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I Dbqb mswk wewfb welq Abyhvqx wWwRUvj cwZZ msiY Kiv nq| cqvRbxq msev` B-gBji gvag eenviKvix`i

ciY Kiv nq| wd-BjKUwbK Rvbvj I eB cqvRb Abymvi B-gBji gvag eenviKvix`i ciY Kiv nq| eenviKvix`i Rb G mUvi BUvibU mshvMmn KwDUvi eenvii myweav iqQ| eenviKvixMY Zv`i cqvRbxq DcKiY kZmvc dUvKwc KiZ cvieb|

Poverty Research & Resource Centre (PRRC)

wimvm mUvi eenvii wbqg cUf~wg

AvRvwZK Dbqb msv GKkbGBW evsjv`k `vwi` I Abvqgy cw_ex Mo Zvjvi j KvR Ki hvQ| mevi Rb ghv`v I mgZvi wfwZ Rxebi AwaKvi cwZvq KvR KivB GKkbGBW evsjv`ki g~j j| `vwi`i wei GB hy vbi cqvRbxqZv Abyfe Ki Gi KgKZv, ez I mnhvMx`i mnvqZv Kivi Rb cvfvwU wimvP Av wimvm mUvi cwZwZ nq| G mUvi 3500-GiI ewk eB I Abvb DcKiY iqQ| cvfvwU wimvP Av wimvm mUviwU mevi Rb Dby| Ze G mUvii DcKiYmg~n eenvii wKQy wbqg iqQ: GKkbGBW-G KgiZ ew eZxZ Abvb eenviKvixMY eB ev Abvb DcKiY avi KiZ cvieb bv| Ze wimvm mUvi wbw` mgq em eenvi KiZ cvieb| Abygvw`Z mdUIqvi eZxZ Ab Kvb md&UIqvi ev ewMZ Z_ KwDUvi Bbj Kiv hve bv| cb WvBf, wmwW wKsev Ab Kvb Kkj KwDUvi _K wKQz Kwc Kiv hve bv|

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`vwi` I Dbqb msv mwVK Z_ mwVK ewK mwVK mgq cuQ `IqvB cvfvwU wimvP Av wimvm mUvii j|

Avgv`i mev

GKkbGBW evsjv`k
cvfvwU wimvP Av wimvm mUvi (wcAviAviwm)
ActionAid Bangladesh
House no- 8, Road no- 136 Gulshan-1, Dhaka-1212 Bangladesh. Telephone: 8837796-98, 9894331

GKkbGBW evsjv`ki cvfvwU wimvP Av wimvm mUvi `vwi` I Dbqb welqK MelYv I Dbqb KgKvi Z_i GKwU AbZg Drm| G mUvi `vwi` wegvPb, gvbevwaKvi, wk, wKkvi-wKkvix, bvix, cwiek, cvKwZK m`, Kwl, A_bxwZ, ^v, wkv, GbwRI, mvgvwRK Dbqb, `yhvM, GBWm, Lv` wbivcv, cwZewZv, ewP I bvMwiKZ BZvw` wewfb welqi Dci eB iqQ| wcAviAviwm DcKiYmg~ni KwDUviwfwK WvUveBR iqQ Ges eenviKvix`i myweav_ mjv kYxKiY cwZZ mvRvbv iqQ| Avi iqQ wbgv mevmg~n: mvcwZK cKvkbvmg~ni ZvwjKv B-gBji gvag eenviKvix`i ciY Kiv nq| evsjv`k cKvwkZ 11wU `wbK cwKvi msev` `vwi`

mUviwU miKvwi QywUi w`b eZxZ Abvb w`b mKvj 10:00 _K weKvj 5:00 ch mKji Rb Dby|

wevwiZ Z_i Rb
dvb: (+8802) 8837796-98, 9894331, 9894216 B-gBj: Iqe:

rights, children, adolescents, women, natural resources, agriculture, livelihood, economic and other social development, health, education, NGOs, disaster, diversity, disabilities, HIV/AIDS, migration, food security etc. We have electronic database on our collections of books, journals and other resources, which are decorated using a standard classification scheme. And we have the following services: We provide bibliographic list of recent publications to the users through email as per requirement.

or other reference materials but they can use resources sitting inside the centre. Users can photocopy the materials from the Centre through payment. It is prohibited to install any external software or use pen drive, CD or hard drives.

PRRC is open for all from Sunday to Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. except government holidays.


ActionAid Bangladesh (AAB) is an international development organization working to establish a world without poverty and injustice. The right to a life with dignity and equity for all determines the nature and characteristics of ActionAid Bangladeshs plans, programmes and engagements. We have felt the need and power of knowledge in the fight against poverty. Understanding this, we have established a Poverty Research & Resource Center (PRRC) in order to support its staff, friends and other contacts. It has more than 3500 books and other reference materials on poverty and development. Telephone: (+8802) 8837796-98 9894331, 9894216 E-mail: Web Address:

We have a digital newspaper clipping mechanism from 11 national dailies. Users can search, read, print or email any news clippings using the computers from the centre. We can also provide free electronic journals and books through email, if the users require. Users can also use PRRCs computers with internet facilities.

Our goal is providing right information related to poverty and development to the right person at the right time.

PRRC is a vital source of information on the work of addressing poverty and development. It has a rich collection of books, journals and various documents on poverty, human

PRRC is open for all. Users can use it maintaining some code of conduct: Non-AAB staff members cannot borrow books

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