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Grammar translation

Direct method

Audio lingual method

Silent way

Teachers role. Teaching learning process Students role To be able to read Teacher has authority. Students learn by translating from one language to literature in the target Students follow the other, often translating reading passages in the language; learn instructions target language to the native language. Grammar is grammar rules and usually learnt deductively on the basis of grammar vocabulary; develop rules and examples. Students memorize rules, and mental activity then apply them to other examples. They learn paradigms such as verb conjugations and they learn the native language equivalents of vocabulary words To communicate in Teacher directs class Students are taught to associate meaning and the target language; to think activities, but student target language directly. New target language words in the target language and teacher are partners or phrases are introduced through the use of realia, in the teaching learning pictures or pantomime, never the native language. process Students speak in the target language a great deal and communicate as if in real situations. Grammar rules are learnt inductively (by generalizing from examples. Students practice new vocabulary using words in sentences. Use the target language Teacher, controls New vocabulary, structures presented through communicatively. students language dialogs, which are learnt through imitation, Overlearn it, so as to be behavior, provides good repetition. Drills are based on patterns in dialog. able to use target model for imitation. Students correct responses are positively language automatically Students repeat, respond reinforced; grammar is induced through models. by forming new habits as quickly and Cultural information is contextualized in the in the target language accurately as possible. dialogues or presented by the teacher. Reading, and overcoming native writing tasks are based on oral work. language habits. To use language for Teaching should be Students begin with sounds, introduced through self- expression; to subordinated to association of sounds in native language to a sounddevelop independence learning. Teacher should color chart. Teacher then sets up situations, often from the teacher. Inner give students only what using Cuisenaire rods, to focus students attention goals

interaction Most interaction is teacher to student. Student initiated interaction and student student interaction is minimal

Both teacher and students initiate interaction; though student-initiated interaction, with teacher or among each other, is usually teacher directed. Students interact during chain drills or when taking roles in dialogues, all at teacher s direction. Most interaction is between teacher and student, initiated by teacher. The teacher is silent much of the time but very active setting up situations, listening to

criteria for correctness.

they absolutely need to promote their learning. Learners are responsible for their own learning.

on structures. Students interact as the situation requires. Teachers see students errors as clues to where the target language is unclear, and they adjust instruction accordingly. Students are urged to take responsibility for their learning. Additional learning is thought to take place during sleep. Non defensive learning requires six elements: security, aggression (students have opportunities to assert, involve themselves), attention, reflection (students think both about the language and the experience learning it), retention, and discrimination (sorting out differences among target language forms)

students, speaking only to give clues, not to model speech. Student student interaction is encouraged. Both students and teacher make decisions in the class. Sometimes the teacher directs action, other times the students interact independently. A spirit of cooperation is encouraged.

dessuggestopedia To learn language communicatively. To take responsibility for learning. To approach the task nondefensively, never separating intellect from feelings. Teacher acts as counselor, supporting students with understanding of their struggle to master language in often threatening new learning situations. Student is at first a dependent client of the counselor and becomes increasingly independent through five specified stages. At first the teacher gives commands and students follow them. Once students are ready to speak, they take on directing roles.

Community language learning

Total physical response

To provide an enjoyable learning experience, having the minimum of the stress that typically accompanies learning a foreign language.

Lessons begin with commands by the teacher; students demonstrate their understanding by acting these out; teachers recombine their instructions in a novel and often humorous ways; eventually students follow suit. Activities later include games and skits.

Teacher interacts with individual students and with the group. Starting with the teacher speaking and the student responding nonverbally. Later, students issue commands to teacher as well as each other. Teacher initiates interaction between

Communicative language teaching

To become communicatively

Teacher facilitates students learning,

Activities are communicative. They represent an information gap that needs to be filled; speakers

competent, able to use the language appropriately in a given social context; to manage the process of negotiating meaning with interlocutors.

managing classroom activities, setting communicative situations. Students are communicators, actively engaged in negotiating meaning.

have a choice of what to say and how to say it; they receive feedback from the listener that verifies that a purpose has been achieved. Authentic materials are used. Students usually work in small groups.


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