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Nurs|ng pract|ce

Commun|ty nurse shou|d prov|de rehab|||tat|on and hea|th educat|on program to the
pat|ent w|th |ow back pa|n to prepare each |nd|v|dua| for educat|ng to prov|de the
necessary support dur|ng the test|ng per|od and mon|tors the pat|ent for any adverse
responses to each procedures that the |nd|v|dua| encounter
roper assessment may |nc|ude re||ef of pa|n by d|vert|ng pat|ent's attent|on from the
pa|n to another act|v|ty obta|ns re||ef through use of phys|ca| moda||t|es and psycho|og|ca|
techn|ques Improved phys|ca| mob|||ty |n|t|a||y |ow stress exerc|ses such as short wa|ks or
sw|mm|ng use of d|fferent techn|ques of proper body mechan|cs the proper and |mproper
||ft|ng techn|ques
Improved se|festeem by ass|st|ng the person |n resum|ng a fu|| product|ve ||fe and
mod|fy|ng nutr|t|on for we|ght reduct|on of each |nd|v|dua| by mon|tor|ng through d|et
mod|f|cat|on and set rea||st|c goa|s may prevent recurrence of back pa|n A|| of th|s w||| he|p
each |nd|v|dua| |n the commun|ty to prevent back pa|n prob|ems that may h|nder them to
work product|ve|y |n the|r da||y act|v|t|es of ||v|ng

Nurs|ng Lducat|on
1he nurse prov|des gu|de||nes for genera| care and |nstruct|ons the pat|ents |n carry|ng
out measures that w||| promote |nd|v|dua|s to prevent and rehab|||tate |ow back pa|n by the
fo||ow|ngs a|n management nonpharmaco|og|c approaches such as re|axat|on and |magery
and harmaco|og|c approaches such as musc|e re|axants
8ody mechan|cs ||ke good proper posture use w|de base of support and keep|ng
body c|ose to the ob[ect wh||e ||ft|ng Work|ng mod|f|cat|ons avo|d pro|onged stand|ng and
repet|t|ve tasks avo|d bend|ng and tw|st|ng and ||ft|ng heavy ob[ects Stress reduct|on by
d|scuss|ng w|th pat|ent the |nterdependence of stress and anx|ety on musc|e tens|on and
pa|n A|| of th|s educat|on may he|p the |nd|v|dua| to |mprove the|r body mechan|sm

Loca| Sett|ng
Most of I|||p|no peop|e exper|ence th|s k|nd of pa|n espec|a||y those peop|e who are
workaho||c and a|so our e|der|y peop|e 1hey are not aware of what |t may cause |n effect
w|th the|r everyday ||v|ng they tend to |gnore the pa|n and most of them are not |nterested
|n seek|ng hea|th adv|ce they seek attent|on |f |t's a|ready chron|c and may h|nder the|r da||y

act|v|ty Cther may seem to have the|r own prescr|pt|on on how to re||eve the pa|n that g|ve
more prob|ems w|th the|r hea|th 1hat |s why they are the one who needs attent|on for
hea|th care prov|ders they need he|p as soon as poss|b|e to prevent other hea|th prob|em
that may ar|se

Summary content
1he [ournal has shown Lhe relaLlonshlp of early pregnancy llnked wlLh prenaLal sLress
and parenLlng sLress AdolescenL moLhers are less knowledgeable abouL chlld developmenL
Lhan adulL moLhers 1hey generally underesLlmaLe soclal cognlLlve and language funcLlonlng

and overesLlmaLe Lhe aLLalnmenL of developmenLal mllesLones Compared Lo adulL moLhers
Leenage moLhers also have been reporLed Lo percelve Lhelr lnfanLs' LemperamenLs as more

1een moLhers are generally aware of Lhe order of developmenLal ablllLles buL are less
aware of Lhe Llmlng (age onseL) of ablllLles Also adolescenL moLhers are beLLer aL esLlmaLlng
flrsLyear ablllLles Lhan esLlmaLlng second and Lhlrdyear ablllLles ln general Lhelr knowledge of
cognlLlve language and moLor developmenL ls slgnlflcanLly sLronger Lhan Lhelr knowledge
abouL play and soclal developmenL

An adolescenL moLher's confldence sklll and learnlng Lo relaLe Lo her baby are noL solely
dependenL on Lhe moLher's aLLlLude and / or apLlLude buL also on her famlly's LradlLlons and
rouLlnes surroundlng parenLlng and her relaLlonshlps wlLh her famlly

An adolescenL moLher's aLLenLlveness Lo her lnfanL ls fosLered when she ls nelLher
coerced lnLo nor excluded from care 8esponslve careglvlng ls anchored ln relaLlonshlps of LrusL
and respecL LhaL fosLer a sense of self worLh accepLance responslblllLy and power Lo acL on
behalf of one's chlld

Nurs|ng pract|ce
CommunlLy nurse need Lo provlde adolescenLs wlLh an early sLarL Lo anLenaLal care and Lo
opLlons for conLlnulLy of care Lo leL adolescenLs avold seeklng aborLlon Lo Lhe use of less
skllled provlders use more dangerous meLhods and delay seeklng care for compllcaLlons
roper assessmenL ls needed Lo be alerL Lo speclal problems LhaL requlre parLlcular
aLLenLlon among adolescenLs lncludlng anaemla poor nuLrlLlonal sLaLus malarla Plv and oLher
sexually LransmlLLed lnfecLlons and access Lo servlces for prevenLlng Lhe moLherLochlld
Lransmlsslon of Plv
1o develop a plan for blrLh wlLh Lhe adolescenL and her famlly lncludlng Lhe place of blrLh
avallablllLy of LransporL and Lhe cosLs lnvolved and Lo glve speclal aLLenLlon Lo adolescenLs
younger Lhan 16 years durlng obsLeLrlc care because Lhey are aL especlally hlgh rlsk of
compllcaLlons and deaLh and followlng dellvery Lo glve adolescenLs speclal supporL for lnfanL
feedlng and care and Lo ensure LhaL Lhey have access Lo lnformaLlon skllls and servlces
lncludlng adequaLe counselllng Lo prevenL subsequenL pregnancles

Nurs|ng educat|on
1o speclal conslderaLlon regardlng eLhlcal dllemmas are usually Lhe lssues of aborLlon
knowlng aborLlon ls Lhe LermlnaLlon of a pregnancy by Lhe removal or expulslon from Lhe
uLerus of a feLus or embryo An aborLlon can occur sponLaneously due Lo compllcaLlons durlng
pregnancy Larly pregnancy seeklng Lo LermlnaLe Lhelr pregnancles someLlmes resorL Lo
unsafe meLhods unsafe aborLlon remalns a publlc healLh concern Loday due Lo Lhe hlgher
lncldence and severlLy of lLs assoclaLed compllcaLlons such as lncompleLe aborLlon sepsls
hemorrhage and damage Lo lnLernal organs
1here may be many facLors LhaL may conLrlbuLe Lo early pregnancy such as your sexual
abuse 8ape maybe a ma[orlLy facLor ln pregnancles under age Soclo economlc facLors such as
Loca| sett|ng
1he hlllpplnes seLLlng may be developlng counLrles shows LhaL unhealLhy Llmlng or
spaclng of pregnancles ls llnked Lo lncreased rlsk of mulLlple adverse healLh ouLcomes 1hls
shows how lL can affecL Lhe healLh of Lhe healLh of Lhe moLher and Lhe newborn lollowlng a
pregnancy LhaL occurred qulckly afLer a prevlous blrLh Lhe rlsk of a chlld dylng ls aL leasL Lwlce
as hlgh as LhaL for longer lnLervals ?ounger women face unnecessary healLh rlsks on boLh Lhe
Llmlng and spaclng of pregnancles 1he raLe of adolescenL pregnancles has lncreased sllghLly
over Lhe pasL 10 years and almosL all blrLhs Lo 1319 year olds
are spaced less Lhan 2 years aparL

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