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1 Name: _____________________________ Number Sense Unit Test Date: _________________ Section A 1.

Write the following numbers into the place value chart: ten thousands thousands hundreds tens ones a) 14 124 b) 5 205 c) 894 d) 92 2. Write numerals for the following number words: a) twenty-three thousand, seven hundred, forty-one _______________ b) sixty thousand, eight hundred, six _______________ c) fifty-three thousand, fifty-three _______________ 3. Write number words for the following numerals: a) 8 320 ____________________________________________________________________ b) 2 246 ____________________________________________________________________ c) 45 700 ____________________________________________________________________ 4. Write the number for the given base ten blocks: Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones Number _________ 5. Sketch a base ten model of the number given: Number Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones 2 432 Unit Tests Workbook 5, Part I

2 Name: _____________________________ Number Sense Unit Test Date: _________________ Section A (continued) 6. Write the number in expanded form (using numerals): a) 2 886 = _____________________________ b) 229 = _____________________________ 7. Write 10, 100, 1000 or 10 000 in the box to make each equation true: a) 6 356 + = 7 356 b) 6 686 = 6 586 c) 23 487 + = 33 487 d) 8 570 = 8 560 e) 29 554 + = 30 554 f) 19 789 = 18 789 8. Create the greatest possible number using these numbers. (Only use each number o nce!) a) 3, 2, 7, 5 __________ b) 0, 5, 3, 2 __________ c) 1, 9, 4, 8 __________ 9. What is the greatest number less than 10 000 whose digits are all the same? 10. Use < or > to identify the greater number: a) 6 223 6 233 b) 47 748 37 197 8 923 d) 73 325 73 324 c) 14 847 11. Using the digits 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, create an even number greater 62 000 and less than 65 000: 12. Write the following numbers in order (from least to greatest): 54 879 12 325 34 389 34 341 6 372 13. Exchange tens for hundreds, or ones for tens: a) 5 hundreds + 4 tens + 24 ones = _____________________________________________

_____ b) 3 hundreds + 57 tens + 8 ones = _____________________________________________ _____ Unit Tests Workbook 5, Part I

3 Name: _____________________________ Number Sense Unit Test Date: _________________ Section B 14. Add, regrouping where necessary: a) 3 3 6 5 b) 7338 c) 3672 d) 1791 +4 3 8 4 + 1544 +4266 +5224 15. In the questions below you will have to regroup two or three times: a) 1 0 0 0 4 8 3 b) 1 0 0 3 7 c) 1 0 0 0 5 2 1 16. Here are some important dates in the history of science: In 1543, Copernicus published a book claiming the sun is the center of our solar system. In 1610, Galileo Galilei used his newly invented telescope to discover the moons of Jupiter. In 1667, Issac Newton announced his law of gravity. a) How long ago did Copernicus publish his book? Show your work: b) How many years passed between each pair of dates given? Show your work: 17. At a summer camp, 324 children are enrolled in baseball. There are 128 more children enrolled in swimming than in baseball. a) How many children are enrolled in swimming? b) How many children are enrolled in lessons altogether? Unit Tests Workbook 5, Part I

4 Name: _____________________________ Number Sense Unit Test Date: _________________ Section B (continued) 18. Use counters or draw arrays (of dots or squares) to solve each question. Write a multiplication statement for each question: a) In a garden, there are b) Paul lines up 7 chairs c) Jenny planted 8 seeds in 6 rows of plants. There in each row. There are each row. There are 4 rows are 5 plants in each row. 3 rows of chairs. How of seeds. How many seeds How many plants are many chairs are there did Jenny plant? there altogether? altogether? 19. Multiply: a) 2 8 1 5 d) 5 2 3 7 c) 2 4 1 6 b) 5 5 2 3 20. Multiply: a) b) c) d) 3 4 3 2 1 2 7 4 4 3 1 2 2 7 2 1 21. A hamster can make an exercise wheel turn 45 times in a minute. At that rate, how many times will the wheel turn in an hour? Unit Tests Workbook 5, Part I

5 Number Sense Name: _____________________________ Unit Test Date: _________________ Section B (continued) 22. Find three different ways to share 19 cookies into equal groups so that one is left over. 23. Three siblings have more than 9 and less than 13 marbles. They share the marbles evenly. How many marbles do they have? 24. Hassim plays basketball every week for 136 minutes. He needs 1350 minutes to get a job at the summer camp. If he plays for 7 weeks, will he have enough hours? 25. Divide: a) 8 4) b) 5 8 7 1 0 9 6 4 c) 8 d) 9 )

9 5 1 )

26. Guerdy packs 78 books into boxes of 5 and Tyree packs 83 books into boxes of 9. Who uses more boxes? Who has more books left over? Unit Tests Workbook 5, Part I

6 Name: _____________________________ Number Sense Unit Test Date: _________________ Section C 27. Round to the nearest thousands place: a) 4 225 b) 3 732 c) 9 849 28. Round to the nearest ten thousands place: a) 81 284 b) 37 786 c) 11 899 29. Round 37 184 to the nearest ... tens thousands hundreds ten thousands 30. A store has the following items for sale: A. Sofa - $397 B. Arm Chair - $163 C. Table - $124 D. Desk - $527 E. Lamp - $94 a) What could you buy if you had $800 to spend? Estimate to find out. Then add the actual prices to check. Show your work: b) List a different set of items you could buy for the same amount of money: 31. Estimate the products by rounding to the leading digits: a) 37 51 = b) 454 81 = c) 388 19 = Unit Tests Workbook 5, Part I

7 Name: _____________________________ Number Sense Unit Test Date: _________________ Section D 32. Round the money amounts to the nearest dollar: a) $21.85 ___________ b) $3.07 ___________ c) $127.42 ___________ 33. How much money would you have if you had the following coins? Write your answer in cent notation then in dollar notation: a) 35 pennies = _____ = ______ b) 7 nickels = _____ = ______ c) 8 dimes = _____ = ______ d) 8 pennies = _____ = ______ e) 6 toonies = _____ = ______ f) 3 quarters = ____ _ = ______ 34. $38.50 $10.30 $6.26 $39.95 $2.74 $25.64 $45.47 $32.89 a) If you bought a watch and a soccer ball, how much would you pay? b) Which costs more: a watch and a cap or a pair of pants and a soccer ball? c) Could you buy a soccer ball, a pair of tennis rackets and a pair of pants for $100? d) What would be the total cost of the three least expensive things shown in the pi ctures above? Unit Tests Workbook 5, Part I

8 Name: _____________________________ Number Sense Unit Test Date: _________________ Section D (continued) 35. Circle the greater amount of money in each pair: a) 183 or $1.86 b) $1.41 or 143 c) 7 or $0.70 36. Tanya s weekly allowance is $4.50. Her mom gave her five coins. Which coins di d she use? 37. Mera has $12.16 and Wendy has $13.47. How much more money does Wendy have th an Mera? 38. Estimate the amount of money shown. Then tally the amount of each denomination and use the space provided to calculate the actual total: a) Estimated Total: _______________ $1 $2 52510 $2 ___ $20 ___ $10 ___ $5 ___ $2 ___ $1 ___ 25 ___ 10 ___ 5 ___ 1 Actual Total : _______________ b) Estimated Total: _______________ $2 25 5 5 1 25 25 ___ $20 ___ $10 ___ $5 ___ $2 ___ $1 ___ 25 ___ 10 ___ 5 ___ 1 Actual Total : _______________ Unit Tests Workbook 5, Part I

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