlng on prevalllng condlLlons of peace and order ln vlew of
Lhe facL LhaL Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly has noL been convoked ln obedlence Lo Lhe deslre
of Lhe people clearly expressed ln Lhe 1973 referenda Lhe resldenL Lherefore remalns Lhe lone
lawmaklng auLhorlLy whlle marLlal law subslsLs ConsequenLly he can also exerclse Lhe power
of Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly Lo propose amendmenLs Lo Lhe new ConsLlLuLlon (Sec
13ArL xvll lf as conceded by peLlLloner vlcenLe Cuzman (L44684) former delegaLe Lo Lhe
1971 ConsLlLuLlonal ConvenLlon whlch drafLed Lhe 1973 ConsLlLuLlon Lhe resldenL durlng Lhe
perlod of marLlal law can call a consLlLuLlonal convenLlon for Lhe purpose admlLLedly a
consLlLuenL power lL sLands Lo reason LhaL Lhe resldenL can llkewlse legally propose
amendmenLs Lo Lhe fundamenLal law

An1CnlC ! concurrlng


AL Lhe Lhreshold lL ls necessary Lo clarlfy whaL ls a pollLlcal quesLlon lL musL be noLed LhaL
Lhls devlce has been uLlllzed by Lhe [udlclary Lo avold deLermlnlng quesLlons lL ls lll equlpped Lo
deLermlne or LhaL could be seLLled ln any evenL only wlLh Lhe effecLlve supporL of Lhe pollLlcal
branches 1 Accordlng Lo WesLon [udges wheLher personal represenLaLlves of a Lruly
soverelgn klng or Laklng Lhelr seaLs as Lhe creaLures of a largely popular soverelgnLy speaklng
Lhrough a wrlLLen consLlLuLlon derlve Lhelr power by a delegaLlon whlch clearly or obscurely as
Lhe case may be dellmlnaLes and dellmlLs Lhelr delegaLed [urlsdlcLlon* * * !udlclal quesLlons *
* * are Lhose whlch Lhe soverelgn has seL Lo be declded ln Lhe courLs ollLlcal quesLlons
slmllarly are Lhose whlch Lhe soverelgn has enLrusLed Lo Lhe socalled pollLlcal deparLmenLs of
governmenL or has reserved Lo be seLLled by lLs own exLragovernmenL or has reserved Lo be
seLLled by lLs own exLragovernmenLal acLlon 2 8eflecLlng a slmllar concepL Lhls CourL has
deflned a pollLlcal quesLlon as a maLLer whlch ls Lo be exerclsed by Lhe people ln Lhelr
prlmary pollLlcal capaclLy or LhaL has been speclflcally delegaLed Lo some oLher deparLmenL or
parLlcular offlcer of Lhe governmenL wlLh dlscreLlonary power Lo acL 3 ln oLher words lL
refers Lo Lhose quesLlons whlch under Lhe ConsLlLuLlon are Lo be declded by Lhe people ln
Lhelr soverelgn capaclLy or ln regard Lo whlch full dlscreLlonary auLhorlLy has been delegaLed Lo
Lhe leglslaLlve or execuLlve branch of governmenL 4

ln deLermlnlng wheLher an lssue falls wlLhln Lhe pollLlcal quesLlon caLegory Lhe absence of
saLlsfacLory creLerlon for a [udlclal deLermlnaLlon or Lhe approprlaLeness of aLLrlbuLlng flnallLy
Lo Lhe acLlon of Lhe pollLlcal deparLmenLs of governmenL ls a domlnanL conslderaLlon 1hls was
explalned by !usLlce 8rennan ln 8aker v Carr 3 Lhus

romlnenL on Lhe surface of any case held Lo lnvolve pollLlcal quesLlon ls found a LexLually
demonsLrable consLlLuLlonal lack of [udlclally dlscoverrable and manageable sLandards for
resolvlng lL or Lhe lmposslblllLy of decldlng wlLhouL an lnlLlal pollcy deLermlnaLlon of a klnd
clearly for non[udlclal dlscreLlon or Lhe lmposslblllLy of a courLs underLaklng lndependenL
resoluLlon wlLhouL expresslng lack of Lhe respecL due coordlnaLe branches of governmenL or
an unusual need for unquesLlonlng adherence Lo a pollLlcal declslon already made or Lhe
poLenLlallLy of embarrassmenL from from mulLlfarlous pronouncemenLs by varlous
deparLmenLs on one quesLlon

1o declde wheLher a maLLer has ln a measure been commlLLed by Lhe ConsLlLuLlon Lo anoLher
branch of governmenL or reLalned be Lhe people Lo be declded by Lhem ln Lhelr soverelgn
capaclLy or wheLher LhaL branch exceeds whaLever auLhorlLy has been commlLLed ls lndeed a
dellcaLe exerclse ln consLlLuLlonal lnLerpreLaLlon

ln Coleman v Mlller 6 Lhe unlLed SLaLes Supreme CourL held LhaL Lhe efflcacy of Lhe raLlflcaLlon
by sLaLe leglslaLures of a consLlLuLlonal amendmenL ls a pollLlcal quesLlon Cn Lhe quesLlon of
wheLher Lhe SLaLe LeglslaLure could consLlLuLlonally relaLlve an amendmenL afLer Lhe same had
been prevlously re[ecLed by lL lL was held LhaL Lhe ulLlmaLe auLhorlLy over Lhe quesLlon was ln
Congress ln Lhe exerclse of lLs conLrol over Lhe promulgaLlon of Lhe adopLlon of Lhe
amendmenL And ln connecLlon wlLh Lhe second quesLlon of wheLher Lhe amendmenL has losL
lLs vlLallLy Lhrough Lhe lapse of Llme Lhe CourL held LhaL Lhe quesLlon was llkewlse pollLlcal
lnvolvlng as lL does an appralsal of a greaL varleLy of relevanL condlLlons pollLlcal soclal and
economlc whlch can hardly be sald Lo be wlLhln Lhe approprlaLe range of evldence recelvable
ln a courL of [usLlce and as Lo whlch lL would be an exLravaganL exLenslon of [urldlcal auLhorlLy
Lo asserL [udlclal noLlce as Lhe basls of decldlng a conLroversy wlLh respecL Lo Lhe valldlLy of an
amendmenL acLually raLlfled Cn Lhe oLher hand Lhese condlLlons are approprlaLe for Lhe
conslderaLlon of Lhe pollLlcal deparLmenLs of Lhe CovernmenL 1he quesLlons Lhey lnvolve are
essenLlally pollLlcal and noL [usLlclable

ln Lhelr concurrlng oplnlons !usLlces 8lack 8oberLs lrankfurLer and uouglas sLressed LhaL

1he ConsLlLuLlon granLs Congress excluslve power Lo conLrol submlsslon off consLlLuLlonal
amendmenLs llnal deLermlnaLlon by Congress Lhelr raLlflcaLlon by LhreefourLhs of Lhe SLaLes
has Laken place ls concluslve upon Lhe courLs ln Lhe exerclse of LhaL power Congress of
course ls governed by Lhe ConsLlLuLlon Powever A wheLher submlsslon lnLervenlng
procedure for Congresslonal deLermlnaLlon of raLlflcaLlon conforms Lo Lhe commands of Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon call for declslons by apollLlcal deparLmenL of quesLlons of a L[ whlch Lhls CourL
has frequenLly deslgnaLed pollLlcal And declslon of a pollLlcal quesLlon by Lhe pollLlcal
deparLmenL Lo whlch Lhe ConsLlLuLlon has commlLLed lL concluslvely blnds Lhe [udges as well
as all oLher offlcers clLlzens and sub[ecLs of governmenL roclamaLlon under auLhorlLy of
Congress LhaL an amendmenL has been raLlfled wlll carry wlLh lL a solemn assurance by Lhe
Congress LhaL raLlflcaLlon has Laken place as Lhe ConsLlLuLlon commands upon Lhls assurance a
proclalmed amendmenL musL be accepLed as a parL of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon learnlng Lo Lhe [udlclary
lLs LradlLlonal auLhorlLy of lnLerpreLaLlon 1o Lhe exLenL LhaL Lhe CourLs oplnlon ln Lhe presenL
case even by lmplledlng assumes a power Lo make [udlclal lnLerpreLaLlon of Lhe excluslve
consLlLuLlonal auLhorlLy of Congress over submlsslon and by raLlflcaLlon of amendmenLs we are
unable Lo agree

8elylng on Lhls docLrlne enunclaLed ln Coleman v Mlller supra Lhls CourL ln Mabanag v Lopez
vlLol 7 speaklng Lhrough Mr !usLlce edro 1uason ruled LhaL Lhe process of consLlLuLlonal
amendmenL lnvolvlng proposal and raLlflcaLlon ls a pollLlcal quesLlon ln Lhe Mabang case Lhe
peLlLloners soughL Lo prevenL Lhe enforcemenL of a resoluLlon of Congress proposlng Lhe arlLy
AmendmenL Lo Lhe hlllpplne ConsLlLuLlon on Lhe ground LhaL lL had noL been approved by Lhe
LhreefourLhs voLe of all Lhe members of each house as requlred be ArLlcle xv of Lhe 1933
ConsLlLuLlon lL was clalmed LhaL Lhree (3) SenaLors and elghL (8) members of Lhe Pouse of
8epresenLaLlves had been suspended and LhaL Lhelr membershlp was noL consldered ln Lhe
deLermlnaLlon of Lhe Lhree fourLhs ore ln dlsmlsslng Lhe peLlLlon on Lhe ground LhaL Lhe
quesLlon of Lhe valldlLy of Lhe proposal was pollLlcal Lhe CourL sLaLed

lf raLlflcaLlon of an amendmenL ls a pollLlcal quesLlon a proposal whlch leads Lo raLlflcaLlon
has Lo be a pollLlcal quesLlon 1he quesLlon Lo sLeps complemenL each oLher ln a scheme
lnLended Lo achleve a slngle ob[ecLlve lL ls Lo be noLed LhaL amendaLory process as provlded ln
SecLlon l of ArLlcle xv of Lhe hlllpplne ConsLlLuLlon conslsLs of (only) Lwo dlsLlncL parLs
proposal and raLlflcaLlon 1here ls no loglc ln aLLachlng pollLlcal characLer Lo one and
wlLhholdlng LhaL characLer from Lhe oLher roposal Lo amend Lhe ConsLlLuLlon ls a hlghly
pollLlcal funcLlon performed by Lhe Congress ln lLs soverelgn leglslaLlve capaclLy and commlLLed
Lo lLs charge by Lhe ConsLlLuLlon lLself (AL pages 43 lLallcs supplled)

lL ls Lrue LhaL ln Conzales v Comelec 8 Lhls CourL held LhaL Lhe lssue wheLher or noL a
8esoluLlon of Congress acLlng as a consLlLuenL assembly vlolaLes Lhe ConsLlLuLlon ls essenLlally
[usLlclable noL pollLlcal and hence sub[ecL Lo [udlclal revlew WhaL was lnvolved ln Conzales
however was noL a proposed WhaL was lnvolved ln Conzales however was noL a proposed
amendmenL Lo Lhe ConsLlLuLlon buL an acL of Congress 9 submlLLlng proposed amendmenLs Lo
Lhe ConsLlLuLlon Slmllarly ln 1olenLlno v Commlsslon an LlecLlons 10 whaL was lnvolved was
noL Lhe valldlLy of Lhe proposal Lo lower Lhe voLlng age buL raLher LhaL of Lhe resoluLlon of Lhe
ConsLlLuLlonal ConvenLlon submlLLlng Lhe proposal for raLlflcaLlon 1he quesLlon was wheLher
plecemeal amendmenLs Lo Lhe ConsLlLuLlon could submlLLed Lo Lhe people for approval or


Pere Lhe polnL has been sLressed LhaL Lhe resldenL ls acLlng as agenL for and ln behalf of Lhe
people ln proposlng Lhe amendmenL Lhere can be no quesLlon LhaL ln Lhe referendums of
!anuary 1973 and ln Lhe subsequenL referendums Lhe people had clearly and caLegorlcally
re[ecLed Lhe calllng of Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly As sLaLed ln Lhe maln oplnlon Lhe Lupang
1agapagpaganap of Lhe kaLlpunan ng mga Sanggunlan Lhe ambansang kaLlpunan ng mga
8arangay represenLlng 42000 barangays Lhe kabaLaang 8arangay organlzaLlons and Lhe
varlous secLoral groups had proposed Lhe replacemenL of Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly 1hese
barangays and Lhe Sanggunlan assemblles are effecLlve lnsLrumenLallLles Lhrough whlch Lhe
deslres of Lhe people are arLlculaLed and expressed 1he 8aLasang 8ayan (LeglslaLlve Councll)
composed of nlneLeen (19) cablneL members and nlne (9) offlclals wlLh cablneL rank and
nlneLyone (91) members of Lhe Lupang 1agapagpaganap (LxecuLlve CommlLLee) of Lhe
kaLlpunan ng mga Sanggunlang 8ayanl voLed ln Lhelr speclal sesslon Lo submlL dlrecLly Lo Lhe
people ln a pleblsclLe on CcLober 16 1976 Lhe aforemenLloned consLlLuLlonal amendmenLs
1hrough Lhe ambansang kaLlpunan by 8arangay and Lhe ampurok ng kaLlpunan Sanggunlang
8ayan Lhe people have expressed Lhelr deslre noL only Lo abollsh Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal
Assembly buL Lo replace lL wlLh a more represenLaLlve body accepLable Lo Lhem ln order Lo
effecL Lhe deslrable consLlLuLlonal changes necessary Lo hasLen Lhe pollLlcal evoluLlon of Lhe
governmenL Lowards Lhe parllamenLary sysLem whlle aL Lhe same Llme ensurlng LhaL Lhe galns
of Lhe new SocleLy whlch are vlLal Lo Lhe welfare of Lhe people shall be safeguarded 1he
proposed consLlLuLlonal amendmenLs Lherefore represenL a consensus of Lhe people

lL would be fuLlle Lo lnslsL LhaL Lhe lnLeml naLlonal Assembly should have been convened Lo
propose Lhose amendmenLs pursuanL Lo SecLlon 13 of ArLlcle xvll of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon 1hls
CourL ln Lhe case of Aqulno v Commlsslon or LlecLlons 11 Look [udlclal noLlce of Lhe facL LhaL
ln Lhe referendum of !anuary 1973 a ma[orlLy of Lhose who approved Lhe new ConsLlLuLlon
condlLloned Lhelr voLes on Lhe demand LhaL Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly provlded ln Lhe
1ranslLory rovlslons should noL be and Lhe resldenL ln deference Lo Lhe soverelgn wlll of Lhe
llllplno people declared LhaL Lhe convenlng of sald body shall be suspended 12 As Lhls CourL
observed ln Lhe Aqulno case

Pls declslon Lo defer Lhe lnlLlal convocaLlon of Lhe byllLLLlL naLlonal Assembly was supporLed by
Lhe soverelgn people aL Lhe by referendum ln !anuary 1973 when Lhe people voLed Lo
posLpone Lhe convenlng of Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly unLll afLer aL leasL seven (7) years
from Lhe approval of Lhe new ConsLlLuLlon And Lhe reason why Lhe same quesLlon was
ellmlnaLed from Lhe quesLlons Lo be submlLLed aL Lhe referendum on lebruary 27 1973 ls LhaL
even some members of Lhe Congress and delegaLes of Lhe ConsLlLuLlonal ConvenLlon who are
already by[so oflLLo members of Lhe lnLeLlnl naLlonal Assembly are agalnsL such lncluslon
because Lhe lssue was already bycclled ln Lhe !anuary 1973 referendum by Lhe soverelgn
people lndlcaLlng Lhereby Lhelr dlsenchanLmenL wlLh any Assembly as Lhe former Congress
falled Lo lnsLlLuLlonallze Lhe reforms Lhey demanded and wasLed publlc funds Lhrough endless
debaLes wlLhouL rellevlng Lhe sufferlng of Lhe general mass of clLlzenry (p 302) 1he acLlon of
Lhe resldenL ln suspendlng Lhe convenlng of Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly has meL Lhe
overwhelmlng approval of Lhe people ln subsequenL referenda

Slnce lL was Lhe acLlon by Lhe people LhaL gave blndlng force and effecL Lo Lhe new ConsLlLuLlon
Lhen lL musL be accepLed as a necessary consequence LhaL Lhelr ob[ecLlon agalnsL Lhe
lmmedlaLe convenlng of Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly musL be respecLed as a poslLlve
mandaLe of Lhe soverelgn

ln Lhe hlllpplnes whlch ls a unlLary sLaLe soverelgnLy resldes ln Lhe people and all
governmenL auLhorlLy emanaLes from Lhem13 1he Lerm eople as soverelgn ls
comprehenslve ln lLs conLexL 1he people as soverelgn creaLor of all pollLlcal reallLy ls noL
merely Lhe enfranchlsed clLlzens buL Lhe pollLlcal unlLy of Lhe people 14 lL connoLes Lherefore
a people whlch exlsLs noL only ln Lhe urgenL presenL buL ln Lhe conLlnuum of hlsLory 1he
assumpLlon LhaL Lhe oplnlon of 1he eople as voLers can be LreaLed as Lhe expresslon of Lhe
lnLeresLs of Lhe eople as a hlsLorlc communlLy was Lo Lhe dlsLlngulshed Amerlcan [ournallsL
and publlc phllosopher WalLer Llpunan unwarranLed

8ecause of Lhe dlscrepancy beLween 1he eople as voLers and Lhe eople as Lhe corporaLe
naLlon Lhe voLers have no LlLle Lo conslder Lhemselves Lhe proprleLors of Lhe commonwealLh
and Lo clalm LhaL Lhelr lnLeresLs are ldenLlcal Lo Lhe publlc lnLeresL A prevalllng plurallLy of Lhe
voLers are noL 1he eople 1he clalm LhaL Lhey are ls a bogus LlLle lnvoked Lo [usLlfy Lhe
usurpaLlon of Lhe execuLlve power by represenLaLlve assemblles and Lhe lnLlmldaLlon of publlc
men by demagogue pollLlclans ln facL demagoguery can be descrlbed as Lhe slelghL of hand by
whlch a facLlon of 1he eople as voLers are lnvesLed wlLh Lhe auLhorlLy of 1he eople 1haL ls
why so many crlmes are commlLLed ln Lhe eoples name 13

ln Conzales v Comelec supra Lhe CourL clearly emphaslzed LhaL Lhe power Lo propose
amendmenLs or Lo amend Lhe ConsLlLuLlon ls parL of Lhe lnherenL power of Lhe people as Lhe
reposlLory of soverelgnLy ln a republlcan sLaLe Whlle Congress may propose amendmenLs Lo
Lhe ConsLlLuLlon lL acLs pursuanL Lo auLhorlLy granLed Lo lL by Lhe people Lhrough Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon 8oLh Lhe power Lo propose and Lhe auLhorlLy Lo approve Lherefore lnhere ln Lhe
people as Lhe bearer of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon maklng power

AbsenL an lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly upon whom Lhe people Lhrough Lhe ConsLlLuLlon have
delegaLed Lhe auLhorlLy Lo exerclse consLlLuenL powers lL follows from necesslLy LhaL elLher Lhe
people should exerclse LhaL power Lhemselves or Lhrough any oLher lnsLrumenLallLy Lhey may
choose lor Law llke naLure abhors a vacuum (naLural vacuum abhorreL)

1he quesLlon Lhen ls wheLher Lhe resldenL has auLhorlLy Lo acL for Lhe people ln submlLLlng
such proposals for raLlflcaLlon aL Lhe pleblsclLe of CcLober 16 1he pollLlcal characLer of Lhe
quesLlon ls Lherefore parLlcularly manlfesL conslderlng LhaL ulLlmaLely lL ls Lhe people who wlll
declde wheLher Lhe resldenL has such auLhorlLy lL cerLalnly lnvolves a maLLer whlch ls Lo be
exerclsed by Lhe people ln Lhelr soverelgn capaclLy hence lL ls essenLlally pollLlcal noL [udlclal

Whlle lL ls Lrue LhaL Lhe consLlLuenL power ls noL Lo be confuse wlLh leglslaLlve power ln general
because Lhe prerogaLlve Lo propose amendmenLs ls noL embraced wlLhln Lhe conLexL of
ordlnary lawmaklng lL musL be noLed LhaL Lhe proposals Lo be submlLLed for raLlflcaLlon ln Lhe
forLhcomlng referendum are ln Lhe flnal analysls acLually noL of Lhe resldenL buL dlrecLly of
Lhe people Lhemselves speaklng Lhrough Lhelr auLhorlzed lnsLrumenLallLles

As Lhe Chlef !usLlce apLly sLaLed ln hls concurrlng oplnlon ln Lhls case

1he resldenL merely formallzed Lhe sald proposals ln resldenLlal uecree no 1033 lL belng
conceded ln all quarLers LhaL soverelgnLy resldes ln Lhe people and lL havlng been
demonsLraLed LhaL Lhelr consLlLuenL power Lo amend Lhe ConsLlLuLlon has noL been delegaLed
by Lhem Lo any lnsLrumenLallLy of Lhe CovernmenL durlng Lhe presenL sLage of Lhe LranslLlon
perlod of our pollLlcal developmenL Lhe concluslon ls lnelucLable LhaL Lhelr exerLlon of LhaL
reslduary power cannoL be vulnerable Lo any consLlLuLlonal challenge as belngulLravlres
Accordlngly wlLhouL venLurlng Lo rule on wheLher or noL Lhe resldenL ls vesLed wlLh
consLlLuenL power as lL does noL appear necessary Lo do so ln Lhe premlses Lhe proposals
here challenged belng acLs of Lhe soverelgn people no less cannoL be sald Lo be affllcLed wlLh
unconsLlLuLlonallLy A forLlorl Lhe concomlLanL auLhorlLy Lo call a pleblsclLe and Lo approprlaLe
funds Lherefor ls even less vulnerable noL only because Lhe resldenL ln exerclslng sald
auLhorlLy has acLed as a mere oflffeL byf of Lhe people who made Lhe proposals buL llkewlse
because Lhe sald auLhorlLy ls leglslaLlve ln naLure raLher Lhan consLlLuenL

1hls ls buL a recognlLlon LhaL Lhe eople of Lhe hlllpplnes have Lhe lnherenL sole and excluslve
rlghL of regulaLlng Lhelr own governmenL and of alLerlng or abollshlng Lhelr ConsLlLuLlon
whenever lL may be necessary Lo Lhelr safeLy or happlness 1here appears Lo be no [usLlflcaLlon
under Lhe exlsLlng clrcumsLances for a CourL Lo creaLe by lmpllcaLlon a llmlLaLlon on Lhe
soverelgn power of Lhe people As has been clearly explalned ln a prevlous case

1here ls noLhlng ln Lhe naLure of Lhe submlsslon whlch should cause Lhe free exerclse of lL Lo be
obsLrucLed or LhaL could render lL dangerous Lo Lhe sLablllLy of Lhe governmenL because Lhe
measure derlves all lLs vlLal force from Lhe acLlon of Lhe people aL Lhe balloL box and Lhere can
never be danger ln submlLLlng ln an esLabllshed form Lo a free people Lhe proposlLlon wheLher
Lhey wlll change Lhelr fundamenLal law 1he means provlded for Lhe exerclse of Lhelr Soverelgn
rlghL of changlng Lhelr consLlLuLlon should recelve such a consLrucLlon as noL Lo Lrammel Lhe
exerclse of Lhe rlghL ulfflculLles and embarrassmenLs ln lLs exerclse are ln derogaLlon of Lhe
rlghL of free governmenL whlch ls lnherenL ln Lhe people and Lhe besL securlLy agalnsL LumulL
and revoluLlon ls Lhe free and unobsLrucLed prlvllege Lo Lhe people of Lhe SLaLe Lo change Lhelr
consLlLuLlon ln Lhe mode prescrlbed by Lhe lnsLrumenL


1he paramounL conslderaLlon LhaL lmpelled us Lo arrlve aL Lhe foregolng oplnlon ls Lhe
necesslLy of ensurlng popular conLrol over Lhe consLlLuenL power lf Lhe people are Lo conLrol
Lhe consLlLuenL power Lhe power Lo make and change Lhe fundamenLal law of Lhe SLaLe
observed Wheeler Lhe process of ConsLlLuLlonal change musL noL be based Loo heavlly upon
exlsLlng agencles of governmenL lndeed Lhe baslc premlse of republlcanlsm ls LhaL Lhe
ordlnary clLlzen Lhe common man can be LrusLed Lo deLermlne hls pollLlcal desLlny 1herefore
lL ls Llme LhaL Lhe people should be accorded Lhe fullesL opporLunlLy Lo declde Lhe laws LhaL
shall provlde for Lhelr governance lor ln Lhe ulLlmaLe analysls Lhe success of Lhe naLlonal
endeavor shall depend on Lhe vlslon dlsclpllne and l by lnlness of Lhe moqqqLal wlll of every

ln vlLW Cl 1PL lC8LCClnC CCnSluL8A1lCnS We voLe Lo dlsmlss Lhe peLlLlons

Aqulno ! concur

MunCZ ALMA ! dlssenLlng

l concur fully wlLh Lhe remarkably frank (so characLerlsLlc of hlm) dlssenLlng oplnlon of my
dlsLlngulshed colleague !usLlce Claudlo 1eehankee lf l am wrlLlng Lhls brlef sLaLemenL lL ls only
Lo unburden myself of some LhoughLs whlch Lrouble my mlnd and leave my consclence wlLh no
resL nor peace

Cenerally one who dlssenLs from a ma[orlLy vlew of Lhe CourL Lakes a lonely and aL Llmes
precarlous road Lhe burden byelng llghLened only by Lhe LhoughL LhaL ln Lhls grave Lask of
admlnlsLerlng [usLlce when maLLers of consclence are aL lssue one musL be prepared Lo
espouse and embrace a rlghLful cause however unpopular lL may be

1 1haL soverelgnLy resldes ln Lhe people and all governmenL auLhorlLy emanaLes from Lhem ls a
fundamenLal baslc prlnclple of governmenL whlch cannoL be dlspuLed buL when Lhe people
have opLed Lo govern Lhemselves under Lhe manLle of a wrlLLen ConsLlLuLlon each and every
clLlzen from Lhe hlghesL Lo Lhe lowllesL has Lhe sacred duLy Lo respecL and obey Lhe CharacLer
Lhey have so ordalned

8y Lhe ConsLlLuLlon whlch Lhey esLabllsh Lhey noL only Lle up he hands of Lhelr offlclal agencles
buL Lhelr own hands as well and nelLher Lhe offlcers of Lhe sLaLe nor Lhe whole people as an
aggregaLe body are aL llberLy Lo Lake acLlon ln opposlLlon Lo Lhls fundamenLal law (Cooleys
ConsLlLuLlonal LlmlLaLlons 7Lh Ld p 36 lLallcs Cur)

1he aforequoLed passage from Lhe emlnenL [urlsL and auLhor !udge Cooley alLhough based on
declaraLlons of law of more Lhan a cenLury ago lays down a prlnclple whlch Lo my mlnd ls one
of Lhe endurlng cornersLones of Lhe 8ule of Law lL ls a prlnclple wlLh whlch l have been famlllar
as a sLudenL of law under Lhe LuLelage of revered rofessors ur vlcenLe C Slnco and !usLlce
!ose Laurel and whlch l pray wlll prevall aL all Llmes Lo ensure Lhe exlsLence of a free sLable
and clvlllzed socleLy

1he llllplno people wanLlng Lo ensure Lo Lhemselves a democraLlc republlcan form of
governmenL have promulgaLed a ConsLlLuLlon whereby Lhe power Lo govern Lhemselves has
been enLrusLed Lo and dlsLrlbuLed among Lhree branches of governmenL Lhey have also
mandaLed ln clear and unmlsLakable Lerms Lhe meLhod by whlch provlslons ln Lhelr
fundamenLal CharLer may be amended or revlsed Pavlng done so Lhe people are bound by
Lhese consLlLuLlonal llmlLaLlons lor whlle Lhere ls no surrender or abdlcaLlon of Lhe peoples
ulLlmaLe auLhorlLy Lo amend revlse or adopL a new ConsLlLuLlon sound reason demands LhaL
Lhey keep Lhemselves wlLhln Lhe procedural bounds of Lhe exlsLlng fundamenLal law 1he rlghL
of Lhe people Lo amend or change Lhelr ConsLlLuLlon lf and when Lhe need arlses ls noL Lo be
denled buL we asserL LhaL absenL a revoluLlonary sLaLe or condlLlon ln Lhe counLry Lhe change
musL be accompllshed Lhrough Lhe ordlnary regular and leglLlmaLe processes provlded for ln
Lhe ConsLlLuLlon

l cannoL subscrlbe Lherefore Lo Lhe vlew Laken by Lhe SollclLor Ceneral LhaL Lhe people belng
soverelgn have Lhe auLhorlLy Lo amend Lhe ConsLlLuLlon even ln a manner dlfferenL from and
conLrary Lo LhaL expressly provlded for ln LhaL lnsLrumenL and LhaL Lhe amendaLory process ls
lnLended more as a llmlLaLlon of a power raLher Lhan a granL of power Lo a parLlcular agency
and lL should noL be consLrued as llmlLlng Lhe ulLlmaLe soverelgn wlll of Lhe people Lo declde on
amendmenLs Lo Lhe ConsLlLuLlon 2 Such a vlew wlll serlously undermlne Lhe very exlsLence of a
consLlLuLlonal governmenL and wlll permlL anarchy and/or mob rule Lo seL afooL and prevall
Was lL Lhe Creek phllosopher laLo who warned LhaL Lhe rule of Lhe mob ls a prelude Lo Lhe rule
of Lhe LyranL?

l would use Lhe followlng excerpL from 8ernas S! 1he 1973 hlllpplne ConsLlLuLlon noLes and
Cases as relevanL Lo my polnL

Lhe amendaLory provlslons are called a consLlLuLlon of soverelghLy because Lhey deflne Lhe
consLlLuLlonal meanlng of soverelgnLy of Lhe people opular soverelgnLy as embodled ln Lhe
hlllpplne ConsLlLuLlon ls noL exLreme popular soverelgnLy As one Amerlcan wrlLer puL lL

A consLlLuLlon llke Lhe Amerlcan one serves as a baslc check upon Lhe popular wlll aL any glven
Llme lL ls Lhe dlsLlncLlve funcLlon of such wrlLLen documenL Lo classlfy cerLaln Lhlngs as legal
fundamenLals Lhese fundamenLals may noL be changed excepL by Lhe slow and cumbersome
process of amendmenL 1he people Lhemselves have declded ln consLlLuLlonal convenLlon
assembled Lo llmlL Lhemselves ana fuLure generaLlons ln Lhe exerclse of Lhe soverelgn power
whlch Lhey would oLherwlse possess And lL ls preclsely such llmlLaLlon LhaL enables Lhose
sub[ecL Lo governmenLal auLhorlLy Lo appeal from Lhe people drunk Lo Lhe people sober ln Llme
of exclLemenL and hysLerla 1he ConsLlLuLlon ln Lhe neaL phrase of Lhe lowa courL ls Lhe
proLecLor of Lhe people agalnsL ln[ury by Lhe people *

1ruly whaL need ls Lhere for provldlng ln Lhe ConsLlLuLlon a process by whlch Lhe fundamenLal
law may be amended lf afLer all Lhe people by Lhemselves can seL Lhe same aL naughL even ln
Llmes of peace when clvll auLhorlLy relgns supreme? 1o go along wlLh Lhe respondenLs Lheory
ln Lhls regard ls Lo render wrlLLen ConsLlLuLlons useless or mere ropes of sand allowlng for a
governmenL of men lnsLead of one of laws lor lL cannoL be dlscounLed LhaL a slLuaLlon may
arlse where Lhe people are heralded Lo acLlon aL a polnL of a gun or by Lhe flery eloquence of a
demagogue and where passlon overpowers reason and mass acLlon overLhrows legal
processes PlsLory has recorded such lnsLances and l can Lhlnk of no beLLer example Lhan LhaL
of !esus ChrlsL of !udea who was followed and loved by Lhe people whlle curlng Lhe slck maklng
Lhe lame walk and Lhe bllnd see buL shorLly was condemned by Lhe same people Lurned lnLo
fanaLlc rabble crylng ouL Cruclfy Plm Cruclfy Plm upon belng lnclLed lnLo acLlon by chlef
prlesLs and elders of !erusalem ?es Lo quoLe once more from !udge Cooley

A good ConsLlLuLlon should be beyond Lhe reason of Lemporary exclLemenL and popular caprlce
or passlon lL ls needed for sLablllLy and sLeadlness lL musL yleld Lo Lhe LhoughL of Lhe people
noL Lo Lhe whlm of Lhe people or Lhe LhoughL evolved ln exclLemenL or hoL blood buL Lhe
sober second LhoughL whlch alone lf Lhe governmenL ls Lo be sale can be allowed efflclency
Changes ln governmenL are Lo be feared unless Lhe beneflL ls cerLaln (quoLed ln Llllngham v
uye 99 nL 1 13) 3

Crawford v CllchrlsL 64 lla 41 39 So 963 Ann Cas 19148 916 SLaLe v Pall 139 nW 281
Cplnlon of Marshall ! ln SLaLe ex rel osLer v Marcus 132 nW 419

lrom kochler v Plll vol 13 nW 609 we quoLe

xxx xxx xxx

lL has been sald LhaL changes ln Lhe consLlLuLlon may be lnLroduced ln dlsregard of lLs
provlslons LhaL lf Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe people deslre a change Lhe ma[orlLy musL be respecLed
no maLLer how Lhe change may be effecLed and LhaL Lhe change lf revoluLlon ls peaceful

We fear LhaL Lhe advocaLes of Lhls new docLrlne ln a zeal Lo accompllsh an end whlch Lhe
ma[orlLy of Lhe people deslre have looked aL buL one phase of Lhe quesLlon and have noL fully
consldered Lhe Lerrlble consequences whlch would almosL cerLalnly follow a recognlLlon of Lhe
docLrlne for whlch Lhey conLend lL may be LhaL Lhe lncorporaLlon of Lhls amendmenL ln Lhe
consLlLuLlon even lf Lhe consLlLuLlon has Lo be broken Lo accompllsh lL would noL of lLself
produce any serlous resulLs 8uL lf lL should be done by sancLlonlng Lhe docLrlne conLended for
a precedenL would be seL whlch would plague Lhe sLaLe for all fuLure Llme A 8anquos ghosL
would arlse aL our lncanLaLlon whlch would noL down aL our blddlng

xxx xxx xxx

We oughL Lo ponder long before we adopL a docLrlne so fraughL wlLh danger Lo republlcan

xxx xxx xxx

AppellanLs counsel clLe and rely upon secLlon 2 arL 1 of Lhe consLlLuLlon of Lhe sLaff 1hls
secLlon ls a porLlon of Lhe blll of rlghLs and ls as follows All pollLlcal power ls lnherenL ln Lhe
people CovernmenL ls lnsLlLuLed for Lhe proLecLlon securlLy and beneflL of of Lhe people and
Lhey have Lhe rlghL aL all Llmes Lo alLer or reform Lhe same whenever Lhe publlc good may
requlre AbsLracLly consldered Lhere can bye no doubL of Lhe correcLness of Lhe proposlLlons
embraced ln Lhls sucLlon 1hese prlnclples are older Lhan consLlLuLlons and older Lhan
governmenLs 1he people dld noL derlve Lhe rlghLs referred Lo by on Lhe consLlLuLlon and ln
Lhelr naLure Lhee are such LhaL Lhe people cannoL surrender Lhem

2 resldenLlal uecrees nos 991 and 1033 whlch call for a naLlonal referendumpleblsclLe on
CcLober 16 1976 for Lhe purpose among oLher Lhlngs of amendlng cerLaln provlslons of Lhe
1973 ConsLlLuLlon are null and vold as Lhey conLravene Lhe express provlslons on Lhe amendlng
process of Lhe 1973 ConsLlLuLlon lald down ln ArLlcle xvl SecLlon 1 (1) and ArLlcle xvll SecLlon
13 more parLlcularly Lhe laLLer whlch applles durlng Lhe presenL LranslLlon perlod 1he Cplnlon
of !usLlce 1eehankee dlscusses ln deLall Lhls parLlcular maLLer

l would [usL wlsh Lo sLress Lhe polnL LhaL alLhough aL presenL Lhere ls no by LLerlnL naLlonal
Assembly whlch may propose amendmenLs Lo Lhe ConsLlLuLlon Lhe exlsLence of a socalled
vacuum or hlaLus does noL [usLlfy a Lransgresslon of Lhe consLlLuLlonal provlslons on Lhe
manner of amendlng Lhe fundamenLal law We cannoL cure one lnflrmlLy Lhe exlsLence of a
vacuum caused by Lhe nonconvenlng of Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly wlLh anoLher
lnflrmlLy LhaL ls dolng vlolence Lo Lhe CharLer

All greaL muLaLlons shake and dlsorder a sLaLe Cood does noL necessarlly succeed evll anoLher
evll may succeed and a worse (Am Law 8ev 1889 p 311 quoLed ln Llllngham v uye supra
p 13)

8espondenLs conLend LhaL Lhe calllng of Lhe referendumpleblsclLe for Lhe purpose lndlcaLed ls
a sLep necessary Lo resLore Lhe sLaLe of normalcy ln Lhe counLry 1o my mlnd Lhe only posslble
measure LhaL wlll lead our counLry and people Lo a condlLlon of normalcy ls Lhe llfLlng or endlng
of Lhe sLaLe of marLlal law lf l am consLralned Lo make Lhls sLaLemenL lL ls because so much
sLress was glven durlng Lhe hearlngs of Lhese cases on Lhls parLlcular polnL leavlng one wlLh Lhe
lmpresslon LhaL for peLlLloners Lo conLesL Lhe holdlng of Lhe CcLober 16 referendumpleblsclLe
ls for Lhem Lo assume a poslLlon of blocklng or lnsLalllng Lhe llfLlng of marLlal law whlch l
belleve ls unfalr Lo Lhe peLlLloners lrankly l cannoL see Lhe connecLlon beLween Lhe Lwo My
esLeemed colleagues should pardon me Lherefore lf l had venLured Lo sLaLe LhaL Lhe slmple
soluLlon Lo Lhe slmple soluLlon Lo Lhe presenL dllemma ls Lhe llfLlng of marLlal law and Lhe
lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe consLlLuLlonal provlslons whlch wlll usher ln Lhe parllamenLary form of
governmenL ordalned ln Lhe ConsLlLuLlon whlch as proclalmed ln roclamaLlon 1102 Lhe
people Lhemselves have raLlfled

lf Lhe people have lndeed raLlfled Lhe 1973 ConsLlLuLlon Lhen Lhey are bound by Lhelr acL and
cannoL escape from Lhe preLended unfavorable consequences Lhereof Lhe only y belng Lo seL ln
moLlon Lhe consLlLuLlonal machlnery by whlch Lhe supposed deslred amendmenLs may properly
be adopLed and submlLLed Lo Lhe elecLoraLe for raLlflcaLlon ConsLlLuLlonal processes are Lo be
observed sLrlcLly lf we have Lo malnLaln and preserve Lhe sysLem of governmenL decreed under
Lhe fundamenLal CharLer As sald by !usLlce Lnrlque lernando ln MuLuc vs Commlsslon on

1he concepL of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon as Lhe fundamenLal law seLLlng forLh Lhe crlLerlon for Lhe
valldlLy of any publlc acL wheLher proceedlng from Lhe hlghesL offlclal or Lhe lowesL funclLonary
ls a posLulaLe of our sysLem of governmenL 1haL ls Lo manlfesL fealLy Lo Lhe rule of law wlLh
prlorlLy accorded Lo LhaL whlch occuples Lhe LopmosL rung ln Lhe legal hlerarchy (36 SC8A
228 234 lLallcs Curs)

A conLrary vlew would lead Lo dlsasLrous consequences for ln Lhe words of Chlef !usLlce Cox of
Lhe Supreme CourL of lndlana ln Llllngham v uye (supra p 7) llberLy and popular soverelgnLy
are noL meanL Lo glve reln Lo passlon or LhoughLless lmpulse buL Lo allow Lhe exerclse of power
by Lhe people for Lhe general good by LlsLlercolLalLL resLralnLs of law 3 1he Lrue quesLlon
before us ls ls one of power uoes Lhe lncumbenL resldenL of Lhe hlllpplnes possess
consLlLuenL powers? Agaln Lhe negaLlve answer ls explalned ln deLall ln Lhe dlssenLlng oplnlon
of !usLlce 1eehankee

8espondenLs would [usLlfy Lhe lncumbenL resldenLs exerclse of consLlLuenL powers on Lheory
LhaL he ls vesLed wlLh leglslaLlve powers as held by Lhls CourL ln 8enlgno S Aqulno !r eL al vs
Commlsslon on LlecLlons eL al L40004 !anuary 31 1973 1 wlsh Lo sLress LhaL alLhough ln my
separaLe oplnlon ln sald case l agreed LhaL SecLlon 3 (2) of Lhe 1ranslLory provlslons granLs Lo
Lhe lncumbenL resldenL leglslaLlve powers l quallfled my sLaLemenL as follows

As Lo wheLher or noL Lhls unllmlLed leglslaLlve qqq[wwel of Lhe resldenL conLlnues by exlsL
even afLer Lhe raLlflcaLlon of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon ls a maLLer whlch l am noL ready Lo concede aL
Lhe momenL and whlch aL any raLe l belleve ls noL essenLlal ln resolvlng Lhls eLlLlon for
reasons Lo be glven laLer noneLheless l hold Lhe vlew LhaL Lhe resldenL ls empowered Lo lssue
proclamaLlons orders decrees eLc Lo carry ouL and lmplemenL Lhe ob[ecLlves of Lhe
proclamaLlon of marLlal law be lL under Lhe 1933 or 1973 ConsLlLuLlon and for Lhe orderly and
efflclenL funcLlonlng of Lhe governmenL lLs lnsLrumenLallLles and agencles 1hls granL of
leglslaLlve power ls necessary Lo flll up a vacuum durlng Lhe LranslLlon perlod when Lhe lnLerlm
naLlonal Assembly ls noL yeL convened and funcLlonlng for oLherwlse Lhere wlll be a dlsrupLlon
of offlclal funcLlons resulLlng ln a collapse of Lhe governmenL and of Lhe exlsLlng soclal order
(62 SC8A pp 273347)

l belleve lL ls noL dlspuLed LhaL leglslaLlve power ls essenLlally dlfferenL from consLlLuenL power
one does noL encompass Lhe oLher unless so speclfled ln Lhe CharLer and Lhe 1973 ConsLlLuLlon
conLalns provlslons ln Lhls regard 1hls ls wellexplalned ln !usLlce 1eehankees Cplnlon 1he
sLaLe of necesslLy broughL abouL by Lhe currenL pollLlcal slLuaLlon lnvoked by Lhe respondenLs
provldes no source of power Lo propose amendmenLs Lo Lhe exlsLlng ConsLlLuLlon MusL we
bend Lhe ConsLlLuLlon Lo sulL Lhe law of Lhe hour or cure lLs defecLs by lnfllcLlng upon lL a
wound whlch noLhlng can heal commlL one assaulL afLer Lhe oLher unLll all respecL for Lhe
fundamenLal law ls losL and Lhe powers of governmenL are [usL whaL Lhose ln auLhorlLy please
Lo call Lhem? 3 Cr can we now lgnore whaL Lhls CourL speaklng Lhrough !usLlce 8arredo sald
ln 1olenLlno vs Comelec

leL Lhose who would puL aslde lnvoklng grounds aL besL conLroverslal any mandaLe of Lhe
fundamenLal law purporLedly by order Lo aLLaln some laudable ob[ecLlve bear ln mlnd LhaL
someday somehow oLhers wlLh purporLedly more laudable ob[ecLlves may Lake advanLages of
Lhe precedenL ln conLlnue Lhe desLrucLlon of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon maklng Lhose who lald down Lhe
precedenL of [usLlfylng devlaLlons from Lhe requlremenLs of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon Lhe vlcLlms of Lhelr
own folly 6

8espondenLs emphaLlcally asserL LhaL Lhe flnal word ls Lhe peoples word and LhaL ulLlmaLely lL
ls ln Lhe hands of Lhe people where Lhe flnal declslon resLs (CommenL pp 18 19 22) CranLlng
ln graLla argumenL LhaL lL ls so leL lL be an expresslon of Lhe wlll of Lhe people a normal pollLlcal
slLuaLlon and noL under Lhe aegls of marLlal rule for as l have sLaLed ln Aqulno vs Comelec eL
al supra a referendum (and now a pleblsclLe) held under a reglme of marLlal law can be of no
far reachlng slgnlflcance because lL ls belng accompllshed under an aLmosphere or cllmaLe of
fear as lL enLalls a wlde area of curLallmenL and lnfrlngemenL of lndlvldual rlghLs such as
human llberLy properLy rlghLs rlghLs of free expresslon and assembly proLecLlon agalnsL
unreasonable searches and selzures llberLy of abode and of Lravel and so on

4 1he oLher lssues such as Lhe sufflclency and proper submlsslon of Lhe proposed amendmenLs
for raLlflcaLlon by Lhe people are expounded ln !usLlce 1eehankees Cplnlon l wlsh Lo sLress
lndeed LhaL lL ls lncorrecL Lo sLaLe LhaL Lhe LhrusL of Lhe proposed amendmenLs ls Lhe abollLlon
of Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly and lLs subsLlLuLlon wlLh an lnLerlm 8aLasang ambansa Lhelr
ln by ln roposed amendmenL no 6 wlll permlL or allow Lhe concenLraLlon of power ln one man
Lhe LxecuLlve rlme MlnlsLer or resldenL or whaLever you may call hlm for lL glves hlm
expressly (whlch Lhe 1973 ConsLlLuLlon or Lhe 1933 ConsLlLuLlon does noL) leglslaLlve powers
even durlng Lhe exlsLence of Lhe approprlaLe leglslaLlve body dependenL solely on Lhe
execuLlves [udgmenL on Lhe exlsLence of a grave emergency or a LhreaL or lmmlnence Lhereof

l musL be forglven lf noL concerned wlLh Lhe presenL l am haunLed however by whaL can
happen ln Lhe fuLure when we shall all be gone verlly Lhls ls a maLLer of grave concern whlch
necesslLaLes full maLure sober dellberaLlon of Lhe people buL whlch Lhey can do only ln a
cllmaLe of freedom wlLhouL Lhe resLralnLs of marLlal law l close rememberlng whaL Claro M
8ecLo resldenL of Lhe ConsLlLuLlonal ConvenLlon whlch drafLed Lhe 1933 hlllpplne
ConsLlLuLlon once sald

nor ls lL enough LhaL our people possess a wrlLLen consLlLuLlon ln order LhaL Lhelr
governmenL may be called consLlLuLlonal 1o be deservlng of Lhls name and Lo drlve away all
lanlrer of anarchy as well as of dlcLaLorshlp wheLher by one man or a few lL ls necessary LhaL
boLh Lhe governmenL auLhorlLles and Lhe people falLhfully observe and obey Lhe consLlLuLlon
and LhaL Lhe clLlzens be duly conversanL noL only wlLh Lhelr rlghLs buL also wlLh Lhelr duLles 7

!ose Laurel who served hls people as !usLlce of Lhe Supreme CourL of Lhls counLry gave Lhls
remlnder Lhe grave and perllous Lask of halLlng Lransgresslons and vlndlcaLlng cherlshed rlghLs
ls reposed malnly oll Lhe !udlclary and Lherefore leL Lhe CourLs be Lhe vesLal keepers of Lhe
purlLy and sancLlLy of our ConsLlLuLlon Cn Lhe basls of Lhe foregolng l voLe Lo declare
resldenLlal uecrees nos 991 and 1033 unconsLlLuLlonal and en[oln Lhe lmplemenLaLlon

CCnCLClCn !8 ! concurrlng

l voLe for Lhe dlsmlssal of Lhe peLlLlons

1 1he lssue ls noL pollLlcal and Lherefore [usLlclable

1he Lerm pollLlcal quesLlon as Lhls CourL has prevlously deflned refers Lo Lhose quesLlons
whlch under Lhe consLlLuLlon are Lo be declded by Lhe people ln Lhelr soverelgn capaclLy or ln
regard Lo whlch full dlscreLlonary auLhorlLy has been delegaLed Lo Lhe LeglslaLure or execuLlve
branch of Lhe CovernmenL lL ls concerned wlLh Lhe lssues dependenL upon Lhe wlsdom noL
legallLy of a parLlcular measure 1

Pere Lhe quesLlon ralsed ls wheLher Lhe resldenL has auLhorlLy Lo propose Lo Lhe people
amendmenLs Lo Lhe ConsLlLuLlon whlch Lhe peLlLloners clalm ls vesLed solely upon Lhe naLlonal
Assembly Lhe consLlLuLlonal convenLlon called for Lhe purpose and Lhe by Lhe naLlonal
Assembly 1hls ls noL a pollLlcal quesLlon slnce lL lnvolves Lhe deLermlnaLlon of confllcLlng clalms
of auLhorlLy under Lhe consLlLuLlon

ln Conzales vs Comelec 2 Lhls CourL resolvlng Lhe lssue of wheLher or noL a 8esoluLlon of
Congress acLlng as a consLlLuenL assembly vlolaLes Lhe ConsLlLuLlon ruled LhaL Lhe quesLlon ls
essenLlally [usLlclable noL pollLlcal and hence sub[ecL Lo [udlclal revlew

ln 1olenLlno vs Comelec 3 Lhls CourL flnally dlspelled all doubLs as Lo lLs poslLlon regardlng lLs
[urlsdlcLlon vlsavls Lhe consLlLuLlonallLy of Lhe acLs of Congress acLlng as a consLlLuenL
assembly as well as Lhose of a consLlLuLlonal convenLlon called for Lhe purpose of proposlng
amendmenLs Lo Lhe consLlLuLlon lnsofar as observance of consLlLuLlonal provlslons on Lhe
procedure for amendlng Lhe consLlLuLlon ls concerned Lhe lssue ls cognlzable by Lhls CourL
under lLs powers of [udlclal revlew

2 As Lo Lhe merlLs a brlef backdrop of Lhe declslon Lo hold Lhe referendumpleblsclLe wlll help
resolve Lhe lssue lL ls Lo be noLed LhaL under Lhe 1973 ConsLlLuLlon an lnLerlm naLlonal
Assembly was organlzed Lo brlng abouL an orderly LranslLlon from Lhe presldenLlal Lo Lhe
parllamenLary sysLem of governmenL 1he people however probably dlsLrusLful of Lhe
members who are old Llme pollLlclans and consLlLuLlonal delegaLes who had voLed Lhemselves
by Lo membershlp ln Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly voLed agalnsL Lhe convenlng of Lhe sald
lnLerlm assembly for aL leasL seven years Lhus creaLlng a pollLlcal sLalemaLe and a consequenL
delay ln Lhe LransformaLlon of Lhe governmenL lnLo Lhe parllamenLary sysLem 1o resolve Lhe
lmpasse Lhe resldenL aL Lhe lnsLance of Lhe barangays and sanggunlan assemblles Lhrough
Lhelr duly auLhorlzed lnsLrumenLallLles who recommended a sLudy of Lhe feaslblllLy of
abollshlng and replaclng Lhe by lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly wlLh anoLher lnLerlm body Lruly
represenLaLlve of Lhe people ln a reformed socleLy lssued resldenLlal uecree no 991 on
SepLember 2 1976 calllng for a naLlonal referendum on CcLober 16 1976 Lo ascerLaln Lhe
wlshes of Lhe people as Lo Lhe ways and means LhaL may be avallable Lo aLLaln Lhe ob[ecLlve
provldlng for a perlod of educaLlonal and lnformaLlon campalgn on Lhe lssues and esLabllshlng
Lhe mechanlcs and manner for holdlng Lhereof 8uL Lhe people Lhrough Lhelr barangays
addressed resoluLlons Lo Lhe 8aLasang 8ayan expresslng Lhelr deslre Lo have Lhe consLlLuLlon
amended Lhus prompLlng Lhe resldenL Lo lssue resldenLlal uecree no 1033 sLaLlng Lhe
quesLlons Lo [ submlLLed Lo Lhe people ln Lhe referendumpleblsclLe on CcLober 161976

As wlll be seen Lhe auLhorlLy Lo amend Lhe ConsLlLuLlon was removed from Lhe lnLerlm
naLlonal Assembly and Lransferred Lo Lhe seaL of soverelgnLy lLself Slnce Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
emanaLes from Lhe people who are Lhe reposlLory of all pollLlcal powers Lhelr auLhorlLy Lo
amend Lhe ConsLlLuLlon Lhrough Lhe means Lhey have adopLed aslde from Lhose menLloned ln
Lhe ConsLlLuLlon cannoL be galnsald noL much reflecLlon ls also needed Lo show LhaL Lhe
resldenL dld noL exerclse hls marLlal law leglslaLlve powers when he proposed Lhe
amendmenLs Lo Lhe ConsLlLuLlon Pe was merely acLlng as an lnsLrumenL Lo carry ouL Lhe wlll of
Lhe people nelLher could he convene Lhe lnLerlm naLlonal Assembly as suggesLed by Lhe
peLlLloners wlLhouL dolng vlolence Lo Lhe peoples wlll expressed overwhelmlngly when Lhey
declded agalnsL convenlng Lhe lnLerlm assembly for aL leasL seven years

3 1he perlod granLed Lo Lhe people Lo conslder Lhe proposed amendmenLs ls reasonably long
and enough Lo afford lnLelllgenL dlscusslon of Lhe lssues Lo be voLed upon u 991 has requlred
Lhe barangays Lo hold assemblles or meeLlngs Lo dlscuss and debaLe on Lhe referendum
quesLlons whlch ln facL Lhey have been dolng Conslderlng LhaL Lhe proposed amendmenLs
came from Lhe represenLaLlves of Lhe people Lhemselves Lhe people musL have already formed
a declslon by Lhls Llme on whaL sLand Lo Lake on Lhe proposed amendmenLs come Lhe day for
Lhe pleblsclLe 8esldes Lhe ConsLlLuLlon lLself requlres Lhe holdlng of a pleblsclLe for Lhe
raLlflcaLlon of an amendmenL noL laLer Lhan Lhree (3) monLhs afLer Lhe approval of such
amendmenL or revlslon buL wlLhouL seLLlng a deflnlLe perlod wlLhln whlch such pleblsclLe shall
noL be held lrom Lhls l can only conclude LhaL Lhe framers of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon deslred LhaL only
a shorL perlod shall elapse from Lhe approval of such amendmenL or resoluLlon Lo lLs raLlflcaLlon
by Lhe people

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