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School Subject Topic Theme Time allocation Meeting I. Standard Competence : SMK NEGERI KUDU : English : Making Arrangements : Conjunctions and Prepositions : 3 X 45 minutes : 8

Grade / Semester : XII / 1

: To be able to communicate in English on the Intermediate level

II. Sub Competence

: To understand some monologs in certain situation at work place setting

III. Indicators

: 1. Understanding and using Conjunctions and Prepositions correctly (curiosity) 2. Answering the questions related to Conjunctions and prepositions (responsibility)


Learning Objectives : 1. Students are able to understanding and using Conjunctions and Prepositions correctly 2. Students are able to Answering the questions related to Conjunctions and prepositions

V. Learning Material

: Grammar Point (Cause and Effect Relationship) Conjunctions

Conjunctions are members of a small class that have no characteristic form.

1. Coordinate Conjunction Join structural units that are equal grammatically. The conjunctions comes before the last unit and is grammatically independent of this unit. e.g : And, or, but, etc must be followed by same sentence and Verb + conj + verb Noun + conj + Noun Adj + conj + Adj Adv + conj + Adv e.g : - Do you like coffee or tea ? - The thief moved quickly and quietly - She is beautiful but dumb - This hair cream maybe used by men or woman 2. Subordinate Conjunction It is grammatically part of the clause it introduces, it is never separated from its clause by comma. e.g : after, although because, before, until, while, when, etc. - After he finished his homework, he went to bed - He was fined because he was speeding - She always has a chat with he neighbor before she begins her morning chores - While I was walking home, it began to rain - When I got there, he had already left. Prepositions contextually

It is a ward normally followed by noun or pronoun On, at, in, to, between, etc e.g : She came on time to the party I saw him at noon I saw him in 1968 Time

Hang your coat in the closet Put the book on the table and direction I stay at home VI. Learning Method : Place position

Teachers Presentation Question and Answer Session Students Performance VII. Steps of Learning Pre Activity : Greeting

a. Pre Activity Checking attendance list Teacher ask the students about the last

material in the last meeting (Ok students, any question for our lesson in the last meeting ?) Whilst Activity : - The teacher introduces new material about Conjunctions and Prepositions (curiosity) - The teacher gives an example related to Conjunctions and Prepositions (curiosity) - The teacher asks the students to identify it. (responsibility) - The teacher asks the students to give examples related to Conjunctions and Prepositions orally then identify them (responsibility) - The teacher gives an assignment to the student to answer the questions related to material. (creative) VIII. Post Activity - Closing Sources and Media : - Conclude the material


: Win The Day Grade XII Applicable for communicative and contextual learning


Media Assessment Indicator Students

: - White Board Students work sheet Technique Oral Test Instrument Ask to consists


the make of and

able to make examples related to Conjunction and Preposition Students are Written Test able to make sentence and Prepositions given Students are and Oral Test able to questions about Conjunctions Preposition well Oral Test : Question for Indicator 1

students sentence Conjunction

Preposition orally and point Make sentence Conjunction each of 2 Preposition consist by using


Ok students, after I give you some explanations about Conjunctions and Prepositions, Any one of you can make an example about Conjunctions and Prepositions ? Please raise your hand. Written Test Question for Indicator 2 Make sentences by using the Conjunctions and Prepositions (each point consist of 2 sentences) a. But b. Before c. Until d. At e. In

Written Test Question for Indicator 3 Fill in the blanks using Conjunctions or Prepositions available in the following box ! 1. . It began to rain, I stood under a tree 2. We wail wait inside .. the rain stops 3. .. he had river like Mathematics, he decided to take a course in statistics 4. He lives .. 200 Park Avenue 5. When I was the swimming pool, she was beside me 6. I look forward .. going home next month 7. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish .. good and evil 8. I will leave .. he comes 9. .. she graduates, she will get a job 10. He went to bed .. he was sleepy Before Between when Although Because Until To After In At

KEY Indicator 1 When I was in Surabaya, I visited the museums I havent seen him since he left this morning I usually wake up at five oclock He was laughed at by everybody The doctor will operate on the patient immediately He insisted on paying the check for every day

Indicator 2 a. b. Before But No one but him could have done that He is handsome but poor man Linda is going to leave soon before she leaves she is going to finish her work I will be here before I get a job c. Until d. In e. At We stayed there until we finished our work We will wait inside until the rain stops I saw her husband in July I bought some clothes in the market Ill wait for you at the station I read a science book at the library

Indicator 3 1. When 2. Until 3. Although 4. At 5. In 6. to 7. between 8. before 9. after 10. because

SCORE Indicator 1 Correct in using preposition and conjunction 5 Some mistakes in using preposition and conjunction 3 In correct using preposition and conjunction 2

Score Max = 5 Indicator 2 One point right 2, wrong 0 Score max = 10

Indicator 3 One point right 1, wrong 0 Score max = 10 Total score = 1 + 2 + 3 = 5 + 10 + 10 = 25 x 4 = 100 Jombang, 18 Juli 2011 English Teacher, English student

Dra. Ida Setyawati, M.Pd NIP. 196710112005012005

Lungit Wawastiono NIM. 087169

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