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A 8rlef Look aL Aqeedah Wllayah

1he loundaLlon of Lhe Shla 8ellglon

kashaful Wllayah

Syed 8aqlr nlsar Zaldl

All CopyrlghLs 8eserved

name kashaful Wllayah

AuLhor Syed 8aqlr nlsar Zaldl

ubllsher Syed 8aqlr nlsar Zaldl

Composer Syed AfLab Pussaln 8lzvl

1lLle ueslgnlng Syed Safdar Abbas Zaldl

ConLacL Moblle (03332120721) (03343396762)

1hls book ls avallable on Lhe followlng webslLes





Cbllvlous 8ellglon

lL ls a unlversally accepLed prlnclple LhaL a person elLher accepLs or denles someLhlng based upon Lhe
amounL of knowledge Lhey have regardlng LhaL sub[ecL lf a person accepLs or denles someLhlng wlLhouL
havlng full knowledge of whaL lL ls Lhey are accepLlng or denylng Lhen Lhelr accepLance or denlal wlll be
baLll (false) lf you have no knowledge regardlng a parLlcular lssue Lhen you can nelLher accepL lL nor
can you deny lL lor example lf you ask a chlld Lo look ln Lhelr room Lo see lf Lhere ls a lapLop Lhere or
noL Lhe chlld wlll come back and say yes Lhere ls 1hen lf you ask Lhe chlld do you know whaL a lapLop
ls 1he chlld wlll reply l don'L know" So ln Lhls slLuaLlon whaL ls Lhe worLh of Lhe word of Lhls chlld? ln
Lhe same way lf you follow a rellglon whlch you have absoluLely no knowledge abouL Lhen LhaL rellglon
ls noLhlng more Lhan lgnorance lf you clalm Lo be a follower of Lhe Shla rellglon Lhen lL ls compulsory
LhaL you have knowledge regardlng Lhe Shla rellglon 1he foundaLlon of Lhls rellglon ls compleLely based
upon Lauheed (Cneness) So flrsL of all you musL know whaL Lauheed ls 1hen ln order Lo galn proof for
your rellglon you musL also fully undersLand Lhe oLher prlnclples of LhaL rellglon as well CLherwlse no
one ln Lhls whole world wlll accepL a rellglon wlLh absoluLely no proof 8emember! All of your good
deeds and acLs of worshlp depend LoLally upon your aqeedah (bellefs) lf your aqeedah ls correcL Lhen
even your lesser good deeds wlll also be accepLed Powever lf your aqeedah ls lncorrecL Lhen no maLLer
how many good deeds you have Lhey wlll all be worLhless ?our aqeedah wlll lead you Lowards hell

1he so called scholars have made Lhe aqeedah become worLhless ln Lhe eyes of oLhers 1hey have made
people belleve LhaL lL ls noL necessary LhaL you undersLand whaL you belleve buL lL ls enough LhaL you
slmply say lL 8ecause of Lhls Lhe whole Shla naLlon ls now obllvlously followlng a rellglon 1he Shla do
noL even reallze Lhelr rellglon has become a source of amusemenL Lo oLhers 8ecause of Lhese so called
scholars shlas now belleve LhaL slmply performlng acLs of worshlp wlLhouL fully knowlng or
undersLandlng why Lhey are dolng Lhem ls enough 1hls ls why Ameerul Momlneen All (as) lbn Abl 1allb
(as) sald no one can be deservlng of any sLaLus unLll he becomes fully aware of all of Lhe aLLrlbuLes of
LhaL sLaLus" (na[ul lsrar llrsL LdlLlon page no 41) ln Lhls brlef Lhesls we cannoL cover Lhe enLlre Shla
rellglon 1herefore we have chosen Lo dlscuss only upon Lhe Loplc of wllayaL because wllayaL ls LhaL
whlch Lhe enLlre Shla rellglon revolves around no Shla bellef can be undersLood wlLhouL wllayaL now
we shall begln from aqeedah Lauheed (bellef of oneness) because wllayaL can only be undersLood
Lhrough Lauheed

1auheed ls Lhe only source from whlch one can galn an undersLandlng of wllayaL


1he same rule applles regardlng Lauheed Pavlng bellef ln Lauheed wlLhouL fully knowlng whaL Lauheed
ls ls of absoluLely no value Accordlng Lo Allah Lhe besL form of bellef ls Lhe recognlLlon of Allah
Ameerul Momlneen (as) says 1he beglnnlng of Lhe rellglon ls galnlng Lhe marlfaL (recognlLlon) of

lL means you have no rlghL Lo reclLe La lllaha lllalah" (1here ls no god oLher Lhan Allah) unLll you galn
Lhe marlfaL (recognlLlon) of Lauheed

Manl ul Akhbar page no 443 hadlLh 49 lmam !afar Sadlq (as) says l have found Lhe whole knowledge of
humanlLy ln four places galnlng Lhe marlfaL of Lord galnlng Lhe marlfaL regardlng one's own creaLlon
galnlng Lhe marlfaL of whaL your Lord wanLs from you and galnlng Lhe marlfaL of LhaL whlch can exclude
you from Lhe rellglon"

Calnlng Lhe marlfaL of Allah

1he flrsL responslblllLy a person has ls recognlzlng hls Lord and CreaLor because rublyaL (lordshlp) ls Lhe
responslblllLy of Lhe CreaLor Lvery person musL answer Lo hls CreaLor regardlng galnlng Lhe marlfaL
(recognlLlon) of hls Lord Allah has revealed all proofs upon humanlLy so LhaL when Lhe Llme comes and
manklnd ls sLood before Allah Lhey wlll have no excuse 1here are Lwo klnds of proof apparenL and
hldden ApparenL proof ls lmam (as) and hldden proof ls lnLellecL now you musL compleLely undersLand
Lhere are so many places ln Lhls world where Allah dld noL send a propheL or sharla (law) Lven Loday
Lhere are naLlons ln Lhe [ungles of Afrlca who have no ldea abouL Lhe concepL of wearlng cloLhes Wlll
such people noL also have Lo answer Lo Lhelr Lord? Wlll Lhey be able Lo say ?ou dld noL send Lo us any
propheL sharla (law) or book So how were we suppose Lo galn ?our marlfaL (recognlLlon)?" AbsoluLely
never 1hey wlll noL be able Lo use Lhls excuse slmply because an apparenL hu[[aL (proof) dldn'L come Lo
Lhem because Allah gave Lhem a hldden hu[[aL (proof) and LhaL ls lnLellecL

1he purpose of lnLellecL ls Lo allow one Lo be able Lo recognlze hls CreaLor noL only Lhls buL lL ls also Lhe
responslblllLy of lnLellecL Lo recognlze Lhe aLLrlbuLes of hls CreaLor 1he flrsL aLLrlbuLe whlch lnLellecL
guldes one Lowards ls knowledge WlLhouL knowledge even maklng a slmple ordlnary clay poL ls
lmposslble 1hen how ls lL posslble Lhls enLlre unlverse can be creaLed wlLhouL knowledge? 1he second
aLLrlbuLe whlch lnLellecL guldes one Lowards ls ablllLy lf a person does noL also possess ablllLy Lhen Lhelr
knowledge ls of no beneflL lor example even Lhough a person mlghL have knowledge regardlng how Lo
make a clay poL buL lf he ls dlsabled he wlll noL possess Lhe ablllLy Lo do so 1he Lhlrd aLLrlbuLe whlch
lnLellecL guldes one Lowards ls auLhorlLy lor example lf a person ls LhlrsLy and knows where Lhe waLer
ls and has a buckeL whlch Lo remove Lhe waLer from Lhe well buL Lhe owner of Lhe well does noL permlL
hlm Lo draw waLer from Lhe well so desplLe havlng knowledge and ablllLy he sLlll wlll noL be able Lo
remove hls LhlrsL 1herefore Lhere are Lhree essenLlal requlremenLs ln order for one Lo be able Lo creaLe
someLhlng knowledge ablllLy and auLhorlLy 1he comblnaLlon of Lhese Lhree ls called wllayaL

now lL has been proven Lhe purpose of lnLellecL ls Lo lead humanlLy Lowards wllayaL

urpose of CreaLlon

lf a person has 1000 poLs of blryanl he wlll only eaL abouL 12 plaLes from lL So whaL wlll he do wlLh Lhe
resL of Lhe blryanl? Cnly an lnsane person wlll slmply leave lL so LhaL lL goes Lo wasLe

ueflnlLely a person wlLh lnLellecL wlll dlsLrlbuLe lL amongsL Lhe people now from Lhls example we can
undersLand LhaL Lhe one who ls Lhe owner of Lhls whole unlverse and has no need of lL whaL wlll Pe do
wlLh lL?

CerLalnly Pe wlll besLow Pls Lreasure upon Pls creaLlon 1hls ls an acL of compasslon lor Lhls reason lL ls
wa[lb (compulsory) LhaL Allah musL be compasslonaLe Powever Pe ls also adl ([usL)

Adl ([usLlce) demands LhaL before one can be blessed he musL flrsL be deservlng 1herefore Allah
esLabllshed a sLandard Allah blesses Lhose who meeL Lhe sLandard 8emember! Allah dld noL creaLe any
of Pls creaLlon slmply Lo punlsh Lhem Pe creaLed Lhem so LhaL Pe could bless Lhem lf a person ls
unforLunaLe and devold of blesslng lL ls hls own faulL 1he CreaLor cannoL be accused

uemand of CreaLor

1he Lhlrd Lhlng whlch every person musL have knowledge of ls Lhose acLs whlch make hlm become
deservlng of Lhe blesslngs of Allah Mullahs have glven you a very long llsL of acLs whlch make you
become deservlng 1he llsL ls so lengLhy LhaL lf a compleLely normal person ponders upon lL Lhey wlll
become abnormal 1here are only Lwo Lhlngs whlch Allah demands from us lf we fulflll Lhese Lwo
demands of our CreaLor Lhen wlLhouL any doubL we wlll become deservlng of Pls blesslngs

1 Sura adhuhaarlyay ayah 36 And l have noL creaLed Lhe [lnn and Lhe men excepL LhaL Lhey should
worshlp Me"

ln Lhls ayah Lhe flrsL Lhlng whlch Allah demands ls worshlp 8elleve me when l say regardless of whaL
Lhese mulvls have Lold you only Masoomeen (as) have Lhe rlghL Lo lnLerpreL Lhe words of Allah
1herefore we wlll ask Masoom (as) for Lhe explanaLlon of Lhe word worshlp" ln Lhe Lafseer of Lhls
ayah lmam Zalnul Abldeen (as) says

ln Lhls ayah Lhe meanlng of worshlp ls galnlng Lhe marlfaL (recognlLlon) of lmam" (1afseer e luraL)
1he flrsL Lhlng whlch Allah demands of you before you wlll become deservlng of Pls blesslngs ls LhaL you
galn Lhe marlfaL (recognlLlon) of Lhe lmam of your Llme 1hls ls why 8asoolAllah (saw) sald Anyone who
dles wlLhouL galnlng Lhe marlfaL of Lhe lmam of hls Llme has dled Lhe deaLh of a [ahll (lgnoranL) kufr
(dlsbellef) and nafaq (hypocrlsy)" now lmaglne a person who Lakes hls shahadah (LesLlmony of falLh)
and prays hls whole llfe fasLs performs numerous ha[[ buL does noL galn Lhe marlfaL of Lhe lmam of hls
Llme now desplLe all of hls acLs of worshlp he wlll dle as a kaflr (dlsbellever) and munaflq (hypocrlLe) All
of hls acLs of worshlp became worLhless because he dld noL fulflll Lhe purpose of hls llfe whlch ls galnlng
Lhe marlfaL of Lhe lmam of hls Llme When he does noL achleve hls purpose Lhen all of hls deeds
become baLll (false)

2 Sura Mulk ayah 2 Who haLh creaLed llfe and deaLh LhaL Pe may Lry you whlch of you ls besL ln deed
and Pe ls Lhe MlghLy Lhe lorglvlng"

ln Lhls ayah Lhe slngular form has been used for Lhe word amal" (deed) lL means Lhere ls only one
deed So lL becomes wa[lb (compulsory) upon every person who seeks forglveness and mercy from hls
Lord LhaL he musL obLaln knowledge regardlng LhaL deed whlch ls Lhe only way he can obLaln salvaLlon

3 Sura naml ayah 8990 Whoso brlngeLh a good deed wlll have beLLer Lhan lLs worLh and such are
safe from fear LhaL uay And whoso brlngeLh an evll deed such wlll be flung down on Lhelr faces ln Lhe
llre Are ye rewarded aughL save whaL ye dld?"

1hls ayah Lells us LhaL our Lord does noL wanL numerous good deeds Pe only demands one good deed
from us 1haL good deed ls a comblnaLlon of all good deeds and wlLhouL Lhls good deed every acL whlch
one does becomes evll now we wlll see whaL LhaL good deed whlch Allah demands from us ls We wlll
answer Lhls quesLlon uslng boLh Shla and Sunnl sources

1 1afseer e Safl page no 33 lL ls narraLed from lmam !afar Sadlq (as) LhaL lmam Muhammad 8aqlr (as)
says Ameerul Momlneen (as) sald ln Lhe Lafseer of Lhls ayah

1haL good deed ls marlfaL (recognlLlon) of Lhe wllayaL of us Ahlul 8ayL (as) and Cur love 1haL evll deed
ls denylng Lhe wllayaL of us Ahlul 8ayL (as) and haLred and envy Lowards us 1hen Ameerul Momlneen
(as) reclLed Lhls ayah"

2 1hls narraLlon can also be found ln 1afseer e Cumml as well

3 ?anabll Muwaddah page no 161 Ameerul Momlneen (as) sald l wlll lnform you regardlng a good
deed lf one does Lhls Allah wlll enLer hlm lnLo [annah l wlll lnform you regardlng an evll deed lf one
does Lhls Allah wlll Lhrow hlm lnLo Lhe flres of hell and no good deed wlll be accepLed lf one performs
Lhls evll deed" 1hen Moula (as) sald 1haL good deed ls Cur love 1haL evll deed ls belng envlous of us"

4 ?anabll Muwaddah page no 433 lmam Pussaln (as) sald 1haL good deed ls lovlng us Ahlul 8ayL

now lL has been made absoluLely clear LhaL our Lord wanLs noLhlng more from us excepL LhaL we love
Ahlul 8ayL (as) and haLe 1helr enemles lf we fulflll Pls demand Lhen we become deservlng of Pls

1hlngs whlch exclude one from Lhe 8ellglon

lL has been proven from Lhe saylngs of lmam !afar Sadlq (as) LhaL lL ls compulsory for man Lo know Lhose
Lhlngs whlch wlll exclude hlm from Lhe rellglon Pere we shall polnL ouL a few of Lhose Lhlngs

1 lL has been clarlfled from our above words LhaL Lhe purpose of rellglon ls Lo love Ahlul 8ayL (as) 1hen
wlLhouL doubL Lhe flrsL Lhlng whlch wlll lmmedlaLely exclude one from Lhe rellglon ls Lhe haLred of Ahlul
8ayL (as) or Lhe love of 1helr enemles ALLenLlon ls LhaL whlch keeps Lhe love allve negllgence ls LhaL
whlch desLroys Lhe love So belng negllgenL ln Lhe love of Ahlul 8ayL (as) ls lncluded ln Lhose Lhlngs
whlch wlll exclude you from Lhe rellglon

Curan has clearly ordered us Lo perform muwaddah As Allah says C'ropheL! Say! l do noL ask you for
any reward for My propheL hood excepL Lhe love of My nearesL kln"

Muwaddah of Ahlul 8ayL (as) ls wa[lb (compulsory) because Lhls ls Lhe reward of propheL hood and
wlLhouL paylng propheL hood lLs reward no one can enLer lnLo Lhe rellglon 1herefore belng negllgenL ln
Lhe muwaddah of Ahlul 8ayL (as) wlll wlLhouL doubL exclude one from Lhe rellglon

?ou musL be very careful and be very aware of Lhls exLremely lmporLanL maLLer Lven havlng some
mlnor negllgence ln Lhe muwaddah of Ahlul 8ayL (as) can desLroy your whole lman (falLh)

We have spoken ln greaL deLall on Lhls Loplc ln our book kashaful Muwaddah

Pere we wlsh Lo say someLhlng LhaL ls off Loplc buL wlll be of greaL beneflL Lo you All shla and sunnl
LranslaLors LranslaLe Lhe word qarba" (near kln slngular form) as qurba" whlch ls absoluLely wrong

l have no ldea where Lhey geL Lhls LranslaLlon from because ln Arablc Lhe word qurba" ls used for
relaLlves (more Lhan one) Curba ls plural whlle qarba ls slngular ln Curan Allah uses Lhe word qarba"
whlch ls femlnlne lor example Lhe word kabeer" lL means greaL lLs superlaLlve ls Akbar" whlch
means Lhe greaLesL Powever akbar ls mascullne 1herefore when you see Lhe Lerm akbar" lL ls
referrlng Lo Lhe greaLesL man" lLs femlnlne wlll be kubra" whlch wlll mean Lhe greaLesL woman"
Llkewlse Lhere ls a word sagheer" whlch means young lLs superlaLlve ls Asghar" whlch means Lhe
youngesL Asghar ls mascullne So akbar means youngesL man" lLs femlnlne ls sughra whlch means
youngesL woman" 1he superlaLlve of Lhe word kareeb (near) ls Akrab" (nearesL) Akrab ls mascullne
lLs femlnlne wlll be karba whlch means Lhe nearesL woman" whlch ls Syeda laLlma Zahra (sa) 1hls ls
why Allah ordered us Lo love Lhose who are assoclaLed wlLh Syeda (sa) (qaraba)

2 1he second Lhlng whlch wlll exclude one from Lhe rellglon ls Lo decrease or lncrease Lhose who are
consldered as Almmah Masoomeen (as) 1hls ls an exLremely lmporLanL lssue

Powever people do noL ever glve any lmporLance Lo Lhls lssue We musL be very careful and noL shrug
our responslblllLy regardlng Lhls very senslLlve lssue lmam ls LhaL sacred Lerm whlch counLless shla have
sacrlflced Lhemselves ln order Lo proLecL Lhe honor and dlgnlLy of Shla have never ever used Lhls Lerm
for a non Masoom Powever nowadays slmpleLon shla have begun allowlng any non Masoom Lo use Lhls
LlLle for Lhemselves ln Lhe name of unlLy" wlLh oLher musllms

non shla have lnLenLlonally used Lhls Lerm ln order Lo desLroy Lhe lmporLance of Lhe LlLle of lmam"
because lmamaLe ls noL lncluded ln Lhelr usool e deen Powever even Lhough shla know Lhe lmporLance
of Lhe LlLle of lmam suddenly ouL of lgnorance and wlLhouL any fear of Allah Lhey have begun uslng Lhls
word for any non Masoom Lhe same way as non shla We shall Lell you whaL an lmam" ls and whaL ls
Lhe lmporLance of lmam" Lo Allah

Sura 1awba ayah 36 Lo! Lhe number of Lhe monLhs wlLh Allah ls Lwelve monLhs by Allahs ordlnance ln
Lhe day LhaL Pe creaLed Lhe heavens and Lhe earLh lour of Lhem are sacred LhaL ls Lhe rlghL rellglon"

ln Lhls ayah Allah ls Lelllng us LhaL Lhe 12 monLhs are Lhe Lrue rellglon ln umda Lul MaLallb llrsL LdlLlon
page no 239 lmam !afar Sadlq (as) sald 1hese 12 monLhs are Lhe 12 lmams (as)"

?ou musL ponder upon Lhls polnL LhaL Allah dld noL declare Pls Lauheed as Lhe Lrue rellglon nor dld Pe
declare Lhe propheL hood of 8asoolAllah (saw) as Lhe Lrue rellglon Pe declared Lhe number of 12 lmams
(as) as Lhe Lrue rellglon now you musL reallze LhaL how greaLly Allah wlshes Lo proLecL Lhe number of
12 lncludlng anoLher or excludlng one of Lhose whom Allah has lncluded ln Lhe 12 ls Lhe same as lf you
have desLroyed Lhe whole rellglon 1herefore anyone who excludes even [usL one of Lhose 12 or lncludes
even [usL one oLher wlLh 1hem Lhen mosL cerLalnly he becomes excluded from Lhe rellglon because Lhe
12 lmams (as) are Lhe Lrue rellglon

3 1he Lhlrd Lhlng whlch can exclude one from Lhe rellglon ls personallLy worshlpplng lL means followlng
and accepLlng Lhe word of anoLher so bllndly wlLhouL any regard as Lo wheLher or noL whaL he ls saylng
ls acLually a parL of Lhe Lrue rellglon or noL Allah has exLreme dlsllke for Lhe one who follows oLhers so
bllndly and never Lrles Lo galn Lhe marlfaL (recognlLlon) of Lhe rellglon hlmself lL ls wa[lb (compulsory)
upon everyone Lo conLlnuously keep Lrylng Lo galn as much knowledge as one posslbly can regardlng Lhe

WlLhouL knowledge nelLher wlll your bellef nor your good deeds be of any beneflL Lo you As Masoom
(as) says 8e knowledgeable or Lry Lo galn knowledge buL do noL follow oLhers bllndly"

(Mazan ul PlkmaL 8Lh volume page no 431) Cne who does noL recognlze hls rellglon and slmply follows
oLhers bllndly Lhen LhaL person wlll cerLalnly be excluded from Lhe Lrue rellglon

ChaybaL e nomanla page no 22 and Mazan ul PlkmaL 8Lh volume page no 476

lmam !afar Sadlq (as) says Anyone who wlll enLer lnLo Lhe rellglon Lhrough oLhers he wlll be Laken ouL
of Lhe rellglon by Lhose same who enLered hlm lnLo Lhe rellglon Anyone who wlll enLer lnLo Lhe rellglon
Lhrough 8ook and Sunnah Lhe mounLalns wlll move before he wlll be removed from Lhe rellglon"

1hese are a few of Lhe polnLs whlch we had brlefly wanLed Lo menLlon When you wlll begln Lo sLudy
you wlll slowly begln Lo undersLand everyLhlng lnshaAllah

MarlfaL (recognlLlon)

1he meanlng of marlfaL ls Lo recognlze one by Lhose aLLrlbuLes whlch only he possesses and no oLher
has lor example when we wlsh Lo galn Lhe marlfaL of 8asoolAllah (saw) we do Lhls Lhrough Pls
aLLrlbuLe 1he Seal of all ropheLs" because 8asoolAllah (saw) ls Lhe only one who was glven Lhe
aLLrlbuLe of Seal of all ropheLs" and lL has never been glven by Allah Lo any oLher person Llkewlse
regardlng Lhe marlfaL of all Masoomeen (as) you musL recognlze each by Lhose aLLrlbuLes whlch are
assoclaLed wlLh only LhaL lndlvldual Masoom (as) 1auheed wlll also be recognlzed ln Lhe same way

MarlfaL of 1auheed (recognlLlon of Cneness)

lL ls qulLe clear LhaL we wlll galn Lhe marlfaL of Allah Lhrough Pls aLLrlbuLes because lL ls lmposslble Lo
galn Pls marlfaL Lhrough Pls zaaL (essence) ?ou cannoL even recognlze an anL by hls zaaL We wlll also
recognlze lL Lhrough lLs aLLrlbuLes So lL ls absoluLely lmposslble Lo recognlze Allah Lhrough Pls essence
We wlll recognlze Allah Lhrough Lhose aLLrlbuLes whlch are apparenL (zahlr) no one can be recognlzed
Lhrough hls hldden (baLln) aLLrlbuLes 1hls ls why Lhe aLLrlbuLes of Allah musL be apparenL (zahlr) When
Lhey are apparenL Lhen anyone who clalms Lo flnd faulL ln Lhese aLLrlbuLes ln reallLy ls clalmlng LhaL
Allah Plmself has some faulL now LhaL we have broughL you Lo Lhls polnL you musL begln Lo undersLand
LhaL Lhe very flrsL aLLrlbuLe whlch was made apparenL and Lhrough whlch Allah could be recognlzed was
Lhe aLLrlbuLe of wllayaL

All of Pls oLher aLLrlbuLes are under wllayaL So Lhe one who wlll be Lhe apparenL manlfesLaLlon of Pls
lsm al Wall" musL Lherefore possess all of Pls oLher aLLrlbuLes as well 1hen we musL belleve Lhe
Mahzer of Allah ls also a khallq (CreaLor) 8lzzaq (SusLalner) Mohl (Cne who glves Llfe) MumlL (Cne
who brlngs ueaLh Lo Lhe Llvlng) Chafar (All lorglvlng) and SaLLar (Cne who covers slns) Anyone who
wlll deny Lhe Mahzer of Allah possesses Lhese aLLrlbuLes has ln reallLy denled Allah We cannoL assoclaLe
any aLLrlbuLe or acLlon wlLh Allah because acLlon means Lo change from one sLaLe lnLo anoLher and
change of sLaLe can never be assoclaLed wlLh Allah

CreaLlon dlsLrlbuLlng rlzq merclful and lordshlp are acLlons whlch cannoL be assoclaLed wlLh Allah 1he
Wall ul MuLLallq (absoluLe wall) of Allah performs all of Lhese acLs WhaLever acLlon ls done by Lhe Wall
ul MuLLallq ls called as Lhe acLlon of Allah" We belleve LhaL Allah ls our CreaLor glves us rlzq
(susLenance) ls merclful ls our Lord because all of Lhese acLs have been revealed Lhrough Pls lsm al

Allah cannoL be recognlzed or belleved ln wlLhouL wllayaL 1he reallLy of Lauheed ls wllayaL Calnlng Lhe
marlfaL of wllayaL ls galnlng Lhe marlfaL of Lauheed ?ou musL remember LhaL wllayaL of Allah ls
assoclaLed wlLh Lhe wllayaL of Moula All (as) Allama uasLghayab wrlLes ln hls book WllayaL" WllayaL
of Moula All (as) and Lhe wllayaL of Allah are one and Lhe same" 1hls senLence of Allama uasLghayab ls
a LranslaLlon of a saylng by lmam !afar Sadlq (as) whlch can be found ln usool e kafl ln whlch lmam (as)
says Cur wllayaL ls Lhe wllayaL of Allah" ln Lhls regard we shall presenL more proofs for you

1 Sura kahf ayah 44 1here Lhe (only) wllayah comes from Allah Lhe 1rue Cne"

ln Lhe Lafseer of Lhls ayah lmam !afar Sadlq (as) says 1hls ls Lhe wllayaL of Ameerul Momlneen (as)"
(usool e kafl)

2 Paqooqul ?aqeen Second volume page no 73 Allama Ma[allsl narraLes a hadlLh of 8asoolAllah (saw)
eople asked 8asoolAllah (saw) C'8asoolAllah who ls Lhe wall?"

8asoolAllah (saw) replled All (as) ls your wall ln Lhls Llme AfLer Plm Pls successor (11 lmams as)"

3 Paqooqul ?aqeen Second volume page no 218 lmam !afar Sadlq (as) sald Allah has declared All (as)
as Pls slgn beLween Plm and Pls creaLlon CLher Lhan Lhls Lhere ls no slgn"

4 umdaLul MaLLallb llrsL LdlLlon page no 433 8asoolAllah (saw) sald Allah has assoclaLed Me wlLh
propheL hood and My Ahlul 8ayL (as) wlLh wllayaL"

now you musL know LhaL absoluLe wllayaL ls assoclaLed wlLh Moula All (as) and Lhe Cffsprlng of Moula
All (as) eople have always been confused regardlng whaL ls wllayaL because all of Lhe aLLrlbuLes and
acLlons of Allah are revealed Lhrough wllayaL lf you have a look aL Lhe mlracles of 8asoolAllah (saw)
Lhey are around 10000 ln numbers lf you compare Lhls wlLh Lhe mlracles of Ameerul Momlneen (as)
Lhen you wlll see Lhe number of mlracles assoclaLed wlLh Moula All (as) are very few Powever even
Lhough Lhe mlracles of 8asoolAllah (saw) are greaLer ln numbers Lhere sLlll ls noL one slngle person who
has clalmed LhaL 8asoolAllah (saw) ls Allah whlle ln every era Lhere are greaL numbers of people who
clalm Moula All (as) ls Allah We musL reflecL upon Lhls polnL LhaL Lhere ls someLhlng lnslde of Moula All
(as) whlch causes Lhe people Lo conslder Plm Lo be Allah We have already Lold you whaL ls LhaL Lhlng
whlch causes Lhe people do Lhls All of Lhe aLLrlbuLes and acLlons of Allah are revealed Lhrough Pls Wall
e MuLLallq so Lhe people who belleve ln apparenL acLlons only begln Lo belleve Moula All (as) ls Allah
because Allah has been apparenLly manlfesLed Lhrough Pls Wall e MuLLallq Moula All (as)

Powever ln reallLy Moula All (as) ls noL Allah Pe ls Lhe Pu[[aL ul Allah (proof of Allah)

More ClarlflcaLlon

lrom Lhe momenL man was placed upon Lhls earLh unLll now man has always worshlpped someLhlng
because worshlpplng ls a parL of hls naLure SomeLlmes he worshlps Lrees rlvers sLars rocks or
mounLalns buL regardless of whaL he worshlps he has lmaglned some power ln LhaL whlch he ls
worshlpplng and has submlLLed hlmself Lo LhaL power As Llme passed man kepL gaLherlng hls lmaglnary
LhoughLs regardlng LhaL whlch he worshlped unLll Lhe Llme for lslam drew near 1hen he found all of hls
lmaglnlngs conLalned ln one person and Pe conLalned enough power and aLLrlbuLes ln Pls acLlons LhaL
Lhe people became convlnced Pe was acLually Lhelr Lord

When Lhe people saw all of Lhese aLLrlbuLes ln Moula All (as) Lhey lmmedlaLely sald 1hls ls our Lord"
ln Lhls slLuaLlon lf Moula All (as) had noL performed sa[dah Lhen all of humanlLy would have consldered
Moula All (as) Lo be Allah Powever Moula All (as) besLowed upon Lauheed lLs Lrue honor and dlgnlLy
because whenever Lhls world called Plm as Allah" Pe lmmedlaLely puL Pls head lnLo sa[dah so LhaL Lhls
world could know LhaL All (as) also has a Lord and All (as) also worshlps someone 1hls sa[dah of Moula
All (as) ls Lhe only proof of Lauheed 1hls ls Lhe only way Lo absoluLely prove Lauheed All oLher
argumenLs are slmply baseless and wlLhouL merlL

1he plnnacle of lnLellecL ls maklng someone be able Lo recognlze hls CreaLor Powever humans are
unable Lo deLermlne who Lhelr CreaLor ls 1hls ls why no one has been able Lo comprehenslvely prove
Lhe myLh of Lauheed unLll Loday 1auheed can only be proven Lhrough Lhe sa[dah of Moula All (as) lL ls
absoluLely lmposslble LhaL anyone can prove Lauheed wlLhouL Moula All (as) even lf Lhey Lry from now
unLll Lhe day of [udgmenL lL can never be proven wlLhouL Moula All (as) Pe wlll slmply conLlnue Lo
worshlp hls own lmaglnary god Pe belleves he ls a follower of Lauheed buL ln reallLy he ls an absoluLe
mushrlk (polyLhelsL)

CharlsmaLlc 8evoluLlon of Lssence

lf someLhlng ls beyond Lhe undersLandlng of human lnLellecL Lhen regardless of how much anyone Lrles
Lhey wlll never be able Lo explaln or lnLroduce someLhlng whlch ls lncomprehenslble Lo manklnd lor
example a person has never eaLen a mango 8egardless of how much you Lry you wlll never be able Lo
make hlm undersLand whaL a mango LasLes llke unLll he LasLes lL for hlmself now here Lhe lssue ls
lnLroduclng Lhe essence of Allah whlch ls beyond Lhe examlnaLlon and undersLandlng of humans As
Ameerul Momlneen (as) sald 1he essence of Allah ls unknown Lo humans" lL means LhaL no one knows
or undersLands Lhe essence of Allah nor wlll Lhey ever be able Lo do so ln a slLuaLlon such as Lhls Lhen
how ls lL posslble Lhe essence of Allah wlll be lnLroduced? 1haL essence whlch ls beyond examlnaLlon
and undersLandlng cannoL be explalned or lnLroduced by such an essence whlch ls wlLhln Lhe
examlnaLlon and undersLandlng of humans

1he essence of Allah can nelLher be seen nor can lL be dlvlded lnLo parLs Cnly LhaL whlch has a physlcal
body can be seen and ln order Lo have a physlcal essence one musL possess Lhree dlmenslons helghL
wldLh and depLh 1herefore Lhe essence of Allah cannoL be lnLroduced or explalned by any essence
whlch possesses any one or all of Lhese Lhree dlmenslons now Lake a look LhroughouL Lhls whole
unlverse and use everyLhlng whlch ls aL your dlsposal and Lry Lo flnd one Lhlng whlch has noL one slngle
dlmenslon no one can deny LhaL such a Lhlng exlsLs because lf lL dld noL Lhen Allah would noL have
been lnLroduced whlle Lhe purpose of Masoomeen (as) was Lo lnLroduce Lhe essence of Allah AfLer
searchlng LhroughouL Lhe whole unlverse we found LhaL Lhlng whlch has noL one slngle dlmenslon noL
helghL nor wldLh nor depLh When lL has no such dlmenslons Lhen lL does noL have a physlcal body
1herefore lf lL has no physlcal body lL cannoL be seen uesplLe of all of Lhls no one can deny lLs

1hls Lhlng lnLroduced Lhe essence of Allah and LhaL Lhlng ls nuqLa" (uoL) Accordlng Lo physlcs LhaL
Lhlng whlch has no helghL wldLh or depLh ls called a nuqLa" (uoL) nelLher does lL have a physlcal body
nor can lL be dlvlded lnLo parLs nor can lL be seen When we draw a clrcle uslng a compass ln Lhe cenLer
we make a small doL 1hls doL ls only Lemporary buL ln reallLy Lhls doL ls also a small clrcle 8ecause doL
does noL have a physlcal body lL ls lmposslble Lo recognlze lL or examlne lL uesplLe of Lhls you wlll noL
flnd one slngle person who wlll deny Lhe exlsLence of Lhe essence of Lhe doL Allah has creaLed Lhls
whole world ln Lhe shape of a clrcle WheLher lLs earLh sun moon or oLher planeLs

Lvery clrcle ls a proof LhaL Lhere ls a cenLer because lf lLs cenLer was noL Lhere lL would noL be able Lo
survlve 1he survlval of Lhe unlverse ls a proof LhaL Lhere ls also some cenLer Lo lL 1haL cenLer ls called
nuqLa (uoL) 1he same doL ls a proof of Lhe essence of Allah As Ameerul Momlneen (as) says ln na[ul
lsrar llrsL LdlLlon page no 34 LveryLhlng ls based upon Lhe doL 1he doL ls a proof of Lhe essence of
Allah" now lL becomes very clear Lhe only way Allah can be lnLroduced or explalned ls by Lhe doL and
from Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe creaLlon of Lhls unlverse unLll Lhe day of [udgmenL Lhere has been only one
personallLy whlch has clalmed Lo be a uoL and LhaL ls my owner my Moula (as) Ameerul Momlneen All
(as) lbn Abl 1allb (as) now lL has been proven LhaL Lhe lnLroducLlon of Lauheed ls lmposslble wlLhouL Lhe
wllayaL of Ameerul Momlneen (as) and anyone who belleves Lauheed wlLhouL Moula All (as) ls noLhlng
more Lhan an ldol worshlpper

8y Lhe Lord of Lhe kaaba l am successful

1hls ls Lhe senLence whlch my Moula (as) sald when Abdur 8ahman lbne Mul[lm maloon (la) sLruck hls
sword on Lhe sacred head of Moula All (as) ln Lhls one senLence Moula (as) explalns Lhe reallLy of Lhe
whole unlverse Pls wllayaL and Lhe LruLh of Lauheed Cne who undersLands Lhls one senLence wlll
never be decelved by Lhe explanaLlon of Lauheed

1hroughouL Lhe whole hlsLory of manklnd Moula All (as) ls Lhe flrsL and only personallLy who uLLered
Lhese words aL Lhe Llme of Pls deaLh We musL reflecL upon Lhese words of Moula All (as) When Moula
(as) sald 8y Lhe Lord of Lhe kaaba l am successful" whaL ls LhaL Lhlng whlch made Plm be successful?
Maaz'Allah was Moula (as) noL successful before Lhls Llme? l don'L care whaL non shla say regardlng Lhls
maLLer buL l am so hurL when l see shla" scholars lowerlng Lhe sLaLus of Cne who ls Lhe greaLness of all

1hey say LhaL even Lhough Moula (as) had all of Lhe aLLrlbuLes buL Pe (maaz'Allah) was devold of Lhe
honor of marLyrdom So when Pe obLalned marLyrdom Pe announced Pls success l don'L Lhlnk Lhere ls
any more lnsulLlng and degradlng sLaLemenL Lhan Lhls llrsL of all why dldn'L Lhe people who were
marLyred before Moula (as) such as Pz Pamza (as) Pz !affar 1ayyar (as) Pz Ammar ?asslr (ra) Pz Cwals
karnl (ra) eLc say Lhese words? Was Lhe shahadaL (marLyrdom) worLhless ln Lhelr eyes? Why was Moula
(as) so proud of LhaL momenL ln whlch one loses all of hls senses? 1he second polnL ls marLyrdom ls LhaL
Lhlng whlch ls Lhe sadqah of Moula (as)'s shoes Lven lf a person dles ln hls own bed buL he has Lhe love
of Moula All (as) aL Lhe Llme of hls deaLh he also ls glven Lhe sLaLus of shaheed (marLyr) As 8asoolAllah
(saw) sald

Anyone who dles on Lhe love of Aal e Muhammad (as) dles Lhe deaLh of a shaheed (marLyr)"

ln such clrcumsLances whaL Lype of honor could shahadaL (marLyrdom) brlng Lo Moula All (as)?

Allah gave Lwo Lasks Lo Moula All (as) whlch were compleLely opposlLe Lo each oLher lL ls consldered
lmposslble Lo perform Lwo LoLally opposlLe Lasks aL Lhe same Llme Powever Moula All (as) proved lL Lo
be posslble even Lhough accordlng Lo lnLellecL lL ls absoluLely lmposslble LhaL one can be able Lo perform
boLh Lhese compleLely and LoLally opposlLe Lasks aL Lhe same Llme

Moula (as)'s flrsL responslblllLy was Lo prove Lhe essence of Allah and Lo pracLlcally prove Lhe Lauheed of
Allah ln order for Lhe people Lo belleve ln Lhe Cneness of Allah and Lo worshlp Allah

1hls Lask was noL posslble unLll people were able Lo see Lhe aLLrlbuLes of Allah wlLh Lhelr own eyes lL
only becomes posslble when all of Lhe aLLrlbuLes of Allah were revealed Lhrough Moula All (as) so LhaL
Lhe people could wlLness Lhem by Lhelr own eyes and LesLlfy Lo whaL Lhey had seen Lhemselves

Powever ln Lhls slLuaLlon no one would ever have belleved Lhere was any oLher Allah excepL Moula All
(as) because whaLever lmaglnlngs Lhey had abouL Allah ln Lhelr mlnds and whaLever aLLrlbuLes Lhey had
assoclaLed wlLh Allah Lhey were seelng even greaLer Lhan LhaL belng revealed Lhrough Moula All (as)
1he purpose of Moula All (as) seemed Lo be unsuccessful now Moula All (as) had Lo prove Pls servlLude
ServlLude cannoL be proven unLll you express your humlllLy ower and humlllLy are compleLe opposlLes
of each oLher lf you prove you are powerful Lhen you cannoL prove you are humble lf you prove you
are humble Lhen you lose power ln Lhls clrcumsLance Moula (as)'s purpose could noL be fulfllled Cn
Lhe 19Lh of 8amadan ln Mas[ld e kufa a horrlble lncldenL occurred 1hls lncldenL has been preserved ln
Lhe hlsLory for all of manklnd unLll Lhe day of [udgmenL When Moula All (as) was sLruck upon Lhe head
Pe was performlng sa[dah Lo someone and no one ls able Lo deny Lhls 1hls was LhaL success whlch
Lurned Lhe lmposslble lnLo posslble

Pumbleness of Masoom (as)

AL Lhls polnL lL ls compulsory Lo undersLand LhaL humlllLy whlch Masoomeen (as) use Lo reveal ln order
Lo proLecL Lauheed CLherwlse Lhe people of lesser lnLellecL wlll sLarL Lo belleve LhaL someLlmes
Masoomeen (as) are powerful and someLlmes 1hey are humble ?ou musL remember Masoomeen (as)
are Mazher e 1auheed (manlfesLaLlon of Cneness) 1helr purpose was Lo prove Lauheed 1herefore lL ls
wa[lb (compulsory) LhaL 1hey possess all of Lhe aLLrlbuLes of Lauheed because aL Lhe Llme of Lhe
revelaLlon of Lauheed lf LhaL whlch ls golng Lo prove Lauheed possesses even a fracLlon of a faulL Lhen
LhaL whlch lL ls aLLempLlng Lo prove (Lauheed) wlll also be lncompleLe

So lL ls wa[lb (compulsory) Lo belleve Masoomeen (as) have absoluLe commandmenL 1helr
commandmenL ls noL Lemporary 1helr commandmenL has always been ln exlsLence and ls a parL of
1helr essence lL ls absoluLely lmposslble LhaL even for a slngle momenL LhaL 1helr commandmenL can
become separaLed from 1hem 1hey expressed 1helr humlllLy accordlng Lo 1helr wlll noL because of
some helplessness lor example lf an anL ls walklng on your body you [usL fllck lL off ?ou do noL klll lL
SomeLlmes lL wlll blLe you and you wlll have a red swollen spoL and wlll feel lLchlng Powever lf ln Lhls
slLuaLlon you do noL klll lL lL ls noL due Lo your humlllLy lL ls due Lo your mercy Llkewlse lf Masoom (as)
allow someone Lo overcome 1hem lL ls noL due Lo 1helr humlllLy lL ls due Lo 1helr hlkmaL (wlsdom)
because Masoomeen (as) are Lhe Callphs of Allah and Lhe hlkmaL (wlsdom) of Allah ls revealed Lhrough
1hem llroun (la) clalmed Lo be Allah for 1000 years and Allah remalned sllenL lor cenLurles 360 ldols
were kepL lnslde of LhaL house whlch Allah calls as Pls Pouse" whlle Allah remalned sllenL lL was noL
due Lo Lhe humlllLy of Allah lL was Pls hlkmaL (wlsdom) 1haL same hlkmaL (wlsdom) whlch ls revealed
Lhrough Masoomeen (as) 1here are numerous examples LhroughouL hlsLory 1he vlcLor of 8adr o
Punaln o uhud o khayber Ameerul Momlneen (as) who was more powerful Lhan whole armles Lhen
how ls lL posslble for a few people Lo place a rope around Pls neck and drag Plm Lhrough Lhe sLreeLs?
Powever hlsLory ls a wlLness LhaL such an evenL dld occur AnoLher example was durlng Lhe Llme Lhe
people were busy appolnLlng Lhelr so called callpha and forgeLLlng Lhe demlse of Lhelr ropheL Cnce
Lhey had flnlshed wlLh Lhelr appolnLmenLs Lhey found LhaL Lhelr ropheL (saw) had already been burled
upon hearlng Lhls Lhey became exLremely angry and wanLed Lo dlg up Lhe grave of 8asoolAllah (saw) ln
order Lo Lake Pls body ouL and reclLe Lhe funeral prayer agaln AL LhaL momenL Lhere was a huge
gaLherlng of people and accordlng Lo narraLlons all of Lhe people were carrylng weapons Cn Lhe oLher
hand Ameerul Momlneen (as) was all alone

Ameerul Momlneen (as) sLood beslde Lhe grave of 8asoolAllah (saw) drew a llne upon Lhe ground wlLh
Pls sword and sald Anyone who sLeps over Lhls llne wlll noL be able Lo survlve Lhe blow of My sword"
Was lL dlfflculL for Lhe enLlre army Lo make an unlLed aLLack agalnsL Moula All (as)? Powever Lhey were
noL as sLupld as Lhe mulvls of Loday and LhaL ls why Lhey reLurned back quleLly 1he quesLlon ls aL LhaL
momenL where dld LhaL power whlch Moula All (as) revealed come from? AfLer Lhe lncldenL occurred
where dld LhaL power go? 1hls conLradlcLlon ln Lhe acLlons of Masoom (as) ls lLself a proof LhaL Lhe
humlllLy of Masoom (as) ls relaLed Lo hlkmaL (wlsdom) noL absoluLe humlllLy 1hls was LhaL humlllLy
whlch Moula (as) used Lo express ln order Lo keep Lhe people from becomlng decelved Pe dld Lhls so
LhaL Lhose people who had been worshlpplng ldols for Lhousands of years and had ldol worshlpplng ln
Lhelr blood would noL abandon worshlpplng Lhelr ldols and slmply begln Lo worshlp Masoomeen (as)
lnsLead ln order Lo galn Lhls purpose Lhese Sacred Lssences had Lo suffer unlmaglnable sufferlngs 1hey
bore unlmaglnable aLroclLles were assasslnaLed Lhls ls 1helr greaLness Lo Allah and Lhe whole Curan ls
full of 1helr greaLness

Waslla (lnLercesslon)

ln order Lo make a connecLlon beLween Lwo Lhlngs whlch cannoL be dlrecLly connecLed Lo each oLher
we musL have some Lhlrd Lhlng Lo connecL Lhose flrsL Lwo 1haL Lhlrd Lhlng ls called waslla lor example
waLer and flre cannoL connecL Lo each oLher ln order Lo heaL Lhe waLer by flre we musL have a Lhlrd
Lhlng whlch ls a poL whlch ls connecLed Lo Lhe flre on one slde and Lhe waLer on Lhe oLher lL Lakes heaL
from Lhe flre and glves Lo Lhe waLer Any connecLlon beLween CreaLor and creaLlon ls absoluLely
lmposslble 1herefore wlLhouL any doubL Lhere ls an absoluLe need for a waslla

All Lhe blesslngs of Allah can only reach Lo Lhe creaLlon Lhrough LhaL waslla 1here are Lwo klnds of
blesslngs whlch come from Lhe CreaLor Lo Lhe creaLlon falz e Lashrle and falz e Laqwlnl 1he orders
whlch come from Allah Lo Pls creaLlon ls called falz e Lashrle WhaLever beneflLs come from Lhe CreaLor
Lo Pls creaLlon ls called falz e Laqwlnl lor example llfe healLh rlzq chlldren eLc 1hls ls why Lhere are
propheLs and messengers because Lhe creaLlon ls unable Lo recelve orders dlrecLly from Allah so Lhey
musL be some form of waslla Lo glve Lhese orders Lo Lhe creaLlon Llkewlse Lhe creaLlon cannoL also
recelve Lhese falz e Laqwlnl dlrecLly from Allah 1here musL also be a waslla 1haL waslla musL be
dlfferenL from whaLever Lwo Lhlngs lL connecLs As ln Lhe above example Lhe poL whlch ls Lhe waslla ls
dlfferenL from Lhe Lwo Lhlngs lL ls connecLlng flre and waLer So LhaL waslla whlch ls beLween Allah and
Pls creaLlon wlll noL be llke Allah nor wlll Pe be llke creaLlon

1wo words are used for waslla hl[ab (vell) and barzakh 1here are uncounLable processes whlch could
be found LhroughouL Lhe unlverse whlch occur sponLaneously on dlfferenL occaslons whlch are absoluLe
vlLal Lo Lhe survlval of Lhe unlverse Llkewlse Lhere are uncounLable vells or wasllas beLween CreaLor and
creaLlon and every vell ls dependenL upon Lhe one before lL unLll Lhls process reaches Lo Lhe lasL vell
where Lhere ls no Lhlrd Lhlng beLween Lhls vell and Allah

1hls vell ls noL dependenL upon any oLher Lhlng excepL Allah Allah has ordered us ln regards Lo Lhls
Pl[ab ln order Lo Lurn Lowards Allah search for a speclflc waslla" So Lhe purpose of our llfe ls Lo search
for Lhls lasL vell When we flnd lL Lhen we musL aLLach ourselves Lo Lhls waslla We wlll ask Lhe ropheL
of Allah Lo Lell us who LhaL lasL vell ls for whom Lhere ls noLhlng beLween Plm and Allah and ls dlrecLly
relaLed Lo Allah

8asoolAllah (saw) sald 1here ls no vell beLween Allah and All (as) and All (as) ls a vell beLween Allah
and Pls creaLlon"

lL has been clearly proven from Lhls hadlLh beyond any doubL LhaL Moula All (as) ls LhaL lasL vell and
Lhere ls no vell beLween Moula All (as) and Allah WhaLever All (as) geLs Pe does so dlrecLly from Allah
and everyone else obLalns lL Lhrough Moula All (as) regardless lf lL's llfe healLh rlzq chlldren propheL
hood lmamaLe or wllayaL Moula All (as) ls Lhe absoluLe and only one who blesses everyone (klLab
Sulalm bln Cals page no 273)

usool e kafl klLab e lman o kufr chapLer 293 hadlLh 2 lmam Muhammad 8aqlr (as) sald

Allah made All (as) as a slgn beLween Plm and Pls creaLlon Cne who galns Pls marlfaL ls a momln Cne
who denles ls a kaflr Cne who remalns lgnoranL (one who does noL galn marlfaL) has gone asLray Cne
who lncludes someLhlng wlLh Plm ls a mushrlk (polyLhelsL)"

1hrough Lhls hadlLh every person can examlne for hlmself and know whaL hls sLaLus ls We also learn
from Lhls hadlLh LhaL Lhe real shlrk ls when someone lncludes anoLher ln Lhe wllayaL of Ameerul
Momlneen (as) lf you see someone clalmlng Lo have Lhe same wllayaL as Moula All (as) Lhen you should
be able Lo know whaL ls Lhls person's sLaLus very easlly

SLages of WllayaL

1haL lasL vell whlch we [usL lnLroduced ls Lhe wllayaL of Allah who ls Lhe CreaLor SusLalner Lord of Lhe
whole unlverse and Peavens and holds Lhe whole unlverse ln Pls palm ?ou cannoL deny any of Lhe
aLLrlbuLes whlch are relaLed Lo Allah because every aLLrlbuLe of Allah ls revealed Lhrough Plm 8ecause
people are unaware of Lhe LruLh regardlng wllayaL Lhey have mlxed LogeLher dlfferenL klnds of wllayaL
and have become doubLful regardlng Lhe wllayaL of Allah

1hey are always afrald of commlLLlng shlrk" Lven Lhough lf Lhey ponder Lhey wlll know LhaL flndlng
faulLs ln Lhe wllayaL of Allah and noL bellevlng ln Lhe powers of wllayaL ls Lhe real shlrk ln reallLy Lhere
are dlfferenL klnds and sLages of wllayaL So you musL be aware of Lhese dlfferences and musL be able Lo
separaLe Lhe wllayaL of Allah from Lhese oLher wllayaLs and Lhen reflecL deeply upon Lhls We shall
explaln Lhe dlfferenL klnds of wllayaL buL before dolng so you musL undersLand Lhe facL LhaL Lhese
wllayaLs are noL found ln books 1helr foundaLlon ls based purely upon examlnaLlon 1hese names are
Lhe resulL of examlnlng Lhese wllayaLs

WllayaL e llLrl (naLural wllayaL)

Lvery human possesses Lhls wllayaL 1he mlnlmum wllayaL whlch man possesses ls LhaL he has auLhorlLy
over hls body and lLs parLs Powever when a parL of Lhe body becomes dlsabled Lhls wllayaL ls removed
lor example lf hands or feeL become dlsabled or one loses hls eyeslghL or ears become deaf Lhen Lhe
person loses hls auLhorlLy over hls body parLs

WllayaL e Sharle

1he sharla glves Lhls wllayaL Lo manklnd lor example a faLher ls wall of hls daughLer or afLer Lhe demlse
of faLher son becomes hls wall lf one adopLs an orphan he becomes Lhe wall of LhaL orphan Lven
Lhough Lhls wllayaL ls common buL only Lhose who embrace lslam can obLaln Lhls wllayaL and come
wlLhln Lhe clrcle of sharlaL e Muhammad (saw) 1hls wllayaL ls also noL permanenL ln cerLaln
clrcumsLances lL ls removed lor example when a daughLer geLs marrled Lhe wllayaL of Lhe faLher ls
removed from her or lf a son ls dlslnherlLed and when Lhe orphan becomes an adulL Lhen Lhe wllayaL
of hls paLron ls removed

WllayaL e Zllll

1he Lhlrd sLage of wllayaL ls one whlch ls obLalned Lhrough love When Lhe love of Lhe Wall of Allah ls
flrmly aLLached lnslde one's hearL Lhen Lhe noor of wllayaL ls revealed upon LhaL hearL

1he secreLs of wllayaL reveal Lhemselves Lo hls hearL 1hls wllayaL ls a blesslng from Wall of Allah noL Lhe
personal efforL of Lhe one who has lL Pz Salman larsl (as) Pz Abu uhar (ra) Pz Messam 1ammar (ra)
and Pz 8ahlool (ra) are lncluded ln Lhose Awallya Allah

1hls wllayaL can also be removed lor example lf greedlness or self admlraLlon comes lnLo one's hearL
or lf he uses Lhls wllayaL ln order Lo galn worldly deslres ln such clrcumsLances Lhe wllayaL wlll be
removed from hlm

1he example of 8alam 8aoor ls ln fronL of us Allah blessed hlm wlLh Pls lsm e Azm buL he became
Lreacherous Lowards Lhe roofs of Allah Pz Musa (as) and Pz Paroon (as) and Allah removed Lhls
blesslng of lsm e Azm from hlm

WllayaL e lllahlya Sughra

1he fourLh sLage of wllayaL ls assoclaLed wlLh propheLs and Lhelr successors 1hls ls a llmlLed wllayaL
based upon Lhe level of sLaLus whlch Lhe propheL has and cannoL go beyond LhaL level

WllayaL e lllahlya WusLa

1he flfLh sLage of wllayaL ls assoclaLed wlLh Lhose members of Ahlul 8ayL (as) whose wllayaL ls connecLed
wlLh Lhe wllayaL of lmam (as) such as Syeda Zalnab (sa) Pz Abbas Alamdar (as) Pz All Akbar (as) Pz All
Asghar (as) and Pz Caslm (as) All Lhe MoLhers of Masoomeen (as) are also lncluded ln Lhls sLage of
wllayaL such as Syeda Amlnah (sa) laLlma blnLe Asad (sa) Syeda khadl[a (sa) Shahr 8anoo (sa) and all
MoLhers of Lhe lmams (as)

WllayaL e lllahlya kubra

1he slxLh sLage of wllayaL ls assoclaLed wlLh Lhe Seal of all ropheLs Pz Muhammad (saw) 1he clrcle of
Pls WllayaL ls spread LhroughouL Lhe enLlre unlverse 1here ls noL a one slngle parLlcle ln Lhls unlverse
whlch does noL fall under Pls WllayaL

WllayaL e lllahlya MuLLallqa (AbsoluLe WllayaL of Allah)

1he sevenLh and flnal sLage of wllayaL ls Lhe wllayaL of Allah Plmself whlch ls free from any llmlL or
condlLlons and a parL of all worlds ulvlnlLy and humanlLy are noL connecLed lf Lhls connecLlon was
posslble Lhen Lhere would be no need for waslla whlle Lhe words of Curan Search for Lhe waslla" ls a
proof LhaL Lhe essence of waslla ls compulsory beLween Lhe CreaLor and creaLlon

So we have Lo admlL LhaL Lhere ls a waslla and vell beLween dlvlnlLy and humanlLy whlch ls Lhe source
LhaL allows Lhe blesslngs of Allah Lo reach Lo Pls creaLlon and Lhls ls Lhe wllayaL of Allah

1he marlfaL of Lhls Waslla and Pl[ab ls called Lhe marlfaL of Allah lrom one seed of rlzq unLll Lhe
nabulyaL lmamaLe and wllayaL absoluLely everyLhlng comes from Lhls CreaLesL vell no one has
clalmed Lo be Lhe CreaLesL vell excepL my Moula (as) Ameerul Momlneen All (as) lbn Abl 1allb (as)
ApparenLly a clalm ls worLhless wlLhouL proof however proof ls also worLhless wlLhouL a clalm lf a
sollclLor wlLhouL flllng a clalm sLands ln fronL of Lhe [udge and sLarLs glvlng a deposlLlon Lhe flrsL
quesLlon Lhe [udge wlll ask hlm ls Mr SollclLor have you flled a clalm for Lhls LesLlmony whlch you are
presenLlng Loday?" unLll a clalm ls flled no proof wlll be of any beneflL no one can be lncluded wlLh
Ameerul Momlneen (as) aL Lhe sLaLus of CreaLesL vell because Moula All (as) ls Mahzer of 1auheed and
dolng shlrk ln Lhe essence of Moula (as) ls Lhe same as dolng shlrk ln Lhe essence of Allah As we have
prevlously menLloned shlrk ls always done wlLhln waslla noL wlLhln ln Lhe essence of Allah

WhaL ls 8ellglon?

1he hlsLory of shla ls very bloody 1he pens of hlsLorlans are fllled wlLh Lhe blood of shla 1he hlsLory of
Lhe shla rellglon lLself ls very palnful 1hls ls LhaL rellglon whlch ls so oppressed LhaL lL ls hldden by boLh
lLs enemles and lLs followers Lven Loday Lhere ls no example of Lhe shla rellglon ln any organlzed form
LhroughouL Lhe enLlre world eople are Lold LhaL lf you offer prayer wlLh your hands aL your sldes and
puL your head ln sa[dah on a plece of clay Lhen you are shla lf you noLlce Loday shla rellglon has
become a copy of sunnl rellglon 1he slgn of every rellglon ls lLs kallma (LesLlmony) and Lhe slgn of Lhe
shla rellglon ls Lhe kallma Allunwallullah"

Powever Loday Lhls sacred LesLlmony has been excluded from Lhe shla kallma 8ead Lhe Lawzlh of any
mu[Llhld and you wlll flnd Lhe same kallma whlch ls reclLed by sunnls Allunwallullah has become [usL a
formal Lhlng 1hey also do noL declare Allunwallullah as wa[lb (compulsory) ln adhan elLher 1hey have
even excluded Wasl 8asoolAllah (saw) wa CallphaLahu bllla fasal" because sunnls dlsllke Lhls 1hey have
declared lf you read Allunwallullah ln your prayer Lhen

your prayer wlll become baLll (false) now declde for yourself When Lhe kallma (LesLlmony) lLself has
been changed Lhen where ls Lhe shla mazhab?

MarlfaL ls Lhe baslc plllar of Lhe shla rellglon because lf any person dles wlLhouL galnlng marlfaL Lhen
based upon Lhe saylng of 8asoolAllah (saw) he has dled Lhe deaLh of a kufr (dlsbellef) and nafaq
(hypocrlsy) 8uL Loday Lhe shla do noL even know Lhe meanlng of Lhe word marlfaL

Many people ask each oLher WhaL ls marlfaL"? lf someone explalns lL Lhen he ls labeled nusalrl Lven
Lhough nusalrl ls one who belleves All (as) ls Allah and Moula All (as) has no Lord

Powever lf someone belleves LhaL lf we are glven mllllons of llves even Lhen we wlll noL be able Lo
descrlbe all of Lhe aLLrlbuLes of Moula All (as) Lhey sLlll belleve Moula All (as) has a Lord and also use Lo
worshlp Allah such people as Lhls are Lhe Lrue and pure shla 1hls ls Lhe real shla rellglon As Ameerul
Momlneen (as) Plmself says 8elleve LhaL We have a Lord oLher Lhan Lhls say whaLever you wanL
regardlng Cur aLLrlbuLes Lven Lhen you wlll noL be able Lo descrlbe even one of Cur aLLrlbuLes because
you can never empLy an ocean wlLh a cup" (8lhar ul Anwar)

8uL now people have creaLed boundarles for Moula All (as) and anyone who crosses Lhelr boundarles ls
declared as a nusalrl eople are so afrald of Lhls word LhaL wlLhouL knowlng Lhe LruLh of Lhls word Lhey
sLay far away from such person who descrlbes Lhe aLLrlbuLes of Moula All (as) ln Lhls way 1hls ls how
Lhose who are ln charge of Lhe shla rellglon have removed lLs Lrue splrlL and made lL become a llfeless
rellglon 1hey have done Lhe same Lhlng Lo wllayaL Lven Lhough Lhe reallLy of Lhe shla rellglon ls Lhe
wllayaL of Ameerul Momlneen (as) whlch ls Lhe wllayaL of Allah buL Lhese rellglous landlords have made
shla so lgnoranL ln regards Lo Lhe Lerm wlalyaL LhaL lf you asked Lhem whaL Lhe Lrue rellglon ls Lhey
would be unable Lo answer you

Lven Lhough Lhe one and only answer Lo Lhls quesLlon ls wllayaL e Moula All (as)

1 Sura 8oom ayah 30 1hen seL your face uprlghL for rellglon ln Lhe rlghL sLaLe Lhe naLure made by
Allah ln whlch Pe has made men Lhere ls no alLerlng of Allahs creaLlon LhaL ls Lhe rlghL rellglon buL
mosL people do noL know"

ln usool e kafl 1afseer e Cuml and 1afseer e Safl ln Lhe explanaLlon of Lhls ayah lmam Muhamamd
8aqlr (as) says 8ellglon ls wllayaL of Ameerul Momlneen (as) 1hls ls Lhe naLure and Lhls ls Lhe Lrue

2 Sura ashShura ayah 13 Pe has made plaln Lo you of Lhe rellglon whaL Pe en[olned upon nuh and
LhaL whlch We have revealed Lo you and LhaL whlch We en[olned upon lbrahlm and Musa and lsa LhaL
keep Lo obedlence and be noL dlvlded Lhereln"

ln 1afseer e Safl and Cuml Masoom (as) says 8ellglon ls wllayaL of Ameerul Momlneen (as)"

3 Sura 1awba ayah 33 Pe lL ls Who senL Pls Messenger wlLh guldance and Lhe rellglon of LruLh LhaL Pe
mlghL cause lL Lo prevall over all rellglons Lhough Lhe polyLhelsLs may be averse"

ln usool e kafl klLab e Pu[[aL chapLer 107 hadlLh 91 lmam !afar Sadlq (as) says WllayaL ls Lhe rellglon of

4 Sura Ma'oon ayah 1 Pave you seen hlm who calls Lhe rellglon a lle?"

ln Lhe Lafseer of Lhls ayah lmam !afar Sadlq (as) and lmam 8eza (as) say 1he rellglon ls Lhe wllayaL of
Ameerul Momlneen (as)"

We have only presenLed four ayahs from amongsL Lhe hundreds ln Curan whlch clearly prove LhaL

1 WllayaL ls LhaL naLure upon whose basls all of humanlLy was creaLed

2 WllayaL ls Lhe rlghLeous rellglon

3 WllayaL ls Lhe Lrue rellglon

4 WllayaL ls LhaL rellglon upon whlch all of Lhe sharla of every propheL depends

3 1hrough wllayaL lslam wlll overcome all oLher rellglons

6 WllayaL ls LhaL absoluLe LruLh whlch Lhe people deny

1hese explanaLlons are a proof LhaL Lhe presenL shla rellglon whlch has excluded wllayaL ln every aspecL
ls an unnaLural false rellglon of denlers now whoever wlshes may remaln sLuck ln Lhls fake rellglon buL
Lhose who wlsh Lo be blessed by Allah musL search for Lhe Lrue rellglon lf you Lruly wanL Lo be
assoclaLed wlLh Lhe real and Lrue rellglon Lhen you musL send lanaL upon Lhls fake rellglon 1he Lrue
rellglon ls LhaL whlch beglns wlLh Moula (as) ends wlLh Moula (as) lLs zahlr (apparenL ) ls Moula (as)
and lLs baLln (hldden) ls Moula (as)and LhaL ls Lhe wllayaL e Ameerul Momlneen (as) lf you wlsh Lo rld
of yourself of falsehood and begln searchlng for Lhe LruLh our books are very useful ln Lhls regard

8emoval of AsLonlshmenL

?ou musL be wonderlng LhaL lf Lhe real and Lrue rellglon ls wllayaL of Moula All (as) Lhen how ls lL
posslble LhaL lL could be removed from Lhe shla rellglon CerLalnly Lhls ls a very lmporLanL quesLlon and
lL ls absoluLely necessary LhaL one musL flnd lLs answer 8emember shalLan (la)'s alm ls noL Lo make you
drlnk wlne gambllng fornlcaLlon or lnvolvlng you ln oLher evlls

All of Lhese slns can be forglven Suppose a person who has been drlnklng wlne and commlLLlng
counLless oLher slns and afLer 70 years he reallzes whaL he has done LhroughouL hls enLlre llfe feels
regreL ln hls hearL and asks forglveness from hls Lord so because Allah has promlsed Lo forglve slns
Lhen cerLalnly Allah wlll accepL Lhe repenLance of such person Llke Lhls shalLan (la)'s 70 years worLh of
hard work wlll go ln valn ShalLan (la) ls noL sLupld Pe does noL force people Lo commlL Lhose slns whlch
can be forglven Pe makes people commlL Lhose slns whlch can never be forglven and where Lhe door of
repenLance ls closed forever 8ecause hls purpose ls Lo show Lhe way of hell Lo Lhe people Pe makes
people Lo commlL Lhose slns whlch wlll Lake Lhem lnLo Lhe flres of hell for all of eLernlLy and LhaL sln ls
negllgence and enmlLy of Ahlul 8ayL (as) 1hls sln ls Lhe mosL effecLlve weapon of shalLan (la) Pe makes
people so bllnd ln followlng Lhelr apparenL worshlps LhaL no one even Lhlnks of golng Lowards Ahlul 8ayL
(as) 1hls ls noL our own personal oplnlon We shall conflrm our words Lhrough our owner Ameerul
Momlneen (as)

na[ul lsrar page no 266268

Ameerul Momlneen (as) sald Lo kumall lbne Zlad C'kumall! uo noL be decelved by such people who
pray numerous prayers and fasL regularly glve sadqah and Lhlnk Lhey are blessed C'kumall! l swear by
My Lord l heard 8asoolAllah (saw) saylng

When shalLan (la) wlshed Lo enLer a naLlon lnLo evlls such as drlnklng wlne usury and oLher slns such
as envy Lhen flrsL he Lurns Lhem Lowards numerous acLs of worshlp and Lhen Lraps Lhem ln Lhe love of
Lhose lmams whlch wlll lead Lhem Lowards hell on Lhe day of [udgmenL" My Moula (as) ls Lhe LruLh of all
LruLhs now you can see wlLh your own eyes LhaL afLer maklng people become busy ln apparenL
worshlps shalLan (la) Lhen lnvlLed Lhem Lowards a 13Lh lmam Many of Lhe followers of shalLan (la)
accepLed Lhls lnvlLaLlon

lrom readlng Lhe saylngs of Moula (as) you can clearly see ln whlch way shalLan (la) leads Lhe people
asLray Mulvls follow Lhe formula of Lhelr murshad (shalLan la) and make people become so busy ln
apparenL worshlps LhaL Lhey forgeL everyLhlng else 1hey were Lold LhaL Lhe Lhlngs whlch wlll Lake Lhem
lnLo [annah are Lhelr acLs of worshlp noL lman (falLh) marlfaL (recognlLlon) and love 1hey made Lhe
people become so afrald LhaL Lhey sLopped Lhlnklng of anyLhlng oLher Lhan Lhelr apparenL acLs of
worshlp We shall now show you a brlef look aL Lhls fear so LhaL you can see for yourself how deep of an
effecL Lhls has had on Lhe people and whaL Lhe consequences of Lhls effecL are

1oufah Lul Awam publlshed by nCL klshor ress Lucknow 1946 page no 23 under Lhe Loplc of Cne who
abandons prayer" Lhe followlng poeLry ls wrlLLen and ls aLLesLed Lo by Lhe renowned mu[Llhldeen of LhaL

"Cne who abandons even [usL one prayer has kllled hlmself

lf he abandons Lwo prayers Lhen lL ls llke he has kllled a propheL

lf he abandons Lhree prayers lL ls as lf he has demollshed Lhe kaaba

lf he abandons four prayers lL ls as lf he commlLLed lncesL wlLh hls own moLher ln Lhe kaaba

lf he abandons flve prayers he falls lnLo such a horrlble condlLlon LhaL Allah says Lo hlm

?ou abandoned My prayer and sLopped obeylng Me

now you have become deservlng of My full wraLh

CeL ouL of My earLh and heavens

llnd anoLher place for you"

now you musL fully undersLand LhaL Lhe process of maklng people become negllgenL Lowards Ahlul 8ayL
(as) has been underway for an exLremely long Llme 1he resulL of Lhls ls LhaL Lhe honor of Ahlul 8ayL (as)
has become so worLhless ln Lhe eyes of people Cnce people sLarLed becomlng negllgenL Lowards Lhe
wllayaL and lmamaLe people began Lo feel courage Lo call Lhemselves lmam and wall" ShalLan (la) has
placed Lhem ln such lgnorance LhaL Lhey do noL even Lake noLlce of whaL lL ls Lhey are dolng eople
wlLhouL any fear sLarLed calllng non Masoom as lmam and wall under clrcumsLances such as Lhese who
wlll remember Lhe wllayaL of Ameerul Momlneen (as)?

now we shall prove LhaL noL a slngle aspecL of shla rellglon exlsLs wlLhouL wllayaL and LhaL rellglon whlch
does noL conLaln wllayaL may be called anyLhlng buL lL cannoL be called Lhe shla rellglon

kallma and 1esLlmony of WllayaL

Sura laaLlr ayah 10 unLo Plm good words ascend and Lhe plous deed doLh Pe exalL"

ln Lhls ayah words" (kallma) ls wrlLLen ln lLs plural form and Lhere musL be Lhree words" (kallma)
Curan has declded LhaL for all of eLernlLy Lhe LesLlmonles whlch we are requlred Lo reclLe are 3 noL 2
now we musL flnd whaL Lhese Lhree LesLlmonles are When lmam !afar Sadlq (as) was asked regardlng
Lhe Lafseer of Lhls ayah lmam (as) sald 1he meanlngs of good words" are Lhe LesLlmony of a momln ln
whlch he says La lllaha lllalah Muhammad 8asoolAllah Allunwallullah" (1afseer e Safl 1afseer e MuraL
ul Anwar and 1afseer e 8urhan)

Adhan lqama and 1esLlmony of WllayaL

Wasall Shla lourLh LdlLlon page no 61 Lhere are numerous narraLlons regardlng Lhe phrases of Lhe
adhan and lqama ln hadlLh no 18 lL ls menLloned LhaL Lhere are 38 phrases ln Lhe adhan and lqama 20
for adhan and 18 for lqama 1hls ls LhaL adhan and lqama ln whlch Allunwallullah ls compulsory

1here ls no oLher reason Lo re[ecL Lhls hadlLh excepL for one who slmply bears haLred agalnsL Moula All
(as) lf we belleve ln Lhls narraLlon from amongsL dlfferenL narraLlons Lhen no one has any rlghL Lo make
accusaLlons agalnsL us

rayer and 1esLlmony of WllayaL

1 1here ls a very famous narraLlon from AhLe[a[ 1abrlsl whlch unLll Loday no one has been able Lo deny
ln Lhls hadlLh lmam !afar Sadlq (as) says Whenever someone from amongsL you reclLes La lllaha lllalah
Muhammadln 8asoolAllah" Lhen lmmedlaLely afLer you musL say Allunwallullah"" 1he quesLlon
however ls ls prayer excluded from Lhls whenever"? lf noL Lhen Lhe LesLlmony of wllayaL of Ameerul
Momlneen ls wa[lb (compulsory) ln Lashahud lmam (as) has declared lL as absoluLely wa[lb Lo reclLe
Allunwallullah lL ls very lmporLanL you Lake noLe LhaL when Lhe propheL hood of Muhammad (saw)
cannoL survlve wlLhouL Lhe LesLlmony of wllayaL Lhen how can prayer?

2 Al CaLra mln 8ahar llrsL LdlLlon page no 277 lmam !afar Sadlq (as) sald l love Lhe wllayaL of All (as)
lbn Abl 1allb (as) more Lhan l love belng from amongsL Pls Cffsprlng because Lhe wllayaL of All (as) ls
wa[lb whlle belng from Pls Cffsprlng ls [usL an aLLrlbuLe"

3 Pere we are menLlonlng a dua from lmam !afar Sadlq (as) whlch Pe use Lo reclLe afLer every prayer
(1afseer noor ul Saqlaln 1hlrd LdlLlon page no 491)

C'My Lord! ?ou have besLowed a favor upon us for LesLlfylng Lo ?our Wall and ?ou made us Lo reclLe
Lhls LesLlmony 1hese personallLles are SlraL ul MusLaqeem Slra[ ul Muneer nazar ul Munzlr
8asoolAllah (saw) and Pls Successors (as) ?ou compleLed ?our rellglon Lhrough 1helr love and by
dlsassoclaLlng from 1helr enemles

As ?ou have promlsed ?ou besLowed upon us all of ?our blesslngs ?ou remlnded us of LhaL promlse of
alleglance whlch ?ou Look from us aL Lhe beglnnlng of creaLlon 1hls ls ?our greaL favor LhaL ?ou made
us from amongsL Lhose who accepLed Lhls promlse of alleglance and proLecLed us from belng negllgenL
ln ?our remembrance We LesLlfy because of ?our favor and mercy 1here ls no Lord oLher Lhan ?ou ?ou
are Cur Lord and Muhammad (saw) ls ?our servanL and messenger and Cur ropheL All (as) ls MasLer of
all Momlneen Lhe CreaLesL roof and CreaLesL Slgn All (as) ls LhaL greaL news upon whlch Lhe people
have fallen lnLo dlspuLe

8ecause of ?our favor and mercy We LesLlfy Lo Pls wllayaL"

?ou should now reallze lmam (as) dld noL Lhank Allah for glvlng Plm Lhe ablllLy Lo pray lmam (as)
Lhanked Allah for glvlng Plm Lhe ablllLy Lo LesLlfy Lo Lhe wllayaL of Moula All (as)

We have very brlefly explalned our Loplc Lo you lL was noL posslble Lo wrlLe everyLhlng ln deLall ln Lhls
book 1herefore Lhose who wlsh Lo read Lhls Loplc ln deLall should read our oLher books

1hls book kashaful Wllayah Loday 13Lh of SepLember 2009 24Lh 8amadan 1430 Pl[ra aL 600 pm

wlLh Lhe blesslngs of Allah and help of lmam e Zamana (a[f) has been compleLed

1ohfa ?a All (as) Madad

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