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School Subject Topic Theme Time allocation Meeting : SMK NEGERI KUDU : English : Making Reservation : Adjective and adverb : 3 X 45 minutes : 3

Grade / Semester : XII / 1

I. Standard Competence : To be able to communicate in English on the Intermediate level II. Sub Competence III. Indicators : To understand certain conversation spoken by native speaker : 1. Recognizing adjective and adverb (accurately) 2. Changing adjective to adverb (cooperative) 3. Understanding noun phrase and adjective phrase (curiosity) IV. Learning Objectives : 1. Students are able to Recognize adjective and adverb 2. Students are able to change adjective to adverb 3. Students are able to understand noun phrase and adjective phrase V. Learning Material : Adjective and adverb A. Adjective : word that describes a noun Members of adjective can be: Quality: beautiful, handsome, good Size: big, small, large

Age: old, young, new Temperature: hot, cold, warm Shape: oval, round Color: black, white Nationality: American, Australian B. Adverb : word that modifies adjective, verb, adverb Kinds of adverb: Adverb of manner: -Regular ( adjective + ly ) e.g. beautiful + ly = beautifully -Irregular : fast, hard, well Adverb of place : here, there Adverb of time : today, tomorrow Adverb of frequency : always, sometimes, often Adverb of degree : very, too, so

C. Phrase is group of words without a finite verb Noun phrase Adjective + Noun e.g. Beautiful girl Adj N Adj N Young boy

Adjective phrase Adverb + Adjective e.g. Very beautiful adv adj adv extremely happy adj

VI. Learning Method

Teachers Presentation Question and Answer Session Role play VII. Steps of Learning 1. Greeting, Opening the lesson 2. Checking Students attendance 3. Students, today we are going to study about phrase. Do you know the definition of phrase ? b. Whilst Activity 1. The teacher explains function and member of adjective then gets students to find other adjective they know. (curiosity) 2. The teacher explains function and kinds of adverb (curiosity) 3. The teacher explains how to change adjective to be adverb (curiosity) 4. The teacher explains about the definition of phrase and explains about general pattern of noun phrase and adjective phrase (curiosity) 5. The teacher gets students to do some exercises related to adjective, adverb and adjective phrase (creative) c. Post Activity 1. The teacher gives the conclusion of the lesson 2. Closing the lesson VIII. Sources and Media Sources : Win The Day Grade XII Applicable for communicative and contextual learning Media : - White Board Picture a. Pre Activity


Assessment Assessment technique Written test Instruments Classifying and adverb Changing the

Indicators 1. Recognizing adjective and adverb 2. Changing adjective to adverb 3. Understanding noun phrase and adjective phrase Written Test : Error analysis:

words into adjective Written test Written test the

adjective to adverb Error analysis of adjective, adverb

1.The football player who joined the competition was in accident and was A serious injured. D 2. The Board Directors must choose the most economically plan for the A Company. 3. He is extreme happy to know that his sister gets a good job at a City A Bank in Jakarta. D 4. We could not accept the answer because it was absolute wrong. A B C D B C B C D B C

5. Im terrible sorry that I cant come to your party. A B C D

Answer: 1. (D) Seriously injured ( Adjective phrase) Adv Adj 2. (C) Economical plan ( Noun phrase) Adj N 3. (A) Extremely happy ( Adjective phrase) Adv Adj 4. (D) Absolutely wrong ( Adjective phrase) Adv Adj 5. (A) Terribly sorry Adv Adj XI. Scoring Criteria: 2 points for correct answer, 0 for incorrect answer Maximal score : 10 Maximal Score Grading Scale: Very good : 8,0 10 Good Enough Less : 6,6 7,9 : 5,0 6,5 : 0 4,9 : 2 x 5 = 10 ( Adjective phrase)

Jombang, 18 Juli 2011 English Teacher, English student

Dra. Ida Setyawati, M.Pd NIP. 196710112005012005

Lungit Wawastiono NIM. 087169

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