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Health Session

(A small lnLroducLlon of Lhe 1eam)

So |et's start the sess|on I|rst of a||
nea|th Accordlng Lo Lhe world healLh organlzaLlon healLh ls a sLaLe of compleLe physlcal menLal and
soclal wellbelng and noL merely Lhe absence of dlsease or lnflrmlLy
ersona| nyg|ene Sess|on
WhaL do you guys Lhlnk personal hyglene means?
LeL people answer Lhe quesLlon
ersonal Pyglene ersonal Pyglene refers Lo pracLlces assoclaLed wlLh malnLalnlng cleanllness and
groomlng Lhe exLernal body
Why personal hyglene ls lmporLanL??
O ?ou feel beLLer abouL yourself
O keeps you healLhy
O 8eflecLs Lhe besL posslble you
O 8esL reflecLlon of you Lo oLhers
I|rst Wash nands roper|y
O WeL your hands
O Apply soluLlon and scrub for aL leasL 13 seconds
O Scrub back of hands wrlsL beLween flngers and under flngernalls
O 8lnse your hands
O 1urn off waLer lever uslng your elbows
O ury wlLh paper Lowel
lmproper hand washlng causes abouL 23 of foodborne lllness hand washlng wlLh soaps and waLer
removes Lhe bacLerla
When should you wash your hands?
8efore and AfLer Smoklng eaLlng or drlnklng
uslng a handkerchlef or Llssue
1ouchlng any dlrLy ob[ecL or surface
1ouchlng any parL of your body
Cleanlng or Laklng ouL garbage
uslng Lhe washroom
1ouchlng Anlmal
AfLer you sneeze or cough
Second Na|| care Wash your nalls CuL your nalls and push your cuLlcles llle your nalls lnwards
1h|rd na|r care
O 8rushlng your halr cleans and sLlmulaLes halr and scalp
O 8rush from rooLs Lo Llps Lo spread naLural olls along Lhe whole lengLh of halr
O Shampoo regularly
WhaL ls dandruff??
O ury lLchy scalp
O WhlLe flakes on head and shoulders
WhaL causes dandruff?
O Skln cells LhaL grow and dle off Loo fasL
O laL eaLlng fungus on scalp LhaL grow ouL of conLrol and feeds off Lhe oll on Lhe halr folllcles
Iourth 8ody odor
ersplraLlon or sweaL comes from sweaL glands uue Lo puberLy Lhese glands noL only become
more acLlve Lhan before buL aL Lhe same Llme Lhey also begln Lo secreLe dlfferenL chemlcals
lnLo Lhe sweaL LhaL has a sLronger smelllng odor
Some places on Lhe body LhaL conLrlbuLe Lo Lhls odor ls from Lhe armplLs Lhe feeL and Lhe
prlvaLe places
1he besL way Lo keep clean ls Lo baLhe or shower every day because Lhls wlll help wash away
any bacLerla LhaL conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe smells
Some meLhods Lo prevenL a sLrong body odor
ueodoranLs geL rld of Lhe odor of sweaL by coverlng lL up and anLlpersplranLs acLually sLop or
dry up persplraLlon
ually baLhs or showers and wearlng clean cloLhes can also help lower" body odor
I|fth Lars
Wash years dally wlLh a wash cloLh don'L forgeL behlnd Lhe ears
uo noL use ear buds Loo deep ln Lhe ear lL wlll smash Lhe ear wax deep ln Lhe ear canal

I|fth 1eeth
WhaL are some ways Lo keep your LeeLh clean?
O Why ls lL lmporLanL?
WhaL ls your lmpresslon of people wlLh bad LeeLh?
O Crooked LeeLh LeeLh wlLh cavlLles nlcoLlnesLalned LeeLh eLc
8rushlng and flosslng properly along wlLh regular denLal checkups can help prevenL LooLh
decay and gum dlsease
O 1o prevenL cavlLles you need Lo remove plaque Lhe LransparenL layer
of bacLerla LhaL coaLs Lhe LeeLh
O 8rushlng also sLlmulaLes Lhe gums whlch helps Lo keep Lhem healLhy
and prevenL gum dlsease
8ad breath ls caused by odorproduclng bacLerla LhaL grow ln Lhe mouLh When a person
doesn'L brush and floss regularly bacLerla accumulaLe on Lhe blLs of food lefL ln Lhe mouLh and
beLween Lhe LeeLh 1he sulfur compounds released by Lhese bacLerla make your breaLh smell
lL can also be caused due Lo Longue noL cleaned food sLuck ln LeeLh slnus problems sLomach
CerLaln foods especlally ones llke garllc and onlons LhaL conLaln pungenL olls can conLrlbuLe Lo
bad breaLh because Lhe olls are carrled Lo your lungs and ouL Lhrough your mouLh Smoklng ls
also a ma[or cause of bad breaLh
lf you brush and floss properly and vlslL your denLlsL for regular cleanlngs buL your bad breaLh
perslsLs you may have a medlcal problem llke slnuslLls or gum dlsease
1eeth breathe myths
,yth #1 MouLhwash wlll make bad breaLh go away
MouLhwash only geLs rld of bad breaLh Lemporarlly
,yth #2 As long as you brush your LeeLh you shouldnL have bad breaLh
1o sufflclenLly clean all Lhe surfaces of your LeeLh a person should brush for aL leasL 2 mlnuLes
and aL leasL Lwlce a day 8rushlng Lhe Longue ls lmporLanL Loo because Lhe bacLerla loves Lo
hang ouL Lhere Also flosslng helps remove harmful plaque and food parLlcles LhaL become
sLuck beLween Lhe LeeLh and gums
,yth #3 lf you breaLhe lnLo your hand youll know when you have bad breaLh
When you breaLhe you donL use your LhroaL Lhe same way you do when you Lalk When you
Lalk you Lend Lo brlng ouL Lhe odors from Lhe back of your mouLh where

S|xth Ath|ete foot
O Wash ofLen
O 8egularly soak your feeL ln vlnegar and waLer
O keep feeL and skln clean and dry
O Change socks dally
O Avold walklng barefooL ln publlc areas
O 1hrow away wornouL shoes and never borrow oLher people's shoes
Seventh Sk|n Care
O Wash Lhe face Lwo Llmes a day wlLh a mlld soap or genLle cleanser lL ls besL Lo avold washlng
Loo ofLen as Lhe skln wlll become lrrlLaLed and dry ouL
O use loLlons only lf needed and use ones LhaL are oll free and waLer based
O 1ry Lo ldenLlfy whaL lrrlLaLes Lhe skln lf lL's sLress 1ry Lo reduce sLress levels
O Leave plmples alone plcklng or squeezlng Lhem wlll only make Lhem worse
O Pave only a dermaLologlsL remove or exLracL plmples
O 1ry Lo avold Louchlng Lhe face
O keep hands clean by washlng Lhem ofLen
O 1ry Lo sLay ouL of Lhe sun and use a sunscreen every day durlng summer and wlnLer
L|ghth Acne
Acne ls creaLed when oll from Lhe oll glands mlx wlLh Lhe dead cells and plug up Lhe halr folllcles
ln Lhe skln lL creaLes a whlLehead"
A blackhead" ls when Lhe alr Louches Lhe plug Lhe plug Lurns black
What makes acne worse?
O Cllbased makeup sunLan oll halr [ells and spray
O lor glrls afLer 12
O Squeezlng or plcklng aL blemlshes
O Pard scrubblng of Lhe skln
Who gets acne?
O 8oys and glrls durlng Lhelr Leen years 8oys may geL lL worse because Lhey have more skln oll
O lf your parenLs had bad acne chances are you may geL lL bad Loo
Acne myths
1 uoes chocolaLe cause zlLs?
A nC
2 uoes LxLra washlng help clear zlLs?
A no Lhe exLra scrubblng lrrlLaLes skln and could make Lhem worse
3 uoes acne leave scars?
A ?es you can reduce Lhe scarrlng by nC1 lCklnC and avold excesslve scrubblng

O Take a Daily Shower or Bath
A daily shower or bath aids in the cleansing oI our bodies as well as eliminating any bodily odor
or bacteria ridden skin. It is recommended that we get in the habit oI using a personal bath towel
rather than sharing with others. Cross inIection is a risk that is unnecessary iI possible.
Those who are involved in active sports or work out to a sweat would do well to take a bath aIter
the activity. A mild soap will do the job adequately. Wash oII well aIter soaping. Drying with a
clean towel is very important. Avoid sharing soaps and towels.
O Brushing your teeth at least twice a day
Apply a small amount oI toothpaste on a toothbrush and gently brush a Iew teeth at a time on all
sides in a circular motion, and then clean your tongue. AIter briskly brushing, we should
thoroughly rinse our mouths with water while disposing excess water into the sink. Your
toothbrush should be changed aIter 2 months.

Now |t's an act|v|ty t|meAIN1ING CC,L1I1ICN

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