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s the present verbal time which express an habitual action, it means that, are rutins en
quotidian life and it's different from the perfect present and present continuous
To eat To taIk To pIay To drink
I at Talk Play Drink
You at Talk Play Drink
He/she/it ats Talks Plays Drinks
We at Talk Play Drink
They at Talk Play Drink

ou ork in a company that makes furniture
He drinks a lot of water because he's thirsty

f the verb ends in "y before it's a consonant, it changes for "i and then we add
"es in third person
To carry To study To copy
I Carry Study Copy
You Carry Study Copy
He/She/It Carries Studies Copies
We Carry Study Copy
They Carry Study Copy

He flies an airplane.
She studies for the of tomorrow.
To ash To atch Fix
I ash atch Fix
You ash atch Fix
He/She/It ashes atches Fixes
We ash atch Fix
They ash atch Fix

she goes to the theather.
He watches TV.

There are exceptions from the others examples presented before, like the verbs "to be, "to
have, "can, "may, "must Here are some examples to make this chapter clearer
e Have Can May Must
I am Have Can May Must
You Are Have Can May Must
He/She/It s Has Can May Must
We Are Have Can May Must
They Are Have Can May Must

The negative conjugation it does with the verb "to do and in negative way is used
this verb t collocates "don't" then the subject but before the verb we collocate all
the conjunctions except with third because it's different ("doesn't)
To sIeep
I Don't sleep
You Don't sleep
He/She/It Doesn't
We Don't sleep
They Don't sleep
l don'L llke broccoll
Pe doesn'L llke fooLball because ls Loo rlsky
Cn Lhe book lL doesn'L say anyLhlng abouL cooklng
?ou don'L llke sLeaks because you are vegeLarlan

To do questions, sentences it has question word + auxiliary (do, does) + subject + verb +
o you run ln Lhe park everyday?
o you wanL Lo buy a car?
oes he come Lo your house?
Pow can you Lell me LhaL?

Make sentences in present simpIe ith the next ords from the box.
Drink Eat Write Drive Wash Cook Watch Run Jump Use
ample. drink this soda
I eat this saIad because I'm hungry and I'm a vegetarian.
You rite this note for my parents.
We drive to MaIibu for a meeting.
They ash their on cIothe because it's better that ay.
I cook a dinner for my girIfriend tonight.
I atch TV in the afternoon because I got nothing to do.
We run in the mornings.
I jump because it's funny.
You use a ceII phone in a different ay.

CompIete the next negative sentences ith verbs in the correct form.
ample. don't like strawberries
e don't go to that party because there are a lot of drunken boys
They don't drive to the freeway because it takes much time to get Mexico City
ou don't like anything about my wife because she's not friendly
She doesn't speak Spanish; it's just too difficult to learn it
He doesn't wear his shorts because it's winter

CompIete the next questions ith ord from the box.
Are x(2) Can Do
Does x(2) Ho Is x(2) Have

ample. Do you want to take a nap right now?
Are you a mechanic?
Can you help me with my homework?
Have you worked in a factory before this job?
How can you tell me that?
Does he come tonight to your place?
Are you in London right now?
s this your car because it's beautiful?
Does he read a book for the next exam?
Do you have a motorcycle?
Do you cook this Sunday for everybody?
s this yours?

e use adverbs of frequency to say how often we do things Adverbs of frequency go
before all verbs CPT the verb to be
Never - hardIy ever - rareIy - sometimes - usuaIIy (often) - aIays
Remember that with never and hardly ever we use POSTV sentences
- e don't never smoke (NCORRCT)
- e never smoke
: ith don't and doesn't we use the adverb of frequency after these and before the verb
- e don't usually travel
Sometimes can go at the beginning of the sentence (Sometimes puede ir al comienzo de
una oracin)
The adverbs of frequency answer the typical question starting with "Ho often".
1) How often do you brush your teeth?
aIays brush my teeth
2) How often does your mother cook?
She seIdom/rareIy cooks
3) How often is Claudio late for class
He is never late for class
CompIete the next sentences ith an adverb of frequency.
They never drive They dont have a car
2) rarely eat turkey (Only at Christmas)
3) She doesn't have a watch so she's always late
4) e usually get up at 8:00, except Saturdays and Sundays
5) sometimes play tennis (when have time)
6) e never use the backdoor because it's too far
7) sometimes ride bike but just when don't take the bus
8) They hardly ever take a vacation because always they're working
9) sometimes take a walk after dinner because 'm tired
10) e usually go out for dinner on Saturday because my wife is too lazy to cook

Jhen lLs on Lhe hour we say oclock 8uL only when lLs on Lhe hour
30 minutes is halI an hour, we say "halI past" or "thirty".
15 minutes is quarter oI an hour, we say "quarter past" or "IiIteen" or "quarter to" or "Iorty-
How to uxk the tlme ln Fngllxh.
4 .use me. What time is it, please?
4 .use me. Do you have the time, please?
4 .use me. Could you tell me the time, please?

CompIete the next pictures ith the correct hour.

Twelve o'.lo.

Twelve IiIteen


Quarter past twelve

Twelve thirty


HalI past twelve
We never say "halI to".

Twelve Iorty-Iive


Quarter to one

It's twenty-eight minutes to

It's one minute past

It's just turned halI past

It's nearly three

To improve your skills for reading, here is a text that it shows a little of difficulty and then a
few questions to answer about the text to see your compression

The Beatles
The Beatles were one oI the most inIluential musi. groups
oI the ro. era, and many .onsider them the best
group on arth. Initially they aIIe.ted the post-war baby
boom generation oI Britain and the U.S. during the 1960s,
and later the rest oI the world. Certainly they were the
most su..essIul group, with global sales e.eeding 1.1
billion re.ords.

While they were originally Iamous Ior light-weight pop
musi. (and the etreme rea.tion they re.eived
Irom young women), their later wors a.hieved a
.ombination oI popular and a..laim perhaps unequaled in the 20th .entury.

ventually, they be.ame more than re.ording artists, bran.hing out into Iilm and
parti.ularly in the .ase oI John Lennon a.tivism. They a.hieved an i.oni. status
beyond mere .elebrity, with Iar rea.hing eIIe.ts diIIi.ult to eaggerate.

The members oI the group were John Lennon, (James) Paul M.Cartney, George Harrison
and Ringo Starr (Ri.hard Starey), all Irom Liverpool, Merseyside, ngland. Original
drummer Pete Best was ased to leave the group just beIore it started re.ording. Stuart
Sut.liIIe was with them in Hamburg but also leIt.

0,902,3, began in the UK and eploded Iollowing the appearan.e oI the Beatles on The
d Sullivan Show in the United States, on February 9, 1964. The pop-musi. band be.ame a
worldwide phenomenon with worshipIul Ians, adulation, and denun.iations by
.ulture .ommentators and others su.h as Fran Sinatra.

Some oI this was .onIusion over the oI their musi. (a similar .onIusion was
evin.ed in 1956 over lvis Presley by .ommentators who were unaware oI the tradition oI
blues, R&B and gospel out oI whi.h Presley emerged), and some oI it was simply an
in.redulous rea.tion to the length oI their hair. At any rate, it was regarded by the band
members with both awe and resentment.
1hey were Lhe besL selllng group ln hlsLory
oesn'L say
2 All Lhe members were from Llverpool
oesn'L say

1hey appeared on 1v on ebruary 9 964
oesn'L say

2 1here was some confuslon abouL Lhe sources of Lhelr muslc
oesn'L say
3 1helr muslc was copled by Llvls resley
oesn'L say

4 rank SlnaLra dldnL llke Lhe 8eaLles Loo much
oesn'L say

Like reading you have to improve your skills to writing and what better way that practice all
you can Remember that writing has an structure that you have to follow n the next part
you'll write a note for somebody, which explains what plans you have with that person with
less than 35 words
Hello Josue!
On Saturday it's Too's birthday and we having a party But this time we bring beers and
we'll get drunk lol and we'll having a great time Meet me at 7:00pm OK!
1. Which aspects ent eII?
think in almost was OK
2. Which aspects ere difficuIt?
The most difficult to me was speaking like said in the first partial But that's it got no
problems in other areas
3. What have I discovered about my Iearning?
That can improve my nglish skills in this semester because 've learned more than
4. Which aspects ere usefuI?
The only part that was helpful it will be speaking
5. Which aspects ere a aste of time?
think that almost because actually know this stuff and it's not that 'm conceited
6. Which areas do I need to deveIop further?
Of course that need to improve a lot of things about nglish but now need to improve
my speaking and listening skills 'cause 'm not good
7. Ho do I need to do this?
t is simple just like practice all can because never will be good in nglish until practice
a lot of course
8. What are my next steps and ne Iearning goaIs?
Just have good notes in nglish because really need speak nglish well

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