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Its the fakt that 80 percent of all information from the world around us we get through our eyes. The loss of ability to see not only make life really hard but it also take away a chance to fully enjoy it. Its very important to at least help people with this disability and try to make their life easier. The causes of blindness are varios. People become blind because of disease. The most common are cataract (47,9%), glaucome (12,3%) and macular degeneration (8,7%) which usually affects older adults. Than there are injuries and abnormalities. The diffrence between those is that injuries affects eye itself but abnormalities affect the nerve bundle that send signals from eye to brain, so the eye dont need to be demaged to cause blindness. The cause can also be genetic or well-known cause is methanol poisonig. There are special devices whitch people with this disability use to make their everyday life easier. For mobility issues there are white sticks which extend the users range of touch sensation. It helps to find obstacles on the path of travel. Blinds can also use guide dogs that are trained to navigate person aroud barriers and help them to get from one place to another. There is also a special language called Braille which is based on raised dots on the paper. Braille language is not only used in books. It can be found on paper money or refreshable Braille displays on computer. Its important, not only for already blind or ill people but also for the rest to take care of the eyes and try to prevent possibe diseases. To reduce some risks you shout take eye test every two years and in case that there are symptoms as pain, visual changes or discharge than get urgent medical advice. Another silmple way is to wear protective eyewear in situations that can cause an injury, for example at work, when playing sports, doing DIY and so on. Blindness can cause difficulty with almost every aspect of life, especially everyday tasks such as cooking, dressing, reading and writing. No mater how good they can use their white stick its still hard for them to go for a walk. There is also a high risk of physical and social isolation as it can be difficult to go out and make a friends. There can be also an economic problem because of the cost of special equipment.

Blind people depend on remaining senses as touch, hearing, smell. They see the world through them and it gives them completly different point of view. But it never can replace the ability to see. Fortunately the medicine moves forward and maybe in future there will be some kind of cure for blind. The proof of this proces is that the number of people visually impaired from infectious disease has greatly reduced in the last 20 years and the fact is that 80 % of all visual impaiment can be avoided or cured.

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