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8 x 8 8CC8AMMA8LL Mlul A1CP 8A?

user's Culde
verslon 1.0

kMk-8 User's Gu|de
WrlLLen, deslgned and lllusLraLed by:

!ohn LelbovlLz, uavld neLLlng and ken ?pparlla

1ranslaLed lnLo Cerman by:

1homas 8oLh

1ranslaLed from Cerman by: M|crosoft 1rans|ator

kMx-8 Mlul Potch 8oy users 6uide

Poqe l

1hank you for purchaslng an LnSCnlC kMx-8 Mlul paLch bay. 1he kMx-8 ls a programmable Mlul paLch
bay LhaL has 8 lnpuLs and 8 ouLpuLs. ?our maln appllcaLlon for Lhe kMx-8 ls Lhe lnLernal swlLchlng of Mlul
connecLlons wlLhouL Lhe usual Llme-consumlng and annoylng unplugglng and replugglng of your Mlul
devlces. WlLh Lhe kMx-8 ln your Mlul rack you need less Llme for swlLchlng cables and have more Llme for
your muslc. 1he kMx-8 has LhlrLy memory locaLlons Lo sLore Lhe lnpuL-ouLpuL assoclaLlons - "paLches" -
whlch are remoLely accesslble from sofLware, keyboard, Mlul program change or anoLher kMx-8.
AddlLlonal feaLures are a Mlul mlxer on lnpuLs 1 and 2, and a sysLem excluslve formaL LhaL allows sLorlng
paLches on exLernal Mlul devlces, such as a compuLer. AfLer you have used Lhe kMx-8 for a shorL Llme,
you'll wonder how you ever organlzed your Mlul rack wlLhouL lL.
Whlle we are confldenL LhaL you wlll flnd Lhe kMx-8 easy Lo use, lL has some funcLlons LhaL may noL be
undersLood aL flrsL glance. lease Lake Lhe Llme Lo read Lhese lnsLrucLlons so LhaL you wlll geL Lhe mosL
from your kMx-8.
Iront and kear V|ew
1he followlng flgures show Lhe keys and connecLors LhaL you wlll use when you conflgure your kMx-8.
Connectors on the back:

1. Mlul lnpuL [acks 1-8
2. Mlul ouLpuL [acks 1-8
3. orL for power supply

kMx-8 Mlul Potch 8oy users 6uide

Poqe 4


4. Mode LLu
3. lnpuL LLus 1-8
6. CuLpuL LLus 1-8
7. Mode buLLon
8. Input 1-8: lnpuL buLLons
9. Cutput 1-8: CuLpuL buLLons
System Setup
llrsL and foremosL you musL declde where lnLend Lo seLup your kMx-8 wlLhln your Mlul rack. Slnce Lhe
kMx wlll be "nerve cenLre" of your Mlul SeLup, selecL a place where you have easy access Lo Lhe keys on
Lhe fronL and from where all Mlul devlces wlLhln range of Lhe Mlul cable are. 1he Lop of a Mlul rack ls an
ldeal place. kMx-8 wlll conLlnue Lhrough an exLernal power supply ls connecLed Lo Lhe back. 1he devlce
Lurns as soon as Lhe power supply plugs lnLo a conducLlve ouLleL. lL makes sense Lo puL Lhe power supply
Lo connecL all oLher devlces of your rack lnLo a power sLrlp. ?ou can Lurn on Lhe compleLe rack wlLh a
slngle swlLch and Lurn off.
Cn Lhe back of Lhe 16 Mlul porLs locaLed Lwo seLs per elghL. 1he lefL group ls marked wlLh "lnpuL" (lnpuL)
and rlghL group "CuLpuL" (ouLpuL). !acks of Lhe Lwo groups are numbered from lefL Lo rlghL wlLh 1 Lo 8.
Mlul lnformaLlon are ln on Lhe "lnpuL" [acks LhaL go lnLo Lhe devlce. So are connecLed Lo Lhe Mlul-CuL
[acks of your lnsLrumenLs. !usL connecL Lhe "ouLpuL" [acks Lo Mlul-ln [acks of your lnsLrumenLs. Cenerally,
lL ls easlesL, an lnsLrumenL Lhe Llnund ouLpuL wlLh Lhe same number Lo connecL. ?ou wanL Lo [oln as an
LnSCnlC kMx-8 kS-32. ?ou connecL Lhe Mlul-CuL porL of kS 32 1 of Lhe kMx and Mlul ouLpuL of 1 of
kMx wlLh Mlul-ln kS 32 Lhen Lhe lnpuL. lf you use a Mlul devlce as a "Slave", whlch recelves only Mlul,
need you Lhe Mlul ouL Lo comblne lnserLlon wlLh an lnpuL of Lhe kMx whlch are mosL sound modules ln
Lhls way connecLed. Cf course musL boLh porLs - Mlul ln and ouL - a devlce wlLh Lhe kMx - 8 connecL lf you
wanL Lo Lransfer daLa ln boLh dlrecLlons. 1hls lncludes any use a masLer keyboards wlLh a sequencer as
well as programmlng or sLorlng sounds of a sound module Lo your compuLer. ?ou can connecL Lhe ouLpuLs
Mlul Llnund and kMx-8 all ln all up Lo elghL devlces. 1he followlng lllusLraLlon shows a Lyplcal
conflguraLlon for kMx-8.

kMx-8 Mlul Potch 8oy users 6uide

Poqe 5

kMx-8 Mlul Potch 8oy users 6uide


Conf|gur|ng the kMk-8
1hls secLlon ls lnLended Lo show how Lo conLrol Lhe flow of Mlul daLa by kMx-8. 1he kMx allows you Lo
"rouLe each Mlul lnpuL on any comblnaLlon of Mlul ouLpuLs". 1hus, elghL Mlul conLroller can be
connecLed Lo Lhe kMx-8 each conLrol a group of "Slaves". 1o deLermlne whlch conLroller conLrolled whaL
"slave", by a few keyboard shorLcuLs. So for example, lnpuL could be 1 wlLh Lhe ouLpuLs 1-4 whlle lnpuL 2
wlLh 3-8 ouLpuLs ls connecLed. Pow you conflgure your sysLem Lo Lhe loglcal operaLlon of kMx-8 makes lL
easy you. A compleLe conflguraLlon lnpuL ouLpuL connecLlons called "reseL".
lollow Lhese sLeps Lo conflgure a preseL:
1. Lnsure LhaL Lhe mode LLu ls noL llL. lf so, press Lhe mode buLLon.
2. SelecL an lnpuL by presslng elLher Lhe lnpuL keys. 1he LLu above Lhe lnpuL keys ls Lurned on.
lL appears LhaL you can now asslgn ouLpuLs Lhls recelpL.
3. 1ake an lnlLlal mapplng by pushlng Lhe ouLpuL buLLon corresponds Lo Lhe Mlul ouLpuL whlch
wanL Lo lssue Lhe Mlul slgnals. LLu above Lhe buLLon llghLs up and dlsplays Lhe selecLed
lnpuL slgnal flow leads Lo Lhls lssue. ?ou can asslgn mulLlple ouLpuLs each lnpuL by presslng
mulLlple ouLpuL keys. 1o deselecL an assoclaLed ouLleL press Lhe correspondlng ouLpuL key
agaln (exLlngulshed Lhe ouLpuL LLu).
4. 1o conflgure of a dlfferenL lnpuL, selecL lL by presslng Lhe approprlaLe lnpuL key and map Lo
Lhe deslred ouLpuLs by presslng Lhe correspondlng ouLpuL buLLons. 1he kMx allows Lhe
mapplng of an ouLleL Lo more Lhan a recelpL excepL for mlxlng Mlul lnformaLlon (see below).
lf you selecL an ouLpuL, whlch prevlously was assoclaLed wlLh a dlfferenL lnpuL kMx-8 Loggles Lhe ouLpuL
of Lhe old enLrance Lo Lhe new. Lach Llme you press an lnpuL key, all Lhe assoclaLed ouLpuLs LLus llghL up.
So you can geL qulckly an overvlew of Lhe enLlre devlce conflguraLlon by press successlvely all lnpuL keys.
MIDI Merge
kMx-8 acLs as Mlul mlxer (merge). Mldl lnformaLlon are dlglLal, l.e. Lhey are composed of a sequence of
numbers LhaL are undersLood by Mlul devlces. noL as easy as audlo dlglLal slgnals can be mlxed. 1o
achleve Lhls, a processor musL lnelnandergefugL Mlul lnformaLlon. kMx-8 can be mlxed lnpuL 1 and 2.
1hls MlschfunkLlonen granLed addlLlonal opLlons when bulldlng your Mlul SeLup. lf you use Lwo devlces as
maln conLroller, a keyboard and a compuLer sequencer Lo boLh aL Lhe same Llme Lhe oLher Mlul devlces
conLrol. 1hls allows you Lo play a Mlul sound module durlng lL even Mlul lnformaLlon from your:
ress Lhe keys LogeLher lnpuL 1 and 2. 8oLh lnpuL LLus llghL up.
?ou can now asslgn ouLpuLs Lo Lhe mlxed lnpuLs as you would wlLh regular lnpuLs. CuLpuLs
assoclaLed wlLh Lhe mlxed enLrances Lo recelve Mlul slgnals from all devlces LhaL are connecLed 1
or 2 lnpuL Lo lnpuL.
1o Lurn off Lhe mlxer press 1 lnpuL buLLon. 1he lnpuL 2 LLu Lurns off whlle Lhe lnpuL furLher
leuchLeL 1 LLu.

kMx-8 Mlul Potch 8oy users 6uide

Poqe 7

Whenever Lhe mlxer, all ouLpuLs were formerly assoclaLed wlLh Lhe lnpuL of 1 LhaL are asslgned Lhe mlxer.
Lqually, all ouLpuLs assoclaLed wlLh Lhe mlxer Lo lnpuL 1 when Lurned off. ln conLrasL Lo lnpuL 1 lnpuL 2 can
have asslgned lndependenL ouLpuLs of mlxer.
1o conflgure lnpuL 2 separaLe press Lhe lnpuL buLLon 2. lnpuL 2 led and ouLpuLs can be asslgned ln Lhe
usual way. lf lnpuL 2 led and Lhe mlxer ls Lurned on, you can reLrleve mapplng Lo Lhe mlxer wlLh 1 lnpuL
1o avold Llmlng problems, Lhe Mlul lnformaLlon are mlxed sequencer sLarL, sLop, conLlnue and clock kMx-
8 noL readlly. Cnce Lhe flrsL Lwo mlxed lnpuL recelves a Mlul sLarL command, passes Lhls lnformaLlon Lo
Lhe selecLed ouLleL. lrom Lhen on wlll each clock lnformaLlon Lo Lhe oLher lnpuL ls fllLered buL, unLll Lhe
flrsL of Lhe Lwo lnpuLs recelves a Mlul sLop command. 1hen Lhe second enLrance can agaln recelve clock
lnformaLlon. kMx-8 leLs you mlx song poslLlon polnLer and Mlul Llme code lnformaLlon from Lwo sources.
1|p: 8ecause of Lhe llmlLed memory you should noL use mlxer, lf you send large sysLem excluslve
messages from one devlce Lo anoLher Lhrough lnpuLs 1 or 2. 1urn off Lhe mlxer Lo dellver Mlul dumps.

kMx-8 Mlul Potch 8oy users 6uide

Poqe 8

Save patches |n memory
AfLer you asslgn Lhe lnpuLs and ouLpuLs of kMx as descrlbed above, save Lhe enLlre preseL for fuLure
purposes on one of lLs memory:
Pold Lhe mode buLLon and release lL, lf Lhe sLarL mode LLu bllnklng (abouL one second).
1he lnpuL and ouLpuL buLLons now acL as sLorage-dlal buLLons. 1here are 30 memory you can
selecL: 1-8, 11-18, 21-28, and 31-36. 1he lnpuL keys 1-3 selecLs Lhe lefL dlglL (0-3) and Lhe ouLpuL
buLLons Lhe rlghL polnL (1-8). Slnce Lhere are no buLLons wlLh 0 or 9, 09, 10, 19, 20, 29 and 30
numbers are noL used.
Cholce 1-8 memory swlLch off all lnpuL LLus by presslng Lhe approprlaLe buLLons.
1he followlng Lable represenLs Lhe allowed comblnaLlons of lnpuL and ouLpuL LLus for 30 memory:
Ior space no.: 1urn on th|s
|nput LLD:
1hen turn on
th|s output
Ior space no.: 1urn on th|s
|nput LLD:
1hen turn on
th|s output
1 (none) 1 18 1 8
2 (none) 2 21 2 1
3 (none) 3 22 2 2
4 (none) 4 23 2 3
S (none) 3 24 2 4
6 (none) 6 23 2 3
7 (none) 7 26 2 6
8 (none) 8 27 2 7
11 1 1 28 2 8
12 1 2 31 3 1
13 1 3 32 3 2
14 1 4 33 3 3
1S 1 3 34 3 4
16 1 6 33 3 3
17 1 7 36 3 6

Cnce you have selecLed a space hold back down Lhe mode buLLon unLll Lhe assoclaLed LLu sLops
bllnklng. 1o cancel Lhe sLorage process before LhaL daLe brlefly press Lhe mode buLLon. 1he
preseL ls only sLored lf Lhe mode buLLon ls pressed for aL leasL one second.
?ou can maxlmum bulld more 29 oLher preseLs and Lhereby save by asslgnlng an own space each
preseL. kMx-8 uses an LL8CM (elecLronlcally erasable programmable read only memory -
elecLronlcally dlscardable read-only memory) for Lhelr sLorage, whlch keeps memory conLenLs for
around Len years.

kMx-8 Mlul Potch 8oy users 6uide

Poqe 9

1o call a preseLs from memory:
Lnsure LhaL Lhe led mode. CLherwlse press Lhe mode buLLon Lo Lurn Lhe LLu.
SelecL Lhe space number you wanL Lo call by presslng Lhe approprlaLe comblnaLlon of lnpuL and
ouLpuL keys as descrlbed above. lf you wanL Lo call, for example, Lhe space of 18 press Lhe lnpuL
buLLon 1 and 8 ouLpuL key. 1hus, Lhe preseL ls enabled and ready for use.
lf you wanL Lo change Lhe preseL, press Lhe mode buLLon brlefly LhaL orlglnaLed Lhe mode LLu.
?ou can Lhen change Lhe conflguraLlon wlLh Lhe lnpuL and ouLpuL buLLons accordlng Lo your
Get presets v|a MIDI
?ou can reLrleve preseLs vla Mlul by sendlng Mlul program change lnformaLlon Lo lnpuL 1 kMx-8. ?ou
musL flrsL deflne whlch Mlul channel should expecL Lhe kMx-8 program change messages. 1o do Lhls:
ress Lhe mode buLLon, Lhe lnpuL buLLon aL Lhe same Llme. 1he mode llghL sLarLs flashlng slowly.
SelecL Lhe Mlul channel 1-16 by presslng one of Lhe 16 lnpuL or ouLpuL buLLons. 1he lnpuL keys 1-
8 are assoclaLed wlLh Lhe Mlul channels 9-16 Mlul channels 1-8 and 1-8 ouLpuL buLLons.
?ou can Lurn off Mlul program change kMx-8, by, as long as press lnpuLund ouLpuL buLLons unLll
all Lhelr llghLs.
Cnce you have selecLed Lhe Mlul channel, press Lhe mode buLLon qulckly and Lhe fashlon LLu
sLops bllnklng.
Can Mlul program swapplng, senL Lo Lhe lnpuL of 1 on Lhe seL channel be a preseL from Lhe sLore as
shown ln Lhe followlng Lable kMx-8 (Lhe kMx-8 lgnored program change numbers LhaL are noL lncluded ln
Lhe Lable):
Sent MIDI program
change number
Space accessed kMk-8 Sent MIDI program
change number
Space accessed kMk-8
00 01 17 18
01 02 20 21
02 03 21 22
03 04 22 23
04 03 23 24
03 06 24 23
06 07 23 26
07 08 26 27
10 11 27 28
11 12 30 31
12 13 31 32
13 14 32 33
14 13 33 34
13 16 34 33
16 17 33 36

kMx-8 Mlul Potch 8oy users 6uide

Poqe 10

1|p: 1he kMx-8 responds Lo program change by you dlals Lhe space whlch number ls greaLer by one Lhan
Lhe recelved number, when Lhe sendlng devlce sends numbers beLween 0 and 127. lf Lhe devlce buL sends
program numbers beLween 1 and 128, as all LnSCnlC producLs Lhen program change maLch number and
preseL number.
Sav|ng and |oad|ng memory content v|a MIDI
kMx-8 can Lransfer Lhelr memory conLenLs Lo an exLernal Mlul daLa sLore as aL a compuLer, Mlul daLa
recorder or an LnSCnlC producL wlLh a floppy drlve. Such daLa can be reloaded laLer ln Lhe kMx-8. 1hls ls
especlally useful, or Lo back up Lhe conLenLs of memory kMx-8 lf you wanL Lo save more Lhan 30 kMx
SeLup. 1here are Lwo ways Lo submlL memory conLenLs vla Mlul: Lrlgger Lhe dump from Lhe keypad on Lhe
fronL or geL lL wlLh a sysLem excluslve message send Lo lnpuL 1.
1o Lrlgger a dump from Lhe keypad on Lhe fronL:
Lnsure LhaL Lhe recelvlng devlce Lo recelve sysLem excluslve daLa ls seL.
Squeeze Lhe mode buLLon and lnpuL 2 buLLon. kMx-8 LLus do for abouL a second whlle
Lransferrlng Lhe memory conLenLs. lf you agaln, Lhe dump ls compleLe. kMx-8 sends Lhe memory
dump on all elghL ouLpuLs.
kMx-8 can sysLem excluslve messages send and recelve, whlch allow an exLernal Mlul devlce, such as a
compuLer wlLh an edlLor sofLware boLh slngle preseLs as Lhe enLlre memory conLenLs, send and recelve.
1hese messages are shown for lnformaLlon for programmers ln Appendlx A.

kMx-8 Mlul Potch 8oy users 6uide

Poqe 11

Append|x A: MIDI System Lxc|us|ve Imp|ementat|on
1hls secLlon ls lnLended for programmers who wrlLe Lhelr own appllcaLlons for kMx-8. MosL users of a
kMx-8 wlll, however, never make use of Lhls Lechnlcal lnformaLlon. All sysLem excluslve messages musL be
senL Lo Lhe lnpuL of 1 or 2. 1he Mlul channel musL be seL for Lhese lnpuLs. All hexadeclmal dlglLs are Lhe
followlng wlLh a P, all oLhers are declmals.
1he formaL of Lhe message looks llke Lhls:
F0H 00H 00H 19H 02H nn <dd..> F7H
F0H lndlcaLes Lhe sLarL of Lhe sysLem excluslve message
00H 00H 19H ls Lhe kMx manufacLurer code. 1hls code ls used lnsLead of Lhe LnSCnlC
vendor lu Lo ensure compaLlblllLy wlLh older kMx producLs.
02H ls Lhe devlce lu kMx-8
nn ls Lhe code for Lhe Lype of message (0.101)
<dd..> ls Lhe daLa segmenL (varlable lengLh), dependlng on Lhe message Lype
F7H ls Lhe end lu of sysLem excluslve message.
Messages 0-36 (0.24P) - slngle preseL dump
Message 0 lncludes Lhe currenL paLch 8ay conflguraLlon (ln Lhe edlL buffer) and 01 36 accordlng
Lo conflguraLlons for preseLs 01 36 messages. noLe LhaL here 36 locaLlons are addresslerL whlle
Lhe kMx-8 has only 30 locaLlons. Memory 09, 10, 19, 20, 29 and 30, however, are noL used by
kMx-8, are noL valld numbers for messages.
Messages 0-36 uses 8 byLes of daLa. Lach byLe represenLs an lnpuL-ouLpuL mapplng, sLarLlng wlLh
ouLpuL 1. A value of 0 represenLs "no lnpuL asslgned", 1 - 8 are avallable for lnpuL 1 8 and 9
represenLs a comblnaLlon of lnpuL 1 and 2. noLe: lf one of Lhe elghL byLes of daLa ls 9, all oLher
byLes wlLh a value of 1 Lo 9 are changed.
Message 37 (23P) - all preseLs (compleLe memory wlLh 30 reposlLorles))
Lach preseL dump packeLs wlLh 8 byLes (see above) are dellvered 30 Llmes where each package ls
followed by 112 byLes 00P. 1hey enLer Lhe Llme lL Lakes for a wrlLe operaLlon ln Lhe preseL
sLorage whlch Lakes 20 mllllseconds kMx-8. lnsLead, you can send a serles of slngle preseL
packeLs as long as you conslder noL Lhese 20 mllllseconds beLween Lhe packages.
Messages 64-101 (40P-63P) - dump requesL
1hese messages are used Lo requesL one of Lhe above daLa packeLs (same numbers + 64,
corresponds Lo 8lL6 = 1). ln response Lhe packeL from kMx-8 Lo exlL 1 ls dlsplayed.
kMx-8 Mlul Potch 8oy users 6uide

Poqe 12

1echn|ca| data
30 reseL memory (accesslble vla Mlul or anel fronL)
ConLrol of up Lo 8 Mlul lnpuLs and 8 Mlul ouLpuLs
reseLs are preserved durlng power ouLage
no baLLerles needed Lo back up Lhe conLenLs of memory
LdlL 8uffer
Iront ane|
8 numbered "ln" and "Cu1" buLLons wlLh correspondlng LLus
SeparaLe sLorage buLLon for sLorlng paLches
Culck and easy programmlng
kear Connectors
8 Mlul lnpuL porLs
8 Mlul ouLpuL porLs
9 volL uC volLage porL (use Lhe lncluded power supply)
8ullL-ln Mlul mlxer on lnpuL 1 and 2
reseLs can be selecLed vla Mlul program change
1he memory can be saved vla Mlul sysLem excluslve message uslng a daLa recorder
ulmenslons: wldLh 48.26 cm, helghL 4.32 cm, depLh 14.30 cm
19" rack enclosure, helghL 1u
WelghL: 2.09 kg

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