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The NQT year at Denefield

2011 - 2012

Denefield School A guide to the introduction year for NQTs and their mentors Contents
Section A: An overview of NQT induction 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The NQT entitlement Who does what? Assessment procedures outline The NQT training provision The NQT training plan - core training activities - individual training activities Page 3 3 4 4/5 5 5/6 6

Section B: NQT mentoring 1. Mentor Meetings 7/8 2. Observation of the NQT teaching 8/9 3. Other monitoring by mentoring Section C: NQT professional development 9/10 Appendices


Proforma for mentor meetings 2. NQT training plan 13 3. NQT form for weekly review 14 4. NQT form for self evaluation 15 5. NQT Induction Timeline 16 6. Lesson observation record form 17/18


Section A: An overview of NQT induction

The first year as a qualified teacher is an important year. It is a vital step in the further development of teaching skills gained during ITT and a broadening and strengthening of a new teachers practice. It should provide a foundation for further professional development and increase the new teachers knowledge, experience and ambitions. The process of the NQT year is a legal requirement; schools and LEAs have statutory duties and there is a standardised system for reporting and assessing NQTs. On successful completion of the induction year, the teacher will receive a further certificate from the GTC and become fully qualified. QTS must be achieved to continue teaching in mainstream schools. NQTs must consistently attain the Core Professional Standards for teaching to successfully complete their induction year. 1. The NQT entitlement

A timetable reduced by 10% to give time for additional professional development. Meetings with a mentor and induction tutor. An individualised programme of support, monitoring and assessment. Objectives, informed by strengths and areas for development indentified in the career entry development profile, to help them meet the induction standards. At least one observation of their teaching each half term with oral and written feedback. An assessment meeting and report at the end of each term. Procedures to air grievances at school and at LA level.

2. Who does what? Organising and co-ordinating the induction and mentoring of NQTs is wide ranging and involves a number of people:

Induction tutor (TRY): is responsible for the management of initiating NQTs into the teaching profession and Denefield. It entails not only a co-ordination role, but also keeping records of activities and monitoring the quality assurance of provision. It embraces various tasks including organising a central induction programme, providing support and guidance, and the assessment of performance. LND has overall responsibility for the NQT programme and the quality assurance of judgements at assessment points. Mentor: plays a crucial role in supporting the NQT to develop their skills and confidence. They will have close and regular contact with NQTs on a day-to-day basis because they are responsible for inducting NQTs into their curriculum area and department. Since there is a strong emphasis on developing classroom practice, the mentor is mainly responsible for carrying out lesson observations,

reviews and target setting. The mentor is usually a subject mentor and should meet the NQT once per cycle.

Headteacher: the headteacher is specifically responsible for o ensuring an appropriate induction programme is set up

o recommending to the LA whether NQTs have met the requirements for

satisfactory completion of the induction period o observing and giving written warnings to any NQTs at risk of failing o keeping governors informed of induction arrangements and assessment meetings. 3. Assessment procedure outline The progress of each NQT will be monitored and assessed throughout the year by the mentor and Induction tutor. However, the Induction Tutor (TRY) and Assistant Headteacher (LND) have responsibility for overseeing the formal process of assessment is carried out as required by law and that the necessary documentation is returned to the LA. The formal assessment is carried out towards the end of each term by the mentor who will carry out a formal observation and meet with the NQT. If necessary, or desired, the Induction tutor will also complete an additional formal observation at this time. During the assessment meeting, the mentor and NQT will complete the required LA form and then pass the form to TRY (Induction tutor). The deadlines for returning the forms are on the school timeline as follows:

end of first period 6 December end of second period 16 March end of final period 6 July.

It is vital that deadlines are met and forms submitted to the LA in good time; not only is it a legal document, but it also triggers the termly funding from the LA for each NQT. Electronic copies of the forms in the appendix will be sent out to the mentor as a reminder at assessment time. There is a timeline at the end of this booklet which outlines all key dates. 4. NQT training provision Training is important for all members of staff and learning to teach is something that continues throughout a career. However, NQTs need carefully structured training to ensure that the abilities developed during ITT training are honed, new skills emerge and the NQT feels confident and competent, able to make a contribution to overall school effectiveness and, most importantly, bring success to the pupils they teach. It is also important that in a busy and pressured year, NQTs are encouraged to give a high profile to their professional development. Each NQT should have an individualised plan to help them to attain and secure the professional core standards and the targets they have set in their CEDP. In practice, the plan will comprise of a number of activities which include:

school based inset, including all twilight sessions and NQT meetings NQT termly training activities a meeting with their mentor once per cycle

regular observations and feedback

observation of practitioners across the curriculum visits to other schools attendance of external courses access to professional organisations, relevant resources and local networks self evaluation and review.

Some of theses activities are compulsory whilst others can be tailored to meet individual needs. In addition, the Induction tutor and mentor may arrange further training and support for individuals as required. There is further information on this in below and in section C; the appendix contains a training plan outline which must be completed as an ongoing activity through the year. 5. NQT training plan NQTs must have a training plan. It is likely that the plan will change and develop as the year progresses and the needs of the trainee alter. An important role of the mentor is to devise, discuss and review the document with the NQT regularly. It is suggested that reviewing the training plan is a standing item on the mentor meeting agenda. The training plan is in two sections: core activities and individual activities. The NQT has responsibility for organising, completing and recording the core activities in their portfolio. Mentors should monitor that these are happening and make comments about these activities on the plan. Core training activities To ensure consistency and to guarantee NQTs their entitlement, the following generic training activities must be completed by all NQTs: Term one Meeting with your mentor to review your CEDP and transition point one. Establish priorities for the term and write training plan. Attend staff training. Attend NQT meetings. Write transition point two of CEDP Observation by NQT of an NQT colleague with discussion to follow. Self evaluation by the NQT (prior to review meeting). Observation of an experienced colleague within the department. Establish Professional Portfolio. Term two Meeting in January with mentor to review training from term one and write plan for term two. Attend staff training. Attend NQT meetings.

Focused observation of a colleague outside of curriculum area. Self evaluation by the NQT (prior to review meeting). Maintain Professional Portfolio.

Term three Meeting in April with mentor to review training plan from term two and write plan for term three. Attend staff training. Attend NQT meetings. Focused observation of a colleague outside of curriculum area. Self evaluation by the NQT Maintain Professional Portfolio (prior to review meeting) Review transition point two of CEDP and write transition point three. Individual training activities In discussion with the NQT, the mentor will set targets and agree the individual training activities. It is important that the mentor keeps track of the NQTs progress in achieving each target. The targets should be revisited regularly (once a month) and the mentor can add any comments as necessary. A mentor may sign off a target at any point during the year and add new ones as appropriate. There must be a training plan for each term with new or carried over targets depending on the outcome of the NQTs end of term assessment. Dates for completion of assessments and training plan are in the timeline at the end of this booklet. A template for writing the plan is attached to this booklet and will be issued electronically. The deadline for completion of the training plan for Assessment Point 1 is 26 September a copy must be sent to TRY. A second training plan will then be drawn up for Assessment Point 2 and a third for Assessment Point 3.



Section B: NQT mentoring

The mentor and the induction tutor carry out a number of vital activities:

Liaison with LA & colleagues Arranging additional support Mentor/ Induction tutor

Personalise d training programme

Mentoring and coaching



Termly reviews

1. Mentor meetings NQTs are entitled to a meeting with their mentor once a cycle so mentors are expected to allocate a period for this on their timetable and notify relevant staff as appropriate. However, during the early weeks of a NQT year, the contact with the mentor is likely to be needs driven. The NQT will need significant support in establishing themselves in the school and department. The emphasis will be on the day-to-day teaching and organisation issues. Actions taken by the mentor and NQT will mainly be discrete tasks such as providing SOW, finding out how resources are kept and created, obtaining class lists and assistance in implementing the school policies. Once the early weeks have passed, it is important that the mentor meetings are developmental and provide training, monitoring and feedback opportunities. The meeting should have an agenda and there must be formal records of the meeting (see appendix 1) and the actions agreed. As outlined previously, reviewing the training plan should be a standing item on the agenda. The following items must be covered during the course of a terms meetings:

discussion of CEDP and targets monitoring of progress in achieving targets planning and reviewing lessons oral feedback on observations shared marking and moderation exercise book monitoring preparation for reporting and monitoring.


Please note: It is also very important that a log of mentor meetings is kept. This does not need to be onerous, but it must record what actions were agreed at each mentoring meeting. The appendix contains a form which can be photocopied so that both mentor and NQT have a copy. Copies of mentor meeting records should be held by both mentor and NQT and available for TRY to view. 2. Observations of the NQT teaching It is expected that the mentor and the Induction tutor will carry out a number of formal and informal observations. Informal drop in observations should provide a quick check for the mentor and security for the NQT that support is near should it be necessary. However, although drop ins to lessons can be helpful and supportive, these are insufficient for formal purposes and will not provide the detailed analysis of teaching and performance that the NQT will require to progress and increase their effectiveness in the classroom. Therefore, formal observation is a vital part of the mentors role and mentors have a responsibility to ensure it is carried out in accordance with the following requirements: The following minimum number of formal observations must be carried out: 2 observations during term one by mentor: one by the end of September one by end of November in preparation for period one assessment. 2 observations during term two: one by end of January/beginning Feb one at the beginning of March in preparation for period 2 assessment. 2 observations during term three: one at the beginning of May one about mid June in preparation for final assessment.

In addition TRY and/or LND will carry out a formal assessment during the year. These formal assessments must indicate the NQTs strengths and set targets for building on these and addressing any areas which need support. They are a crucial part of the monitoring and assessment procedures, but it is also important that they are used as a learning opportunity. Observations should help NQTs analyse their classroom practice and relationships with individual classes and it should be an opportunity to obtain guidance and advice as well as reviewing progress and measuring how well the lesson went. The observations should be planned in advance have an agreed a focus be followed by a scheduled feedback meeting



The NQT should provide a lesson plan in advance The mentor should ensure the time is arranged and protected so the observation is not interrupted. make a written record of the lesson using the West Berkshire NQT lesson observation proforma (see appendix 6). arrange a time for a meeting for feedback. provide a written report with targets within 7 days of the observation. These observations must be recorded formally and copies sent to TRY and the appropriate curriculum leader. In practice, there should be more observations which will be carried out by a range of staff in order to train, support and develop the NQT rather than assess. Mentors should drop in to lessons to keep a watch over NQT lessons, but NQTs will also need observations of specific aspects of their practice such as beginnings, questioning, groups works etc. These observations will be completed on the current school observation form and copies kept in the NQTs professional portfolio. 3. Other monitoring by mentor In addition to lesson observation, there are a number of activities a mentor must complete every term to ensure other areas of an NQTs work are monitored. These are: check of NQTs professional portfolio and progress towards achieving the core standards review of extended learning tasks students work report writing moderation of marking/assessment markbooks and tracking of student progress Finally, the mentor will need to liaise with the Guidance Manager to ensure that the knowledge and skills needed in a pastoral/tutoring role are addressed.

Section C: NQT professional development

During the course of the year, each NQT must ensure that, by the end of the year, they consistently meet the core professional standards for teachers. In order to pass the induction year, each NQT must demonstrate that they achieve these standards in their work. Therefore, each NQT will need to keep a record of their work and achievements during the year and select suitable evidence for their professional portfolio. The most important pieces of evidence will be: the comments on the training plan by the mentor


the assessment form at the end of each assessment point lesson observations completed by the mentor the NQTs self evaluation.


The NQT is expected to be proactive in ensuring their own professional development. They should use the knowledge and support offered by their mentor and the induction tutor and work towards the agreed targets. In addition, the NQT should also be prepared to review and reflect on their work throughout the year. The NQTs are required to complete a self evaluation which is intended to be on going during each term. Mentors can ask to see the self evaluation records during mentor meetings. At the end of each term, the NQT is required to submit their self evaluation prior to the schools assessment; dates for this are on the timeline at the end of this booklet. The form for completing the self evaluation is in appendix 4, but will also be sent out electronically.

Reads materials and upholds school policies and procedures

Contributes to the development of the training plan

Takes the initiative in seeking out development opportunities

Reflects on and records their practice/achieveme nts and seeks out feedback

The newly qualified teacher

Engages with the Induction period organized by the school

It is crucial that NQTs build on and use their abilities as reflective practitioners which have been developed during the ITT training to continue to develop their knowledge and skills. Teaching and learning can be improved through thoughtful review and regular evaluation. Therefore, NQTs are expected to keep a weekly review of their work and progress, especially in the first term


complete the self evaluation each term and submit to their mentor and TRY complete the transition points in their CEDP and submit to their mentor and TRY.

The review and evaluation records should not be long and onerous. The most important part of the process is the reflection, posing and answering of questions and decisions on what to do next. This reflection should form part of mentor meeting discussions and help to guide the NQT and the mentor when planning training. Mentors should monitor the completion of review and self-evaluation forms making sure that the reflections useful, focused and appropriate. Forms for recording the reviews and evaluations are in the appendix 3 and 4 and should be filed in the professional development portfolio once complete. This induction year framework will give all NQTs a sound induction that builds their confidence, skills and knowledge. Following on from successful completion of the NQT year, the school offers a Next Steps programme of professional development and, like a fully qualified teachers, each NQT has to undergo Performance management on an annual basis.


Mentor meeting record

Mentor meeting record

Mentor: _____________________ NQT: _______________________ Date: _____________

Summary of points discussed:

Training plan review

Actions to be carried out by NQT:

Action To be completed by

Actions to be carried out by mentor:

Please ensure a copy of this form is passed to TRY




Name: ______________________ Mentor: ___________________ Term:_______________________

Trainee target Related core standards Actions

Training support required

Review of progress (completed by mentor comments at any point during term and dated)



Name: __________________________________ Date: _____________________ Best lesson of the week Because Worst lesson of the week Because Three things that have improved Three things that need to improve To improve them I must

New learning for me this week

Extra events this week (and a comment on them??): Highlight of the week: Because Next week I must


Or else??


NQT Self-evaluation

Name: _________________________
What have been the three best achievements this term? And why? What do you consider to be your three strengths at present? What do you consider the three areas in need of development at present?

Date: ____________________

Review of training
I have followed the induction programme and completed the activities My mentor has carried out the scheduled formal observations The induction tutor has carried out planned observations The mentor meetings have taken place and records kept I have filed and kept details of my CPD in my portfolio I have completed my transition point statement (If term 1/3) How far have you succeeded in meeting the targets on you training plan? What aspects of your training plan do you need to carry over to the next term? What other training needs have arisen for you this term? List other training you have attended besides staff training






What is your priority for training next term?


NQT takes part in the schools Initial Induction Programme. Familiarisation with resources, SOW, timetable and teaching groups.

NQT Induction Timeline

Core Training activities which must be carried out throughout the Induction year; Personalise d Training Collecting Programme and compiling evidence against the May Core Include; Standards in professional Observation portfolio. of experienced

NQT and mentor review Transition Point 1 of CEDP and establish training and support needs for the first weeks in school. Observation of the NQT by mentor and follow up discussion (within 4 weeks). Review meeting Setting objectives and completing training plan based on CEDP, school context and the core standards. Training plan sent to TRY by 26 September. Observation of an experienced colleague within the department and follow up discussion. NQT to complete Transition Point 2 before half term, and share with Mentor. HALF TERM

Observation of an NQT colleague and follow up discussion. Observation of NQT by mentor/TRY and/or LND and follow up discussion. Self Evaluation completed by NQT in preparation for Review meeting. Review meeting to evaluate progress against training plan and induction standards. Term 1 Assessment completed by mentor, reviewed and commented on by NQT.

Discussion Completed Assessments, Training Plan and Self-evaluation must be sent to TRY by 6 with the school December. SENCO

Attend training internal staff training events sessions.

Focused/guided learning walks

Taking part in

Meeting with Mentor to action plan for Term 2. CHRISTMAS BREAK Meeting with Mentor to establish training needs and complete training plan for Term 2. Completed training plans sent to TRY by 23 January.

Observation of NQT by mentor/TRY and/or LND and follow up discussion. Observation of teachers with Focused observation of an experienced colleague outside of the curriculum area and follow up specific discussion. Attend in expertise mentor schools other HALF TERM

meetings Involvement once per in other cycle.

external training

Observation of NQT by mentor/TRY and/or LND and follow up discussion. Observation of an NQT colleague and follow up discussion. Self Evaluation completed by NQT in preparation for Review meeting. Review meeting to evaluate progress against training plan and induction standards. Term 2 Assessment completed by mentor, reviewed and commented on by NQT. Completed Assessment, Training Plan and Self-evaluation must be sent to TRY by 16 March. EASTER BREAK Meeting with Mentor to establish training needs and complete training plan for Term 3. Completed training plans sent to TRY by 4 May.

Support from ASTs, Subject Consultants or Teacher Consultants Keep

records of all Shadowing mentortutors, form meetings. Academic

Guidance managers, Subject Leaders.

Observation of NQT by mentor/TRY and/or LND and follow up discussion. Discussions with members Focused observation of an experienced colleague outside of the curriculum area and follow up Attend of SLT discussion. NQT regarding their specific meetings HALF TERM responsibilities. and training

sessions with TRY.

Observation of NQT by mentor/TRY and/or LND and follow up discussion. Observation of an NQT colleague and follow up discussion. Self Evaluation completed by NQT in preparation for Review meeting. Review meeting to evaluate progress against training plan and induction standards.

Weekly reviews written once per week moving to once per

Term 3 Assessment completed by mentor, reviewed and commented on by NQT. Completed Assessment, Training Plan and Self-evaluation must be sent to TRY by 6 July.


Meet with mentor and complete Transition Point 3 of CEDP.





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